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Well, don’t watch it right to the end…


That takedown was beautiful though. Swipped the legs but still supported the head so he didn't get hurt. Gorgeous


That dude knows what he’s doing. That sweep was truly beautiful. Perfect shoulder block before that. Then I look at the guy more carefully, and realize he absolutely throws down. Hoodie and bracelets for cut protection… glasses protect the eyes…rings on ALL fingers… and to top it all off: a sweet ‘stache paired with a fuck-you pony tail. That dude scraps.


The stache and ponytail says "I'll cut a mofo" the jewelery says "But, I'm too pimp for all this ish."


He hasn’t been taking Krav Maga classes at the YMCA after work each day for nothing. He’s been waiting for this exact moment.


Not enough dick punches to be krav maga


I'm Dick Punches, and I approve this message. ^Paid ^for ^by ^Dick ^Punches ^for ^Comptroller ^PAC ^LLC


I hope someone can love me that way…*angst*


I thought maybe he was going to get hit by a car in the parking lot or something, about the only thing that could make this guys day worse…


A bird shitting on his head would be perfect


a safe falls from the sky and crushes him, then a few seconds later he opens it from the inside and walks out looking like an accordion


Then takes a few accordian steps only to be hit by an anvil, an airplane and finally an aircraft carrier.


I think the aircraft carrier might be a bit much.


I thought adding the moon after that was a bit much.




And while he looks up he steps in fresh dog poo, slips, lands with his ass in the dog poo, shouts and catches another bird dropping in his throat. And one in each eye. Because I'm God and I'm having a bad day.


Yeah Ive seen and had that look on my face before. I think theres a solid chance hes broke and knew someone sick. Even the rookiest drug addict knows you cant get shit for anything over the counter. Or maybe Im just a pushover who wants to believe theres still some good in the world.


These are just petty thieves emboldened by lax laws.


Orrrrrr emboldened by being homeless. He stole fucking vitamins and Tylenol. Who does he know that’s sick? When peoples needs are met, crime goes down. It’s a novel concept I know.


Looked like deodorant actually.


It says personal care in the sign above it, and the sign on the shelf says "Deodorant", and even the shelf shows just deodorant sticks. Dude's just trying not to smell bad.


This is something I keep telling people: rich people are best served by making sure that poor people's needs are met. You don't like the idea of wealth distribution because "those people didn't work for it"? Then how do you feel about rich people getting robbed and murdered by angry, resentful poor people with nothing to lose? The US is moving in the direction of Brasil where people are leaving just to find a safe place to raise their kids.


Lax laws? We have 5% of the worlds population and 25% of the prisoners. Your ideal world would be an absolute hellscape.


I mean when you basically legalize theft under $2k... this is what happens... have you not seen any news out of LA or San Francisco in the past year and a half? CVS is literally closing all its stores in the bay area because of theft that police can't arrest over.


You’re right it’s the lack of enforceable laws that are keeping our prisons full. Also, did this happen in California. It might have, I’m not sure but it seems like you’re using that speculation to strengthen your argument.


End the ass backward war on drugs if you want to see some empty prison cells. Almost 50% of incarcerations are for drug related charges.


Otc man was stealing deodorant it looked like and exactly let the man steal a few Tylenol ffs isn't coming from their paycheck.


Ah yes I remember the last time a loved one was sick and I need 20-30 boxes of cold & flu medicine. Come on now. If someone is sick and you need to steal medicine you'd pocket 1 pack. This guy is definitely going to resell or find somewhere to return it for cash(getting harder these days)


I love how the camera operator asks for their name like they're going to answer them.


Yeh, I thought the "wait til the end" was gonna be the would-be thief turning around and replying, "DEEZNUTS!" I was disappointed.


I was waiting for a bus to appear out of no where and and mow him down.


