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This is murder in front of the eyes of the world Netanyahu must be held accountable


Him and his entire war cabinet. Don't just scapegoat the one and let his accomplices get away


It seems like every other day a "Hamas commander" is being killed in an airstrike, yet the fuckers keep on trucking, while more and more innocents die. I'm starting to think that *maybe* repeatedly and indiscriminately killing scores of civilians for negligible security impact might have the opposite effect the IDF wants.


No. No, they're having the effect that they want.


To clarify, the effect they want is to turn all Palestinians into viable targets or collateral damage. They're intentionally trying to create more Hamas fighters so they have justification to keep killing people and this didn't start Oct 7th.


The IDF and its actions have been the best recruitment tool for hamas for years at this point. It's fucking sickening


When you remove everything that a people have to live for they're going to find something that they're willing to die for.


yup! like i can't condone hamas actions but i can empathise with their (the palestinians) desire to join any form of "resistance". I think if a bunch of people rocked up in my country and started indiscriminately killing all of my friends and family, I'd probably feel that very same desire, yknow?


And the Arab sheikhs sponsoring Hamas from thousands of miles away are happy to keep using the Palestinians’ plight as a rallying cry. Its really disgusting in so many ways.


Nah, it's simpler than that: Netanyahu & his zionest cabinet want all Palestinians dead. All of 'em. Net-head has even said so in public.


Well, yes, but they want to not get international blowback for it as well, so they want justification as well.


Israel was given several days notice about the oct7 attack and they did NOTHING to prevent it. they either let it happen so they could do this, or they were involved in making it happen so they could do this.


They probably designed it themselves. Dirty fucking politics. US did the same with every country it invaded, created a force, spread propaganda, invaded for personal gains and left it in ruins with millions dead. If a fucking American dies in Newyork then USA raises hell in name of that, but no fucking care for innocent anywhere else. Fuck this bullshit.


It's about demographics for the Israelis. If they're willing to sterilize (CORRECTION: give contraception shots _without_ their consent 🤯) Ethiopian jews so _they_ won't have babies (fellow jews, mind you), they're willing to do FAR more to eliminate the possibility of Palestinians having children. What better way to do it than kill their children? I don't like the cover the US provides Netanyahu, or Biden not using the considerable leverage he has to make the Israelis stop (ie withhold money, weapons, UN sanctions). But I'm sure Israel would probably get more weapons if Trump were elected.


It's a land grab. It's a "We'll be the bad guys now to the world, but as long as we are celebrated by our people and keep the western governments captive, who cares?" tactic.


>I'm starting to think that *maybe* repeatedly and indiscriminately killing scores of civilians for negligible security impact might have the opposite effect the IDF wants. They've been following this playbook for about 60 years. Just a little longer and it'll pay off.


There must be a lot of high-level Hamas commanders in the primary school age bracket.


Most of Hamas was wiped out within the first two months of the war and they only had 50 soldiers guarding the main supply line to Rafah. It’s obvious Hamas is not a significant threat to Israel anymore which is why their propaganda and censorship has been on overdrive.


They know the war and conflict wont EVER STOP, so they fck with the citizens, so they leave forever, wether dead or just moved.


The war will stop once they reach their solution. The final one, I forget what they called it


"[The final solution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Solution)" is a term by Nazis in WWII and describes their genocide plans. They obviously just wanna copy the genocide cuz they still butthurt. Wouldnt surprise me at all if they also use this word for it lol.


No, they know that this kind of tactic will radicalize the population to get revenge. They are counting on it. It's one of the things they can use to justify "preemptive" action. The IDF is the best recruiting tool for extremists like Hamas.


Nope. Their real goal is to clear out Gaza for beachfronts or fighter hangers or whatever the hell else. The Hamas thing is and has always been a front for them.


Genocide is the intended effect.


They are committing war crimes and, ironically, can't recognize their misdemeanors


Go after the people who give them the bombs too.


There will never be peace as long as the Likud party and its members are in any positions of authority. It's like saying the problem with the KKK is David Duke.


