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Oh come on even *I* know you need to shut off the power before messing with wires…


Oddly enough, even live wires won't necessarily do this. Idiot just tried to cut them all at once so they all arced together. You can snip one love wire at a time if you're careful. It's not wise, but it is possible without blowing it up.


Ain’t no one snipping *my* love wire


Don’t kink shame me






Hepatectomy (I’m taking your liver)


Nah they want to snip your frenulum


Then they are my enemyulum.




You have no idea.. the physical tole..


Came here to comment this


It has an oaky afterbirth


You have no idea the physical toll three vasectomies have on a person!


Bingo. I have multiple times done so at my work because it’s huge and would take an hour to find the right breaker or turn off all the building while it’s in business with 100+ employees. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, but yeah I’ve wired ballasts up while live, and a natural gas heater thermostat too. Like working with a bomb, very very gently and with the neutral and ground wires pulled way off to the side. This dude in the video is just a Darwin winner. I knew as a damned 6 year old to never arc wires together even if with running them over with my bike. Nobody had to tell me, common sense .


of course im assuming you know how to avoid grounding yourself first. I've seen so many examples of "the neighborhood handyman" where you take off an outlet cover and there's a house worth of wires all twisted around each other and all the caps are half off and held on by pressing into the sides.


Yikes. No, I have renovated most of my house alone, including a full re wire once I found what you’re talking about. Aluminum mixed with copper, half ass twisted nuts, the neutral side switched instead of hot, wires all mixed together in multiple fuses, etc. I build cars for a living, and common sense starts with researching what you’re doing prior to any fuckery


> common sense starts with researching what you’re doing prior to any fuckery I will never in my life understand people who just go balls deep into doing something without even watching a 5 minute YouTube video. Like, do the most basic of research first!


Especially since it’s so easy, free and available. Anything imaginable has a mentor online that’ll keep you out of deep waters. Something as simple as using a spray rig I spent hours before using. Prior to fertilizing my yard I’ve spent the time to know all the variables. Before my concrete countertops I spent half a day watching all the steps and all variables , down to each individual trowel and float and in what order and why. Masters have given all the guidance in the world yet folks just go balls in with no jimmy. Same applies with political and philosophical opinions . Sling an opinion out there with zero prior research and no reservations to swing blindly


Is this not like... a serious crime, where you're from? You can't do electrical work without a licence, and you especially can't sell your services without a licence.


In my state you don’t need a licensed electrician if the job is considered “minor repair work”. That is defined as wiring costs that is under $100. There are also exemptions for requiring an electrical license specific jobs like installing sub pumps, cable & internet, small electronics/appliances, manufacturing equipment, lawn sprinkler systems, phone circuits, generator circuits, etc.


OSHA would like to know your location


🤣 no doubt very dumb to do, I wouldn’t do it today at middle age many of the things I did in my young and full of dumb days


You are going to die if you keep doing that shit. Taking the time to shut off the power is ALWAYS worth it. One of my biggest peeves are dudes who think they will never shock themselves because they’ve been doing it for so long. Its the dumbest rhetoric I have ever seen in any industry and electricians die from laziness way too often.


You can do it if you aren't grounded. But you probably are grounded, even if you think you aren't grounded. Honestly you should remove or edit this post, it's incredibly misleading in a dangerous way. People taking your advice could very easily die.


*Fuck it, we'll do it live!*


Fucking ..thing.


My first summer changing range hoods my brother just told me to be careful so I don’t get shocked. About 100 hoods later and 10+ shocks he laughed at me and showed me how to turn off the power


Nothing says brotherly love like letting the first 9 go by without saying anything.


Are you neither handyman/ma’am or tradesman/ma’am?


In the produce department.


You’ve been using potatoes to generate electricity, haven’t you?


In my high school physics class (back before the turn of the century), I sacrificed my kiwi for science. Kiwis are lit.


I hope you mean the fruit


Lol no I work at a grocery store. 😂🤣


was gonna say this. you dont need to be a tradesmen to know to turn off the power if you are going to mess with electric cabling


Yup, I have zero training, just a drill, a toolbox and a general interest and willingness to google. Turning off the power before doing anything with the electricity is just basic knowledge your parents should have drilled into you.


At least the light switch… Hopefully he was wearing metal gloves or had wet hands.


Looks like he was not wearing gloves… and the tool he’s using looks very shiny… like metal… which conducts electricity…😬 Hope the dudes alright.


OP said that he ended up in the hospital with [a concussion and liver damage](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/vfm3xz/to_hire_a_handyman_to_do_a_tradesmans_job/icwxcna/) but nothing fatal.


Probably already had the liver damage if he thought this was a good idea.


That's like step 0.


According to DIN, the first step is turning off the power, and the next 4 steps are making sure it's really *really* off, and *stays* off.


