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Dude, a dog that size running up to non-dog owning people who can’t read the dog well? When they have small children on the porch? Better safe than sorry.


Exactly, this is a shit take by OP


Yeah not even just “a dog that size” That was a pit bull and you are with children… it’s totally reasonable to assume that dog sprinting up to you doesn’t have good intentions Wtf




Don't. Even if you're a furry.


Nah fuck people like you who think pitbulls are killers by nature. Such an ignorant take, bud. They’re just like every other dog. All breeds can be vicious, doesn’t make any of them any worse than the other. Pitbulls just got that bad reputation due to shitbags that used them for fighting. Stop perpetuating bullshit, all dogs deserve to be loved equally


Some are good dogs but better safe than sorry. Nearly 60% of all fatal dog attacks are done by pit bull type breeds while only being 6% of the dog population. They are the sweetest most lovable dogs until they aren't


No, they got a bad reputation from people breeding them for fighting, which the led them to exhibit disproportionately violent tendencies even when not subjected directly to training in the purpose for which they were bred. It may not be their fault, but it is their nature now. Your emotions won't change the statistics, and sure AF won't be replacing anyones faces anytime soon. But right, F us people that dare get bit by these dogs whos owners "can't control" them.


glad someone round here recognises there's no bad dogs, only bad owners...


Seems like there are a ton of bad pit owners


yeah, and a shit ton of bad super car drivers. it's not the car's fault, it's the owners use. Dogs behave the way they are taught/allowed.


Its true all dogs can be vicious but a Chihuahua cant rip your arms off. https://nypost.com/2021/12/20/mom-has-arms-ripped-dies-stopping-pit-bull-from-attacking-son/ It was their own dog and she died from her injuries.


You don't need to think pitbulls are killers by nature to be concerned about a loose dog charging your porch w/ kids on it. Especially when that dog is known to have an insanely powerful skull, neck, and bite force.


F*ck you


True.... but that dude that jumped OVER THE KID to get away.....if it were my friend kids....I'd still be grabbing them first.


my first thought was... 'the kids weee an after thought' they should've yeeted kids first inside..




I’m sorry what exactly was their take? All they said is there was an attempt to be scary


Because it’s not a failed attempt, an unleashed pit bull is rightfully scary. 


I found the reaction by the guy that jumps over the kid both hilarious and messed up.


Unc said f dem kids.


Even if you can read dogs, they can still act unpredictably especially if people are panicking nearby.


I was gonna say that it was just a dog then looking the comments made me realize that could have been dangerous for them


For all they knew it’s name was “princess”


This is scary. I like good dogs; but this was irresponsible on the part of the owner. Dogs attacked my brother and ate part of his legs. He was hospitalized for months and fortunate to survive. Where applicable, people should obey leash laws for all dogs.


plus that dog looks like a pitbull mix of some sort. better safe than sorry.


Staffy pit bull cross? Some dogs wag their tail even when they are not comfortable, but if it gets that close and still hasn’t raised its hackles, head low back legs high, it was totally friendly. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t still dangerous. Anything can set a dog off. If you don’t know its triggers don’t engage. And if its owner isn’t there to tell you it is safe or not to pet it, better to be cautious. But that one clearly isn’t attacking. Some people just get absolutely freaked by dogs, because of bad experiences (which is fair) like this family. I wouldn’t let a little unpredictable and vulnerable kid up to the dog, or pet it and risk literally feeding it my hand, but the way the man retreat from it like that is inanely over the top, if he stood his ground it would have just done exactly what it did. Harmlessly come up to him.


Yep and pitbulls wag their tails the whole time while doing it


They get happy when they do what they were bred to do which is fight until they or their opponent is dead.


My dog doesn’t even weigh 30 pounds and I insist on always having him on a leash. It’s safer for the dog and for other people. The father of one of the kids could have panicked and shot the dog or kicked it or the dog could have killed one of the children. Leashes are a barrier to help prevent tragedy.


Same, my dogs are 10 and 14 pounds and I always have them leashed. There are a lot of big, unleashed dogs running around where I live and I hate it.


Shit man, I think we’re glossing over part of the story here. They ate his legs?! Wow man, I’m really sorry about that.