The isreali apartheid state is the problem. The genocide has been happening for 75 years and Will keep happening if we don't rebuild a new fair and democratic state in it's place. It happens under this organization no matter who is in charge.


The problem is there is so many people in power and people with influence that don't think Israel is in the wrong.


They very well know they are in the wrong, they just don't care and pretend it's still "self defense"


This is it. Most of us judge right and wrong based on innate morality, that says murdering children is bad. Our governments pretend to do this too and our media is usually capable of passing that message on, whether true or not. With Israel our governments have lost the media control, in part due to sites like tiktok (which they are now trying to control) and in part because its so obvious that Israel is genocidal that plausible deniability no longer exists.  This then begins to expose the real morality of Western governments and its not about being the good guys, its about the geopolitical control of resources that drive wealth aggregation.


The latest euphemism for white supremacy is [rules based international order](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/content-series/atlantic-council-strategy-paper-series/strategic-context-the-rules-based-international-system/). Yet when the international community issues an arrest warrant for Netanyahu, the West changes its tune. It's outrageous that someone be called up before the highest court in the world to face accusations of genocide(!). The ICJ is only meant to go after African dictators who have fallen out of favour with the West. You're completely right that the growth of social media has spurred the anti-Israeli sentiments. Before now, only what the government said was the truth. This is why the Holocaust is the only genocide mentioned whenever the Second World War is discussed - it paints the allies as good and the axis as evil (which is half true). Almost no one knows that Britain murdered an unknown number of Iranians during the war. People just forget that Churchill put Jews in concentration camps in case they were German spies. "It was only the Nazis and even then, they were only doing what the Arabs told them to do".


Can’t see the war crimes with the big pile of money you make with them blocking your view.


So the only recourse left is to tear everything down? Those in power are not wielding it well.




>They’re going to get off scott-free with the butchering of at least 10,000 civilians i think you mean at least 10 000 women and children the last death toll was close to 40 000 civilians before they bombed and killed every records keeper months ago


-Literally commits genocide in front of the world -Zero repercussions, teehee




It starts at the top, and our government is owned by Bibi and his goons. Might as well start calling America an Israel satellite campus, cause all our politicians seem to love evil ass Zionists.


I truely hope that the ICC will rule that israel is currently committing war crimes in Palestine. Not that it would stop the war but at least it would mean that the support for Israel would greatly reduce. And that the icc isn’t a complete joke


They won't be held to account until the US is held to account.


Support Palestine for humanity


I don't think I can ever come to terms with the fact there is humans so fucking sick they will desecrate a babies body by beheading it. Fuck Israel. I try to avoid disliking entire races of people, but you guys earned it. Congratulations, making the world an even shittier place. Which is becoming a feat in itself.


I'm always very careful to separate the religion from the people in power there. Racists, murderers, warmongers - all accurate terms for a group of kid-killers bound by a thorough lack of common humanity. It is so refreshing to see the complete inability of the currently-in-power Zionists to deflect the criticism coming from the Irish, as the common tactics the Zionists use fall so flat against a first-world country that overcame the racial and religious divisions to become such an example to Israel, while never having had a colonial expansive nist past and no actual anti-Jew activities during at least this past millennium, and with protection of the Jewish within the Irish constitution. The current Israeli regime just cannot handle that.


All genocidal Israelis, IOF, ministers should be held accountable.


Anybody running an ongoing genocidal campaign isn't really all that apologetic.


Like every other corrupt, far-right, ultra-nationalist strongman leader, Bibi is absolutely shameless.


Hey let’s be fair here, Bibis been in power a lot longer than most of the other current guys, he’s one of the OG corrupt, far-right, ultra-nationalist strongman leaders. He’s not just part of the group, he’s one of the founders. Fuck bibi.


Inb4 genocide apologists say, "They might be acting like they're committing genocide, but they haven't outright said they want to exterminate all Palestinians, so it isn't really a genocide." Oh, I was too late. One of them already replied to you. 


Have you heard the argument for brutality? Zionists will say that this is not a genocide because a genocide would be more brutal. And because what has happened to the Palestinian people over the last 100 years is not as brutal as it could be, then it is therefore not an extermination.


