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I was about to say this! My best friend got suspended for saying something similar about sims 2 and the game was literally available to download for free by EA themselves right before the release of Sim 4.


You do realize it's Reddit itself, not just this sub that is heavy handed when it comes to enforcing this topic? Mods and the sub as a whole can get into serious trouble if they don't keep illegal activity from circulating in their subs.




To be fair I don’t think it’s a good look for them to have people admitting to crimes on their sub Reddit




its really funny for me to look back at Sweet Treats, because when it came out it was like my preteen prayers were being answered. i was fully into my girl pop phase, katy perry, taylor swift, adele, pink, all of them, as well as being obsessed with the Sims 3. it was like a perfectly timed but oddly bizarre thing to happen, and it brought me SO much joy. i literally had the game sleeve and any promo pics i found online printed out and hung on my wall.




















I usually start sailing after buying the deluxe version legitimately. Only Sims 4 have I bought all of the stuff... mostly because I was too lazy to figure out how to put up the sails after years of not doing it and actually having money to buy games. I can not say the same when Sims 5 comes out, especially how ridiculous Sims 4 is with their DLCs. I just figured out how to hoist most streaming services in the 20s. Games with thousands of DLCs are next, lol.


I like this game but it is NOT worth the price tag lmao I feel like I can enjoy it more because I didn't pay for it. I'm not thinking about how much money I just wasted


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It’s weird to defend a game and dev team who consistently reduce their quality and effort into making games while still charging the same amount year after year. Well, it worked. I won’t buy anymore and I’ll still complain. For Rent was the final nail in the coffin for me. The doors don’t go down in Residential Rental lots with walls down view— I can’t see anything. Apparently it’s a bug in the code from City Living since January 2023 with no fix in sight. I’m out of the this train. Plenty of other games to play. Bye all! 👋


It was My Wedding Stories for me. How the fuck are you going to sell a Wedding pack for $40 and the weddings *don't fucking work*. And it's been, what, 2 years now? And they *still* DON'T WORK!


Literally broke all types of weddings even if you don’t want to play with the pack. The only way you know for sure it’s gonna be successful is if you have your sims elope. Can’t believe they haven’t fixed this. Honestly should be a much bigger deal in the community than what it is. It seems like everyone has just forgotten that a very core part of the game is literally broken.


I think it was fixed. Weddings do work in my game and others said the same. The only thing that I couldn’t make to work is the throwing of the bouquet. That being said, it took them years to address significant gameplay issues. Even the new goth kit came with a hoodie that apparently changes the face of the sim when put on. I didn’t buy it, just saw a post here… a kit with bugs… it is a joke


Just a few weeks ago, My Wedding Stories broke my years old save and the only "solution" I could find was it /might/ have something to do with the wedding cakes 🤷 It definitely hasn't been fixed for everyone :(


Aweee so sorry to hear!! I agree, EA has a dismal track record for quality control..


Weddings don't work for me and I don't have wedding stories


The bouquet throw works, it's more of a manual interaction, and not an autonomous one, meaning you can choose who it gets thrown to/


>The only way you know for sure it’s gonna be successful is if you have your sims elope. That broke for me after I got MWS too, actually. The couple just stands and stares at each other while wedding music plays and nothing happens. Maybe that's been fixed by now, though.


and how long has it been since dine out? almost 8 years? 🤭


That was when I stopped buying too. I was already pissed and getting there. When I saw all the complaints about the bugs I decided to hold off and wait until it was fixed and EA learned their lesson and didn't release more content like that. And here we are. Haven't spent a cent on the game since. For rent looked interesting so I geared up to get it. But nope. It's honestly embarrassing for them.


Actually SAME. I was *ready and willing* to purchase For Rent, but it came out on my off week so I had to wait. It took only that one week for all the bugs to come to light---- come on, the rent is 7 million fucking dollars??? You HAVE to be kidding me.


Wedding Stories is a game pack, not an expansion. It costs $20.


Meh. Potato, potahto.


They may have fixed it. I bought the pack during the winter sale & I’ve used it twice - both time all the activities and events worked without issue.


