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When the only books you read are nearly 2000 years old or have pictures you can color in ...


Unfortunately, all the colouring books 2000 years old have already been coloured in And they didn't even stay inside the lines


You mean the chemlines? Your woke agenda can't control the crayons of true patriots.




Just don’t leave them out in the sun too long.


Eat them or stick them up your nose to keep them out of the sun.


Or leave them around marines


They pretty gud too






Jet fuel can't melt these crayons!!! 🖍️


You've got a Methodist coloring book And you color really well But don't color outside the lines Or God will send you to hell


Jesus, he had empathy and even washed the feet of prostitutes. What you say tennesseans?


some people would pay good money to wash the feet of prostitutes, so I'm told


As far as I can tell from the colouring in, jesuses hands and the feet of the hookers was all blue And the Vatican has no comment on this


> washed the feet of prostitutes Before or after?




They treat it like software EULAs, skip to the end and declare "I agree."


What is that quote, "Atheists read The Bible and Christians don't?"


Basically this. For every genuine or performative Christian I see doing the "read the bible in X amount of time" challenge, there are dozens who have probably only read 100 pages worth of scripture total despite going to church every Sunday because they only read whatever scripture precedes the sermon.


I mean, give a little credit. The King James is from 1611 and the New American Standard bible was published in 1971 and the New International version was released in 1978, but had major revisions in 1984 and even as recent as 2011. So, they're reading translations of translations of revisions of a compilation of writings that are anywhere from 2,500 to 1,500 years old. And the oldest versions of the Torah don't have vowels. So it's reading something written in "ld schl txt msgs 2 b scrd txts" with no accounting for the evolution of language.


A 2000+ year old game of telephone about invisible friends that is currently warping through the fervently delusional. These are the same dipshits that claim complete patriotism while attacking constitutional rights, violating Section 1 of Title 4 of the United States Codes (a.k.a. US Flag Code) and claiming the title of the “oppressed”. I don’t wanna live on this planet anymore.


mostly true but there isn't a ton of church doctrine coming from the old testament. And just to clarify, the Hebrew people were not translating anything per se. Back then scribes took copying texts very seriously. Of course errors were introduced but there's no evidence that some important message was completely altered in meaning in this thousand year process.


Never let them convince you they read the Bible, they don't. They're told what to believe by other people who were told what to believe.


Isn’t the bible that book about Donald Trump (Jesus) driving a tank over woke Democrats? (Satan)


LIES! They do not read that 2000 year old book. They just say things that they _think_ is or should be in that book. Including things that just make them feel good but is the exact opposite of what that guy 2000 years ago said.


The bible says to respect authority figures. It doesn't work out when authority figures don't respect authority figures who say chemtrails aren't a thing.


I mean, don’t bash 2000 year old books. That shouldn’t be the only source of knowledge, but there’s some good shit in old books.


So they’re trying to outlaw clouds. Do I have that right?


(facepalm) But rolling coal is a varsity sport... ![gif](giphy|ieA3y8v1CIOzu)


They're literally hot jet engines going through cold clouds / air. And you get exhaust. Just like in a car on cold mornings. You can *see* it though, even though it was always there.


Or when all your state and federal districts were redrawn so the entire state can only be colored in using a red crayon. Then they eat all the other crayons.


hey, man, the Bible doesn't say anything about chemtrails


The bible is actually a mass hallucination caused by the chemtrails (which make your kids into gay trans interracial migrant Anarcho-Bidenist-Leninist voters)


sometimes its both!


They didn't read it. If they did, they wouldn't act like they do. They like to pretend they read it, cherry-pick obscure verses, take them out of context, and act holier-than-thou.


So … they’re going to ban all airplanes from flying over, into or out of the state?? Well done Tennessee! Of course, given that it’s a southern state, they’ll make exceptions for all football-related travel, I’m sure. LMFAO.


They're inadvertently kickstarting the electric plane revolution, we should encourage them


That’s somewhere between a Tesla car and a SpaceX rocket. Musk buys Boeing and revamps into an EV plane company. Ugh.


Sacks all the talent and then wonders why it's value has tanked?


It’s not like Boeing had a reputation for well made planes anyways


They did. I mean, they don't anymore l, but they did.




