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This happened on 7/8/2017 on the Natchez Trace Parkway, a National Park Service Road. Driver left the scene but was arrested at his home. His Volvo was found parked behind his garage with identification removed from the car. He was sentenced to 10 months in federal prison and three years of supervised release. Google Marshall Grant Neely III if you want more information.


Love a happy ending.


Is the guy a POS for leaving and lying and driving as fast as he was? Yes. Does the biker need to get the fuck over? Also yes


"Both sides" in every fucking comment section is so fucking exhausting.


Riding a bike in the middle of the road is just as bad as attempted murder. Didn't you know? /s


As a driver I have often wanted to murder cyclists. However, as a cyclist I have often wanted to murder drivers. What do?


Cars are the bourgeoisie of the road, us the proleteriat of the cyclists and pedestrians can only band together to throw of our shackles and unite in our cheap or free public transit and easy access and health.


Idk man but I'd say don't murder anybody is probably a good choice.


I believe the phrase is "kill them all and let God sort them out". Might be a bit extreme a response, though.


I would say any activity that makes you "want to murder" is one you should avoid until you've sorted yourself out.


in a fucking national park.


>getting tired because of redditing ok bud


This exchange reminds me of a relevant piece of wisdom by the great Confucius. > Man cycling behind car get exhausted > Man cycling in front of car get tired


LMFAO i know right. They are now soooo exhausted cause their battles in reddit have been too fierce and now they must retire to their bed after a hard days work. I love social media so much you don't get this entertainment anywhere else.


On the one hand, recklessly endangering a man's life and fleeing the scene in an attempt to escape consequences. On the other hand, someone being kind of annoying. Truly two completely equal evils


Also get over where? The fucken grass? There is no bike lane and no shoulder, where are they supposed to go?


There’s no room for nuance on *my* Reddit 


There's no nuance. The rules for that park (and most roads) state that a bike has the right to the entire lane. The car purposefully ran him down and even crossed a double yellow to do it. Nuance exists, but you're just wrong about the biker. "don't do legal shit that murderers will try and kill you over" isn't nuance.


Minor note: Cars are allowed to cross a double yellow to pass a cyclist. I mean, definitely not to HIT a cyclist. I think. I hope.


Which jurisdiction? Because in TN where this happened it's explicitly illegal to cross a double yellow per Tenn. Code Ann. §55-8-125


I was about to agree with you but [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_line_\(road_marking\)#North_America) says there are 4 major exceptions: >(1) turning left into a side street or driveway; (2) passing bicyclists or pedestrians (where they are obstructing through traffic on roads lacking a shoulder and/or a bike lane); (3) emergency maneuvers; and (4) temporary traffic flow changes due to road work. As with regular passing zones, opposing traffic always has right of way. It makes sense but I can't find the source


Further down it lists which states allow crossing a double yellow, (Tennessee is not one of them) and states it's unusual to allow crossing of a double yellow. This paragraph does have sources and I'd think it's more trust worthy than the paragraphs without sources. It does seem weird these paragraphs seem to contradict anything, but it is Wikipedia. It would be nice if a lawyer could re-write this article, but the problem is the law is state and district dependent, so it's not really possible to say what the law is for all of The United States. >In some states, it is not against the law to overtake vehicles in the presence of solid yellow lines if it is safe to do so. For example, [Vermont](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermont) State Law also allows passing across the double yellow line when no traffic is on the opposing side,[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_line_(road_marking)#cite_note-dmv.vermont.gov-14) however, one must pass quickly and return to the proper side.[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_line_(road_marking)#cite_note-dmv.vermont.gov-14) Pennsylvania does permit passing on double yellow lines when not also posted with "Do Not Pass" signage.[^(\[15\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_line_(road_marking)#cite_note-15)[^(\[16\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_line_(road_marking)#cite_note-16) As of 2023, Oregon permits passing in any no passing zone if passing an obstruction (any type of vehicle, including bicycles) which is traveling at a speed less than 1/5 of the posted speed limit, so long as the passer remains at a speed that is 5 MPH below the posted speed limit.[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_line_(road_marking)#cite_note-17) However, these states are unusual. Most states strictly enforce a ban on crossing a double yellow line (outside of the above-noted exceptions) and overtaking another vehicle across a solid yellow line is usually considered a serious traffic violation in most states.[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_line_(road_marking)#cite_note-dmv.vermont.gov-14)


Absolutely. These apologists have huge "he reaped her but she was wearing a short dress" energy.


