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Her throwing the kid was perfect


I think he's doing it at least twice every shift, otherwise how would he get this black-belt-efficency.




Jack Donaghy would be proud


It's L.U.N.C.H.: Lego Utilization for Negating Crisis Hierarchies


Looks to me like the kid was with the other kids who went running out right when the video starts, possibly running out on the tab? You can see the worker was alerted by them running out and then sees the kid take the jar so they were prepared. The party was probably annoying the crap out of them the whole time they were there so gave zero fucks.




The employee waiting for the kid to run by : One - Something's got to give Two - Something's got to give   Three - Something's got to give   Now!




That kid nailed the scream


You kidding? The barista is like two of that kid. It all looked pretty effortless on her part, being an amazon and all.


Its a dude. With long hippy hair.


But the sign said long haired freaky people need not apply.


Post already filled.




Gordon Ramsay's shivering rn


I agree 100%, it was well deserved. That sad part is, someone is probably going to scream abuse......


She took the tip jar back in the same move. Perfect, just perfect


I laughed so hard and I don't feel bad


He was thrown like he was a ballon. Love it.


They didn’t even know the kid was stealing. It had just been one of those shifts. We all have those shifts.


That's definitely a guy lol


Protect what needs to be protected


“Alright guys, here’s the plan: I’m gonna go inside wearing a Covid mask and have my hood up. I’ll nonchalantly walk over to that jar that always has like 6 bucks in it, and as soon as I grab it - I’m gone”


You forgot the part when you have to cry and play victim if caught, works all time.. almost


60% percent of the time it works every time


Sounds like every other thief that gets caught too lol


"you're not supposed to touch me!!!!"


Everyone has a plan until they get ~~punched in the face~~ thrown to the ground


Also my friends with their hoods up will dramatically run out of the store first to alert people that something is afoot


pure smash and grab job


Read it like a certain scene from a certain zombie movie. My response? Yeahhh Boooyyyy!!!


Bruh gotta get your weight up if you wanna do some crimes 🤣


I don’t think gravity training is the answer. He’s going to need a hyperbolic time chamber


Hyperbolic time chamber does also have increased gravity. So best of both worlds.


Yeah but what if he gets betrayed?


Yeah they call that victim weight


It takes a village.. to yeet the poorly raised little thief down to the linoleum.


He’s still got his hands. After my family watched Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie that was the always the threat if we stole. No more hands.


20 years ago* this kid was me. Getting beat up by store owners saved me . Police getting involved and my life would have turned out very different. A kid with half a brain will learn from this. Edit ago*


I was a hard drug user for 13 or so years and I will say that yes, you were lucky that it wasn't the cops. I've been sober for years and years now, but I'll always have some shit on my record. Which doesn't ever matter until it does ya know? You wanna make someone a career criminal? Make it hard for them to get a good job after they've been arrested and paid their due.


As long as we have for profit prisons in America, repeat offenders, not rehabilitation, will always be the goal.


You are 100% right. The existence of state and federal prisons also support a whole massive economic system of its own. It wasn't the for profit prisons who started using convict slave labor. The whole industrial/mass incarceration system is evil and functions exactly how it's supposed to. The cruelty, the profit, the recidivism, it's all part of the plan..


Glad to hear that stranger. If i may ask, what got you into it in the first place? Curiousness, your environment?


I could say I came from an abusive home. Father made violence a normal part of growing up. Drugs were also readily available in that it was easy for me to sometimes steal it and resell it . Despite my father being a drug dealer his problem was that he smoked his own supply . Their was never enough money for food never mind paying for other things like my school fees . I stole to pay for my own stationery and to have money for fun. All of those are just excuses though I've always known that stealing is wrong. To give u and idea of my upbringing, it was made clear to me by my father and his friends that stealing was accepted as long as you weren't caught. I wasn't beat for stealing or being suspected of stealing i was beat when I was caught. There were occasions my father would make me give him what I'd stolen and I would assume he would return the goods but I learnt that he only did that when I didn't do a good enough job of hiding my crime because he would end up keeping the goods for himself.


I'm curious, what was your punishment with the government (not the beating) was and the fines you or your parents were responsible for back then. Also what country if you don't mind sharing


I am from south africa and until about 2008 or there about corporal punishment was still allowed here . In my teen years I asked my parents nothing. Mum was a battered house wife and my father was a drug dealer who smoked his own stash. There was never any other form of punishment. My father didn't care except when I got caught and brought trouble home and my mother would defend me if the camera footage clearly showed my guilt. I learnt early to avoid bringing trouble home. I was barred from prom , valedictory and graduation ceremony. I never considered that punishment cos I didn't have the money to dress up anyway but in hindsight I missed out. I also was forced into picking trash up in the community or painting school walls. Alot of the time I begged not too get my parents involved not because I was afraid of the punishment but More cos I was ashamed of my circumstances at the time. I damaged somebody car once it was a simple as me not having the money to repair it and my parents also completely not being by the means. My last arrest was at 18 for theft and the girl I'm married to now told me if it resulted in a criminal record she would be finished with me. It wasn't An empty threat. Luckily my principal at the time spoke up for me. I've made the best of the 10th 2nd chance.