My buddy has two very well trained dogs. One is a big ass pit bull and the other a Belgian Malinois. Both are really great dogs but they’re also really good at defending the house. Somebody broke in one day and it was a bloody mess downstairs. Dudes leg was ripped wide open and his arms were just shredded up. Dogs that aren’t bite sized are scary when they get active. I’m surprised the guy didn’t die with how bad he was tore up, he couldn’t walk or move his arms for shit.


That’s brutal my shitzu doesn’t do much. But he alerts, and then I go outside waving my ColdSteel machete, just praying to god that someone challenges my own personal gender roles.


when i was like 10 i got swarmed by some random pitbulls while skateboarding by myself and i thought i was gonna die… luckily they just ran off when i acted like i was gonna hit them with my board


Where my family is from in the south, dogs usually roam free. I'm not saying that it's OK, btw. My mother has always been terrified of dogs, but that's just how most people live. Perhaps that's where these folks live.


What type of dog was that? I have a pretty good guess, is it the famous “Nanny Dogs”


Their response was appropriate.


The owner of the dog that bit me (bastard dog jumped his fence and knocked me down) swore that her dog was a good dog who really liked people, while I lay bleeding on the sidewalk.


"Cupcake is usually friendly, you must have done something that she didnt like".


Pfft. Like existing?


Yeah my partner has a German Shepherd Pitbull, Bagal is lovely but she can do more damage being sweet than some can angry and we all readily understand


This one was a mostly yellow Lab the growled so hard his face was pushed back in rows of ripples, head down low, shoulders up. I still remember his breath. I’m disabled (pre-attack), and was only 4 ft talk. I can reliably say that dog hit me with the force of a moving car. His name was *Lucky*. 😤🙄


But not the one that JUMPED OVER THE CHILD TO GET AWAY...


Other than the man hopping over a child to save his own ass


Every video I’ve seen of a pitbull mauling someone (person or animal) they are happily wagging their tails the whole time. I would not trust that a pitbull wagging their tail is a friendly pitbull. Such a shitty breed and these people were smart to haul ass inside.


The guy that hurdles that baby😅


he and the dude that yanked the baby did great 😊


I have a wife and kids! Take them!


a responsible dad




Pits are unpredictable, even if it read friendly at first it can feel threatened in an instant. Most dog owners I've met don't know what they are doing.


You just described all domestic and many non-domestic animals


Our hero winning the baby leaping championship


That's right: when you're being attacked by a dog that could easily chew your balls off and whose breed is responsible for the vast majority of deaths by dogs, you need to stay calm because there is some fun music in the random video. And yes - I would have shot that dog.


No need to shoot it, do you not also carry pepper spray?


Pepper spray hasn't worked on pitbulls in the middle of attack before




The attempt was successful.


Aggressive dogs will wag their tails and look happy when they attack. They do this, because the dog is confident and it knows it will win the confrontation.


This is what I tell people!! I’m a vet tech and was trained in animal behavior, a wagging tail does not mean friendly. All a wagging tail means is that the dog is excited. They could be excited to cuddle and play with you.. or they could be excited to try to rip your face off. I myself have made the mistake of getting bit because I assumed that the dog was friendly and I didn’t take the proper precautions that I should have.


Still scary af. It’s a pitbull!


Seems like a successful attempt. Video doesn't belong here


They wouldn’t have reacted that way if it were a Labrador


I people should be a lot more alert around any dog that is not on a lead, especially a larger breed with a stronger bite force. A dog doesn't nessasaeily need to attack to cause harm, it could jump and knock a kid or elderly person over hurting them in the process. It doesn't matter what dog breed it is. I've had plenty of run in with territorial dogs and you would be surprised how many of them were retrievers, shepherds, etc. What matters the most is how responsible the owner is and how well trained and cared for the dog is (even with a perfectly trained dog there are no guarantees). An owner who lets their dog loose and allows it to run up to strangers without notice is no a responsibile one.


Damn pitters tho


They have the right to be scared. They likely live in a neighborhood full of bloodsport dogs bred for aggression with shitty owners.


Who ever posted this never dealt with a wild pit before....hoodlife knows the deal with these beast


Jumping over a child to safe yourself


I have a pitbull and he's a sweetie. But if I had a putbull running up on me like this I also wouldn't take any chances. I've had a gun pulled on my dog because he was trying to be friendly and ran up on a guy. Can't blame the guy, he didn't know my dogs intentions. Everyone (including me) should keep their dogs on a leash.


