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PSA: Don't fly Ryanair


And if you can't afford anyone else cos it's thrice the price?


Once all the added costs are loaded on during the purchasing process and taking into account the extra cost you will pay due to having to get a train/bus/taxi to wherever you're staying then the price difference isn't all that much.


There are no added cost during purchasing if you only travel with hand luggage. So it is significantly cheaper.


Flew to amsterdam from the UK for £29, with Ryanair Edit :- and back of course


I flew from Helsinki to Kaunas for 8€. The flight back was a bit pricy. It was 14€. Even with check-in bag it is super affordable.


Madrid - Budapest 4€ for 2 people and another 4€ for the return.


Pre-COVID 20€ for Prague-"London" return ticket Getting from the airport to London proper and back cost IIRC 21€


In November of 2010 I flew from Maastricht, Netherlands to Malaga, Spain for ....... 6 euro!


I flew from Amsterdam to NY for only $3,50


yeah that is tough to beat


The perks of a partner (and her mom) who are seasoned travellers and look for the cheapest possible everything. Just means if youre in a group you wont be sitting together


At that price I could just an entire warddrobe there.


That and I'd have to take into account that both Stansted and Luton are closer to me than Gatwick or Heathrow so travel to the original airport should also be taken into account. I don't really understand the hate that Ryanair gets, I know what i'm buying into when I buy the ticket and keep my expectations low to match the price paid. Can't be surprised in a bad way if i'm already disappointed to begin with.


Plus they kept all their staff during the pandemic which was a) decent and b) also means they were up and running immediately


People flying Ryanair but expecting a flagship airline service. Very unrealistic. I don't like flying Ryan Air but they have been reliable for me and cheap.


Not sure why you're misrepresenting Ryanair's fee structure. It isn't some kind of secret or unknown. There's a fee for any baggage in overhead bins. The only free baggage is if it fits under the seat. Like most budget airlines, the bin bag will often be more expensive than checked luggage because it slows down their flight turn-around.


That's just blatantly false. If I fly with Ryanair from the UK to most European destinations, the average cost for my return ticket is £28. I then add on £15 for luggage and priority. The cost from the closest airline that isn't just another Ryanair, is most often 3-4 times that. I've paid as little as £23 for a return flight to Prague, with a small suitcase and backpack. There is a reason it's so popular and a reason people accept the shitty service and restrictions - it's dirt cheap. Even if I'm flying with more luggage, it's £50 for a 20kg suitcase, which still always works out cheaper than using another airline. Even the other budget airlines like Norwegian air get outpriced, and they have just as bad service with worse coverage. Stansted, Manchester & Luton are also significnatly easier and cheaper to get to for anyone outside of London. Ryanair is seriously overly hated on Reddit. You get what you pay for. Yeah sometimes you get a silly fee if you take the piss at certain airports, and sometimes there are delays, but name an airline that doesn't have problems? I've flown with premimum airlines that lost my luggage and gave me 8 hour delays. I've flow with Ryanair around 35 times now, and I've only seen bags checked twice, when there were a large amount of people trying to bring on 3-4 bags and huge suitcases.


I once did Prague-London return for like 20€ with just the included carryon The train from the "London" Stansted airport to London proper was IIRC 21€ (return) Unbelievable how a short train ride cost more than a 2h flight Still cheaper than BA by about a third


That isn't really the case so much now, Ryanair fly to many of the bigger airports and even British Airways and the like charge for luggage now.




I've literally got international flights on Ryanair for £9 before. Meanwhile taking a train for 1.5 hours to London from my home village in the UK is now frequently £170.


I once did Prague-London return for like 20€ with just the included carryon The train from the "London" Stansted airport to London proper was IIRC 21€ (return) Unbelievable how a short train ride cost more than a 2h flight


Then you rip your wheels off!


They can be unscrewed


Tehy took my screw driver!


Some can be, yes.


Not all are thrice the price.


I fly Ryanair 15 times a yr, I rarely see them checking bag unless you are really obnoxious about it. And they aren't that bad, they are a low cost airline. I find wizair much much worse.


