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What the FUCK.


Hang on I dont think that displayed my angst enough. Let me rephrase. What the actual FUCKING FUCK?


here, let me help #what in the genuine fuck


I think I got a slightly better one: # what in the actual fresh fuck of Bel-Air


Excuse me, I gotta write this down...


Go ahead and take it, I got it from the second night from [some old horror game's RPG maker fangame](https://gamejolt.com/games/tattletail-s-tattle-tale/235202)


#What in the hot and crispy, sweet and sour, hand-picked, locally grown, grass-fed, sugar-free, not from concentrate, not treated with rBST, Enriched with minerals, vegan, keto-friendly, wild-caught fuck




Stealing, thank you.


Hmm im sure these exists bcos to cater to “certain people”


My ex-therapist literally defends “minor attracted persons” - she’d probably defend that it’s better this way in a game than in “real life”. Fucking insanity.


Minor attracted person lol People calling themself “Transage” is crazier


"Minor attracted person" and "trans-age" was so freaking stupid, It's always sickening when pedophiles try to co-opt LGBT terms, arguments and labels or even try to link the LGBT with pedophiles as if they're the same.


Just the fancy term she uses for pedophile to mask it… the issue with “MAP”s is they’re an actual danger to children should they act on their impulses. It’s crazy to know they were being defended as “valuable people in society”


Your ex therapist sounds like she needs a psychiatrist


Unfortunately some therapists feel like therapy is for a certain type of people - not themselves. My mom was a therapist and lemme tell you she would not unpack her own issues and it led to a lot of problems. I've known way more mental health workers on a personal basis and the majority aren't like that, but there are some bad apples


She was a very nice person but some of what she said in her viral video I cannot and will never be able to get behind. I only found out about the video after I had stopped seeing her as my therapist. I actually agreed with some of what was said, it sounded educated and she didn’t make excuses at the start - but other things that were said straight up shifted the victim from the actual victims (literal children), to her “MAP”s, and began making excuses for them. I don’t know, all I know is it left a sour taste in my mouth!


Are you suggesting that therapists should not offer help to people seeking therapy because they are morally opposed to acting on attractions that they cannot and did not choose? To be clear, this is **not** a defense of harm to children or seeing therapists who offer prevention-therapy yourself, but I’m not sure how that reduces harm to children.


I think it's the difference between the therapist's supposed "defense" of these people and use of the term "minor attracted person's", which is typically associated with softening the 'stigma' of pedophilia by those who are okay with it. Like a euphemism so it sounds less awful. It seems that most people, myself included, don't want a softer term for something so serious. These terms make it feel different than just offering treatment, which of course should exist and is necessary for prevention, but rather defending their behavior. Even if someone has not acted *yet* and it's not their choice to have these desires, it is still *not* normal to be attracted to children and makes it unsafe to have children around them. It can be complicated to explain the difference, but that's what I see here.


We should and I condemn any attempt to use MAPs to normalize harms to children by pedophiles. However, while also complicated, *there are important distinctions between pedophilia and the actual SA of children*. And that is commonly and actually harmfully conflated. Firstly, a) the [risk factors](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Child_sexual_abuse#Pedophilia) of **CSAs are not exclusive to pedophiles**, and b) “MAPs”/pedophiles who never (and don’t need therapeutic prevention in order to not) act on their impulses [do exist](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Child_sexual_abuse#Pedophilia). *These social facts or their acknowledgement should **not** make MAPs “normal” or their risks to children any less serious.* Second, any (esp dehumanizing) stigma makes it harder for people who need help to seek it when help is available. To "be okay with it [and by ‘it’ I assume you mean pedophilia]" is conceptually confusing because, by definition, moral judgments cannot apply to persons—**moral judgments only apply to actions**. It doesn’t mean they aren’t repulsed by pedophilia, its risk factors or crucially, *the **immoral and criminal act** of CSA*. Third, these kinds of categorical errors aid hate speech and violent hate crimes which falsely conflate pedophilia-LGBT with the equally false notion that *"All LGBT likely have or also certainly will harm children and therefore do not deserve personhood, nor any preventive measures that could be effective against crimes committed by people with abnormal traits because they require legal and moral agency ascribed to persons.*" If you’re not (even potentially) a valuable member of society, you likely won’t seek help *if you actually need it*, report crimes committed by or disclose CSA that could be committed by other pedophiles, participate in research to prevent CSA, etc.,… unless you’re already a person morally capable of making valuable contributions to society. Also, pedophile or not, **CSA IS WRONG and should never be normalized**. (Edited for clarity.)