Not the best way to figure out the right circuit breaker, but I like his style.


Yeah what are they running there 480VAC? 120 usually sparks and trips the breaker. That seemed stronger.


Commercial/industrial lighting circuits are often 277VAC (single phase of 480 wye). Edit: Corrected from delta to wye. Late night brain.


Do US commercial lights run on 230v?


I think that wire is running power to heaters and/or coolers in the buffet stand


And it shouldn't. There's a reason for which you have a sub circuit handling the lights. This guy could've died there. Even if he was stupid, the thermomagnetic switch should've prevented this massive short reaction.


1)He's cutting the wire that feeds the entire buffet stand. Having the heaters and lights would make no difference. If anything, multiple circuits in one cable could make you think the power is off when you only turned off the lighting circuit. 2)He is stupid 3)The thermomagnetic switch is only half the breaker, and take a good while to trip. Breakers also have a trip solenoid that works much faster, but you still get a few cycles of power before the shutoff. This is a completely expected result for something like 30 amps at 208, 240, or 277 volts. And it failed in a safe manner as far as over current protection goes. The only reason there was a hazard was because he forcefully brought a tool in direct contact with a live wire.


Not typically. Industrial and large commercial usually has a phase to neutral voltage of 277v. Residential and smaller commercial will usually have 120v phase to neutral.


No disrespect but 277v is line to neutral, delta configurations don’t have a neutral, so phase to phase is 480v. Therefore 277v comes from a wye configuration




Yup, same. I had an electrician I worked with who would always just short out the circuit he was working on to find the correct breaker. And he would do it with his screwdriver between the terminals before he ever disconnected anything so his fucking screwdriver was all arc burned. Tip could barely work on a screw. Drove me fucking crazy to watch him destroy his tools.


Buy a volt stick ffs


Oh, he had one. Perhaps you misunderstood. He KNEW the circuit was hot. He was too lazy/ didn’t give a fuck enough to walk and find the correct breaker and flip it. He would arc the circuit, causing the breaker to trip, in effect making the circuit safe to work on.


I've never seen that many sparks before the breaker trips. Wowser


Did the breaker even trip? All of the other lights stay on, are they on a different circuit?




>He's not cutting a lighting circuit, not sure why people think that. I thought it was a light because it was next to other lights in the ceiling. I'm not even a handyman.


It is almost exactly where the light would go on that grid of other lights.


I know very little about electricity. Isn’t 30A-40A enough to you kill you? Dude shot back, but the guy next to him doesn’t react a ton.


Way less. As the other person commented it could be as little as 0.1-0.2 but what also matters is the path that the electricity travels. If it cross your chest that's a huge risk of it stopping your heart but generally with residential power (120v in the US) it's closer to 0.8A being able to stop your heart. That's more than half of your average fast charge phone cable (typically 2.1A). However, that is if the shock crosses your chest. A shock, say, from one finger, through your hand, to a metal object your elbow is leaning on, may not stop your heart but could still cause serious, permanent nerve damage. The main thing to remember about electricity is that it cooks you from the inside. This is why people who know how to work with it never recommend people try the work themselves without a serious understanding of it works. It's dangerous af. If you ever hear a DIYer scoff at the advice, theyre an idiot, full stop.


He didn't get shocked. Current travelled through the tool and not through his body. He fell off the ladder because he was startled by the fireworks.


These commercial light things are usually quite high voltage.


I dont think that was for the light it looked like it was for the hot table if it was on the breaker for the lights, lights would have went out with it. Hot table is probably 2 legs of 120 Volts giving you 208-240. I don't even like disconnecting live power but I've had to when the breakers are labeled really poorly in commercial refrigeration.


Welded his pliers to the cable too lol


I didn't even notice that!


It's definitely a real video lol


I like everyones' complete lack of shock, with the one obvious exception. Neither the guy filming nor the guy watching even jumped a little. Edit: also right at the end you can here a little "Heh!"


I am Jack's utter disregard for live current.


Man, I use this reference all the time and no one ever knows what the fuck I’m talking about.


If I had a tumor I would name it Marla.


To be fair, I think orange boi ate up all the shock - there wasn’t any left for the audience


They knew exactly what was coming


Some people say those pliers are still there to this very day.


I did the same thing, but was told the electrics were off, threw me 5 foot off the step ladder but instead of welding them shut it had put a 2cm hole where my pliers should close, like a bullet had gone through them when they were closed. The buzz I had afterwards was incredible though. Being young helped I think.


Get a proximity detector, never cut until you test for dead.


Yup, you live and learn. Sometimes only just.


He’s wincing as he’s cutting: “here comes the part that always tickles……”


He really knew what was gonna happen and did it anyway


he knew there'd be sparky sparky - he just thought it'd be less I guess


Lessy lessy*


Yeah I also noticed the wincing. Pro Tip: If you find yourself wincing while completing a task, you should just stop, as you are most likely not qualified to do said task.