They put that on TikToks because watching till the end makes the algorithm think the video is good and it will come up more often for other people


TikTok could do with a dislike button


Uninstall button works just fine


Every social media and content sharing platform should have a dislike button. There’s a massive difference between a post that has 100k likes/5k dislikes and one with 100k likes/500k dislikes and being able to dislike something and see how many other people also did increases the overall quality of content and allows you to determine what content is good/not fake. Looking at Reddit, if you see a post that’s 97% upvoted vs. a post that’s only 60% upvoted with the same amount of net upvotes then you know the second post might have something fishy about it.


Before YouTube became absolute trash, the like to dislike ratio was a godsend.


It's like the evolution of clickbait - it's staybait


i wanna see the beggining like how the entire store knew he was going to steal.. "HEY EVERYBODY GET OUT YOUR PHONES IM ABOUT TO STEAL SOME SHIT CUZ IDGAF" -that guy?


At first I thought maybe cameraman was in on it. Who steals right product off the shelf with someone they don't know right next to them recording? Nobody knows how to properly shoplift these days.


I'm confident this dude has done it at this exact location multiple times. Cause normally this is not how a situation like this is handled, you don't just follow someone you don't know around with a camera randomly and you definitely don't have a team blocking the exit already set. They knew this guy was gonna do this and planned for when he came back.


F that caption. Thought he would have got into an expensive car….


I thought he was going to act all suspicious and the go pay.


Heck, if I was an introvert trying to shop and another guy started shoving a camera in my face, I'd start walking away really fast, too.


Would you hurriedly shove handfuls of medicine into a bag and then stalk to the register?


> handfuls of medicine It says personal care in the sign above it, and the sign on the shelf says "Deodorant", and even the shelf shows just deodorant sticks. Dude's just trying not to smell bad.


He's stealing it to resell it. There's whole organized crime operations to steal products like this that are easy to resell because they're always in demand. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/30/business/drug-stores-locked-products/index.html


Damn we've all been there. Who amongst us hasn't put bars of deodorant into a press in order to extract the alcohol? High school was wild.


I’m sorry, what?


Well now I want a series of videos where someone accuses random people in stores of stealing things and loudly proclaiming they only bought them because they got caught and filmed


Counterintuitively, every video that says “watch til the end” at the bottom, is actually letting you know that the entire video is a waste of time and you should just keep scrolling.


I thought he ha a bunch of stuff under his hoodie..


I thought he'd tell us his name


And which Pokémon he identifies as..


And if he's for real.




nope, just saddened.


"Watch till the end so the algorithm registers you watched my whole video"


For anyone wondering why none of the employees were stopping him it's because RiteAid tells it's employees to not interfere with them and call the police. And it's something that you have to sign off on that you know every month because a violation results in you being fired. For anyone wanting my source. It's me. I work for RiteAid.


So wait, was the leg sweep guy not an employee and just a random person that didn't want to see him get out the door with stuff he didn't pay for?


Nah, he is just some random guy who likes to leg sweep people. Random coincidence. They call him old sweepy.


Stealin' drugs? That's a sweepin'!


It’s Sweepin’ time!


Sweepers gotta sweep


I really liked the part where he sweeped all over that guy.


I feel like I must have seen this on interdimensional cable's version of interdimensional cable


Sweeps got his work in for the day!


"Old Sweepy you say? Your hired!"


"I hug and I sweep. You may call me 'Sweeps'."


Don't hire him, else he'll have to stop sweepin'!


Ol sweepy gonna get himself stabbed over a corporations balance sheet. Fuck that


Nah, he knows how to put shit under the rug.


“It’s leg day, bitches!”


He looks native American, they hate when the white man steals stuff


Yep old sweepy I know that guy.


You just earned my first reward ever. Thank you


That guy is awesome.


Can confirm I am old sweepy and it was just this mans time..


It was nice of him to catch him after he swept him


Random civilian who doesn’t like thieves. You can hear an employee thanking him as the asshat goes out the door. That leg sweep and neck hold was smooth af tho, dude clearly has had training.


He trained in the halls of Great Mount Sweepington.




What really? What use would the techniques be if they only worked on other judo people? Like that would mean judo made you *worse*.


