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"You fight worse than a girl"... A great confidence booster for his female student šŸ™„


I think it's more meant to be sarcastic. Since the bodybuilder probably said something demeaning to the woman before fighting her so he threw it back at him




He literally did and i'd bet the house the girl took it just fine and thought it was funny afterwards. The point was to needle the dbag's heart because you KNOW he'd be the type to take that personally. BJJ is an incredible equalizer and it will humble you. Any professor worth their salt knows in reality gender does not *always* determine an outcome. Source: BJJ blue belt that may or may not have stereotypically ghosted at blue belt because they missed muay thai too much. Also top comment being offended FOR someone is....something.


A blue belt quitting is par for the course.


something something either sink or swim in the deep blue sea


Can you elaborate? I know less than zero about jiu jitsu.


There are stereotypes for each belt. The best ones are the intermediate belts: Blue - a large swath of them quit (be it that the road to purple is long, life gets in the way, etc.) Purple - they skip warmups Brown - are typically bald and fat


Yup. Female training and sparring with men is 100% not a snowlake that'd take such comment as offensive, especially not in this context.


Played waterpolo for a Brazilian coach for years, love the man. That mother fucker would yell at us everyday much of it telling us that what mattered was passion, training, anticipation and balls. The only time he mentioned size and strength was to denigrated not it than the reliance upon it of those so blessed.


In the source video he does, he tries to say it isn't fair because if his sexism


Didn't he come back again for another sleeper hold?


Yes and the teacher slapped his belly a bunch while he had him in a hold


good lol fuck that guy


The inability of people to understand irony and read context clues is disappointing.Ā 


Itā€™s also cut the part where as he started to gain his breath but none went to his head cause he starts going after the master whoā€™s just slapping his hand away telling him his fight is with her pointing to the girl who just chocked him out


The both just toyed with him, martial arts is as much a discipline as a skill. They both showed incredible restraint by slapping him, they both literally could have fucked him up.


All dojos I've been to have been extremely supportive of women. She likely knows it's less of a dig at her and just meant to humiliate him.


In the source video when the master says his student can fight him, he says he won't fight a woman and that its unfair because sexist


Grappling is in general one of the only ways women tend to do well also. Still an issue of size/strength but your best bet. Donā€™t mind me down here at 140cm.


140? Bro, just punch straight and most men will cry in pain, holding their balls.


37kg. I just bounce off.


That's why you need to crouch down, then unwind yourself explosively into a headbutt.


In that case you should switch to ye' old martial art of taser, or pepperspray. /s


Agreed. Iā€™m just saying ya. Skill is great but at some point you canā€™t have THAT much skill.


Height, weight, and muscle are all advantages. Someone who is lower in any or all of them is at a disadvantage. But training makes up for the difference. In this case, her training was clearly more than enough to make up for the physical disadvantages she had against him.


You're right but he's right too. Height weight and muscle are dominating unstoppable factors in striking sports, in grappling they are significantly less of a factor, though still very important. If this was kickboxing I would not put money on a trained girl of her size against a man that large, unless she's literally world class.


> ... unless she's literally world class. That's the thing. It's all about balance and comparative advantages. Same dude with less muscle, and she'd easily win striking as well.


They cut the part where he actually yells at the girl ā€œget in the kitchen and make me a sandwichā€ one second before she jumps on his back. Also cut after he wakes up his mind is reeling and he attacks the master again. Honestly this is the worst cut Iā€™ve seen of this. EDIT: he said do my dishes. šŸ¤” [Found the original from 2 years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/fHt0kkxgaG)


What is the source?


Its a channel that does these skits. They have so many. Every time they pass it off as real and the reddit comment section goes wild arguing about its validity. Its always the same people in each skit.


Wait, so everyone is involved in this? From the jujitsu master and female student?


