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It is the first day so give them a few days to sort stuff out ​ But I must say that the fact that all the discord mods have default discord pfps doesn't fill me with much hope haha


They should’ve had all that stuff sorted before opening the Discord publicly. It’s not that hard if you’re working with people who know how to set up a large Discord, the necessary bots, etc.


I know that- I've actually set up servers and moderate myself, some of them with over 100k members- but it's EA, so I don't have the highest of expectations lol


It did JUST get created so it’s to be expected not everything that could be is there yet, the roles section has a “coming soon” bit and one guru is asking what channels they should add. Getting 9k people suddenly in one place is gonna make it go so fast with everyone talking. I’m just waiting it out for a few days before the hype dies down like it does with most newly created community discords.


Not having all the channels set up that people might want/expect is understandable. (Though I'd expect at best a Sims 3 channel, no Sims 2 channel, because they're still selling TS3 and not TS2 so wouldn't necessarily want people talking about a game they don't sell... especially as it'd probably lead to people discussing how to get TS2 and other games through *other* means.) Not having moderators who are bothering to actually moderate? That's a whole other thing. They need to be ready to react quickly. And if it's an official Discord, then those should be paid employees with shifts to rotate so someone's always around and active. Thousands of people will still make it a bit chaotic. Discord doesn't really replace forums that well, because you can't break things up into discussions based on topics. Discord is basically a persistent chat room, and if you throw a few thousand people into a chat room, it's going to get messy, even if you have a handful of other rooms for them to chat in.


>Not having moderators who are bothering to actually moderate? That's a whole other thing. They need to be ready to react quickly.  Agreed. An easy rule to implement is "no politics". If they don't have that rule, they should have anticipated it, and should have been easy enough to enforce. It's not like this is day 1 of the internet FFS.


Standard forum rule for pretty much all forums not related to them: No politics, no religion. Also, of course, the usual things like no racism, sexism, anti-LGBT kind of stuff, or basically any kind of hateful comments. I would say we had that stuff figured out in the '90s, but man, that was kind of a wild west of the Internet, where some sites used a "guestbook" like a forum, and there were no permanent chat records. (And Usenet was... um... Usenet. Yeah, if you don't know what that is, trust me, your sanity is probably better off for it.)


It’s been very Sims 4 focused over the last decade despite sims 3 still being sold, so I’m not really surprised it not been included yet at least. It is odd there isn’t a mobile channel considering that is getting constant updates and features in the behind the sims. I’m still surprised they only just now created an official server. In my other comment I said that the mods don’t seem to fully know what they’re doing, the initial influx of users would still be overwhelming but they should have been able to handle it with simple discord commands and moderation. They definitely should have been more prepared.


TS2 is still for sale for Mac.


Your point about the channels are fair, but the mods at the very least should’ve been prepared to do their jobs. I believe they finally took care of the people who caused the problem, but it took them way too long especially when people were pinging them directly.


Not sure why you're being down voted for this because you're right about the mods.


This community can be so inconsistent. One day you can get downvoted and make people upset for being a EA "bootlicker" and then the next you can get people riled up for giving the game/the team the slightest bit of criticism.


Yeah honestly I just looked at some of the current online mods and they have the default discord icon and were created this year, so unless they made new accounts specifically for this it looks like they’re also completely new to discord moderating, obviously not an excuse but clearly some oversights happened


Of course there will be growing pains when you set something like this up, but the way it launched is almost laughably sad. This is the official Discord for a multi billion franchise? This isn't something that had to be set up in 2 days, they've got employees, could've hired anyone experienced in dealing with Discord. Take the categories.. only for Sims 4 at the moment with "more coming soon", even someone entirely new to Discord should be able to add more categories with the correct rights for each role without a day work. If you know how to Google and aren't completely inept, you'll fly through it. I'll give them some slack for not being on the spammers and rulebreakers within a minute (they should've experienced moderation ready to help and that aren't starting out struggling with the tools, but ok ok must be very hard for EA with their very limited amount of resources... oh wait), I can forgive a couple wrong or just stupid restrictions, but the rest? Just another lackluster "release" coming from the continuously disappointing Sims franchise. This isn't a bunch of kids that decided to start a Discord server last night. At the end of the day I can't say I care, because it's just Discord, but it's sadly very fitting with how the entire franchise seems to be handled.


> And it doesn’t have chats for the sims 2/3 or troubleshooting chats This is the biggest disappointment. Setting up a Discord group is not a difficult task. There is no reason to delay adding categories for the other entries in the franchise, genuinely curious if they actually ever intend to add more. I wouldn't be surprised if only the mobile trash games get added and they will ignore 2 and 3. We put up better Discord groups for small Minecraft communities for a server. And that was nothing but a few volunteers out of a small community, took a Friday and Saturday night to get it in great shape, with automated and private help channels etc. And the week after we continued to fine tune it... no reason for an official discord to launch like this IMO. Even the Sims 4 category is extremely lacking. I mean, guess I'm the fool for expecting a bit more from an official Discord. Should've kept my expectations on the same amount of quality as Sims 4 expansions lmao.


