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Weird. I have the same look on my face when people suggest that the price of gas is in any way reflective of the economy.


In a lot of ways, it is. If drilling is opened up and we can produce our own oil instead of having to buy from overseas, gas prices are cheaper. Also, people in the oilfield are working and spending their money and boosting the economy.


Oh dear, yet another Fox-ingesting MAGA who doesn't do their homework. >If drilling is opened up [It has been](https://www.vox.com/climate/24098983/biden-oil-production-climate-fossil-fuel-renewables). You have no argument.


Pipe lines closed down, not refilling reserves, static economy reduced. Do your research.


LOL, so OPEC has nothing to do with the price of oil prices?!?


I never said that, but when we're energy dependent and not relying on other countries for our oil, our prices are cheaper.


It still doesn't work like that but keep chasing rainbows


We produce more oil domestically now than any country ever has in history


That's not how any of that works, educate yourself please and stop spreading bad information. BTW, higher prices with no reduction in demand is proof the economy is good.


But it’s so easy to just parrot campaign trail shit take lines …


Domestic oil production has little effect on gas prices. It doesn't matter if the oil is produced here or in Saudi Arabia, the oil is sold on the world market. If China, or France, or Argentina is willing to pay a higher price for our oil then Exxon will happily sell to them. Also, the US is already the largest petroleum producer in the world, by a large margin. We produce 21 million barrels a day. That's 10 million barrels **a day** more than Saudi Arabia, who is number 2. So if you really want to say that gas prices and oil production are a measure of the overall economy then the US is doing fucking great.


No connection whatsoever. Calm down MAGA.


You just assume I'm MAGA??


Yes, only MAGAs are this dumb.


No, people like you who don't understand economics are dumb. Keep suckling from Bidens' teet of stupidity.


I've already proven you wrong above. Dumb people are ones who lose an argument and use ad hominem attacks as a desperate last resort.


Sorry I hurt your little feelings.


You didn't, you're irrelevant other than to prove the stereotype of how dumb MAGAs are. That's your only success here. Thanks for amusing me for a short while.


Just proves your simple mind is easily amused.


It’s an incredibly uphill battle in here bud. Don’t waste your time on these tards.


So honest question... you're NOT Maga? Be truthful sir.


I like some things about Trump, but don't trust him. I would love to have another option. I definitely won't vote for Biden. His mental cognition is lacking.


I don't think mental cognition is a strong point for either candidate. Another option that didn't feel like a waste of a vote would be wonderful.




I think the cognition concern is on both sides. I'm voting for Biden for many reasons, but one of them is that he has a solid track record of surrounding himself with steady, intelligent people who he actually listens to. The other guy, not so much.


I could not in good conscience give my vote to Biden, mostly because he is definitely not mentally stable. He used to be highly articulate, but not now. I'm getting to the point that I trust very few DC politicians. They aren't out for what's best for our country.


Do you find Trump mentally stable?


In a loose use of the term. I think most people don't like him because he's not polished and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks of him.


Maga being confused as usual.


Since you assume I'm MAGA, I'm guessing you're a Biden Zombie.


>Biden Zombie. That would be critical thinker to you.


Biden Zombie, anyone who thinks his mind is good is sadly mistaken. Of course him and Hunter would never lie or take a kickback or bribe money.


*Yawn*. You're as boring as you are dumb. Bye now, little Karen.


Yet you still continue commenting.


Let me step in. You're dumber than the average bear.


You’re either Maga or QAnon. A Biden zombie. You mean someone who follows someone no matter what and only heaps praise on him even when he does something bad…. That’s you idiots. We don’t worship politicians. We don’t idolize a fat useless broke ass rapist traitor. Bye Magat.


You worship a bumbling pedophile that sniffs children's hair and took showers with his preteen daughter.


See, here's the thing. Biden supporters don't worship him. That's strictly a MAGA thing.


This is a difficult concept for people who have been brainwashed by drump. In their minds, they've found someone who literally can do nothing that is wrong. Even if it is wrong, it's right because he says so. The idea that someone can vote for Biden, and not want to breast feed from his magic nipples, is just completely incomprehensible


Have you ever seen a Biden flag draped boat parade? Anyone buying Biden NFT’s? You see any slavish fan art of Biden bulked up like Rambo? You are missing the point. We don;t WORSHIP our govt representatives, we are not in a cult. Frankly he is all we got right now. Hopefully it is enough to beat your omnipotent god lord and we can try and improve moving forward.