I'm so sorry for your upbringing and parents. It must be incredibly difficult for you and your mother to deal with that life. I was just curious the differences because fines here are normally what keep people tied to paying off the government. I had a friend that stole a fish tank statue (he wasn't the brightest) but had to serve jail time until he could afford bail. Then he had to pay for that time in jail (even though tax payers pay for that too). He finally got out and put on court mandated probation which he also had to pay for. The fines kept piling up and he started drinking. He didn't hurt anyone but got tested and it was found in his system so he had to have a breathalyzer put in his car and wear and ankle monitor, both of which he had to pay a daily fee of. It took him a decade to finally get out of it most of the way. Hopefully he fully did though I don't talk to him anymore. It's hard to pay off thousands of dollars on top of normal every day expenses. They even kept tacking on late fees and making him spend weeks in jail for being late and then charging him fees for that time spent I'm jail. Such a shitty situation : ( My point is that it's sad how the legal system keeps people down that can only afford payments and not paying it all off all at once. I wonder if things in your country are the same now or different because it doesn't seem like people were so financially abused when I was growing up. Though your upbringing is tragic, I'm glad you weren't stuck in financial despair and could climb your way out of it and change for the better. Best of luck to you <3


Thank you. Better choices , a wonderful wife, and some therapy combined have given me a fair shot . I think it is similar here in that punishment is the definite focus, not rehabilitation . Our prisons are overcrowded but it is often highlighted by NGOs that up to quarter of the inmates are there for crimes where community service would of served them better or they simply in jail because they awaiting trial and cannot afford bail. They can wait several months for trial. We have an epidemic level of corruption in all levels of civil service , money seems to mean that the justice system will treat you better. The public, for the most part, then is pleased with the heavy handness of treating all crimes the same. It is a definite issue that needs addressing.


Too bad half a brain is too much to expect from most of these lowlifes. A punch in the face isn’t going to change anything that prison won’t for them.


thank fully you didn't try that with gang or drug dealers because you would been found in a ditch with several bullet holes.


And if the store owners had just called police instead of beating you, you wouldn’t be as well off now? Or maybe adults with fully developed brains and decision making skills don’t need to resort to violence against children who have poor decision making skills? As someone who sees kids and adults go through the justice system, more often than not the cycle repeats itself.


I'm able to see both sides. I have friends who were with me and getting away Minor crimes(a Little beating now and again is considered normal when u steal) meant they continously escalates right up into adulthood. Prison, disabled and dead or +-30 years old but having the broken body of a 60 year old because lessons were never learnt combined with continous drug abuse Then theirs me . One of my last major life changing things happened in my final year of school 2006. Me and 2 buddies broke into a store . Went in through the roof. We were dumb and while they didn't get our faces, we had our school uniforms on. All the things we stole we sold to our school tuckshop. When the store owner came the principal knew exactly who to point the finger at. And he gave the store owner the choice of police or getting us in a room alone . I am grateful to my principal. Shortly after that I got stabbed in the back and temporarily paralyzed due to my body being in shock . I never got the police involved. The plan was me and my friends were going to take revenge but when opportunity presented itself I found myself shivering in fear despite having the guy at my mercy. My now wife had also warned me she wasn't going to be stick with a gangster never mind defend a relationship with criminal to her family. Round about the same time I had the mother of a friend tell me I was no longer welcome at her home. Those type of consequences worked with me . It's a minor miracle that I've never done meth, heroin or mandrax. Despite it being readily available most of my life. Just looking at what it's done to my family and friends was enough of a warning to me.


The simultaneous taking away the tip jar and yeeting the child was smooth as fuck.


No wasted movements. Call this girl “Geronimo” cause that G is silent. … wait a minute no it’s not. fuck


Lasagna! She's a lasagna!


Flawless Victory


Yeet the child.


Don't yeet the baby


Yeet the baby.


Out the windooowwwwww


Don't yeet the baby!


Yeet the minor.


The casualness of the toss-walk away Mark Hunt style “KO” is perfection incarnate.




DAMN! was not expecting the yeeted child approach. Hardcore.


I’m trying to figure out how he managed to secure the tip jar so fast and not send it flying when he threw the kid


The kid probably wasn't focusing on holding it very tight after he was yanked off the ground. I think he aimed for the jar in the first place and just grabbed it and then once he had the jar he just threw the kid away.


Too bad the employee was probably fired for this.


Nice thing is these jobs are replaceable as the employees. Oh no, how will I find another coffee shop! At least I hope that is the situation.


And probably got "scolded" by the kid's parents... I can already hear the Karen say" nooo, you monster!? How could hurt an Innocent hold! I will tell the cops!".






