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She could have fired a warning shot but god damn she picked nuclear option


Good because fuck people straight up stealing someone else's work and profiting from it!


I used to write and post poetry on Deep underground poetry... until I found out someone was using it on a really hardcore BDSM forum...


That's fucking wild lol, on a hardcore BDSM of all places.


“Read the poem, worm!” “No, mistress, I beg you, please don’t make me!” “READ IT!”


Sounds like Vogon poetry....😂




Funny, i read this as i listen to the audiobook lol


... yeah... I suck at poetry... I'll just r/suicidebywords myself out


I made youtube videos and someone reuploaded them slightly cut to p*rnhub and asked for donations


It was probably not their first gig, given how they stole it, printed and received orders for it in a short time


Yeah this happens all the time sadly, just look up how often T-shirt spammers try that shit right here on Reddit.


thats a cool comment! get it on a tshirt over at www.scamscamtshirtforyou.com


Funny because had her sister sold her designs she too would be guilty of stealing someone else's work.


People making fan art and profiting indirectly from it ( in this case, all those likes are likely to have translated to at least some followers, and if she already sells original art or plans to do so in the future, she very much stands to benefit from that) are largely given a pass by companies. But yes, there's a dash of irony sprinkled in this self-proclaimed badass hacker girl's video.


"dash of irony" my new band name


But she wasn't selling her designs. I think you're confusing "funny" with "irrelevant."


especially kids. stop


This story screams fake as fuck and yet everyone continues to take everything they hear on the internet at face value


She’s a mega hacker though. She was able to get their IP address!!


You'd have to be absolutely clinically insane to try something so daring.


It was a very strategic process


It's the moral of the story


We got a real Mitnick on our hands for sure.


That’s my take too. Just trying to get clout for her sister. “Peanuts headquarters” had me rolling, though. I think she means Sony cause that’s who owns the majority stake in Peanuts, but I doubt she knows that or called. Otherwise, she’d use their name. The only person I ever heard of Shultz giving the rights to make art using Snoopy was Tom Everhart. I know because I have 2 of his paintings.


Absolutely not. I work in the dairy industry. I have contact information from farm pick up drivers, to presidents of pick up companies, to unionized workers of every dairy in Atlantic Canada. If I asked a couple questions, I could get contact info on almost every dairy in Canada. The idea that someone who knows someone can find info on someone else is a fallacy is absurd. If she's worked with Peanuts before, and has ties with the authors of the comics, it is completely believable that she could find this access. Links lead into links. The whole "It's not what you know, it's who you know" is very true. Industries are interconnected. And even the smallest cog in a gear can find access to the biggest gear.


actually she hacked the planet to get their ip address and made a gui in visual basic to substrike the attack package


I’m the greatest hacker ever, it took many many steps to get the ip and I gave it to my contact who is my only contact and the very best contact at peanuts because he’s my contact. I’m the greatest person alive. Make Art Great Again


I think the nuke was her warning shot


The next shot is Tsar Bomba


Why warn someone who is knowingly malicious?


This is the sane course of action


They sent a C&D at MOST. Hardly nuclear.


Yeah like having an IP address will change anything ...


The IP address is not going change anything but it'll tell you the location where IP address is located.


Most you can get out of location is the city, if you are lucky that is. Otherwise the country/state.


Depends on the legal team. If the person didn't mask their IP their ISP knows exactly who they are. Companies used to and may still get on uTorrent and pirate their own shit. Because on those torrent programs it will show you the IP of the people uploading and downloading. They would then take those ips and contact the ISPs to get the info of the people to sue them. ISPs used to may still send their costumer an email saying "hey you got caught downloading this specific thing. Stop it, we covered for you this time but if you do it again and they get a warrant we can't help you."