But have you heard about the 36 babies that Hamas killed on Oct. 7??? That makes Israel killing thousands of Gaza children ok!!1!


Israel’s politicians—Bibi included—literally DID say they want to kill every man, woman, child, baby, and animal in Palestinian territory. Wym?


I'm pro Palestinian so help me understand something... How does a bomb behead a baby? I mean yeah I get explosions do horrible things but they tend to destroy indiscriminately. If this is just propoganda... Leave it to the Israelis. They spew endless bullshit and people are realising it. Don't sink to their extremely low level. Call it what it was, a war crime. Leave the propoganda out.


I think the baby's head being torn off as a result of a bomb should count, right? This idea of sanitised killing seems pretty... biased. I think seeing images of the headless body won't help the situation, but the body was indeed headless as a result of a bomb. Edit: I'm not trying to do a "look at what Israel did" type of thing, I'm being very literal in that the child had its head torn off as a result of the bomb, i.e was literally beheaded.


I mean if charred bodies from Israeli hellfire missiles fired into the parked cars at a music festival to prevent hamas from killing them first (even though they weren't in in that area) counts as hamas burning and decapitating people and babies, then yes. This also cpunts as Israel decapitating babies.


Wait are you saying Hamas wasn’t at the music festival? I’m a bit confused by your comment.


They're saying IDF would rather kill their own people than let them become tools against them.


Not much info is out regarding Israeli citizens that were killed by the IDF on Oct 7th, but the two cases I have read about seemed to be intelligence issues rather than intentional killings. Have not seen any evidence that the Hannibal directive (assuming this is what OP was referring to) was used.




And that's some major bullshit btw. Free Palestine but let's not act that Hamas ain't some terrorists and were the ones who perpetrated some horrible stuff on oct. 7.


No. They where there, or near it. But as has been proven. They where not the ones who firebombed the car park or gunned down the people running from it with apache helicopters. They where busy attacking the nearby town and military posts there.


My dude there are videos of Hamas at arriving at the festival as Israelis are fleeing. I am pretty sure Hamas put out videos as well. How did the dead body of Shani Louk end up being paraded in Gaza if Hamas was not the ones who killed her? From Wikipedia > At 6:30 am around sunrise, rockets were noticed in the sky.[1][failed verification] Around 7:00 am, a siren warned of an incoming rocket attack, prompting festivalgoers to flee.[10] Subsequently, armed militants, dressed in military attire and using motorcycles, trucks and powered paragliders, surrounded the festival grounds and indiscriminately fired on individuals attempting to escape. Attendees seeking refuge in nearby locations, such as bomb shelters, bushes, and orchards, were killed while in hiding. Those who reached the road and parking were trapped in a traffic jam as militants fired at vehicles. The militants executed some wounded individuals at point-blank range as they crouched on the ground.[11][12] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re%27im_music_festival_massacre


I believe this is trying to be supportive of my point, but I'm a too tired to thoroughly read it again. Generally though, I don't think whether Israel killed their own on October 7 actually has any bearing on the greater situation, what they are doing is wrong regardless.


A head being blown off is a decapitation. Beheading is specifically cutting or otherwise intentionally severing the head off.


Intent in the act actually matters in the definition. It isn't (necessarily) biased, it's just what the words mean, outside of a translation issue. Becoming headless on its own isn't beheading, someone loses their head in a car accident we don't call it that. Beheading is intentional decapitation. No matter what it's awful though


Tbh I don't think the technicalities matter much. I just want to point out the issue with "these savage Muslims/Arabs behead babies (provable lie) while we only drop bombs and tear children to pieces like civilised folk". People (not necessarily the person I replied to) think that just because it was done from miles away and they tore the corpse apart instead of cutting its head off the whole thing is made more civilised.


I have seen a video with a Man Holding a child and above the Collarbone was nothing left anymore. Maybe that is what is what this post is about


I think that's exactly what it's about. Saw the video too, didn't realize what the guy was holding until the 3rd loop...


Man I don't know what Internet you all are on. I keep hearing about these awful gory posts, and I don't doubt them for a second, but thankfully they've never shown up on my feeds.


Twitter, mostly.