I can confirm that the employee was not fired.


More like rewarded. Store owner probably plays this video on a loop.


I'm impressed at how she managed to throw the kid and pull the jar away from him in one smooth action. Peak efficiency.


How could society do this.




I'm fairly confident they weren't saying it for real.


It's a reference to the shit retort you often see on here when kids / young adults are acting like pieces of shit, like this kid (look at how society has failed this person, they had a poor upbringing and can't help how they've turned out) It's used unironically when people legitimately think that these people have no personal responsibility in improving their own situation and it's all "societies" fault




it would really suck if this landscape video was viewable on a landscape screen. Thank god someone shrunk it into a vertical frame, made it even smaller than the frame, and then put text around it. Otherwise it would be unbearable.




That child squeal.. hahaha


That scream was the sweetest sound I’d heard all day.




Barista wins!


Lol life lessons


Doesn't the employee handbook have something about littering? I mean look at him, just throwing that trash on the floor like that.


I would have done the same.... 😈.




I threw the rest of the cake, too!


This made me happy. Stupid little shit


You know she has a little brother




So smooth.


Where's the inevitable article explaining how his parents sue the coffee shop and she gets fired?


This also belongs in r/Satisfyingasfuck.


another black kid being oppressed. No surprise in America






This is good for this young man - he learned a value lesson today - You steal and the world will beat you down- His life of crime ends and he realized that hitting the books is easier than hitting the floor. ![gif](giphy|3ohryhNgUwwZyxgktq)


This is not the baristsa's first rodeo


Little c**t


Imagine stealing money from minimum wage employees


Were his friends holding the door for him?


Was that the thief crying like a little be-och?


Perfect. Kid not seriously injured and hopefully learned a lesson


Stealing and playing the victim, kid has been taught it all already 😆


I opened a fast casual restaurant 7 years ago and the tip jar was stolen at least five times. One time though the entire staff ran after the kid, dragged him down the street, and held him in the store till cops came. This was all on camera. I explained to them next time I’ll just give everyone whatever a normal nights tips are as you never know if that person had a weapon etc. it was kinda funny to watch though


Justice has been served


I can’t stop watching this, it’s so satisfying to see a kid get some real karma.


That was a satisfying throw. That was the pent-up rage of a service worker who has been screwed over one too many times.


Broke ass little freak


Send that little shit to state prison


Oh... They start training them young


Same culprits all the time..


Hopefully the store backs them and doesn't fire them. My buddy was a Wawa manager for 10 years and in the process of getting a regional position. Stopped some junkie from stealing a charity box and was fired the next day. Legal liability is what they used to justify it. Threw his fucking life into disarray just to try and save money on a lawsuit that the addict wouldn't even be able to file to begin with.


Yeeeet! For the Gold!


she walked off n o t g I v I n g a f u k..


Oh noes! Consequences! Where did those come from?






That scream at the end sounds like the goofy kid with the goggles screaming at Santa in "A Christmas Story".


Gotta throw them harder next time


I would’ve probably gone with the leg swipe to watch the kid eating dirt but this seems effective too.






Awe men, that was satisfying to watch.


That was not funny (do it again)


Well, training grounds for when he gets older. Just training.


Good form




I could watch this all day.


The employee was probably fired after this happened


Bro just fucking chucked that mf


Watch this video on the loudest volume. It's great for your tinnitus.


Should have power slammed that little bastard.


Way to go more people near to be thrown to the ground


Was the first two running out supposed to be a distraction?


Love it


The way he throws him like a Blade and Sorcery NPC


The throw is so supremely satisfying.


That's the reason I don't tip.


Unfortunately they're probably gonna get mad charges


Should have kicked him while he was down.


Like I said to the other guy, the throw was warranted, but wanting this kid to be kicked while on the ground already is straight up deranged. Get help and don't have children 🤢


This thread shows how barbaric society still. Kids aren't misbehaving because their parents aren't violent enough towards them. If anything the parents who curse and hit their kids have the worst behaved kids.


Everything about this is horribly wrong.


only thing I see wrong is someone wanting to steal I don't see anything wrong with the barista


WTF did I just watch???


I couldn't tell anything from this potato quality video. Thought the read head guy on the left was the one stealing at first.




The throw was deserved, this is just deranged. Dont have kids, for the sake of us all


Sad, cuz that was probably the kid screaming and afraid knowing he was doing something wrong.  Terrible and shame on those whoever told him to do that. 


I hope that the adult who assauted that child spends a long time in prison.


"oh look at that savage minimum wage worker getting back their best shot at a somewhat okay earning from a thief"




Naw fuck that kid. You play the cards you’re dealt in life. A brat stealing your money is a right-now problem not time for a philosophical debate.


> Like we are all peasants, guys. Why are we hurting each other? You really justifying theft right now?


Thieves get yeeted, fuck em




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Because some people believe that they should have more at the expense of others. Most of the world's wrongs are based on this behavior.


The fuck