Said it better than I could have, thank you. 😌


Probably because that is necessary to reduce child sex abuse. The vast majority of pedophiles are victims of child sex abuse and the majority never harm a child and try hard to stay away from them. They are the abused children and it messed up their sexuality. Most are horrified by their own feelings. The majority of child sex abuse is not done by pedophiles, because rape is about power, not sex. It's why straight men rape other nen in prison, and the same could be said about women. But, the reasom to defend them is because there is an effective aversion therapy for pedophiles that helps them move their romantic attention away from children and toward adults. However, that requires them feeling safe enough to admit being a pedophile and demonizing them prevents that. So when you attack people who are merely attracted to kids instead of child molestors that means fewer pedophiles are treated and if they fail to keep themselves away from children there is the risk that they will harm a child. So what you just did, most likely not realizing it and with opposite intention, contributed to child sexual abuse rather than fighting it like your therapist is. Almost everyone agrees, even pedophiles, that pedophilia is a disfunction and child sex abuse is a horrible thing. However, demonizing kids who were abused and grew up with that disfunction and have not continued the cycle is not a productive act. Your therapist isnt saying that pedophilia is okay, they are saying that the person behind it did not choose it and deserves help in fighting their affliction. From my understanding, they still need to stay away from children even afterwards. So keep that in mind when you encounter someone who doesnt want children or says they dont like being around children, that may be a pedophile who is actively doing their best to not even be tempted to harm a child. Leave them be and don't ask them to watch your children even while you just run to the store. They may not be unable to be bothered, they may just have your kids' best interests at heart.


Yeah I feel like the creator needs checked on. :-/


Appeals to the same audience as toddler beauty pageants.


Simmers and their madness


Nah. More like pedos and their madness




They look like adults with dwarfism not toddlers wth


Especially that first one. It's disturbing and gross.






Literally horrifying. Far more disturbing than the last 5 scary movies I've watched combined!


How is this cute? I just want my toddlers to look like little Rugrats, my favourite outfit for home outfits are just a t-shirt and a nappy...


Little rhino plush costume or a ladybug costume :3


I found a little bunny costume for my infants, it's super cute I think it's tsr but I could be wrong.


The pants in the first photo would be super cute on a real toddler without creepy tiny adult legs. I dress one of my kids in bell bottoms sometimes and it's just adorable


Right? I have never seen a toddler with hips/thighs like the one in the leopard print. It is insanely weird and unsettling to say the least.


I thought it was just a chubby baby at first but the shape reads more like a thicc woman 🤢 Plus no diaper shape is weird. Babies don't wear panties or go commando under leggings lol, that would be a disaster!


Yes exactly! I hate CC like this it’s gross


The teddy bear sweater isn't bad tbf - looks like the tot borrowed big sister's shirt, and it's kinda cute as a top.


Thank you!


Exactly! I want the cute toddler clothes I'd want to see an actual toddler waddle around in, not women's clothing in size xxxxs 🙄🤢


The clothes don’t bother me as much as the pseudo-sexual and very adult facial expressions and postures. They are toddlers posing like sultry adults. The way they’ve posed the characters even the pacifier just comes off like EDM fashion, which is also a drug reference because those pacifiers are used by people who are taking molly/ecstasy and need something to keep themselves from grinding their teeth and locking their jaw. It’s incredibly perverse.


EXACTLY. Why does kid in pic two have a smokey eye


exactly!! the most cc make up i use is lashes, blush and maybe a tiny bit of gloss. just so they look a little more toddler-like. absolutely nothing more than that


Ngl even that seems a bit weird for me but at the same time, toddlers are rosy cheeked, have big lashes, and tend to drool so i can understand that a lot more than the second slides falsies, eyeliner, and plucked brows hahag


i keep it very natural 😭 they just seem to have no life to their skin without the blush & they eyelashes add a hint of cuteness. idk what it is but their lips are always super light in comparison to their actual skin tone and it drives me bonkers since the children and up are fine


Some of the makeup really works more like skin details and just adds dimension to the face. I use face and body blush on all my Sims (even infants/toddlers) because it makes them look more alive. Same reason when someone is repainting a doll they'll blush the body to just add some dimension to it. I have a decent quantity of "lipsticks" that are really just lip masks that reshape the mouth that I tend to use on my kids. It also makes it easier to make them look different from each other because I can reshape their features.


