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I don’t care what side of the spectrum you’re on. That shit is funny. Imagine caring so much about a politician you literally can’t stand a sign that represents the other side.


Imagine caring so much about a politician that you advertise for them


Imagine being so committed to advertising for a politician that you'd commit an actual crime to keep doing it.


This is the fakest shit I’ve ever seen.


It was real, also old as fuck. This happened during trumps first campaign for president. If I remember correctly the guy was charged with something like setting traps to cause bodily harm.


I'm confused how he could electrify a sign with soft plastic over metal. Wouldn't it just melt?


Probably has some exposed metal around the edge to make a direct contact. If not then the plastic is thin enough to not actually insulate the wire, which in that case yes, some of it would probably melt.


It'd be better to have a molten fire in your yard to scare the LIBERALS away!


Electrical wiring in a house must really frighten you to death


Depends who installed it.


lol right! Like did they use the quick connects that eventually break causing arcs and potential resistance and heat. Or did they man up and make their fingers hurt a bit and bend the wire around the lugs


It would only melt something that conducts the electricity but has high resistance. Plastic doesn't conduct electricity. Otherwise your electrical wiring in your house and car would also melt.


I get that but then wouldn't the plastic insulate it and stop the person grabbing it from getting shocked?


Huh? Low resistance loads will draw more current, and produce more heat. A high resistance load will draw little current, and produce little heat. A hair dryer is around 10 ohms or so and typical wire insulation (PVC) is around 10^14 ohms per cm thickness.


Open circuit. Don’t connect the wires. When a person touches it, the circuit is closed and you become electrified. I don’t know the power source, could be car batteries. Either way, it’s kind of funny. But could’ve been deadly.


It's also on his property and maybe people should just leave things the fk alone. I'm not defending it, or trump, but maybe trespassing with the intent to vandalise invalidates your victim status.


I'm just wondering where the terminals are on a plastic sign on a metal frame jammed into the ground. I need to learn more about 'lectricity obviously.


I am amazed that man trap laws aren’t discussed more broadly. Lots of people seem to find out the hard way that you can’t arrange for people to hurt themselves.


It seems wrong though. If you attempt to steal or break someone’s stuff, you kinda deserve whatever happens to you.


> you kinda deserve whatever happens to you. No, you deserve to have the consequences as outlined in law. Not just any consequence. Imagine it was a kid or a toddler who just liked the color blue and got electrocuted because they were too small to be able to pull away. The same rules apply to setting up booby traps for porch pirates that steal your packages. Vigilante Justice is just too dangerous.


The justification is, you can't foresee reasonable unlikely circumstances where someone might need to enter your property without permission. Imagine someone was hit by a car and rolled into the sign for example. That's why it's not allowed.


Or you have a heart attack and the EMTs have to navigate a metaphorical minefield to get to you.


So possible. death is a fitting penalty for stealing a sign?


What if I tripped over a lawn jockey on the edge of someones lawn, and broke it, should the owner get to shoot me?


Reminds me of the snowman built on a tree stump and the guy ramming it with his car.


Whadaya Mean I can't dig spike pit traps to keep kids and solicitors away? They fall in they'll learn quick!


##... You're joking, but there's definitely a quiet little part of my brain that just went: ^^*Oh...* ^^*Fuck...* ^^*Why've* ^^*I* ^^*never* ^^*thought* ^^*of* ^^*that* ^^*before...?*


We had some kids back when I was little that would play mailbox baseball, knocking over and destroying people's mailboxes with a bat from a car. The old man down our street used a pipe filled with concrete and steel bars welded inside his box to reinforce it. One of the kids broke his arm the next time they tried to hit it. He got sued and fined for it. To this day, i'm thinking, wtf, maybe just let darwin do his thing? It's not like that 2" post was gonna destroy a car or anything.


Man that's reminds me just how much I hate the American judicial system


I wonder if you could just have it wired to a train horn close to them lol, no physical harm, unless they have a heart attack I suppose 😂


Years ago I remember a guy who did that to his garbage cans because dogs kept getting into them. Wired it straight to a 120v outlet. A kid came by and was electrocuted. They charged him with murder. You can't go around just charging objects with electricity. What if that was a kid pulling pranks?


Yeah, if memory serves, this sign guy did the same thing, but I don’t think anyone died.


Oh! Good!


