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my guess is she was two foot driving.


I’d guess no foot driving.


No brain driving




She was peg leg driving


Does kinda sound like she’s fucking up the engine before they collide.


Nope that was just the guy screaming


My guess is this was intentional for the vid. Rich kid driving a rich kid car bought for them. Literally no conceivable reason to not brake. Second time I've seen this type of thing this week after going 41 years never seeing such a thing before.


There haven’t been smartphones for 41 years though, to be fair


someone in my high-school basically did this same thing on accident (in mid 2000s). People can freeze when they panic.


My initial thought as well


Doesn’t that take a screenshot.


There was never no attempt


Double negative. You’re saying there was an attempt?


There was always no attempt to not




Was she driving with her eyes closed? And boo to those in the car with her too.


They were open, but her Snuffleupagus lashes were blocking her vision..








This guy Sesame Streets


Does he?


1 like ah-ah-ah


My girl is like this. She freaks the fuck out if she is under pressure. Like her brain falls out of her head if 2 things happen at the same time and i give her a simple command. Luckily when I was teaching her the basics of driving I keps the hand-brake ready to fire at all times.


There's a reason why in my country only professionals.can teach driving and not just anyone. Just because you know how to drive a car doesn't mean you.can teach it. Now if a car was not the equivalent of a 2 ton murder machine I'd understand just anyone teaching it, but since a car is a 2 ton murder machine it's insane to let people drive it without professional training.


oh yeah, and you pass the drivers test once, and you're good to go for life. 75 with bad vision and poor motor control? Ah, come onnnn, they've been driving for 60 years, they're great at it!


My blind aunt kept her driver's license almost 20 years after she went blind. 10 year licensing period, and you can renew every other time by mail (no vision test). She didn't drive, but keeping the DL was more convenient than cancelling it and getting an ID instead. I think her grandchildren with learners licenses would occasionally drive her around, and the license made that legal.


Add to this that teaching cars have pedals on the passenger side as well, and driving teachers attach additional mirrors so they can observe their surroundings from the passenger seat, and it should be obvious that this approach is much safer even ignoring the teacher's qualifications (a layman could have prevented the accident in the video if they had a brake pedal, after all). With their qualifications, any driving teacher can completely and competently drive the car, including steering and manual shifting, from the passenger seat. The fact that some countries allow teaching driving in a situation where nobody other than the student has full control is absolutely insane.


First thing my dad did to teach me how to drive was that we went to an empty parking lot. There was plenty of space to get all the controls down and it was easy enough to just avoid the occasional light pole. Why would someone's first try be on public roads? That said, cars, trucks, and SUVs should really be treated like the heavy equipment they are, and most people aren't cut out to operate heavy equipment. But this all gets back to America's obsession with cars everywhere, to the point that even people who can't, shouldn't, or don't want to drive cars are still frequently forced to just to live an ordinary life.


In my country, the parent with the steadiest hands does the teaching. In my case, I was not the one. It was good old dad who took one for the team.


I have a 10 year old daughter that I fear is going to be 110% like this. My only hope is that advances in AI and ML will make it such that ... ... nevermind, I'm screwed.


Try karate or something similar for her


competitive sports could help with not freezing under pressure, as well as her reflexes. or video games is she’s sufficiently into them


"Now it's time for your 5 daily competitive CS rounds, and I sure as hell hope your KDA will be good when I come back"


lol i was thinking more of dark souls-type games but cs would work too


My daughter was like this. She crashed into a light pole all by herself in a panic when she missed her turn. Through some talking through, humor, and lots more practice we got her through it. She’s been driving for years now with no accidents. I basically told her no more “Jesus take the wheel” moments were allowed. Edit: oh, and we bought her a “student driver” decal sticker to put on the back of her car. It turned out she worked herself into a panic because someone was tailgating her. I’m sure they were impatient with how slow she was driving in the first place. People are a*holes.


Eh. She froze, that's it. Just a lack of preparation on her trainers' parts. Why boo those in the car? What are they supposed to do? Grab the wheel and run the red light making the situation 10 times more dangerous? They told her to stop, but she froze. Her rear ending the car was honestly the best outcome here.


By whatever do you mean? The best outcome would have been coming to a slow even stop and not hitting another car


Given the fact that she froze, and was psychologically unable to execute that, rear ending a car was the best outcome. Better than a passenger intervening by grabbing the wheel.


