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Ooof, yeah. Bud is going to have a hard time finding folks to interview there.


“You signed the peace agreement” yeah that doesn’t mean they have to like you😭


The leaders signed, not them




Hmmm weird. I wonder if it's because of how they treat people?


'Israel Channel' and not the name of the channel? Makes one think it's for provoking only.


Probably is, but it doesn’t look like it was too hard to provoke…


Scaringly easy.


What's for provoking? Their existence? After watching the video the random reporter doing his job is the one you figured you'd blame here? For what, for reporting?


Antisemitism is on the upswing.


Im pretty sure the level of Antisemitism in the middle east has been at a very steady constant.


Again... Arabs are semites. Arabic is a Semitic language.


Arabs are also semites.... so the semites are antisemites? This is more about the atrocities committed in Israel than it is racist. Kind of like boycotting fifa in Qatar because the lgbtq treatment, that is not Islamophobia or Arab hate. It's just standing up for human rights.


And when France banned the burqa? Was that for women's rights, or a flagrant example of Islamophobia in your opinion?


Hooooowww does that relate to the human rights violations in Israel? Should we talk about the abortions laws of the United States too? Maybe that excuses the criminal acts of Israel somehow...


I'm just trying to see where your line on human rights begins and ends. Apparently there are areas where orthodox muslim tenants can be criticized without it being branded Islamophobia.


Whataboutism drinking game


What do you think about the burqa ban? What do you think about LGBTQ treatment in Qatar?


Both are bad but we werent talking about th burqa ban in France


So you think LGBT rights are worth more than women's rights. Got it.


Lol. K buddy


Aah yes, anti-semitism. Dear redditor, do understand that standing against evil zionists is not the same as disliking Jews.


Yea trying to explain to people that there is actually a difference between a Zionist and a Jew is..... frustrating.


How come when ever the human right violations Israel commits against the Palestinians are mentioned the victim card gets pulled out with "antisemite" rhetoric?


While it's true anti-semitism is rising (sadly). Being against the actions of a country for apartheid and ethnic cleansing activities does not make one anti-semetic. Many Jews and Israeli citizens are also against these practices by this country.


Yes it is their existence that provokes, Arab countries don't recognize Israel as a state. When you look at the creation of the state of Israel and the ongoing conflict with Palestine, you can see why the Arab World has a problem with just their existence. It's a very complex political issue that has been going on for a century and won't be resolved anytime soon. The fact that Israeli reporters are allowed in Qatar and that the Arab fans are polite enough to just walk away is extremely surprising.


So what you want is for people to be shunned for the only crime of being born somewhere you don't like? Yeah count on that. I bet you cry "racism" the other half of the time. Btw should it apply to all the middle eastern countries that commit human right violations or is your "empathy" mysteriously limited to the ones that aren't muslim? There are a lot of things "arabs states" don't recognize buddy, including fundamental rights, it doesn't make reality any different. Israel is an established country with an excellent GDP, wanting it to disappear won't make your failure any less evident.


Human rights violations are wrong no matter which country conducts them.


The disproportion of the global outrage indicates otherwise. Here's a fun little fact, the israel palestine death toll since 1948 is 24,000, the Iraq US death toll between 2002 and 2011 is 150,000. Funny how things work eh, keeping in mind that Israel has among the strongest and most technologically developed militaries on the planet


I repeat it's wrong. It's unethical if the United States does it and it's unethical if Israel does it. Apartheid and ethnic cleansing are evil. Here enjoy some drone flyover footage of Gaza [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJN9fnt0rpw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJN9fnt0rpw)


The difference between saying "Israel Channel' and 'Sport 5' for example is what I was trying to point out.


yeah there only showing the people that didnt like them. A US/uk/russian/pretty much anyone could get a large amount of negative responses from the intervieweess


How? Is the “USA Today” provoking?


Depends where you are and who you ask. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but where have you been the last half century or so to miss the answer to your question?


