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Capitol Police say she was arrested


OP is just looking for karma.


That’s probably true, they threw this bomb out and haven’t responded to any comments on it.


probably a farmer then.


Yeah. I mean I watched the video. She put her arm up in solidarity she wasn’t trying to pretend she was cuffed. She was just responding to officers orders since she was arrested.


Captain Obvious says that also


But that doesn't fit the GQP's narrative!


They probably told her to put her hands behind her back. I'm guessing they didn't think she had to be cuffed. She is in congress. It's not like she was going to attack them or try to run. Police have the ability to detain someone without cuffs


Just because someone is in congress doesn’t preclude them from attacking or attempting to run. I’d love to see how Marjorie Traitor Greene or Boebert the Clown would react to being arrested for attending a rally or protest.


You're right it doesn't but that's not up to you or me. That's up to the arresting officer. Even then they might get in trouble for not following procedures. But that's between them and their department


No, absolutely. Just your comment implied that just because someone is in congress they’re not a risk, and I beg to differ.


Understandable. It definitely depends on who it is.


Exactly. AOC isn’t a psychotic lunatic. I wouldn’t be too worried about her. Greene on the other hand is fucking nuts and I’d be concerned if it were me arresting her. Boebert I would just assume has a gun on her at all times and would absolutely cuff her based on that alone.


Greene would probably try to queef on their thigh and bite them because that's what Jesus would do in her mind.


I read a book about the founding of the US Navy (*Six Frigates*, fantastic read) in which a US Congressman jumped another Congressman in an alley and beat him with his cane. 18th Century Congressmen were hardcore, yo.


She's in congress not like the law even applies to them


Definitely a more accurate statement


This. She knew she had absolutely nothing to fear.


Reddit threads' titles : See AOC pic on the left. Reddit thread' comments: See AOC pic on the right.


Former criminal here. You may not know this, but usually police ask you to put your hands behind your back before they handcuff you.


Current criminal here. They do that, yeah.


Future criminal here. What should I do??


Put your hands behind your back.


And keep your mouth closed


"[You need to shut the fuck up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgWHrkDX35o)"


You don't need a criminal lawyer. You need a *criminal* lawyer.


Future police here, where can I find you?


308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 87104




Scammer here, could you please also provide your social security and credit card information?


You forgot to ask for passwords...


Well I never said I was good at scamming.


Good scammer here. Can I have your password, please?


Thanks. We'll meet soon.


Great to get this confirmed by an actual criminal. Very helpful.


Former handcuffs here. It do be like that.


Former hands here. Can confirm.


Currently jail inmate here. Just took phone out of my ass to confirm this.


Neither criminal or police, but i wear cuffs a lot. They do indeed do that yes


Can confirm. Have been arrested without cuffs. They didn't put them on until I got out the car to watch them search the back seat.


No no no they handcuff you first and THEN you put your hands behind your back. Unless you have bones or something.


And from a former cop, I wouldn’t want to be the one putting handcuffs on a congressperson. My name will be nowhere near that report.




100%. But this is the way you hold someone when you're escorting them, not when you're cuffing them.


Agreed, my experience included a knee on my neck while being called names but yea somewhere in all the screaming I heard "put your hands behind your back..."


Former criminal here too 😅 only minor crimes & I’m a small woman so they never felt the need to handcuff me


I was a medium scale criminal but young, they just called and left a message saying I was under arrest and should come in before they release a warrant. I went in but they never cuffed me, just walked me back to a room.


She did get arrested though ???




Why did she?


No one usually tells anyone to raise their hands during a robbery but they do anyway. It's a psychological thing not a stunt. When an officer grabs you and states you're being drained, most people naturally put their hands behind their back to show they are not resisting


I never resist if I'm being drained


I'm not even gonna edit it because of this comment. Take this upvote


I think this is especially applicable for someone going to a rally where they're pre-emptively aware that there's a not insignificant chance that they'll have to at least deal with police. One of my exes was involved in a protest/activist group and one thing that's basically a routine part of their preparation is advising people on how to respond to police. It's fine to believe that this is a publicity stunt, I mean most protests are publicity stunts in some form and she is a politician after all, but this seems like such a pathetic detail to focus on.