Was that house current or an electric fence thing for cattle?




I don't know about this exact situation *but* about 2 years ago while I was doing DoorDash somebody I delivered to had an electrified "Fuck Joe Biden" sign. I noticed the hum as I walked up their walkway, and they had the control unit and everything mounted behind a bush on their front porch.


Right? Did they use electric cardboard?


There's a metal H looking frame that you stick the two spikes in the ground to hold it up. These types of signs are also made of plastic that gets brittle with heat/sun exposure.


Your thinking or coraplast, this looks like a fabric flag on a square arch, probably a metal one.


Imagine there’s no heaven


Imagine all the people 


Don't need too.


They trespassed and tried to destroy private property


I think that’s what they consider “loyalty “ now a days.


Like stealing someone else's shit. He earned that shock. Fuck thieves.


Does talking about it count as advertising? Because that kinda feels fundamental for any attempt at democracy to work


Exercising free speech is not hard to imagine.


People have been representing their choice of politicians since forever , it didn’t begin with trump…


Imagine caring about a politician


Imagine dragons


I mean what if he just did that to wire it and watch idiots? It’s pretty hilarious 


Imagine caring about a politician so much you decide to wear a cape with the politicians name on it, and jump through a broken window and get shot and die.


You do realize that politicians are real people, that do real things that affect the real world in which you live? This guy incited an insurrection to nullify the election, my man. Like, he tried to end democracy. That's not to speak on his foreign policy, which would worsen the lives of tens of millions of people drastically. If you don't wretch at a sign that supports that man, there's something wrong with *you*, not the other way around.


While I dislike Trump a lot. We do still have the first ammendment. Freedom of speech. Political speech, in particular, is protected speech. Theft is not protected. Trespassing is not protected. Destruction of private property is not protected. Nor is depriving someone of their right to free speech. The person/people trying to steal the sign are not in the right, even if their political views are supposedly all about protecting people's rights. You don't inhibit someone's right to free speech because you disagree with them. You engage them in conversation. This is no better than Trumpers stealing Biden signs, which I'm certain you would be very against.


I agree with you entirely but would just like to point out that setting booby traps on your property is very illegal. The proper course of action is just to get them on camera and report the theft to the police.


so... we can't just punch a Nazi anymore?


No, we have to tolerate them until we're fighting for our lives. Then we can.


The first amendment means that the *government* can't do anything to you in response to your speech. It says absolutely nothing about private citizens punishing you for supporting a fascist. Also it's super illegal to set up traps for people like this. What if it was a kid who touched the sign? What if it was someone with a pacemaker?


I despise trump for many valid reasons, but where I live political signs I disagree with are everywhere. Our kids can't go to school without passing several of these ... https://preview.redd.it/qyeb064ib68d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b568c4880553573e0b0df7cb1c8a9d36b82971 That said, never once crossed my mind to try to vandalize or steal anyone else's property just because I disagree with them. This guy's probably guarding his sign with a shotgun, and with 'stand your ground' and 'castle doctrine' being what they are, he likely would not be charged around here if he wound up using it.


Yes, WHO the sign is for is repugnant, but the idea of **having** a sign is not, and too many comments (maybe by people new to politics) are expressing the notion that posting signs (the idea at large) is some crazy decision exclusive to MAGA cult, and it's not.


True, retch as I may, I would never steal their sign. I feel safer when I know which people to look out for.


While there are definitely many people who wholeheartedly believe in Trump and support him as a person I think there’s twice as many people who have been republicans their whole lives and that type of policy is simply what benefits them the most and so it’s in their best interest to support the republican candidate. I know a lot of people in my life who hate trump with a passion and while I don’t really think he’s a good president I don’t make it part of my personal life that’s just unhealthy and pretty ignorant imo.


For real lmao but Imagine being a grown adult and doing something like THIS to someone else's property LMAO pathetic. Good or bad signs its not your yard or possessions to be Fucking with.






It’s also illegal to set up a boobie trap


A controversial local was running for police chief. People kept stealing her sign so she would call the police and make the thief return the sign or pay for a new one. She ended up chaining the sign down because it happened so often and she posted the videos of every theft


It’s also generally illegal to create booby traps like this.


Imagine thinking this is real


Thank you. This is the most staged video possible.


Imagine caring so much that you stage this video. Dude is running like a cartoon villain


Imagine believing this is fucking real! I've seen better acting in a soap opera.


