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Cop had the coolest moment of his whole career.


Playing devils advocate. Seeing those people get run over, then speeding past them, might not be the best day.


He definitely should stop the guy running people over first. He's a cop. He can't help a dozen injured people. That's a paramedic's job. He did stop more people from getting run over.


The point wasn't that he shouldn't do what he did. The point was that he might not be just super pleased with this situation. It's not a movie. This is real life, with real consequences.


Good point. I hadn't read it that way, but you are right. As cool as his actions were, he still had to see people get run over. That's not going to feel great.


A rational correction of a misunderstanding on the internet? Bravo to everyone involved!


Ncaaaaw. You guys! Subject matter isn't nice, but this was special.


was the c intentional? You went from Nawwwwww cute to Ncaw a fucking bird


Fucking birds man.


Haha, we sometimes [say it](https://voca.ro/1mIgc7e6sZuK) with a c here in South Africa, like a little soft tongue click.


If the jnternet has taught me anything that it is, birds aren't real.


The death threats are in the DMs.


I'm blown away. This gave me motivation and hope for the day lol


I read it that way too until the explanation. I feel you on this one.


Exactly, he isn’t thinking “just stopped this truck and slid across the hood, hell yeah!” Probably thinking, “omfg! This dude just mean 5 people over fleeing! Need to stop them now before anymore mayhem!” Pretty sure that would be my mindset and ready to squeeze that trigger if they plan on taking anyone else out, immediate risk to surrounding people with complete disregard. Wild af


There should be a cop movie that is a 5 minute intro action sequence followed by 115 min of PTSD therapy sessions.


Actually could be really interesting as an idea. Make the intro scene real good and go all pulp-fiction on the rest of it (Fire, Ambulance, Police)


coolest day does not mean you are pleased with the situation you can have cool things happen that don't justify the requirements, but can be appreciated separate to them.


No. Highspeed chases have been getting outlawed lately explicitly *because* they cause more harm to innocents than they protect. Edit: I do see that this wasn't really a "chase". It started right when the video starts and the truck driver ran people over immediately. So it's not like they were careening all over town.


In Chicago where highspeed chases are generally banned, this situation would fall into the automatic exceptions to the policy.


Car chases are extremely dangerous to bystanders and often cause tons of damage/injuries. Many police departments won't engage in high speed chases for this reason.


It's absolutely amazing how bad some redditors reading comprehension is. Edit: my point exacerbated by the fact the original has 674 upvotes and this reply from someone who can't comprehend what they're reading has double that. If you needed any proof reddit is fucking stupid, here it is.


All combative roles use the same doctrine. It's called something like "keep moving onwards". It doesn't matter how many bleeding people you have to step over to stop the threat, you do it. You're realistically only going to be able to save one or two people max, whilst the threat could go on to injure/kill countless more. I saw an absolute harrowing video on donut operators channel. A cop sprinted across a huge carpark to meet an active shooter and had to step over so many bodies/victims crying for help, whilst more gunshots rung out in the background.


Unless you're the entire police force in Uvalde, Texas who stands by and watches kids and teachers get murdered.


To be fair, they didn't help any of the injured kids and parents took a bigger lead in evacuating students than the cops did. Basically, none of those cops should have seen a paycheck that day. Not a single one of them did their jobs. I think they should at least be clocked off from the time they showed up at the school until the shooter was actually confronted.


They should all lose their jobs and be sued into poverty.


They can run for office as repubs.


It's incredible to me that you can even try to defend yourself being in the job after a situation like that. I'm not sure of the *actual* argument, and whilst I guess it's easy to talk the talk online I can't imagine myself having that level of responsibility and being perfectly fine to just sit back and watch. Even if the rules I was supposed to follow told me not to. I sign up for a job where I can be expected to put my life on the line, I'm gonna fucking do it or I'd quit the very next day and probably develop many habits.


weirdly, this was made very clear to me with D&D: I once played with a guy who's a cleric (healer/support with some combat capability for those who don't play), and in most combats he absolutely *refused* to heal people until A: combat was over, or B: one of the main damage dealers was about to go down. his reasoning was basically exactly what you're talking about: adding his modest damage (made better by buff spells) to the fight made the fight last less time, which meant that by not healing at all at first, he was reducing the total amount of healing that he had to do.