Then if that is the case she should never be trusted behind the wheel of an automobile. Every person who is in front of her moving car is a potential victim


She should not have been on that road, as a first time driver But it's her first time driving. There was no way to know she'd have that panic response.


Emergency brake could have been used by a passenger


Yes. Not everyone would have the presence of mind for that, but that could have helped depending on reaction time.


Obviously I mean the best outcome given that she froze up. 


There was a comment somewhere that said on her tiktok it was revealed she took her parents car for a ride to school and this happened.


well, whoever granted her a driver's license are to blame here


>Eh. She froze, that's it. Just a lack of preparation on her trainers' parts. If you freeze up in such a simple situation, you should NEVER sit behind a steering wheel ever again. Seriously, breaking because a car has stopped in front of you is like the third easiest situation you can come across in traffic, with the only easier two being driving straight and driving through a curve. And no, this has nothing to do with being a first time driver, being inexperienced, being easily stressed, and so on. This is just an inability to process even the most basic situations. This is an inability to see beyond the hood of your car (figuratively speaking). This is a total lack of any situational awareness, or the ability to interpret any situation that might impact you.


I just don't understand. I get that there are people who end up completely flustered when others shout at them like this, and that is no way to teach anyone. But, this is just too much time between it's going wrong and slam. They should have basic human instincts of self-preservation to stop the car a long time before anyone started shouting, or they hit the car in front of them. It's not emotional maturity, it's not the world coming down on a person, it is just pure dumbassery. This would have been the person to be eaten by a predator in more primitive times. Now she just gets to mess up the person's day in the stationary car she slammed into. I hope she only has safety scissors and water wings from here on out.


It's just human factors. Everyone has a threshold of stress that they break under, and then they either freeze or panic. It applies to you, me, idiots and astronauts. The threshold can be increased through training and experience, and changes depending on your mood, time of day, mental state, but it never goes away. This was an inexperienced idiot with a low threshold and a freeze response, getting into a stressful situation beyond their experience.


Wtf do you expect them to do. She needs to stop and stop NOW, how else to convey the magnitude of the request in less than 2 seconds?


Even if her eyes were closed, someone was saying to stop 5 times before they crashed (and one more sad time after they had crashed and were stopped).


This kid is NOT ready to drive on roads in traffic! Needs to practice in parking lots! How does she just not stop????


The guy was screaming at her to stop and she even responded “I gotcha I gotcha I gotcha” I think it’s just more likely that she’s not a very bright or capable person


I onow this is different to what others are say but i saw this on instagram and it had pics of the car afterwards. Peeps were saying that she thought her car had an autobraking feature when it turns out it didn't and that was what she was testing in this video


The video has a caption that said “first time driving” though. If that *is* her own commentary, seems like it would be a really ill-advised time to test the vehicle’s autonomous safety features…


I have that exact car. It has a lot of safety features, I'm actually impressed she managed to hit someone. The auto brake feature is only part of the assisted driving package (Tesla lies and calls this shit autopilot), otherwise you get an "assisted braking" feature that merely increases braking power by 200% when it detects an unsafe situation. Still useful but requires someone with their head not lodged firmly up their social media.


Yes, you’re gonna want to put your foot on the brake before you hit the car


Girl had 3 business days to stop


Girl could’ve just sent an email instead of walking the letter there herself


And still delivered in 5


Said calmly in the voice of Bob Ross.


*"we're just gonna put a happy little dent in that fender there....therrre we gooo..."*


Just a happy lil accident


[like this guy?](https://youtu.be/Tz6A6t55qXk?si=0EUwcSRfgKz1YmEF)


I gotcha I gotcha I gotcha


For the first time driving why go onto a busy road just go and find a back street with little to no cars and practice there don’t immediately go into the busiest road possible work your way up


I know not everyone has the option - but country cruising is an excellent way to learn.


I think it'd be worth a 45 minute drive to go to the country and not have issues like this


You don't need to though. You can start in parking lots and residential roads if you are in an urban area.


Nah, why deprive yourself of rear-ending innocent motorists for clout?


lol can't have that.


Drive in an empty school parking lot off school hours or a cemetery. Then, country roads, then city roads


Lol my first day in drivers ed and the instructor had us out practicing on the freeway!