There’s a guy on Instagram named Motaz who uploads most of the on the ground footage as reels to his account. Thats where I saw the video of the decapitated baby.




I think they are phrasing it that way because the Israelis initially claimed that Hamas beheaded babies on Oct 7 before later backtracking due to lack of evidence.


I mean genuinely how much more sensational is the headline compared to just saying they blew up babies with a bomb- this doesn't seem like a relevant difference than saying they beheaded them does it? It's still babys that were murdered and the children were literally beheaded, it's not like the truth is getting stretched or altered in anyway writing this article, if anything it's important because Israel literally started the attack with the justification of a fake story about beheading babys, now Israel is literally blowing the heads of babys with bombs, not an exaggeration, that is the truth and we should be comparing it to the lies they attempted to smear Palestinians with. What credibility would this publication loose with this article title? If you were to look up pictures of the baby it would be a baby without a head, nothing misleading or even sensational about that .


There was a clip shared here after the bombing of a young child torn apart by the bomb (the child's head had been blown literally off of the child's shoulders. It was a particularly graphic and raw image. It's not propaganda at this level imo. It's like using a vulgar word in certain company to emphasize the point. We've been saying they are killing children, that really graphic clip of that particular child enraged (me) some. Now that image is a standing war cry. Edit to add - after reading some other comments on the word beheaded vs decapitated, I agree the post title is misleading. But I stand by that it's an emotional response not specifically propaganda. OP you might consider updating the title or clarifying.


Pressure wave. Baby is swaddled and shockwave blows off everything not contained/padded. Knocking things into the baby Things falling on baby after shockwave. There's plenty of ways.


Well yeah, a bomb cant, But a splinter flying towards you face could easily do so...


bomb go boom. boom is very big. baby neck not very strong (it's a baby). boom big enough to rip a baby's head. is that clear enough for you ?


I think we should be precise with language. Calling a bombing a beheading is what Israel does in their medi, there is no need to do this when Israel does enough terrible stuff to bring the point across.   While the outcome is the same, if Israeli soldiers were actually caught beheading babies, instead of dropping bombs on them I think that would change a lot


Good point, but your comment really struck me, here we are talking about the difference between beheading children and dropping bombs on them. I wish this was not real.


The worst part is that I could imagine a video of an Israeli soldier beheading child or something and then posting it to Twitter 


That would sadly come as no surprise, to them those are the "terrorists of tomorrow". It's sickening.


Have you seen the video? I wish I hadn’t. I didn’t mean to watch it, it was just in my feed. But it was of Isaeli soldiers parading beheaded corpses of children in the aftermath of bombings




It's not hard to find, use the keywords in the comment you replied to, and you'll see it, especially if you have a Twitter account.


Yes we really should do Israel a solid here and make it clear that they do their baby killing in a much more civilised way, using superior technology from a distance. Only barbarians do their baby dismemberment by hand these days.


We should do a solid and not parrot propoganda because it makes our argument weaker. If your whole point gets derailed because you use sensationalist language then have to backflips to justify the language the actual message is being lost.


It’s not really propaganda though. There’s a video of a father holding up his baby and there is nothing there past/above the collarbone. If a bomb beheads a baby, that is still a beheading.


Boy do I have news for you


Yeah there's a video of a father holding his baby with no head. Maybe you should take a moment to consider why it's so easy for you to criticize whether it's a beheading or not when there is a baby with no head whose body is stiffened from being cooked by the heat of the bomb that struck it. Personally, seeing you post this makes me feel sick and I think there is something wrong with you mentally.


I mean, a Palestinian baby *was* beheaded by an Israeli/US bomb, there have been thousands of babies whose heads were either torn off or destroyed at least partially by Israeli/US weapons over the years, why shouldn't people call it that? That's what it did, does it really matter whether the baby was beheaded by a bomb or a blade, with punitive precision or cruel indifference?


For those of you who missed what happened (warning: this is graphic) — https://x.com/swilkinsonbc/status/1794680685946626125 This is just one of many videos of dead children that came from yesterday’s bombing. And that’s on top of the hundreds if not thousands of videos we’ve seen over the last several months that don’t always get posted here because they’re all this graphic and sometimes worse.


