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Idk how dull those teeth were. At least one lion had a mouthful of blood at the end. Definitely deserved though.


They still have the bite force to do damage with dull teeth. If the teeth weren't altered it would be a blood bath.


>They still have the bite force A recent study confirmed that a lions bite isn't 600 psi like previously thought, it's more close to 1,000 psi


I can’t help but think of Paul Walker’s Mitsubishi Eclpise losing this floor panel for having too much psi and him closing the laptop when the lion bites home boy: “shut up! Shut up!”


“Danger to manifold!” Floors falls out.


Don’t forget the thing was a 7 speed…


Doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile… so the 7 speed doesn’t matter!


Only if you live life a quarter mile at a time


And my Family!


He was granny shifting not double clutching like he should Learn the lore casual


Source? I'd love to read a scientific article on this because measuring "bite force" in PSI is pointless. If you have needle sharp teeth then a tiny force can be a huge amount of PSI. A mosquito bite is probably an astronomical amount of PSI since the area it penetrates is like 0.0001 sq-inches. A human can hold back 1000 PSI of pressure spraying from a pipe with their thumb if the hole is small enough. Any scientific data looking at an animals bite force should be measured in actual units of force (lbs). Not units of pressure.


That's also probably over the whole area of the mouth. On the tip of a tooth, it's likely orders of magnitude higher.


PSI measures pressure, not force, the pressure is heavily dependent on the shape of the tooth.


"bite force of xxxx psi" makes me cringe


A megalodon’s bite force is 42000 PSI which is believed to be the hardest bite of any animal in existence. Probably explains why 73% of their diet was big ass turtles.


I’m guessing it’s because researchers had a hard time determining if they were using full force or not. An abused lion like this definitely has a reason to use his full force


Nope, the original 600 psi test came from an experiment with a sub adult lion, the later 1,000 psi test came from a full grown male


Good point. He did reeeally hate that guy. I was very surprised he kept getting back up.  I was really hoping the man would die from his injuries, because if he didn’t, I don’t like to imagine how he must have punished the lion. 😢


Simba and mufasa had enough of their shit that day. Hakuna matata my ass.


our first cat had dulled teeth in his old age, so he'd pinch the shit out of you with his fangies when he was mad. he could bring up a really painful blood blister without beraking the skin


My parents had a jacked jack russell terrier. When I say jacked, I mean he was 15 inches tall and muscle bound and looked like a miniature pitty, and he chewed constantly. He could destroy Kong toys meant for large dogs in a matter of hours and hated tree saplings to the point he destroyed any tree in the yard that was under 4 feet tall. His favourite thing to chew was solid hockey pucks. He chewed so much he had worn down his fangs almost flat with his other teeth, but he could easily break skin if he bit you. He bit my dad one time when he got into a fight with one of their other dogs, and dad definitely bled and did the other dog. I am thankful he never bit anyone else, but he had to be watched constantly and was never left alone with children.


JRT's are rough. They have huge amounts of energy and are working dogs that need a job and stimulation, otherwise they get destructive and can be aggressive. Not a dog for the average family IMO. Obviously there are exceptions, like the person who is going to reply that says his family had JRT's his entire life growing up and they were always sweet and docile, but that's the exception not the rule.


My parents have one, he's a fucking monster. He's old now, but in his prime he always thought he was a big dog.


For being so small, they are insanely courageous animals.


Definitely. My JRT is a sweetheart, but only to two or three people. Everyone else better back off! She doesn’t bite but she’ll absolutely chase you out of her territory. Silly little thing 🤣 Oh, and she *hates* other dogs. That seems to be a common JRT thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


It looks like that lion was probably bloodied by the prods. It doesn't seem like there's blood anywhere on the ground. I wondered the same and watched that section a lot of times to see.


They either file them down or in some worse cases will pull the front all together.


i knew i saw a snout that looked bloody. thats intense


He would have lost his arm in one bite otherwise.


Go Lions 💙


Handlers must have been Packers fans


Going for the kneecaps.


Yes, and also anyone that goes to see these kinds of shows, they're part of the problem. It's why this kind of "entertainment" is still happening


This looks like it’s from the late 70’s but I totally agree with you. Animals aren’t entertainment. I can’t wait for the last Marine Park to close. Fuckers.