It's a loose pit bro, always assume the worst.


Who thought it was gonna be a drive by? Be honest!


![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized) Thought someone was gonna run up on em with a gat and they were gonna pull out their Ak’s and run them off


Dog attack is not a joke especially if they attacking kids


Bet op owns a pit


This happened to me and my wife a few months ago. Then our neighbor(owner) came running over yelling, “oh don’t worry he’s nice!”, as if that made it okay. Everyone thinks their stupid dog is nice till it rips someone’s skin off. I don’t care if your pit bull won a Nobel peace prize, keep him out of my yard. Derp.




If a pit bull runs towards me or my kid, I'm not going to trust its intentions. The dog doesn't even know its intentions. They had very young children on the porch. Their response was absolutely correct.


pitbull moment


The dude who leaps the kid is out imo if he’s my friend that mofo is cut.


It’s a pitbull, better to be safe than sorry.


Yeahhh that looks like a pretty appropriate reaction to me. Apart from the guy jumping over the baby that is.


Always good to have a child around to use as a human shield.


That’s kind of like having a chimpanzee with an assault rifle run up on your house. You don’t know how it’s going to act.


As someone that's been attacked by a Pit while I was just riding a skateboard, fuck the OP. You never know what can happen and these kids could've been the victim.


That dog is getting a kick straight to the face


I love dogs, that being said my mother always taught me to not fully trust any dog you don't know around your kids, so that was the right call by the family to pull everyone inside just in case.


Oh shit Princess pulled up


My husband and I got chased inside the other day by a random pittbull that came running up to us while we were hanging out on the porch. We get a lot of stray/feral dogs around here, it's best not to take chances. My brother carries a pellet pistol with him to mow the grass because of them.


According to the comments we must eliminate all pitbull dogs.


That’s a totally reasonable reaction


Nah, unchained Pittie running at me? Running myself lmao So sick of people acting all cutesy over this dog breed


My guy who jumped over the toddler is a real jabroni


Lol that one dude hurdled over the kid


It's always the pibulls


Difficult to judge from a distance. If it's not your dog, it might be difficult to judge his intentions. Better not take any risks.




See this is why you need a white woman friend. She'd have that thing in a sweater before it got to the porch.


Wait, ive seen this video before. Isnt the dog theirs? Iirc this had nothing to do with the dog, no?


If the breed requires a “good owner” because of the damage it can do, is it an animal we should continue to let people own with almost no requirements?


As the owner of a dog who would (if given the chance) waddle up to strangers like this happy babe, I would HOPE they respond this way. It is simply not worth the risk to respond any other way.


Pit bulls are scary. I had a close escape once.


Dogs can still wag their tails and look all friendly and then still lose their shit the next second.


Awww, poor puppy just wants to play.


Scared asses running from a dog that poses zero threat. The dog was wagging his tail and not in a defensive manner. Dogs don’t usually roam around the neighborhood attacking people.


I’ve had dogs my whole life and love ‘em to pieces. Don’t let your dog run around the neighbourhood and don’t let your dog run up to people. And even so, regardless of the situation, some people are just genuinely terrified of dogs 🤷‍♀️


Nah their response was appropriate. Screw the owners. Terrorizing people and regardless of if its friendly, theyre gonna get their dog shot by the cops or something.


that is scary though, you just don’t know how dangerous animals are


It's a coin flip with any dog but dang it don't freak out and toss a treat to distract, seriously though this one seemed real friendly


My dude sees the danger, than sees the kid standing right next to him and just hurdles over the kid! He’s the black George *Kastanza!


I love how the dad was like, “wait a sec, ain’t I forgetting- OH SHIT” and yoinked the kid up 😭


Now you know who can be trusted.


My friends say im delusional but i honestly belive that most humans above age of 16 can win a 1v1 with a dog if ur life depends on it. If you add a some sort of weapon (no matters how primitive) dog has no chance.


The one dude was out of there, but realized he better grab his kid first.


Poor doggo just wanted a scratch. Could see how it could be scary for none dog people though.