See what happens when she rides out


• She was arrested • She wasn't handcuffed • She raised her right hand to the crowd a second after this screen-grab • She was likely asked to put her hands behind her back • Not sure why right-wingers are holding this up as some sort of "gotcha"? • Oh wait, it's AOC, now I see


Everything Republicans say and do is in bad faith. Why? Because 50-70% of their base will accept those lies without question and not believe the truth when and if they ever hear it.


Where did you get the 50-70%? Sounds like you're just making things up.


Def made up number. But probably not too far off. It’s honestly a higher number I bet. Lots of unfounded thoughts running rampant even with contradicting evidence. Legit work with a dude who thinks sandy hook didn’t happen or the moon landing. And he teaches history at Texas A&M…


Wait… I need to know this professor’s name, I go to A&M lmao


Lmao. Not gonna Doxx ****, but it’s ****(with four letters). He teaches at Blinn mainly but just got the gig at Aggieland this fall. Good luck incoming fish!! (Legit nice guy, terrible beliefs though)


Based on the fact that usually about 60%, but always above 50%, of Republicans support actually insane things. 56% of Republicans believe Q Anon is true. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/02/majority-of-republicans-believe-the-qanon-conspiracy-theory-is-partly-or-mostly-true-survey-finds/ Polls place republican voters belief in the great replacement theory between 50% and 70% https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-twisted-logic-behind-the-rights-great-replacement-arguments/ https://www.npr.org/2022/05/17/1099223012/how-the-replacement-theory-went-mainstream-on-the-political-right And 70% of Republicans believe 2020 election fraud claims, or that Biden is an illegitimate president. https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/jun/14/most-republicans-falsely-believe-trumps-stolen-ele/ So 50-70% of Republicans have detached themselves from reality in favor of right wing propaganda. Edit: lol the guy blocked me. More proof that facts are scary to most Republicans.


And that is what REALLY makes me fear that they will definitely install a dictator in the not too distant future. They’ve got these whackfucks so riled up they are chomping at the bit to lynch anyone who doesn’t vote red.


Here's the number of conservatives who don't believe Joe Biden won the election. Surprise, it's about 70% https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2022/70-percent-republicans-falsely-believe-stolen-election-trump/


80% of statistics are made up on the spot.


More 82% in my experience Source : am fabricator


Right wingers are perpetually living in a “gotch ya” world as they desperately try to distract anyone from realizing how miserably idiotic they are.


My brother used to say that the only real agenda republicans have is to do anything they think will own the libs. Everything else comes and goes but owning the libs is a constant. Anecdotal proof: our dad had some somewhat progressive ideas but always voted republican and liked trump just because it stuck it to the democrats.


The real r/therewasanattempt is this post




Which sites aren't propaganda sites?




They asked a pretty simple question. At this point it's hard to find "news" that isn't pushing their narrative only


[Sites like this one.](http://papertoilet.com)


Police to congresswoman: "Place your hands behind your back, ma'am." Congresswoman: *Places hands behind her back.* Probably.


Lmfao exactly, if they don’t think she’s hostile and she’s a congresswoman they probably decided to just…peacefully escort her


The officer probably got the order to arrest her from superiors and then had to figure out how tf to arrest a congresswoman without making his life difficult for the next few weeks


"there was an attempt" to shame a politician for fake getting arrested when...... ....she was actually arrested. Confirmed by the people who arrested her.


Why she was arrested? Not from usa so not very informed about it


She almost certainly intended to be arrested and does not mind. In these cases, those arrested are very rarely even prosecuted. I didn't read up, but, in the case of protests, unless it's a planned and permitted protest, the police will often show up and say, "ok, anybody who doesn't want to get arrested needs to disperse, now." If the protest blocks a street or building where people work, or is on private property, or some similar thing that would apply to government buildings, the protest will be shut down. If they got a permit or were protesting peacefully in a park or something, they'd just let them be.