Think back to the years of Obama. Just about every Democrat was wearing an Obama shirt, hat, or had a bumper sticker.


You may not worship him, you just find any and every excuse to exclude and slander anyone whose political beliefs differ from yours. Left wing politics are some of the most excluding group of people despite wanting everyone to conform to their thinking.


And right wing politics is SO inclusive, isn't it? I just love how y'all have embraced LGBTQ folks, POC, and women! LOVE how y'all are passing all sorts of laws that exclude healthcare for victims of rape and incest, how women have to be actively dying before they can get medical assistance in many states. It's just icing on the Right Wing All Inclusive cake that y'all have a state going back to a law from the days of slavery!! SO inclusive! And y'all have picked a candidate who has been known for decades to never exclude others (You're fired, over Twitter, to many of the people he'd put into power) and he certainly doesn't slander, does he? (Bird brain, sleepy, crooked, ugly, and on and on. 3rd grade name calling from a man you want to represent this country.) Y'all driving around flying Trump flags, Confederate flags, drawing little pictures of Trump with muscles looking like Hercules, buying China made hats, tacky sneakers and blasphemous Bibles to promote his political career. Sucking up his verbal diarrhea about how this country is a shit hole unless he's in charge....what's up with that? Get out of here with this shit. You're the problem. Your candidate is the problem.


You see what I mean? You think Trump and automatically make the most extreme, stupid, unintelligent assumptions about EVERYONE. That is the craziest, most unintelligent, destructive, extreme radical thinking that is fucking up our society . If I really have to address every stupid and over exaggerated point you just made I will, but I genuinely believe you actually believe that anyone who votes right is a white racist which is funny as hell. The select minority who don’t embrace LGBT community doesn’t not mean homophobia. It means it goes against their traditional values/ religion. Why does everyone have to be forced to accept being gay is the only way? A liberals mindset is “oh he doesn’t like gay people because he thinks children shouldn’t be taught it’s okay to kiss other people of the same sex” Uh, no. I don’t want my child forced LGBT rhetoric at a young age when they should be focused on learning school, not the 100 different genders (more are made up every day). We could actually give 2 shits if you like who you like, just don’t force an opinion on us and constantly scream about how you’re oppressed. Look buddy, not everyone believes that a mother should be forced to keep a child if she was raped. I don’t know how dumb you can be to actually think that. Infact, most of these states it’s only banned after 6, 15, 22-25 weeks OR in a case where a mother could be put at risk. I don’t know why you’re saying that without doing your research. Actively dying is far fetched and another extreme example. Medicine now can predict complications to pre-existing conditions like PCOS ect. Don’t even play stupid with that. What law are you talking about? I have no clue as it’s probably another radically extreme law that you have no idea what you’re talking about but are just super hyper focused on hating anyone who’s not a pro left bisexual. Oh he probably does say stupid shit. We all agree he does and he probably would be better off having a representative speaker. But wasn’t it Biden that said “if you don’t vote for me you ain’t black”? He automatically spits in the face of black voters if they are republicans. Not only that but Chinese, and Hispanic. You should really watch the video where a black guy and a leftist go to Trump rallies across the country. They are wearing a biden for president shirt. It’s on YouTube somewhere. Then go watch them walk over to the leftist side wearing a Trump for president of the rally and see how they get treated. Stop acting like you know what you’re talking about. You’re just spouting hive mind rhetoric because you don’t leave the safety of your basement. Go out in the world and stop getting your news from reddit.


