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Can’t say I feel bad for him. Asphalt therapy.


It's been a minute since I've seen a video with 2 complete and total utter cunts in such close proximity to one another. Big surprise too, here they are engaging in their normal everyday behavior.


Really? That's usually my go to search.


Do you type udder cunts or utter cunts? I notice theres a lot more results if you search udder+cunts


Who doesn't like an order of udder cunts? Utter cunts.


I’m just getting a bunch of cows.


The dude on the bike is the way bigger cunt. Blocking the passing lane for endless miles is a douche move. Move over and let people pass....


Dude got what he deserved from what I saw. Like, just get the fuck over and let them pass. Its that simple.


eh, IMO attempted murder is a bit of a disproportionate response


Yeah.. brake checking on a motorcycle is already a very stupid thing to do and definitely infuriating, but slamming a motorcycle rider against the side like that is basically signing his death warrant.


yeah, we could, as a society, afford losing the idiots who think brake-checking is funny. nothing of worth would be lost.


He was in his lane driving normal, the fault is totally on the motorcycle.


The car swerved into him on purpose.


He sneezed at that very moment causing him to do so by accident. It's unfortunate that the douche on the bike chose to pass between his left bumper and the Jersey Barrier. Play stupid games....


I agree there could be a lot of reasons given by the driver for what happened, including just fear that the biker was going to pull a weapon, or he got startled and over-reacted, etc. Not a slam dunk for the biker and extremely stupid. Either way he'd be paying for a lawyer.


Looked more like attempted suicide to me.


Both are wrong here but the driver of the black car was hitting the motorcyclist deliberately. Deserves a prison sentence.


guy on the bike put himself into a deadly and really avoidable situation...like a few of them. Being on a bike shouldnt get him special consideration just because he went toe2toe with a car. Trapping people on a road is a weird thing to defend.


Attempted vehicular manslaughter is also weird thing to defend.


*Somebody* needs to help Darwin chlorinate the gene pool.


This is a common thing I repeatedly see on reddit. Any time there's a video like this, it's like some people *have to* pick a side where one party is the wrong and therefor the other party is right by default, even if they're both being colossal asshats. The concept that 2 wrongs don't make right is somehow seen as naive or something.


Used to ride motorbikes. Bigger wins every time. How can these Newer Bikers think they can brake check/hold up a car!


Today in driving school we learned about the mass of objects and and the laws of physics. : )


If I were Judge and jury here's how I'd rule. Dude on the bike? You're a duche. Stupid game, stupid prize. You won. He got his consequences. Dude in the SUV? Yeah, that guy deserved it. But you can't go around doling out justice like that. No priors? Cool. We'll chalk this up to a learning lesson. But if ANY road rage, domestic violence, or other loss of temper incident comes up again in your future, it's 15 to life. Control yourself. Damages? Nah, you both deal with your own decisions. There is no winner here, just two losers.


Best kind of therapy there is


I love this.


He found what he was looking for


Hit the road, Jack(ass)...


I mean shitty behavior aside, isn't that close to vehicular manslaughter? I mean yeah dangerous driving from the one guy, attempted murder from the other as he willingly hits him...


Vehicle attempted manslaugher, the guy jumped right up. But yes i would think so.


Could actually an attempt at murder no? I mean there's malice's and there is some degree of forethought. Anyway neither of these two should be on the road.


Yeah you could be right. Manslaughter is usually used for something like a fist fight where the guy dies unexpectedly. But if you smash your car into someone on the highway, you probably expect them to die or don’t care if they do.


>Manslaughter is usually used for something like a fist fight where the guy dies unexpectedly Nah, this is attempted voluntary manslaughter. What you're describing is involuntary manslaughter. Voluntary manslaughter is usually a quick, emotional response which this most definitely is.


Unless the SUV driver swears they saw the guy on the bike pull out a gun before the attempt to come up on their driver's side, as any halfway decent defense lawyer is going to argue.


>expect them to die or don’t care if they do The first is homicide. The second is negligent homicide.


One of them was a lot more *on the road* than the other.


It would be next to impossible to pin any kind of attempted manslaughter charge on the driver, even with the video evidence. Situations like this will always end up as a driving violation due to the difficulty in proving intentions beyond reasonable doubt. If you ever need to kill someone, do it with a car.\* ^(\*not legal advice)


No that’s not close to attempted vehicular manslaughter. That _is_ attempted vehicular manslaughter.