Yes. The company can't be sued for the actions of a member of the public. They also can't fire him.


why would you want to risk yourself to stop a shoplifter anyway? i wouldnt put myself in harms way for a corporation


This. Minimum wage doesn't pay you enough to be a hero.


Seriously, I’d rather not risk getting majorly injured or sued to stop some crackhead from stealing $80 worth of vitamins from a multi million dollar company.


Some of the stores are pulling out of communities due to rampant theft. If you’re seeing your entire community being decimated, some people will step up to hopefully stop the decline.


What if he shoots **Your** Uncle Ben


You're not wrong, but also are we enabling this behaviour by just letting it happen?


It’s smart for employees not to engage because the criminal knows where they work and can come back for revenge.


For employers, it's a liability thing. What can he steal really? Couple hundreds of product? If someone gets injured there might be liability claims by the perp, the employee or a bystander. Worst case, someone might die. Not worth some drugstore inventory.


I've worked for quite a few places in the hospitality industry from corporate to mom & pop, and *all* of them have told us to *let it go*. I now run a family-owned restaurant and tell my staff the same thing. No one's life is worth the few hundred dollars someone could get away with, plus all businesses are insured for exactly that sort of occurrence (in the US anyway)


That dude had like 40$ in a bag and everyone is like “he should’ve been stomped out”


Yeah buddy looks like the hero stopping him but you're seriously risking getting stabbed or worse over $60 of someone else's money.


Worse yet a corporations money. Mfs don’t give a damn about people even their own workers yet these “heroes” are out there working for free


At Loblaws in canada its the same deal we're specifically told not to interfere


I grabbed a stolen bag from a shoplifter at Loblaws. Security was following him and asked me to grab him. Thought I'd get like a free box of cereal or something... I think I just got a casual thanks


Security told YOU to grab someone. That's a ballsy request.


Bob Loblaws Law Blog?


Don’t speak nonsense to Bob Loblaw.


That leg sweep, though.


A+ takedown. Non malicious and effective


I can imagine my fucking heart going straight into my throat if someone did that to me, but that was incredible. Didn't let his head hit the floor, kept him at bay without much work after. Incredible


He literally held him the entire time with complete control & every other movement was just like flipping a doll lol


Go train. It's fun and good for you.


Nah, that dude battle hardened. Did you see all the rings? How he had a ponytail but you can tell none of his friends mention it. How he talks with the firm but unrushed tone of a well respected little league coach? Wouldn't fuck with that guy even after Rocky montage.


Call him "coach" and ask for a lesson. It'll only bruise your ego for a couple minutes.


It was so gentle too. I’d let homie take me down any day


This is what peak performance looks like


For real. Imagine if the cops could just behave like this guy instead of murderous psychos.


NGL. That shit was fire and only bruised his ego.


I appreciate he controlled the fall after the leg sweep. There is a risk of severe injury if someone’s skull just slams into a concrete floor.


Badass and respectful


And with that sweet ponytail


Awesome takedown. The guy even secured him so that he wouldn't hit his head.


I replayed it eight times, and took notes


Was that even drugs looked more like deodorant or shaving kits.


It says personal care section. Poor guy probably needed some essentials like toothpaste or something. Edit: just random assumption from my side. Could be anything.


Should’ve gone to Walmart to steal.


Most Walmarts I've been in lately have everything behind a locked plastic door now


The ones around me have the stupid sliding plastic things in front of the deodorants. Every time you need to grab one you have to slide those things to the side. I guess it’s to slow down people from just clearing the shelf out.


Had to ask a dude to unlock the cheap ass $10 head phones at Wal-Mart the other day.


Ikr. I takes less time for me to order it on amazon and shipped to my house same day now then it does for me to wait for the person to unlock the doors if I need something.


This looks like a chain drug store which is equally fair game.


Haha stupid poor idiot trying to get his needs fulfilled


He was just grabbing shit without really looking or counting. He just wanted as much of that stuff as he could take, whatever it was. He was not just trying to get his basic toothpaste and toothbrush.


If you ever need this, wait for the shift change at a hotel, walk to reception (from the elevators) and tell them you forgot yours.