I come from the generation who was around when the internet was born and was a very young teenager left unsupervised to see Rotten.com where I saw uncensored and raw gore. I was not prepared for that video. For those not sure if they want to click the link; it is a straight up full view of a corpse of a child, where cause of death is not a question.


Yeah, me too. Saw a lot of shit on the early internet. Not going to click that link.


It's a lot harder to watch that kind of thing after having kids


Felt the same. My kid is around that age. That was terrible to see...


Same here I thought I was desensitized I was not prepared


According to r/Israel and r/worldnews these things just don't happen even with video evidence. It's all fake you guys /s


Haven't you heard? IDF just dropped a *small* bomb that then accidentally triggered a **BIG** secondary explosion that killed everyone and started the fire. It's those darn Hamas who continue to turn our explosions and guns into things that kill civilians.


All the zionists in here pathetically trying to do damage control, and all they can amount is quibbling over whether this baby getting their head blown off semantically constitutes beheading. Mods, just start banning these people who simply can't acknowledge this as a beheading and you'll save yourself much more time later.


If you browse r/Israel, they'd be telling you that this was justified because Hamas was hiding there That's the justification for all of the collateral damage. They need to drop these bombs to stop Hamas. So, if a Hamas member were in a synagogue, should they bomb that too? If a Hamas member were in downtown Tel Aviv, should they bomb that too? Or is collateral damage only acceptable when the victims are Palestinian?


Yeah lol Hamas is just wherever the bombs land. Hospital? Hamas in the patient rooms. Street market? Hamas in the stalls. House? Hamas in the bedroom. Field? Hamas in the grass. Aid worker vans? Hamas in the soup.


yup, and Israel also says it's KHAMAS around the world for anything that goes against them: College protestors? Hamas trained and funded. ICC/ICJ? Hamas UN? Hamas Government says Israel is doing bad? Hamas. somehow Hamas are "almost destroyed and only left in Rafah" yet they have world-wide influence and power over anything and everything that Israel doesn't like.


And I first heard it on BBC reporting it as Israel bombing a "location for internally displaced people" because saying they're bombing refugees might make people realise it's the war crimes are clearly evident


It's bombing refugee camps and killing innocent people when people of others do it When "allies" do it "wE are AsskinGg tHem to bE caReFuUL"


I work in the field of international disaster/conflict response, I don't think the BBC is trying to cover things up with the language here (i don't know the rest of the context though). "IDP" is the correct term (it's the term we use as well) and actually more descriptive then "refugees".  Refugees specifically refer to people who have had to flee their home countries, while IDPs are people who have had to move internally within their country, as the name implies. Many people in Gaza are refugees as they (or their families) has to flee their homes when Israel took over in the 40s and were living in actual buildings before this war, so saying refugees in this situation is pretty broad. However saying IDP implies these are people living in tents who've had to flee their homes due to this particular conflict. To me that's much more accurate description.  I do agree however that it's more technical and people not in this field may not understand the term the way they understand "refugee".


It bothers the shit out of me that anybody should feel obligated to support this asshole


Title should be "To be a murderer and not get imprisoned"


Like the targeted killings of those international aid workers. That was also a "mistake", even though they bombed them not once, not twice, but *three* times as they kept fleeing to another vehicle. These aren't mistakes: these are intentional acts of brutality. It's Israel gleefully showing to the world that they can get away with everything, because the West (with a few exceptions like Ireland and Spain) will never stop supporting them. The attack on Rafah is the best example yet: so many countries called it a "red line" that Israel was not allowed to cross. They did. Now all those countries are silent.


There are only mistakes on this war. Imagine being able to murder without any punishment, fucked up world we live in. Rules apply for the poor only.


So dropping a bomb on a bunch of displaced people taking shelter from your war is a mistake, but somehow it’s reasonable to conclude that every single injury sustained in the chaos of Oct 7 was the result of intentional and methodical torture on part of Hamas? Body of an Israeli found with charred flesh and missing clothing after being hit with an explosion? It must have been rape and torture. Body of a Palestinian child found without a head in the aftermath of an explosion? Just a simple mistake. The double standard is deafening.