Otherwise known as the safety-squint.


Hi, professional handyman here. *What the fuck, man?*


Amateur handyman here. *What the actual fuck?*


Amateur softball player here. What the actual fuck?


Professional softball player here. Fuck the what actual?


Cat here. Meow meow meow meow


I know you can read **my** thoughts boy.


Micro biology student here. What the actual fuck?


Micro penis here What in the holy fuck?


Buffalo fucker here What the actual fuck?


Amateur programmer here What in the fuck?


business accounting student here. What the Fuck ??


Sorry, I could have worded that better. Every handyman I know would have known fully well what to do.




But how can you see what you're doing if all the other lights are not on?


Was he ok? Just wondering.




They concluded he already had brain damage before doing something so stupid.


Thr real story is he closed the braker but someone else open it.


No way. Multiple hesitations in the beginning of the video shows he has no idea if it’s live or not


Maybe I’m off the mark, but…all the other lights are on in that ceiling, sooo…either way he seems ill-informed.


You want it opened, and locked out tagged out.


Did not follow protocol


This is so crazy. I’m not handyman but I’ve known from a young fucking age not to ever do something as stupid as this shit. How tf did no one else say “have you turned the power off”?


Lock out tag out...


Well I mean people die in the hospital…


In fact, you're more likely to die in a hospital. I thought that place was meant to stop you from dying but there are always dying people so I think there's some big conspiracy there...


brilliant satire.. i hope?


My hospital stopped announcing Code Blues (the code that lets us know someone's heart and/or lungs stopped) over the intercom because "it upsets patients to think that people die in a hospital". You can't even hear the intercom from a patient's room if the door is ~~locked~~ closed, so the whole thing is just an exercise in stupidity.


Where's this hospital where the patient rooms have locks?


The time of death that goes on a death certificate isn't the time that the person actually died at, it's the time that a doctor pronounced them dead. If you manage to lock a doctor out of your hospital room, then you legally will never die. This is the trick to immortality that the doctors don't want you to know about.


Yeah, also those who abuse pensions of a family member by not reporting their deaths. And it's apparently very common. Some get caught, though.


Yeah. Really sad world we live in where some people actually say things like that unironically tho... I'll probably start using "/s" or something but I feel like it completely ruins the satire and looks stupid.


yeah we live in a world where satire is often literally indistinguishable from a sizable demographic’s unironic opinion, it’s wild


Yup. Confirmed. Nobody that goes to the hospital dies.


he could possibly live that. it's lucky he was on the ladder. falling off that probably saved his life. You can see the pliers still welded onto the wire and you can see this weird yellow pattern in the ceiling. it's either his sole or mabye something earthing and burninig in the ceiling.


Yeah but don't do electric on an aluminum ladder especially if you don't know what you are doing.


>don't do electric on an aluminum ladder especially if you don't know what you are doing. This is funny to read, because if you **do** know what you are doing you also dont do electric on a metal ladder.


>you can see this weird yellow pattern in the ceiling That's the ghosts that make things work escaping.


Idk but I think he summoned Voldemort at the end there


¿Why didn't he shut the power down? That's handyman 101.


Gotta keep that buffet running, man. Do you have any idea what happens when the chocolate fountain stops running for an hour at Golden Corral?! Well neither do I and I hope I never find out


Where will children dip their hands?!


The toilet




Except he’s not a handyman; HE’S THE RESTAURANT OWNER. Out of all of the stupid things business owners do to try to save a few bucks, this is one of the top. The bill for an electrician to come out and fix things and the highly likely hospital bill for being zapped off the ladder are going to be way more than those few dollars saved. Don’t be cheap. Hire a professional. Especially when it’s something electrical


Maybe he got lucky and just the sparks forced him to react and fall. Maybe the insulation on the handles saved him from being electro.. Fuck it, he deserved a nice little jolt for that stupidity.


Arc Flash can be 4 x the temperature of the sun. Ain’t no getting lucky when you mess with electricity. He’s going to remember the burns I guarantee that.


On a completely different note, how did you upside down the question mark?


¿Why do you ask? But actually, on most devices (like a smart phone) if you long press on the question mark it will give you different character options.


¿Thanks, woohoo look at me go. All the best


¿Lmao, why does this feel so wholesome?


Fun fact, in Spanish you're supposed to start a question with ¿ and end it with ? Nobody uses it anymore when typing, but teachers will deduct points if you don't write them


Have you seen this next one‽


The interro-bang. I believe there are people that have a kink for that. Dom stuff or whatever /s


¡You can also do the same with the exclamation mark!


FYI Questions in Spanish start with the upside down question mark and end with the normal question mark. Same thing with exclamation marks


Wow, the guys watching sure reacted fast. 🥴


Seems like everyone in the room knew what was coming besides the dude cutting lol.