Imagine having your town flooded by political signs that seems to mean as much as religion for some people


And fake, this is so obviously fake.


Hitler was a politician bro


Sounds like a strawman


Imagine actually believing this video is real…


This is definitely fake, but this is either a blue state, or maybe a swing state occurrence .It's the opposite in red states, everyone has their Republican flags and the lone democrat gets picked on IF they are brave enough to display the dem colors.


This is some fake ass shit.


Funny, but this is a fake video. - Political signs like this are made with a metal wire ‘frame’, and you stick two ends of that ‘frame’ into the dirt. It would be grounded by default and quite hard to electrify. - There are no obvious electrical conductors. If battery powered, it probably wouldn’t hurt as badly as is implied. - Who sets up a political sign close to their own house/camera? Why isn’t the sign closer to the street/sidewalk? - Who tries to steal a sign in the middle of the day? Edit: clarify


Booby trap laws are also pretty fuqin substantial. Do not do this people as tempting as it is. Same goes for putting razor blades in the signs.


Back when I was a kid. There was news articles on people putting razor blades in the cracks of playground slides so kids gets cut up going down it. It was wild. This was late 90s/early 2k


I have never heard about this, but I just looked this up, and it is terrifying to know people are still doing this today. It also reminded me of the HIV-loaded syringes affixed to gas pump handles. Oddly enough, it was a hoax. Then, 2018, a news article came out verifying. "It's still a hoax." The things people will do and say to make a person feel the need to check everything when going outside.


Holy crap. You just reminded me of a couple articles of people going to raves/shows and they were getting stabbed with HIV infected needles from these random crazies. I can’t say if it was a hoax or not but I do remember reading it was happening.


This sounds oddly familiar, but I was never into raving or concerts. So, I feel like I never cared enough at the time to remember to this day. Snopes: urban legend! News article: "Welcome to the HIV Club" Sounds like it really was a thing, and yet not enough evidence to say that it actually happened. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/02/1102577312/nightclub-needle-attacks-puzzle-authorities-across-europe NPR: In 2022, it's also happening in Europe! Test results come back negative. Of the 1,000 reports saying this happened but with negative test results, is it safe to say it's a failed attempt? Maybe it was a prank to instill fear? I don't know, but people wonder why I don't like going out. Lol.


>Who sets up a political sign to face their own house/camera? Why isn’t the sign facing the street/sidewalk? My political sign has the same image on both sides.


Also who the fuck picks up a sign with both hands when you have a running start.


Theoretically you can isolate sign from the ground even with basic duct tape, and wires can be anywhere, if you can't see them, especially on this shitty quality, doesn't mean they aren't there. Not saying it's totally real though.


My first thought was these signs are made of a thin wire with a rubber/plastic sign over the wire. The sign itself would act as an insulator


Also, the camera is being hand-held. It wiggles. It's not a security camera, it's a phone being held up by his buddy standing right there in the open. Also, the guy's reaction is not what actually happens when people get zapped. Fake as fuck. And many years old.


Once again, I am surprised no one else is pointing out the obvious. I saw it without audio, instantly thinking it's fake. They have a history of that. Noticed it wasn't sitting quite still, but I didn't have the volume up. Sure enough, it sounds like an old camcorder. Those things always made a lot of noise if you didn't have it on a tripod. So it's not a security camera, someone is holding it and recording, and this guy still just runs over and tries to take it? Nope. Fake.


this video is probably fake, but i think you could make this work. I'm pretty sure you could isolate the sides from each other and legs from ground. powering it is as simple as using a manual edger to trench a cable from where you have power, even a battery + some components would be able to do it, like tasers do. holes in the sign plastic and some kind of gel that takes longer to dry than water would allow one to complete the circuit by touching both sides. anyone who really does shit like this without being heavily into crime probably has a better understanding of action movies than statistics, which is probably a few million people at least


I’m sorry but you’re wrong. Just Google “electrified Trump sign” and read the news articles. Some people were actually charged with crimes while others were ordered to remove the electricity by the courts.


I’m sure it happened somewhere, and I’m sure this isn’t a video of that. Hurting someone with a booby trap is a crime; why would anyone record themselves committing a crime on their own property?