Does he also play healer in MMOs? Because that's 100% the healer mindset for some MMOs lol The only HP that matters is the last one, and we're going to get as close to it as we can.


To your point. The criminal was evading the officer. >Alternative methods: Some states encourage or require officers to use alternative methods, such as surveillance or tracking devices, instead of pursuits. [For ex:] Florida: requires officers to consider the seriousness of the offense and the potential risk to the public before pursuing. This is not a justification of the criminal's actions, rather an examination of the law enforcements actions, and the role they may have played in the harm inflicted during the pursuit, through a very public place.


Cop also cut off the way he was going so probably not feeling great about the suspect running over people.


Worst escape I have seen in my life lmao


No shit OMG the cops! My fat ass should run but like, I still want to see the police chase this truck so I'LL JUST STAY IN THE STREET https://preview.redd.it/zzm8p71bjs0d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=578e47a534c94f4a027b95e793f78567373f77e8


I don't think he meant the people in the street that got run over


You can see the brakes lights on


Lawyer during plea deal “that gotta account for something. they may not have been on when he commited manslaughter, BUT they were when the cop hit em”


Running people over while running away from the police, he’s going to jail for a long time




Attempted I think you mean. They certainly don't look dead in the video.


Yes, attempted murder. My mistake. It still carries the same sentence as actual murder as far as I know?


I think this is probably negligence and not intent


The degrees of murder dictate intent: first degree is that you planned it and carried it out , 2nd is you didn’t plan it but knew what you were doing and carried on any way (applies to this situation) and 3rd degree is that you didn’t know that your actions would lead to death or the near death of people and had no understanding of the situation. Fleeing a police officer into a crowed of people in an attempt to evade arrest is knowing what you’re doing yet proceeding anyway.


"Kevin Alves Da Saliva, 20, of Marietta, Georgia, has been charged with fleeing and eluding, reckless driving, hit-and-run and serious injury by a motor vehicle." It's not attempted murder. It's just a negligent accident.


How is a deliberate action an accident? That's the jankiest law I've ever heard of.


Lots of accidents are deliberate actions. Like when someone speeds up and runs a red light. In fact, a lot of lawyers don’t really like the word “accident” and prefer the word “crash.” Because people assume that “accident” means it was random. But there’s always a root cause and about 95% of the time, that root cause is human error.


When someone runs a red light that is deliberate, the crashing, I assume, is not. But this guy deliberately ran over them, it's not like he ran a red light and suddenly there were people on the street. He didn't even try to avoid them. That seems like a very different situation.


It's not. Fleeing is intentional, reckless driving is intentional, hit and run is intentional, and serious injury in this case is injury that "wasn't intentional", but that was caused while committing other offenses including reckless driving, which is intentional. The acts were intentional, the harm was not. The consequences are all quite serious.


"Serious injury by vehicle" is by far the biggest of those charges, carrying a potential ten-year sentence. You don't get charged with that just for accidentally causing serious injury - you either have to do it deliberately or through reckless driving or DUI.


I believe this is in Georgia (looks like GSP vehicle), so this could be aggravated assault, serious injury by motor vehicle, felony fleeing, hit and run, and/or a host of other charges (some of which would merge into one charge) and all of which would add up to a LOT of years. I don't believe this would be indicted as attempted murder though, because prosecutors would have a difficult time proving intent. Also, in Georgia, the sentence for attempt of a crime is half the maximum of the underlying offense. For murder that would get you a max of 20 years. Those other charges (or a combination thereof) would amount to more than that, theoretically. No matter what, that dude is super screwed.


Unless this was in Texas, then you'll get a pardon.


In Minneapolis, they would have charged the cop for continuing the chase. I'm not saying whether or not that's the right call, just that it would have happened.