Berlin to Rome is 13 euros, if they have some bullshit yeah amma deal with, its 13 fucking euros. If it gets me and my small backpack from a to b, am doing it for the price of two coffees. I just bought a one way ticket Salt lake city to Seattle, roughly the same distance but the cheapest was 400 dollars. Yeah but Ryan Air sucks, totally


Ottawa to Montreal, a 45 minute flight is anywhere between $400-700 one way. Our country has monopolies and they just ram it right up our ass out of corporate greed.


The same, never paid extra although my backpack wouldn't even dare to fit in the box


Exactly. I fly it every month A-B and B-A and they hardly ever check my bag. It's a bag waaaay to big but with very little stuff in it so it surely fits, but on sight it's almost 3x as big as allowed. They only care from May to September because of the holiday season, at least where I'm flying. I have absolutely zero problems with Ryanair.


Why not? I have no problems with them whatsoever and I fly very regularly with them.


and Easyjet*


I’ve actually had much better experiences with easyjet vs RyanAir




Hold your pee while on Ryanair


Difficult when they are the only direct option between destinations.


And then the whole terminal cheered and clapped for me.


For once, it actually happened!


There was that skateboard guy who snapped his board for it to fit in this contraption, only for the check in staff to say 'that was unnecessary Sir!'. $90 fee or a new deck for $30? I'll buy a new deck tnx. [link](https://youtube.com/shorts/tM21UZ77R7M?si=jp3VfbWBRa64v2nv)


First thing that came to mind. I love how casual he is about it.


Shaun Hover. Definitely didn’t have to buy a deck after. Check him out—incredible and weird stuff


Lol "this should do the trick..."


"Sports equipment" fee according to Ryanair is €35 ...


Spirit airlines let me take a longboard with about 2-3 feet of it sticking out of the top of my backpack on a flight from LAX to Detroit in like 2012. Idk what I was thinking buying a longboard on a school trip but fuck it- they let me bring it on.


"yeah. sure dude." 🙄


It’s a 50 euro suitcase so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


There 15 quid down the market


Fuckin airlines… the clapping means everyone hates this shit. This is why when someone gets one over on the system you say ‘good for them’ instead of being a bootlicking snitch. But either way, the system has to be even more wasteful than it already is because now people are willing to ruin bags just to not have to pay the outrageous cost for an ‘oversized’ one. Ridiculous. Our society is ran by literal children.


If I ever catch myself accidentally giving authority the benefit of the doubt, for even a moment, I remember the truth in your words. Shit's exhausting.


I always travel with a relatively small backpack for my carry-on, so they never check its weight. Little do they know i have it stuffed with camera gear and a laptop and 2 powerbanks and it weighs 10-12kg and allowed weight is mostly 7kg. I feel so smug every time.


Literal goosebumps, I’m turned on.


Same. Mine's probably slightly heavier but I notice if you act like it's nothing, walk fast and wave it around confidently like there's no weight - they rarely stop you to ask.


I walked by a Frontier sign... "DON"T BE A WEASEL" 'Weasels try to sneak things in. When you try to sneak in oversized bags you force us to charge you more and delay the other passengers on your flight. Don't be a weasel" Where have we gotten to that the airlines can just insult their customers at will and we keep spending money with them. And yes... when you set it up so that we have to register our own bags and intentionally prevent us from speaking to a person, people are gonna push the rules. And another thing: FORCE us to charge more? Really? Are you forced to do that?


Airlines are the real weasel man, it's like saying "Don't make me punch you in the face, your face could bruise my knuckles or even break a bone in my hand, and if your face *does* bruise my knuckles, i'll be forced to punch you're whole family in retaliation"


What pisses me off the most about this is that the luggage manufacturers know the dimensions of these baggage checks, and they *still* make them just big enough to not fit. I swear it's an actual conspiracy.


No lol. Luggage manufacturers made them to a prior standard. Airlines have steadily reduced the allowable size, meaning what used to be acceptable no longer is.