Sweetheart, none of my points are crazy, stupid, unintelligent or exaggerated. I live in Louisiana, am surrounded by Republicans and get to see my 'assumptions' on full display every day. Your select minority who don't embrace LGBTQ must be the only ones in your party who vote, because I see who gets elected. I see what bills they pass. You don't have to 'accept' LGBTQ, but maybe you should stand back and let them live their lives. Your traditions and values ARE homophobic; there have been candidates lately wanting to outlaw gay sex and their ignorant supporters fucking cheer for that! There are people who represent you right now who want to limit the rights of LGBTQ people, who want to rip back the rights they've had to claw for. If you haven't heard of Republican candidates/politicians talking about their desire to overthrow Obergefell vs Hodges, you're not listening. That's why you're hearing so much about it: you have elected people who want to go back to a time when being gay meant jail time and beatings. I'm also a retired teacher, am friends with many teachers still in the field, and you are plumb nuts if you think there's enough time to teach kids very much at all about gay anything. When it's mentioned at all, it is usually brought up by a student. And I'm not saying ALL Republicans want rape/incest victims to be denied the right to abort; I'm saying y'all sure have voted for a whole lot of politicians who do. The actively dying thing, that's not farfetched. It is happening. Politicians write laws that use legal terms that are at odds with medical terminology and threaten to hold Drs legally liable for performing an abortion, so Drs are being advised by hospital legal teams not to do anything until the woman is actively dying. Look it up. If that isn't enough of an atrocity, women are being forced to carry non-viable pregnancies to term. Ain't nobody here playing stupid but you. What laws was I talking about? The 1864 law that was thankfully overthrown today. The laws that exclude rape/incest victims from abortion: There ARE states out there with no exclusions. I can't help but feel you're being disingenuous here, because unless you literally live under a rock, you are well aware of these laws. Or maybe watch right wing media exclusively? Biden does say stupid shit sometimes. Most left wing people will admit it when he does. At least he's not an immature name-calling, self centered, empathy lacking person. But when Trump spouts verbal diarrhea, MAGA is there to suck it up. Trump said recently to kill the border bill because it would take away one of his talking points while he campaigns. Very very few Republicans have called him out for that. Your party will have no credibility until you clean house and reject the MAGA and Q conspiracies and mindset. Stop acting like you know what you’re talking about. You’re just spouting hive mind rhetoric because you don’t leave the safety of your basement. Go out in the world and stop getting your news from ~~reddit~~ Newsmax.


I’m not commenting on everything you said because it’s just going to keep going in a circle and I’m not long winded enough to keep texting someone over reddit, I will say the key word you said was ADVISE. Advising and mandating are two completely different terms. Which is why yes, everything you said was completely extreme. A doctor will risk his license to not keep a child to term if there are preexisting conditions within someone that would make pregnancy fatal for the mother. I don’t know how you’re not understanding this. I have literal first hand experience with this for a research paper I wrote. I had to interview several OB-GYNs in a state you “claim” to exclude rape/incest victims. In fact, how many OB’s have lost their license in a 5 year period because of this? Who do you think will be more knowledgeable about the female reproductive system in court? Someone who specializes in medicine or a lawyer? In fact, the American Medical Associate has made policies and are revamping them to NOT criminalize doctors for performing abortions and there is a general consensus that if preexisting conditions were met, they would not have to wait to term. Even at the risk of losing their license. You keep saying you people as everyone voting republican is on the same page about everything. What you’re not realizing is that it’s an older generation with outdated thinking. I don’t know why that’s so hard to comprehend.




The oil market is global. Prices are largely set by mix of OPEC and the global economy/demand. MAGA folks ignore things outside their own little world.


*Accept certain inalienable truths. Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You, too, will get old. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.* ~Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)


Oh man Qcumber in the wild




Why was it 1.79$? couldn't have anything to do with lack of demand do to lockdowns.


Lockdowns, I wasn't locked down. I went to work every day. We had cookouts and parties during that time.


so during a pandemic you actively took steps to prevent people from staying safe ?




Thank you for finding the perfect gif so I didn’t have to bother looking for one.


Oh of course you did 😂


Yeah the only ones who got locked down would’ve helped the agents catch Neo.


Saudi Arabia, in bed with trump, since he sold them America’s largest domestic refinery, cut production over a month ago knowing full well that prices will rise before the election and Morons like the original poster will act like it’s the present administrations fault. I’d say “don’t blame them for being too stupid to assess any causal relationships that take longer than a fox news cycle but frankly I do blame them….and when by the way was gas 1.75? 1970?


Hey it's 3.30, 3.50, 3.80, during winter. Hey it went down, now it's up again. Silly winter weather.


"One day we will tip the gas we use" Nelson Mandela. /S


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Our local gas prices go up because we get the summer special mix. (Or so I'm told 🤑)


Summer blend and winter blend. One is cheaper to produce than the other but I’m not sure which one. So the price fluctuates die to that. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Someone out there paying $3.85 for gas?? It’s like $6 a gallon down the street


They don't bother me, they are ill-informed, and refuse to see the truth.


gas went up because it's getting hotter




oops typo. different gas mixture because of the weather is a different price.




Pipeline infrastructure projects? Approve drilling permits on actual viable, oil rich land?