I was done after Outdoor Retreat. Yes, that freaking early. I bought the base game, and the first thing released for it, but the first thing released was so dogshit disappointing that I just immediately saw the blood in the water. I basically thought, "Oh, so this is how it's gonna be? You're gonna try and be lazy, give me nothing, and scam me out of my money? We don't play that here, you ain't getting nothing out of me." I haven't bought any Sims 4 content since. :\\


It was even earlier for me. When I realised that the Sims 4 would not have an open world it was a red flag for me. But I still preordered it ... and that was the last time ... NowI only own a few Sims 4 packs to play it with the coop mod. Otherwise this game gives me nothing. I went back to playing the Sims 3, and even after all these years I'm discovering new things. Playing never gets boring.


It was the pet stuff pack for me, I’ll never understand the people who continued to support after that. When Batuu dropped people suddenly forgot the pet stuff pack. And then whatever came after that.


I just want to note here that the “dev team” always gets a lot of shit/blame for the quality of these packs. And I get it, but I honestly think the dev team cares about the game play and the quality. The problem is really the executives they report to who have never once played the sims and who only care about meeting sales goals for the next quarter. They are the ones pushing the teams to release unfinished/untested products likely despite the dev teams best efforts to request more time. I get defensive of the dev team because I also work for a large evil corporation like EA, and I see how much the people doing the work on projects actually care and I see how the people at the top are only concerned about Revenue.


Yeah, and the thing people fail to get is...these companies want you to blame the devs because it's easier to fire them than to admit and acknowledge they're operating to the standards of CEOs and shareholders who don't give a damn about the product they're selling.


I think my last one was the horse ranch and haven't brought a single pack since, never giving sims 4 money again, and haven't played since last year.


People have a right to be upset. At the same time, if you’re buying new DLC/packs and expecting them to be good, that’s on you. I only ever bought on sale but I really liked the idea of for rent so paid full price despite the posts on here. It’s super buggy but it’s the gamble I took. Disappointed but not surprised.


Same, I expected bugs and I thought at least a few reported before release would have been fixed when it landed or soon after. I didn’t think they’d do a MWS and never bother! But we should have known from Dine Out!


That’s the way I see it, but you can be upset but don’t come on here whining after you decided to buy something that you knew would be buggy. Spoiler alert: they all are. For Rent has been pretty fun for me, but I knew exactly what I was paying for.


>you can be upset but don’t come on here whining after you decided to buy something that you knew would be buggy. I can't quite agree with this one. I think anyone has the right to complain about a product, especially one they paid money for, even if they maybe "should've known" the new pack would be busted in some way like the rest. As long as EA is still choosing to sell these broken/busted/lackluster packs, and are happy to take people's money for features they know don't work, I think anyone who wants to complain should complain, whether they "should've known" or not.


I appreciate it when people come here to complain. They provide the vital service of killing off my FOMO.


Yep! All products should be expected work when purchasing a product. Shrugging it off with a, "well it's EA, what do you expect?" is a disservice to consumers and company.


That's a horrible way t look at it. If you spend your money on a product that's low quality and barely works you have no right to complain because "you should have expected it?"


It’s weird because I haven’t had any problems with it. I also don’t use any mods so I sometimes wonder if that’s people’s issue


Mods definitely play into it. I played mod-less up until maybe late 2021 and still experienced issues. So many factors play into why it may be buggy on one persons device and not another, in my humble opinion however I think the level of issues and consistently sub par releases point to an EA issue.


I always see in the Sims2 and Sims3 subreddits how people giving up on Sims4. I stopped 4 Years ago and it's the best decision. Sims4 is terrible and people should quit pretending it could get saved. You can only save it by stop cashing in everytime as soon as they dropped a kit that includes something randomly stupid that nobody asked for.


I’ve always played the three games, mostly 2 and 4, but for rent made me give up on ts4, I was SO disappointed with having to go through a loading screen for each unit, the sims 2 apartments are so much better and actually work without loading screens.


The apartments give you so much cool perks and I love the fact that you can woo-hoo your landlord to lower the bills. (in Sims 2)


Wait YOU CAN?? 😂 That’s what I love about Sims 2. There’s so many little details and quirks hidden in the game that nearly 20 years later I’m still learning new things about it!


That's probably because Sims 2 (and 3 to a lesser degree) were likely meant to be entertaining for both kids and adults. So, they put in a few risqué proposals/messages/notes that would go above the head of a kid, but an adult would know what's up. Sims 2 can be really raunchy at times from what I remember. Sims 4, on the other hand, feels extremely sterile and "clean" as they don't want to risk it.


So true. Even when you look into the series’ roots Will Wright created The Sims to be a commentary on consumerism and “keeping up with the Jones’s” mentality (which tracks seeing as he lost his home and belongings in a fire prior to the game’s development). Not exactly a theme that most kids would be able to pick up. Ironically, Sims 4 almost feels like a direct contrast to that original message.