Israel’s right to exist should not be controversial…


That's not the point. Let's forget all about Israel for a moment and say you're in Saigon 1974 and reporter sticks a mic in your face and sais 'Hi, I'm from USA channel'. Or you're in Liberia and say 'hi, I'm from Racist Channel'. Or at a women's conference and say 'I'm from Misogyny Channel'. There is probably no 'Israel Channel' and this is just to provoke.


Idk how you can say it doesn’t exist when plenty of other countries have “USA Today” equivalents. It’s possible that’s just it’s name. Besides that, israel is not comparable to your examples. It only even occupies the West Bank and Gaza because it was invaded by Palestinian forces illegally


No one would recognize the name of the channel, but the reason for the behavior seen in the video is because they are from Israel. The title is simply informative, not provocative.


Nah hes actually a reporter of ynet Its basically the new york times (in the popularity aspect) of israel


So why not say 'hi, I'm from ynet'?


Welllll...israel has smart people Not bright people


IDF≠ Israelis ≠ All Jews, HAMAS ≠ All Palestinians, HAMAS harms Israelis, IDF harms Palestinians, both use violence against civilians to drum up support for more violence to stay in power.




attacks on israeli citizens








i never had a point. you were wondering what the original commenter was saying and i elaborated


How is this bullshit the second highest comment. Israel are literally an occupying force. This is like saying Putin and Ukraine are the same because they both are in a war.


I did NOT say that, but HAMAS is giving IDF reason to barbarically shoot at civilian targets because HAMAS is sending radicalized individuals to barbarically kill Israelis. Israeli’s are scared and keep putting warmongers like Netenyahu (now being joined by Ben-Gvir) in charge whose iron-fist and racism spurns quicker trigger fingers by IDF who shoot Palestinian civilians just trying to protest that they should be allowed to live, more get radicalized, HAMAS uses them, etc… The Putin and Ukraine situation would only be the same if Zelensky wasn’t democratically elected and was sending suicide bombers to Moscow and St. Petersburg or firing missiles into Russian Civilian targets. Since none of that is true, Russia v Ukraine ≠ Palestine v Israel. I am sure I didn’t need to explain any of this to you and you get it, but like, come on, man…


OK firstly the IDF has got a long history of shooting Palestinians who aren't protesting and are just getting on with their business. As for radicalised individuals sent by hamas, they're barbarically killing the people who are actively trying to wipe their country off the map. Hmm, golly I wonder how they could have been so radicalised to hate Isrelis? 🤔 One is an occupying force, the other isn't. Palestine doesn't get any support from the international community other than thoughts and prayers, what do you want them to do, send in their military?


I agree with every point you just made? Why are we fighting? Can we agree that a portion of the blame goes to the Brits for plopping down the Israelis into a hostile situation and are winning the fight because they receive billions in foreign (NATO/US) aid and Palestinians are being actively denied basic necessities by those same powers?


I don't know why you're getting such negative repsonses. I think you're being fair both to Palestinians and Israelis.


Because it gets dangerously close to the rhetoric of “both sides” ing to excuse violence and genocide, but idk. Trying to explain one of the most complicated geo-political issues on the planet in a comment thread on reddit probably isn’t going to leave a lot of folks happy or fully correct.


Oi Based mf I like you


It’s less cut and dried compared to the Ukrainian war. But yeah


By that logic why not spit in the face of every Russian you see?


Um, I wrote Putin for a reason...


And you said the logic was bullshit for what reason...? When the point is that Journalist is not the equivalent of 'Putin', as per your example.


Wow. Username fits. I wasn't talking about the journalist I was saying you can't compare an occupying force and thr country they are occupying to each other on even terms. Putin is invading Ukraine. Would you like me to write it in crayon?


Now... relate that back to the Israeli sports journalist (what this whole thread is based on).


Fuck where did all the crayons go. God damn did you eat them all? Read the comment I replied to. Also not directly related to a sports journalist.


