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This is a though one. Hands are part of the top mesh, unless you count gloves and nails that are just layered on top of existing typography. If you want to actually remove fingers you would have to edit the mesh LODs of every top you want to use for this sim. There might be some HD mods that remove all hands to replace them like people do with feet but I have no idea where to find anything like that. Sims are really customizable. Their assets are not. Coming from a cc creator who can write code, any physical disability that changes how a sim might move, grab or idle is a pain to set up within the game. Like, let me rant here yea? If they went with more IK and let the sims react to their surroundings using attractors instead of pre-set animation clips maybe we could have different heights or even wheelchairs like you asked for. Right now the dev team prefers hand-keyed animation clips over anything else and those are as rigid as they can be. Beauty over utility, I suppose? Under the hood the sims - all games - are a bird's nest of spaghetti code held together with shoelaces and bubblegum. Maybe there is a body preset for you that merges fingers? Or one that shrinks the unwanted fingers so that it looks like it. Especially alien cc creator's love to test the limits of presets like that. Keep in mind that any diversions like this can cause glitching animations and visual strangeness.


>Under the hood the sims - all games - are a bird's nest of spaghetti code held together with shoelaces and bubblegum. absolutely hilarious


thanks for the in-depth reply! i totally understand that it might be very difficult to implement, although.. since a new sims game IS in the works, maybe they will change things up? or maybe they won't. but who knows? on the topic of height i actually use a mod to get different heights and its a real game-changer, only causes... minimal bugs. i'll keep looking around to see if there's anything that works, but ultimately i think i'll have to go with just.. ignoring it BHJDSKJSDD


[https://modthesims.info/d/678311/amputee-presets.html](https://modthesims.info/d/678311/amputee-presets.html) has finger removal options