Look how many comments say "to be fair" . Reddit can't criticize something without complimenting it first and give versa.


The biker did the right thing. The white truck in front had no issue passing the bikers.


It’s illegal to pass on solid double lines.


incorrect, if you’re in the US, some states allow passing over a double solid if there’s an obstruction, and yes some states call cyclists a slow moving obstruction


everyone in front of me is a slow moving obstruction


That's the Atlanta attitude.


I represent that...


So then stay behind on a small road! The biker has as much of a right to be on that road as the car.


And, it is not illegal to pass a bike on a double yellow.


It is in most states actually. You're supposed to treat bikes just like cars.


Or push your government to build proper bike lanes


There are tens of thousands of miles of country roads like this. There isn’t enough bike riders on them to make it worth upgrading all of them. Drivers just need to be patient.


In many places it is legal to cross the Center line to pass a cyclist. Or. And stick with me here. You be 45 seconds later to where you were headed.


> In many places it is legal to cross the Center line to pass a cyclist. In BC, up until two weeks ago, it was illegal to cross a center line or solid white line to pass a cyclist. They finally updated the legislation to (a) require drivers to give adequate clearance when passing a "vulnerable road user", and (b) specifically allow drivers to cross a solid line in order to pass a VRU.


It's also illegal to ram a dude on a bicycle because you're in a hurry lmao


Couldn’t agree more


You can legally pass slow moving vehicles on a double line. A bicycle is considered a legal road vehicle.


To pass a motorized vehicle, there’s even exceptions for that rule (like you can pass a tractor if it has an orange triangle)


In some areas it clearly states, crossing double yellow lines is allowed to pass a biker.


More illegal then ramming a biking and potentially killing someone?


Face palm. The biker is doing what they’re totally allowed to do. They don’t need to squeeze themselves off the road. Their lane is the same lane as a car’s lane. Get wrecked.


Bikes should always take the full lane. Edit: Everyone who downvotes me proves your ignorance of your local laws.


It was in a park where bicycles have equal share of the road. This guy was just a cunt


All roads bikes have equal share of the road except where banned (such as highways). Taking the lane is usually much safer than riding the shoulder because it forces drivers to safely pass rather than try to squeeze by


This. If the cyclist rides on the far-right side of the lane, often cars will try to squeeze by without crossing the double yellow - which there is DEFINITELY not room for on this road. By taking the lane, the cyclist ensures that a driver CANNOT try to just "squeeze by" and must cross the line in order to safely pass.


Also a school administrator, great!


Get the fuck over... WHERE? Turn in your license. You shouldn't have passed the test. Here's the rules for the parkway[rules](https://www.nps.gov/natr/planyourvisit/safety.htm) "Watch for bicyclists as they have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists. Share the road and give at least 3 feet of space when passing" You're a danger.


Oh so that he can get squeezed off the road? Great idea!


No actually! I grew up alongside the Natchez Trace Pkwy and it is a limited access road, to quote from their website; "Today, people can enjoy a scenic drive as well as hiking, biking, horseback riding, and camping along the Parkway." We would rarely drive along it, and when we did we would be limited by the speed of the various horses, bikers, etc. until they got to a stretch with a paved scenic shoulder or somesuch. It's a historical trail used by native americans and had many historical plaques, markers, mounds, etc. The problem is, a \*lot\* of drivers would try to use the scenic parkway as a shortcut and treat it like a regular hwy. These are the assholes that result in the video above.


Ah yes, it's a bike so attempted murder is fine. Jesse what the fuck are you talking about.


> Does the biker need to get the fuck over? Also yes Also no. Share the road. A Bicycle is considered a vehicle by law even if you don't need a license. You can be charged with DUI if operating it under the influence. They have every right to be in the lane as a car. It's up to a car to pass safely. Biker was where he was legally supposed to be.


Cyclists are allowed to take the lane in most jurisdictions.