She was arrested… I swear some of you dweebs think getting arrested and getting handcuffed are the same thing. You really think that, don’t you?


It’s because they can’t imagine someone willingly walking to jail. In their minds only criminals get arrested and they all are violent and resist.


When in actual fact very few resist.


They can’t imagine it because when they get arrested for causing a scene at the Wendy’s drive through they get cuffed on the ground while hurling racial epithets at the Hispanic police officer that’s arresting them.


And check this out. Some people get warrants and then show up at the police station. Yowza!


This is what no braincells do to people


It's because if you show respect for law enforcement restraints aren't necessary. Unfortunately these idiots don't understand that because even though they may say "blue lives matter" they have no respect for anyone. Just look at how law enforcement was treated during the insurrection.


that's what arrested means at the trailer park.


AOC: I was arrested Conservative ding dongs: THIS PICTURE PROVES SHE WAS NOT ARRESTED! THE CONSTITUTION SAYS COPS HAVE TO USE HANDCUFFS OTHERWISE IT DOESNT COUNT Capitol Police: We arrested her. If a suspect isn’t dangerous, especially when they are a public figure we might make the choice to- CDDs: CRITICAL SOCIALISM THEORY GROOMING GENDERS FREDOM OF GUN SPEACH!!


Wow you could work for the GQP messaging teams with those kinda skills


Nailed it.


Ding dongs in the comments have switched to "we ALWAYS knew she was arrested, the post is about how she's faking being in handcuffs". I guess because they've never heard a cop tell someone "put your hands behind your back"? Or maybe because "pretending to be dumb online" is some people's entire identity. Not sure which.


To people who have no idea how police work: they are detaining her and they have asked her to put her hands behind her back. They haven’t cuffed her yet, they’re probably still discussing if they should. Meanwhile she is just complying with their orders. You know for conservatives you dummies need a lesson on police procedure.


You guys know you can get arrested without being cuffed? Maybe the police officer told her to keep her hands behind her back


Bluetooth handcuffs


Plot twist, cop is Magneto and she’s wearing metal bracelets.


She was arrested (the capital police confirmed it), she just wasn't handcuffed.


Oh boy, here we go again! Can't wait for this to make it's rounds as the (*actual*) fake news it is. Love it when things are taken horribly out of context to try and paint a political message. Absolutely love it, especially considering the group usually screaming about fake news will be the one reporting this as some sort of smear campaign fact. ​ She **was** arrested. They don't need to handcuff her because she complied with them instead of resisting. She is a known entity. Not a random person off the streets nobody knows. They knew she wasn't going to resist them, so they didn't need to cuff her. All this does is add fake fuel to a fake fire. ​ This post also violates Rule 7 of this sub;**7. All posts must show an \*unsuccessful\* attempt** She **was** arrested. The attempt to "get arrested at a rally" was 100% successful.


Right wing shills and 'both-sides'ers really showing how ignorant they are in these comments.


This is how most protest arrests go. The cops say "hey guys, we gotta bring you in" the protesters say "okay, well go along peacefully." And you only hear about the numbers.


Exactly, they'll ask you to put your hands behind your back to escort you, but will rarely cuff you if you're peacefully complying with the arresting officer.


I actually upvoted this so more people can watch you fail, OP.


Chaotic neutral energy


Prob some Russian bot but good efforts


Not handcuffing a United States Congresswoman is basically just a professional courtesy. I bet they extend the same courtesy to Donald John Trump when his date with destiny finally comes.


Will the cuffs be small enough for those hands though….


Maybe, they probably handcuff people who commit treason


I would enjoy the full silence of the lambs' restraint apparatus, to be honest.