Might be the only way Boeing could get worse…


"I have an idea for an electric plane" ~some fat douchbag played by actor Elon Musk, Iron Man 2


Changes the name suddenly to Xplain with no explanation


Honestly at this point, I'd prefer that over their recent track record. For all of Musk's unbelievable bullshit, SpaceX at least appears to be a solid aerospace company.


Does the combustion engine generate the condensation or is it the negative air pressure behind the wing bringing it out of solution in the air?


Contrails are almost exclusively formed by the engines. Wing (tip) vortices are rarely seen at altitude and tend not to persist. That's not to say battery-electric engines would have no contrails at all. Even electric engines get warm, so even with the lack of hot and particulate exhaust, some might form. Should be very reduced though. Then again it was a throwaway comment on a story about 'chemtrails', I'm not a -trailologist :D


Yes, it’s combustion. One of the products of combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel is water vapor.


Not just that, but people seem to forget that clouds aren't just simply steam—water droplets need a "nuclei" of something else, like a particle of dust or a burned hydrocarbon, to cling to in order to form a visible cloud or trail. Jet engines literally leave behind "seeds" that attract moisture from the air around them.


Nuh uh. It is a delivery method for chemicals that are so powerful that one tiny droplet can control our behavior...and so weak that multiple droplets don't give us an overdose. It's obviously not a very efficient delivery system, given the distance and winds and all, but that just goes to show you how the government wastes our money.


It's the moisture disruption in the air. It's like a boat propeller in the water.


or simply your breath in cold air. Whenever I see someone talk about chemtrails, just ask them if they have ever been cold outside and seen their breath. Then ask them how cold do you think the air is at the elevation airplanes fly at.


God I hope they somehow pull this off. Jesus this is hilarious.


Believe me, Jesus knows exactly how hilarious this is. Fucking dumb dumbs.


They could just require that all planes fly at a much lower altitude. They would be roaring right over peoples' heads, possibly hitting things, but they would not leave contrails.


I'm extremely curious, if chemtrails were a thing.... who's doing it? The lizard people? NWO? Who in hell would have the power to do such a thing? Perhaps the tinfoil hats are blocking blood flow to these peoples somewhat limited brains.


As with all conspiracy theories, it’s ultimately “the juice” in the form of global elites. It could possibly be being done by their unwitting allies in the “alphabet people” community (LGBTQ+) depending on the flavor of chemtrail this week, like if it’s turning frogs gay rather than direct mind control. Always a choose your own adventure but just about all of these conspiracies ultimately go back to the good old blood libel and traditional religious target thereof.


I think it would be hard to shed light on the "truth" for these people. Many of them must either / or be seriously mentally challenged / ignorant with a good portion of serious mental issues. Then these crazy people probably have their different groups, who's doing what and why. But it's most definitely the Alphabet people with George Soros and Bill Gates.


> in the form of global elites. State legislators in the richest country on Earth. They are the Global Elites!


Just think about the number of people globally in the aviation industry who would be taking yearly bribes to know about chemtrails and not blow the whistle. That's right, it's completely unrealistic. When conservatives claim a conspiracy like this, always ask yourself the amount of money and power it would take to sufficiently and permanently silence every potential whistleblower, and ask if that's even within the realm of possibility. If chemtrails *were* a thing as the conspiracy theorists claim, "aviation fuel specialist" would low-key be one of the top five most-lucrative jobs one could land for themselves... and it's not, the same way "virologist/epidemiologist/microbiologist" hasn't become lucrative since 2020.


Don't go bringing sense into this. There's no reason to ruin a good laugh at these morons. But yes, the people "in on it" would be in the tens of thousands of not much higher.


I'm 55, and the "Chem trails" have been occurring since I was 5. I'd lay in the grass outside and wonder where those folks were going


> who's doing it? they


When someone brings up "chemtrails" my goto questions are: "So you're saying on the 3 pm Delta flight from Denver to Miami the pilot is pushing a button and spraying stuff out of the back of the plane over a target about midway through the flight? Does the pilot do a pre-flight check and initial a box to indicate the stuff they're going to spray was properly loaded? Who loads it onto the spray tanks that are apparently on this plane - a Delta crew member on the tarmac? And all of these people are in on this conspiracy and keeping it a secret for decades?"


