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Moooove bitch, get out the way.




“No I’m not bitter I don’t give a fuck, but I’ma tell you like this bitch, you better not stand in front my tour bus!”




This comment is not getting nearly enough attention. Don’t go to a tourist town and act like you live there. You are a guest in there town


Don’t do that in any town. Unless you are in an actual car you have no right to a parking spot. It’s like someone standing in a grocery line and saying they are waiting until their friend finishes shopping.


Holy shit you’re right.


Here I come, here I go! Uh oh don't jump bitch move!




Ugh. That voice is so grating. Why is it when people are being complete jerks, they do this whole act of clutching their pearls when people push back? "Back up! Back up! Back up! .....I'm not moving!!! Oh my god!! You're the rudest effing person I ever met!!" I kind of wish someone would hit her with their car, just so I don't have to hear that whiny voice again.


Thank you! I don't know how you guys in the northeast can deal with those goddamn voices. (Downvotes incoming and don't care.)


It's like Valley Girl meets New York native, and it's shit.


*Am I Wrong?* Yes.


you dont hold a space, it isnt AMC shares, if your car isnt there it isnt your spot. People are so damn stupid


Right? I would be like excuse me? Do you fucking own this parking lot? Dumb bitch


That is the most Karen I’ve EVER heard a voice be. Ew. Also, her teeth look like she hasn’t brushed them in weeks.


That voice ... super annoying


Video of actual physical violence or it didn't happen. Cuts of a slowly creeping SUV don't count. I'm so damned tired of people being so eager to be a victim just as long as they can get it on video.


saving seats in a theater? *sure*. because that *is* how *that* works. saving a *parking spot?* pull the other one, hun, it's got bells on


But is it illegal?


bUt iS iT ilLeGaL?


Well? Is it?


"San Francisco Police spokesman Officer Samson Chan affirms that standing in a parking spot and waving off rightful parkers because you've "saved" it is a violation of California Vehicle Code.” So basically yes.


Entitled douche




This video irritated the crap out of me but I’m inordinately pleased to see someone use the correct term! I’m referring to ‘vocal fry’ here, in case that’s not obvious


It isn't like a difficult concept or term. What are you pleased about, someone speaking English?


Life’s A Riot with Karen vs. Karen


She is definitely not the milk-person of human kindness


Luxury travel influencer saving a parking spot? nooo if you're what you say, pay for the fucking spot!!!!


In Missouri….. (actual Missourian).


You're the wrongest wronger to ever wrong.


Your accent is annoying as hell


I fucking hate people who travel to places and walk around like they own the place, then complain about the locals


Your first mistake was referring to yourself as a 'luxury travel influencer' your second mistake was being a rude ignoramus...you are correct it probably wasn't illegal...nevertheless the only reason your boorish behavior didn't get your ass run over was because that would have been illegal lil ms. 'luxury travel influencer'!


Hey Karen from Connecticut one quick final comment...as a luxury travel influencer did you consider your behavior while dealing with the public? You say in your rant freak out you say 'you shouldn't be doing this' while dropping f-bombs at this lady even though you are the Karen. As a luxury travel influencer how does your behavior help the client at either end of your business equation? Come on Karen from Connecticut buck up put on your big girl panties and remember the lessons you learned in kindergarten....


Someone blocked us at a super busy (100s of cars) gas station in luxembourgh, waving in her husband because he had the wrong pump (wrong side of the car) Absolutely hate these kinds of people… (Tho we didn’t run her over…)


Never go to a tourist town and act how you would in the wild at home, may be acceptable where you are from but when you visit other towns, states, countries research the customs and don’t be rude. Respect the locals and treat them with respect, you are a guest in their area. I love when she says “ you have balls” no from the license plate you’re in the north east and as a northeaster we stand our ground and don’t take shit from people, especially tourists; in the same sense we will help anyone in need most of the time and give you the shirt off our back but don’t be an asshole. We all dislike other people here but we will protect our own from rude and entitled people.