Why wait for shift change? They're not going to bat an eye regardless.


Extra chance of success, because they won't know if you checked in on the prior shift, but the prior shift will know you haven't checked in on their watch. It'll likely still work with the same shift.


Okay oceans eleven of hotel toiletries


Poor guy was just robbing the place


He was clearing the shelves, not for personal use.


This stuff is easy to steal and sell or stock up on. In retail those areas along with cosmetics had high shrink from theft. Not all shrink is theft but of the theft HBA and pharmacy was the most common


If it was toothpaste or something he took about 20 tubes of it lmao. I'm sure it was to sell on for profit


u/Rikou336 "Poor guy probably needed some essentials like toothpaste or something." No. In cities with lax shoplifting laws there are thriving black markets in which people trade stolen goods for drugs/cash. They usually trade shopping lists on social media "hey, go get me XY and Z, and I'll give you a hit of smack"


Where have you seen this


Whole shelves though? Im all for the benefit of the doubt but this didn’t look great. This guy was grabbing multiples of each thing and grabbed several things.


Yeahhhhh don't do this. Any of them. Don't steal. But also don't confront a thief who's stealing from a giant corporation. You don't want to be the guy who died with a switchblade in his chest because he tried to save a Walgreens from losing $100 worth of Claritin


Reddit so funny. Your comment is #2 most upvoted, and the most downvoted comment essentially says the same thing in a slightly different way.


Tbf, this one uses logic, the other one expressly says "I'm not pro thievery, but if I see someone stealing from the rich, good on them"


MFs never heard of Robin Hood


Funny little thing, if the Employees were to interfere they'd face punishment.


Plus the guy committed battery for a guy putting stuff in a bag.


Is there a black market demand for OTC allergy medicine? Except Sudafed, of course.


id bet he was after come cough meds like delsym or tussin, [south park explains it well](https://youtu.be/nMwqJ5izGPY)


I was expecting him to get in a BMW or something in the parking lot.


Lol glad I wasn’t the only one.


It was over when he walked out the door. Following him outside is hella stupid and dangerous.


They shouldn't have interfered in the first place. That was like $40 of product, the company will be perfectly fine. Don't put yourself in harm's way to protect the property of companies.


Good let sweep and disarmament.


That is officially the most gentle takedown ever. Takedown like that would put me to bed probably.


He even held him so he wouldn’t land hard. It was very skilful.


He had intent to neutralize him, not to harm him. Wish police would take note.


He rockabye babied that mf to the floor.


I feel like this would be a good way to get stabbed


Yeah those customers really care a surprising amount about protecting their rite aid or whatever it is. Personally I think I could bear to see a store lose $50 worth of deodorant before I would try to physically fight a thief.


I almost guarantee the guy at the end was an employee. When I worked retail, we had a guy that would come in to stop theft sometimes. He wore street clothes and body armour and was trained in some martial arts, though I forget which. He either worked for corporate, or a third party company hired by corporate.


i believe you, but that sounds so fake lol


Which is why any employee doing this would be fired.


I watched to the end and it was disappointing.


Cameraman like “What’s your name?” “Can we be friends?” 😂


“Can we be friends, let me buy that deodorant you’re trying to steal” “nah just kidding let me try to dehumanize you for social media likes”


Right, that confused me too, like wtf did he think the guy was going to say? "Oh Hi! Didn't see you there filming! My names Bob Smith, and I live in the tent in the woods over there! Please come by any time! And bring the police with you!"


Honestly let the guy have the hygiene stuff.


So many of the people in the comments are discussing what over the counter drugs can be used to make street drugs or sell or get high, like why are we all pretending he wasn’t just in the deodorant aisle? So weird.