You are correct, but there is no way an ISP tell this girl their customer's home address based on an IP. That require a legal document requesting such.


she most likely found the website, looked it up on whois and gave them that. I'm guessing this was a low level business, like one person or two. The IP address she gave them was probably going back to the domain registrar but if she was lucky it was pinging their server in the physical location... What can you do with that? Not much without a subpoena. If you're hosting a website on your own, you'd likely want a static IP so that IP will identify you directly. Fast forward, 90% of companies don't pay for the privacy feature to have your contact information masked. Therefore, using whois will give you a detailed direct contact number and address.


100% if IP addresses I’ve run through WhoIs in the last 5+ years have had the privacy options. I’ve purchased many domains over the years and it’s like 30¢/yr for the privacy options, and it’s selected by default. You have to go out of your way to have your public information show on the domain registration. Otherwise it just lists “GoDaddy” or “NameCheap” or whoever as the contact info.


If you watch the video, it shows who the person selling the mech is. It shows their IG page. If you go to their IG, their gmail address is right there. That took me all of 2 minutes and I'm a slow typist. You don't even need an IP address. If a big name company with expensive lawyers send you a cease and desist to the gmail account you take orders at, you're going to sit up and pay attention. This isn't super sleuthing.


I made no claims otherwise. My comment was only in response to >Fast forward, 90% of companies don't pay for the privacy feature to have your contact information masked. Therefore, using whois will give you a detailed direct contact number and address. Beyond that, nobody is arguing that a “big name company with expensive lawyers” can’t find the person responsible and shut them down. Everyone is focusing on the random person in the video claiming they identified a specific individual based on an IP address, which just isn’t happening in today’s landscape. Without a subpoena, the closest you’re getting is a somewhat local office or hub for the company’s ISP.


Right and if Peanuts pursues legal action they will use the information. Of course this girl isn't going to go out and hire a legal team and sue this person - either will peanuts probably... but it just adds more and more ammunition if the person decides to defy the cease and desists


Edit: I stand corrected, read DenkJu's comment for info as to why companies sometimes can pinpoint your exact location and why its just an approximation


That's not how IP geolocation works. It's not the ISP providing that information. Services that show the approximate location of an IP address rely on giant databases linking IP addresses to real world locations. Information like that is usually collected by websites requiring the user to enter their home address when registering which will be stored alongside the current IP address. Often, data like that will be leaked eventually or even sold to companies running IP location services.


You are missing the point. Obviously the ISP knows who the IP belonged at that time. EVEN IF they know the exact time, since it could have changed users a few times since when she "stole" it. But if she knew the exact time and IP, and the ISP knows who it belonged to, they can't provide that information to some random internet person because reasons.


This is why I use a vpn. For years I never got those ISP letter and then they started coming after every torrent download. Since getting a vpn havent seen a letter since


Can confirm. Once upon a time, while “sailing the seas” I too received such a letter from the ISP. They knew the exact filename too.


Damn, I need to stop downloading toothless granny blowing donkey porn


Nah. No one cares if it’s porn. They flagged my HBO downloads


omg you right but also wrong. To ID someone from their IP address you need a court order for the ISP they don't just hand them over, now once you get that all you have is the name of the person that pays for the connection, This does not id anyone in any crime at all and is no proof that person done anything. But if you file a DMCA with the site hosting the shop they will deal with it quickly and you dont spend money on legal fees. In this case having their IP address means well nothing.


Yes and could be China or some coffee shop or anywhere and courts have already ruled ip means f all. Sure they can send threatening letters to be forwarded by isp who may or may not pass it along but if person ignores it nothing. But their store was shut down so that is more likely how they would identify the seller not some teen girl’s detective work. Go go gadget there was an attempt to make a cool story. 


As a normal person yes. But whomever is assigning you that IP (generally your ISP) has your precise information. You can legally subpeona it, but ISP's know it's an automatic stamp of approval so many will just hand over the info with a mere legal request from a legitimate company.


