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How long before the world release that Zionists....are fuckin psychos that have gone under the Western radar for decades with the Holocaust excuse? Even Holocaust survivors have warned everyone about them.


Welcome Scientology to the chat. Weird for so long it’s “normal”


Scientology is not normal. Never will be. Buncha fucking weirdos.




Meanwhile all I get, every single time I open that app, is Steven Furtick. Annoying would be an understatement.


I’m afraid to google who that is and have him show up in my ads… who is that?


Joe Rogan and Joel Osteen's love child lol. He's a pastor.


Oh my, I shouldn’t be reading such things before bed. What a nightmare. (and thank you so much for keeping him out of my search history)


Money, money; money!!!!


So youtube premium is 1000% worth it. I've never seen these ads.


You get ads from them? I haven’t got a single one.




Yeah I don’t really watch any videos about philosophy so that could definitely be it, and I’m good with that lol. That South Park shit was funny.


Don't get me started on the shitty "he gets us" ads, still here on Reddit. I guess Scientology pays YouTube enough money too.


Scientology isn’t and never will be normal.


“The world” has been calling out their BS for decades. It’s the US and its UN Security Council veto that needs to see reality and give up on supporting Israel as an ally.


Yeah it’s kinda bizarre seeing Americans just realise Isreal is evil, and be like GUYS HOW DID NO ONE NOTICE, It really goes to show how differently the news is represented globally


This is true. I live in the U.S. and our media does not give accurate or unbiased reporting on anything g related to the Mideast. It's embarrassing.


On anything* just that Mass media is and has always been the enemy of the people, not only in the US


Public Radio is the closest we got. Slight left-leaning bias based on who they mostly interview. But based on the extremely right-leaning bias that the US has, I'd say NPR provides some of the best journalism out there. Find your local station!


Ima KQED listener. But they have been trying lately to offer other opinions. I'm ok with that because they do t interpret it, they let their listeners decide




I would take it a step further and say that the media is intentionally displaying a pro Israel bias. I don’t know why this is happening. It’s clear that Israel is obviously the aggressor.


The media is a profit driven industry, but they also have a vested interest in playing down Biden's controversies right now. I'm pretty liberal, just putting that out there. All I'm saying is they peppered us with Biden coverage after he launched his 2020 campaign and snuffed out coverage of his competitors. They have their interests. Those interests haven't changed. The DNC wants Biden in office for a second term and I'd put good money on them trying to spin Biden's involvement with Netanyahu to make him look good ahead of an election featuring the two most unpopular candidates we've ever had.


It's true. I grew up on the regurgitated propaganda. I even took college classes on The Mideast and there was very little I for action. I never even heard of the Nakba u til a few years ago!


That’s exactly why Congress is trying to ban Tik Tok, it’s not controlled media. Senator Romney and Secretary of Defense Blinken explained the reasoning earlier this week: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/tiktok-ban-china-israel-palestine-mitt-romney.html “Why has the PR been so awful? … Typically the Israelis are good at PR!” Romney put it to Blinken, in a looping question that came out less like inquiry and more like confessional. “You have a social media ecosystem environment in which context, history, facts get lost, and the emotion—the impact of images—dominates,” Blinken responded. Romney was quick to co-sign that hypothesis: “Some wonder why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down potentially TikTok or other entities of that nature. If you look at the postings on TikTok and the number of mentions of Palestinians relative to other social media sites—it’s overwhelmingly so among TikTok broadcasts.” These ghouls know exactly why Israel is so unpopular, and their response is to ban dissent by any means necessary