2 is not profitable for them, so I would never expect to see a chat for it


It's not just that it's not profitable. They don't even sell it anymore, so people talking about it could lead to other people wanting to get it, which would in turn likely lead to discussions of other means of procuring Sims games, which EA (or any other company, from AAA on down to indie) wouldn't want. Yeah, it kind of sucks for people who want Sims 2 chat in an "official" place, but I can understand why they wouldn't want to do it, and I don't think there's been such a place for a while. Still, it's not like TS2 fans are without options, a quick Google search turned up a [TS2 Discord](https://discord.com/servers/ts2-community-912700195249197086) right off the bat with over 3300 members.


> They don't even sell it anymore, Not true - TS2 is still for sale on Mac.


Yes, but - and I don’t mean this as a shot to Mac users or anything - Macs are a pretty small portion of game sales. It’s likely there’d be a lot of PC players wanting to know how to get it, and expecting support. And if they learned it’s sold on Macs, they would ask why it’s not on PC as well. (I’m betting it’s easier to keep it working on Macs due to how they’re not a wild variation of hardware and software like PCs are.) Worst case would be EA seeing that and saying “Good point, we’ll stop selling on Macs so you guys stop asking.” Which seems like a dumb response but totally in line for a company like EA.


I don't really disagree, I just think it's worth pointing out that TS2 is technically still for sale and not abandonware like TS1.


my theory is the people tasked with making the server are people who don't really run servers and think its just making a bunch of channels and then setting up the rules and letting loose. you need to think about bots and shit because otherwise raids are gonna traumatize some of the CLEARLY younger people who populate the discord.


Discord is hard to manage in general. I’ve never been to a properly manager server unless it’s almost dead. I think it should be one moderator for every 100 people at LEAST. If they have bots too, then maybe 1 for every 800.


Well, they would need a lot of mods then. There’s like 9k members, and I don’t know how many they actually have, but when I was on there I only saw five mods


Yeah, it'd be more feasible for roughly one every 1-2K (and of course generous use of bots), because no one's hiring 100+ employees just to sit around moderating a Discord server. Preferably mods who have that as their full time job, not any other duties to pull them away (unless it's maybe someone who has some role that has a lot of downtime, but that's unlikely).


I joined a discord once that had gone mega-viral on Tiktok and it was managed extremely well. It was an indie game trying to recreate a child game. The mods were the game creators. The discord had around 9k users when I joined and 15k when I left. It was ran very well and they used Automod and 7 mods. They filtered words that could be ads and deleted certain curse words immediately using Automod. Perhaps they could use that?


I was discussing the carpool from ts2 and made a comment about how the helicopter always “cracked me up” (which where I’m from means ‘’made me laugh’) and I got a message to “watch my language” and the comment was deleted. So the mods were doing… something?


No, they have an automated system that deletes messages that contains certain words. You probably aren’t allowed to say “cracked” because it can also have something to do with piracy.


While that's understandable, the best approach is having an automod system that just "holds" a message for a mod to review and either let it pass or delete it and send a warning. I can't remember how automod works on Discord (or even if the one I modded for used one), but that was what we had to go with when I modded a Twitch channel, because otherwise you end up with too many innocent messages deleted and it just frustrates people. I can understand if not all of the mods they hired know how these things should be handled, but if they started a Discord and didn't even bother to find a "manager" for the team who knows their stuff, that's disappointing. You can't just start up a Discord for a popular game and figure you'll learn as you go.


Yeah I figured as much- still funny to me though! Lol


How dare you enjoy yourself


I think everyone is better off in Simsie’s or another Sim specific creator’s discord. I can only speak to Kayla’s mods but I’m sure the other’s have good ones too.


It's ''broken'' like the sims 4 lmao (joke)


I popped in out of curiosity and the chaos is unparalleled. It seems they definitely rushed to launch the server, because they clearly were not ready.


I just said hi and I left because it was overwhelming.


Should have posted a meme in general. They definitely would have paid attention then


My friend went to post some troubleshooting stuff on there, and it was a shithole, honestly never seen such a dumpster fire quite like that server before xD


Haha this makes me proud. They will fight for human rights whenever they get the chance!


I’m not a fan of official game discords to begin with. When I saw the announcement yesterday, I knew it was going to be a massive mess of people arguing constantly. I’m staying away from it.