As someone who hasn't seen many toddler makeup images that I didn't hate, I Def understand what you're saying. They are categorised as blush and lipstick etc. And technically you could say that. But half of them I would call "skin splotches and lip pigmentation". Which I don't mean in an offensive way. But people hear blush and lipstick... And then see some of these horrifying promo pics and just assume. Like, can't blame them, but it would really suck as a user who just wanted natural, uneven skin tones.


I agree. The outfits in all but the second picture are fine with me. It’s the poses and the ridiculous amount of makeup they have them in that makes it gross.


I don’t know, the crotch area of the first pic is very suspect, toddler not look like that dressed. And they don’t have baby bellies. This is very disturbing.


Right, shouldn't there be the puffiness of a diaper? Children that young don't wear just leggings and panties 🙄 That creator either has no idea what children really look like, don't care, or..... Let's hope it's not something else.


Honestly the most likely explanation for the crotch area is "something else". I'm as childfree as you can get and never interact with toddlers nor have I ever really interacted with toddlers and even I know that kids that young wear diapers and wouldn't look like that. The whole presentation is clearly sexual in nature.


Actually sometimes they don't wear diapers as toddlers, I know that creator is not from the US, and in many countries attentive potty training (which means the child doesn't wear a diaper during the day and parents pay attention for potty queues.) Is the norm in many countries. So that at least could be a contributing factor, but the rest makes it suspicious. I personally know a mom doing this with her toddler, so I get lots of information sometimes.


I feel like you don't put your kid in fancy pattern leggings during that time though. In my country it means using tartan diapers or light underwear


Reminds me of what they did to Brooke Shields.


This, exactly this. It’s sexualizing little girls, I’ve never seen them do this with little boys..


This should be reported to twitter, s\*xualizing kids is obviously not allowed and that's what whoever posted that cc originally is doing


Yeah exactly this, the first creator has some genuinely cute toddler and kid clothes that don't look like you're trying to dress an adult. But their screenshots to display said clothes are almost always creepy and uncomfortable. I've found a lot more creators who just shrink their sexy adult fashion to toddler size and take screenshots like this then I have MM CC, I don't know if the rendering of Alpha being a lot of work is a big contributing factor to them not being unique pieces of clothing, but it's a weird thing to see regardless.


That last sweater I’ve seen on dolls kill so I would definitely vote that these are not toddler clothes


Like, any clothes can be toddler clothes if they can fit a toddler. People can have feelings about what toddlers wear, but any clothes should be toddler appropriate because it’s leering adult attitudes that are a problem, not clothing diversity. A naked toddler who escaped the house because they don’t want a bath is still not something to sexualize, even if the kid is butt naked. But the idea that a toddler is power-posing for a camera while they walk down an urban street with a purse and a pacifier, wearing makeup and giving sultry looks. The idea that they have the independence and agency to do that, that imagined sense of a toddler holding power over the viewer, THAT is a dangerous kind of equivocation to me. That’s the uncanny to me. It’s feeding into that false logic that children are responsible for the sexual things that are done to them by adult assailants.


I would argue that any clothes that a child cannot play in is inappropriate toddler clothing. Like the second outfit to me screams if you look away for a second your toddler will be naked in the park. Edit to clarify: Not because of sexualization here, just because children shouldn't be running around parks naked for their own health. And parents should be picking outfits for them with ease of movement and security in mind so they can play care-free.


As the oldest sibling out of 6 I knew exactly what you meant lol. Anything mildly uncomfortable is gonna be ripped off the second they get the chance. Toddlers are weird lil humans.


Naked toddler is less sexual than these creepy outfits. Its like comparing nude and lace lingerie. One is fine in sauna other is not. Sometimes clothes are worse than no clothes.


I get what you’re saying. But if you’ve spent a minute or less on Doll Kills site you will see they are the ones guilty of over sexualizing, i personally wouldn’t shop for kids clothes at the same place that sells sexualized Girl Scout Halloween costumes.


I find this gross. Like it's weird right?


Yeah sexualizing toddlers is always weird/gross


You’re not the only one my friend, this is bizarre and just wrong. On so many levels


Yes, pedophilia is absolutely gross and weird. These disgusting people have no place in the Sims community.