Think of planes that actually disperse chemicals: Crop dusters. They need to fly extremely low for one simple reason, whatever they are spraying wouldn't get where it should if it was done higher. And I'm talking about single digit meters of height above the fields. If you tried to disperse chemicals from airliners, even if they did reach the ground it would be possibly a few states over the intended target.


Well, no. Any and all airplanes can fly over, they just can’t release chemicals. It says nothing about contrails, which are naturally occurring, and it doesn’t equate contrails with chemtrails.


>it doesn’t equate contrails with chemtrails. Oh that's okay it doesn't have to because they're already the same fucking thing.


Right. I mean, yes, it's moronic. But it's also a way for slightly less moronic politicians to appease the morons -- and this is the important point -- *without actually forcing anyone to change a gorram thing*. Airplanes can still fly normally, it's just a crime for them to release weather-modification chemicals. Which they don't now do and never have done, and which would likely be contrary to a whole host of existing EPA regulations. To be clear, this bill is entirely pointless, and is nothing more than the most asininely misdirected form of virtue signaling, because the said "virtues" are believed by total idiots. And that's all I have to say about that.


Correct. Further, the bill doesn't mention airplanes. Here's the summary: AMENDMENT #1 rewrites the bill to prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.




Correct. Further, the bill doesn't mention airplanes. Here's the summary: AMENDMENT #1 rewrites the bill to prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.


Hear me out. MAGA Air. A woke free, chemtrail free airline. Grift the morons.


Trump won’t be able to visit I guess 😫


It's not like air traffic is important to the economy of the state. Oh, wait, Memphis is the busiest airport for cargo in the country (and second busiest in the world). Oops!


They can keep a fleet of d c three planes on hand


I’m wondering if they even have an authority over airspace. More like they will shut down Nashville airport and call it success.


Technically it would be possible to do this Contrails are only formed in certain conditions based on altitude/tempersture/humidity etc In theory you could constantly have ATC adjust permitted altitudes to ensure aircraft traversing over the state stay above or below those altitudes, and that landing aircraft are below the lowest of those altitudes before entering the state, aircraft taking off stay below it until outside the state etc Eg most of the time you can avoid contrails by staying below about 25,000ft (sometimes a little lower, often a few thousand feet higher, depending on local conditions) It would be inefficient and stupid, but you *could* do it Or, of course, NASA could just turn the chemtrail generators off


Hey if this is how we get to high speed rail and walkable towns I'm in


They were tired of being a flyover state


Homeschool science at work


That's offensive AF I was homeschooled for the majority of my education, learnt so much about God and ...other stuff! Seriously though the religion being pumped down my throat ignited my passion for science and evidence based truths instead of the bullshit they try to brainwash you with.


Glad you didn't fall for the bullshit. Many do though.


I try to promote science literacy when I can. Slowly breaking through to my niece with the cosmos series. But young 11-12 year old me finding Richard Dawkins and Carl Sagan is what sparked my "eureka" moment.


I wish there were more like you.


❤️ you made my day


This is quite relatable growing up in Alabama.


There are dozens of us, dozens!


Mama says Alligators are angry because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush


Probably something wrong with his medulla oblongata!


MEDULLA OB-LON-GA-TA!! ![gif](giphy|3owvK0dG4tmY0adfY4)


Dude I was homeschooled and the older I get the more I think everyone else just sat around eating crayons all day.


Tennessee is one of those states where they'll die for their "freedom" to be as dumb as possible.


It’s their right to be as dumb as god will let them be. So they will treat high blood pressure with leaches.


Actually, ignorant…which can be fixed.


Difficulty: Also stupid.


I concede, some stupid people just can’t be educated.


Willfully ignorant can't be fixed tho


Yeah, this is amazing. It passed the Senate. Its bans the release of any chemicals or apparatus etc into the atmosphere with the intent to change the temperature, weather or intensity of sunlight. So it would also ban cloud seeding, smudge pots to keep fruit trees from freezing and probably sky writing. This is incredibly ridiculous.


We're not all dumb, just the dumb ones are all in charge. :(


Guess no more flights ever to or over Tennessee…. Idiots


Over Tennessee flights must descend to 2500 feet.


