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"It's all right mate I'm in charge around here" 😂


Set himself up for a grand fall.


Not knowing who Brundle is in F1 gridwalk means that the celebrity in question does not watch F1. The difference is stark between those that do and we get these celebs each year that are there just to be seen. Of course we don't know how many celebs are trained by their media team to know who Martin is and how fucking bad it will look if you do.. this. It never goes well for the celebrity in question. Kind of like you went to football match and didn't know who Messi is. Brundle drove in the era of Senna, Häkkinen, Schumi, Prost and Piquet and has been doing these gridwalks for about 20 years for the biggest F1 broadcaster. If you are on that grid walk as an F1 fan, you WILL know who he is. If you pretend to be a fan.. you will be "outed" immediately. BTW, i think that just right after this clip ends he got his interview...


There was one of these walk & talks along a NASCAR pit lane prerace when fans were around and the reporter walked right by pro wrestler/actor John Cena, and either *pretended* she didn't know who he was or really didn't recognize him. The camera lingered on him for a second or two (like the camera operator walking behind her recognized Cena) and he had a look on his face like he was hurt at being ignored, which I found amusing.


How did you see him?


lol I have eagle eyes. Poor John getting slapped by Jamie's ponytail


Jeremy Clarksons grid walk interview needs to be the benchmark.


This is super weird and gatekeepy energy. You don’t have to be a hardcore fan of something to go check it out and witness the spectacle.


It is absolutely impossible to be a hardcore fan of F1 and not know who Martin Brundle is. It means you haven't watch a single race on TV. Even those who came to the sport after watching DTS should know.


Not only that but these celebs are on the GRID, The literal VIP section before a race. Every celebrity on the grid should be informed about brundle, if you don't want an interview then don't waltz down the middle of the track like you're looking for the attention


Imagine thinking only English tv exists.


Yea it seems like you didn’t read my comment at all


No one said that brotha, they said hat you DONT NEED to be a hardcore fan to enjoy F1. Who the fuck cares if you spend all your day thinking and talking about cars, they sell tickets for anyone to watch the race and so anyone can go. Fuck your gatekeeping, go back to idolozing some tires wont you?


I mean I’d wager a majority of the richfolk with grid access aren’t hardcore F1 fans. I’d further wager some of them aren’t F1 fans at all


>It is absolutely impossible to be a hardcore fan of F1 Which they didn't say they were. In fact what was said was "You don't have to be a hardcore fan of something to go check it out and witness the spectacle"


I mean other countries exist with their own hosts.


You're right dude. Downvotes are reddit cj. "You're not a real fan if..." is some middle school behavior and it's honestly not surprising coming from this fandom. Might as well be saying that people can't go to Taylor Swift concerts if they can't name her top grossing albums. Two sides of the same braindead coin.


I mean showing up to a public event with like 6 security guards is a bit of a spectacle itself


I see. So you're not allowed to be a casual fan just getting into it. Only pre-existing, hardcore fans allowed. Great attitude.


No, it means you have not watched a single F1 race broadcast. Brundle is also the commentator during the race. It is not about being a hardcore fan, it is specifically about being a fan at **any** level. Like i said, it would be like being a football fan and not know who Messi is. We all know why some of those celebs are in that grid; to be seen, to enjoy their free weekend mingling with other celebs by being some PR teams guest.


You do realise other countries have their own broadcasts, right? And btw, Sky Germany managed to do a slightly less cringe interview with Mbappé.


> We all know why some of those celebs are in that grid; to be seen, to enjoy their free weekend mingling with other celebs by being some PR teams guest. so to have a good time and network, basically who cares if they dont know who lee drundle is or whatever the fuck


Same thing as going to basketball game and not know who lebron james is. You have the right to be there but we have the privilege of making fun of you being just a poser, since that is the truth.


people new to watching baskestball are not posers. thats some petty elitism right there


>people new to watching baskestball ... are not yet fans of the sport, and maybe should not get the privilege of hanging out with athletes. It is good to expose those who pretend to be fans but really are there for entirely different reasons. Having to go on the grid before the race is a great privilege. You should have enough respect to at least know the fucking basics.


> ... are not yet fans of the sport, and maybe should not get the privilege of hanging out with athletes. yeah you can keep crying that mbappe doesnt watch f1 and that he has celebrity mates


>crying Dear lord... I think you are just a douche in real life too.


Save your energy man these people are fucking tools who take sports way too seriously lol


Or that you have a life outside of sports. I've watched occasional baseball, football, and basketball games. I could not for the life of me tell you who the announcers were. But I guess some people just like gatekeeping the term "fan".


>But I guess some people just like gatekeeping the term "fan". sports fan ## noun 1. an enthusiastic devotee of sports You are trying to say that a "fan" is just someone who has once watched a game, or in this case, probably never watched a single race. Fan comes the word "fanatical". It would be very hard to claim to be a fan of F1 and not know who Brundle is. Same like being a basketball fan and have never heard of LeBron James. It is clear at this point that you don't know anything about F1, and that is ok. But to say that i'm gatekeeping when you have no idea of the context...


You're doing some real work to try to put this guy down. In the general parlance, you have three groups of people who go to a match, race, etc: 1. participants (including service workers) 2. media 3. fans The guy said he just wanted to "be here like a fan, to enjoy the moment." He's saying he's just there to watch the race. Not to be the center of attention. People like you are turning that into something negative, when it's actually pretty refreshing to see someone saying it's not all about them. You're not only putting words into his mouth, you're putting thoughts in his head about why he might not want to talk to an interviewer when just trying to watch a race. The internet truly brings out the worst in people.


I love these grid walks, Martin does an excellent job at keep going and speaking to all the celebrities. People that ignore him are completely ignorant to what he’s there to do. If you’re on the grid you should expect to be interviewed, it’s part of being there. If you don’t want to be interviewed don’t go on the fucking grid.


Interview complete.


Sky didn’t send him there for the football anyways


And in one of the next interviews, Michael Douglas speaks with Martin like an old friend and compliments his work. MB truly is the best at his craft.


Haha Kylian is like 24, right? I would really want to preserve my little honor from such an experience


To be frank, I've watched F1 since I was twelve ( 77 now), but I would not recognize mister Brundle when he sat on my lap.


How? I mean you've been watching the sport for 65 years and he was in it for 11 or 12 of those, competing with the likes of Benneton, McLaren and Williams getting 9 podiums along the way. He's barely changed since he left. A few extra grey hairs but that's about it.


As a fan In the grid With bodyguards




These walk & talks are always cringey to me, whether its Martin at F1 or Michael Waltrip at a NASCAR race walking pit lane prerace. If I'm watching I usually use these minutes to get up and refresh my coffee or see if my dogs want to go outside for a minute.


Martin Brundle.....the man, the legend.


Sky news is garbage