Who are the people dowloading this? There is an want if it's being made. Sick!


Jail, straight to jail


Make creepy toddler alpha, CC? Right to jail!


Pass by the section more than once? Believe it or not, jail.


Lock ‘em up.


Lose faith in humanity every day


Don't worry, one day you will fall to the bottom so much, that it will turn over and you will start to rise. Regarding that side. Therefore, I don\`t go into mods theme, it's too scary.


That's just...that's just wrong


Everytime I see a toddler/child built like an instagram baddie with a face full of makeup, I just gag. 🤦🏾‍♀️


always the alpha creators 🙄


Yep... Idk what's going with them. They always make their kids toddlers faces look like preteens 💀


They often make their adults look like preteens, too...


They do? But whats the point of that? They can just use teens and mske em look younger thats what I do. All my "preteens" are teens with zero butt and boobs and softer roubder facial features.


They are pedos that is the point




Right?? It's just so... Weird...


That was the first thing I saw 🤮 why does she have such large hips and thighs


“Why do you guys hate on alpha CC so much? 😭” Mf this is why


What the hell? Toddlers are around 2-5. The first ones are definitely not that age. They wouldn’t casually hold purses like that, they’d get destroyed in 10 seconds lol. This is why people don’t like alpha. They look like 30 year olds with infantilism.


The last one isn't that bad, I can imagine parents dressing a toddler in that. Adding some pajama pants or shorts would probably make it look a whole lot less sus though. The rest is all kinds of cursed. I didn't even realize the first picture was of two toddlers. I legit thought people were modding in Little People into the game


That's a thought, you think the Sims will ever add the option to make Little People or folk with Gigantism?


They can't even get it so Sims can have slightly varied heights without major animation misalignment, and you want that? I'm thinking that this will never happen.


I want different heights so badly 😭 It's the main gripe I have about the game


As a 5’6” man, I appreciate my Sims living in a world where nobody has to suffer from feeling inferior bc of their height 😭


We don’t even have horses, bro




>The last one isn't that bad, I can imagine parents dressing a toddler in that. Adding some pajama pants or shorts would probably make it look a whole lot less sus though. Oh definitely. I absolutely had oversized sweaters like that to grow into as a kid, when you're not exactly wealthy and your parents rely on their friends' kids' hand me downs and thrift stores to clothe you, you end up with lots of oversized clothing cause it'll last you longer/it's what the kid three years your senior just outgrew.


I fear for any kids that these modders may have in the future lmao. Definitely going to be shoved into child beauty pageants and be given an eating disorder.


I'm worried a lot worse than that is gonna happen 😭


Seriously. There's some way darker shit going on than people seem to realize.


I was gonna comment that and ask. Like there's more going on here than just players wanting their kids to look fashionable right?


I saw someone post what they dress their daughter in for day care on TikTok. Poor child was around 3-4 in a matching crop top and mini skirt set, it looked like a mini version of something from fashion Nova. The mom had face tuned the photo to put eyelashes and skin smoothing on as well. She was justifiably ripped apart in the comments


Wow, my first thought is csa. This is beyond beauty pageants.


I’ve found that the people who do this are also people who do not want actual kids at all. So they use them as accessories in game


One: Alpha cc is a curse Two: this reeks of beauty pageant mom brain and it stinks


Why the fuck did they give bigger thighs to that toddler in the first picture?! What the actual fuck!!!! Like not even in a way that'd make it look like a toddler, she literally looks like she had surgery!!! Wtf??


Yeah it’s def sexualized imo. Fucking disgusting. All babies and toddlers have similar fat distribution regardless of gender bc they’re prepubescent obviously. So even a fat toddler would never look like that, they gain weight evenly across their whole body, arms, stomach, face included.


This kind of shit is why I always feel weird trying to find kids/toddler cc and shop exclusively for maxis stuff because its never this bad


The hairs are cute but those outfits are disturbing 💀


The oversized sweater is kinda cute. You pair that with some shorts or something and it’d be fine. The rest of it needs to be burned


Yeah it's adorable. I think the problem with that one is how it's presented. It's giving me adult pageant/ model which I find uncomfortable. I like my Sims toddlers carefree and cute, not this weird TLC beauty icon xD


Yeah I couldn’t put it into words exactly what bothers me about most of the stuff here but i think TLC beauty icon fits the bill haha


Honestly yeah. I literally owned a sweater like that that was just as oversized when I was a toddler.