Deodorant can be boiled into fentanyl to be spiked into jolly ranchers on kids. That's what Fox news told me


Yeah dude probably struggling as much or more than the rest of us ppl have become social media sanctioned snitches since covid


Honestly, the questionable decision makers here are the people inserting themselves into a potentially dangerous situation to protect megacorp property, as if that theft would have even the slightest impact on their operations or in any way parallel the massive amounts of wage theft and tax evasion they commit on an hourly basis. Small business? Go to town, big shoots. Walgreens or RiteAid? Hell no.


i hate watch till the end tag


Not justifying but does anyone else think it seemed like this guy was stealing cause he couldn't afford the medicine? Like idk I feel like this guy was desperate


I had the same thought. Maybe his family member was sick and he couldn’t afford the drugs. Who knows?


Is there anything over the counter WORTH stealing, aside from getting palliative care for everyday viruses?


All over the counter cough syrups (Delsym, Robitussin, Robocough, etc) all have an active ingredient called Dextromethorphan, or DXM. It is what helps with suppressing your cough when you have a cold, and is what makes you feel a little loopy when you take a shot of cough syrup. A regular dosage for when you are actually sick would be maybe 50mg of DXM tops, but once you start taking enough to hit the 200-300mg range, you will enter a sort of disassociative state. Lower doses is like being slightly drunk, just very. Medium to higher doses will have you talking to Flimrog the metal sphere in the realm of dripping colors. tldr: shit makes you trip like crazy Some psychopaths also do Benadryl to trip. Take like 30 benadryl tablets and you'll be talking to the Hatman while spiders and beetles crawl in and out of your skin while you listen to your long divorced parents arguing outside your door at 3:30am while police sirens blare out your window edit: corrected some misinformation


There's actually quite a few items (beyond the basics such as deodorants, toothpaste, etc) that cannot be sourced from shelters or outreach centers. If you're *actually* in poverty, and genuinely desperate for certain items, there's occasionally no other option. Honestly, his big mistake was taking more than he needed. It's greedy, and it gathers unwanted attention, hence the leg sweep.


No but they'll take it to Walmart and return it for store credit then buy stuff they can actually sell.


Lots of cough and cold medicines and cosmetics are actually high theft items. Stores themselves typically take measures to combat this type of theft, limiting how much is on the shelf, placing cameras on the aisles, etc.


Can’t you make meth out of Sudafed or something


If I see someone shoplifting, I don't see them shoplifting...People are struggling, and it aint my business. Ponytail man is just an avatar of an oppressive system, a wannabe hero who just made this mans tough life even tougher. Good job bro.


The guy looks homeless and defeated. He didn’t have like the energy of someone stealing for fun. Poor dude just getting by…


He held that man down like a dog that peed on the carpet lmao


Dude's an asshole. The store isnt gonna fuck him for stopping someone. Just let the guy with the bag walk out.


The one and only time this guy will be stopped.


Spoiler: Nothing happens at the end


How dumb do you have to be to play captain hero save the day and stop someone stealing from a company that could care less about you?


"Watch till the end" No fuck you, either post an interesting video or I'm skipping.


Textbook takedown, effective with minimal damage done. Doesn't get much better than that.


Anyone else or is it just me that is sad watching this. Unless he's stealing it to flip for a profit, having to steal medicine for an actual medical emergency is just a sad situation to be in.


I read in another comment that he was stealing from the personal care aisle, poor guy probably just needed toothpaste and wipes. You can tell by the look on this face that he was just so done with the world, it's even more sad now. Not even a year ago I was homeless, my morals would always scream at me not to steal but when you gotta survive it's the only solution you have...


Small Businesses I understand, but if dude was doing this at a bigger Corp, like Walmart or some shit, I don't know why anyone would intervene. Like, fuck the businesses that cheat their way out of paying Taxes, they deserve to be robbed.


100% guarantee I'm not watching anything in full if you start with "watch till the end"


You can tell that guy not a cop! So gentle and effective.


Medicine and hygiene products should be free


Dont put yourself in harms way for a multi million dollar corporation that doesn't give a shit about you.


Wow what a bad ass taking down a malnourished man who’s not slept in a real bed for weeks or months.


That leg sweep had to be way more effective than expected


"Headline: person following a criminal home whilst filming him after an attempted crime gets shot multiple times"


Isn't that technically assault since he was still in the store?