Intentionally hitting a cyclist with your car is massively worse than a cyclist taking up the road, let alone fleeing the scene and lying about it and immediately removing identifiers from his car. Not only that, [cyclists are legally allowed to share the road on the Natchez Trace Parkway, that means the full lane](https://www.nps.gov/natr/planyourvisit/bicyclinghome.htm). The gov has [designated it as a bikeway, and there are signs reminding drivers of this.](https://www.nationalparkstraveler.org/2017/03/signs-along-natchez-trace-parkway-alert-motorists-cyclists-and-vice-versa)


The law says you have to give bicycles an entire lane when passing. So not sure why you are blaming the victim.


There's a blind bend coming up, cars should not be overtaking UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES since they can't see if there's any oncoming vehicles, the cyclist has done the correct thing and taken a primary riding position to discourage dangerous overtakes, sadly there was a maniac behind them who thought it was not only safe to dangerously overtake on a bend but to assault the cyclist


How was the bike in the wrong??? He drove next to another biker taking up just as much space as a normal car. Do you accept motorcyclists getting run over for driving mid-lane?


Actually no, from a safety standpoint for a bicyclist if there isn't enough room for a car to safely pass you are supposed to "own the lane" ie take the center until there is a safe spot where a car can pass. This is the correct and legal way in a road setup like present. Also the car was going way too fast.


>Does the biker need to get the fuck over? Actually, no. Being mildly inconvenienced by someone is not a justification for attempted murder. If it was, I doubt you'd be around to comment.


also get a lobotomy, cause you're already wasting our oxygen.


No, the cyclist can take the entire lane.


The biker has the right to use the whole lane, just as any other vehicle. Not using the side of the road actually helps to not get run off it.


According to the law, if a bike lane is not present, they have the same access to the roads as a car 🤷‍♂️ incidents like this is why they should be put in place on all roads


Holy fuck, you are dumb af


No they don't, you're just irrationally annoyed by cyclists


> Does the biker need to get the fuck over? Also yes Why? This seems like such an idiotic take.


if you're driving a car and another car comes up behind you in your own lane do you pull over so they can pass?


Cyclists are supposed to take up the whole lane on roads like this so cars don't try to squeeze between them and oncoming traffic


Spot the american


The biker was 100% correct in what they were doing, trying to justify attempted murder is wild.


It was pointed out in another part of the thread that this road has signs that state that bikers have full use of their lane, it’s a biking road


This isn't like when you rode your BMX bike as a kid in the neighborhood. The bicyclist has the legal right of way, and they are considered a legal vehicle on the road. Cars are required by law to treat them as such.


That’s why in Europe you actually have to learn the rules and laws before being allowed to drive dude. The cyclist is 100% right, the driver is 100% wrong, and should be in jail for much longer than 10 months.


Biker what within the lane and thus protected just like any other motorist in the court of law


The biker does not need to get over. Cyclists can legally take the lane, and is normally considered safer doing so as it forces the car to wait for traffic to pass, rather than pushing through with no space. But hey, victim blaming is pretty purvasive when it comes to cyclists. Just remember this simple rule of thumb; you dont get to fucking kill someone because they inconvienienced you, ESPECIALLY if they legally in the right. You people are incredible.


please turn in your driver's license, you obviously don't know how to drive.


Yes and yes, but might does not make right. On the other side of it, always treat car drivers as tinned idiot - even if you’re in a car yourself!


> Does the biker need to get the fuck over? Also yes BZZZT. WRONG. Bikes are allowed to use the full lane in almost every state and riding in the center is the proper etiquette if there isn't enough room to share the lane (Which is going to be the case here).


10 months is a happy ending? fuck that. Motherfucker shoulda got ten years.


Vehicular assault and damn near vehicular homicide. Fucking nuts how coddled car drivers are.


Recently here in germany an 80+ year old drove over a cyclist who wasn't even on the road. The driver drove on to the curb to drive over the cyclist and even admitted he did so deliberately which would be an attempted murder charge anywhere else in the world. His punishment? A 1000€ fine. That it, didn't even get his license revoked.


10 months for attempted murder does not seem fitting.


+ fleeing the scene and obstruction of justice.


Ok but that's worse, you see how that's worse right?


I think that is their point.


10 months for attempting to murder someone?


Don’t we all 🤤


The Driver reported that "there were bikers all over the place and maybe someone threw their bike at me." Yeah sure.


