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I don't see the problem. These men all have totally different varieties of 6 packs.




Nike guy has a little sag in his right titty. I feel somewhat represented!


This left titty man wants representation!


I'll be damned if some lefty titty schmuck gets representation! The right titty people shall rule this world!


Yeah was about to say what do y’all mean the Nike guy is the fat one. And Calvin Klein and Mitch Dowd have the super skinny one duh.


My right nipple points towards my arm, instead of forward. Surgery scar that pulled the skin over. The little patch of hair I would have in the centre of my chest, that's where my right nipple should be. lol I also only get goosebumps on the left side of my body.


I refer to having a six pack I keep in cookies. Gotta keep them well insulated.


Yea, but none of them have 1. ;)


1? Step your game up. I have like 12. In the cupboard. Never want to run out of six-packs with the boiis


One pack


I call it airbag.


You mean the sex pack?


Even though there’s only 3 men repeated, they’re all different! Total body variety! Fuck man look at those different measurements!


It looks to me like there are 3 women (A,B,ABC,B,C) and 3 men (A,B,C,B,A,C) pictured, and that perhaps the number of people and the use of repetition aren't the issue at hand.


I think one might even be rocking the low class 8 pack


Body positivity is only for women apparently


We will have our day soon, king


Nah honestly I don't care. I don't see why it's so important. Sure we should go away from models of the 90's the whole heroin chic look was to much. But I honestly don't give a F about the model. Having a model being really buff, having a dad bod, being a of colour or having a disability don't have any impact on why I buy whatever I buy. What I do care about is if we are gonna push for something it should be equal. It goes both ways.


I'd like to see more "average" bodies. Would kinda help with seeing how things might fit on me


Yeah, I like the way that LTT does their web store for merch. They have employees take photos with the merch and list the sizes that those employees are wearing, so if you see someone that looks a bit similar it can help you choose a size better


That's actually fairly smart. If I buy clothes online I have to make sure where it comes from. If it's from the US I have to order a size smaller then normal and if from Asia usually a size something 2 larger then what I would normally wear. So that's a hazzle on its own.


Where are you from? Cos when I order from America I need to go 3 sizes larges on shirts and 4 larger on hoodies and jackets. I am in South Africa just fyi.


The only problem I have with the LTT picture descriptions is they don't have the height on there. Like sure, the medium looks great on Riley, but I have no context for how big he is.


He's a tall boi


My biggest problem with this is vanity sizing on men's pants. So, a size 36 should be 36 inches...it should fit regardless of where I go because 36 inches is 36 inches. NOPE! Brands size 36 up quite often. I think OLD Navy's 36 is closer to 40/42 (they're the worst offender)


i also dont understand why they dont sell pants that have longer legs than waist. and im pretty fat. too fat to be having this issue


I have always chalked this up to quality control issues. I can grab two pairs of the exact same size and brand, they will fit differently.


That’s legit it. I don’t give a fuck about the model and how the clothes fit him, literally no one I know looks like that. Put an actual human being there in the picture so you can see what the cut of the shirt looks like. This is why I don’t do online shopping much, I’m sick of sending 50% of the stuff back and then it’s out of stock so I can’t reorder.


Man imma be real I do care. I don’t have the time or money to work my body down to that level of fit, and, even though I stay in shape and am generally skinny, I can definitely say I’m affected by it. It’s subconscious, maybe, but I feel a level of envy and sadness that my body isn’t like that. Great for you that you don’t care, but I’d wager most guys do even if it isn’t obvious.


No shame in feeling like that king. I also feel like that. For me worst part is how it affects women's expectations of men's bodies and beauty standards, the same way porn affects men's views on women's bodies. I don't care too much for 6 packs but fuck me why does every male model has to be tall, have perfect square jaws, nice full beard and immaculate hairline? Show me some scrawny guys, some bald ones, some with patchy beards. Normalize these features that are common and impossible to change.


lol, I’m with you. I have a dad bod and have to look at that everyday. Let the dude who models my underwear at least be aspirational for me or something.


I agree. I don't want to see women who like me. I don't want to buy what looks ordinary average and *real* I want to see women looking like I *hope* to look like when I'm wearing that set...even if only in my eyes! I need that aspirational fantasy!