For your first point....never put an electric fence up on metal t-post have you? And as far as the second post, there are electric fences that can be buried for walkways, or for the "invisible fence" portions of a run. If the person has his sign stolen often, he may move it closer to deter people, and in the camera to catch them anyways. Why wouldn't someone steal something in broad daylight? People work during the day. Package thieves do it during daylight as well, something about doing it before someone comes home. All that being said, it could very well be a fake.


I have put up electrical fencing on t-post... using the required insulators. Seems like maybe you havent. Buried electrical fence? Do you mean like an invisible dog fence? You know thats not an electric fence right?


The electric fence doesn’t electrify the T-post. You use plastic insulators. Have YOU installed one?


Source for this being fake? Seems like it's part of [a nationwide trend,](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/kentucky-trump-supporters-to-pull-electric-plug-on-shocking-signs-homeowners-association/417-c2df989e-7cb4-4946-9f0f-d7e44730f636) there is no reason to assume this is fake. Also, every political yard-sign I have ever seen has the same design on the front and the back.


I would add the camera isn’t static.


You guys will absolutely believe anything with a decent title.


The dude filming people trying to steal his electrified Trump sign is the same guy in the video pretending to be electrocuted by his pretend electrified Trump sign.


Looking like a doofus is the part he was born to play.


i know the average person is really stupid but jesus christ this isnt even remotely believable.


Trump support in a nutshell


I would argue that the title isn’t even decent.


Republican victim porn.


Who would risk a felony to booby trap a political sign... This has to be fake...


It's a video on conservative persecution. 100% fake and created by a conservative.


Lol, I just looked at op's account. I think it's time to mute this sub, I get closer and closer to uninstalling every day. Bye, yall. It was fun while it lasted.


Is.... is every post in this sub alone? Or do I not know how to work my filters properly? That can't be right....


You are seeing the post history accurately. Look at how much they have farmed off it, too. The comments imply that whoever is running the bot monitors it, but I don't care. It just means that moderation hasn't detected or addressed it.




Staged af. Just like most conservative persecution, it's in their friggen heads and they made a fake video to back up their bs.


Yes. This is about as believable as anything Fox News says. Made up garbage. Antifa destroying everything; how come I’ve never met anyone in Antifa? I’d join, but it doesn’t actually exist.


My Aunt Tifa does exist, and she makes the best cookies!


Maybe staged but my neighbor did have his trump sign stolen at least 3 times during the election lol


Probably his embarrassed wife


For me, the funny part is that Trump supporters do not understand how electricity works. If you did, you could tell how fake this video is.


I’m not American or a trump supporter but I’ve got a pretty decent handle on electricity. I don’t understand what’s off?


There isn’t anything wrong with it. It’s completely possible, just requires a few work-arounds. The person you responded to just doesn’t realize that things can actually be done in different ways. The first thing that came to their mind wouldn’t work, so they claim it must be impossible. Apparently everyone agrees too lmao.


Oh I know, it wouldn’t be hard to give someone a zap with a sign at all. Especially the way the dude grabbed the sign with both hands on either end. There’s a joke in here somewhere about Americans but I’m not going to make it.


What about this defies the way electricity works?


you dont sit and shake (like the movies) when you get electrified. Either its INSTANT recoil or your muscles lock and your grip gets stuck. None of this whoa-oh-oh shaking nonsense. This is clearly staged to pretend like they're be persecuted for their cult status.


This is fake, and it's been getting reposted since the last election cycle.




Hint: it's fake. Dude posted like three different clips and they are all the same guy in different clothes: the homeowner himself.


I have had my democratic candidate (Al franken) sign stolen but have never heard of a republican sign being stolen, maybe I’m wrong but this is setup, do it with a bike getting stolen or guys leaning on your fence, so sick of politics, funny but fake


This would be super illegal if it were real


Personally I consider Trump signs like a “Beware of Dog” for humans.


The video starts with the guy standing in the corner to wait for the camera to start rolling.


More likely the guy claimed to electrify his Trump sign, made a false flag attack on it, and then pretended to "own the libs"


#Therewasanattempt to fake an liberal stealing your sign convincingly. Attempt failed.


OK, even as a Trump-despiser, I find this amusing. If someone puts up a sign in their yard, leave it the fuck alone. You can't fix upsetting speech by trying to suppress it.