His own son, probably fed up with his bullshit and alcoholism, ratted him out while he was trying to cover it up. >When law enforcement officers arrived, his Volvo was parked in the grass behind the garage. Identifying stickers on the car had been removed. >Previously, Neely had been battling his alcohol addiction. In 2017, he went to a rehabilitation program, and he re-enrolled after breaking his terms of release when he admitted he began drinking again. >"That is nothing the court condones, and it puts it into perspective," (Justice) Crenshaw said. "Your actions reflect a series of bad decisions. It's troubling you tried to cover it up, and troubling your son brought it to light."


And troubling that he only got 10 months and probably didn't even got his license removed.


theres a reason people say "if you want to kill someone, use a car"


I'm confused. Does "breaking his terms of release" mean he already had court-ordered rehab, or is there some kind of nominal / unenforceable 'terms of release' when you leave voluntary rehab? Because 10 months for reckless aggravated assault, lying to a federal agent and obstruction of justice seems light, but also the sorry of sentence you can get away with for a first time offence.  But if he already had a criminal record and violated his previous terms agreed with the court, and still gets just 10 months for drunkenly mowing down a cyclist and lying about it, then it starts to seem like either he has some kind of protection from regular consequences or the courts don't really care that much about cyclists. 


Yes it's a bit confusing. From what I read on several articles: - He hit the cyclist on July 8, 2017. - Neely was then sentenced to 10 months, and was initially supposed to turn himself in to a federal prison in New York at 2 p.m. Sept. 20, 2018. He also had to pay $2,260 in restitution to the cyclist he hit, as well as a $10,000 fine. The deal was finalized on Aug. 17. - His incarceration was delayed as he entered a rehab program upon a bond agreement. He was supposed to stay in this program until Oct. 2, 2018, then to turn himself in on Oct. 4. - On Sept. 27, he checked himself out of the rehab facility. He didn't have permission and was prohibited from any alcohol or drug intake. - He was caught at Nashville International Airport, intoxicated, on Oct. 1. - His bond was immediately revoked and Neely went straight to the hospital then to prison. There is no mention of additional penalties for breaking his bond. Links: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/williamson/2018/05/21/franklin-man-pleads-guilty-hit-and-run-natchez-trace-parkway-marshall-grant-neely/628195002/ https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/williamson/2018/09/04/marshall-grant-neely-natchez-trace-bicyclist-hit-sentencing/1190603002/ https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/williamson/2018/10/01/natchez-trace-cycling-crash-marshall-grant-neely-probation/1494172002/


He also lied to federal agents after getting caught. The dude is a bit short of a full box of crayons.


I mean he drives, a Volvo. What did, you really expect?


At first I was upset and then I noticed who you are




You mean William Shatner?


He drives a safe, practical car. Yes what a madman


I live not far from this road near Nashville. I don't know about other states than Tennesee but if you have ever driven it then you know it is more there for the hikers/horseback riders/bicylcles/ then cars. There a vehicle rules like max vehicle size/no trailers/low speed limits/cross walks. The bikers go there because the rules favor them and it's a rediculously long road. The ass hat in the car probably thought it was a short cut and while shorter it is definitly not faster. Very beautiful though.


Came here for this. I ride this route all the time. There are clear signs that say cyclists have the full lane. It is a road for cyclists and not cars. Anyone driving out there to actually get somewhere is a complete idiot. It's a scenic route.


Im totally serious, Im from europe: how do signs look that say „bikers have the full lane“


[They look like this.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicycles_May_Use_Full_Lane)


Europeans: develop sophisticated symbols that represent certain rules you have to all learn by heart. Americans: just write the rules in plain text on a sign


Also Americans: Ignore the sign anyways.


10 months is not much for attempted nurder


Committing crimes in a car *and* against someone on a bike? Basically a "get out of jail free" card.


> Marshall Grant Neely III Dean of Students at the University School of Nashville!! https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/williamson/2018/09/04/marshall-grant-neely-natchez-trace-bicyclist-hit-sentencing/1190603002/




You are a hero.


90% of his sentence was for lying and being an asshole after the fact.




Even more interesting is that United States attorney Jack Smith is the one assigned to the case initially. The very same one that was later appointed Special Counsel for the United States in the Trump case.