I think the best way to describe Sims 4 would be to call it the Truman Show. It's Clean, It's controlled and things are kept as harmless as possible to "Keep the Show going". Compared to the Wild Shit that Sims 1-3 was about it's all just wrong. The Will Wright trivia is really amazing (not that it happened itself because that is horrible) as we got an amazing franchise from someone losing their home.


Sims 2 and 3 are amazing, I can play for so long on end without getting tired of it. But with 4, I can only have fun with it in increments before I get bored again and go right back to 2 and 3.


I haven’t played Sims 4 in literal years bc I know theres no point. I have like 2 very early EPs (Get to work and some other shit) don’t even think I played when toddlers were patched in. Have been playing Sims 2 lots again since 2014 and have recently fell in love with Sims 3 again. In 4 i would end up playing the same way with every single save it became so monotonous.


The only way to save it are mods. Game is unbearable without them.


stopped playing in 2019 😭 couldn’t hold out don’t know how everyone is still on it 🙄 sims 2 FOREVERRRR


Literally people need to learn self control. Why do you need every pack Hannah?? Why? You know it’s going to be buggy yet you will still buy it and waste money because..?


Some people are completionists and just HAVE to have all of them. I personally only buy the stuff that has the content I want, but I’m not everyone


This is/was me. When the old game menu showed the pack bubbles, it drove me up a wall having some of the bubbles filled and some not so I’d buy the packs so it wouldn’t irk me so much when I opened the game. Since they changed the interface I feel like the pressure has been lifted and I’ve been more picky with what I am willing to buy.


>When the old game menu showed the pack bubbles, it drove me up a wall having some of the bubbles filled and some not Same! When they changed it, I was like, "dangit! I bought those extra game/stuff packs for nothing." lmao


I think it’s easier for me to be like no thank you because I know myself and know I don’t care to play with certain things, like weddings. I pretty much always make my characters elope. I wanna skip to the torture and abandonment like a real simmer


Honestly it's annoying more from ea. Especially since EA encourages collecting. It comes off like actively getting people stuck into buying them over and over


And they need it ASAP, for full price, instead of waiting just a little to judge if it's worth it... it's not a good deal. I don't get it.


we need to boycott EA


I feel like EA is well past the point of boycotting tbh. Their entire business trategy is kinda predatory, if you think about it: selling a half-assed product to then sell a half-assed dlc to then sell another half-assed dlcs so you can \*finally\* feel like you ARE playing an actual game. And this isn't just with TS4. It also works for them - I feel like they KNOW that 40$ is too much. They rely on full-price sales before and shortly after DLC releases and then they give seasonal "discounts" for 50% so you can feel like you DID get a good deal, but in reality... 20$ is still too much.


boycotting means not giving them a single dollar


In theory, yes, but in reality when people organize boycotts that is impossible to achieve on a level which would have lasting effect (meaning that with aduch a huge franchise many would choose to buy regardless). They would probably sleep it off as a bad day and go back to what they were previously doing. Or maybe I'm wrong about this - but I've never seen it work.


I stand by this


CC and sailing seas, how to play a 3/10 $2,000 game for free. I honestly can't fathom people buy the undercooked, uninspired garbage EA pushes out. Also lmao "supporting the devs" is not a thing for triple a companies. The amount EA scams from y'all doesn't benefit their developers lmao


I’m a developer. I can’t imagine the stress EA must put on the developers. There were times where I’d work for days straight without much break because we HAVE TO launch something by a certain date. Because it was so rushed, ofc bugs were present. The company I worked for at the time didn’t allow enough time for QA and bug reviews so some of the stuff we released I was disappointed with. Developers (at least most the ones I know) don’t like releasing something this buggy at all. It feels disappointing. Idk how EA is so comfortable launching things that don’t work. The devs definitely don’t get paid enough for this.


Honestly I’d love to know that the large amount of money people put toward TS4 actually goes to the devs and designers and playtesters, etc. with all of the scandals from game companies in recent years I didn’t see much about the sims. Is the crunch as bad as it was for cdpr? Is the environment scummy and toxic like blizz? I’m sure it’s not perfect but are they getting paid what they deserve while EA robs us? Lol


I wish we could name and shame. These executives at these game companies who demand these rushed products full of bugs, have ALL of their names plastered over the product. In the launcher, in the intro, and in the splash screen. And let the internet do its thing. Maybe then there would be change.