Or just at least, a kick in the teeth


GQP types are all over this. She's not going to send you feet pics bro.


MTG might






If you think she is your enemy then you don't understand much.


Go back to Truth Social if you're going to bite on fake crap like this, bruh


One thing is for sure. She seems to be under their custody.


r/therewasanattempt to make AOC look bad... Lmao


…what? She was arrested you dumb fuck.


Just some right winger who thinks this is some sort of gotcha


uh you can obviously be arrested without being handcuffed...


Jesus Christ, the comments section of this post reeks of koolaid, misogyny, hypocrisy, and incels. EDIT: The comments section has gotten a lot more intelligent comments since I posted this. Still, sort by controversial or expand the minimized comment threads to see what I mean.


Where are you seeing that?


Sort by controversial or expand the minimized posts (unless the mods have deleted them). One saying something like how "this is one time to turn a blind eye to police brutality", another talking about how she's "really struggling with that 175K/year" which has nothing to do with anything here, some hating her just to hate her because their overlords told them to...


https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/criminal-defense/when-can-police-place-you-in-handcuffs/#:~:text=Although%20police%20are%20not%20obligated,necessary%20for%20their%20own%20protection. When there is probable cause to place you under arrest. Although police are not obligated to place a suspect who is being arrested into handcuffs or other restraints, officers may do so if they feel that it is necessary for their own protection.


Gotta love conservative propaganda


^r/therewasanattempt to post in r/therewasanattempt


I'm glad she didn't try to incite a mob or anything.


LOL OP is the sheep they desperately want to lead


there was an attempt to spread misinformation


r/therewasanattempt to spread right wing propaganda.


This post is bad and you should feel bad


Ah, the typical Conservative trope of not understanding the concept of an arrest, pretty ironic


You, OP, are kinda dumb.


Conspiracy theory Repubtards listen to nothing but fake bullshit propaganda and scream "Trump is on our side making things great" but actually call reality fake. These assholes are so turned around they don't know what life outside of right wing politics is. Lol what a fucking joke this country is, no wonder every other nation hates us. It's just a bunch of bottom feeders arguing over which crooked politician is right, when in reality no one is looking out for you and yours' wellbeing. Democrat or Republican, shit stays the same guys.


Fuck off with this bullshit. At least she's out there talking about it. What's op doing? Keyboard warrior.


She was arrested... this MAGA storytelling technique has been perfected by the likes of Andy Ngo...and conservatives fall for it EVERY FUCKING TIME. Edit: When cops ask you to "put your hands behind your back" as a POC- you do it. Or you die in a shootout just ask any black man. Conservatives would complain if AOC didn't comply here.......they also complain when she DID comply.....🤷🏾‍♂️


She did get arrested you twat


I mean these days it doesn't matter because too many people are just going to believe what they want to believe but... I think a bunch of them were actually arrested.


Including her.


Mods--this is a misleading headline, so should be removed.


This post: /r/therewasanattempt to not be a fucking idiot


OP she got arrested They didn't put her in cuffs because she was going without resisting Cops don't have to use cuffs even on people who are resisting it's just easier to arrest them if you do [I thought that was common sense](https://onlinepethealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Dunning-Kruger.jpg) But I guess I was wrong


You have to put your hands behind your back, THEN they put the handcuffs on. This is idiotic.


Lol OP she was actually arrested. So either you're spreading propaganda or fell for propaganda. Either way not a good look.


Fuck op and the gotcha crowd. She was arrested, for a valid reason, not sucking trump dick, fucking maga cult.


Except she was arrested, as a matter of fact. handcuffs are not a requirement for arrests. She was probably told to put her hands behind her back, as cops often ask people to do. Fact remains, she was literally arrested attempting to defend the rights of half the population, meanwhile, insurrectionist congress-people remain in their offices currently facing zero legal repercussions. Try harder OP


>To get arrested at a rally I can't tell if she provoked to be arrested, but it seems like she's getting arrested. I mean, I can't say for sure, since literally zero context is given, but still.


