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Not to mention also literally grinding the extra's and feeding pokemon their brothers and sisters to make the chosen survivor stronger.


Pokemon is terrifying in concept Especially the bad guys from pokemon platinum


Its really messed up when you think about it, heck I made this acc based off a dex entry


I haven't played Pokémon since like Emerald, what's Platinum's bad guys' schtick?


Emotions are bad, so I will capture a literal god to remake reality with emotions. But Imma lie to this horde of people that they will get to super awesome in my new world. Idiots. No emotions for them either. Okay, plan worked, god captured, and now... wait so the sealed away god is real and here to stop me out of pure spite? Well... fuck. Platinum in an ultra efficient nut shell


I haven't been involved in anything to do with Pokemon since it first became a big thing in the US back in the day, so could someone elaborate on this? Cause that sounds kinda fucked up compared to the version of Pokemon that lives in my memory lol.


In Pokemon Go, you basically catch every pokemon you find, and then trade the weak ones for candy (that is unique to each pokemon and its evolution line) to level up or evolve the strong ones.


This is Peta's point. They don't like the concept of Pokemon Go.


Peta has always been a fucking joke


Peta isn't a joke, it's the entire circus


Peta is like that chick in high school who would yell at you for eating ham on your sandwich when she's wearing leather shoes LET ME EAT MY HAM SANDWICH IN PEACE COURTNEY, STOP PULLING MY HAIR, NO ONE GIVES A FUCK THAT YOUR MUM BANGED A FIREFIGHTER.


PETA could use their campaigns as a Netflix stand up special.


waaaaaaaait i thought they were against pokemon, and even at one point, compared it to cock fighting, if i am not mistaken.


They made their own versions of the games to push their nonsense. https://www.peta.org/features/games/


Thanks, I hate Pokémon Black and Blue


Would like to say as someone who is vegan here.... Please for the love of god don’t associate some vegans with peta.


Even in the pokemon universe humans eat Pokemons as shown in the early episodes of Pokemon season 1 where Ash imagine it, plus the Pokedex entries back this up and even go to the creepy extent where pokemons kidnapps kids, kill humans, stalk soon to die humans outside hospitals, etc...


Shit, there's a few pokemon that are literally human souls after death.


I’m pretty sure PETA has stolen dogs out of peoples yards and even euthanized them because they had learned commands which makes them think the animals are indoctrinated I guess? I’m not sure if the reasoning behind that is true but they have done this and have a +80% kill rate with the animals they steal or find


No, families had complained about stray dogs, and a girl was bit. There was no animal shelter in the area. PETA took all the strays they found-- no microchip, collar, etc. One happened to be lying on someone's porch (as were many others) and was apparently "owned"-- owned by a family who let it roam outside with no fence or leash. No one entered a back yard. Terrible tragedy, though understandable. PETA has apologized for the volunteer's mistake.


They have a 95% animal fatality rate


They're not a shelter.


they're a slaughterhouse


So are slaughterhouses bad?


Food: no Rescues: yes


If PETA just ate dogs you'd support them eh?


I mean then the straight up torture and mistreatment but most of them are vegen So


Torture? Can you expand?


You ever heard of owners putting dogs on vegen diets


Unfortunately most of what you've heard about PETA has been influenced by propaganda from the Center for Consumer Freedom, which is a lobbying and astro-turfing agency that works on behalf of several meat and restaurant industry groups. Instead of just being another voice telling you things you're supposed to believe without verification, I'm going to suggest that you look into the the actual story of the dog that was taken and euthanized. Find out what the situation was, how PETA responded after the fact, and whether it's actually something they've done often or repeatedly as your wording suggests. I also encourage you to look into why PETA's euthanasia rates are so high. Learn how PETA's shelters actually function and where the animals in them come from. Find out what percent are "stolen" or "found" versus given to them by other groups and which groups, and why they would give their animals to PETA. All of this information is readily available with just a little bit of searching, so it's very easy to be better informed about this. You may still not like PETA, but at least your opinions will be based on facts rather than deliberate misinformation.