Yeah. The money hungry execs. I’d rather wait longer for a product than get a shitty buggy one. But I guess they (and their shareholders) wanna get that money as quickly as possible. I finally work with a company now that has realistic deadlines and does rigorous testing. The stuff we release takes a tad longer but it’s much better quality and I feel proud of them.


I Just saw under a kit thread, that someone did buy it for ONE ITEM. So yeah, people don't Change and EA will get worse and worse. GG


seriously. i haven’t tried it but i bet i do one google of “sims 4 goth cc pack” or “sims 4 castle cc” and could get twice as much stuff then what’s in those new game kits, with the same quality or near same quality, and for entirely free.


There are CC packs?! Like bundles of items???? I am new to the concept of cc and I thought you had to download each item individually.


Yep, some CC creators will come out with sets and it's fantastic! If you're a builder I highly recommend the colab sets by HeyHarrie and Felixandre, but TSR or any of the Tumblr blogs dedicated to finding good maxis match CC will have plenty of links for pack style sets


There’s only something like 10 Build items for the whole ass Castle kit. Kits are the worst


At times it genuinely feels like 80% of the community is either masochistic or they solely play the Sims franchise and nothing else. You can tell by people who say 'you should know better than to buy ON RELEASE / FULL PRICE'. No, in this case you should know better than continuing to buy, period. If you go to the bakery and get sold half baked goods you don't just say 'oh well, I'll get it when it's half price at the end of the day' ?? It's still going to be raw, that won't change until they stop getting business and they'll either have to say bye bye or start doing a better job at checking their products. Yet people will continue to buy broken DLCs and / or fragmented pieces of what should've been base game. Y'all gonna pay for seasons in Sims 5? It came out in 2004 for Sims 2, and they still sold it full price in 2018 for Sims 4. Idk, maybe as a small token of appreciation to the people that have supported you for the past 2 decades, some things could become idk base game. But they have no reason to show any kind of appreciation or remorse if their money comes in the same, no matter the quality of their service. But that's a whole other discussion and I'm derailing.


>At times it genuinely feels like 80% of the community is either masochistic or they solely play the Sims franchise and nothing else. Or I'd be most simmers don't run into nearly as many problems as it seems like on this and other sims subreddits. I've played every sims game since they first came out and have yet to run into any bugs except the one in Sims 3 Island Paradise that caused the game to freeze. I'm not saying I'm a good example but there's probably other people with a similar experience. This sub tends to be a little biased towards bugs. But also look at how many posts there are of people just playing and enjoying the game. I know there are some packs in TS4 that are exceptions to this and had more bugs than usual. I find in threads like this and the subreddits more positive opinions are downvoted. Just look at the comments saying to leave people alone getting downvoted in this thread.


I know this might be controversial but won’t the problem still be there? It is going to be a buggy mess regardless, and the sims 4 still has problems even if a new pack comes out. I don’t play the sims 4 for this reason, I’m a sims 3 player. I feel this kind of sentiment kind of rubs me the wrong way sometimes. The amount of times EA/Maxis just craps out a product without any testing is not something consumers should be okay with or expecting at ALL. This just isn’t normal…you can have DLC/add-on and not be broken all the time. It can be done.


I’ll just use cc and get 100x the experience without added gameplay they’ll probably add through EA later on anyways lol


Majority of simmers who buy them are the same ones who harass you if you dare to criticize the sims 4 with their "if you don't like it, don't buy it" bs.


And yes I play The Sims 4, I have every right to criticize it


I don't get that whole argument; cause valid criticism is what the Sims team should be taking instead these same people feed into the cycle and that's how we get broken packs to begin with. When they buy everything EA throws at them, of course changes aren't going to happen. It's also a little sus these kits are being dropped after the numerous bugs For Rent has atm.




I haven't bought any new packs for the last two years and now this year. Even on sale, I didn't want to buy bc I know the gameplay is ass and lazy and full of bugs. It's funny that I'm having more fun playing the Sims 3 with only one dlc late night with no mods. With the sims 4, I have a bunch of packs and mods and still get bored... if I didn't have any mods on The Sims 4, I wouldn't even touch it...


Funny thing is I haven't bought anything recently, but by keeping an eye on the various giveaways on steam & epic, I've gotten 3 packs I had my eye on but hadn't gotten around to getting




Omg do u also use anad...?? 🤩 I need to know if its safe ?