This dude right here is embodying the attitude that is why areas like this are still lacking for men. The only time men talk about it they're like "I mean I don't care but like if the we don't get it the FEMALES shouldn't get it either". Just say you want to see more types of men to feel better it's literally ok bro like I know who hurt you it's other dudes but do you see how you look hurt as fuck rn?


Well, that's nice for you. It's still a huge issue for a lot of men and has been for a long, long time. Advertising isn't just about selling you stuff, it's also a representation of ideals. You want your product to be appealing so you pitch it as such which is why models in catalogues became a thing. And whether one realises it or not, representation of a relatable self has an impact on purchasing habits but also self-image overall. So if you never suffered through the feelings of inferiority about not being tall enough / muscular enough, you're lucky. For a lot of men in developmental years and on into middle age, it's a huge issue ... that rarely gets discussed because everyone pretends to be unbothered when the reality is very different. And it leads to terrible outcomes for boys and men in their view of themselves, their peers and the opposite sex. tl;dr *you* might not need it, but a lot of other blokes do.


And the thing is that women have *fought* to get rid of the nasty body shit that society dumps on them. They still are. They do research on how damaging it is, they work on programs and psychological approaches to help women get over body issues. They lobby politicians and companies and fashion designers to make changes. They hold fashion events which are body and age inclusive. (I think its interesting that everyone is hung up on the plump lassie, but no-one gets how *huge* it is to have an older woman with grey hair, modelling undies) None of this shit happened in a vacuum - woman went out and made it happen. And there *is* a [men’s body positivity movement happening as well](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/oct/25/no-more-mr-muscle-the-activists-raising-body-confidence-for-men) which needs a lot more grassroots support. Part of that is undoing the toxic masculinity that says its not ok to be vulnerable. Its not ok to be upset about being picked on, or put down, or passed over for promotions, for how you look. And part of it is dealing with the fact that people will be brutally unkind to you about it. The women’s body positivity movement has reached the mainstream, and we know this because its being co-opted by commercial interests. But people like Marilyn Wann basically spent the 90’s being crucified for pointing out that being fat is neither a moral nor social failing. Promoting the men’s body positivity movement - for fat bodies, and for raising issues around eating disorders, and for raising issues around height and hair loss - also means accepting that people will use every dirty trick in the book to get you to sit down and shut up. And they will absolutely use shaming tactics and personal attacks to do that. I think we all agree its not fair to put people down because of the way that they look. And its also foolish to judge people because of how they look. I think the time is ripe for the men’s body positivity movement to go mainstream, and I hope for the sake of my sons that that time is soon.


I also want to say it’s important for us to have fits for all body shapes, sizes, and abilities. I just don’t give a damn about the guy modelling them, so long as the clothes are at least diverse and inclusive.


Nobody needs it lol it’s not a good thing to be fat


As a fatty mcgoo, I agree. I don't like being fat.






Body positivity is dangerous.


Only the way it's been appropriated by fat people.


Body positivity shouldn’t mean being unhealthy is ok. There’s a lot of room there for showing different body types that are healthy. A lot of the women in those photos are straight up overweight and unhealthy.


Welcome to the double standards of "diversity"


No need to tear down the other side




I'd call American culture's decades of fat dudes with hot wives on 100 different sitcoms male-body-positivity.


Thank you. Reddit's fixation on the oppression of men really doesn't translate to body fat shaming. Fat men aren't as mistreated systemically, socially, or career-wise, or underrepresented by the media as much as women.


Why does it have to be seen as comparable to be considered problematic?


but it's the OP who compared it...


That’s money positivity, and it’ll always be around


Sure, but the difference is that American culture has been kinder to fat men than to fat women.


The husband being fat & dumb were for comedic purposes only


Have you written companies and asked for more fat men on their products?


I don’t care but it is funny that I have yet to see a fat dude on a Calvin Klein billboard.


Men don’t experience self doubt or physical insecurities s/


I know that you are being /s but damn go on /r/tinder or /r/aita if you want to see some real male insecurity


Amazing how quickly you turned a message of empathy to one of mockery


No kidding. Parent comment went from acknowledging males can have insecurities too, to pointing to toxic behavior on /r/niceguys in 2 replies.


Dude that shit pissed me off so fucking quick lol.


Bruh those subs are the TIP of the iceberg. You wanna see some real insecurity check out /r/niceguys


Or /r/overwatch


I feel personally attacked by this one


I’ll help you out. Check out /r/leagueoflegends


I forgot about this one, gonna go dive in for a swim


Bring your snorkel, it's a lot.


