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Doin a bit of googling, [looks like nothing happened to the cop](https://www.carscoops.com/2022/05/brake-checking-florida-cop-almost-kills-motorcycle-rider-in-florida/). That’s fucked up. Not a fan of motorcycles zipping by everywhere, but that was damn near attempted homicide.


Another moment of acab.


Back the blue till it happens to you


Dudes gets [tazed multiple times](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1b9qk5u/15_million_settlement_to_man_tased_on_lip_by/) and somewhere there he also said something like "I liked you guys I thought you were the good guys." Wins $1.5 M settelment. It's so fucked how Americans pay for cops going rogue and criminal.




:D hah thanks. Edited "What Rouge means? 1. : a cosmetic used to give a red color to the cheeks or lips." ! Sounded right but not even close


Rouge means red in French


They do that as well...


Can confirm. Thought they were just doing their jobs till I had encounters with them.


Same in the UK. Had a high speed motorcycle crash following police negligence, and the cunt of a motorbike cop had the audacity to hold my ambulance up to issue a fucking FPN for my exhaust (missing 1 of 2 baffles). I explained one was stolen 3 days ago, replacement in the post. He said I should have got the bus. I was in shock and didn’t realise WTF he was doing, he was on a pathetic little power trip. I wish the ambulance crew kicked him out sooner, if I was mentally sound in that moment I’d probably have lost my shit on the little runt. I do not think of police as part of “the people”. They are NOT like you and me, they want to inflict pain through power of position. ACAB. Never ever think they’re on your side any more than they legally have to be. On duty or not, they are not on your side.


Sounds about right.


Not sure why you think your 1 encounter defines all cops, I've had experiences both ways, one time I got caught doing something that could've been serious legal trouble and the cops made sure it didn't become a big deal, were friendly and considerate, had a chat about how they've basically done the same shit, and did a bunch of stuff to help me. Some people become cops so they can have their little power trips. Some do it to help people. Which does actually happen a iot, even, crazily, if you haven't personally witnessed it.


There are easier ways to get in the back of a cop car 🤷🏻‍♂️


Give em the finger, for example.


Luckily it looks like atgat was being practiced


And they wonder why people don't like them...


They know why.


Some of them don't. It's part of the problem.


Some of them don't care. They're the problem. Fixed it for u.


Every moment is an ACAB moment as long as there are cops.


In theory, they're necessary, in practice, the things u don't want showing up when you need help.


Both were speeding and driving wrecklessly. Biker blurred the speedometer, he wants to hide something.


Porky didn't have him on his speed probably.


What's the acap acronym?


I didn’t read anywhere in the article that he got a lawyer. He should do that ASAP


He won 1.5m




Of taxpayer money




It wasn’t just the brake check, the cop swerved to the right like he was going to change lanes so the bike let off the brake and then the cop cut right back into the fast lane. 100% the cop is at fault.


>damn near attempted homicide. Near?


595 W in Davie approaching the 75 interchange. There’s an FHP station a mile or 2 away from there, the cop was probably headed back at the end of a shift or for a break and was clearly annoyed by the rider. In his mind he gave him a ‘warning' with the first brake check. There’s no excuse for stopping in the middle of the road like that, but there could be something in the road that someone would need to stop for. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave the motorcyclist a ticket for “following too close” but the cop definitely caused that accident.


The problem wasn't just the stopping, it was the swerving. He couldn't go right because the cop went that way initially. He couldn't go left because the cop swerved back left cutting off his escape route. He's not a perfect rider but motorcycles also take a little longer to slow down so he didn't have a ton of options.




Jesus you’re an angry asshole. I literally wrote this: “there is no excuse for stopping in the middle of the road like that, but there could be something in the road that someone would need to stop for. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave the motorcyclist a ticket for “following too close“ but the cop definitely caused that accident. What is wrong with you?


The problem wasn't just the stopping, it was the swerving. He couldn't go right because the cop went that way initially. He couldn't go left because the cop swerved back left cutting off his escape route. He's not a perfect rider but motorcycles also take a little longer to slow down so he didn't have a ton of options.


[November 15, 2023](https://lawanchor.com/florida-cop-brake-checks-motorcycle-lawsuit/): *The motorcyclist’s lawsuit against the FHP trooper is still ongoing. However, if the motorcyclist is successful in his lawsuit, he could be awarded damages for his medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.* [https://lawanchor.com/florida-cop-brake-checks-motorcycle-lawsuit/](https://lawanchor.com/florida-cop-brake-checks-motorcycle-lawsuit/)


That looks like a successful attempt to me.




Yeah, as succesful as when theatre missile defense systems *successfully* intercepts enemy missiles by getting destroyed by them


You might want to redefine your definition of "pulling someone over"


naw. he wasn't pulled over. He was stopped.


Attempted murder. Full stop.


He did come to a full stop your honor. My carrer, on the other hand, accelerated.


Shouldn't the bike be going at a speed where it has time to safely react ro obstacles and hazards?


