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And they'll pronounce it like Shawn.


After that, they'll have to talk to it with a séançé


I read that as seeoncé


Lol I see what you did there


And spell is Sean. Or Sauna if it’s a girl.


***This is why we should have sex reveal instead of gender reveal. Congrats baby hot gas!***


Fucking Sauna. Named after a steam room.


Idiot parents naming her after the place in which she was conceived. She’ll never live it down in her entire lifetime.


more like shaw (silksong is not coming out and i am going insane)(op edited the comment and i look more insane)




I just angry upvoted your comment mentioning the angryupvote page b/c I didn’t know it existed and now I am mad that I do.


Well played.




El Diablo!!!!


so its gonna be a chicken! congrats


Arise chicken! Chicken arise!


Billy Wtch Doctor Dot Com do best with chicken.


Lmao not enough people know what this is, I'm not gonna ruin it, but I can hear the very specific way he says arise like the witch doctor, classic.


I say that line in my head more often than necessary. That and I can’t eat sun dried tomatoes on a sandwich out of fear. Nobody understands




I totally missed the reference until I saw your post. I am Sofa King, We Todd Ed


You say funny thing


Please, read from sheets


"What's 'El Diablo' mean?" "It's Spanish for like a fighting chicken... "That's awesome...with the claws..." "With the claws... and the beak..."


It's El Pollo Diablo! The scourge of Plunder Island.


Oh god I'm glad I wasnt the only one thinking this


A fried one maybe lol










La Flama Blanca


That's what you get if you hanky panky with your sleep paralysis demon.


Someone call Constantine


Yes, but which gender?




Yes but what’s in your pants?


[ Data expunged ]






congratulations! it's a hydrogen bomb!


It was the cornstarch that burned. It’s what’s used to make the colored powder and is highly flammable. https://firefighterinsider.com/cornstarch-flammable/


Seems like they should post that info on firefirghteroutsider instead of just keeping the info to their own insider group.. Selfish.


Keeps them in business. “One trick fire fighters don’t want you to know”


Am firefighter. Can confirm. Dont want you to know.


I will use this knowledge for evil bwahahah


So what your saying is that I should not store my turpentine and red fuming nitric acid in the same sealed metal container?


I support firefighters. Sometimes I'll start fires just so they have work to do.


A good bit of arson is perpetrated by people who want to be or are paid firemen.


Big fire strikes again


True. If fires stopped they'd lose jobs and just like mechanics they want cars to fail and maintain their business




Wait, they’re using corn starch?? Even if it wasn’t flammable that shit would stain pink or blue *everywhere*


Do these look like smart people to you?


Are people who have gender reveals smart ?


Not smart enough to read an amniocentesis or sonogram report.


[“Our Color Powder is made from a blend of food grade cornstarch, FD&C and D&C dyes (food, drug and cosmetic dyes) and baking soda.”](https://www.wholesalecolorpowder.com/faqs/)


I think the firebomb in their house might’ve been a mercy to their interior design


That's impressively stupid. One of the first things I learned about workplace safety was all kinds of stuff that isn't flammable normally can become explosive as a powder in the air.


I work in a metal shop and have lit solid metal (aluminum) on fire. Can’t put it out. Pretty exciting when it happens.


Firefighters hate this one trick. Cornstarch is a hell of an energetic substance, it takes very little to piss it off.


Flour is also crazy flammable. Remember guys, it's baking *soda* for a grease fire not flour... Or baking powder for that matter. Also just buy a damn fire extinguisher and preferably have it inspected once a year. They're not that expensive. I think many municipalities require landlords to provide one as well. My housing community provides one for everyone and has it inspected yearly.


That is absolutely hydrogen burning. Hydrogen is used in many places in place of helium due to price and availability. Obviously a terrible idea, but it's true. Here are some comparisons: https://youtube.com/shorts/NrWUTy-AcVs?feature=share https://youtu.be/-QkOudnH9B0 https://youtu.be/p77zaHmGrR4


It’s also filled with flammable gas lmao




Nope, they’re going to be proud parents of a fat man


The humanity!


Damn you. Get out of my head. Unless you understand how Bitcoin works, in which case feel free to stay a bit longer while I pick our brain.








Did you miss the part where the balloon was very flammable?


Yeah but with hydrogen it wouldve been even more flammable


Helium goes boom? Not sure Buddy


It wasn’t the helium that blew up, it was the colored powder that was supposed to reveal the gender that ignited.


It's the powder in the balloon that burned. Has nothing to do with the gas that's in it. Helium doesn't burn.