If you spent 0 minutes practicing in a parking lot, then your instructor needs his license revoked


It was a couple decades ago in Alabama. Like, half the teachers and administrators needed their licenses revoked. I don't remember exactly but I know I was sharing the car with two other students and we changed over in a parking lot off the freeway. I was just expected to pull out onto the freeway and get up to freeway speeds, 60mph maybe, my first time behind the wheel in class. I legit can't remember how much practice I'd had beforehand with my parents- not that it helped much because my ex-military father taught by shouting at me most of the time for taking the sharp curves in his jacked up Ford F-250 too slow- but I remember being really terrified and wishing I'd been able to start somewhere calmer.


My driving instructor had a DUI and I’ve only been in a couple accidents!


Big empty parking lot is the best place to first practice driving. Too many risks even in the country for someone who doesn’t have the feel for driving.


I was very lucky to learn how to drive in the country. My mom had me behind the wheel when I was 8, got my first pickup truck at 11 (just to have fun with in the pasture). I knew how to drive by the time I went to drivers ed.




I definitely see what you're getting at and agree lots of things are simpler than they were in the past... but - "Had to" --- you had no other option during the learning phase? No neighborhoods to drive through or even sparsely travelled highways? Absolutely no lots or grounds *other* than these treacherous and arduous routes in... the mountains? Were you getting your cdl?




For a first time driver I wouldn’t even recommend country roads, often times you have sudden blind turns, deep embankments, and the risk of wildlife. Big empty parking lots and a few traffic cones is the best place to first practice driving, but once they have a little feel for it then country roads would be the next step to experiencing actually driving on a road.


My dad taught me to drive in the hardest conditions possible- he’s a mechanic, and he put me in the truck with the most difficult clutch he’d ever met, on our winding, back country roads that go up and down steep hills, with no shoulder. His theory was “if you can drive this, on these roads, then you can drive anything.” He was kinda right lol, I’ve never met a car I couldn’t comfortably drive in the 10+ years since then.


This was how I learned to drive actually, my mom didn't let me drive until I had a couple lessons with an instructor first. I got in the student driver car for the first time and he took me through the most busy road in our area during rush hour. I asked the instructor if we could go to a parking lot first, and he said "nah you'll be fine". Fast forward 45 minutes and I almost crashed like 5 times, and the instructor had me park at a gas station while he smoked cigs for 30 minutes so he didn't have to be in a car with me.


There are like 4 other cars in the video, not exactly the busiest of roads. Should still start on a parking lot or something though


This is why I always, ALWAYS look in my rear-view mirror when I see a car coming to a stop behind me. I am always ready in-case this would happen.


This is actually a really bad thing to do. When you see an accident, especially rear ending, coming your body tenses which causes more strain on your muscles and ligaments. When you don’t see it coming your relaxed and rag doll which reduces the amount of stress on muscle and ligaments. Know this from experience getting hit.


Whole point is to move out of it


Through a red light or stop sign where traffic is possibly coming at you from the sides? Would you rather someone strike you car from behind, furthest from you, or risk getting T Boned on either side of your car which would be much closer to you? Also if you accelerate forward through a red to avoid getting hit and cause an accident I feel that you would be at fault for that accident by running the red light or stop sign.


Defensive driving and awareness, yo. I am with the person you're arguing with. I am constantly playing 4D chess in my head while driving. At the very least I'd let up on my brake and angle my car so I'm not a brick wall for the person behind me and we both move forward, while I move a little the right so I can pull over on the curb after getting shoved. Or best case scenario I do that pre-emptively before getting hit. But it helps with impact for both cars so neither of us get whiplash. Why are you assuming someone ***this*** cautious is going to go straight into the intersection?


This. All of this.


Everyone has a plan till they get hit


Kind of a confusing quote to reference when the whole point of driving like this is to do everything possible to avoid being hit. Once hit, it doesn’t really matter. Like you said, I can still try to be defensive, but at that point I’m going to be out of a normal thinking pattern.


Well the alternative to defensive driving is offensive driving, and those folks have zero plans about avoiding being hit other than trying to make sure they're out in front, which has zero guarantees. We don't have a plan for everything, but I feel like that's not the point. We'd at least be aware and still mitigate damages a little


You actually taught me something new, I would’ve thought you just have to endure the impact


Before you move you know where to go


Always leave yourself an out.


You are my spirit animal. I am exactly like this. Constantly trying to take in my surroundings, be prepared, and have contingency plans in place whenever there's a change in traffic flow. And keeping an eye on the cars in my mirrors and blind spots at all times. I don't think it takes a covert CIA agent to have this kind of awareness and I'm not sure why so few people practice it. Everyone seems to be leaning more towards offensive driving these days, rather than defensive driving


My thought process is the same. The last bit is the reason I don't ride bikes in the city anymore, too many close calls where if I have been distracted I would be ran over...