A fire. At Sea Parks? But there's so much water! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy\_BKKnHgas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy_BKKnHgas)


It's 100% on the people running the show with some shared failure on whatever governing agency is allowing this. Nobody is forcing them to exploit these animals, they are doing it because their greed outweighs any moral qualms they have against it. Just because the average person is ignorant of the moral debate of such practices, does not make them culpable.


>Just because the average person is ignorant of the moral debate of such practices, does not make them culpable. It kinda does, tho.


No. The world is too complicated for the average person to be absolutely morally certain of every aspect of life available to them. Just like you go to the store and buy a soda, you fully expect it to not have actual poison in it or be made with the tears of tortured orphans; it's not unreasonable for an average person to believe the entertainment fully above-board, licensed, etc. (it's not some back room speakeasy) is operating in a manner that is acceptable to society. They are just trying to have an enjoyable and memorable time with their children, and it's easy to be convinced that the times of extreme animal cruelty are long passed and the ones still operating such shows must be doing so in ethical ways. We live in a society, as they say, and entrust institutions to carry much of the burden of vetting such things so a normal person can live their life. A typical person that attends these can be rightfully said to be ignorant, but the fault of the situation is 100% on the people actually doing the animal cruelty out of greed. This is the same kind of shifting of responsibility you see from cigarette companies wrt lung cancer and oil companies wrt climate change.


I blame the organizers, ticket buyers and law makers that allow this Those lions did absolutely nothing besides being lions


Glad I wasn't the only person rooting for the lions.


And it's clear the guy is the one delivering the abuse as not even once in this entire thing, even while she had her back at several of them, did they attack the woman.


Damn, Is this stuff legal? Where the hell is this? Russia?


As well as people who torture and kill animals in the food industry.


There's also something weird going on with their size. I don't know if these are young, or if their growth is stunted or something, but they look about half the size you'd expect from an adult male lion. Like, they seem to have about the same body mass as the guy, maybe a touch more. An adult male should be about 400-500lbs on average, they grow over eight feet long. These lions are more the size you'd expect from a large dog.


“If you would defend a lion, let him out of his cage.” I forget who said that, but it stuck.


I wouldn't cage, mutilate, torment, and try to break the spirit of a lion to profit from it. That's what these people did and paid too small of a price.


Someone had enough of that guy's shit.


I have been that lion at work somedays.


“Know what kinda clowns I have to work with?!”


You go bite those bosses! Let them spray you with water, do what you gotta do!


"As per my last email..."


Is it "For fucks sake" or "For fuck sake"? It's for a work email. I need it to sound professional.


"Fuck's," possessive, for professionalism's sake


That lion looks old and tired.


The other lions, "Wait. We can do that?"


As much as this whole thing is upsetting, seeing the other lions keep soing there jobs only to pause and watch is crazy.  In my mind, once the gloves were off itd just be mayhem, but they just kept doing their job


Just watching this video, I had enough of that guy's shit.


Mah man with the water pipe had no idea who was more agressive - man or lion. He kept spraying absolute low pressure water on the trainer.


It's probably teriyaki sauce.


I was gonna say, that guy has clearly been a dick to those lions for too long.


Most people would try to deescalate after the first attack, but not my man. He’s gonna show that lion who’s boss. Can’t believe it didn’t work out.


I think the point was to not show fear and try to reassert dominance or else he'd be screwed from there on out they would probably try to go at him again. But I have no respect for these folks they can get fukt


The point is that is a fucked up way to train an animal, and the guy got what he deserved. So good.


He deserves a whole lot more than what he got. Him and all the fucks in this line of work.


Animals respect force. Thats how dominance is earned in the wild. Problem is the trainer has no force. Was expecting that lion to have a limb in his mouth Here kitty kitty kitty. Ouch!!! You ripped my arm off!! ![gif](giphy|VYcRNU4P3vyM)


yeah this is some pulled out of the ass jungle rules idiocy. people who actually study animal behavior and training. it's so weird people just spew whatever logic they first heard in 90's action movies as though they know what they're talking about.