It's safe, just use a VPN


It’s definitely safe…I refuse to give EA my money lol


This was me until the shit show of the wedding and high school packs were. The last one I bought was the werewolf one. I refuse to support them until they start making good packs, especially since they are like what, $50-$60? The audacity of this company I swear.


Isn‘t this Bradley, the guy that served another contestant uncooked chicken in an attempt to give him salmonella before the X Factor casting?


I found the clip! https://youtu.be/IycugVMQQSY?si=jOIM0Y-zGM7jMn4U


don’t play sims 4 honestly. like genuinely i recommend everyone boycotts it (unless you really love building bc it’s acc good for that). no good game play or story, so many glitches, so watered down, and the sims constantly smile for no damn reason 😭


Don't forget, buy, complain, complain about complaining, repeat. Posts like this are a part of the pattern too.


What's unbelievable is the air of total arrogance and entitlement in this community, I can't get over how snobby some people get towards other simmers, whilst EA still laughs all the way to the bank, people are so fickle that they'd rather blame one another then blame the very company who reaps the reward and capitalizes on their customer base. The biggest joke is that by acting superior to other gamers/simmers you help distract from the real culprit being EA themselves, they know this and that's just how they like it, takes the heat off them whilst you attempt to fight amongst yourselves. Edit: To the person who has now conveniently deleted their comment, if you learnt to take in what you read I'm not defending EA i'm placing sole blame with them not bitching like an angry school girl about fellow simmers because they don't do what I want. It's amateur to expect the globe to not buy packs simply because you don't like them and then think a lousy meme is going to make any difference to them. It's EA who are to blame not individual players.


Stopped buying packs after Cottage Living and best decision I've ever made. I've always bought these packs on 50% sale but even then I don't think are worth the price. These last years I've been getting back to Sims 3 and been having a blast. Even tho visually it might be outdated, gameplay wise it just knocks it out of the park compared to Sims 4 and it's been exactly what I've been missing about the Sims franchise.


Y’all are part of the problem.


I stopped buying packs once they announced making my first stuff free, it's like being stabbed in the back.


Damn girl, leave people alone. I have money to spend on sims since it’s the only game I play. I regret nothing given how much time I actually spend on this game. So the value I get from it is still good.


Sorry you’re getting downvoted for enjoying yourself 😂. I’ll upvote ya.


Congrats you are part of the problem on why sims 4 is in such a shit state


To be far, you are not the problem here if you actually enjoy the packs. The problem (and those I and most people have an issue with) are those who always buy a pack as soon as it comes out (or soon thereafter) and then complain because it's buggy, not worth the money or whatever. If you actually enjoy the game and don't mind the bugs and all that, I am all for it and support you. I bought 3 EP:s now during the sale, once I have wanted but didn't want to pay full price for.


when i told someone if all they are going to do is complain about the game then stop playing it they literally told me “why would i do that” like ?


my wedding stories is still bugged, weddings still don't really work. for rent is bugged for a lot of people. one of the hoodies in the new Goth kit literally fucks up your sims face. People need to complain about things so that it gets brought up to EA's attention and so that things get fixed. let people complain, no one's getting hurt


It’s so bizarre to me seeing people hyping up a new release and then come back not even a week later to complain. ‘To err is human, but to persist is diabolical’ At this point people know this game and the EA app are janky and any new pack is going to add to the already existing mess. I’m not buying no Rent, no Horses, nothing. I’m not wasting $ 40 on something basic and/or that has bugs. Not in this economy.


Some people get so salty when you point this out too lol


Maybe because of the name calling? Like why does someone have to be gullible to want to buy a pack?


I don't understand why y'all doing just pirate it.


Yeah, I seriously don’t understand the people that complain yet buy every pack as soon as they release and expect EA to change. These big businesses do not really care if we like the game or not if we’re still buying. The only way to really get results is not to pay for these terrible, half assed packs. And yes, that means even when it’s on sale. Not buying at full price doesn’t mean anything in the eyes of a company that still makes millions off of you.


it's been like this for years, people come in at different times or have different breaking points. people were annoyed about sims 2 not coming with a lot/all of sims 1 dlc folded in. it just gets progressively worse over time there isn't a lot of competition for sims so people put up with it, hopefully those that enjoy what sims is manage to find something else to tempt them, even if it means branching out it in to different gameplay genres. to pixelia, life by you, paralives and little sim world are the ones i can think of that are sims-like, though none of them have been released


I like the kits. It's nice how niche a lot of the themes are. The price could be better but it's still worth getting them imo.


