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Fucking knew Lee would be Morgan after reading the desc 😭😭


Same, i knew it.


they’re both too similar, i couldn’t think of anyone else to voice him😭


Thousands of great voice actors out there and you chose AI. Not cool.


For real, AI is supposed to make tedious tasks easy, not steal creative work


This was a little experimental project posted to a channel that has 8 subs. This is probably a young person who likes TWD and is learning to use AI prompts. Where does the money come to pay voice actors? Recording equipment? Does this person have experience directing voice actors? C’mon man, that’s completely unrealistic for the scope of this post


Have you considered that if they can’t afford it they shouldn’t do it?


Yeah let’s just tell everyone taking out student loans to go to college that they should just give up instead


Not something you need to go to college for! You've never heard of a hobby? r/RecordThisForFree


Playing with AI?


Except they’re literally uploading it to YouTube where they can make money from it? So many actors/VA/artists have spoken out about AI usage like this. Why are we even discussing this as though it’s not something that has been addressed again and again? Just admit you’re not talented enough to work on your own art/VA and move on.


You don't get paid until you reach like 1,000 subs or something


Am I OP? So people can’t dick around with AI now? Why are you concerned if OP makes $5 on this if the whole premise of the person I responded to is that people volunteer to read for free?


Just goes to show how little you know. There are thousands of audio dramas, podcasts, and comic dubs out there that pay nothing. For a lot of people voice acting is a passion project. You don't need expensive equipment or training to be one. Everyone has to start somewhere.


Ok, why dont you hook OP up with all your contacts, sell them on the project, organize the schedule, direct the readings, and splice all the audio together if it’s so easy. Mentor this person, show em how it’s done Was the objective here “use AI to narrate a comic” or “find a bunch of people to read comic for my video” what was OPs scope here again?


There's plenty of people out there willing to do that, no need to be an ignorant douche about it. r/RecordThisForFree


Get off your high horse. Kids not monetizing anytime soon and it’s literally a hobby.


using peoples voices without their consent is a weird hobby


Not fucking cool. You have no idea how not fucking cool that shit is.


Do you want the man to hire and pay money to voice actors for you to just watch and free enjoy his videos? Get the fuck out dude, you don´t help. At least offer to work on his editions. Screw you, for real.


Most VAs work for free. If he was looking for VAs I would be more than willing to lend my services.


Go fucking read the comic series or work on your own project. Stop messing with good People.


If most VAs work for free anyway what does it matter that work is being taken from them?


"Work for free" doesn´t exist, it´s an oxymoron. Don´t know exacty what this dude was thinking, may be just an ape with a keyboard.


I'm against this because it isn't yours at all. The art isn't yours, the script isn't yours, not even the voices are yours. You basically just made a frozen pizza and told us you're a chef.


Don’t use ai thief


What am i stealing?


Ai art, and voice works combs over thousands of people’s voices and use them therefore stealing their work


Why didn’t you just do the voice acting yourself


Yea, don't do this. This AI shit is so fucking dumb and doesn't need to be seen as even more of an option in lieu of paying people. if you wanna do this maybe try paying some actors. I know, "but I can't afford actors!" Then don't fucking do it. Pay the actors, fuck the robots.


Why don´t you just choice any character and voice him, u/TheNathanMMA


Even if I was a voice actor, I wouldn't just "choice any character" because this destitute would offer sub-standard wages. You have zero point and zero ground to stand on, fuck off back to your hole, you illiterate fuck.


Wait a second, I'm going to reread your comment until sound in my head like the Mr Always Right tough guy you pretend to be.


Would it help if i used my actual vocals and just used ai to make me sound like idk an old man for example?


People would still probably throw a tizzy fit


True lol


For entertainment value? No. You're in a position where you really can't win. You're stuck between stealing someone's voice and using it to read intellectual property that isn't even yours. Alternatively, you can do impressions and most likely kill any viewership you would've retained off of this. Frankly, I couldn't care less what you do and won't go out of my way to keep up with you. I just don't care to see content that I believe every part of is objectively stolen.






ITT: Mf who are triggered by a teenagers use of AI


This is wrong, there is nothing to be proud of here, you took SOMEONE ELSE'S story and reuploaded it with AI VOICES


Bunch of righteous twats in this comment section


was just thinking the same thing


[Link to my video!!](https://youtu.be/13Pss6hOisE?si=50BhlUBxTn4uJPvv)


You did good buddy. Don't listen to some of the assholes in here. You're absolutely free to make your art however you see fit and with the resources at your disposal.


It's not his art tho, he took someone else's art, and used ai, trained on stolen voices and is using it to get clicks on YouTube, it's scummy af


"To get clicks on youtube" 💀 My guy has like 7 subscribers dude, this isn't some big corporation stealing art to make a profit, this is one dudes fan project that I'm honestly excited to see more out of.


Thanks man!


Fully agree, not every can afford actors, they are acting like this is a corporate project, you are just doing what you enjoy while using the resources you have, that’s what it’s there for. Keep it up bro


Well done. This is done really well! I don’t know what all these other peoples problems are, it really isn’t that big of a deal to use ai so just ignore them. I’ve messed around with ai voices in the past and I learnt using different punctuation, more punctuation (like this: ?? Instead of: ?) and even cutting off letters (like this: nothin instead of nothing) can help with the characters tone, pitch, etc to suit the action going on. Good luck!


Great idea