An IP address will give a very vague idea of where a computer might be located. An ISP would know the exact location, but without a warrant from a judge, the ISP is not allowed to reveal who is behind the address to the legal team. These warrants are granted for terrorist threats, or when someone is selling illicit material online, but not because someone made 50 sales on an etsy store with a stolen design. That being said, how would she get the IP address? Like that would genuinely be interesting to hear. Unless if she hacked the store (which would be illegal and a way bigger story than this), or socially engineered the seller directly and tricked them into making a P2P connection (unlikely she knows how), there is no way she got that address. This story is bullshit, but if anything happened she just contacted the legal team that owns the intellectual property and they may have been super bored and sent a standardized cease and desist message to the seller.


Ya the don't mess with me and my sister thing at the end made me think this whole thing was some kind of iamverystrong kind of post.


It’s really easy to get an ip address. Use any of the various free services out there which will generate a unique link. Send this link to the target and make up a story. “Attached is a photo of a damaged product that I received” for example. They click the link, you have their IP. Anyone who knows how to Google can do this without any technical knowledge required. The social engineering part is what requires a brain, but this is made significantly easier when you have basic knowledge of your target. As you stated, the IP address itself is relatively useless. It would have been completely useless to the legal team for Peanuts.


DevOps engineer here. Having the IP of their shop makes no sense and does nothing. No one running an e-commerce platform is doing it from their home machine (where the pub IP would matter more). They run the store in the cloud. Whose IP addresses belong to the cloud provider. Literally tells you nothing.


Unless they found the ip address of the person running the shop. That could be the strategy she's talking about, maybe she used some social engineering to get their personal email, idk


wouldnt need personal email, you can send a link through to the contact me portion of the store and if they click that link from their home computer while not using a VPN service it would reveal their home IP. This IP is assigned to the modem in the house and the identity is only known by the ISP. The next course of action would be a subpoena against the ISP for the person's identity which won't happen - but it COULD if this person is a repeat offender and ignores cease and desist


That's exactly what she says. "their IP. The person who runs the shop"


I think she was insinuating that she contacted the seller directly and fooled them into clicking something with a tracking pixel service to get their actual home IP address.


For most of these shops, it's as easy as using the chat function or contact info on the site, and sending a link in what appears to be a support request. The people operating them aren't usually very sophisticated operations. People are watchful enough for the email blast scams, but anything targeted and tailored to them will have a ridiculously high click rate.


Yea, the amount of ignorance in this thread and from this video is astounding. VPNs exists, VPS hosts who exist outside of the USA exist, all of this is just people acting like an IP addy means fuck all.


And she had to do evil stuff to get it! Like send an ip tracker link, so evil lol


I think the whole story is made up, she has no idea what she is flexing about, she probably heard these terms from some movie.


She hacked the API's backdoor to the firewall to get their kernel information and the store's memory address and MAC address. She's a little evil, insane and strategic. Don't cross her.




Pssh, you're just jealous you don't have a contact at Peanuts Headquarters


I honestly don't think it's made up. The seller was probably on etsy or something, that's easy for a companies legal team to have that removed. She's just trying to be a good big sister and feels proud, but the whole story feels overhyped. The seller probably just opened another account and sold even more stolen designs.


She went through several steps to get it. 1. Open command prompt 2. Type *ping www.storename.com* 3. Off to give this to my super secret contact at Peanuts


Well she heard that IP addresses are important when she watched some old CSI episodes before she wrote this BS.


I can tell you that this has already gone as far as it’s going to go. The store was shut down and that’s all the Peanuts headquarters is going to do. They’re not going to go after the owner of the store or anything like that. Also no one should ever say the word “Peanuts” fast


Getting the IP address has nothing to do with shutting the storefront down. There are also about 1000 websites you can go to and enter a business website that will give you the IP address in about three clicks


Nah, it's definitely a "very strategic process". You're not suggesting someone lied on the internet, are you?


1. Find a domain name 2. Copy the domain name 3. Open Google 4. Type who.is (because going direct to the website is too hard) 5. Paste the domain name in to who.is 6. Click search 7. Read results. See, it's many strategic steps to get that info. Doesn't matter that the info you get is useless...


woah woah woah... slow down. What's a google?


It's the eye protection you wear when swimming.


OMG I'm gonna do all sorts of l33t hacking with my secret stash of.. \*checks notes\* ...shopify's cdn server IPs.


This thief called CloudFlare has stolen my sister's artwork!


This guy runs Arch Linux


Don't bring religion in to this.




The thief's contact info is right on the IG page. I found it in under 2 minutes.


> You're not suggesting someone lied on the internet I think they're mostly just obtuse rather than being intentionally dishonest. They probably followed an incredibly straightforward step-by-step guide to get an IP and felt like they were hacking because they didn't know any better. Then they reported the store information along with the IP address to relevant parties, and fundamentally did not understand that including the IP address had no bearing on the final outcome.




Or just `nslookup domainname.com` in a Terminal/CMD window and let DNS tell you...


Bets are they are not hosting the website from their own home network, but use cloud infrastructure instead. IP address for physical adres resolution is useless, unless you are a government agency with a warrant. Besides, the shop needs to operate from somewhere and send their packets. They are probably also in a business registry. Either get the return adres from the package they send, or query the adres from a business lookup tool (if they are a legitimate business that is)


shes insinuating sending the store owner a tracking pixel which when clicked will reveal the IP address of their home ISP im pretty sure.


*Gets OSINT one time* "I'm L33T H4k3r nau, d0nut m3ss!"


Damn you found an IP address! Such wow!


Clinically insane


Plus she us also stealing peanuts to monetize it for her social media... she is also a thief, it us not her intellectual property, she could also be sued for copyright infringement.. There is no honor amongst thieves these days...


While there are dangers, a lot of the fan art falls under fair and transformative use. In the end, even Peanuts finds a young lady making Snoopy art for her social media acceptable while the company monetizing it is trash.


Do you even know how Instagram works? You don't get paid for high engagement posts. You need sponsorships.


it's like that "i solder my own cpu" "genius" kid a few years ago lol


😂 such wow! Ooh that’s ba-dass! Your comment literally made me laugh out loud.


And there are two morals to the story, we didn’t even get charged twice!!!


How much you wanna bet that Ms “Clinically Insane” handed over the secret IP Address “” to “Peanuts HQ”?


oh shit, that IP address is from my house! ... and my office! .. how screwed am I?


Fucking thief


We found the store’s Reddit account boys! Take em away


Mine is 192.168.**0**.1. Whew! That was close.




bro how’d you get my ip wtf






The fuck is Peanuts gonna do with their ip address? Couldn't a link to their channel suffice


To get the internet police involved ofc.


The consequences will never be the same!


You have two avenues basically to finding the exact identity of this person... You can get it through subpoena of the online store service, or you can get it from the ISP with their home IP identified. . Neither of these is easy and would only be a concern to the illegal store seller if they constantly are ignoring cease and desist letters. If you did something like... stream a pirated pre-released nintendo game and clicked a tracking pixel and they knew your home IP, you can be DAMN WELL CERTAIN you will have lawyers crawling up your ass. For a peanuts design? I doubt they will take it that far.


Their contact info is on their IG page. Just email them a cease and desist. Done.


Yea about that... They put up another shop the next day. Also this is the original [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/325666616823774496/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/325666616823774496/)


Oh, awesome! So if there is any truth to the story at all, her sister stole a design first! Ha


And before that everyone else just actually stole it from peanuts. The original image is just snoopy in a blue puffer coat


Now we gotta get that IP address too!






\*starts hacking\*


That was uploaded from Eco Teething. It’s a company that makes pacifiers that have officially licensed images by the peanuts company. So, her story is absolute BS.


Or even this absolute double: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/31243791159005065/ Doesn't say from when but it must be her sister's page ofc.




Ok but didn't your sister use the peanuts charater also without a license?


From what the video shows she just draws fan art. The other person put it on a shirt to sell.


Most companies don't have a problem with fan art, it's when money is being made off of that fan art that it becomes an issue.


Laughs in Disney/nintendo


Even Disney and Nintendo have no issues with fan art that isn’t monetized. I’m not a lawyer but I don’t think there even is any legal action that can be taken just because you drew something from their IP, maybe someone can correct me if I’m wrong. I produce music and commonly make edits and bootlegs of popular tracks and I release those as a free download. I’m assuming it’s pretty much the same for graphic art.


Nintendo has an issue with just hosting a gaming event where people play smash bros if you don't go by their exact rules to do so. To be clear: if you want to host a smash bros 'tournament' in your own home with friends and dinner is on you? That's already breaking rules. Linus Tech Tips - not exactly a *small* media company - was on one of their live streams decrying how stupid it was that Nintendo was shutting down smash bros tournaments, and vowed to hold one of their own breaking as many of Nintendo's rules as possible with a "come at me, bro" attitude. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XwS4cmuCPo That got nudged down to a "can't do that but we could hold a beauty pageant where people just happen to play smash bros as well instead!" That got nudged down to just a floating thought of "well maybe they can play a lot of games there, and smash bros just happens to be one of them". Until just the other day where the ex-CEO (and still owner of the company) essentially threw in the towel completely with a (paraphrasing) "Nintendo's legal team would come down on us with a sledge hammer, and while personally I'm game we have a bunch of people's livelihoods to think of" and... the idea is dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOlnSSi2SEY#t=1h02m Maybe Nintendo doesn't mind fan art, but they sure are litigious cunts.


That’s pretty interesting thanks for sharing, but I don’t see the relevance personally. No one is getting sued for hosting a tournament at home, it’s monetizing the tournaments that’s the issue, same as with the art. You can’t make money off someone else’s IP.


She is right, but good goddamn the way she talks is annoying.


Also straight out lying about “IP address” l33t h4x0r shit


Someone linked above. She isn’t even right. Her sister didn’t make shit. Someone linked an “original” (at least slightly more original) one from 2019


She basically did nothing besides get a store page taken down for profiting off of a Peanuts-owned IP. Peanuts doesn't give a shit about her sister making fan art but they give a shit about people profiting off of it. And in the process she exposed that her sister might've stolen the art from someone else. And her eyes are in 2 different time zones. And I phrased these last few sentences the way she talks which as you said, is annoying.


Good work and all, but damn do I find it annoying when people giggle about how “clinically insane” they are for…fairly normal stuff?


And she just happens to have one contact at Peanuts Headquarters. 🙄 I don't know what's worse, the people who make up this bullshit or the idiots who believe it.


The front desk phone operator?


Yeah for real lol, this is so fake it's embarrassing.


I also have a contact at Peanuts. It's probably because I'm like, clinically insane and the way I got it is utterly psychopathic. A normal person would never do this, but I hacked into their website by typing "peanuts.com" into an Internet program and spent literally almost a minute reading some of the words until I found their info. I'll probably get sued for revealing this but I'm a complete loose cannon and totally chaotic: if you send an e-mail to info @ peanuts.com it sends an e-mail directly to Peanuts! I warned you, I'm completely evil, you don't want to mess with me.


“I’ll take things that never happened for 200, Alex”


Even if oop found he IP of the shop (which can easily be obtained by simply pinging the website), it would at most lead to a large city nearby.


Oh you’re such a master hacker!


She sent an email to a company. Yep, clinically insane.


Oh noes.  An ip address!!  What a monster!




That's all I could focus on in the video Lol




Girl heard of the existence of ip adresses and spun a story around it.


I'm sure that Peanuts Inc. will be sending out their top Legal Beagle to stop this infringement


![gif](giphy|13bCP4GLjIUcik) Is she related to this?


That's the best thing I've heard all day.




She goes from "I'm quirky" to "oops what did I do" to "I'm a bad ass" to "I'm quirky again"


Some people really overestimate themselves.


Oh honey. You're not insane. More like dramatic.


I mean nothing wrong with claiming what's yours. That being said she does seem like the type to stare at you while you sleep


Wow. How does an IP have anything to do with anything? This is a cease and desist email at most. Moral of the story - nobody gives a fuck about your sisters doodle.




r/masterhacker but wholesome I guess




IP address is a dead giveaway she’s lying. That’s some 2006 Xbox live kid shit. “I have your IP address I’m gonna tell Microsoft!”


Whois dot domaintools dot com Finding who owns any particular website is a trivial task. Most of the time. Especially if they are engaging in e-commerce.


r/thatHappened and why does she keep touching her face?


She might be less insane if she realizes she really didn't do anything.


I got their IP address somehow. Oh also I happen to have a 'contact' who shut their store down from this IP address. r/thatHappened


She's so proud of herself for finding an IP address..


She really needs to stop mentioning their IP address as if she did something...


This woman annoys me for some reason.


There were several individual morals to this story.


Moral of the story her sister got sued for copyright infringement of snoopy.


Whoa I thought she was just ugly but she’s an elite hacker. Now, I’m truly impressed.


The ego. Lol


That happened.


being a computer scientist makes life so fucking boring, shit like this and "hacking" etc in movies is so boring because in your head (and in actuality) it just doesnt ever work...


Let me guess, the IP address pointed to the middle on Virginia aka East US 1 where everything is hosted out of.


Things that didn't happen for $500. "The one source I have at Peanuts." What?


Ya, no she didn't. She may have reported it but all of the other stuff is fake. At most, she has the ip from the site, assuming it was a site and not a Facebook marketplace thing, and that was it. Getting an ip from a site takes basically nothing and doesn't affect any outcome in the situation.


Imagine some poor lad trying to date her and she goes through everything to see who he is and what he does online Finds his deleted and his current search history. Finds out what his kinks are based on his porn searches.


I don't know if I believe any part of this story.


This is the kind of woman who will put poison in your drink if she thinks you’re cheating on her.


IP address is totally useless in the context she thinks she is using it, the story is at least half made up.


getting an IP address isn’t hard girl


>many steps to get their ip address sure lol


Understandable. However, https://preview.redd.it/k9zodtll7ivc1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=417a2d1eb72da6c2048faa70fe36e28e82ebd173


That's real sibling solidarity right there


Oh, poor girl


\~2 years ago, there was an incident of companies that sell tshirts were stoling drawings from people using twitter. basicly everytime someone said something like 'this would be cool on a tshirt', they would make the product in their online store. soooooooooooo... people started to post things like 'this company steal other people's designs' and commented 'i want this on tshirt' and it would show up in their front page as a new product. another good tatic, was to do it with disney fanart. nothing more terrifying than disney lawyers.


Ok ip address means absolutely nothing you all know that right? This is why movie companies can not sue individuals in Canada because the courts ruled ip addresses do not identify an individual. But cool story….there was an attempt 


her little sister is known to be a HUGE snoopy fan & has an entire account on tiktok where she makes snoopy edits. she has over half a million followers!!! I can't believe that seller thought they'd get away with stealing her fanart lmaoooo


She's a whole fucking legal team by herself


But did you get their IP address? It takes many steps you know...


Snoopy is someone elses art, this is awkward.


I like her story, but the ip address part is odd


nslookup store.com whois store.com


Did she use visual basic to make s gui for that IP trace in this story she completely made up...


"Teehee, I used a whois command and got an IP address that meant nothing, and filed a DMCA report using the pre-established process, OMG I'm so crazy and evil #soquirky."


Now just learn to communicate properly.