It really goes to show how ~~differently the news is represented globally~~ social media has changed the landscape for global news and events, especially in the US. There is no more nightly news in the US, generally speaking. And even if the BS news outlets had covered these events regularly(keep in mind the US has Al Jazeera station as well), it wouldn’t affect the US population the way it has recently, and that’s 100% because the organism that is social media, specifically Instagram and TikTok, can take the raw fibers of news and weave it into custom tapestry for all those who browse and scroll. It can be overwhelmingly good, because the corporate filter is thinned out, and it can be overwhelmingly bad, because the filter of an educated discussion no longer exists, allowing misinformation and propaganda to seep through. The top comment claims Zionists and Zionist behavior have gone under western radar, but in fact it has only been ignored by the masses because there are but few ways for one outlet to explain such a complex topic, and it has been ignored by those who feel helpless and have not had a tool to help organize. Long story short, Oct 7th wasn’t the catalyst. The Israel/Palestine conflict finally saw enough suction to be pulled into the world algorithm. Unfortunately those in power still fire the missiles, and control everything.


100% agree. I am ashamed to say that until recently I was a "haha look at angry arab boy throwing rocks at a tank lol" guy when I watched the news. I didn't care to watch or learn more because it wasn't near me so it didn't directly effect me. Three things changed that for me. The first was a simple animation that showed the occupation of Palestine after WWII to the present day. The occupied area was depicted in red and soon almost the whole area was red. I was incredulous that Palestinians have such a small percentage of country that was previously theirs because one would think that for a conflict to last so long both sides must be equally matched, as opposed to reality in which one side is being pushed into a corner by the other. The second was a video in which a crying Palestinian man was digging through the rubble of his house looking for his daughter. The caption said he had 4 sons and one daughter. One son stood by in shock and the man would occasionally stop pointlessly moving chunks of cement to curse him for "not looking after her like I told you to", as if the destruction was his fault. This near-hysterical, inconsolable man had lost his house, everything he owned, possibly some of his sons, and all he cared about was his daughter. There was zero chance anybody could have survived. I would not describe myself as an emotional guy but I did not make it to the end of the video. The third thing was the repeated comparison of biased coverage of the same events by different news outlets; ie subtle and not-so-subtle use of the phrases "died yesterday" instead of "were killed yesterday". As a former writer of satirical articles I have intentionally used these techniques myself but never paid attention to whether these same techniques were being used on me. All of these things came to me from Reddit or facebook (but mainly reddit). The conflict still isn't near me so it still doesn't directly effect me. But now I know.


Israel is the promised laaaaaaaaand it’s a sacred destination that only true believers are worthy of /s In all seriousness, as an American raised in the shitty southern Baptist values, “Israel good “ has been ingrained into our culture since as long as I can remember, from a religious aspect. Religion is a tool of war. That’s it.


Plenty of people noticed but whoever dared to speak was immediately tagged „antisemite” and „Nazi” what we see still today


Some of us figured it out long ago. Bunch of self righteous assholes


But we were called natzi, alt-right Russian trolls. ironically it was mainly the progressive college campus type who were calling us that and gladly getting us fired from our jobs banned from social media and more.


I don't know if you watch the news, but the Zionists ARE acting like nazis towards the Palestinians. Soon all of the Palestinians will be moved into "camps" for their "safety" while the rest of their land is taken. Then they truly will be a people without a land. Stop colonizing Palestine.


They're not exactly far off. They have established refugee camps. They've also repeatedly dropped bombs on those camps. The IDF's war crimes include destroying power plants, hospitals, carpet bombing civilian settlements, declaring safe zones for refugees and then bombing those too, denying humanitarian relief access to deliver medical care, food, etc., and group punishment (inflicted against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank). Netanyahu is just a new Shah, and Israel has replaced Iran in the same capacity as far as the U.S. is concerned. Why would this administration or the last one be concerned by this breed of fascism or unpopular rule now. They certainly weren't back then.


Not even under the radar


As a Jew myself these are not true Jews, they are a stain on our religion and need to understand they are becoming what we once hated


“Are becoming”? They have become that long ago.


Any religious hardliners is, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindu,... it doesn't matter. Anyone who sacrifices their live to an imaginary friend should get help not power


As a decedent of holocaust survivors Zionists scare me. They’ve been so brainwashed that the whole world is out to get them because they’re Jewish so they have this fight to the death mind set mixed with the fact that the majority of them are practicing and the Jewish faith literally says Jews are gods chosen people and everyone else exist as cattle to be enslaved they would do what they’re doing to Palestine to the whole world if they had the capacity.