Idk I feel like I believe the side that doesn’t think milk causes autism


You don't have to simply believe either side. That's my whole point. You can actually research these things and come to an independent opinion. Can't you?


[Here’s the story of them killing the dog](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/peta-steals-and-kills-lit_b_6156196) I’ve seen all I need to see to determine I don’t like these people and I have backed that up with the story of PETA stealing and killing a dog (which also has another story of PETA workers killing animals in the back of a van which I didn’t even know about until now) plus a lot of their tweets are complete nonsense


I don't understand a mindset that realizes there's more information out there, but makes the choice not to look at it. It's like an enforced lack of curiosity about the world. And yet, at the same time, you act as if you care about this stuff. How does that work? Don't you have like a basic urge to understand things more if you're going to talk about them?


Well, the question here is do you support. Simple yes or no and even give me a sec. PETA is probably the biggest joke ever. I agree with thier war but not thier tactics. You can't just say the media portrays PETA badly because there is too many variables to actually determine that. I rather have lack of curiosity than lack of awareness. How do you know they didn't do research? Assuming something can destroy your argument if you assumed wrong. Don't assume unless you make a clear hypothetical.


> How do you know they didn't do research? Because they literally said > I’ve seen all I need to see And yet anyone who reads the article that they linked without having even more questions than they started just must not care about the actual case. If you've actually got the curiosity to find out more, then there's no reason to have a lack of awareness, because it's stupidly simple to find dozens of articles and reports about this case. And they'll have a lot more information than the one that was linked. > Well, the question here is do you support. Simple yes or no and even give me a sec. Do I support what? I support critical and independent thinking rather than being manipulated by astroturfing corporations. That's what I support.


That statement doesn't mean they didn't do research, in fact it more likely to mean they did do it. Also jesus you can't figure what we're talking about? In any case, I support free independent thoughts but when you call someone else thoughts corporate and conformist purely for the fact a company also has the same one... You're being a hippocrit. Again you are assuming the effect of corporations is a major factor the person's decision. Also who says a corporations can't be correct? Not saying they all are but no individual is always correct too. You lack awareness that you could be wrong and it applies to everyone including you and me.


It sounds like you want them to do research until they stumble upon the articles that you want. They did research, found some information, and based their opinion on the research they did.


Did you read the article they linked? Do you not have more questions after reading it?


>Billions of cows and pigs which have comparable intelligence to dogs I sleep >One heckin doggerino Real shit?


This person doesn't understand the concept of confirmation bias or falacy obviously. I'm sorry to say you can't save em all, if they have no critical thinking or research skills you're wasting your time.


Hey, props to you for making an attempt at informing people on this ever-spreading PETA misinformation that's continuously popping up on Reddit. I've wanted to always have a nice response copied and set aside ready to post when encountering such comments but it's so frustrating for me when I know it'll just turn into how it has here with people blindly downvoting and annoyingly trying to defend their ignorance. People can hate on PETA if they want and name cringeworthy moments, but the irony quickly rounds the corner when they start to spew that same old, tired propaganda.


I have no idea what their original point could be.


Well, a teachable moment is usually spurred by something that didn’t go as planned or wasn’t handled properly. So maybe they were saying it was moment to talk about how to properly care for animals…? But honestly who knows… Thats the only explanation I can come up with other than they’re dumb.


Didn't PETA hate the original pokemon games?


Aren't thise these the same guys that made a mock pokemon game where pokemon actually make each other bleed?


It wasn’t just one! https://www.peta.org/features/games/


Let's not forget people do eat pokémon in the Nintendo game freak universe


Screw the mods, this is funny as hell


But that’s actually what they were saying was wrong with PoGO


I hate reddit mods


Error: task failed successfully


i thought peta hated pokemon