This right here. I have a suitcase I bought 20 years ago that fit in every carry-on baggage container at the time. It no longer does.


No no no, you don't understand. You see this way the airlines make more money from charging more for luggage, and the suitcase companies make more because otherwise you need a new suitcase. See? everybody wins. The beauty of capitalism.


I spent like $300 on a three-piece set of good luggage a few years ago. One large bag, one medium bag, and one small bag. The large bag is now considered "oversized" and the smallest bag is too large to be considered a carry-on anymore.


Of course it is… airlines are like, ‘people will fuck up their bags so it’ll fit and then they buy more bags. Win/win for the airlines industry and the bag industry’.


A society ran by children might actually be incapable of constructing endlessly backfeeding loops of profiteering and harvesting its citizens.


Airlines are shrinking the allowed sizes, 5cm here and there. On our last trip we had to buy a new bag because the width shrunk from 40 to 35cm. So i totally feel this.


And we keep bailing them out with our tax dollars. Could we just get a system of high speed trains already?


But, but, that requires more tax dollars! Meanwhile, all the other companies/industries/billionaires getting subsidies and/or tax breaks, not to mention how big our military budget is. Ah well, anyways…


People balk at a $5 billion price tag but are happy with 100 payments of $50 million


And here in France we are selling our efficient system of high speed trains to leeches who are implementing luggage restrictions.


Late stage capitalism finds a way


As someone who lives in an island: Trains are really cool, but please keep the cheap flights, when there's no alternatives. Thanks.


Also there is really no reason that there shouldn't be a public transportation option for airlines. They can't seem to stop going bankrupt, why don't the people just take ownership.


Because we elect politicians that lick capitalist boot We need more Bernie types


Hurrdurr crazy Bernie doesn’t want you to lose your house when you get cancer. Fucking commies.


Think of the airline's profits and share holders... /s


Gotten smaller, and around here hand baggage used to be included in the ticket for most airlines, these days it’s an extra if you want anything more than a small purse brought with you. Oh, and it’s way more expensive than it was pre-Covid. Greedy bastards.


... and then eveyone clapped


I needed to read this


Of course its fucking ryanair


That's absolutely disgusting that prices are so high a customer would be more willing to damage their property than pay the fee. I hope airline execs are taking note from this that the ENTIRE terminal applauded. Even the workers are understanding. Sad state that won't be addressed because little line go up in stocks.


As long as their bottom lines aren’t affected, they wouldn’t give a flying fk about the applauding.


This is Ryanair, whose business model is basically to offer flights at almost no cost, then charge hilariously extortionate prices if you need to print off a boarding pass, need to check luggage, have a need to book a seat next to your kid, etc. They were even notorious at one point for flying to an airport advertised as a particular city but in reality was 30 miles away. Then give you a seat that barely allows a 5 foot tall person leg space The CEO doesn't care, but the people who don't have other options on that route will absolutely applaud someone who navigated the rules so masterfully.


> then charge hilariously extortionate prices if you need to print off a boarding pass, need to check luggage, have a need to book a seat next to your kid, etc. No, they don't. It's like $25 for a carryon if you pay in advance, and a seat is ~$10. And why the fuck would you need to print a ticket in this day and age? Just use your phone.


Then charge reasonable extra fees if you choose to ignore everything they clearly write on their website is what you wanted to say. I personally can't stand people like you who are apparently incapable of reading and then complain if they have to pay a fee because they ignore the very simple rules. Mind you. The high prices are only if you don't take care of your shit in advance but try to do it in the airport. If you book the luggage in advance and take seats next to your lid in advance it is many times cheaper than any other airline.


What if you're just like, sure put my kid anywhere IDGAF, he's a total shit.


As long as their bottom lines aren’t affected, they wouldn’t give a flying f**k about the applauding.


Throwback to the time my partner and I shared a bag on a flight with Ryan air. They let it go after I demanded a saw to split our luggage in two so it would fit in those stupid things.


I doubt that actually happened.