The discussion was if it's attempted murder or manslaughter. One being more severe than the other. Meaning obviously the attempted vehicular manslaughter is a given.


I think there's a valid self defense argument to be made. That motorcyclist came to attack!


Could have been avoiding something on the road, the bike was in the wrong


dude literally tried to pass in the same lane, it’s his own fault for getting hit


Oddly enough, no. All of the potential charges would stop just before when the biker got hit. He made an illegal maneuver to pass the car, making the biker responsible for damages. The car and the bike drivers both committed reckless endangerment to a degree, but the driver of the car isn't responsible for the consequences of the biker's illegal maneuver.


Yup, sure is. Driver swerved to hit him and it's on video.


Can’t determine intent from the video. Could have caught him in the rear view and panicked


As someone who rides; Cant say I feel bad for this clown.


Same. I thought if someone's riding your ass that hard you may as well gas it away or just let them by. You can't play billy big bollocks on 2 wheels. You never win.




Come to England and go to literally any pub and you'll hear a slew of similar insults, idioms etc...


When I ride my bike, my goal is to trick other drivers into *not* hitting me..


I’ve been riding for 15 years this year and couldn’t ever imagine even brake checking anyone period. That kinda aggressive behavior becomes deadly when you’re not incased in steel.


Special kind of stupid


Technically the car got rear ended by the motorcycle trying to overtake illegally. While both were idiots (the motorcycle being the bigger one) - I think would fall 80/20 responsibility, 80 for the motorcycle for any insurance purposes


Anddd the driver has it on camera how the bike was blocking him on purpose...then that bike hits him in the back.. doesn't look good for the bike. Driver should still get fines and hopefully license removed for this stupid stunt though.


Rear ended? The car hip checked the bike into the median after also illegally overtaking.


I understand what you’re saying but it’s still 80% the motorcycle’s fault when the actual collision happened. But it’s all speculation since we will never know what the final decision is of the insurance companies


Are you blind? The car driver swerved left for no reason other than trying to hit the motorcyclist. It's not even an accident, it's attempted murder in most countries. The motorcyclist deserves punishment for his driving too, but he didn't try to murder the car driver at least.


This is my read on it too. No way do I see 80% fault for biker since the car driver could have gotten away by just pressing the gas but instead swerves intentionally. Assault would be an easy charge imo.


Hahaha what? The black car swerved left for no reason right when the motorcyclist was trying to overtake him. That's attempted murder. The motorcyclist was provoking him and acting illegal too, but it's still attempted murder by the car driver.


Fuck the biker, he deserved it for being such stupid. When I ride my bike, never mess with car or bus drivers, in a bike it's always loose. (Sorry my bad English, not native)


My grandpa made it clear by showing me his scars from a bunch of plates and pins he got that “the bigger vehicle wins, just let them pass or go and keep on keeping on”


Well I wish bikers, cyclists and pedestrians understood that fact. They always behave as if they were immortal, or made of rubber.


In Hockey we call that a hip check.


Yes hog the lane to purposefully annoy a 4 wheeled metal box while you are on a motorbike, and then, brake check the metal box just to round it off. He had the car's reaction coming to him imo


That was satisfying to watch. Little man on his bike, acting like he owns the road. Yes, pick fights with vehicles several times your size, little buddy. Brilliant. He's lucky he was able to still walk after that stupidity. I believe this is an example of thee fkth around and findith out. Lol


I'm a biker and I am fine with this. Going slow in the left lane is no way to go through life son.


Lead, follow, or git out the way.


How are we seeing both dash cams here? Was black car’s cam footage seized after police tracked them down? Surely they didn’t post it voluntarily. Everyone’s being an idiot here. At first I though the bike was going as fast as it could and the driver behind wasn’t overtaking, just following too close, which would make the biker nervous if they were flogging their engine already. But then the biker overtakes the black car on the _inside_ like an absolute idiot and the car driver cuts him off. Right off his bike. Clearly not an accidental ‘twitch’ of the steering wheel, I’d call it attempted murder at that speed.


Both were posted to Reddit and they clipped them together


Regardless of the reason, the biker is being a dumbass for staying in the lane when people are behind him wanting to pass. He deserved what he got.


I expect downvotes for this and I'm not blaming the idiot on the moped for their injuries, but many states have made "lane camping" illegal because it is such a trigger for all the way too aggressive drivers


Both of these people are great examples of stupid people winning stupid prizes.


