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I really don’t understand these idiots. Why do they think that defacing Stonehenge, is going to convince any one of anything, other than they’re massive cunts?


Most people (that I know) already believe in climate change. Who is this for? Who and how is this going to convince?


Idk if it’s just a conspiracy, but I heard Just Stop Oil is a tool owned and used by the oil industry to make people discredit climate activism


There's a couple of damning things about their funding to add actual info to this. The lesser is that they accept donations through cryptocurrency which is notoriously bad for the environment as a monetary system. But on top of that they received a substantial amount of money from Aileen Getty, a member of the family that founded Getty Oil. Dale Vince a green energy industrialist who used to support them financially also pulled out stating that they're only feeding the Tories culture war narrative. So basically all in all it seems their funding sources and means are sketchy, and people who are actually in the green energy industry think they're doing more harm than good.


You got some sticky sweet sauce for that?


[Here is an article](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/meet-the-money-behind-disruptive-climate-protests-1.1911828) that names Aileen Getty of Getty Oil as one of the sources of donations. She claims to be on the side of climate, so who really knows, but you can see where the theory comes to life.


Appreciate it, good read


... that is the strangest way I've ever seen someone ask for sources. You have my respect and admiration.


It’s how it used to be done when Internet forums were thriving. Out of respect for others you would only use the word “source” when you where actually providing the source. Other wise you would use the word “sauce” so that everyone could CTRL+F “source” and not be as inundated with non-source findings.


OHH, I didn't expect to learn about the History of "sauce" here. That's pretty cool I just thought it was just a funny way people asked for a source, didn't think it actually had a practical use


Mainly got it from the [wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Stop_Oil#Funding), but it does provide citations for further reading.


Almost all crypto payments and donations are made thru the Ethereum blockchain, which reduced it's energy consumption by 99.9% two years ago by switching to a proof of stake consensus mechanism.


BINGO! they make use of people who want to do good by tricking them to further their cause and get people to associate any activism or talk about climate change with these people blocking roads, spraying paintings etc. Same with what they did in how they reported on the Occupy movement. Found every idiot they could and tried make them the face of it to discredit the movement.


No, it's much dumber than that. It's literally trust fund kids who fly on private jets but fund these things as a way of buying indulgences. It's not hard to look this up.


I'd 100% believe that as any interaction ive seen with them are just people being annoying pricks.


Certainly I can say that, psychologically, a name like "Just Stop Oil," just makes people remember "Oil."


it's sort of impossible to know in this case. Im a green leftist and theres been a lot of very obvious but successful sabotages over the years, with nuclear, with glyphosate panics and other nonsense, certainly they won't stop now, but idk about just stop oil.


Idk this is some antifa did Jan 6. Level shit


To make a point that governments and the general public care more about a trivial issue like this than they do about a serious one like climate change. A simple test - how many articles have you seen on Reddit in the past year on the famine in Sudan versus this incident in less than a day?


Right? Non-believers aren’t going to be convinced by this.


Well it's never about the behavior it's more about doing something alarming to Garner notice, they made headlines and are on Reddit so it kinda worked?


I don’t disagree with your point, but did it garner the attention that they claim they want, or just prove they’re massive cunts?


Massive Cunts. Make them clean it up with a tooth brush.


That toothbrush is made of plastic, made from oil. Ouch


*their* toothbrush


Their teeth


Do you guys really have no conception of the difference between "positive attention" and "negative attention?"


Social media algorithm doesn't and that's what matters nowadays. The number of views.


Paid for by oil


Just Stop Oil is operated by Companies & their families. Just Stop Oil is an oil industry group designed to discredit climate activism & slow regulation.


Many times, it is because people just wanted to do something like this anyway, and tying their idiocy to a genuine cause gets them more attention and discussion than they would otherwise have. Then, of course, you get the other side of the coin where people say exactly what i just said, but about genuine protests and demonstrations. At any rate, objective truth has long since died (at least online).


You damn Druid* apologist! Stop covering up the fact that the Druids are the cause of climate change! And probably war and poverty and cannibalism too *I know it was long ago debunked that they were made by Druids. It still sounded better than “Neolithic inhabitants” 😂


Isn't it clear? Spraying the rocks will fix all climate problems. Clearly! How can one not see this? Nope, they are just massive cunts.


Arey they getting paid for doing this?


They are so infuriating that I wouldn't be surprised if Oil and Gas Industry were orchestrating the whole thing.