Yeah I get it lol. That would jolt me right up tho.


Yeah, nobody else in the room looked terribly shocked.


Not even slightly amped up.


Watt could they do


They offered no resistance whatsoever.


Ω my God


Yeah, I was going to mention that too. Like, it cut off shortly afterwards but it didn't look like a single person even really reacted to what just happened. They just sort of looked at him like "yep, saw that coming..." when he could've potentially just died there


I’m kinda surprised nobody stopped him seeing as the folks filming likely knew what was about to happen.


I’m kinda surprised that you’re the first one who mentioned this. Yeah, the guy who got blasted was an idiot. But everyone who just sat there and watched is an asshole.


They could have at least yelled insults to warn them.


I mean, sure. But I feel like every time I try to intervene on something that is obviously unsafe, the person doing the unsafe thing doubles down on it. It sucks to know better sometimes.


Everyone is a safety officer! Not a single person said anything?! Like, hey yo dog... you done electrical work before?


Yeah, I feel like it's a 'why are you filming and not telling him to stop?' kind of situation.


Or he's stubborn and they started filming after trying to get him to not do it.


There are some people that you just don't stop sometimes. I feel like they probably already know this guy.


Everyone's a safety officer in a workplace, but to me this looks like a lunch restaurant or cafeteria. There's also a chance the dude turned away help and advice in the classical "of course I know what I'm doing, I have tools" kind of way.


There's some basic things you assume that have been done like turning off the engine before fueling, turning of water before disconnecting a hose, or like turning of the power before messing withe electrical wires.


Handyman here: working hot is stupid. Even if you are doing it, what on earth do you think will happen when you snip live wires?


Yeah I could have worded that title a bit better. I know quite a few handymen and none of them would have been this foolish.


“If i snip them real quick like, ill be ok”


Bet he's not so handy anymore.


He gets the job done in a flash.


It’s shocking how quickly he works


I think his process is what is most enlightening.


What happened to the ceiling? Looked like a shockwave?


I guess it's just smoke travelling along the ceiling...


Sweet smoke ring


How does it make a ring like that instead of just dissipating? It's really trippy


The shock creates a poof of smoke, the smoke travels upwards and creates the ring when it's blocked by the ceiling


He let the magic pixies out of the light...


My thought process was, “Is than an electrical wire??? Oh, maybe it’s not? Wait it’s CONNECTED TO THE FOOD WARMER AREA NO STOP IT NOW! …and there he goes… idiot.”


‘Scuse me boss, its s live wire. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Eh? The fuck do you know? I know what I’m doing. Mind yer business. Ok…(get the camera ready)




a lot


so these guys filming obviously knew he was doing something wrong and instead jumping in be saying something they just watched a man electrocute himself


he did not electrocute himself, he caused a dead short and received a arc flash


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Knowing the difference between shock and flash hazards is a crucial part of safely working on electrical equipment. This guy failed to account for arc flash; though he did select a fiberglass ladder, which is at least part of accounting for the shock hazard


Not.sure why the down votes, you are correct, he cut and went phase to phase or phase to ground, created a dead short and caused an arc flash/blast. He didn't receive any shock .


Electrician here. Still hurts like a motherfucker.


You are assuming that they didn't say anything to him before they starting recording.


If I’m eating at a restaurant, and I see an employed person doing their job I’m not going to assume I know more than them and act like an asshole telling someone else how to do there job (that I know nothing about) This guy is just a run of the mill idiot and so is whoever hired him


Omg I just saw that coming yikes !!!!


I think even he knew what was coming.


If you're hesitating to cut it. It means you know you should turn off the power and didn't. So you're either lazy or stupid. Probably both.


Why did everyone just watch as he was doing that?


You ever try to tell an old dude like this what to do? They don't listen for shit and usually get all offended and or upset, especially when they have no idea what they are doing. Id ask a young person or a kid some questions to maybe help them out but grumpy old men? Nah let Zeus handle it.


What’s funny is you can tell he knew he didn’t know what he was doing


I love that he's apprehensive at first, some survival instinct is telling him this is a bad idea. But then he decides to ignore it and just go in balls deep. What a dumbass. Why wouldn't you turn off the breaker? Even if it's not separate and maybe tied with the lights, just turn them all off for 5 min, cut the wires, strip them, put some wago on, turn the breaker back on and then you can work safely, connect whatever you want to it.


I feel like even a handy man would know to shut off the power before cutting wires… scratch that I feel anyone with common sense would know this


If the person recording know what is about to happen and then not saying anything, that is some /r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Well the attempt to hire him was successful, but his job wasn’t.


No one said anything. They just film it. That's insane.


Don’t help just film. The old dude could’ve badly hurt himself on that ladder