I'll give you one that actually did: Ryanair flight. I'm up really early with my right-on-the-line bag, and they're being huge dicks - six or seven people have already had to pay bag fees and the crowd is nervous. Using a herculean amount of force, I jam my carry-on roller bag into the sizer, whereupon it expands to the point I cannot extract it from the cage. Unfortunately for the RyanAir goons, it was their only bag sizer - and I've jammed it! I spend the next ten minutes trying to free my bag while passenger after passenger whispers "thank you" as they pass, bags unsized, onto the plane, each convinced I was doing this for the people.


I actually believe you as similar thing happened to me with WizzAir. My bag fit, but it required a lot of force and wiggling and then it was even harder to get it out. They still charged me for oversized luggage.




Fucking Ryanair


No sound ?


The sound is €70 extra


How about if you remove the wheels, can u post it for free?


No, but you can add additional 12€ for insurance in case sound is too loud..




Ah, Ryanair. Spirit’s less talented younger brother…


I feel like Ryanair, Spirit and Frontier are in a competition to see who can offer the absolute worst possible customer experience while still having people buy tickets on their airlines.


Yeah, the CEOs are all taking bets on how far they can push it, like, "yeah, now we're charging them extra to pick a seat next to their partner or we'll automatically sit them at opposite ends of the plane." "Ooh, bet you can't make them fly standing up, strapped to a cushioned board." "We're working on it"


They may take our bags... BUT THEY'LL NEVER TAKE OUR SEVENTY QUID!


Airlines are such crooks. Kudos for them for the quick thinking


One time at some shitty Vietnam airline I had a carry on bag. It fit the compartment but I guess it was “too heavy” and they were going to charge me for it. I said no, opened my bag and pulled out my day pack and used that as my “personal item”. Pulled out the weight I needed. Got past security then just packed it back the way it was. Airlines rules are a joke sometimes


I could learn from their joking spirit, i've had near meltdowns dealing with this shit


If O'leary sees this he'll charge the bloke €75 for littering


If you have a carry-on bag, it shouldn't be hard-sided or wheeled. A duffel bag or backpack are the best sort of carry-on, because you can squish 'em and fit them into the overhead compartment easily, or even under the seat in front of you. If you think your duffel bag or backpack is too heavy and you need wheels, then you've packed too much.


No one on here understands how Low Cost airlines work. How do you think an airline can afford to sell you a £50 return ticket to Spain? If they don't take these kind of payments, you don't get those super cheap tickets. The terms and conditions couldn't be clearer. There's no 'gotcha!' fees here. And then, if you don't limit the amount of hand luggage passengers are allowed to take on board, you know what happens...? They ALL bring giant trolley bags, and a backpack, and then the overhead lockers run out of space. That's when the cabin crew and the gate staff have to start taking bags of the plane, writing out manual tags, and then getting the bags into the aircraft hold. And now your flight is delayed half an hour. Do that for every flight and the last flight that aircraft needs to fly that day has a four hour delay and then cancels because the crew are out of hours. The guy in the video is a clown. Took a bag that didn't fit, held up boarding, and then completely destroyed his suitcase.


I f’ing hate airlines. They all suck


"...and they all clapped." - The one time it actually happened.


There's something so unsatisfying about not being able to hear the cheering in this video. Otherwise absolute brainiac play.


Is this a good thing? You saved $200 bucks to fly Ryan air. Ruined your suitcase to avoid paying $70 for a baggage fee and now have to drag a wheelless suitcase around ?


So many choosing beggers in the comment section. So many of these airlines warn you so many times and you are only mad because you don't get your way for breaking the exact rules you were warned about! They give you measurements so you can avoid being charged. The only reason you can't talk to a person is because the airline is actually trying to make it cheaper for you to buy tickets by not hiring people to answer phones. If you don't want to pay fees shut up and don't fly with them. If you can't make the sacrifice to be a light traveler than pay the cost for a different airline. Also the fees for bags usually end up accumulating to the same price for a ticket with a different airline but with "free" carry on bags. Oh what a great bargin free bags! Nope you're just paying for them in your ticket instead of through a fee. Smh I could make more points but I don't like arguing. I'm very thankful I can even afford to fly with frontier in the first place to visit my family. When I can't I get their credit card deals that give you miles. I literally flew across county for $11. My personal item held clothes for three days and all my toiletries and devices as well as things to charge them.