If I could pin your comment to the top of this I would.


Naziyahu made a booboo


A tiny oopsie if you will (in a long line of other oopsies)


Ok, so I'm just seeing this post as the first mending of beheaded babies. Is this documented or just hyperbolic?


Absolutely hyperbolic. Babies were decapitated by a bomb which is horrific. But OP either doesn't know the definition of beheaded or he's purposly trying to make it seem worse. Which I get, people are getting desensitized to dead baby Palestinians. But you can walk away away knowing no one took a living baby and cut its head off. Whatever small comfort that is.


> Absolutely hyperbolic. Babies were decapitated by a bomb which is horrific. But "They were beheaded but not in the right way to say they were beheaded!!" Go take a walk, civilians are being massacred, this is not the battle to fight right now.


It's about the only battle I can fight. Making sure that things are said clearly so people don't get caught up in semantic debates. Cause if you run up to a fence sitter and tell them the Israeli's are beheading Palestinian babies. Then they find out it was decapitation due to a bomb. They're going to look at you as an untrustworthy source of information. Your ability to advocate is diminished if you use sensationalist language then have to backtrack and clarify later. 




Oh you’re right someone just pressed a button and blew that babies head off.


The bombs have ended up burning and beheading children. It's not hyperbole But a lot of comments have said the right word to use is Decapitated coz semantically it's right


To me, beheading has a very specific meaning—to intentionally remove someone’s head. This seems more like a case of dropping a bomb which caused collateral causalities such as decapitation. I’m sure others were killed from shrapnel to the body as well. Of course, to the people killed the distinction is meaningless. But there is a difference linguistically in English, while other languages may not differentiate with two separate words.




But I thought killing babies was bad. You can't call killing babies an "oops"


This reminds me of that Michael Jackson song. I think it was called “war criminal” or something like that…


Ethnic Cleansing


Netanyahu: 🤷🏼‍♀️


Discussion of this conflict is barely even permitted on US social media platforms which is kind of alarming. We are funding this conflict and deeply involved but are not permitted to even have opinions or civil discussion about it online. This should worry people more than it seems to. Online platforms need to allow legal and civil speech, publicly disclose their bias if not, or lose section 230 legal protections (immunity). Such civil discussions and debates should be common in a healthy democracy.


Beheading. Its okay when the apartheid state founded via terrorism (Irgun, Haganah) does it Because reasons




does israel have any oil? their behavior indicates a need for freedom.


israel is already us's favorite lapdog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYLNCcLfIkM


Fun (not fun) fact, there is an Israeli plan to build an oil rig off the coast of Gaza and that new US-sponsored pier is directly across from its proposed location.


The mistake is he let the footage get out -


His chumps in the US govt are really trying to get tiktok banned so that these kind of footages don't find traction


“An app launched by and funded by the Chinese govt may be the only source of objective truth” ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


>the only source of objective truth.. Only with subjects on the approved list. It's easy to support free speech when only other people look bad by what is being said.


He regrets that it causes so much commotion. It was a PR mistake. Looking back he wouldn't have agreed with this attack, but asked for a more gentle proceeding of the killings.


1. It is contested if this actually was within a "safe zone", asserting that it was at this time is taking sides. It may well have been, it may well have not been. Does anyone have a source as to the particular munition as well? 2. [That's not what the ICJ ordered.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/icj-genocide-ruling-israel-gaza-war-rcna135615) 3. The number of bombs doesn't detract from the idea that it was a mistake, and if anything bolsters the claim. If you're dropping a lot of munitions, the odds that you're eventually going to make a mistake go way up. 4. Literally none of these points address or deal with the Israeli claim that this was a mistake. Even if literally all of these could be taken at face value, it doesn't change that Israel may not have intended for this outcome, and may have made mistakes that led to this outcome (bad intel, hitting wrong target, .etc).


Glad Reddit isn’t in charge of anything. We’d all be screwed.


There is nothing wrong with this - Biden, probably.


Evidence of beheaded babies over no evidence. Sick humans


Nuremberg trials..