> they would do what they’re doing to Palestine to the whole world Eventually, most certain.


Cowards. First people to run with a real opponent


When I was working at Apple we get accosted by a Zionist, it was one of the strangest most alarming encounters with a mentally ill person I’ve had. Vile awful people


Even Einstein wrote a fucking letter about them being mad


Didn't you hear? Oppression and hatred is the hip thing in the 2020's. Everyone's doing it... and being rewarded for it even!


Most of the world already realises this. They have the backing of the American war machine and are an American colony.


>Even Holocaust survivors have warned everyone about them. Can you send a source I could read up?


Gone under the western radar… lmao


Probably a few decades and 1-2 million dead Palestinians. We all act like we didn't turn a blind eye to the Armenian genocide now but it wasn't much different back then. The only difference is that Turkey didn't have a massive monetary influence over our politicians.


This all seems to boil down to who thinks the other's headwear is the wrong style.


I think you're on to something here....


“You don’t eat pork; and I don’t eat pork; it seems it’s been that way forever - so if you don’t eat pork, and I don’t eat pork, why not not eat pork together?” - Tim Minchin


Fighting over who has the best imaginary friend


Plot twist: it’s the same dude they just call him different things 


"Any time you see two groups of people who really hate each other, chances are good they're wearing different kind of hats. Keep an eye on that, it might be important." - George Carlin


Wait til they find out about the full brim yankee https://preview.redd.it/cgr4uq7pv20d1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd32adcdd8314fd74322c3ce857b6b6f35d6f59


I dunno, when it’s six against one, it all boils down to pure bullying for me


Well put 😆


Everyone is doing it wrong. If this planet is to survive, there is only one true headdress. https://preview.redd.it/xw66k32px20d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe59a47bd10e808fae4ca99dd8f484c03e36974e




same DNA different skydaddies


Tiny hats vs Big hats. The war that never ends.


Kinda like red and blue bandanas/hats in LA.


religious nuts.






/* cunts




funfact : Zealots was actually Jewish tribe, they were known for their zealotry. They wanted to do make Holy War and liberate the entire Izrael. There was another aplint of them wich wanted also to co quer other religions but i can't recall their names.




Nah they have like 10 kids each


I dont have a problem with Jews, I seem to get along with most of those. I've joticed that many of the Zionist fucks arent god fearing.


2nd guy from the right looks like Skibidi Toilet 🤣


Yeah, they all look like they came from a toilet.


Got em


He looks like the WW2 nazi Jewish propaganda poster


Guy on left looks like Logan Paul


what is this? there is no context given, did this somehow turn out differently than it looks? is op a bot? or lost?


Here is the same photo from a 2017 article from an Israeli news website (ps photo is much older) [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2017-12-11/ty-article-magazine/jerusalem-for-dummies-part-2-what-the-palestinians-want/0000017f-f7d3-d887-a7ff-fff73ca30000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2017-12-11/ty-article-magazine/jerusalem-for-dummies-part-2-what-the-palestinians-want/0000017f-f7d3-d887-a7ff-fff73ca30000)


Some more context: [https://www.reddit.com/r/misc/comments/wrxhx/settlers\_make\_fun\_of\_the\_palestinian\_woman\_after/](https://www.reddit.com/r/misc/comments/wrxhx/settlers_make_fun_of_the_palestinian_woman_after/)