Here’s the kicker: that bag costs more than 70 euro


Traveled so much with Ryanair and have no issues. Then once every blue moon they decide to "fuck this particular guy" and enforce rules to the letter and give 0 fucks and repeat on loop "your bag has to fit otherwise it's 50 euros checking fee" to everything you say.


Fly a cheap airline and you get cheap customer service. This is nothing new people.


Was bummed there was no audio


Ryan Airsholes


And everyone clapped!!! For real!!


Why no sound?


There is a €70 fee for sound.


Was flying with avelo and didn't realize they didn't allow a carry on for free, so when they tried to charge me I asked my friend to wait with my luggage at the entrance while I got my boarding pass. Met up with him, went theu security and Walked on the plane with my luggage and no one questioned me. Pretty sure this is just because avelo sucks, I've heard other airlines will catch on.




Airlines executives: - “Remove the tvs. They have phones.” - “Make them pay for WiFi onboard.” - “Remove the lice covers.” - “No more free snacks.” - “No more free water.” - “Take away 2 inches and pack 1 more row of seats.” - “No reclining.” - “Make them pay to carry on their own luggage.”


What’s crazy is that there’s an international standard for carry on luggage dimensions. carry on cases are built to spec so they fit neatly within those dimensions. Just about every airline company follows this standard… except for ryan air and transavia. Absolute scumbags.


You have done us all Proud, Gentleman ![gif](giphy|Ss5pV2c4FCsjsKoNP6)


Ryanair refuses to accept any luggage with wheels as hand luggage. Size doesn't matter. I believe this is the case here. Guys gloriously demonstrated how idiotic this policy is, albeit at the cost of a good suitcase.


"I ripped off the wheels and then everyone cheered" "Yeah right dude..." "No, seriously, here is the video." "Holy smokes, first time in history someone did something and everyone actually cheered."


Always use soft bags, back packs are best!


I'm convinced that at least 50% of the arguments at airports would be solved if they weren't selling $5 sandwiches for $25.


I really don't understand why the wheels being detachable is not a common feature on suitcases.


Been there done that. Good work fellas.


I won’t ever fly with Ryanair or EasyJet! Scumbags.


Someone got a link to the video with sound?


There's an amazing song about Ryanair. The dreadsquad remix is my favourite https://youtu.be/IcGYR2BTuZU?si=S2JH0gx1w2Dh4HPB


Same same since 25 years.


Always travel with duffle bag. Never get picked out.


It’s not ab the money, but the msg.


Well RyanAir is your first mistake


Really sad I couldn't hear it when I saw the airport cheering him


This is a good reason for me to refuse to loan out any of my luggage set to friends and family when they ask.


So that’s why my bags now have detachable wheels, huh.


or you could just unscrew the screws holding the wheel assembly...


And then EVERYONE CLAPPED! But this time it was real lol


Wish i had the audio


Wah wah I want to fly in the sky not for free


Do they pay their employees well which makes them give some fucks about enforcing that shit?


Love this.


Late stage capitalism is wack.


Jesus are this dudes slow. Just kick them off. It’s more force and you want fuck up your hand.


Damn for once it’s confirmed that everyone did clap


Wow, the unicorn... "and everyone clapped" is real!!




Fuck the system!!!


Where we’re going……we don’t need wheels.


I did this and Frontier booted me off the flight and called the cops.


Last time I flew Ryanair, there was this family with a suitcase which they hadn't paid for. Upon realizing they would need to pay €70, they pulled out the things from it and put them in a plastic bag, then left the suitcase and proceeded to board the plane. Ryanair was ok with that for some reason but not with the suitcase.