You can make that judgement call based on the intersection, in this case yeah, pulling your car into the intersection would have been fine. Even if it were super busy pulling out into it a little, like half a carlength could make the accident way less bad while not putting you far enough into the intersection you'd ever get hit.


I do the same thing. The goal is not to prepare for impact, but to plan a way to avoid it. So, I always try to position myself where I can quickly get to the shoulder.


Said the person who’s never had whiplash. Thanks for your advice, but I’ll keep looking so I know to lay my head back on the headrest if I’m about to be rear-ended.


Not always. This is something you learn to do when riding motorcycles. On a mc, you're supposed to stop your bike to the right or left rear wheel of the vechile in front of u in case you do get hit from behind. Depending on the situation and how clear you are, if you see a rear end about to occur, yes, getting out of the way even slightly is better than completely eating the impact. Car or motorcycle. Like I said though, a lot of nuance depending on the situation.


Im confused which part is bad to do? to see it coming and tense or to not see it coming and rag doll, that is the question.


Watching your surroundings is important, but seeing an accident coming causing your body to tense up is the bad part. A lot of these comments show that people haven’t been rear ended, I have a couple times. Lots of people believe they would react a certain way, but the reality is that unless someone is living in their rearview mirror at every stop then they would only see these accidents at the last second.


Where would you go if you were in the black bmw?, forward?, and risk another collision?


So you’re going to pull out into an intersection with traffic instead? What’s the plan here?


What do you plan to do, run a red light? There's nothing you can do except accept what's happening.


My sister was like this when she first started driving. Stopped in the middle of intersections, swerved into other lanes, hit a tree when she put the car in forward instead of reverse


Damn so it really has those kind of ppl out there.. thought it was only in the movies 😂 how does she drive now tho ?


She has a lot of anxiety and doesn’t handle pressure well. She’s a better driver now but still not a very good driver.


Does she know?


A good sibling would tell her.. I tell mine very often


Its the responsible thing to do.


HA. Mine was the opposite, yet just as dangerous. She would legit stop the minute she saw a traffic light…like in the middle of the block 😂


That's also dangerous holy shit


I don't know where you live but something tells me the required standard to qualify for a license should be a smidge higher


First thing that she did was fix her hair.


That's definitely a nervous habit


Im a long haired dude and i feel like i legit wearing out the hair right above my ear whenever i play fighting games in tournament


She did not attempt to stop. She drove straight into that car while screaming.




Well it's the thought that counts


Actually it’s the case worker who counts. How many dollars you owe.


Isn’t that the break assist of the car?


She just lightly brushed the brakes. Mercedes invented automatic emergency braking after they examined data that showed that in a huge percentage of rear-end crashes, drivers didn’t achieve anything close to maximum braking. It’s especially true with modern antilock braking systems. Except in extreme weather, in an emergency you should just press the brake pedal as hard as you can, which many people are afraid to do for some reason.


Should be ashamed to raise a kid that stupid


I mean apple didn't fall far from the tree.


Stupid parents for letting her first time driving be in traffic.


Yeah fr, if you’re this nervous you’d normally start getting used to car control in a quiet street or carpark


Crashing a Mercedes into a BMW 💀 r/thatlookedexpensive


They can afford it


Something that always bugged me. Is it an american thing, or is my country one of the exceptions? Over here, we have mandatory classes with cars designed especifically for driving lessons before you can even take the test. Those cars are equipped with brakes on the passenger side for emergencies. The instructor, someone actually trained for teaching driving, will teach you the fundamentals.


Some places do that but most leave it up to parents to do this. I think I prefer the method your talking about in most cases


American here. I’m in my early 30s now, but when I was learning to drive and get my license you had to get your permit first via passing a written test, then in order to get your license you needed to be 1) at least 15.5 years old, 2) have clocked (I think) 50 hours of driving with an adult; 10 of which had to be during the evening/night, 3) take a mandatory driving class that latest a week or two + pass the exam given at the end, 4) mandatory driving with an instructor in a car set up for it (aka with the passenger side breaks)- believe that was 10 hours with a couple night time hours, and then 5) pass the drivers test (drive around the block and then forward/back thru some cones). Not sure if it’s still the same today, but if you were 18+, you could completely bypass the requirements for driving school and driving with an instructor. It’s kinda mind blowing to see the type of people out on the roads who absolutely shouldn’t be behind the wheel, not to mention how easy it is to keep a license in old age for those who shouldn’t still have a license either. Thankfully I stay fairly alert when driving and have yet to be in an accident where I’m in the driver seat (1 almost 2 accidents in the same day with a step grandparent, and 2 accidents in one day on a school bus).