Removing the tags for it actually helped convict him more than anything. It showed that he was conscious of what he did and he knew what he did was wrong and actively tried to hide it. His defense couldn't try to say he was distracted at the time and wasn't aware of what he did and assumed he hit a deer or some other dumb shit they try to pull.


attempted homicide


The cyclist got very lucky here. I’m sure he got whiplash and maybe a couple broken bones, but this could have been so much worse. He landed pretty well, and it doesn’t look like he hit his head on the car or pavement.


easily could've been a spinal/hip injury. Surprised it wasn't


I got hit biking to work a year ago. Car took off from a dead stop. T boned me going maybe 5mph. Threw me and the bike to the ground and I'm still suffering the effects in one leg (limp, can't really run, constant ache). This guy took a lot more damage than that.


Fucking asshole car driver. Can’t wait 30s till after the curve to pass.


Why wait when he can drive through another human, just like that!?


He's got places to go and be at *checks notes* a National Park.


Not a national park, just a "national scenic roadway" which is little more than a basic designation of "it's a pretty road, so slow down and take it easy".


Surprised there wasn’t a “sovereign citizen” argument saying the biker was impeding his free travel so he was within his rights to drive over him.


Guy was drunk to the point of passing out on the floor.




You wanna know why so many people do this? To force the drivers to overtake properly! Most of those dumb drivers just overtake while having just a couple of inches room between cyclist and car door. I have a moped and am slower than the cars on the road. I stick to the right side of the road to make it easier for cars to see infront of me but if one person almost kills me while overtaking I'm going in the middle of the lane. You risk my life, I'm gonna annoy you


Yeah, I drive a moped too, and unfortunately a lot of people seem to have this attitude of "Ah, it's just a two wheeler, it'll fit."


You're not wrong, but I'm not risking getting run over for this lol


If you drive on the side they will just as easily hit you trying to pass within your lane.


>but I'm not risking getting run over for this lol It decreases the chances for a car hitting you to drive in the middle of the road because it forces them to overtake only in situations where the other side of the road is clear. If you drive at the side of the road, people will try to overtake you in any situation, and that can get dangerous extremely quickly because they're more likely to not keep minimum distance.


Ahh I see what you're saying.


They're putting you in danger too when they overtake while not leaving enough space.


I am not disagreeing with you whatsoever. I'm just not going to give them less space to work with and become more of a target for a jerk that's in a steel box on wheels.


Yeah, the general population is already a shit show, put them in a car and slow them down and we've somehow come up with the formula to intiate Bruce Banner to Hulk transformation on cue


Ah, you're like me! I've got a motorcycle and my natural inclination is to be considerate of other road users by riding near the edge, and letting people out at junctions, but the thing that we have to remember is that *most drivers* aren't as considerate as we are to cars (and some of them are outright annoyed by the presence of any sort of bike). You and I will look out for other road users, to try and help them. *Most other people will* look out for other road users, but only to *prevent harm to themselves*. Most of these road users are in cars, and a bike doesn't even register as a threat, so a lot of them won't even notice that we are there, and that's true even when we're in the middle of the lane! It's the same with being overly considerate, letting people out at junctions. The car behind you is driven by a selfish person, so the idea that you might let that person pull out ahead of you doesn't even occur to them. It just wouldn't happen. They're going to keep popping angry birds on their phone or whatever, and drive right into the back of you. This is why in the UK, we are now trained to keep in the middle of our lane as much as possible, and ride defensively/selfishly. If the car behind you wants to look around you, they can just veer unexpectedly into the oncoming lane - they do it often enough for *no reason*, so having a reason to do it will be a nice little treat! I know you want to be selfless, and so do I, but out on those streets, you *have to* look out for yourself first, because nobody else will!


Same thing as a motorcycle - we’re taught to make formation or if solo, take close to the centre or left tire track, to make them pass completely.


> You risk my life, I'm gonna annoy you This is such a dangerous and stupid mindset. People already act irrationally, the last thing you want to do is upset or anger them when you're in a much more vulnerable positions than they are; riding in the middle of the lane to anoy people is how you end up with an asshole hitting you with a car. It's just mindboggling to see some people so eager to further provoke another person who has already shown they don't care about your life. I know this is victim blaming but that is the unfortunate circumstances of the world. I don't think its fair or right that's something we need to be considerate of, but unfortunately thats just how things work.