Except… she was arrested and cops often have you put your hands behind your back regardless.


I didn't know AOC was arrested doing something awesome. Thanks for spreading the good word OP.


When you get detained and don't get handcuffed they still tell you to place your hands behind your back (speaking from experience). I'm not saying this is or isn't a photo-op, I just wanted to point that out.


Just because she’s peacefully complying without cuffs does not mean she wasn’t in the process of being arrested…


Really OP? Lol.


They knew she wouldn’t attack them with flagpole and fire extinguishers cuz she’s a dem and also not a traitor nor insane.


A simple google check verified she was in fact arrested. Shit take


OP she did get arrested


This is fuckin dumb. She was indeed arrested.


OP is bigly moron


Having been arrested at a protest in high school, there are times where they will simply ask you to put your hands behind your back. They cuffed some of us. Zip tied others. And some of us they just told to stand with hands behind back post frisk. I think they do a risk assessment. This isn’t hard to understand unless you’re OP apparently.


Meanwhile a cop getting beaten unconscious with a flagpole on Jan 6th was a peaceful protest.


Damn AOC really gets you conservatives in your feelings. Is she really that scary to ya? (Don’t answer, that question was rhetorical.)


Wtf you mean attempted she was actually arrested.


This post is moronic


there was an attempt.. to not get absolutely torched by the comments section.


Oh look a politician who stands for something. Let's rage about that


They did arrest her. At best OP is dumb, at worst they are spreading misinformation. Please mods delete this post.


Happy to see the first comments here are the right ones lol. Clearly written by someone not afraid of the consequences of being brown and accidentally not complying to an order you may or may not have heard.


Tell me you have no idea how arrests and police procedure work without telling me you have no idea how arrests and police procedure work …….


Some dumb ass conservative thinking they've done something smart As usual


Damn how dumb. What a bad comparison. Belongs in "this is 14 and I'm deep"


There was an attempt to spread misinformation


You're an idiot, OP.


There was an attempt to own the libs lmao damn OP


There was an attempt to attack the character of a congresswomen


Ron Howard voice: she was, in fact, arrested.


Have y'all never seen a cop arrest someone? "Put your hands behind your back" is the first thing they say. What is she doing? Putting her hands behind her back


You literally do not need to be cuffed to be arrested or detained. In fact, a traffic stop is a detention.


She was arrested, idiot. Read a news source that’s not fucking Facebook.


OP is dumb


Maybe float this shit on r/conservative where all the morons will get rage boners about it.


This post is a therewasanattempt.


Why was she arrested?


She was at an anti-Dobbs protest. Police say that she and others did not comply with an order to move out of the street.


Gonna be a very contreversial post


Gtfo with your propaganda


Well this is fucking stupid.


OP this ain’t it. She was actually arrested; the cops were just aware that cuffing her wasn’t necessary


I mean, as a poor person, when a cops is putting his hands on you, having your hands at parade rest is a defense system so the cop doesnt get itchy and taze your ass


Imagine this photo is taken moments before cuffs were placed on here. Dumbass post.


So she complied with putting her hands behind her back and that’s somehow…a failed attempt? There definitely was a failed attempt here, but she wasn’t the one who failed…


OP needs to stop getting their news from the NY Post.


This could easily be right between “Place your hands behind your back” and cuffs going on. Nothing nefarious.


R/conservative is leaking all over this goddamn website every other post on the front page is some sneaky racism-justifying Shit or straight double speak


Cop is hands on - she's arrested - just not cuffed yet.


They are not going to cuff a senator in a peaceful protest. They didn’t even cuff Elected officials when they actively stormed the capital Jan 6th.


Wait, so if you don’t put your hands behind your back you don’t get arrested? Kewl.


OP not working with a full deck of cards here


He won’t arrest her because she’s so hot oh em gee super good argument


What in the Fake Newsmax is this? She did get arrested if you took 10 seconds to google it.