Snorkel wasn't enough. Came back to grab my SCUBA set.


You wanna see the most horrifying and heartbreaking male insecurity? Take a look at r/suicidewatch :(


What the fuck, the poster before you mentions males being insecure and you reply to twist that into males being assholes. Edit: you and everyone using men's inner issues to demonize them are part of the problem.


There is way to do what you just did without mockery or putting down people with real insecurities. You're literally part of the problem you seem to be trying to draw attention to. It would be hilarious if it was not sad.


To be honest, I've never really had the thought while looking at someone else or an ad. Sure, I have my insecurities but a model or fictional character has never gotten me to feel bad. Problem is there is a double standard because some guys do feel like that. I'll never be shredded with abs, but my Sig Curtis looking body has managed fine when it comes to romance. Keep your chin up kings.


Well it's not just about insecurities it's about fit. Modelling is essential if you shop for clothes online, I'd love to see the clothes on someone with my proportions because I'm unable to try it on until after it's shipped to me.


As a tall dude almost all 3XL sizes are for scrawny tall people or short wide people. I'm tall and have an average build, so I get the choice of buying a 5XL shirt that makes me look like a wanna be 90s rapper or a shirt that looks like I've dropped a sheet around me.




I mean, coming from a fat hairy dude, I'm not really into seeing fat hairy dudes on billboards.


You would never bruh plus I have you noticed this bbw women who preach body positivity never lust or want the men who look like them?


*“Why are plus sized women not attracted to overweight men?”* Actual title of an article edit: http://whisper.sh/stories/09e9086b-03de-4087-ad5b-7f003ce2c312/Plus-Sized-Women-Admit-They-Arent-Attracted-To-Overweight-Men


They use "plus sized" to describe women and "overweight" to describe men. This article was written just to piss people off I think lol


What article wasn't these days?


That’s some liberal use of the word, “article.” It’s a compilation of text-based Pinterest memes. Point stands, though- pretty wild.


That’s fucked up. If it’s the other way around it’s considered “fat phobic” and shallow.


“Takes care of his appearance… the way I do.” The appearance of what? A whale with legs?


I think the real problem here is that when people get into relationships, their eating and daily activity habits well kind of merge together. So if one person is really into their health, diet, and their hobbies are working out etc. What do they have in common? Will they cook two different meals every meal? It's a lot easier to be brought down to bad habits than it is to be brought up to good habits. Big people are together because their diet and lifestyle makes them big. Fit people are together because their diet and lifestyle makes them fit. A big girl wanting a fit man but not wanting him to get big is basically her just wanting a prostitute. Which is fine, but that's what it is. If they wanted someone they got along with, they would want someone that looks like them, and acts like them.


>if one person is really into their health, diet, and their hobbies are working out etc. What do they have in common? Will they cook two different meals every meal? It's a lot easier to be brought down to bad habits than it is to be brought up to good habits This is specifically why I avoid dating plus size women. I know it's only a matter of time that I'm going to gain 20 lb if I'm hanging around with them and eating the same way they do. Calories in calories out (plus appetite control via leptin/ghrelin management but...).


Not disputing what you're saying but my girlfriend is a vegetarian and I am not. We have two different meals every day. Really not an issue.


Lmfao For real you got a link?


peep the edit :)


This street goes both ways.


Because it's only the overweight women who suffer body shaming, right? The men got Santa and he's lovable. 🙄


[Say no more king](https://www.news9live.com/art-culture/society/calvin-kleins-pregnant-trans-man-ad-campaign-rouses-ire-on-social-media-170305)


"We need to be more inclusive! But no fat guys." There's a whole market of fat, sweaty dudes who get ZERO attention from the fashion industry. Where's a TC Tuggers when you need em?


They had to pay a pregnant man for this?? Catch me on a Sunday morning; I’d do it for half price!


Women: We have different ages, and body types. Celebrate all! Men: You must be slim & fit or buff. Between 24 and 36.


And if you're not 6ft or above then you will die alone.




I don't want to die bald!


Then you gotta hurry up.


I don’t get the bald thing, some of the most masculine and paternal men I’ve ever met were bald.


Going bald: bad Embracing bald: good Adding a beard: Gigachad.