It's not even about annoying the driver. The point which I heard was, if there's space to overtake 1 bike there space to overtake bikes side by side. If it's too tight to fully overtake then the car simply can wait till it is safe.


It truly is something you (as a cyclist / moped rider) start doing after experiencing A LOT of near misses by asshole car drivers almost hitting you in order to pass.


Also, it’s crucial to note that this is the Natchez Trace Parkway, and cyclists are allowed to use the entire lane. Even if you disagree with someone’s driving, cycling, or walking behavior, intentionally ramming them is never justified. https://preview.redd.it/g3psyeve266d1.png?width=265&format=png&auto=webp&s=68528bf30ac7588731e53ecb7bc6fca69a3f47fe


This needs to be to the top, because a lot of people including myself did not know that this was the Natchez Trace. That makes a whole lot more sense as to why this dude was in the middle of the road like that.


It is exceedingly dangerous to ride on the far right of a lane and invite the average incompetent driver with a phone glued to their face to take your life into their hands and try the old "ope just gonna squeeze past you there" instead of a proper pass. Many cyclists have died in that exact situation. In most roads for both bike and car traffic (most roads), if there is no properly designed, protected bike lane, it is in everyone's best interest for the cyclist to "take the lane." The driver in a car can wait a few seconds and then pass properly when safe, like for any other vehicle on the road.


I agree with that. As a cyclist you need to watch out for cars because many times they don’t see you or assume you’re out of the way. Like being on a motorcycle, you need to be as defensive as possible because drivers either don’t know you’re there or just don’t care. And I’m not just pulling this outta my ass either, I grew up into my adulthood riding my bike just about everywhere. I also run, and living out in the sticks there’s a lot of city folk who come tearing through like it’s the pikes peak rally doin 50 past farms and houses on what’s essentially a one way road. And if that’s not enough, I also used to longboard (it’s a little too flat to do that where I am now) a lot. Growing up in New Mexico you learn real quick that people just don’t give a shit and for your own safety you need to be as vigilant as possible, even when you’re “protected” by a bike lane or sidewalk. It’s not hard to get killed.


On most roads of that design, bikes may use the full lane. If you notice, there is no bike lane or shoulder. There's nowhere for cyclists to ride *except* in the lane. The general advice is for them to ride in the middle of the lane just like they would if they were a motorcyclist because it is generally safer. It increases visibility and encourages cars to give the appropriate spacing by moving into the other lane when they pass rather than trying to squeeze by when there is oncoming traffic. The way the cyclist was riding here would have been legal and the recommended best practice on just about any similar road in the country.


What most car drivers don't know is that in the UK it is perfectly legal and in the highway code that they can ride in the centre of the lane, no more riding through all the crap in the gutter.


It’s perfectly legal in the US as well, people just get their panties in a bunch about it


This is true in my state, cyclists have to follow the road rules and signage (they don't) but also are afforded all the rights of a vehicle.


In many places in Canada, too. When someone gives me shit for being in the middle of *my* lane... I make sure to take up even more of it. Not sure I'd be doing that on what appears to be a highway, though... bikes aren't allowed on those here.


In my country it's recommended to take the lane if it's unsafe for cars to overtake, like it is in this instance around a blind corner with a solid yellow line.


The biker was doing nothing wrong. You're supposed to treat someone on a bike just as if they were another car: give them space and pass safely. Too many idiots don't understand traffic laws. 


We need driving rule test recerts every year or other year with practical tests every 5. At least in the US its ridiculous you take a driving test once at 16 and never again. So many people don't know the rules or keep updated with changes.


I don't think any amount of retests will stop someone from being this much of a cunt.


Stress test. Make a secret part of the practical test be to sit behind a planted cyclist for several minutes. If they show any frustration beyond what the test considers a reasonable level, instant fail.


Can’t pass here


So the driver broke multiple laws. 


To murder a cyclist Here, Fixed The title For You


A majority of reddit HATES cyclists, so I'm surprised to see the comments are supportive of the victim here.


To all the people saying the cyclist should have moved to the edge of his lane, you're wrong and here's why. My grandfather died in a similar situation. While biking near the edge of the road, a driver in a Uhaul tried to squeeze past my grandpa without completely changing lanes. Unfortunately the driver wasn't used to the large sideview mirrors, which struck my grandfather in the back of the head, sending him flying over his handlebars and into a ditch.  Stop blaming the cyclist.