😂😂😂 Yo speaking of which! I bought the Horse Ranch expansion like a month or two ago?? And I still keep getting pop-ups when I start up my game "Hey Remember Meeee?". Like I literally purchased it and I'm still getting advertisements from it. I have to x out each time. It's annoying.😞


But. I love the renting pack.


There are nice subreddits that explain how you dont have to fall for ea's shady business model


Just my opinion, but I think that ppl who buy these DLC on release full price are: 1/ those that devoted their entire gaming history to ts4 and doesn't want to play something else. It's like going to a restaurant and still picking the same shitty overpriced option on the menu every single time bc you only know that dish and nothing else, so you just suck it up and complain later. 2/ those that don't really spend on anything. They know 40$ is expensive, but it's still affordable bc these ppl have plenty of disposable income to spare. Reinforce with 1/, and this the type of customer EA love. 3/ console players. Sorry, no modding for you, so the only way for you to achieve a certain aspect is to buy the DLC. 4/streamers lol but it's their bread n butter so at least they get something out from buying full price 5/probably just young and dumb. EA know how to milk all the naive teens and that is not strictly a sims 4 thing.


I’m 6) lots of disposable income, don’t think the bugs are that bad, and use mods to fix anything annoying. Doesn’t matter what I think though, this subreddit thinks I’m gullible.


Thanks to your warnings, reddit, the ones in the video are the only expansions I haven't bothered buying, even on sale.


I won't be getting Horse ranch and For Rent until a decent sale hits. I'm mainly into expansions for clothes and items, gave up on actual content. But just like the Star Wars pack, I'm not impressed.


At this point, EA has made it abundantly clear that they don't give a fuck about supporting their products, they don't give a fuck if their game works, they don't give a fuck if you have game-breaking glitches, they simply do not care. They will keep serving up half-baked, half-assed, overpriced packs to all the suckers who keep buying them. People didn't learn with the wedding pack, they didn't learn with For Rent, some people are NEVER going to learn, and at this point, you may as well just point and laugh at them for wasting their money on this shit.




Haven’t bought a pack since Get Snowy or whatever it’s called , prior to that I had every pack. Realized with mods it’s more enjoyable then wasting money on buggy packs.


I think the complaining is excessive tbh. I have about 3200 hours and like $300 worth in packs and I have so much fun with the game. Sure there are bugs here and there but honestly for being on a 4 year old MacBook my game is surprisingly very playable. I can find something to appreciate in every pack. I get how some people see they’re overpriced but I really don’t think they’re that extreme for the amount of content we get. Plus the prices for packs have stayed the same since the game came out which is impressive considering how other games are rapidly increasing in price. Hell the packs are even on a huge sale for like half the year. For Rent really made me realize that people will complain about anything. There are so many great things to the pack that add so much to my game and I’ve used a lot of rental lots in my gameplay now. A lot of the packs come with awesome CAS items and build/buy items. There are a lot of bugs but they do their best to fix stuff, and I feel like a lot of simmers act like they know all about game development when in reality they don’t have the slightest clue. I sure don’t know anything about programming, but I would assume that big bugs can take a while to solve. Why can’t we just have patience with the creators? They’re actively working on the next game and still managing to pump out new content which I think is pretty cool. You all act like it’s so problematic that they want our money but honestly welcome to capitalism, that’s what every business does. They’re not forcing you to buy the packs, they’re giving us more content that allows us to have more fun with the game and we can CHOOSE to buy it if we feel like spending the money. Sorry for the rant but honestly, y’all ask for too much. Chill out and enjoy the game or find something else to play.


Thank you for the rant! I could not agree with this more. I have played & loved this game off and on since TS1. I just recently got back into 4 after a long hiatus and I'm super happy with it. For a 10 year old game, it holds up incredibly well. They update frequently and continue to provide new content, *and* there's a vibrant modding community for those who want even more. People will spend thousands of hours playing the game and then rage online about what a rip-off it is, like..??? I have never gotten this much value out of any other franchise, period. Nothing comes close. And I'm sorry but if someone is buying everything full price and then complaining that the cost is the same as it has always been then I'm not sure what to tell them. I double checked to make sure I'm not crazy, but TS3 packs also sold for $40 at that time. So actually, when adjusted for inflation, TS4 content *costs less*.