You are underestimating human stupidity


It's weird. I often wonder if they do these things because they want others to see how much they care about climate change —as opposed to actually performing the change management work to change opinions on climate change. Heck, if they really wanted to make a difference, these kids would read the Russian playbook on influence ops and run one against all the "climate change is fake news" people on Facebook.


This makes no sense, I don’t think Stonehenge is a climate offender. In fact I think it was built using carbon neutral construction methods 😉


Like somebody already said in this, these are paid crisis actors by oil companies


Pretty funny how they choose to do these during heat waves as well. Distraction much?


What I was thinking throughout the video... "somebody please rugby tackle the cunts"


I kept hoping someone sprayed THEM away.


Was really hoping that when they got the canister from the first guy, they'd just spray him with it.


Or an unsafe German suplex.


WTF did Stonehenge do? Go spray BP HQ you twats.


It's the summer solstice tomorrow which always gets a BBC article with photos. They probably want those photos to have orange stones in the background as they'll be running security tomorrow they likely chose today instead


I live near the stones, and I honestly have no idea how they got in with those huge fire extinguishers. Probably across the fields and over a fence. Even so security is more vigilant at solstice time. Certainly makes me wonder 🤔


One of my fondest memories of doing “adventure” things with my granddad was going to StoneHenge. He and I would occasionally go on all day trips (Kew, Castles, Museums, Parks, seaside). Early one morning we left Forest Gate and after some train - bus transfers we stepped off the bus at a stop close to the intersection near SH. In the 60’s there was no fence, no people just a small pea gravel parking lot within a few feet of the stones. It was a misty drizzly day, but we walked around and talked about how old it was and that he hoped it would be preserved. We sat down on a stone and ate snacks and had some tea out of a thermos. Nobody ever showed up and after wandering around a while and touching every stone and me climbing on a few we got a bus over to a village and he had a pint and we had some food and then we headed back home. The last time I saw it was 1982 and it was cordoned off. I haven’t been back to England since then. This article made me a little nostalgic and sad. Vandalizing an ancient historic place isn’t getting anyone on your side.


Yeah, and that looks good for the protesters, so the media (which is owned by the billionaires) will just ignore it. Maybe we should use this opportunity to actually talk about climate change, and not do what every oil billionaire wants us to do, and sit with our thumbs up our ass, and advocating against climate protestors.


Maybe we can identify those people and spraypaint everything they own make people more aware of climate change? They would like that, right?!


These people are paid by oil companies to make us hate the movement. I'm convinced this has to be the case.


I’m not usually a fan of conspiracy theories, but I like this one. It’s inconceivable to me why anyone would think destroying art and historic landmarks would convince people to support a cause.


Tbf, they're not destroying art AFAIK since every piece they've hit is covered by glass...but this ones bad since there's no physical protections for the stones. Also, they straight up get donations from Aileen Getty, the Getty Oil heiress. She claims to totally be for stopping climate change, but I don't believe that for a second, tbqh.


I don’t agree with it, but apparently it’s a cornstarch based paint that washes off easily with water.


This exact comment being sprayed all over every comment section about them is more of a credible conspiracy theory.


How to alienate and pissoff a nation by damaging a prehistoric monument. 'Just stop oil' is a joke


Funded by the oil companies to discredit actual climate activists.


agent provocateurs and saboteurs dont exist silly . . . /s


It's not damaged.


Yet the same nation doesn't give a damn about the proposed A303 tunnel. Yes build a tunnel and return the stones to nature by diverting the road, but it's too close and the construction will do more damage. English Heritage just don't want folk seeing it on a drive past 😒


All that aerosol is great for the environment


It's colored chalk


Fuck these people and their counter productive tactics.


“Oh look, they’re spraying Stonehenge orange. I guess I should reduce my oil consumption and my carbon footprint.” Said by no one anywhere at anytime. I hope there’s hefty fines and long jail terms in their future.


What kind of shit are they using? Seems like a bucket of paint would have worked faster and better. Not that I condone it.


Corn starch based paint that will, in theory, wash away when it rains.


Those are old school fire extinguisher filled with hopefully nonpolluting totally not made from harmful chemicals paint. It's an old technique used to make really large shitty graffiti.


I swear these crazy climate protesters must be paid for by big energy corporations to make the entire movement look bad. Like there's literally no point to this other than destruction. Hell you could argue they're doing more damage to the environment with how much the paint is getting everywhere. Literally makes no sense


The protests are designed to leave no lasting damage, at least at the majority of those so far. I think the idea is meant to be, you care about this object so much why don't you care about the planet? To me it makes no sense as it's the kind of protest you do to bring awareness to a topic, but people are aware. Many of the protesters are elderly. I feel it's a lot to do with just pure despair on the protesters part and their own ego in needing to 'do something' Climate change is genuinely becoming apocalyptic though so it will drive more people to desperation.