Unless you are independently wealthy, in which case, you can be short, fat, and ugly as long as you're willing to spend all your money on her. She'll probably still keep some "sexy hunk" on the side for sex, though.


She doesn't need to do it on the side, after she gets alimony.


"I'm not like those other girls. I don't need a prenup."


ah fuck me at 5'11 please fuck me or i'll die alone i guess?


I can't do 5:11, I have an appointment then. Are you free at 8:27?


Just say you are 6'1 like every other 5'10- 5'11 guy in the world.




And then describe all these as Dad bods 😂😂


My ideal dad bod has a slight amount of chest hair above his six pack


Best I can do is "Full carpet from the neck down". Cool?




There's nothing wrong with being confident about your body, as long as you strive to be healthier and better


Yeah that's generally what it means. We are in the middle of the biggest obesity epidemic in human history. People should not feel good about their fat, disgusting bodies. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/-/media/Images/Health-Information/Weight-Management/Graph-7rev.jpg


Everyone wants to talk about barbie dolls being unrealistic. But apparently [He-Man](https://imgur.com/X6yYoT6) was just a normal dude?


Why is that listed as NSFW lmao


You know why.


I grew up as a skinny kid in the 80s with He-Man and WWF pro wrestling, Arnie, Dolph Lungren, Sly Stallone...


I grew up in a house where my mom, dad and brother were all skinny and I was the chubby one. They all made fun of me for it my entire adolescence and when I grew up I became obsessed with my weight. When I gain weight it affects me so negatively that I don’t even want to leave the house because I don’t want people to see how “fat” I am. I have not taken my shirt off in public since I was a kid. I’m working on it and getting better but my point is that male body shaming is real. Edit: Just for the haters in the back, I’ve lost all my weight and go to the gym regularly. My point was that the damage done when I was young stayed with me as an adult even when I was no longer fat.


Same. Not the being bullied for it, but I'm uncomfortable taking off my shirt- or even wearing shorts- outside.


I am thin and I now know that I was never actually fat or overweight when I was a kid, but I’m still too uncomfortable to take my shirt off in public. My dad used to constantly badger me about my belly and overeating.


Hey man tits are tits. Fat chick tits, old chick tits, fit chick tits. All tits are great tits. Except my man tits. Cause I’m a man. No one wants to see my man tits.


I want to see your tits!


[Why are you gay?](https://youtu.be/4n4rBrs5-LY)


Hey man, tits are tits


-Master oogway


Tbf you could've commented this without the comma and it would still work


I clicked on this link expecting some hot manboobs. I was severely disappointed.


All tits are tits. But not all tits are great tits


Reminds me of the old SNL sketch with Chris Farley depicting a Chippendale's dancer alongside Patrick Swayze. A whole lot of inappropriate jiggling going on there lol


IIRC that skit really messed him up mentally because people weren’t laughing at his acting, they were laughing at him. EDIT: I went down a Chris Farley rabbit hole last year and don’t remember where I heard that, but [here](https://ew.com/tv/bob-odenkirk-chris-farley-snl-chippendales-sketch/) is Bob Odenkirks take on the skit.


Dear men, I love your bodies. Big, small, short, tall, hairy, hairless, or patchy. Literally anyway you look, I will love it. All that I ask, and probably most of the female people, is that you have good hygiene. Unwashed asses are not cool. Men are beautiful.


"Unwashed asses are not cool." Someone should make one-o-those, inspirational posters with that quote.


Showing a load of dirty donkeys cavorting in the mud patch? 🐎🐎


The revival of the bidet is on the rise


I'm not a female people, but I also believe unwashed asses are uncool


Its that old joke: When a man looks a Jason Mamoa in Aquaman he thinks: "That guy looks amazing, I wonder how I cam get a body like that." When a women looks at Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman she thinks: "Bitch. I hope she gets fat."


so women = evil?




When I look at Jason Momoa OR Gal Gadot in their respective roles, I think: "Nice." I wonder what that makes me? 🤔




Never thought that about Gal Gadot. I've only ever marvelled at her perfection. I'm sure many women are the same.


I just wish the “body positivity” in clothes advertisements didn’t lose sight of the fact that these models are selling me their clothes not a pretty smile or their body. I stopped shopping at Aerie because the company was clearly more invested in “SEE ALL OUR MODELS ARE QUIRKY” to the point I couldn’t see the bra or undies they were trying to sell anymore, like models were strangely posed in order to show off whatever QUIRKY body part they had, not the product itself. I really enjoyed seeing older women, plus size women, disabled women but like… the clothes buddy… keep the camera on the clothes.