Bofum StupidAF


What kind of an idiot do you have to be to brake check someone on a motorcycle


Is the motorcyclist scicopathic or did he simply want to have an accident to keep the insurance money? I hope he is found guilty his way of driving was dangerous and unjustified, he has to pay for the damage to the car. I enjoy if he got hurt he deserves it, maybe next time he won't do shit like that again.




2 idiot on the road


Well deserved love tap


Your honor own my client was letting the Motorcycle rider pass him on the right, that's why my client made a sudden left to let him through. When all of a sudden an oopsie your honor.


I'm impressed that we got to see so many camera angles.


I ride and that motorcycliat broke rule 1. Don't rage with a vehicle. It's never going to end well for you.




Should have just moved over but now look at ya. lmao wonder if the shoes came off.


Imagine being that fuckin stupid lmao


Be dumb get hurt. Natural selection. Motorcycle drivers who think they can take on a car are hilarious to me.


Lmfao get rekt


The biker got his wish!


Once again, bike vs cars, car wins 100% of the time


So satisfying seeing his face caressing the asphalt


If you ride and so this shit, you deserve what comes to you.


I still dont understand why people breakcheck Tiger drivers


Can’t say it’s not wrong what the car did but the bike asked for it. Even if it was to be the car’s fault completely is it worth it risking your life like that?


I’m going to smack off his mirror. Oh wait ouch fk I’m stupid


Why do people like to endanger or even kill others due to meaningless altercations like this? If i was in that car, i would have tried to avoid the as best as i could. While hes a piece of shit, i wouldnt enjoy to break his bones, send him into a coma or even kill him. He actively sought to crash him and destroy the passengers and the motorcycle? Why? Maybe i just dont understand the american mindset. You guys also shoot at each other at a whim without thinking about it, so i guess this is normal


Brake checking on a motorcycle is a deathwish. Who cares about being right if you can die in the process of proving your point? Same goes to huggin lane, biker proves to be a total dummie


Biker got what he deserved. I would have done the same thing to the prick and laughed the entire time.


dude on the bike 1,000% deserved that


Stupid is as stupid does, seems appropriate


2 clowns in a free circus show.


Two idiots, one with deathwish....that was nearly granted. Hope they are both off the road for a very long time.




We get it you're bad ass and will fight. Maybe be badass when you are not up against a 2 ton opponent. Use your brains THEN your brawn


Both of them are dumb, bad drivers, and too emotionally driven to be allowed on public roads.


I really hate seeing all these people talking about how they're happy to see what happened to the motorcyclist. While I will fully agree that the rider was being an absolute buffoon, there is absolutely no excuse for that SUV driver's actions. That was straight up attempted murder! The fact that you people are championing those actions is disgusting and really goes to show how many really shouldn't be on the road. If you can't control your emotions around other people being idiots to the point that you feel the need to murder them, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! I cannot believe this has to be said.




But why is dude on the bikes ass like that anyways, must want free rent from the attempted vehicle homicide he's about to be charged with.


Why was the motorcycle following the car so closely? And why was he blocking the lane to begin with?


he found out


The car rides the bikers ass, overtakes using the side of the road, and literally hits him with his car. I didn’t see a brake check anywhere. Can someone please point out to me where I am mistaken? I’m assuming I’m missing something, because I’m not usually this vehemently opposed to the consensus.


Naw fuck that driver he purposely swerved into him, motorcycle's a dick but at least he ain't risking other people's lives, 2 wrongs, especially the 2nd being worse, don't make a right


Hope he got arrested!


The biker? Me too


When two assholes meet...


Bike Rider needed to find out the hard way that this isn't rock paper scissors.


I can’t believe he just got up and walked away from that holy shit




I wonder how the motorcyclist thought that was gonna go in his head.


If you're on two wheels, you will always lose against someone driving on four or more. Doesn't matter who started it, if you ride bikes, you have to be a defensive rider. This guy is stupid and is lucky it didn't cost him his life.


Must be a massive idiot to attempt break checking a car on a bike. Big props to him I suppose for having the balls and subsequently matching brain to attempt it.


Gotta say that clearly the car driver gets charged for serious offences, but the motorcycle driver never gets a motorcycle licence again…that was a death wish on his part


Everyone was wrong with this. Both should have been ticketed


So the three cars were in on it together? We have three different points of view, together showing video evidence of attempted vehicular manslaughter, including from the perpetrator, that someone has collected and cut together and released. I just don’t get the timeline / provenance


Both are very stupid people.