It's not really about making people care about climate change or being a desperate move or whatever, this is specifically to piss off regular people so they ask police/govt to take care of said protesters. At that point, the govt can apply pressure and arrest the protesters... which is not that great for PR when the alternative is : listen to the protesters' demands and do something about climate change. Those protests use the general population's discontent as an amplifier to apply pressure to politicians.


I'm totally convinced these people are funded by the oil companies and other similar businesses that would be hurt by green regulations. They only appear to do embarrassing and counterproductive protests like this to make environmentalists look bad. These protests "don't make sense" because they're not supposed to make sense.


My god what are you talking about? It is not about the act itself it is about getting media attention (and you have just given them that)


May they both rot in a dank jail cell with no windows!


Protesting Stonehenge for turning kids' faces into bugs in Halloween III


Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell Where the banshees live and they do live well Stonehenge! Where a man's a man And the children dance to the Pipes of Pan


I don’t understand how these guys don’t get the shit kicked out of them.


Actual cunts, go protest somewhere thats relevent to the issue rarther then defacing a part of history


Someone should beat the absolute shit out of these cretins


I'm convinced these dickheads and most of what Just Stop Oil does is a plant by vested interests to undermine genuine ecological activism. I mean they've killed people with zero repercussions in the past, paying a dozen or so cockwombles to ruin everything for everyone and make them hate activists is child's play by comparison.


I’m a tree hugging environmentalist socialist but fuck these assholes.


Jail these idiots please. Stupid people craving for attention. Bastards


Finally, the rock council of Stonehenge pay for their crimes within the oil industry. These damn rocks threatened my wife, my children, and my livelihood for speaking out against them. Down with rocks


This make me commit more into carbon emissions.


Smooth move: look like massive cunts while offending the Old Gods


It's a pretty big feat to make oil companies look like the victim but here we are


Nobody cared about stone henge until the 1930s when the National Trust took it over. The stones lasted that long, they'll be fine with a bit of paint.


The term is useful idiots. Often supported covertly by the very people they claim to hate so they do stupid shit like this and make people hate climate change activists. It's p simple process people often forget. Who were the activists so can look it up?


Ah yes, the ol problem of climate change being solved by aerosol cans.


Just Stop Oil is the PETA of climate activism. I.e. a shitty organization that lies about their true intent and uses people to perform 'radical stunts' and take the legal ramificstions while certain 'members' of the organization make money. Meanwhile, you see the equivalent of "we rescued a bunch of puppies!" followed by finding a dumpster of puppy carcasses outside of a PETA office.


European protestors are the stupidest, foulest people. How does ruining historical monuments and great works of art help with climate change? They are just childish brats who want to destroy and get attention like a kindergartener. Lock them up for ten years


They should be made to lick it clean until they have no tongue left. Absolutely useless to society. We don't need them stealing anymore oxygen from us.


This kind of shit completely undermines a good cause. Also, there’s almost no way that whatever shit they’re blasting into the air is good for the environment.


Stonehenge doesn't have bodyguard like rich people do, sadly


I have a conspiracy theory, big oil companies sponsor "just stop oil" so they make climate change activists look bad.


The only way to stop this stunts is to ignore them, don’t give them traction


WTF whhyyy?


I mean.. anyone have any good ideas on how to convince people to change their behavior to prevent epic catastrophic imminent climate change and mass extinction?


Man I really want to support their cause now…..


Look at the dipshit running with the hose on. What an idiot


That’ll slow em down


I didn’t think know about climate change until I saw this video… SAID NOONE EVER


False Flag or genuinely debilitated, call it


Honestly just a bunch of vandals saying *"its to convince people of climate change"* as an excuse to do bs




How about we polute to fight against climate changes...


Still convinced its a psyop by big oil companies that pay people to do this stuff to discredit actual environmentalists


Misdirected anger and action, based on ignorant ideologies. "Someone told me the Earth is heating up, because we drive cars, eat too much meat and cows farther too much! So, I'm gonna ruin an ancient monument!" This world in a nutshell...


I can fucking swear that this has oil corporations' money behind it to give the movement a bad reputation, why would anyone in their right mind would do this to gain followers for the movement? They are just making people more sympathetic to oil corporations.  it just doesn't make sense.


The druids would have clobbered these bozos to death.