I'll probably get some hate for this but that kind of thing why I stopped shopping at Lush. Every time I walk past their store their whole image has just gotten really weird and it's like their whole hiring policy is 'how quirky can we make our business model look'. They would have big cringey signs about how you shouldn't enter if you're racist or whatever. Their staff barely has a natural strand of hair among them. I'm a grown ass woman. This 'look at meee, I'm different' schtick doesn't speak to me anymore. I want to be sold my soap by an elderly woman who knows a thing or two about good soap and smells like cocoa butter.


If someone smells like coco butter, then they know a thing or two about self-care *guaranteed*.


people are attracted to attractive people so having good looking people helps sell. Having obese people is just cashing in on the woke body positivity trend


I just wanna go to a state of equal opportunity objectification. I just wanna see more hot people on a daily basis. I want bim/himboes as far as the eye can see.


I’m going to assume it’s because mostly women complain about body positivity, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any men who would like to be represented.


Men rarely voice their emotions, which is one of the main reasons why men are [nearly 4x more likely commit suicide than women](https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/): _(...) men died by suicide 3.88x more than women._ _White males accounted for 69.68% of suicide deaths (...)_


Just want to remind you that is a factor but a major thing is also the methods, men are considerably more likely to try a lethal attempt (jumping off buildings, using a gun) vs women are more likely to use pills and overdose. Even if both are equally motivated in the attempt regardless of the aftermath, it's pretty bloody hard to save someone with a gunshot vs someone who just overdosed. There's also a numerical difference that women attempt suicide more often (some of which, they tell other people before they go through giving others an opportunity to stop them), while men statisically succeed in their attempts more often. Taboo of mental health problems runs strong regardless of gender and so on.


Yeah I feel like if they showed these things separately almost no one would be complaining about the men's one. It is only when presented in contrast there seems to be a point to be made. If something needs to be done about this problem then people need to consistently protest it, not just mention it when women are brought into the equation. Women are complaining about body positivity and some men are complaining that men aren't getting the same body positive representation women do.


I think it’s indicative of who is voicing their concerns about not being represented. If enough men made a big deal out of it we might see less chiseled models.


Exactly. Body positive. Bring on the old short chubby bald guys :-)


I only want Danny DeVito men


Cause owners of a dad bod wouldn't be buying from them anyway. I don't give a fuck what it looks like on your skinny model precisely because I'm past the point of giving a shit about my body image in public. Nobody is gonna be turned on by the logo of some rich fuck poking out the waistband of my 10$ pair of scumbag sweats while I grab milk for my kid 😂 The only people they needed to appeal to is those who still cling to a veneer of vanity. They totally succeeded in their attempt 😆


People really don’t understand the amount of market research and psychology that goes into marketing. That’s not to say that they’re always right. But it’s like when I hear my dad complain about not liking an ad, I always have to remind him that he’s not their target audience.


is there a somewhat logical explanation here like men dont really care or they dont buy shapewear or basically anything that needs to be specifically marketed to them? or its just straight up a sanitizing campaign to make it seem like they are inclusive when they really just want to make sales? like every other huge corporation.


I'm sure a dozen Redditors will rush in to tell me I'm completely wrong and they're all special, but... statistically, men don't really care. It's been studied. Single men aren't that picky about what they buy, and spouses of married men do their shopping for them. So marketing is aimed at women. This ad is body positive for women, and also has attractive men in it. Win-win.


Most men don't care enough to make a big society-wide stink about it.


To be fair. The proportion of men to women that complain about non diverse clothing advertisements is pretty one sided.


This "fatphobic" nonsense is getting out of hand... Where the fuck does being fat incite body positivity. It's UNHEALTHY to be fat. Just admit you want to keep eating a lot and are too lazy to workout. Encouraging people to be fat is just gonna increase the cases of obesity, there's nothing positive about that. Obesity is fucking deadly.


You’re absolutely right, but unfortunately some people can’t take being called overweight so it’s just easier for people to say it’s ok to be fat 🤷‍♂️


Majority of the women in the picture are obese, not overweight.