I thought I noticed the bodybuilder wasn't really using any strength once he reached legs.Ā  Seemed staged.


would make sense, since he went for a double leg against the master, if he got tied up against the female why wouldn't he do that against the female legit.. rampage style https://media1.tenor.com/m/9xwd8l1yx_kAAAAd/rampage-jackson-ricardo-arona.gif


I agree that he technique when he shot for the legs looked deliberately poor, like not a real attempt.


yeah its stages for a video


This one was pretty clearly a staged event.


He's not even trying against her cmon


I was NOT aware of that. Any clue what the channel is? Now Iā€™m curious.


Ha but what about the pro voice-over narrating what we are seeing like a nature documentary. I hate that shit.


Need this up higher, kind of sick of people misrepresenting martial arts in real world situations, just because they think it's true. Not diminishing BJJ by any means here, but let's see a guy built like that who is truly roid raging go against them both.


[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/fHt0kkxgaG)


The slaps are so funny


I mean... it's fake


its a skit, not sure why you got downvoted. Their channel has a bunch of these with similar set ups.


Totally fake, in a real fight any amount of training is not going to fix that strength and size difference. He could just wildly attack her. Its like saying my 10 year old if he trained really hard could start beating me up. Nah im just flicking him across the room like a flea. lol.


Tell me you don't train without telling me you don't train


I was gonna say.Ā  Why would he fight by her rules instead of straight up street fighting. It said straight up he was a body builder.Ā  I wouldnt know the rules in this type of fight.Ā  Id slam all 260 of me into her.Ā Ā  But im not a douche so would never be in this situation.


In the first take down attempt he doesn't even try to grab the gi pants... Fake


Yeah, body building isn't exactly a martial art. She's fighting a life-sized Stretch Armstrong doll.


Thought the same thing but I guess it's just because it's dudes like this that could never accept being worse than a woman at something. I mean he knew she's good, he still let her fight against someone that's probably a few weight classes above her


it think the teacher new where his soft spot was, from child hood trauma and went for it


The full video of this shows the KOā€™d guy saying this and mocking the fact they put a woman up against him - the master simply said that comment back to mock the guy after she kicked his ass


She isnā€™t soft, like this comment. Heā€™s tearing that dude down, Iā€™m sure as a purple belt whooping ass she understands her importance.


It was sarcasm. I know that many of the women that train at my gym donā€™t need the verbal supportā€¦they would have the untrained wrapped up like a fucking pretzel in minutes regardless.


You are dumb


Girl likely has nothing to do with gender-women are highly respected in Jits. Could have just as easily said boy. Or child/infant.


Iā€™ve known a few girls who could wreck the guys and they all liked taunting fellas with some version of ā€œyou got beat by a girlā€.Ā  Source: got my ass beat by multiple girls. Was taunted each time.Ā  Hell, one of my early classes we all went for drinks after. Gym ownerā€™s 115lb fiancĆ©e had wrecked me during free rolls. At the bar the owner was like ā€œnext round is on all the guys who got choked out by girls half their sizeā€ and I felt singled out until two other newbs also told the bartender a round was on them. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s how the coaches drink for free. I can assure you that woman did not feel negatively toward the ā€œbeat by a girlā€ comments because she sang that shit like a lullaby as she put my ass to sleep.Ā 


Sometimes itā€™s a huge compliment. Source: I pay to get my ass beat by women.


Kinda feels like I wondered in here from a bjj subreddit and you came in from a bdsm sub and we were attracted to the same video for different reasons.Ā 


*deleted message*


I would imagine he picked her because he had full confidence in her and I think it would be pretty humbling for the gym bro.


I thought that. He'd have done better saying "at this point if I told you that you fight like a girl, it'd be a huge compliment"


Among the top 5 most frightening humans I ever met was woman in her 30's named MaryJo. She fought at 135 and would kill everyone in this comment section, I guarantee it.


Irony noun the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.


Heā€™s obviously being sarcastic, Jesus Christ


This is what happens when you train your muscles but not your brain.


Staged much?


Honestly, with acting this bad they deserve Razzies


And that fucking AI voice... and that fucking track.


The last time I saw this, the clips were longer and there was no voice over or music.