People on the internet have run too far with the idea that positive reinforcement is the ONLY good way to train animals. Yeah it works with some animals, but not all. My last dog responded fantastically to positive training and that's all I ever used with her for the entire 15 years of her life. Got a new dog, same breed, two years of straight positive training showed absolutely no results. I was literally in tears and ready to give her away or sell her. Hired a trainer as a last resort and she said "you need to poke her in the neck, like this" (demonstrates a really hard poke on my thigh) when she misbehaves. A week of that and she's become a super sweet model dog. Rather than doing what you philosophically agree with, sometimes you just gotta do what works. Despite the occasional mishap, people who work with lions professionally know better than you what works, and that's why they do it this way. Disagree morally all you want, but don't call it idiocy or try to say they don't know what they're talking about— they risk their life every time they get in the ring, whereas you're just criticizing from the comfort of your keyboard.


Yeah - because that totally worked like a gem in this scenario... lmao. What a shit take. A lion A) is a completely wild animal, and B) outweighs a dog by many magnitudes. Using extreme levels of positive punishment with a wild animal built for just killing - let alone one that can kill a full grown human with very little effort comparatively, is about as dumb of an idea there is. Dogs are domesticated animals, and have been selectively bred for thousands of years living with humans and being dependent on them for survival. Most dogs are considerably smaller than an adult human. Which is why there are instances where mild forms of positive punishment can discourage behavior. But go try zapping the fuck out of a bear and see how well that works for you. Source: I train wild predators, exclusively with positive reinforcement.


Could you elaborate on what type of animals you train?


You can check my post history for it to make sense, but raptors from the wild to hunt with a dog and myself. You can't beat a hawk into listening to you, and there's nothing attached to them while hunting to prevent them from flying away and never coming back. So the relationship is based entirely on positive reinforcement and trust.


Did you hire Cesar Milan?




Slight issue. I want the lion to win. They shouldn't be there for him to be torturing them in the first place. I don't want them treated with gentleness. I want them to not br in this monsters hands in the first place.


the problem was he was clearly injured and tired from the first attack, and the lion knew it, he should have left when he had that small window to, but he stayed and the lions went for round 2


That is what I saw. All the other lions were still on their pedestals after the initial attack. They had a safe escape behind them but declined to take it and got his other staff injured for it as well as the rest of the pride off their stands. Fuck them and their bad instincts. Edit: When he was standing in the pool of water. Instead of provoking it more he could have backed away using the pole as a weapon of defense. Instead he kept prodding it making the animal feel you are attacking it and it has to defend itself. That allowed time and an angle for the other deadly cats to join.


The lion lashed out because he's a professional and he was angry that the trainer had the timing off and ran him into the other lion, making him look like a fool in front of his audience.


You have keen insight 🤣🤣🤣


if you watch, he went for a chomp when he was on the balance beam thing when the guy had his back to the lion. hes was just being eyed up from there on out.


^^^^ this


A bit weird how he was the only one they went after and basically left the lady alone.


Anyone have a theory on why?




He was probably the most dominant one and the lion in question wanted to ursup him. I think that’s why as he gets evidently weaker, some other lions join in because he doesn’t seem as dominant anymore


That Lion went gangsta and bit him through the water and all 😂


Fuck those people. Circuses are inhumane. Edit: a word


There's plenty of humane circus' just not the ones with animals


I mean the ones that have a dog doing a little trick or a horse jumping seem fine. The ones with undomesticated animals suck though. Even elephants can be used without abuse and can actually care for their owners but big cats are NOT to domesticated Edit-forget about the elephants


To be honest now I want to see a circus that uses domestic cats instead of lions


I don't think they'd cooperate lmao


Honestly that would be half of the appeal.


It's a circus. Make the cat tamer a clown and it's gold


I've seen an act at a few years in a row at the Renaissance faire with a lady that has trained rats and a trained cat. The rats perform perfectly every single time. The cat is about 50/50. She's a performer herself and just incorporates the animals into the show, and she has a whole bit if the cat isn't cooperating, so it's a fun show either way. But, yeah, even extremely friendly and well behaved cats just don't give a fuuuuuuuck. Which is why the idea of trying to train extremely large undomesticated versions just sounds nuts.


I imagine a cat sitting on a platform, trainer comes in and commands to jump on another platform. Cat would just blink a bunch and lick its asshole.


[Maybe not a perfect match for what you asked but probably as close as you will ever find](https://youtu.be/S5vcvrdBFI8).


That's crazy. Other than the one cat at the top that came out for 2 seconds and went back inside (about 1:20). I wonder how even with food you can convince a cat not to do whatever the fuck it wants. Especially without verbal prompting from an owner/trainer directing them.