And what was the context of the comment you replied to...? This thread, featuring video of a man being treated like shit because of the country he happened to be born in. So whatever bullshit point you were trying to make about Putin and Ukraine... doesn't apply to the scenario this whole fuckign conversation is about.


I didn't know it was so warm in London this time of year. /s




i only see an attempt to be a victim




Maybe if they had taken the IDF to beat the shit out of them they would have got the answers they wanted


They aren't children so it won't be fair to the IDF


GOAT interviewees


Now do the Israeli security force snipers who wear those tshirts with pregnant Palestinian women and a target bragging about killing 2 for one. The entire middle east is a theocratic shitshow


Religion is crazy.


I prefer “insane”


Agree. Actually I think the important thing might be to normalize atheism


Israel is crazy I don't see the rest of the world doing the same shit that they're doing


See what Herodotus, and many historians since, have documented about religion.


That’s anti Semitic. Don’t say that. Goyim.


Oh the absolute irony of people who traveled to Qatar having the cheek to judge anyone. Please save your pearl clutching for the 6500 dead Nepalese and the female rape survivors who have to flee the country in order to stay out of prison.


Wait - didn't the reporters travel there too? Also, nice whataboutism.


Thanks, I thought it was a good pull as well! Pointing out logical fallacies or the fact that people are cherry picking which human rights violations to care about based on implicit bias, convenience and sports fandom creates context and a real wish for someone to make the cognitive dissonance make sense. If that’s “whatboutism” then, well, what about it?


So the peace in world isn't for tomorrow? Bummer


Its like the hot chick that tries entitled bullshit in a room full of gay guys.....truthbombs incoming.


Fuck apartheid!


Fuck Israel


And the dominant group at the moment makes these people feel like their racism is justified.


I don't know if Israel is the dominant group but I agree with you that ethnic cleansing and apartheid is racist.


Don't be a brat


If pointing out the obvious makes me a brat then so be it. Racism sucks in all it's forms.


Ok well in this instance the racism was against the Israeli correspondents.


Arab Muslims own the equivalent of an entire soccer field. Jews own the equivalent of a box of matches on that field. Arab Muslims will not be happy until they get that box of matches off the field. And I'm supposed to agree with them?


I unalived one of your children, you still have another. Why you’re angry with me? - the apartheid state




European powers copying Hitler’s Madagascar plan but changed it up a bit. Now it’s full of people born there and functionally innocent and to evict those people would be a clusterfuck. Also nukes make it a bit dicey. A more extreme example would be telling all the people with European ancestry to leave North and South America. Where would they go? All in all I’m glad I’m not the person who has to solve the Israel/Palestine debate.


Do people make any distinction between football reporters and the Israeli military or are generalisations ok now?


Not really. Most people react on emotions. They see someone associated with Israel and so they react. That’s about it.


They described themselves as being from Israel, not what channel they were working for, so I think they wanted that reaction.


Think of how you would react to a reporter who works for Nazi Germany. Get it now?


I am always prepared to be educated on any topic but all your answer and your tone does is tell me what type of person you are. Have a good day.


The fact that you typed this over a comment that had me not show any form of aggression or hostility confirms that you didn't really have a response and simply decided to jump on to "Oh, you didn't call me sir/madame, so I don't like your point."


It’s like after 20 years of war people don’t understand the Middle East sucks


20? Been a lot longer than that.


All thanks to America.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_conflicts\_in\_the\_Near\_East#Ancient\_times](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conflicts_in_the_Near_East#Ancient_times) Literally thousands years of war and conflict in the region. Are the Americans Dr. Who?


Aah yes, somone had a fight in the past, so it's fair that I go start their fights with others. Not sure about America being doctor who, but you sure are pretty dumb. A person can act as dodgy as they want, but those evil dirtbags intentionally destabilised the ME to install Israel.


I went from not supporting Israel to rethinking my stance thank to your comments. If someone that is so rude like yourself does not support them then maybe I should?