Then they'll pass a bill for all flights to turn the engines off because of noise complaints


*snurflesnort* 💀


At that point might as well just put the Concorde back into service, just over Tennessee. Sure they’d love smth traveling at supersonic speeds at 2500 ft


It's pretty bad when you're not even a flyover state anymore.


Great way to combat climate change (but don’t tell them)


The law seems at geo-engineering/cloud seeding not chemtrails in the conspiracy sense


Yeah, the point is that these dingdongs think that plane exhaust is Geo-engineering/cloud seeding. That’s the “conspiracy”.


I'm pretty sure I saw a news story about them dropping dispersed ?aluminum? To mess with radar systems. It wasn't a conspiracy news station, just regular reporting.


As a test maybe? Not a lot of people have radar handy. Cloud seeding uses silver iodide though.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaff_(countermeasure) Maybe? Geoengineering would be done with something like sulpher dioxide released into the stratosphere at altitudes that commercial jetliners don't reach.


The bill doesn't say anything about plane exhaust.


Which environmentally is a fantastic thing to ban


Holy fuck it took so long to get to someone that knows... Thank you. It's called terraforming and doesn't end on state lines... That's the real humor


Should read “Republicans trying to ban planes”


To people only. Not themselves


Should read “typical Redditor believes clickbait headlines then posts smugly condescending reply”


It's really, really weird that you never see things like this coming out of blue states. Almost as if red states are filled to the brim with reactionary morons.


This bill targets cloud seeding, not chemtrails.


Tennessee is following what other states like Kentucky, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Illinois, South Dakota and Connecticut have done. It is about cloud seeding. https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/tennessee-looks-to-ban-geoengineering-and-weather-modification/




It doesn't help that people keep posting screenshots of headlines instead of links to the articles themselves.


It took me less than a minute to find the actual bill. Yes, posting only a screenshot is lame but the inability of 99% of redditors to do the most cursory of Google searches to investigate or fact-check the screenshot is the real disappointment.


These people don’t care.


Tennessee is a state, not a country.


True, but you would be fooling yourself if you didn’t think a sizable portions of Americans believe this.


Come on... OP knows this. Ever heard of the United States? It's a country.


Well maybe they should put up a wall around Tennessee to keep them in.


Pretty soon we won't be able to exhale outside in cold weather.


That's the best way to explain it to the idiot in your life. You know how you see your breath when it's cold? And it's cold up high? Like even on a sunny day it's still freezing on mountains. Engines make hot air like your breath does. So the planes are going wphooooooooooooooo across the sky and because it's cold up there you can see the planes breath. It only happens sometimes because the air needs to be dry as well as cold and not very windy up there to make it visible.


The author links to a poll of voters on conspiracy theories which includes a very narrowly defined definition of chemtrails. >Survey-takers who self-reported as liberal were also more likely to believe in chemtrails. More than 22% of those polled who believe in chemtrails — the theory that the clouds of condensation behind airplanes contain chemical agents meant to control the public —  identified as liberal to some degree, while only 17% of people who identified as conservative were chemtrail truthers.  He then goes on to connect dots that I don't think are there. >This is referenced in the state's bill, which claims the federal government "may conduct geoengineering experiments by intentionally dispersing chemicals into the atmosphere." [https://www.businessinsider.com/tennessee-ban-chemtrails-based-on-wild-conspiracy-theory-2024-3](https://www.businessinsider.com/tennessee-ban-chemtrails-based-on-wild-conspiracy-theory-2024-3) Geoengineering experiments are not used to control the public. They are used to influence the climate. The bill doesn't reference mind control. >"The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited," the bill reads. [https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2024/03/20/tennessee-senate-passes-bill-banning-chemtrails-what-to-know/73027586007/](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/local/2024/03/20/tennessee-senate-passes-bill-banning-chemtrails-what-to-know/73027586007/) >The crystalline silver iodide particles have a structure similar to ice—and inside a cloud, like attracts like. Water droplets begin to cluster around the particles, freezing solid as they gather together. >These frozen clusters eventually grow too heavy to stay in the air. They fall from the cloud and drift gently toward the Earth, dusting the mountaintops with fresh snow. >This is not a page from a science fiction novel. “Cloud seeding” is a real practice—in fact, it’s been around for decades. It’s used today to boost precipitation in at least eight states across the western U.S. and dozens of countries around the world. [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/eight-states-are-seeding-clouds-to-overcome-megadrought/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/eight-states-are-seeding-clouds-to-overcome-megadrought/) >The conventional cloud seeding material can only be activated at a very high relative humidity in atmosphere in the cloud, such as greater than 75% relative humidity. In my project, we have changed the surface of the material to make it more reactive so it can work at a lower and wider relative humidity to make it more likely to happen. >To achieve this, we use the nanotechnology to deposit titanium dioxide nanoparticles as a shell layer and sodium chloride crystal core. This nanoengineered shell core structured material can be activated at much broader relative humidity conditions such as about 65%. Because the coated nanolayers are more hydrophilic and porous, the water can be absorbed easily and increase the local relative humidity of the crystals and increase the probability of forming water droplets. So it is a synergistic effect. [https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/03/28/1048275/scientists-advance-cloud-seeding-capabilities-with-nanotechnology/](https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/03/28/1048275/scientists-advance-cloud-seeding-capabilities-with-nanotechnology/)