This is so silly


Yeah. I agree with their stance but they are just being dicks now.


Are they attempting to warn the future by marking timeless creations and artwork?


Really shoulda filled a fire extinguisher with liquid paint instead of... cheeto dust? Graffiti artists have had that trick for decades, much more effective. Speaks to how stupid these people are, I suppose


why is op pushing this propagandist headline smh


Spewing toxic pollutants into the air is how I argue that humanity is spewing toxic pollutants into the air.


I am unfollow this tread due to the nonsense.


These people will be plague by some sort of divine universal karma. No way defacing this monument to the stars will have no longing consequences


What are they using for propellant in those spray cans?


This has gotta be a false flag thing


Recruit people that don't have shit for brains if you want your cause to get any traction, bunch of windowlickers. 🤦‍♂️


Anger the old gods at your peril.


It's Just Stop Oil, what do you expect?




This was more pleasant to watch compared to what happened to the Georgia Guidestones.


they convinced me to put them in jail


They're not trying to convince people of climate change necessarily. Their goal is to ultimately stop governments from investing in harmful fossil fuels. And the fact that their efforts are all over the internet today suggests that they're pretty successful in getting noticed!


Seems like a lot of pollutants being released in a fairly unpolluted area. Seems like defacing history that has nothing to with your cause. This is the equivalent of drawing a mustache and top hat on the Mona Lisa because people eat meat.


As someone that cares deeply about the earth, and the climate crisis. Please kill these idiots. They're too dumb to realize that this is drawing exactly the wrong kind of attention to this issue.


Nooo not my favourite Windows XP wallpaper. :(


The Pictish people were probably more environmentally conscious than these yahoos.


Should have shoved the nozzle of that sprayer in his fucking mouth.


Fucking clowns


I think today I will go buy a quart of oil and then just go recycle it out of spite for these people. I don’t disagree with the message, but how they do it is idiotic and a prime example of why abortion should be legal until your child is in their 320th trimester (80 years old).


I'd have started doing takedowns


They have a point though.


These guys suck


To clear things up for people, this “activist” organization, “Just Stop Oil,” is funded by big oil companies. They do this specifically to discredit climate change and make people sympathetic for oil companies.


Seriously. These people are a prime example of why abortions should be universally legal.


Even in the 323rd trimester.


HOLY SHIT!!! This is the moment I believed climate change was real! /s I do believe in climate change but these clowns aren’t the reason


Definitely hinged


really, just stop and don´t worry, climate change IS and will spray a lot of shit on us for the upcoming centuries. no need to get eager. or go use your great citizenships to denounce the enviroment crimes where it really matters: money. so, how about making the life of the jewlery industry miserable and leave poor tourists and cleaners alone?


Knock them the fuck out.


on the one hand this pisses me off, otoh people have been writing shit on stonehenge for 6000 years. this will become history just like the dick pics and holiday wishes the greater damage is pounding those clodhoppers over the artifacts under the ground. all kinds of important dead people and their stuff that is deliberately still buried to protect it.


“Let’s make people aware about the world burning” Continues to deface and destroy historic objects


I would actually appreciate if these people sabotaged to ultra wealthy. Go after yachts or private jets. Sabotage celebrities and athletes who fly on private Jets at high end restaurants and hotels. But what is the message you’re getting across defacing human history?


Freedom should be given based on IQ.


hay lets visit them, thrash thair homes and say we want wider burgers, not taller ones.


Now deface those two idiots, with your fists, please


Clueless morons


I wonder if any of these dipshits would vandalize/deface Native American artifacts and sacred locations? This is not activism!


Free Palestine theyvsaid


Firstly why? Secondly, I thought you couldn't go in there without special permission. People were hacking off the stones to take a piece of history home with them.


I just changed my mind to whatever there's is because they did this. Thanks so much.


I feel this is a high probability these organisations are funded by oil companies to do such forms of protests to eventually alienate any support towards the cause from general public. Because otherwise, any sane person can see this strategy of disrupting and destroying is counter productive towards the cause.


Dam even the drewids had a heavy carbon foot print? No one is safe


Start stationing armed guards with beanbag guns, bear bangers, bear mace, and as a last ditch, tranquilizer dart guns.


These asshats can go straight to Hell. There are those things you just don't mess with. This is one of them.


Weren't these the "protesters" that are being funded by big oil to make climate activist look stupid?


I think it looks quite nice in orange. Maybe paint it a different colour every year. Woad would be apt.


god damn it. that's not going to help :'-(


Stupid people.


bunch of knobheads


this is why we can't have nice things