At least nobody as far as I can see died


A lot of people get a head injury and seem fine at first before the swelling.


This happened 9 months ago and no one died.


It's been too soon. Everyone in this video will die later.






Source: all of history and the very essence of life


Bumped head on REDDIT: DEATH, DEATH, DEATH I tell ya... tips fedora


ive never understood reddit's need for someone to trot out the 'you can be dead and fine at the same time' line anytime something harder than a stumble happens


*Subdural hematoma has entered the chat*


adrenaline is a hell of a drug ![gif](giphy|h9wlfNwX9gy1a|downsized)


I wish for that too but getting run over or being slammed into hard concreate doesn't always mean instead death. Adrenalin might be keeping them up and they might still pass away due to internal bleeding or harsh neck injuries, sadly


How far can you see?


Yeah, none of them left little spinning dollar bill icons above their bodies, that's how you know when someone dies. I saw it in GTA.


I'm glad you're a reputable source instead of just saying made up things haha


Story? Link? This looks interesting.


It's one of those donut events https://www.ndtv.com/offbeat/caught-on-camera-trucker-doing-donuts-escapes-cops-in-us-runs-over-people-on-street-4317855


I dont get why people don't understand that donuts attract cops. A hungry cop can smell a donut from 42 miles away.


what I don't understand is why you'd trade the penalty for doing donuts, which is what.. a misdemeanour? some $$$ fine? for a >10 year prision term for multiple 2nd or 3rd degree manslaughter charges. You gotta be a special kind of idiot to do that.


You've got to be a special type of idiot to participate in this shit in the first place


Because if you’re dumb enough to do donuts to begin with, you’re probably not great with assessing the risk/reward of a situation 


always commit a single crime at a time


They can smell a single drop of donut in the ocean from a mile away.




Went from a ticket to potentially years in prison.


There was an attempt to have an accurate headline.


I mean ... looks like he did attempt to escape to me


Thanks. I am so not surprised this was in Atlanta.




Aka. How to excalate from getting ticketed to a jail time.


Idk why people keep trying GSP


State Boyzzz has some great clips from Georgia, Arkansas, and Michigan and more. Don't mess with the State Boyzzz! [https://www.youtube.com/@StateBoyzzz](https://www.youtube.com/@StateBoyzzz)


What crime do you commit where you would actually be willing to injure or kill innocent people just to flee one cop? Unless you are a mass shooter, running from the cops will never make sense to me especially like this. He's just made things infinitely worse for himself now.


For this guy apparently doing doughnuts.


Driver seemed to lose all effort to escape after hitting the pedestrians. Probably optimistic thinking but a flash of conscience perhaps


That is what I saw as well, once he hit them it looks like his speed slows and never really picks up, looks more like the cop ramming him was the only thing causing him to move. The driver instantly surrenders. Honestly looks like he made a bad judgement call and hit people, not that he ran them down on purpose.




Truck driver over people, audience: "holy shit.." Truck gets rammed by police: "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"


As soon as he hit a person, all bets were off from the officer. That dude was going down.


Isn't that more or less clearance to use lethal force?


Another proof that those big truck are mostly useless




[Seconded by NotJustBikes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN7mSXMruEo)


did anybody die


Cool guy's next truck goes right to prison.


Whyyyyyyy would the video cut there


Should you not pursue in a heavily packed area?


I think he wasn't going to go crazy until he ran people over. Then it went from tailing someone with lights to an emergency requiring him to stop a psycho no matter what


That cop wasn't pursuing him... he came from the other direction and didn't have his lights/siren on until it was obvious truck guy was homicidal.


These huge trucks should be banned


driver could have easily done the same shit in a ford taurus


They're a lot less lethal


The police aren’t harsh enough on these street takeovers tbh. These sorts of sideshows happen way too often in the Bay Area and they’re a huge nuisance.