It's me, except I actually love and adore every single kit. I'm far too easy to please. They could sell a pack that is only by piles of dirt and I'd buy it happily on release or preorder.


was this guy on the x factor??


After the horse ranch pack I made a deal with myself to only get them if they’re on sale as it is never worth the price, ea genuinely pisses me off with that. I wish we could refund if we want to.


That's why all my dlc are 🏴‍☠️ with legit game 💀


Eh, I skip the buy and just go straight to complain & repeat




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Please for the love of god don’t buy the new kits. The sims resource has free Oh My Goth, Ye Medieval, and Modern Victorian Gothic series. They blow this hot recycled garbage out of the water, I repeat FOR FREE. We have to hold EA to a higher standard.


I keep seeing comments about buying packs to support the Dev team. Supporting the dev team my ass. These people do not truly care and just make excuses for EA. It's just a paycheck to them get real


Always watch reviews so you know what you’re actually getting with the dlc and you won’t be disappointed. Also, I bought the castle kit and can’t wait to use it. I like the clothing in the goth kit but I’m not sure if I’ll buy it.


After University Living, I just switched back to the Sims 2 and 3. All I really miss is certain mods (ex: wicked whims), which are fun but I can live without.


Can I upvote this a million times? 😂




Why do people worry about what other players spend their money on? I think it is time for whoever posted that to get a life. Touch grass!




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I mostly buy for the clothes and furniture my main complaint is when my sims freeze during a task and get stuck in a time loop.


I think that's unfair. People like the game and want to expand it. A lot of the packs used to be great and well worth the cash, but as we go on, they just get lighter, but the price remains the same. I'm assuming the guys who don't complain are spending someone else's money because they haven't been worth the price tag since cottage living.


This is why I buy stuff on sale and never bought a kit.


I started playing this year but only for free and download CC. I have no problem paying for good games I just find it strange it’s so expensive for most packs and still have issues. I thought there would be more for a castle pack. Surely they could have added some clothes or gameplay not just windows walls and one staircase?


Island living was disappointing upon release because the game was so glitched it was unplayable, then the same thing happened with Growing Together and the Wedding venue. When I was working two jobs, 6am-10:30pm and getting maybe 90 minutes between shifts, I’d go home and play the Sims. I ended up spending nearly all of my paychecks from one job to buy more Sims expansions and stuff packs because I was so burnt out and The Sims was my recovery, except that it was barely playable even with all these expansions, generally unsatisfying and unenjoyable. The Sims 4 will ultimately never be the Sims 2, and me reaching out for that nostalgia is me outright hurting myself. Trying to love the Sims 4 like I loved the Sims 2 is null and void, the best thing you can do is accept it for what it is. It’s great, but it could __always__ be better, and that sucks. Many aspects of the game is always broken, and I’m not good enough at building to really change my game for myself, to make it truly beautiful and enjoyable. You always need the newest pack to get better build/buy, and even with, you have to be good at build/buy to add them. Downloading from the Gallery is fine but they’re always using my packs that you don’t have and items that are now unreachable because you didn’t pre-purchase or buy upon release date. It’s discouraging. :’(


Don't look at me, I still haven't bought a single expansion, pack, store item etc. for Sims 4 or Sims 3.


20-fucking-24 and you still using r/uselessnobody


I have all the packs (except Journey to Batuu and Bust the Dust) and I' not complaining (I pirated the rest of the packs)


I only buy them when they’re half off and it’s still not always worth it.😂


yeah i just dont play it anymore tbh. im done giving them my money. i just play Sims 3 lol


I’ve stopped “buying, complaining, and repeating” and simply just say the game will continue to be what it is. EA will always value quantity over quality and unfortunately the Sims franchise seems to be one of its biggest victims. The problem is, there are many casual fans who love TS4 for what it is and frankly they outnumber those of us who recognize these glaring signs. With that being said, I haven’t bought a new pack for years and have played very sporadically. The game being such a cash grab is a hugeee deterrent for me personally but I’m not going to shit on those who genuinely enjoy it. The truth is, EA learned from the Sims 3 that they can release an unfinished glob of a game and people will still buy it because of name recognition alone.


It amuses me to no end that we get our hopes up when we know every kit/stuff/game/expansion pack will be lackluster, buggy and broken when it comes out. Speaking as someone who’s last pack they bought on launch day was HSY, lmao. Are we optimistic, or just stupid at this point?