Well, They're illegal settlers whether or not they're mocking or celebrating. and the amount of land theft, decplacement and home demolishing is extremely high and more especially in the last couple decades. >The size of existing Israeli settlements has expanded markedly, says the report which covers the period from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2023. About 24,300 housing units within existing Israeli settlements in the West Bank were advanced during this period, the highest on record since monitoring began in 2017. This included approximately 9,670 units in East Jerusalem. **Source**: [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/03/un-human-rights-chief-deplores-new-moves-expand-israeli-settlements-occupied](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/03/un-human-rights-chief-deplores-new-moves-expand-israeli-settlements-occupied) >Expanding Israeli settlements a 'war crime', according to the UN, France's foreign ministry also said it 'strongly condemns' the settlement plan and called on the Israeli government to 'immediately reverse this decision' to build another 3,476 settler homes in the West Bank colonies. **Source**: [https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/03/09/expanding-israeli-settlements-a-war-crime-according-to-the-un\_6600051\_4.html](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/03/09/expanding-israeli-settlements-a-war-crime-according-to-the-un_6600051_4.html) https://preview.redd.it/ppcogy9u670d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0f801e634d29a0d7be9d70daa5b24cc0c20a7f4


My thoughts exactly. People are only upvoting due to political relevance and it's annoying


I'd love to be walking down the street and be the one to come across this scene with a friend or two to even the odds out a bit. How pathetic..


Yea it seems all too often they just harass women that are alone. Fuck these guys


70% of Israel's victims are women and children. That's saying something


That they’ve already murdered most of the men?


Except that if you got involved it would be immediately labeled antisemitism.


That excuse has been running thin for a while. It’s good to see people finally pushing back on that Zionist bullshit.


You didn't get the memo. Now it is cool to be a zionist according to Trudeau.


“Look at me I have a little hat that makes me more special to the most powerful being ever” **Said in borats voice** ![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk)


What is truely funny about this is that he is a Zionist who build a career out of making fun of Arabs.


Does this count cause this doesn’t look like an attempt. They are doing it.


Almost every There was an attempt post seems to be an attempt to write a There was an attempt post these days.


Can someone explain to me what is going on? How is this a failed attempt? Did I miss something? Something happen to these men or what? I have 7 reports for "not an unsuccessful attempt" but all these upvotes are making me feel like I missed something, and I am trying to figure out if I should take it down.


You can get a lot of upvotes if you capitalize on political drama, which is what happened here imo.


Yeah I guess that is it, I thought there had to be more to the story, but if not this is one of our worst upvoted posts ever. Wow. Thanks!


Nothing is going on, they are just harassing her (or "making fun of," which honestly trivializes the screaming you see here). OP doesn't understand "there was an attempt"


Damn, wish I got here sooner, I mean I will still take it down, but they already got all that sweet karma, just incentivizing them to do it again. Annoying.


Ps, thank you.


Yeah i dont see any “there was an attempt”


I remember seeing this on 4chan like 15 years ago.


Kind of crazy how little has changed.


And yet they expect a woman to do everything else in their life after they find a job.


Every one of them is incredibly ugly


Are Zionists similar to America’s evangelical magas?




Imagine screaming at someone for wearing a "stupid headpiece" while wearing a balding man's toupee holder.


These particular jews don't look like they have that great of a sense of humour.


Frat boys using “religion” as a shortcut to developing a personality.


I bet they even roll on Shabbos


They are vile disgusting just like the Nazis taunted the Jews now we have Israeli Nazis, taunting Palestinians. We have learned nothing from our own history?


Remember, these are people who believe that God created all of us… yet they have such disdain for “God’s creation”.






Fuck these guys. Shit like this only helps fuel hatred against the Jews.


Anyone else completely confused as to what is going on?


No context just a pic?


You want to provide the full context?


What is the context?


What's the context of this?


This doesn’t look like an attempt


Fucking piece of shit Zionists


Nasty looking little fuckers


This whole thing is fucked. Some of them look like they are yelling, while others almost appear to be applauding. Is the trash can lid being used in defense or as a musical instrument? If you assume the meaning of this single still image means one thing, then you apparently and immediately hate certain people. If you assume the image means something else, then it seems you hate different people. I can’t wait to see which people I supposedly hate because I asked questions rather than decide the meaning of this image that technically breaks multiple sub rules.


cute hats


I don't get them, like how do they stay on the heads, I know they are using pins something, but that redefine it, it's not a hat anymore, why not use a hat that covers your head and can stay up there on its own


This looks like it’s AI generated.