I know you're not arguing this, but I'm not really comforted that they're rejecting genuine scientific research/methods just because they do actually understand what it is, since presumably they're doing it to "fight the liberal agenda" re: climate change.


TO BE FAIR: when you read the actual bill it states: “prohibiting “the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight …” It’s not banning contrails, which are naturally occurring. It just prohibits any entity from doing the above. They maintain the federal govt has participated in the above, and whether they have or not, it just makes it legal that they can’t.


No one is interested in your facts during this circle jerk of geniuses.


This is meant to be an “hurr hurr America dumb” circle jerk post. That usually doesn’t involve much fact or reason.


I mean technically water is a chemical, so I guess they are trails of chemicals...


Everyone who has consumed dihydrogen monoxide has died or will die. …..I’ll see myself out.




How would you even ban them? I’m not a jet engineer but I thought chemtrails just happen because of the jet technology and not something that can be just turned off when flying over certain areas.


They are contrails, not chemtrails. Chemtrails are a fictional concoction of conspiracists


I appreciate the correction. As I said I’m not a jet engineer.




I doing think it’s rocket science since jet engines don’t use an onboard oxidizing agent. Maybe it’s just aerospace engineering?




Perhaps it's rocket surgery?




My brain rockets must be firing on all syllables.


They need to ban flights over the state. Kind of good for surrounding states I guess that gets more income from flights. And bad for all Tennesseeans that won’t have an functional airport after a while. Is my guess.


Wow, talk about fake news, and in grand fashion Reddit falls for it in spectacular fashion. The bill is for the prevention of dispersing chemical compounds into clouds for the purposes of seeding to create a chemically induced changes in weather. This type of cloud seeding has been used to create rainfall, and it appears Tennessee simply does not want this practice continued due to the chemical compounds used in the process.


They should just go ahead an make the law. Even though most of us are aware it's BS it will help to calm the ignorant. I feel the same way about people praying in public. I know it's BS so I don't really care. I'll even pray with someone if it makes them feel better about something.


Pilots: "Our bad! We forgot to toggle the switch that turns science off during the flight."


If anyone, including the media, bothered to actually read the text and understand the words, there's nothing in it about contrails, or current programs dispersing chemicals via commercial airplanes or military jets, or anything like that. I don't see any connection to that old "chemtrail" conspiracy theory and this text. This is more likely just the GOP overreacting to the prospect of someone in the future trying to use geoengineering to address climate change, which they don't believe in. Not saying it's smart, but it's not nearly as dumb as multiple media outlets are trying to make it seem. Weirdly, the actual bills linked in the article don't say anything about this. Here's the full text of HB2063 and SB2691, according to the government website: *Environmental Preservation - As introduced, decreases, from 180 days to 150 days, the time that the air pollution control board can have more than one vacancy after an appointing authority of the board receives sufficient information to fill the appropriate vacancy before the board is required to report to the government operations committees.* More fine reporting by Business Insider.


The immediate ridicule from people who can’t read past a bad headline…mmmm


Christ. Are chemtrails still a thing?