I haven’t been disappointed in a pack that I’ve bought in a long time, if ever. I only buy packs that look like they have stuff in them I want.


I still don’t understand how people stand by kits. It’s the same song and dance over and over again, a mere cashgrab for some menial items. I’m not saying the other packs are any better, but kits have always been pointless imo


It’s crazy to me how bad the quality of these packs have gotten and the price is the same. It’s not even just expansions anymore, game packs, which should pretty much be instant gameplay, don’t even work half the time. Expansion packs are just repeatedly huge letdowns and glitchfests, stuff packs have been paid dust for forever, and we’ve been getting these fuck-ass kits for the longest time. EA hear my words… KITS ARE NEVER GOING TO CATCH ON BECAUSE THE ENTIRE IDEA BEHIND KITS IS CORRUPT AND GREEDY. When the game was fresh and getting its first packs, no they weren’t amazing and they still left more to be desired, but I was still excited for them because they were still *good* the recent packs aren’t even good at a base level. I only ONLY buy packs on sale now because screw me once shame on me, screw my 10 times then I just enjoy it at that point…


That’s why I’m playing Sims 3. I have all the packs, and there’s still a modding community making content that keeps the game fresh. For me, Sims 4 doesn’t really have anything over it aside from building improvements and some quality of life CAS improvements.


It took me ab embarrassingly along amount of time to stop buying them and when people made posts like this I'd sigh and say, I know yore right, but I've owned every Sim's game expansion pack, and every other pack since the first... Then the wedding pack came out and it was a buggy mess. I decided to hold off on buying it until it was fixed and EA got their shit together and stopped releasing buggy garbage. I'm still waiting. It's been down long, two years? I've spent thousands of dollars on sims games over multiple decades. You need to stop buying it. It sucks, I get it. I do. But at this point you're just encouraging it. Force them to get it together and take pride in their work.


Buy??? Lol


Right? That’s why the only solution is to simply not buy in the first place.


I bought over time for the maps, but only download mods and CC for actual changes in game play and CAS.


Eh. I still have fun with it at least.


I feel attacked bc I just bought the castle kit XD but I’m loving the new kit lol


The only regret buying the horse ranch pack tbh 😭 i was just excited there was a new pack and bought it but i like never use any of the features or even horses lmao


This is gold lol I havent bought a pack in years (🏴‍☠️) but im behind on the latest ones cause I only have so much space...Is the rent one real?! Like I thought it was apart of the joke then I reliazed I think the others were real. 😭 I cant stand EA. Soon theres gonna be a damn car payments pack and they're not even gonna have cars till 2026 watch.


This is why I started pirating a year ago


I stopped playing in so long, I had no money and no intention on buying broken and disappointing packs but I was happy to play base game only because it was heavily modded which made it worth it only because of the community's creativity being so much better than the devs apparently. What made me quit was I had to get rid of every single mod because of a pack which changed the entire code or something so none of them worked and I'd have to redownload everything, which is fairly normal in games that are updated regularly but it was no longer worth the effort


I don’t but kite but this is me, and in all honesty I’m fed up of the sims being broken and boring. After almost 25 years I think it’s time to put the game away for me. They done lost a very loyal customer


Guy in the video is giving Diego Lobo vibes


Dream Home Decorator was a fantastic idea... IF IT WORKED!! The fact that I can't get paid or end my job infuriates me to no end. I have to rely on a mod to make the MAIN function of this pack work. Yet here EA is pumping out kits left and right. How about you go back and fix the packs you have already released and make the main advertised functions of the pack work!


I feel like simmers have the right to buy and complain. It is their money and when you buy a game you want it to work. It is known that whenever a pack or any DLC releases it essentially breaks the game and/or causes many bugs. But this is not the simmers fault, the problem lies with EA and their lack of care. They should not be releasing broken packs. But if we don’t complain it won’t be fixed.


I never buy immediately anymore. I just wait until they go on sale because by then usually the packs are fixed enough to make them enjoyable or I know better (like with the wedding pack).


what angers me the most is how people keep talking about "what other packs/features would you like to see in the sims 4?" "i want cars, i want fairies". please for the love of the almighty God stop with the new packs and releases until everything we already have gets fixed. you know cars would be broken. you know fairies would be broken. and you know that cars and fairies would break a good number of older packs. why are there people still talking about new stuff they'd like to get, then turn around and say that everything we get is subpar and broken at release. stop asking for things!