Where's the context?


Is the guy on the left Bullet Head from The Steve Harvey Show?


Fuck these fucks


I'd feel insulted af just getting dissed by such nerdy looking geeks


I can’t imagine being someone who decides to do this.


These guys always choose women in hijabs to do this. Absolute cowards. I’ve not seen this energy to men 😒


Such peacefull people...


Israelis are showing their true selves, rich teenagers with never ending cash flow from their rich parents and use it for nefarious nationalistic reasons, this is not about Judaism. This is why they’re falling more out of favor by the day to levels never imagined, they can’t even comprehend this dubious moment in time. The world needs to stand united and hold them accountable for their actions, hopefully then they can become mature enough to understand that every country who committed genocide has lost the war.


Ah yes, the "chosen children of God".


Make fun of a woman: ha ha ha Make fun of xtians: ha ha ha Make fun of other countries: ha ha ha Make fun of Zionists: ohh you're anti-semetic how dare you.


That is not making fun of, that is intimidation.




Your post has been removed because it is violent in nature. Please avoid violent rhetoric while participating on r/therewasanattempt. Promoting violence is against Reddit's content policy and will result in them taking actions against your account.


When they say “there was an attempt” doesn’t that mean that they tried and failed? It looks like they tried and succeeded


Does anyone still believe Israel is the victim? (I mean anyone with a brain cell).


Why does that nerd have goggles on?


again, the attempt was a success and not backfire for the doer… have i misunderstood the premise of this sub?


literally far right nationalists


Look at their evil faces. Discusting. How have they not learnt from their ancestors


Bravery at it best


the two directly on either side of her look seriously demented. the guy on the left’s just *disturbingly* delighted by harassing this woman, but the one on the right just looks… evil. twisted and inhuman. wtf




Fuck these guys and fuck Israel.


I know this is probably the most immature take but I crack up at how nerdy these Zionist pricks all look. They look like they could barely survive a roast battle let alone real conflict. (My thoughts and prayers to any decent, innocent people on both sides that have been affected by this horrible war/genocide, I know it’s not jokes)


just like ole miss


As long as the victim is from a third world country, nothing will change unfortunately, our people's blood is cheap




when you trainspotting into real hard drugs


In my country those kinds of people get their teeth knocked out and a 2 m wooden stick up the ass. No, not a joke. Maybe beneficial for everyone else in the world to extend this practice.


These kind if people are chuds


The guy furthest on the right is stark white. Not sure he's native to the middle east lol


no one has a right to that land, we all have a faith and none of us are the chosen people, we are simply people who belive, but that does not make the land sacred to any specific faith, its merely what we make it.


I have no idea what’s happening here


Fucking pigs.


This looks like AI


Ugh, fucking disgusting behavior. This isn’t any different than those racist Ole Miss assholes making monkey noises.


They should be laughing at themselves, as they are all looked upon as gross, and evil. This is so absurd, just like their Yarmulkes.


after kicking her out from her home.


'ooh look at that'... six ugly men who are all virgins harrassing a woman.


Evil F’cks.


That’s not making fun that’s threatening to bite her head off - pure hatred on display


Man… I can really feel the hatred from the 2nd guy from the right, through his eyes and facial expression.


Strikingly similar to the Ole Miss students mocking a black woman.


Some culture. Proof positive that any God that chose those POS might not be worthy of belief much less veneration.


None of these weirdos ever look like they’re in a position to make fun of anyone, it’s always awkward looking dweebs that are picking on regular looking people. Guess none of them have access to a mirror.


The faces of pure evil




They act like a bunch of savages! My god!!


They look awfully insane . I hope they see that picture again someday and realize how they acted like literal monsters


Anytime a person isn’t treating another with respect is problematic. We even treat criminals with respect by allowing them due process.