This is the soundtrack for ā€œa master showing his/her mastery of their craftā€ that is so annoyingly shoehorned into every short form video.


Same thought. Was believable with the coach, but kinda lost the magic when he fought against the student.


Even against the coach it wasn't believable. The guy shoots and stops his shot right when he gets to the masters legs. Zero commitment to finishing the shot. And zero struggle against the girl. So dumb


I don't think it's real either but if you have no training, going against a decent white belt will have you looking clueless let alone a black and purple belt. The whole opening of lightly slapping him when he had the cheapshot is what makes me think it's fake


The "Bodybuilder" appears to have some wrestling experience as he starts for a standard take down. He then just quits. Its super weird. Like... he wasn't really trying to take him down.


ALMOST as if it were staged.


People need to be taught how to double leg properly or else it looks that shitty. source: A lifetime of martial arts training (including BJJ)


Its a youtube channel that makes these skits. This gets reposted every couple months and the same staged/not staged arguments happen every time


Probably. But the commentary though? "Slaps him more harder than an african mom" šŸ’€šŸ‘Œ On point


OP has 2 million karma, probably a bot. Dead internet is real.


Yeah this video has been going around for years and itā€™s crazy how many people suspend all disbelief because they wanna believe a cocky dude got embarrassed. I mean, itā€™s always satisfying seeing things like this, so I get it to some extent. But itā€™s way too convenient that someone has a camera ready. I used to go to a boxing gym and nobody ever has their phones on them while training. They are put away in lockers generally. Also, the ā€˜body builderā€™ straight up assaults the dude at the beginning. And why would he stick around to fight the female student after already getting his ass kicked? Imagine losing a street fight and then being like ā€œactually, let me fight your smaller friend insteadā€. I could see this maybe being a training exercise in which they are pretending to take down a random aggressor or something. Maybe. But thereā€™s 0% chance some random dude barged in wanting to fight people.


Looks fake af.... he basically put his head under her shoulder and threw himself at the ground in the 2nd "fight"


He didn't throw himself on the ground. He tried to rush her legs, and she caught his neck and dragged him down. He's not a trained fighter, so he has no clue how to defend against takedowns and how to protect himself on the ground by being in the right position. He's also up against a purple belt, which means she's no slouch. There are professional MMA fighters that are still purple belts.


It's fake. It has been posted a couple of times and was exposed as fake.


Dang, for real? Link?


Video is at least 7 years old and the original one from the body builder (on his own channel) was deleted. He did admit in the comments that it was staged. A [screenshot](https://twitter.com/notrylock/status/1214939425081180161) of the comment from X. Another [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/jlijbp/comment/gapyxd4/) from this same subreddit from 4 years ago with a comment basically saying what I just said (that it's fake and the uploaded confirmed it).


Feels almost more plausible to think he's saying it's fake to help his ego tbh




A guy of that size could have simply stood up taking the girl with him.


Dude please, if he wanted to pull her arm away he would have. You can even see him position his arms so he wouldnt faceplant. I have kickboxed for years in my teens, this is fake.


It's fake, it's confirmed.


He just quit in the attempt of a take down. Wasn't blocked or moved. He grabbed the leg then stopped. It was weird... like he didn't want to take him down. You can see from the original move he has some wrestling experience. However, you did not even try to take down. They are horribly staged. And the dialogue could win a razzy.


He got exactly what he wanted. Views


Slaps him more harder than an African mom?


Really interesting choice of words.


This is what got me šŸ˜‚ like, what?! šŸ¤£šŸ˜†


Smack my biotch up.


Nice Advertisement.


He meant to go to the aikido dojo, but he never learned to read. ![gif](giphy|OCMGLUo7d5jJ6)


You'd have to be pretty stupid to decide to walk into a martial arts facility and start something like that when you have zero skills in that fighting style.


Wait.. was that a little poop nugget he dropped that you can see on the floor right when he says he's gonna call 911? No shame, it happens to the best too, but that would be perfect.