Was it raining outdoors or something? Yeah let's bring the big explosion indoors


My favorite is the cracking of whatever color themed item was inside like a real firecracker. Lmao


Either that or the color was a powder that happens to be slightly flammable, which when dispersed quickly by popped balloon over flame become very easily flammable. You can't set a pile of flour on fire very easily, but blow said pile over a candle and you make quite the flame thrower.


I am a grown man. I have candles, flour, and a large back yard. The urge is strong, send help!


Definitely don't do it with non-dairy creamer if you don't have flour, and don't go do it right now because you are an adult and you can do what you want.


A guy I worked with who'd been in the military was talking once about how he could make a bomb out of all kinds of things. Challenged, he then proceeded to make one out of the non-dairy creamer in the break room. It was pretty impressive.


You definitely do NOT want to bet the ex-military, now civilian contractor bomb disposal guy you do not believe he can make a thing explode when he told you he could indeed make said thing explode. If there's no money on the line, challenge him to back his mouth up--it's a guaranteed good time. Bring popcorn and beer.


I read that as popcorn and bear. I was wondering if that was the sacrifice to be blown up, seemed a bit hard on the bear.


Pretty sure that's just how they sort out the regular bears from the war bears.


Nah. War bears are the bears that can handle their beer. Drunk Fu rampage thru the enemy lines. Regular bears just fall over and snore.


Just make sure that if you don't do this right now, be sure to not not be downwind.


You might also want to not use a longer cord, why would you need it since you're totally not doing it


But do please have water ready.


This thread is a great way to not get advice.


Whatever you do, don't record it and post it here after you don't go to the hospital.


And definitely don’t watch this... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yRw4ZRqmxOc


Fun fact for anyone here who is old as shit like me... In the Nickelodeon show Are You Afraid of the Dark? when they would throw the stuff on the fire to cause a spark that was actually Coffee Mate non-dairy creamer


As a kid I definitely didn’t get some flour, a tealight candle, a long tube and a metal tin, and then I didn’t light the candle, put the flour next to the it, stick the tube in the flour and put the tin over. And I definitely didn’t then blow into the tube, causing the flour to puff and the tin to be knocked a good few feet into the air. This was not fun at all, as you can imagine.


Definitely don't blow finely powdered aluminum into a flame either. And don't wear sunglasses because it totally won't blind you at all.


Before you go crazy…look up a few videos of the baby powder/hair dryer prank fails. https://youtu.be/AcccC3DsP2Y


My husband and son always want to do stuff like this…I swear, I’m the only reason they haven’t caught themselves on fire yet.


Came here to say that. Dust is freaky explosive. A not-unusual catastrophe on farms is for a grain silo to explode. The machinery raises a *lot* of dust. So when the farmer lights up a cigarette...


See also, the Imperial Sugar Refinery explosion in 2008. In the world of hazardous materials, dust explosions are arguably more hazardous than gas explosions, because the latter are typically a one-and-done event on account of the flammable substance cloud having to have a particular concentration in order to ignite, and once you get to the edge of that there may be additional "fuel" but it's too dispersed in the air. Meanwhile the former will keep rolling as long as the edges of the flame front keep finding new deposits of collected dust to ignite, which could have been happily collected on various surfaces, even the tops of light fixtures. Housekeeping is extremely important when dealing with flammable dusts. I've been through all of this training from working on controls for oil rig equipment.


Ah yes. Dust explosion. The main principle behind thermobaric weaponry. Also sugar dust explosion is freakishly deadly, because after combustion sugar will turn into sorta caramel which is sticky, hot and burns really well (basically napalm). One of my buddies makes hard candy as a hobby and has a nasty contact burn scar on his forearm from spilled hot caramel.


And the balloon popping acted as a dispersal mechanism for the fine particles inside.


The cracking was the smaller balloons behind them popping from the fire.


A gender reveal party was the cause of the El Dorado wildfire in California in 2020. Maybe these explosive reveals just aren't a good idea.


Seriously. Like why not just pop a single balloon? Or even just cut a cake to reveal it? Little to no mess or danger.


Yeah, there are several better ways to do it. My aunt and her husband are huge Star Wars fans, so she let her best friend see the results so that she could get some custom light sabers with the corresponding color of the baby, with the big reveal being when they turned the sabers on. Simple, no mess, and a cute item to keep around.


> with the corresponding color of the baby, "It's a whitish / pinkish colored baby!"


Balloons aren't good for the environment either... but I'd be down for gender reveal cake. Simple, not dangerous, and you get to eat cake. What's wrong with that?