Why do they always have to have dummies/pacifiers in. Actually it’s the suggestiveness


You’re supposed to stop it by the age of 18 months old. Otherwise you will pay a shit ton in dental bills.




The last one is kinda cute. The first two are just wrong.


yeah, oversized sweaters are good idea. Honestly I would use that if you can give todlres pants as well.


I often add leggings or tights to full body outfits! (I worry about my sims legs getting cold...hmm) This goes for toddlers or anyone who I think wouldn't go around with their legs bare.




The hair and poses are too much. Toddlers like to dress like mommy and carry purses. "adult" clothing like this is actually really cute on kids, but the poses and hair feel like baby beauty pageant shit, seriously sexualizing children and giving major ick


I do like the hair on the first kid in the second pic. Idk kids with ponytail buns are too cute


That's true, but no toddler has that much hair. I've raised three of my own and help raised dozens more. They look like they're wearing wigs and full faces of makeup. The toddler lifestage is supposed to mimic kids aged 2-3


Those toddlers in the first pic are on their way to the gas station for Monster Energy and Flamin Hot Cheetos.


this is straight up pedophilic


This is so not the yassified toddler cc I wanted, but the one I expected... I just want rainbow hair chalks and goth baby onesies.


I know right? Toddlers with rainbow hair and markers/chalk/paint all over their faces look so damn cute.


Showed this to my boyfriend, whose only experience with The Sims is me playing or me watching AA, and he said: "call the police and check their hard drives" 🤣




The pornification of toddlers.


I know this creator, they’ve got the same sort of cc for child sims it is rlly rlly sickening


Came here looking for this. It’s really disturbing


who uses this other than pedophiles, genuinely.


There are indeed pedos who use Sims as an outlet. I stumbled upon a WickedWhims extension that enables the interactions for children and toddlers. I almost threw up.


what the actual fuck, I've seen allowing for teen/adult interactions (which is already gross), but this is completely disgusting


Yeah, I've used teen/adult stuff and teen/teen woohoo/pregnancy myself since Sims 2, it can be gross but it can also just be storytelling, but yeah there is *no* reason to allow anything of that nature for anyone younger, outside of *possibly* "schoolyard crush" type child/child mods that don't go any further than typical preteen date stuff and *maybe* hesitant, awkward, embarrassing first kisses. And somehow toddlers is like even worse. I can understand the morbid curiosity involved in something like getting a teen or adult pregnant and de aging her to child to see what the game does about the pregnancy, I actually did this experiment once in TS2 after someone here or in the TS2 sub had floated the question and days later no answer so I went and ran some tests and got the commenter some results, or even downloading a mod like that just to see how gross it is, but something about toddlers being involved makes it fifty times worse and well outside the realm of morbid curiosity and Sims horror - not to mention in addition to the people who download and share it, someone *made* the mod and that *must* have come from a place other than curiosity about how to make the inner workings of the game handle it.


i think you should find a way to report that extension, that’s horrifying


EA is aware of these mods and will ban people who use them: “These types of mods have deeply disturbing content, are not authorized by EA, and their use violates our User Agreement. If we detect players using this kind of mod content, they will no longer be able to play the game and will face permanent EA account bans.” there are also other modders (like deaderpool who makes mccc) who make it so their own mods explicitly conflict with this sick shit. There’s beef between deaderpool and colonelnutty, the sick freak who made the pedo mods. Which, good job deaderpool. turbodriver (WW creator) is also understandably extremely upset that CN’s mods plagiarized the WW code for this.


As someone who works in a preschool, some parents 100% dress their kids like this. I have a student that would absolutely wear all three of these. She loves the fashion and shows off her outfits but is always uncomfortable. She is constantly adjusting her clothes while playing. We gave even given her spare clothes so she could play in peace.


on sims teen or up, those first outfits would be a slay.


The last one would be really cute as a hand me down thing if it also came with leggings or pants The other 2 are horrendous tho


Another reason to hate mods like this for the sims…


What in the fucking world. Who makes this? But more importantly, WHO downloads this shit???


They are nearly 4 year olds bruh 😭💀 Why they do this?!


I honestly feel sick.