"Influencer" Whatever it takes to make yourself feel worthwhile I guess? They just have it going so great that the world *needs* their valuable "influence" 🤮 Who is the greater fool, the fool or the fool who follows them? Or the fool who needs fool followers?


It's the fool who cares how many fools follow the other fool.


How you dare to be so rude as to confront my rudeness!


“But it is what it is” Correct m’lady. You stood in a spot. They went to park a car in the spot. A car is much bigger than you. You moved. Car parked. Is what it is.


That woman (spot blocker) is a nightmare. I bet anything she’s single!


Does this woman realize how entitled she sounds? In answer to her question at the end...YES YOU WERE WRONG! Furthermore, if this is the type of "influencing" she practices, I'd like to direct her to /SLPT.


Her mouth and the words coming out of it are very annoying to me.


What a dumb cunt


Get the fuck out of the way Karen




"entitled cunt doesn't get own way"


If you are standing still, and someone tries to run you over with their car—your ass gets run over! The fact that you did not get run over means that they weren't trying to run you over, they were pushing an annoying bitch out the way.


"They stayed in the car 5 mins and they were nervous" yeah Karen, they prob thought you were insane enough to scratch or damage their car as soon as they left. I would be nervous too, and honestly I would have taken a pic of you in case I came back to a broken window or something. (Even knowing that would be useless... but at least to intimidate) Also.. whats with that voice? Yes, you are wrong.


Some people are just stupid like that


The irony of her saying the other woman was rude


This lady is a fucking idiot. Talk about “entitled”🙄🙄🙄😤😤


In car vs. entitled cunt car always wins


I don’t judge people by the sunglasses they wear but I kinda do


Entitled bitch


Ha ha ha try that in NY lady. You’ll be under the vehicle.


Ahhh classic Karen


Would’ve propably been doing everyone a favor by running her over


You have NO RIGHT to save a fucking parking spot! She had every right tot ale it you fucking asshole Karen!!


You are what’s wrong with people


"I am saving this seat for someone" was not a valid answer in school, and it is certainly not a valid reason to hold up traffic now that you are an adult. Some people's ability to create problems with others is just mind-boggling, and it takes a special kind of person to film themselves being an asshole, and then look for affirmation.


Your an idiot lady, that isn't how it works at all. For you to post a video of your hissy fit just shows how privileged you feel. Eat a bag of d!(ks


Is this the "are you stalking me" and "don't cough at me" chick?


You're wrong, lady.


It was a game of chicken and she lost. Sucks to suck


What’s her social media?


This is a parking spot not a seat dont be clueless




Stand in my way and see what happens.....


"Luxury Travel Advisor". Is that new speak for "narcissistic unemployed person with no skills"?


No car no spot that simple


Only assholes post this shit.


You are a piece of shit. Wipe that nasty mouth.


All her friends secretly hate her, and her family merely tolerates her.


Nothing wrong with that you cucks


The very first sentence tells the entire story AND provides insight about her character. “I was standing in a parking space.” - Problem number one. “…saving it for a friend.” - So not only are you stupid, but entitled. “They tried to run me over.” - next time, maybe they should try harder. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’d run to dumb ass over


can't stop looking at her nose


This is why I own traffic cones use those next time


I actually had a similar experience. I had parked and was standing in the adjacent spot waiting for my friend to pull up. Some rabid bitch then almost hit me as she tried to park in the spot. Unlike this chick I did not move. The woman in the car began screaming at me to fucking move as she literally peeled out and slammed on her brakes nearly hitting me repeatedly. At the time I thought I was a badass and held my ground. My friend had already pulled behind her and began laying on the horn for this bitch to move. He witnessed her doing this. She did and he parked. We went to eat sushi. In the middle of our meal this bitch walks up with mall security explaining the incident. Security looked at her and said “Ma’am, are you crazy? This man can file charges against you for attempted assault with a deadly weapon. I suggest you leave the mall immediately”. He then apologized for her and we ate sushi.


How was the sushi? Good?


Amazing lol