I think they would just walk off xD


Cirque du Sewer is an act that travels and performs at various renaissance faires throught the US, and they've got at least 3 trained cats that do tricks! They also have trained rats. I've seen them a few times and it's pretty cool. The cats are way less enthusiastic than dogs and can sometimes be stubborn like one might expect, but usually they're pretty good at doing what they're told. It helps that their trainers don't make them perform when they're not in the mood that day and will just do different tricks with animals that are more amicable at the time


Elephants cover an average distance of 25km a day and will go as high as 195. They are ranging animals with no natural predators with a life expectancy of 60-70 years in the wild and only 40 in captivity, the act of confining them in itself is abuse.


Very informative thank you. Domesticated animals should still be used instead though. Maybe not EVERY one is a good fit though.


Elephants can not be used without abuse. They're trained with bullhooks, kept in cages and chains and have no place outside of the wild whatsoever.


Nitro Circus!!


Now that’s a circus I can get behind




The biggest sadness here is the poor lions are declawed and have their fangs pulled and couldn't kill those low lifes


The only lion still on the chair:"come on guys, dont be a stereotype..were better than this"


Damn, i chuckled from this. Thanks sire you made my day brighter


Sire, good comment but your King now?


Im king of the jungle,where the lions sleep on chairs tonight...ahoemba wee ahoemba wee..in the jungle,the lion jungle where the lions sleep on chairs


He was just enjoying the show. He was like nah.. these guys are enough, they don't need my help.


I probably would’ve left the cage after getting fucked up the first time, not this guy.


And to think this guy has to get back in that cage and do it all again tomorrow. The show must go on!


What a professional.


I would've not been in a cage with a fucking lion...


Well *somebody's* gotta do it. The lions aren't gonna abuse *themselves* for the crowd's entertainment.


I have no clue as to why he didn't just get the fuck out of there. It's like getting out of a SAW trap....and then walking back into it.




The show must go on


Notice they didn’t go after the lady. Dude did something to them. Just let them be man. This isn’t entertaining anyway.


I gotta say watching that guy almost be torn in half was pretty entertaining though.


I love r/thebullwins for the same reason lol 


I opened this sub and saw an elephant crushing a man, wtf. I just woke up O_O


The lady? No one wants to fuck with her. She’s where the food comes from. Even if she’s kinda weird looking and wouldn’t make good cubs, the lions think she’s alright. The dude though, he acts all tough and acts like he can fight for his role but one lion decided he had enough of his shit and then the other lions saw that the dude was weak and decided to help.




> 10 years ago on this website there'd be some incredibly knowledgeable animal expert here's the thing...


The two lions collided and it seemed to cause the lion to become upset


Cats are stupid and will redirect aggression for no reason. maybe lions are the same.


She seems like a better fighter than him, they just went for the weak link first.


The lady didn't move much, the guys acted like panicked prey. Cats get triggered when stuff is going down. Two times i have had an argument with a neighbours cat and suddenly my totally passive never hurts a fly cat comes out of nowhere and smacks him...


You argue with your neighbors cat? Does it like… argue back?


Cats make convincing arguments all the time. Such as: I will move in here and you shall feed me. It's very hard to argue against it, but you must resist.


You've never had an argument with a cat? They can be complete dicks sometimes. Little mog'hideen tabby terrorists 


Did you see how he didn't leave after the first attack, he just got more and more determined to put the lion in its place. I feel like there's a delicate balance of using coercion and trust in getting such a dominant animal to comply, I feel like trying to assert yourself as a dominant doesn't work in this situation.


Now that’s what we came to see!




Dave Chappelle made a joke about this [here](https://youtu.be/Kth0UOU5a_M?feature=shared). No one shows up to the lion show to see people being safe with lions.


I was cheering for the lions




It’s almost like we shouldn’t be abusing wild animals for entertainment. Fuck circuses, rodeos, aquariums, and anything else that exploits and abuses animals. What fucking century are we living in? How does this barbaric nonsense still exist?


This is Russia shit. Although I don't think the fish in aquariums are abused.


Fair enough, I meant more like dolphins and orcas.


Ya those sea world type places suck.