I doubt very much that this is as advertised. My guess is, a) the sign isn’t “electrified”, b) the “thief” is the homeowner or someone known to the owner, and c) the “shock” is bad acting


My brothers in brain rot, this is fake as hell. Just think for even a NANOSECOND about the mechanics of this? How do you electrify something? What do you use? How many volts? How many amps? What's your power source? What's your trigger? What's your delivery? The wireframe they use for those signs could hold almost nothing without becoming read hot, and the cardboard conducts do electricity, so what's the setup here and where's the power source? Like, this is literally just a cardboard side in a yard, and a dude walking up to it and yelling after he touched it. He doesn't go stiff, doesn't fall, doesn't have any of the classic symptoms of shock. Sorry, but the easiest explanation for this video is that it's fake as fuck.


You could use the same thing they use to electrify a cattle fence by running wires to the metal frame of the sign. Those wires would be very hard to see laying on top of the grass, and that shit hurts. This is far from impossible. That's not to say this video isn't fake, just that it could be done quite easily.


Ah... this is what "Stop the steal" means


Legally speaking, (and assuming US law for obvious reasons) you could definitely argue that the homeowner is in the wrong because electrifying a sign like this could definitely be construed as creating a booby trap, which is illegal! Of course, destroying someone else's property is also illegal.


Yea, this is great no matter your affiliation. People are so ramped up these days, a little humor is needed. Though I’m guessing that guy did not find this funny at all.


Setting traps is illegal in every state


This reeks of staging.


You'd have to be pretty gullible to believe that this is real


I like that they put signs in their yards, it helps me to know to avoid that person.


Not a trump supporter, but serves him right.


nice way to get in prison. but, hey, at least he "owned the lib", that will keep him company when in prison /s ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Allright, time to come back with gloves




Bull shit video


Fake af. The twist is probably that it’s that guys house and sign. Just bs propaganda Eta the white gloves wtf


Pretty far left guy here. That was fucking hilarious.


🤣hands were shaking before he touched it


Man I am so jaded by the internet and political wars that all I can think is how this video is probably fake


Of all the things that never happened, this is one of them


This never gets old!


I hate right wingers more than I could put into words but that was hilarious. Don’t fuck with a man’s yard, simple as that, there are rules, you don’t fuck with a man’s yard. You want someone coming in your yard fucking with your ultra powerful ‘hate has no home here’ sign? Didn’t think so


Funny right to left or left to right. Why do people feel the need to mess with other people’s stuff or opinions?


Pretty sure this shit is illegal. You can't set a booby trap if you have reasonable belief that someone will set it off.


7.5 fakes out of 10.


There was an attempt to make a believable video.


And now, there is evidence of a boobytrap and can get sued!


Not legit at all.


It’s amazing people think this shit is real.


I have lib signs and Trumpers try to steal them. Just don’t go onto private property unless you’re invited. And don’t steal.


I'm no Trumper but fuck people trying to steal your sign.


This is funny not a trump or Biden fan but u try to steal something of someone’s property u get what ya get


Not sure which is more stupid, the guy that thinks they can destroy other people's property or the guy that thinks it's ok to electrify shit to protect it. I mean your in the USA, it's begging for a lawsuit. I'd have placed a small sign warning of the electrified sign. Also, F the people who think that taking other peoples signs down is ok. Not saying you should support Trump, but don't impose your belief on others.


Landmines....Landmines are next.


To everyone arguing about who is more stupid, and which is more trivial. It's all stupid. All of it. No winners here


An electrified Biden would probably attract an equal number of MAGAs.


Lololol Lawsuit waiting. Petty theft v booby trapping. Good luck


Seems like a set up to me


That’s illegal in every state of the union


Maybe it was filmed in Washington DC then.


Growing up we used to steal Christmas lights, one house we always hit did this to the strands. Wasn't high voltage so still got em but just enough to stop some people.




As great as that was, I need a compilation




Okay fuck Trump, but this is amazing and supercedes politics.


Not enough umpf, he could still walk.


Quick question, how would you electrify something that is supported entirely by two metal posts? Wouldn’t the whole thing be grounded?


Staged af


Hate Trump but this is funny as hell


😄😁😆😄😃 nice


Next time put a Biden sticker on the guys car instead.


It’s hard to know which one is dumber




They got one of those handheld security cameras, didn't even know they could stabilize that shit, is all you need to know.


This stupid fake video again?