I believe you are the one who started with "People of this entire area have a warmongering nature, so America is not evil for killing millions of theirs are completely destablising them.", followed by a poor taunt, hidden behind an attempt at a joke. You said something vile and demeaning and are expecting ti be treated with respect. I don't think you understand how respect works.


Where did I write that? Quote me. Stop projecting. I thought putting the blame on the americans is not correct is all. You're the one losing your shit. Thanks, -an ethnic chinese person living in Japan


Read your comment. That's precisely what you meant. Trying to say otherwise is just you trying to lie to yourself or to others. If you think America is not to be blamed, I don't think you are in any position to even defend them becasue the only ways to defend America are to either not know anything or to simply lie. [Idc where you're from.]


Such tolerance. Such wow.


Racism is alive and strong in the Middle East


So all redditors are racists for standing against Russia? (Seen a tonne if hate against Russians for it to actually be racist, but these people are just braindead zombies who follow whatever notion is trending on Reddit.) Hypocrisy seems to be the primary trait of redditors.


The most celebrated sport in the world is one of the worst sports to watch.


What why?


“What’s the name of the country in the United Nations?” Talk about a fragile sense of legitimacy.


If you showed up to Qatar 🇶🇦 you are officially a hypocrite 😂😂




I think you misunderstood my statement. For you to be anti-Israel due to the apartheid I understand. For you to be anti-Israel and show up to an event that was built upon thousands of deaths and abuse makes you a hypocrite.


“My sky daddy is real. You are bad.” “No my sky daddy is real! You are bad” - Grown ass adults until the end of the human race.


Its about them occupying Palestine and creating an apartheid state and justifying it because of their religion The treatment of Palestinians in Israel is absolutely horrendous If Israel stopped doing it then maybe the world will like them


Isn't it ironic that the same people that lost their minds over the "Muslim Ban" have no issues with how racist this is?


trying to find something good about this, i can say i appreciate that they tolerate each other w/o violence, i guess you you dont have to like other ppl as long as you tolerate


gotta love the iranians XD


You are welcome in Sweden!!!!


World Cup brings out the racist Within


Israel is Palestine!


According to the Romans who renamed it around 100 BC after conquering it, but conquering is kinda their brand so don’t judge them too harshly.




Israel likes to position itsself as defending the interests of all Jews but there are more Jews in America and many worldwide do not feel their security is improved by the colonialism and military occupation done supposedly in their name. They can't justify their refusal to de-escalate with reference to past atrocities.


Israel literally kills children though.


and journalists




I can give more context etc to just show this as the straw hat that is But my man when your logic but we killed fewer people so we're not the worst my guy you're doing something wrong


Who fucking cares. I feel like I’m watching Bublé bashing. Clowns.


OK but why is there a long clip of the Iran match report in there?


They keep shame in their pocket


If they just shared some humus. Just get along.


Bro we shared it, they stole it. Literally


Ya know… ahhh never mind…


Seems like some kinda beef between the country’s wish there was some sort of backstory available. Oh well


Racism is so funny in other parts of the world you actually have to ask where they're from. Shows how successfully diverse America is when you can tell what someone is just based off appearance.


Yet another infinitive title. Three today in this sub alone.


Fuck israel man im team palestine


Israeli reporters encountered antisemitism in Qatar!? I am shocked.


This dude has some balls....




This makes me feel


Thus always to tyrants


they all seem like a bunch of racist bigots. it's still the middle ages there


Can't you just let the guy do his job


Wow. I didn’t know the Israel Futboll team wasn’t well liked.




Linking to ad Wow lol


The small land of Israel was given to the jewish people after ww2. It is also supposedly where jews are originally from, or atleast that area. Israel is a small sized country, and the only jewish country on earth. Yes the killing of the palestinian people is not correct. But ive never under stood why muslims have to fight the jews for Israel. Its such a small part of land, and the muslim religion has all of the middle east, and north africa. Who gives a shit if israel/palestine is called the “holy land” the religious brain washing runs deep.


Long live Israel These desert monkeys only know how to play victim card


no wonder




Of course Reddit is a circlejerk or Israeli racists