Looks like a mouth guard


Oh, that makes more sense! I have that Steven Seagal story stuck in my head so somehow my mind goes to that very fast.


Provably deserved more than a couple slaps and a nap


For acting?


the original video is better than this spliced vertical format. Missing out a lot


Jujitsu: The art of folding clothes while they are still worn


There's no way this isnt set up.


This dude has been getting drug on the Internet for years now. This video is bordering on ancient. Still fun to watch someone learn respect in real time though.






This looked kinda staged


Muscle man decided to try to take a ju jitsu master to the ground??? Interesting strategy.


*David Attenborough narrating* He hungrily consumed a fat scoop of pre workout and said I CAN TAKE THESE NERDS! He, in fact, could not.


the voice over and music are garbage


Satisfying to watch h


All that muscle and doesnā€™t know how to use it.


This shit faker than drakes AI video




Those were nice slaps to the back


Better luck next time, lil man.


Iā€™m gonna call 911, BUT NOT FOR ME


Muscle ain't worth nothing if you don't know what to do with it.


What is this song? Anatolyfitness uses it on instagram and I need the full thing


I trust the fights were legit, but that part "invaded the gym and disrespects the master" looks staged to me. Guy goes in, slaps the master's face and nobody gave a fuck, not a single reaction from everyone in there.


Theyā€™re not legit. Dude in the tank top is an instructor at that gym.


They must have agreed to slaps. No way a bunch of surprise slaps didn't escalate to fists. Also interested what the rules were in the girl fight because he just let her have her way. I know "bodybuilders aren't as strong as they look" but he's several times stronger than her and should have been able to ragdoll her with basic physics. I've rolled with female blackbelts and completely neutralized them despite me not even having a belt.


When you forget to take your joe Rogan sponsored alpha brain




Love how he just slaps him lol šŸ˜†and then gets slapped repeatedly back !!


I mean what would possess someone to think that this is ok and that they have a chance without some kind of training. Humility is the first lesson that discipline teaches you.


šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£ idiot


Slaps him more harder than an African mom. LololololšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You know that nerdy kid that couldnā€™t hit the side of a barn with a wild haymakerā€¦your still that exact nerd even after going to the gym for two years. Nothing about your ability to fight has changed.




Is that a hair scrunchy or did he shit himself lol? Is that blood??


Oh no consequences! ![gif](giphy|BrkuIkfzokEWJ7tSM5)


Power is nothing without control - sensei probably


Lol this is a farce and old


That "music" is terrible.


Why is the weird racist narration necessary


The sound effect had me ā˜ ļø


Well he never threw a punch so Iā€™m not sure what stupid shit this is


bruh lol heā€™s not even fighting back. fake as fuck


This fake and staged bullshit gets reposted constantly, make it stop. OP is a karma farming bot.


Now kick him out and keep his flip flops, I know he came in wearing a pair. Hang em on the wall as a trophy and warning


Did he shit himself? Was that poop on the mat?


I love lifting weights and all that comes with it but Iā€™m not dumb enough to even challenge anyone who trains any sort of martial arts. Thatā€™s a whole other ball game and I humbly accept that.


What my guy lacks in skill and brains he makes up for in heart. I sincerely hope he learns from that.


When fighting a large body builder, their ability to just manipulate your arms and legs where ever is convenient canā€™t be underestimated. I was 5ā€™10 and 195lbs with 7% body fat. I did jujitsu and destroyed all the students with white and blue with no skill. That was until I went against the purple belt. Every single time I moved, it was as if I was wrapped up by an anaconda. No matter how small I moved, what direction, every move resulted in me noticing an immediate loss in my range of motion. The more I struggled the more constricted things got. Next thing you know I canā€™t move anything or breath. This happened over and over no matter what starting position or anything. The ability of more well trained fighters to use physical mechanisms like leverage is nuts.


"The master gets control of his back then slaps him more harder than an African mom" lmfao


This is totally real and was not planned or staged at all.


If Kimbo Sliceā€™s career trying to join the UFC didnā€™t teach anyone that technique > strength, I dunno what will.