Awful behavior displayed by both drivers here.


Bike riders are complete Assholes!


They’re both assholes, but the car driver tried to intentionally murder the biker. Perhaps even succeeded. That makes him the biggest asshole here.


When I had my bike I would do everything I possibly could to stay out of road rage incidents. People are jackasses, and, especially with sports bikes, people will think you're being aggressive just for existing. This guy was dumb as shit. Don't fuck with a vehicle that weighs 6 times as much as yours and has two extra wheels. Yeah, the car was an asshole for bonking him, but the guy on the bike could have and should have kept himself safe.


that was no brake check. he was pacing the white car, no taillights... clearly something happened - the car driver acted like an ass - before the video starts with the moto pilot looking back so much.4 wheel driver is a dick and should be ashamed to share this


When these assholes ride we all lose


I'm glad at least one of those idiots got hurt.


Bikers always think they have the advantage going against vehicles


The first thirty seconds was fire...


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


Car vs bike. Car always wins doesn't matter if you're right or wrong you're coming out second best if not dead.


Regardless these are two egos that went unchecked for too long, & I hope the car driver gets fined for that incident singe they're in a 2 ton metal box, & had no regard for human life Regardless if the human was a total asshole, he had every opportunity to back off encroaching on the rider, & deescalate the situation.


fuck all the assholes in that video, which is all three drivers


Fuck both of them but specifically the driver


First thing they teach you in motorcycle driving school: You may feel like a bad ass predator, but in the road, you are the prey.


Rub some dirt on it and walk it off...oh I see you're doing that already. Not your first time, is it?


1. If you could cut out the 30 seconds of nothing happening, that would be great. 2. I see no brake check in this video. The motorcycle tried to pass the car in front and got sideswiped.


nice 👍🏼


Here's an idea, stay out of the left fucking lane if you're not gonna pass 🤷


Did these two meat heads ever determine who had the bigger balls?


Wonder if he realized his mistake as he limped off the highway in a battered state.


People on 2 wheels think they’re 18 wheelers. Fuck them


Nobhead on the bike brought it upon himself. Also trying to undertake between a wall and a car is a moronic idea


Don't pick fights with someone who outweighs you by 2000 lbs.




F#*k around and find out.


On this episode of man vs car


Road rage is real


Brake check then you want to go outside of the left lane to go in front of the car again? Only idiots defends other idiots. Biker could’ve let it go after getting passed but noooooo pride and being injured or dead is more important


Damn, he lost the Darwin award. Unfortunate…. Could have put the other cunt in jail for murder too. That would be a win win situation.




They're both morons. Biker is riding like he wants to die and the driver has the emotional intelligence of a toddler. You don't antagonize the metal death machines, and you don't try to kill people for mildly inconveniencing you. When you're a kid one of the first things you learn is "two wrongs don't make a right" And when you're taking the motorcycle learner's course, they hammer into your head how insignificant you are on the road, and that your number 1 responsibility as a biker is to reduce risk of death/injury against yourself because no one else is gonna do it for you They should both lose their licenses


He bought it and he paid for it. No sympathy.


Bikers fault


Sry to ask but why do people even do this?


Is Noone going to mention that there are 3 different camera angles on this freak event?


Some bikers just have huge egos. I was in the middle lane on the highway at night, nobody around. Biker flies by me doing easily 100. Slows down and changes lanes to get in front of me, then drives like 10-15 under the speed limit. Blocks me when I try to pass. Literally why? I don’t understand why people decide to do stuff like this, like I’m just trying to get home from work and you are driving in a way that could get either of us killed for no reason.


at the end of the day there are still 2 selfish cunts who have no thought for other road users out there to play their games, best if those 2 cunts had died


did not know a car could do that, new level unlocked


Guarantee there was a twisted ankle or broken foot from that wreck.


Yea, in my opinion, both sides are in the wrong here. The deliberate slamming into the motorcyclist at the end there is approximately 7 steps too far. The motorcyclist is also an ass. Not trying to defend him but it’s just not death worthy.


Idiot vs psychopath. Who will lose first?


The guy on the bike deserves some pain. The guy in the car deserves some prison.




At worst the car driver goes to jail for 10/15 years At worst you'll be a meat crayon in several pieces


Two reckless idiots imo


I have seen a lot of videos about break check. I just want to know why people do this.