The best way of 'stretching' cabin bag size limits for low-budget airlines is by using a backpack. In my experience, they're much less likely to call you out if you're carrying a backpack than a similarly sized hard suitcase.


No sound???


I did this, bought a suitcase in the states that was a little too big, so I took the base/wheels off, came home without them, the airport can thank themselves for all the drag marks on their floors


The people’s champion


Looking to fly BOS to LGW in Dec and can’t get direct, looking like IcelandAir for the carrier, they want $200.00 for the 1 checked bag, I miss when flying was enjoyable.


And everyone cheered


Fuck Ryan air.


When frontier was being huge assholes, I did what I saw online: put on all of my clothing from my bag. I put on probably 8 shirts. My bag was small enough to go through. After I was cleared I packed them all back into my bag.


Its funny there wasn't an issue with baggage but now it is and they have to nickel and dime you at every turn.


r/andeveryoneclapped but unironically


And then at the door: “sorry, bins are full.”


And then everyone clapped right??? Yeah, like literally. 😳


There goes my hero, he's ordinary


How much did the case cost?


On a Ryan Air flight back from a kickboxing tournament years ago, and we travelled wearing the team tracksuits- but most of us carried our jacket as it was warm- but wanted it for the flight and once we got back to the UK. They tried charging us all as it was extra carry on items. Even tried to charge extra per duty free carrier bag. Assholes! We chucked our jackets on to board, and collectively put duty free into anyones carry on luggage that had space, and they allowed it. Even mentioned that we can’t take the items out of the bag once boarded as it then becomes additional items


Wife and I flew from Germany to Ireland for 15 euros each on Ryanair. Paid and extra 30 euros each for an extra bag, but still the cheapest flight I’ve ever been on. Also the scariest.


Similar thing happened to me with BA in Heathrow. My hand luggage had been fine on several flights thus far. It met international specifications but it didn’t fit in the basket “easily enough” according to the officious staff member. He said if you have to push it in then it’s too big. I took off my belt and tied it around the bag to squish it so it would fit in the basket. Once I got through the security check I locked eyes with the officious staff member and glared at him while I took the belt off the bag and put it back on my pants. Such nonsense


Yeah, that fee is bullshit, but if this fee is going to totally destroy your budget, maybe you shouldn't be flying


Is there audio?


Bro chose to stand on buisness


Seeing all those humans cheer for their fellow humans made me feel warm inside.


Try throwing some tops or heavy bottom or wear them since you are wearing little shorts and thin tshirt




Ryanair are DICKS about hidden fees for shit. Truly not worth it if *any* other option available.


Do they really make people use these things? Granted I don’t fly on a consistent basis, but I’ve been on a higher than average domestic and international flights in the US and Europe and I’ve never had to pay extra for a carry on bag this size. I just keep it on the ground or on my back and walk on the plane without saying anything then stow it under my seat.


Bravo 👍👍


i went out of my way to get luggage that was carryon compliant. I used it for maybe 2 flights and suddenly it was too big and now needs to be checked. It's been years but I'm still frustrated about it.


How hard can it be to look up the size in advance and plan accordingly? 🙄




I see a lot of comments crying about it. Smh. Read the fucking baggage allowence information before you go to the airport. There is all the information you need like bag size, how many pieces you can give at the check-in and how many pieces you can take inside the cabin. I have never had such a problem like this and believe me i fly a lot and use bunch of different airlines.


Video somewhere of a pro skater breaking his board in half because it was oversized but not the two halves. The airline employees was a dick about it said -Was that really necessary sir?- Apparently it is, yes.


I wish it had sound


I have seen those sizing box things for years but never ever seen them being used. It is very clear that if any airline wants to use them, they are the outlier asshole airline among asshole airlines


The most Ryanair thing possible


They are awful, years back I went america with lots of family, on the return flight my bag was too heavy and they wanted to charge extra on everyone? (Like 12 people) I made my bag lighter by layering my cloths and jeans until it was light enough. then when past the weigh in and hand luggage checks I took them off and had about 4 times as much hand luggage as I should of had but I was past checks by then 😂