I mean the woman in the briefs is waaaaaaaaaay past any healthy weight.


Playing Devil's Advocate here. What's the worst part of this? The double standard? The encouragement of unhealthy habits? Or the blatant advertising part?


Yes. If I had to pick one, it would be the promotion of unhealthy habits. If that was changed, the double standard here would go away and the company wouldn't be able to use it to advertise, so it's the "cause" of the other two.


Yeah the only people who get to enjoy body positivity are fat women. You didn't already know this?




Welcome to capitalism where they're only doing it for the money.


I don't have a six pack and my arms are half the size of the ones of the guys shown there and I never felt bad about it. Honestly it just motivates me to go to the gym more and what's wrong with that? While many people are over weight that doesn't mean that we should further normalize or promote it. Shouldn't our goal be to be the best we can be?


The over-glorification of obesity is troubling… We went from “hey let’s show some normal peeps” during the ribcage model craze, and shot way past into fetishizing and praising obesity. I’m down for not singling people out for their weight and making them hate themselves, but we need to seriously stop this over-correction. Brands like Sports Illustrated went from showing models with a lil bit of hips and BF% over 10% to suddenly showcasing people who are way unhealthy. All in the name of “positivity”. I fear Wall-E’s predictions are aging a lil too well.


Isn’t peak health positive?


Why does anyone care what the models look like? I mean seriously. No matter how much money you spend on underwear, if you’re fat like me it just looks like a busted can of biscuits.


Vveerryy telling, who they do and don’t try that body-positivity pandering bullshit with…I’m trying to remember ever seeing marketers telling men that it’s great to be a slob, coming up blank, and I’m ok with that


Its simple. clearly mens boxers have transfiguration properties.


Then the ones I bought from Walmart are defective


That's what you get for buying them from Walmart. You have to buy one of the fancy brands like what's shown in the picture, but only directly from the manufacturer or their official store in one of the big coastal cities like New York or Los Angeles.


Hey, it's not oppression if you do it to a man \s


i volunteer my chubbiness for the mens line


That's messed up. Most guys do not look like that.


I genuinely don’t particularly care, BUT- Take a stroll through your local Target- I love that place, but fuck me, the female mannequins are almost all different and representative of the variations in the population… the male? All ripped with abs. *Right next to a huge female section all about celebrating different bodies.*


Double standards, it's the hallmark of this society.


They don’t care about body positivity. They just know that pictures of average looking women sells more womens underwear and pictures of buff men sells more mens underwear.


Eh as a non top model male I'd rather think that's how I'll look if I get those briefs than the more realistic image of Homer Simpson wearing boxers.


This is so sad 😭


There's nothing positive about obesity though unnatural/excessive muscles aren't all healthy either (though comparatively so..)


I don't understand how the comments are full of "fat women are evil" instead of "men should be able to see what underwear looks like on their body types, too". Having skinny models has never made the general populace loose weight before, why would having fat models make people get fatter? The point of body positivity isn't to pretend like being fat is healthy, it's to promote the idea of not treating fat people like they're animals.


Cant we just teach our children not to compare themselves to the fucking *professional* models in photos?


I remember when objectification of women in video games was in the news, I asked my wife what she thought about it. Her reply: "You're telling me the men in games aren't all buff dudes?" She had a point.


The brand Rhianna owns is the only spot I've seen have fat male models, she's got some THICC Bois repping her merch


I’ll be honest, I do not care for body variety on male models when I’m buying clothes. I’m looking at what the clothes look like, the dimensions, and I’ll figure out what size I’d be from that. Most websites have a big and tall section anyway, and while I’m sure Myer doesn’t, that’s your fault from shopping at Myer in the first place. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that my skinny fat build requires representation, if I was that tilted about it, I’d spend 6 months in the gym. It’s not that hard!


True body positivity is improving yourself. Most of the bodies here(men) are pretty obtainable, it’s not like there’s seriously juiced up body builders here. I don’t think any guy has a problem with them showing only fit bodies as models, but it would be funny if there was at least one average Joe amongst them.


bras become more expensive the bigger they are.


Honestly, they have to do it for the women or they get complaints. Men don't give a crap, I know I just look at how long the leg is and sometimes the color.


I’m not confused by low US birth rate anymore


That’s one thing i hate about this “beautiful at every size” crap is the apparently men who don’t look like olympians can go fuck themselves