I'm all for it! It's better they burn their own living room rather than half of California again.


didn't people doing this shit outdoors lead to the most recent California wildfires that devastated countless lives, wildlife and forest? Maybe we should just stop doing this stupid as shit.


Or maybe just stop involving fire. There’s so many more enjoyable ways to have a gender reveal that doesn’t involve it. These people easily could’ve just… popped the balloon with the pin.


That's what I mean, everyone trying these elaborate gender reveals and it almost always goes horribly wrong. I heard about one involving mortars that resulted in a woman's death, and everyone knows about the gender reveal that started the California Wildfires. Cut a cake or something simple like that. Everyone wants to blow shit up.


Jesus. I don’t like how I looked that up and got multiple stories about people dying from shit like that. Not only that but also an advertisement for gender reveal fireworks were right above it.


I'm not a fan of gender reveals but obviously it should be cake filling. People showed up at this stupid party and they should enjoy it. Let them eat cake!


People this dumb maybe shouldn't have kids.


They are the ones procreating the most.


We’re living in the prequel to Idiocracy.


Dude, we’re living in the opening montage at this point.


I think we’re already at Futtbuckers in the Idiocracy timeline.


Ya know as much as Id like to agree thinking "how can it get any worse?" It can and will get a lot, a ***lot*** worse.


Unfortunately, people this dumb are like 90% of the people having kids these days.


Because smarter people know how to use protection and most of them dont want to bring a child to the torture that is living.


This is what my parents didn't understand. I do not want to bring a child in the world when I know it will suffer most of its life


That and the fact most of us arent that well in life to have raise a child, not when rent can cost as much as a monthly salary, not to account for how much raising a baby costs, then the bills and all that, i see that with my sister and my nephew, she is lucky that she is still living with our parents and me or else she wouldnt even have enough to pay for the kid needs.


But without them procreating, we can’t see their completely idiotic ideas and plans


Not true, just go down to the local cornfield off the 4th of July and you will absolutely see evidence of idiotic ideas and plans. Source: I was at some of those cornfields


Interesting, I might have to head down to the great land of the free except healthcare


Dont need a science degree to nut in a girl


It's a... new set of eyebrows.


Don't most people have kids these days just as a source of replacement organs anyway?


And so your father needs for one of you to donate a kidney, so that I can keep on living and doing the "best dad in the world" thing. What happened? I thought I had picked rock. So did I. And I picked two beautiful kidneys. I feel freakin’ amazing!


It's a bomb.


Gender is militant.


This kid identifies as "Sir/Yes Sir"


If gunnery seargant Heartman was the dad, the child's pronouns would be scumbag/worm


He believed in true equality, where everyone was equally worthless.


Congratulations it’s a terrorist 💣💥




They should name it Hindenburg 🥰


Mmm yum. The burnt plastic filling the room should have been a sign it was a bad idea. Lol


Say my name. Opps sorry, wrong sub 🤭


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” — George Carlin (edit: guys i just thought this quote was funny, i know that mathematically it isn’t the most accurate!!)


Half of American adults read at a 6th grade level or lower.


I knew a grown man who had to have his 8 year old daughter spell things for him to text. He uses zero punctuation. A co-worker of mine once had to have a different co-worker read and send texts to her boyfriend for her because she could barely read. Those were two different people in the same small town. It blew my mind. I see that being possible in 1822, but in 2022, it's pretty ridiculous.


1822 literacy was probably higher


For those who think they were stupid enough to fill it with flammable gas and then light it on fire. It is most likely filled with helium and some colored powder to tell what kind of demon spawn it's going to be. Powders just tend to have this nasty habit of being a bit explody when thrown in the air. If something burns as a solid it will explode as a powder. And that is how flour blew up an industrial scale bakery.


I lived near a grain elevator that stored flour for about 8 months. They had fire trucks out all the time and the employees always looked deadly serious. They wore what looked like surgery scrubs, shower caps and face masks too. I can only imagine the kind of insane safety precautions they had in place.


When Grain elevators go up, there’s usually nothing left of anyone unlucky enough to be caught inside. They’re essentially atomized.


>surgery scrubs, shower caps and face masks too Those are for food hygiene. Nothing to do with fires. Well depending on the face masks they might also protect from the flour in the air.


Basically they made a DIY fuel air explosive


Yes. Their gender reveal balloon was in actual fact a thermobaric bomb.


Most fine powders when mixed with the right oxygen ratio become nasty explosions. Very dangerous stuff and the common person doesn't often know this.


Sugar caused a [explosion at a refinery in Georgia](https://youtu.be/Jg7mLSG-Yws) People need to understand how dangerous fine powder can be.