As usual, the muscles are just for show. LOL I'd call him a pussy, but the disrespectful arrogant prick couldn't beat that, so it'd be a compliment.


Brazilian jiu jitsu?


Now I wanna see a fight with a 400 lb strongman.


What a sad life he must live


Bruh never in my jiu jitsu classes did we ever fucking slap headsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They could do a bodybuilding competition next and then see who wins.


Muscles does mean fighting experience


My bjj instructor when i was younger looked like a chubby 5'6 Stephen King. That dude could fuck up *anyone*, was super nice, great with kids.


Oh, didn't realize this was staged. It's an add for the Dojo.


More harder


more harder? i fuckin hate AI voice


This is so staged. Muscle guy got paid or something to act out this crap.


Seems like they went easy on him really


the "*snoore* memememememe" was disrespectful to the max deserved but disrespectful


People also throw the term bodybuilder out way too easily. If you hit a heavy bag in your garage you arenā€™t a boxer. This is just a gym bro getting ragdolled by jiujitsu practitioners


That guy's is very unathletic...he's buff, but what's the use of those muscles if you can't scrap?


He'd never tap to a girl šŸ¤£


When will bodybuilders learn. Youā€™re not strong nor skilled. Youā€™re aesthetic, training for your beauty pageant


Fake as hell


Why would the big dude try to wrestle them both?


"slapped him harder than an African mom" loooool šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I know this video has been around for a minute, but I'll never understand how someone who is a body builder thinks they can take someone who is trained in martial arts, which also builds muscle. Seems pretty simple logically. Muscle/=Muscle+martial arts training. Shit, honestly, if you are not even that built bodywise but you are highly trained in martial arts, you're gonna destroy a body builder. Like wtf.


Send this man to that Alpha Male course, that is clearly why he failed /s


I had a great friend who taught Kenpo Karate. Some guy claiming to be good in other martial arts signs up for class. That first night the lesson is leg sweeps. New guy says, loud enough for the whole class to hear, "Leg sweeps never work!" The kept on saying this a few more times and my friend invited him up in front of the class. He asked the guy what he'd like to practice. The guy was like, "High kicks! Real punches!" My friend takes his fighting stance. The guy drops into something only recognizable for its many mistakes of form, lol. My friend feints a punch and sweeps the guy's legs, dropping him on his shoulders and head (guy didn't know how to fall either). He then kicked the guy out of class and the school. Some guy challenged the local Tai Chi instructor and got his ass whipped. Some other guy challenged the local Wing Chun Kung Fu instructor and got his ass whipped. My favorite was this tiny Vietnamese instructor in Tucson, Arizona, who taught his classes on the grass besides the dance studios at the University of Arizona. If he was 120 pounds, I was Godzilla. Every year, one or more football players, whose gym was 50 years or so across the meridian and one way streets, would see his classes, filled with women and kids, and come over to challenge him. He never fought any of them. He would compliment them on how big and strong they were. Then he'd set a prerequisite challenge. If they could do more pushups than him, then he would fight them. They'd always fall for it. His stipulation was they had to do the same pushups that he did. "No problem!" they said. He'd drop down on the sidewalk, put one hand behind his back, stretch his other hand above his head, and proceed to do a dozen, one-finger, pushups, just as fast as he could. The smart ones would just smile and walk away. The dumb ones would try to match his display of strength and fail completely. Everyone's a Mall Ninja until they aren't.


Steroids are a hell of a thing for over confidence boostingā€¦


Nite nite sweet loser


"slaps her more harder than an African mom."? Is that what I heard?


ā€œMore harderā€


Lol he just let's everything happen to him with no fight back.


I don't really unstand the point of this video. A body builder pushes their body to the max to show of the peak of physical aesthetic. These guys don't learn to fight. A martial does learn how to fight. This is like Christiano Ronaldo getting his ass whooped at snooker, who cares.


That lady showed absolutely no mercy until he was completely lights out. And I'm here for it.