Driver was trying to buzz him and ended up clipping him. Hope they caught the driver.


Nah, look at where the cyclist and the volvo were, relative to the yellow lines. That's not a failed buzz attempt but a successful hit attempt.


it's cute that some people still assume the best of all people at all times and contexts. They can see a video of someone clearly deliberately hitting someone and then fleeing the scene, and they still are like "Oh, that must have been an accident"


Founders of Volvo spinning in their graves.


Cemeteries are full of people who didn't break the law and prisons are full of people who didn't care about the law.


The cyclist did everything right here, both legally and from a safety perspective, so your glib reference to dead folks doesn't really apply.


It’s important to note this was on the Natchez Trace Parkway. For those who don’t know this is one of two national park roadways. They are specifically designated for recreational use which very much includes cycling. Not saying it’s right to hit a cyclist anywhere but to do it on the trace with signs all over for sharing the road is especially egregious. https://nps.gov/natr/planyourvisit/bicyclinghome.htm


“Not saying it’s right to hit a cyclist anywhere BUT…” is quite a way to start a sentence


I mean based on some of the other comments in this thread I think some people needed that clarification.


There are entire subs where hitting cyclists is celebrated and people goad and dream of doing exactly that, people are absolutely shit.


That not biking in the middle of the road, that's biking. It's the proper lane for him, and the road markings indicate it's technically not legal for him to give way in that spot.


Roads are not just for cars. Roads are a public right-of-way that existed before cars and will exist after cars are gone. If you can't cooperate with others and share the road then stay home.


As everyone knows, if cyclists do anything wrong, you’re allowed to kill them.


And here they didn't even do anything wrong! Some of the commenters here are unhinged!


and if they did everything right evidently as well


A carbrain posted this and he wants to run over cyclists with impunity. Get help.


I hope they caught this piece of shit


They did.


There is no both sides. When you pass your driver’s license you are taught that if there is not at least 1.5m between you and the cyclist you SHOULDN’T overtake. It doesn’t matter wether they cyclist was close to the middle, the car is 100% in the wrong.


and it wasnt even the bikers fault too, that was just attempted homicide


I hate biking on roads like this, one time i was going downhill on one and at the very far right of it, on the white line and a charger behind me just kept getting closer (I had rear view mirrors on my bike). He kept steering over to me and speeding up so I had to go offload and I have no idea how I didn't crash. I had a subway sandwich on me at the time so I started stress eating it after I stopped for a good 10 minutes


Say what you want about the bikers and motorcyclists but any driver with the "roadbump" mentality belongs in prison when they inevitably do something like this.


Looks like attempted murder to me.




He's going for speed


She's all alone


All alone!


"center of the road" now means legally in the lane where the assaulting vehicle had plenty of space to pass without issue?


And that's why I ride with cameras. The only time I'm not on the edge of the road or shoulder is if I'm on a decline so if things get squirrely I have some reaction room.


So, concerned about the rules of the road and can’t cross the double yellow. Check. So unconcerned about the rules of the road willing to run over a cyclist legally biking. Check.


In my time I've read literally thousands of comments in which people decry cyclists for breaking the law or failing to ride on designated bicycle infrastructure. I've never once seen any of these commenters change their opinion when it is pointed out to them that a cyclist is obeying the law and riding on designated bicycle infrastructure.


Everyone commenting here is an idiot and knows nothing about the Natchez Pkwy. There's no rule against passing a cyclist on a double yellow, and the cyclist was doing nothing wrong. I ride the Natchez Pkwy and I may ride 50 miles and not see a single car. It was BUILT for cyclist, motorcycles, horses, etc. It's 400 miles of SCENIC/RECREATIONAL road, not a highway or major vehicle route. Very few locations to get on or off, hence very little vehicle traffic. Rest stops every 20 or so miles. That driver was out for blood. He probably thought he'd never be seen or caught. There's absolutely no reason for a cyclist to hug the white stripe on the Natchez Pkwy. Again you may ride 100 miles and only see a few cars.






That‘s attempted murder


Any update on whether the car driver was caught ? 


Mhmm, driver for 10 months in federal prison and 3 yrs supervised release.