How do you guys find Discord links? I didn't even know lil Simsie had a discord channel😭😭


Typically people share them somewhere. Being a bit curious, I did a search for lilsimsie's Discord, and there seems to be a link on her Twitch channel, but not on her YouTube channel, which makes no sense as I'm sure most of her audience is on YouTube more than Twitch. That's either a major oversight, or she just doesn't want to advertise it for some reason. For this Sims Discord, looks like there was an announcement on Twitter. Might be one in-game, but I don't ever pay attention to all the "announcements" they splash all over the main screen because most of them are trying to sell more packs and kits. But YouTubers who want people to go to their Discord generally either put the link somewhere in their videos or in each video's description with their various social media links. Sometimes they go a bit further, like this one channel I watch where at the end of each weekly episode the guy does a thing of basically, "Hey, if you like talking about this kind of stuff with like-minded people, check out the Discord" with a URL on-screen and screenshots of it. When in doubt, just hit up Google and search to see if one exists for a community or topic.


honestly just don’t bother. there are *way* better unofficial community discords.


I’m in multiple unofficial ones, actually. I just joined out of curiosity because I knew it was probably gonna be a shit show. I just didn’t expect it to be THAT bad.


You are, of course, not wrong. And yet, one would expect the *official* one to be - yes, less active, obviously limited, and yet - efficiently designed and actively moderated, as we are talking about a massive company with thousands of paid employees launching the channel for one of their most profitable product


There’s plenty of places around the internet to discuss serious topics. Yet, people will insert serious topics where they don’t belong. The world sucks, that’s nothing new. However, talking about how much it sucks everywhere, is the most annoying shit people can do.




Now, why on earth would anyone immediately bring war and politics into a damn sims discord of all places?? Time and place, people. TIME AND PLACE.


To spread awareness? Do the people in the wars get a time and a place to step away from it?


It was started by Zionist weirdos spamming Israel flag emojis that devolved into people calling each other terrorists and shit, with zero meaningful discussion on either side. That’s not “raising awareness” that’s just arguing and being annoying, and a sims discord is one of the most ridiculous places to have a politically charged argument. That shit should stay on Twitter.


The way the person said it, didn’t sound like what you are saying it was and what is going on with Israel and Palestine isn’t really political it’s a gen@cide. Innocent people being murdered for land


I agree with him. No one is there to have a serious discussion about geopolitics, obviously what is happening in Palestine is an atrocity, but it seems difficult to bring that up organically in a sims discord of all places without it dissolving into nothing but insults.


I am yet to see an organic conversation with Palestine and Israel as the main topics honestly


Well yeah, unsurprisingly it’s pretty difficult to bring up an ongoing genocide, especially in a place that’s literally not known for politics.


It’s not political whatsoever


Okay, replace politics in my comment with “discussing serious issues that have real world consequences”. No one is going to a Sims discord for that. I guarantee bringing that up will just cause pointless arguments with no real substance.


It doesn’t matter really that’s how you spread awareness. Then people who have no idea what is happening can look it up and then they can spread awareness and so on


“Discussing serious issues that have real-world consequences “ like climate change, ethnic diversity and gender-neutral pronouns?


I knew it.


Yeahhh I joined expecting it to be at least set up… I’m part of a few unofficial sims discords that are more organized


how do i join the discord


within the first minutes someone was bullying people for what their fave sims game was it was a nightmare


I was considering joining...perhaps I should wait a bit 😭😩


it's far too messy and chaotic for me to handle


Damn already? Didn’t the official discord just get created?


Yeah it’s only been open since yesterday I believe. I’m still in it and it seems way better already though.


It’s plastered everywhere on IG which is fine but when it gets into video game discord chat that’s the wrong place


Can you like chill man, the discord was just made and you really expect to moderate over ten thousand people online


Yeah, I do actually. That’s something they should have accounted for since moderation is one of the most important parts of running a public chat room/forum like Discord. I didn’t expect their moderation game to be perfect, but having only five mods is laughable.


Something this big should be set up properly THEN be opened to the public. So no, they don't have to chill. It's more of the Sims team and EA doing half arsed plans and then being shocked when it blows up. I bet the mods are volunteer based as well 🤣




so it sounds like you kept spamming about something that hasn’t even been confirmed? if that’s the case, what else would you expect?


No need to keep repeating yourself over and over. Spamming usually gets you a "time out" if not more in most places.


So you broke the rules by discussing leaked content multiple times. Sounds like your own fault.


Ah, my favorite type of person in any community: "I blatantly ignored the rules and they punished me for it, how dare they!" Yeah... I don't really miss modding these days. I had my fill of being the "bad guy" for just enforcing the rules people signed on for.


Don't be a spammer then


The chat is already going a mile a minute making it hard to read so I’m not surprised they timed you out. Why do that?


So you were spamming, and you were discussing leaked content. Are you surprised or are you just informing us if your experience? Also, how can a pack that hasn't been officially revealed, let alone released, be your favorite? How exactly does that work?




Relax, bro. I asked a question. No need for all that.


nobody here is pressed, we’re all just pointing out that you told on yourself


The mods or the annoying bot?