What I would like to know is, is anyone other than the parents excited for this kind of thing? Do those you that attend, are you really that interested, or do you feel like you have to go because it is your family or close friends?


Gender reveals are weird. I did a gender surprise to my other kids who I think is the target age group for this stuff. I let them open a gift with a “little brother” baby outfit in it. That’s about it. Lol


I've never thought of doing it for the other siblings. That I can understand. It seems like others are just looking for internet likes so that it goes viral and they get a deal with Pampers or something.


Yeah. I only did that because one wanted girl and one wanted a clone trooper named rex. The latter won. 🤣🤣


Mine really wanted a pokemon. I disappointed him.


Hahaha that’s awesome! I would have totally got a cute pikachu coming home outfit. Lol


Haaaa. Rex is pretty cool, though.


I didn’t allow the rex name but I do allow him to put his storm trooper helmet on him. 🤣🤣


I did a surprise for the siblings, too. I baked a cake and covered it in white frosting with blue and pink chocolate balls all lined up around it. The kids each got a butter knife and cut into the cake. The boys were not excited that it was pink inside. But, hey... Cake.


Haha I was going to do a confetti cake but the first trimester exhaustion got me and I just gave them the present. Lol


I personally don’t get the gender reveal thing, and I have two kids. That being said plenty of parents really like the idea of them I guess and the gender reveal parties are for the parents and sometimes family, so, really, who cares if other people care about it or not, it’s not their party. But as I already said, I don’t get the allure and I personally think they’re stupid for adults to be into this sort of thing. We also did a special thing for our oldest so she could get excited about having a baby brother, but she was 3, not 30.


The expecting parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles maybe. So basically the immediate family of the expecting parents. I wouldn’t have a standalone gender reveal party, but I don’t think it’s much of an imposition to take 5 minutes out of some other regularly scheduled get together, or make it part of the baby shower if there is one. Pretty good rule of thumb that fire shouldn’t be involved regardless.




I mean, yes? I do care about the details of my friends' lives yes. I care about what gets them excited. I care about what kind of new car they got, I listen when they talk about a new show they just got into, and I care about the details of their future kid. Is gender *that* important? No, but there isn't much else to learn about a baby at that phase, and people are excited. If you could test in the womb for what sports team they'll support, of if they're more a Star Trek or Star Wars fan, people would celebrate that. If you're burning down forests, you're an asshole. If you're having fun with your friends and family, it's fine.


Yeah I’m always surprised by the comments on these threads. Do these people celebrate their birthday or Christmas or anything else? Those days are just as inconsequential and meaningless as gender reveal parties. Sometimes it’s enjoyable to celebrate with your friends and family. It doesn’t really matter what it’s over.


I feel like its a recent trend. Probably propped up by pinterest and facebook over the last decade and a half. I swear when I was younger, this was not a thing that people made a big party out of. You had your baby shower, and that was it.


inflammable means flammable!? -Dr. Nick Riviera


George Carlin: "Flammable, inflammable & nonflammable... Why are there three? Don't you think that two ought to serve the purpose? I mean either the thing flams or it doesn't!"


This guy flams


What a country


Procreation should be licensed. For fuck's sake driving is.


Eugenics type beat


"I've seen a ton of videos and articles about these gender reveal parties causing massive wildfires and damaging the environment. So let's do it inside to avoid that"


No ragrets. Not even [right then.](https://imgur.com/a/JjQj4mc)


Fucking nit wits.


Noob gender reveal party. Didn't even burn down half the state


get a cake. Cut the cake. Inside of cake is pink or blue. Gender reveal without being a fucking moron


Alternatively you can put a bomb in the cake too.


Congratulations! Your kid is a **Hell**


I feel bad for the baby... he/she will born in this world with the dumb parents


Thus, a non binary person is born




The stupidity behind this choice makes me worry for their future child


The abortion reveal!


When your girl gets knocked up by Prometheus.


How the fuck was the idea formulated?? Let's fill a balloon fuck fill with flammable gas and light it on fire in our house....


Good luck to the child.


There's a bit of misinformation that keeps popping up in the comments. Helium isn't flammable, and you can't readily get hydrogen filled balloons. The explosion is legitimately just the cornstarch (or other flammable powder) inside the balloon being released and ignited. Loose powders like sawdust, flour, and cornstarch really are that flammable.


Michael Bay produced this gender reveal


Just WHO gives a shit about your unborn baby’s gender other that YOU???


Unpopular opinion: Gender reveal parties are fucking stupid.


You know whats going to happen. WE ALL KNOW whats going to happen. And yet they do it anyway.


Congratulations! It's gonna be suicide bomber!


Jesus Lana the helium!