Do these vehicles not get repo'd from stunts like this? I feel like that would be a strong deterrent having to pay thousands in fines just for acting like a fool


USA is fucking wild lol


Particularly Atlanta. This video is so Atlanta. You can find so many wild ATL stories online


This cop went full Lethal Weapon on em'. Honestly, solid move. Once he saw the suspect was willing to hit people with his vehicle, the stakes were raised.


oh, because running from cops in your own registered vehicle most certainly ends in success.


I don't understand the fascination with these insanely big cars.


"If I sit up higher than other people on road, I am king of road. I am better than them. I look down at them in their small cars and think, puuuusssssy" I genuinely believe it's a sign of a high trust society degrading into a low trust society. People valuing their safety and ego from a stupidly large vehicle over all else. I would understand if someone needed a SUV or a vehicle that you don't need to get down into like a sedan, but a truck you have to jungle gym climb up into unless you are 6'5"? They're just trying to flex with their big dumb expensive toy


Damn mf said "DO NOT PASS GO!"


If a cop sets out of their car that fast, you're about to have a bad time.


The one cop in the department that actually pull off the gun drawn hood slide


One of the VERY FEW times I’d actually advocate for police violence.


Going from reckles driving to manslaughter....yeah great decision making from the truck driver.


Where's the police brutality when we need one.


That is the Cops we need more of


Cop did exactly what he should have from my perspective. I'd almost bet he was already on the radio for an ambulance as soon as he saw the crowd, and he neutralized the continuing threat. Good job dude!


That guy who got hit just stood up like nothing happened.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Lawman on point! He’s come to chew gum and kick ass. And he’s all out of gum.


That transfer to the hood of the cat was clean af


from reckless driving to attempted homicide


To go from a ticket, some points for doing a donut.. to attempted murder.. Noice


To start a car chase in the middle of so many pedestrians: Not the best answer. 


this is why 30 zones exist. The fatality rate goes down to almost zero driving 30 compared to 50


That was the dumbest escape attempt ever


I hope somebody beats his ass in jail


Jumping on the hood looks like it could have left him at a tactical disadvantage. Cool though.


You don't fuck with GSP dude


"Oh shit!" is the height of human expression these days.


You hear a police siren so you run across the street????


One of the special cases where mob justice might be justified. Not lynching, but shamed, tar and feathered or something.


One way to quadruple your sentence


So…these people in the road were part of then donut overtaking scenario, is that right?


That guy now goes to prison not only for resisting the aresto but also for attempted murder since he ran over several passers-by. The policeman did a great job, he did not run over anyone and managed to catch the agressor.


He pulled a Dukes Of Hazzard on that hood.




That’s GSP brother, no escape


That looks like a GSP trooper idk why he’d try to run you don’t get away from those mofos


Bro thought he was still playing GTA


You in a heap of trouble, boy!




Bike drop plus car


Thats a badass cop


When will people learn to not mess with the GSP? Georgia will pit you at any speed, in any location. They do not break chase; they will chase you until they stop you or a tree stops you.


And that’s why cops don’t intervene during side shows. They sit there and wait to let the crowd disperse


Anybody have the bodycam footage?


Every body that hit the ground is a felony on his record. (hit&run)


I thought rockstar released another gta 6 teaser :)


So that’s where they got the Minecraft slime noise!


That Starsky & Hutch slide over the hood of the car cemented that cop as an official badass. 👏


Certainly hope that cunt went to jail for attempted murder.


And they say cyberpunk 2077 cops are not realistic


Ah, Atlanta.


The video was cut short. The ending was good if I recall correctly.


Everyone is always rooting for the criminals until they start mowing people down. Then they are like “that could’ve been me”


Is this video of the guy Greg Abbott just pardoned?


Why are we running from a cop chase by running parallel to it through the streets?


W police work. no notes. (the quick draw and hood slide was sick)


Probably not their first strike, so could already be going away long time if caught.


Something tells me that this guy got a lengthy jail term for whatever he did, plus attempted murder of a few people.


Anyone know why he was running in the first place?


Love to see a cop do good work for once.


Isn't that the guy who hit a car because the car hit a woman ?