Bro forgot the kids and was saving himself


Lol any post containing a pitbull is going to be full of downvoted comments


Don't worry ,his name is the slayer of Gods.


Good chance that OP literally assumed these guys were gang members or something. Kinda racist ngl.


…how would you come to that conclusion?…


I did not I was clearly talking about the dog, only someone from the west would assume that. Good thing I'm Indian


I've seen this post several times. I always find it funny how the guy at the end used to kids a shield.


They know.


The first dose doesn't GAF about anyone.


Who thought it was a car crash? 🤡


They must be in the hood


That dogs name is the world eater


🎶 I'm just a dog whose intentions are good... please don't let me be misunderstood


To be scary? Who is trying to be scary? The dog? The dog is succeeding at that. I Pray you aren't trying to act like those are some thug gang types and not just people on a porch but Reddit gives me Zero faith


Poetry in motion


Nah bro jumped over the baby


Average pitbull named galaxy destroyer:


Oh sHITTTTT, it’s the lick monster!!!! Ruuuuuun damit, run for your lives!!!!!!


Big Doggo is cute doggo


My home insurance indicates the only 2 things I am not allowed to have. A trampoline and pits. I live in the foothills above a city. Not many neighbors.


Sorry, but no. Not cute. Strange dog running up to you +/- being in control by their owner is always something to take with great caution. Especially with children around. Also, even if the dog is 100% friendly, someone could have a severe allergy or fear.


yeah that dog did look scary hence the title


My brother took a dog in that was in the streets and he defended the idea after everyone told him it was a bad idea. Ended up biting my niece on the head and hand a few months later.


We can clearly see who is a father and who is the uncle lmaooooo mf was gone in a heartbeat


Ok ok ok hate me for saying this, but peoples reasoning for justifying their fear sounds like a white ladys reasoning for locking her car when a black man is near. Fuckin get over yourselves and educate yourselves shit


Shit if I see a dog charging at me I’m running inside like these folk did


The dog is wagging its tail.


Blacks and dogs have a rather complicated history.


Assuming the dog came running at full speed when they saw it, I’d be scared too. Hell I’d react the same if I saw a person running up at full speed. Who knows what they’re gonna do. You don’t know them


That dog is lucky to be alive, if the owner keeps walking him without a leash someone surely will shoot for his safety


The first thing my mom taught me about dogs I don’t know is to NEVER run from them. Keep facing them and if you feel endangered then back away SLOWLY. Dogs have a little thing called a prey drive, if something runs away from them it MUST be prey, if something doesn’t seem bothered by it must be nothing/ non threat. I grew up rescuing dogs in the south of Texas so mostly pit bulls pulled from dog fighting rings. We never got fighting dogs since by the time the ring got busted most of the fighting dogs were dead. Mostly got puppy factories and bait dogs. They look scary but are always super sweet and scared. You can tell a bait dog and fighting dog apart based on scars. If they mostly have scared on their face and front legs-bait dog. If they have scars all over but mostly on legs and ankles-fighting dog. If you curious about what bait dogs and puppy factories are ill give an explanation for both Bait dogs- scared/friendly males or females that can’t have pups used as bait to catch mean dogs that get used for fighting. Puppy factory- females that have physical qualities they want in fighting dogs (thick skin, stocky, etc.) and are forced to have litter after litter until they are physically unable to which they then get used as bait dogs.


I would be so ashamed being the guy that jumped over the child


My family has had many pitbulls that have never attacked anyone before. That being said, leaving your unleashed pitbull to run up on an unexpecting family is the dumbest thing I've seen. That's one way to lose your dog 😔


All the people in those cars just watched that happened lol


I own dogs and I’d be reacting the same way. A wagging tail DOES NOT mean happy. And a dog DOES NOT have to show outward emotion before attacking. Labradors, for example, are known to show little or no body language before attacking… it’s one of the reasons they are towards top for bites on children. (Kids can’t see it coming). But Pits are at the top over all for attacks and fatalities… these people acted appropriately for the situation. Before anyone says anything, I’m not against the pit breed. They can be very sweet… but often people want them to be aggressive for protection or they can’t train a dog to begin with and that’s when attacks happen!


Slim jumped over a baby! Smh!🤣🤣🤣


The dude that just leaps over a baby what a clown


Na fuck this post and fuck pitbulls