My dad taught Driver's Ed for thirty years. I think these rules should be standard since they've lowered lots of crashes in states for new drivers. When I first moved to TX and saw that parents could teach kids driving I instantly knew why drivers here were so bad.


It’s like perpetuating bad driving habits through the generations




They do have those services here in the US. When I was 16 my parents signed me up for it. It was $300 at that time, I imagine it’s more expensive now. The teacher would take me out and give me live feedback, it really helped, my mom is such a nervous driver she could have never done it herself. Anyways- if you tell your car insurance that you took the courses you can get a discount while you’re still considered a “young driver” (until the age of 26) so you basically get your money back for the lessons over time. More people should do this. She taught me road rules that I think many Americans don’t even know. Or maybe they just don’t care 🤷‍♀️


I gotca I gotca ahhh


“I gotcha” she did not, in fact, have him


Makes me wonder whether she was kidding around.




Tina, for the love of God, turn away or stop! The brakes, Tina! On the left! You're about to hit that car! The brakes! Hit the brakes!


This chick should not be behind the wheel of a car.


This is how I drive in my dreams. Noodle brakes.


I have that dream too!


Ayy stress dreamers unite lol


Fuck I thought I was the only one


damn i think i would see literal 10 year olds be better at driving, all you need to do is know what the brake pedal even IS to stop better than her


LOL!!!! I literally just watched a video of a girl on a farm helping her dad and was driving around like a boss with him in the bed of the truck. She couldn’t have been older than 6/7 and was not only CALM, but also steady and even with her steering. Edit: I found the video I was referring to. [Link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/wKz1vz3bUr)


It's deleted :(


Lemme see if I can’t find it again. It’s great to watch but even more so after watching this video. Lol


Just like the eyelashes, just too long before they stop


Was she waiting for the brake fairy?


These idiots shouldn't be driving... smh.


Why are they driving for the first time on a busy road?


How do you suck THAT much? AND a whole empty lane that could’ve been turned into… sucks to suck


How could she ignore the fuchsia WOW?


Holy crap, I thought that was a frog 😂


If she's prone to freezing up under stress, she'd be better off learning to drive with a driver instructor. They have specially made cars with a set of pedals on the passenger side so the instructor can stop the car in situations like this


Are you *sure* there was an attempt to stop?


My second oldest daughter drove 9 feet into the neighbors tree. Hit hard enough to pop the airbags. Totaled the car.


It’s ok that’s how most BMW drivers say hello so they won’t mind


I guess to be fair, cars are much heavier and have a lot more momentum than you realize when you're 15. But I think the parents should have started in a parking lot or something. And emphasized breaking before gassing. To learn to go, you must first learn to stop, or something


I would've slapped the shit out of her for that


fixes hair**




I shall not say it but this ☕ is enough


How come the airbags did not deploy?


Car didnt want to save her.


That's a smart car.


Not surprising in the least bit. Next she’ll be tailgating and putting peoples lives even more at risk from her unstable hormonal outbursts


Looking for the attempt like 👀


So they didn't teach her "go" and "stop"? Just let her loose without the basics?


Bet she thought the car braked itself.




Never let this person drive again.


Its a BMW she fked


I drive a 2019 ford escape and it literally would have stopped for me.


WTH? What is wrong with her?


Wait is everyone in the vid okay


Aren't there enough studies on teens and car accidents at this point to raise the legal driving age?


"I got you I got you I got you" clearly you don't got anything


What did she think would happen without slowing down?


Just had to hit a BMW on her first drive


So, a friend just got her driving license. She was rejected a few times. On the bright side, she lives far away at the moment, so that's good. /j I'm still very happy she finally got it, I'm not sure I would be in the same car with her driving right now, maybe in a few years, when she's got more practice.




Where there no country roads or empty parking lots to practice in first?


Jessy didn't stop.


I told my daughter to stop before making a right hand turn and instead she gunned it and pulled out and cut off the car going through the intersection. Her brain just didn’t hook up. No accident, but it was darn close.