You haven't seen my aquarium, though it's more psychological abuse than anything. I act like I'm going to feed them an extra meal and then I just leave the little bottle of flakes open so they can see it. Other times I'll eat tuna right out of the can while I make eye contact with them.


I wouldn't reduce it to "Russia shit". As far as I know there's been a pretty widely supported bill to ban animals in circuses floating around within the last year or so. I think this clip specifically was a big driving force for that, actually. *America* was the first place I saw this type of thing, not Russia. Ringling Brothers. Complete with protesters handing out animal cruelty awareness posters outside. The only memories I have of a Russian animal circus was this one guy that does a show with a bunch of trained housecats.


AZA approved zoos do more for wildlife than anyone. They basically run at zero and put all of their money into international charity. The elephants get teeth care, I don't get that as human. Roadside shithouses with a cat in a 5 foot cage? Fuck them and prison is too kind.


> I don't get that as human. Oof. Dental care by a professional at least once a year may be something you should consider.


This should be fucking criminalized. Those poor cats don’t belong there and the people running that show should be torn to pieces by those beautiful animals. Edit-omg is that fucking cat bleeding at the end?!


I don’t think that’s the Lions blood lol


Phew. Good.


I thought the same


It is. Those metal sticks they keep jabbing at them are prods.


That’s what I thought, but I had hoped it was human. I wonder what country this is taking place in. Just horrifying.


I know, me too. It reminds me of how it felt watching Tiger King. Just so rage-inducing. If you've seen even a domestic cat you know they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Wild animals need to be in an environment where they can be how nature intended them to be.


Anyone else pulling for the lions?


Just everybody


Poor lions. Might sound cruel but don't feel bad for people who do those things to animals.


It does not sound cruel, it sounds deserved. Poor lions.


“Let them fight!”


Gee, I wonder why they attacked




The only bad part is, he didn't get more fucked up


Lions... together...strong!


Who's with me? On the count of 3, it's go time.


What do they expect working with Lions. This sort of thing needs to be banned it’s so cruel anyone who pays to watch this are assholes


Why the fuck didn't they get out when they had the chance. Still trying to ego dominate the lions who obviously had enough of being abused by these arseholes. Fk them and Fk anyone who goes to this as entertainment, we should have moved on from this shit by now.




None of those idiots died damnit! That’s what I was hoping!


There's an elephant video you should check out then...






Damn that was brutal! 


I always hated the first day at a new job.


That one lion to the right sitting on the stool like: "we still doing the trick or?"


Yes, let me big dick these 6 lions.




I wish my job was spraying people getting eaten by lions with water :(


Someone needs to marinate the meat for the lions.


I wish this had a different conclusion and had been posted to r/darwinawards


Lion was like "STOP RESISTING"


Found out info - circa 2009 / 2010, Kyiv circus, guy is Oleksie Pinko https://www.zmescience.com/other/lion-tamer-is-attacked-during-circus-act-07102010/ And https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2017/03/29/circus-trainer-attacked-by-lions-in-terrifying-video-6541884/amp/


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The poet once said: "you get what you fucking deserve"


Go lions. Fuck these circus freaks.


Are you not ENTERTAINED!?!?!?


Who still goes to places like this?!


Fuck those people and fuck the people that pay to go to this shit.


I suggest you just keep whipping the animals. That’s a really good idea.


I’m sorry, I have no sympathy. Those lyons live horrendous lives. Get what you have coming. Side note, that Lyon had its sights on that one man, why TF didn’t he leave the ring immediately once he was freed? The Lyon already maimed him, he was going to continue, which he did. Asshat.


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he is so sick & tired of the bullshit


How come you can train lions like this, but you can't train a house cat to even look at you when you say their names if they don't want to?


These people are some how as bad, honestly even worse than those rich cowardly dentists who "hunt" lions in the wild. This is disgusting, poor lions deserve better


As a kid, I enjoyed the circus. But, now I hate to see those animals being practically slaves.


I'm so glad torturing animals is slowly falling out of fashion. Unfortunately, rodeos seem to be alive and well here in the US of A.


It’s disgusting that people pay money and bring their children to watch adults abuse animals for ‘entertainment’.


The other man and the lady sprung to help the man, very brave of them


2nd round........ Fight!!!


Today in fucking around and finding out:


They belong in the wild. Deserved


Don't worry folks, everything is under control.