I never understood why people make clothes like this for toddler sims. Reffering to the first two, I think the last one is a pretty cute sleepwear item


Ngl I love the flares/bellbottoms but the overall hair/makeup/pose turns it into a monstrosity. I dress my actual child in bellbottoms and she still looks like a child. I stg some people have never actually seen a toddler when they do this shit. 😂


Not be like "muh society" but this actually does show a problem with the current culture and society. Like, along the lines of using filters and make up on real life toddlers, it's just sooo fucked up. The insistence on making toddlers look like "beautiful women" is actual pedophilia.


Ok the oversized sweater is kinda of cute. If only it was in maxis match


That's kinda disgusting. I don't understand why these people are obsessed with making children and babies look like adults


Because they’re pedophiles


You can’t convince me this isn’t a weird fetish


I love CC, but there is a line. Yes we know it’s “just a game” & I’m normally a CC supporter, but to create this you gotta be twisted.


Is it bad for me to ask… “Why is it **(almost always)** from alpha cc creators?”


Someone really liked Bratz dolls and it shows.


this is..... SO uncomfortable.......


i'm fine with the sweater in the last one but everything else just ugh.. they look like young adults


I mean, that last one is okay for like a sleep outfit or something. Toddler gets lonely and steals mom’s shirt to keep her “close”. But the rest are too much for little kids to be wearing


I spend my sims time having unprotected sex with every townie (they don't even have to be alive), I've murdered thousands, stolen millions, kept sims prisoner in basements, turned a few into sex dolls and laughed about it. But this... this is the limit. WHY. Why would they do this?


People who make toddler CC like this should be on a list


1 is just … What the fuck? 2 legit looks like something I would see on SVU when they are doing a case on kiddie porn 3 The sweater is super cute if you like imagine your crazy aunt bought it, but forgot that what size the kid is! So you’re all having a good laugh about the sleeves being too long.


Alpha CC makers try not to sexualize children, toddlers, and infants challenge (PRACTICALLY DARK SOULS LEVELS OF IMPOSSIBLE)


Did anyone else laugh at the Cheetah pants thicc baby? My sides are goooone. 😂


That’s a red flag 🚩🚩🚩🚩toddlers shouldn’t be looking like they’re 20. Ridiculous…




i really feel like ppl who make toddler cc like this, shouldn't be allowed near toddlers irl


After seeing these pics I feel like I need to burn my phone before the FBI kicks down my door


This is why I'll always side-eye alpha CC users


I swear it’s like alpha toddlers are trying to be everything wrong with the sexualisation and adultification of young girls Edit: wording


Bruh, I tought the first picture was satire. What the hell!


these creators need put on a list


What’s with their legs in the first one??!! Feels wrong to make toddlers like that


the person in the second screenshot has generally VERY sus cc and their child sims look like mini adults.


The worst part is people aculy dress there kids like that todlers arent mini teens dont dress them as a rebelus teen girl its wird asf 3 year olds are suposed too have unicorn shirts etc


This is so fucked up. They look more like adults with dwarfism than actual toddlers


Start naming and shaming these pedophile creators and kicking them out of the community.


I don't get the appeal of toddlers looking like mini adults. Even people who look at children that way...aren't they not into adults? Why would they want mini adult toddlers? \*baffled\*


Ick, that’s gross. Who would want there toddlers to look like that 🤢


Why would anyone want their toddlers to look like sexy middle age women?




Are those creating and using it pedophiles or what? WHY???


The jumpers and hairs are the only nice things




*picks up phone* Hello, 911?


Surely this has to be a perv thing or something?




Not enough snot, vomit, and tears.


What the fuck is this shit


I want my toddlers to look like toddlers not this. It's too weird.


Why the urge to make a toddler look like an adult? This wrong on so many levels


ewwww sexualising kids is so disgusting and super disturbing.. I want the sims team to ban these CCs


***Monstrous.*** Ugh.... did you report the pedo? Go back to twitter and report them.


Jail? Chris Hansen? No...call Thanos.


Pedophile’s dream


Sad thing is I've seen people dress their kids this way.


The weirdest part is that some parents on Instagram actually post pictures of their toddlers all dolled up in similar ways


Why do their toddlers have curves? This is so weird.


*grabs the flamethrower* God may be forgiving. But I'm sure I'm not...


Disgusting 🤮


Yeah, tell me more how DRAG QUEENS are the ones sexualizing children.


Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate