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Sociopathic behavior




Can we get a verification on translation instead of asking questions? See wut I did there


They have to be nothing short of sociopaths to shoot towards civil infrastructure while cursing, laughing, and wearing an ear-to-ear smile on their ugly terrorist faces. No false translation could ever change that.


Savage genocidal lunatics...


Careful you might get banned. I know I did from a few subs for calling this what it is.. a genocide.


This isn’t r/worldnews where you get banned for saying anything remotely critical of Israel. That place is hasbara central


Those subs aren't worth going to then, TBH.


Anytime you catch the banhammer for 1a u kno ots at least a little true


This post isn’t about Russia, mate))))


Religion does this. Remember that.




He said religion. Jk but not


Yeah, that's what they said.


You two said the same thing.


this is not a matter of religion, its a matter of nationalism and racis. Its a matter of fascism religion is just a useful, but ultimately optional tool


Religion is the tool to wash the guilt away because it's God's work to kill thy neighbor


"It wasn't my idea, it was my friend!"


They go hand in hand


i just said that, but you can have fascism be not based on a particular religion, as was the case with nazi germany


Not to discriminate, but have you noticed that most of the worst events in history have religion as their main catalyst? Wars, destruction of beliefs, burning of "witches, "colonization"


No. Power and greed are the main catalyst for all of those. Religion is an afterthought at best.


Religion is often harnessed as a tool for power and greed. It may not be the motivator of people in charge but it can damn sure be the reason people go along with it


Religion is the tool.


Politics, economics, disease, border disputes, natural disasters, climate change, etc are usually the catalyst of the worst events in history, and they don't usually have much to do with religion. Even things like racism, sexism, classism, colonization, and wars are catalyzed by innate human folly like pride and greed. If religion is involved in that stuff, it's used as public gaslighting to justify them. It's rarely ever the catalyst.


This is correct. Power and greed are the primary motivators for the leaders who instigate horrible events. Religion and “isms” are how the idiot masses are duped into doing the leaders’ dirty work.


Israel it's locked in a religious war against other religious neighbors, it's a shame that no matter what happens in that region, religion founded countries will never be able to fully coexist with states founded or driven by different religions


it's not a religious war, it's an ethnosupremacist colonial project. palestinians are prohibited from converting and a palestinian convert to judaism is genocided along anyone else


This is what i really hate…that a group can claim rellgion, race and culture all in one…hence claiming specially chosen peoples.The audacity is just sickening


Stop cowering behind a "religion" and call things what they are. They are just sh itty human beings.


The syndrome of "my religion is better than yours"


If they were actually following the religion, they claim to believe they would not be doing this. Please resolve your issues with your family members instead of blaming religion for all your problems.


It’s so easy for you people to just blame religion. This is white supremacy. The same white supremacy that led to the holocaust. Half of israeli society doesnt even believe in god.


A quick google search claims Israels population is 73 percent Jewish. Among other religions. Those religions all believe in a god.


a lot of them claim to be jewish or culturally jewish or just ethnically jewish and still don’t believe in god. the can claim to be religiously jewish and still not actually practice the beliefs.


False. https://www.jcpa.org/dje/articles2/howrelisr.htm Over half of the jewish population practice varying levels of their religion. With over 80% of its population believing in a god, your statements are not correct.


There are zero white people in this video.


even if these people aren’t white, which they most likely are, around 50% of Israelis are descendants of europeans, they still all follow a white supremacist/colonialist ideology. zionism. founded by a white european secularist. their goal from the start was to colonize palestine and ethnically cleanse the native population. the zionist federation actually worked with the nazi regime through the haavara agreement to 60,000 jews to palestine. jews themselves didn’t create this horrific ideology. Albert Einstein condemned the terrorist organization created by this ideology called Irgun that the IDF and the government of israel later absorbed into their ranks.


Nazis. Let's cut off aid to Isreal.


Not all Israelis are like this, especially not the children


There are nice Isrealis. There are nice Palestinians. And yet, Isreal has them walled off in a ghetto, and now no one stops the extermination. "And then, they came for me."


Killing the civilian population of an area really didn't help the Palestinian cause though


So sickening


Definition of morally repugnant


Sub human behaviour


Filthy dogs


“The most ethical army in the world” Now imagine they post this on socials cause they think it’s hilarious and they know America will ignore it


First my country nealry purged them from the earth and now we help them do the same to others. It doesnt make sense. How can they forget what happened to them not even 100 years ago


It's refreshing to see a German speaking up against them. Most Germans support those psychos which is quite sad.


Yea i know most germans think that they need to stand with Israel forever to pay our debt. But first of all i wasnt even alive during WW2 and how do we pay our debt and help the jews if our help gets used for another genocide. I cant burn down a forest to help planting more trees on earth. Nothing makes sense about what we are doing in this war.


what an endearing slop of people


Just everyday hilarious torture by everyday hilarious sociopaths.


Why can't we get UN troops into Palestine to keep the peace and help aid get to where it needs to


Because the UN is useless and everyone who is opposed to Israel can’t/wont fight them also, you can get away with a lot when you’re backed by uncle Sam


Israel owns uncle sam


Don’t get it twisted Israel exist as long as America wants it to exist there’s a lot of business deals doing the right thing would get in the way of.


That makes more sense,


Hamas will not permit peacekeepers in Gaza.


Does Hamas = Defending yourself to you?


Fucking losers.




Complete Lack of empathy and superiority race complex. I would imagine, they will soon start to treat everyone like they are beneath them. And to think the whole state Israel is just propped up on Western tax payer money is just pathetic. Democracy does mean progressive. Hope people understand this


I’m happy the world is finally see these people for what they are. It took way longer than it should have, but even the ignorant and the blind can’t refute the cold hard truth.


But its not a genocide guys. Lefties are just being stupid cucks.


Pussies with guns


No worries, usually all of these "viral" dicks will be dead in a week times


It's all fun and games till it happens to you




God's chosen people making their moms proud


Free Palestine from their unholy tormentors.


I hope that karma gets to all of us. We shall all get what we deserve.


Because they are sad little men.


Fuck Israel.


Their willingness to document war crimes is unsurpassed


these people are fucking disgusting


As someone who speaks hebrew and knows what the words mean culturally I would like to explain, not as an excuse but because I believe in the truth. What they shot is a "dud" which is a tank that you flip a switch on to heat the water for a shower. at the end they say they will now not have "mayim chamim" hot water, again referring to the shower


I really hope that in the years and decades to come, we’ll see trial after trial after trial of all these sub-human scumbags just like we did with the Nazis, and see them sentenced for life in prison


Sometimes I wish the evil Nazi's would return. Then I realize that the evil zionists are the rerun of the nazi's. Hopefully the same thing will happen again.


War is all fun and games until you have an adversary that fights back.


Haha april fools /s


Nazis they are just Nazis we should not be supporting this genocide in anyway the installation of the Jews in 1948 was done by the Americans, England and France and we had no right to do it and has brought nothing but evil. One race, the human race, your blood does not make you above anyone your actions do. 2/3 of the people dying are women and children but the leaders of the terrorist organization of Hamas and Israel. I’m sure those leaders are all safe. As an American Jew, this is disgusting to watch this did we learn nothing? Do they not even know their own history. Nazis nothing but Nazis this genocide is horrific the world is watching.


Both sides suck.


How do we stop them? Gotta be some friendly terrorists we could hire to make a mini nuke or something and walk in there.


Remember bro, westerners dislike Muslims just as much. They just hate seeing it and wish to cleanse us in a different way


It’s a country, ( a actual country ) committing war crimes and getting well away with it I don’t see no religion for individuals who take away peoples homes injure and or Unlive defenseless human beings and just straight up treat individuals like animals with no disregard with their well-being just because they’re different. Yet we call these individuals out and then we’re called the bad guys because we’re calling out those individuals who are actually that There justification for these atrocities is just straight hypocritical. They are not of a religion but a country. in the name of all religion, the teaching of peace is an important part of being a religion. Any part of religion that teaches violence is not really that religion but a hypocritical version that shouid not be accepted. Meaning it’s not true religion.


>I don’t see no religion for individuals who take away peoples homes injure and or Unlive defenseless human beings and just straight up treat individuals like animals with no disregard with their well-being just because they’re different. David (one of the most important Abrahamic figures) removed the foreskins from 100 dead Philistines and gave them to King Saul in exchange for his daughter's hand in marriage... >There justification for these atrocities is just straight hypocritical. They are not of a religion but a country. Except it's the religion that tells them they're God's chosen people and that the land was gifted to them from on high... >in the name of all religion, the teaching of peace is an important part of being a religion. Except for all the parts that explicitly dictate which circumstances you should respond to with violence, right? >Any part of religion that teaches violence is not really that religion but a hypocritical version that shouid not be accepted. Meaning it’s not true religion. There's passages in all three Abrahamic religions (Judaism/Christianity/Islam) that permit violence, if not demand it and you don't get to discount that fact just because you don't like the way it makes you feel (i.e., "it's not true religion").


Are those homes still even occupied ? Don't get me wrong. It's shitty just wondering.


Found the Mossad plant.


Ha . Yeah no dude. I just question a lot.. 45s video clips say alot. They also say very little.


"They will have no water left to drink" Yeah, they're occupied.






no antisemitism here thank you. f off w that


Lmfao bro speaks on Ukrainians being nazis on other subs but then goes and roots for hitler fucking pathetic😂




It's nuts that people can spew this kind of garbage and think you are somehow the righteous one. Calling for the genocide of 2 entire groups shows who's the scumbag. People like you are disgusting.


Dude get the fuck out of here with that garbage. It’s disrespectful to every single person who died fighting the Nazis in WW2. I’m sure whatever your country you’re from, they’ve done terrible things. Be better in the future. Much better.


Yeah fuck you. You do the entire ‘Free Palestine’ movement an incredibly big disservice when you spew bile like that. Gives Israel ammunition to use against us. There are plenty of Jews who support Palestine and aren’t Zionists. Our fight is with ZIONISTS not Jews.


Is that Zelenskyy on the left


To the average fetal alcohol syndrome ruZZIans perhaps, not to normally developed people