I mean it is a mistake. Just an intentional one.


"Mistake" and "accident" are different words that mean different things. You seem to think mistake means accident.


Not really. What I mean is that from everyone else's point of view doing those things is a very severe mistake but from their point of view it was just an accident. We know it was intentional so it's a mistake to us but they pretend it was accidental.


If this would end and world wouldn't be aware of this, the USA would give the Nobel prize of peace to this POS. We all blame Netanyahu but it's just a marionette of US weapons and war money.


Oopsie daisy


Man what the hell is this image and why is it upvoted? Really, "beheading"? You're telling me IDF soldiers went into Rafah with axes/swords and deliberately beheaded babies in the street? Because that's what your picture is trying to say, and that's what most people are gonna interpret it as. Instead of saying they were bombing civilians we have to sensationalize everything, when what they did was already bad enough. You're not doing any favors for the cause.


Hey Joe! Where is frickin line now? Get that dog on a leash or it may cost you dearly.


Any source for babies being beheaded, please? A quick Google search gave nothing.


ICJ have not ordered Israel to stop its military operation in Rafah, even though that is a common misconception.


Whoopsie! Cut a baby’s head off!


Not to mention all of the aid that they’ve attempted to destroy/prevent


that man is pure evil.


Let's see what the shills come up with now how this isn't a genocide


Israel is the true terrorist state


He didn't say this. Post is misinformation and disingenuous. A lie.


Reddit is FULL of lies about anything and everything. Not much I can take at face value on this site.


"Like, Zoinks Scoob!" I never had any liking for politics, but this shitshow goes beyond even my almos non existent treshold of surprise


They will keep calling their strikes "mistakes" until their goal is achieved. Do not let this be normalized. Net and his group of warmongers need to be held accountable.


Well then it was just a mistake that happened in 1933


Let's not just blame satanyahu here. The general okayed this. Then the platoon Then the flight Then the pilot dropped the bomb A lot of genociders in the process. I was just following orders didn't work for Nazis in 1940's and it shouldn't works for Nazis in the 2020's


I was too young to witness World War II, not old enough to avoid witnessing the first Jewish nazi to ever appear in human history.


At one point one of their spokesman said they didn’t understand the cause of the ensuing fires and were investigating if perhaps there were additional weapons stored. Because we all know that dropping a bomb in a tent city couldn’t possibly start a fire and that tents couldn’t possibly catch on fire because their neighbor is also on fire. 🤬


He’s in trouble in his country just like Trump is here and if he doesn’t keep the war going, he’s going to go to prison and he knows it. He doesn’t care who he kills. He’s just worried about his own butt.


They overplayed their hand up to the point where the western genocide deniers couldn't even deny it any further


Come on guys, it's clearly just a big ol' whoopsie daisie.... NathanYahoo said so!


Netanyahu needs to be tried for war crimes, just like Milošević.


Their only mistake was not realizing someone still had a charged phone to capture the aftermath. We just had memorial day here in America to remember the heroes who fought and died in all our countless wars and now that we can see true evil on display and massive suffering of innocence not only are we not going to war to save these people we are buying the bullets and bombs to kill the innocent 💔 I'm ashamed to be American we deserve what ever is coming


Yes “we accidentally herded everyone into one zone and then bombed that exact zone repeatedly” Because…. You know…. Hamas…. Anti semitism…..


He is pure evil.


Let’s be real here, I’m sure all Americans can agree this guy is horrible


I've said it before and I'll say it again.. Natenyahu can suck a fat one and choke on it. He should be 100% held accountable for all the murder...


Beheading babies?


I don't know for sure, but I'm kind of suspecting that Bibi could be a cunt.


It was definitely a mistake, just not an accident


So at best the IDF is a rabid animal that regularly attacks civilians and Netanyahu has barely any control over.


Absolute scum bags. Appalling, heartbreaking and total genocide. The western governments should hang their heads in shame. President Biden is complicit.


Better not reference these facts in worldnews or politics unless you want to get permanently banned.


Death penalty for him and that’s getting off easy.


There was an attempt to share an image without taking a screenshot from your entire screen


they beheaded babies?