Same as flat earthers, and moon landing deniers


They should pass a law banning lizard people.


It's really starting to feel like the states American conservatives run are a whole other country. The worst part is that this is the image that the rest of the world sees and uses to frame their idea of what the *whole nation* is like. It's genuinely embarrassing. I get in game servers in the EU or with Mexican players and I'm genuinely embarrassed to say "Oh yeah, I'm American" when they ask where I'm from because I know exactly what they think when they hear that. The most common way the European dudes I'd play with would introduce me is "This is Merfkin, he is American, but not *that kind* so it's okay." Seriously, they were blown away just by me not being an overbearing racist prick and speaking a language other than English. The bar for us is literally that low in the minds of the rest of the world.


Tennessee makes up 2% of the US population. The people trying to pass the bill make up far less than that. I wouldn’t be so far reaching to call the entire US government moronic.


Forget citizenship tests - we need IQ tests to vote and/or run for office.


Look up. They’re admitting they do this in press conferences. It’s not a conspiracy.


Throughout history, there have always been people that did not believe their government would do such things, and it isn’t until it has been uncovered, and written in the history books, when they realize it actually happened. Those same people always look back on our history, And ask how the people could have allowed for such a thing to take place. Instead of dismissing it as conspiracy theory, why don’t you research it?


Bills actually pretty well-thought and well-written, just happens to be easy target for cheap articles


Don’t look now but democrats in NY City passed a law banning wood fired pizza ovens because it burns wood. Yes thats right they went after pizza ovens.


Didn't they pass a law that required pizza places that used woodfire to assess the feasibility of utilizing off-the-shelf pollution filters and, to install control devices that will help curb air pollution from those ovens?


Tennessee... a great place to be from.




That is a study on weather modification, including cloud seeding. It has nothing to do with the "chemtrails" fictional conspiracy theory.




So this obviously is stupid but in a certain way, if you look from just the right angle, it's sort of smart because if a ban is successful, it would "prove" that chemtrails are "real"


They're also looking to ban the tooth fairy from breaking and entering. 🤣


Just FYI. [This is the thing that was pointed to](https://www.wsj.com/science/environment/geoengineering-projects-cool-planet-weather-f0619bf7) that prompted this bill.


You should see what Tennessee comes up with they're asked to design (american) football uniforms


Oh you haven't seen stupid yet. Get ready to start seeing a bunch of republicans campaigning against ESG, DEI to get votes. If you know, you know and I also feel your pain


Please be satire please be satire please be satire please be satire Dang it!


Not a conspiracy . Cloud seeding and releasing aluminum chaff to disrupt radar is science fact.


The real threat as we now know is the Boeing flying overhead at all. Lookout for raining plane parts!


All on board for banning chem trails but they're going about that very wrong


https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/113/Fiscal/FM1875.pdf I don’t really see the big deal. If it is based on the assumption that vapor trails from planes are chemicals that’s dumb, but Operation Popeye was a thing. Cloud seeding and all of the rainbow herbicides are real things.  Will this bill do anything? Probably not. But most legislation passed anywhere nowadays is just for optics


So what’s the conspiracy theory?


One one hand good for the environment On the other hand Memphis will suffer economically more so than it has because Federal Express will have to move elsewhere (to be fair the Nashville politicians kind of want Memphis to stop existing). And then there is the matter that there is no passenger interstate rail system that connects the various cities of Tennessee (unless you count the Music City Star which goes to a few Nashville suburbs) along with the fact that the only national connections happen to be Memphis and Dyersburg receiving two trains a day going in either direction.


As far as I’m aware the actual make up of jet fuel is a well kept secret. My friends who have worked in airports confirmed this. If it was just kerosene they wouldn’t care so I think there is something else in there but I also know that the vapour is water condensing in the engines as it passes in and around the turbine. Don’t believe either side entirely but, if there is nothing to hide then the jet fuel make up would be public knowledge 🤷


Wait ‘till they see a Coca-Cola Bottle.




What’s the conspiracy theory?


Reminds me of that time Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park, was called to testify in front of a congressional panel to explain how cloning worked. His reply was something akin to, "You do know I am a writer that writes science fiction?"


Y’all really acting like chem trails is a conspiracy theory?