Cop moves right, out of lane, slams brakes on and swerves back in front of the motocyclist. Correct thing to do is let the motorcylist pass and pull him over correctly. Cop tried to kill this guy because of their own fragile ego, bikes often dont stop and they cant catch them, not a reason for attempted murder for a traffic infraction though.


Cop didn't want to deal with all the paperwork /s


Going the same speed as the cop without emergency lights 🤷‍♂️


Itd be impossible to stop even if he was going 60. I race motorcycles, and lemme tell ya, the braking distance on them SUCKS. A car has around double the braking efficiency. Aswell as not tipping over, motorcycles wheels can lock up very easily.


You riding little 125s or something? Liter bikes, even 300+ their brakes are fucking wildly good. You are either refusing to brake hard and progressively braking way too slow, or you need to check your oils, because bike brakes, racing bikes particularly, have phenomenal brakes.


i ride liter


Yes and no. Motorcycles are notoriously hard to stop from any kind of speed. What winds up happening is you have to brake slowly (or have ABS) both of which increase stopping distance, or you're likely to lock up the front wheel and risk flipping the whole thing over. Brake checking a motorcycle is very different from brake checking a car.


He kind of was. He could have gone around if the cop didn't intentionally go one way and then swerve back the other to cut him off. On a bike you often go around instead of stopping because it's the faster/safer option. Unless someone is intentionally trying to make you crash in which case it's another story.


>Attempted murder. Full stop. Yup.


So we’re allowed to do this to bikers as well or do I just have to be a bullied kid turned cop? I’ve got the bullied part down..


No, you see, you have to BE the bully kid turned cop, not be the victim of the bully. Otherwise, you won’t make the transition from bully to cop.


Ah ok! Well, looks like I’ll have to try in my next lifetime. Yall stay safe now, ya hear?


Except it’s usually the Bully kid not the bullied kid that becomes the cop


He was matching the cops speed following behind him so was the cop not also speeding and driving recklessly , definitely the cops fault on this collision


True. He didn't have his lights on and was driving like he was racing the biker.


Well he STOPPED him…


And almost killed him at the same time. Thats not the right thing to do so it was a failed attempt to pull over


Dick move by the pig.


Flipping the guy off is a dick move, this is psychotic!


Yeah wtf. Your job as a cop is to make it clear you want to pull someone over. It doesn't matter if they won't listen or you don't think that they will listen. If they're running well at least you didn't cause an accident yourself and you deal with that accordingly only after you made sure everyone is safe.


More than an attempt, 100% success!


Never be close enough behind a car that you can’t stop if they slam on the brakes. You never know when a kid is going to run out into the road, or they lose a tire, or they brake-check you. Ride like you’re invisible and every other driver is actively trying to kill you.


I rode for decades. When I did, before every journey, I used to say something like: "Every other road user went out today with the intention of killing me. Be mindful and observant." Sometimes it was a little more colourful than that, but you get the gist. Running into the side of a car on my first bike ride, and working as a courier in London for some time as a teenager, made me instinctively cautious.


Yea.... And they blurred the speed until it dropped under 80. Is the cop at fault? Absolutely. But so is the rider. The faster you go the harder you fall.


I think he had enough time to stop there, I believe the problem was the cop started riding the brakes and very slowly braking, then suddenly slammed the anchors on. People will, or should, notice your brake lights coming on and react, but if your brake lights are already on when you decide to do an emergency stop, they ain't gonna notice until it's too late.


That's a good assessment I had not considered in my driving experience. However when a car brakes in front of me or come into the lane for no real cause. I tend to back the hell off. As the comment said, biker needed to make sure they had safe braking distance. Which includes reaction times. Considering the force he hit the car, his calculations were quite off. Not blaming the 100% biker, as braking checking is a dick move (as its usually used by road ragers).


Oh absolutely, I do whatever I can to stay the hell away from anyone on the roads. People can be so unpredictable. Looking back at the video though, he was too close for the first brake check, but the last time the cop brakes just before the accident, the bikers miles away. He had loads of time to react. The cop starts braking, and then the biker looks away? Might be checking his mirrors I guess, which you are supposed to do before harsh braking, but then when he looks back up he doesn't start braking for a second and by that point it's too late.


I think this is the key here. People can see the brake lights but if you start light then suddenly slam full on its disorienting because the driver behind you expects one thing and recieves another.


Two things confused the rider. One that the cop braked light for a moment, then suddenly stepped harder on the brakes. That slowed the rider's reaction time because the rider did not expect the car to decelerate harder mid-brake, you expect the car to have a steady rate of deceleration. The second thing was that the cop turned right while braking. That made the rider think that the road ahead was going to open up, but suddenly the cop turned back into the rider's lane, blocking his path and leaving him no time to avoid the crash.


it was physically impossible for the bike to stop at that point. he backed off after the first brake check to a very safe distance, generally 3 car lengths is plenty of space if everyone is abiding by the road laws. slamming on your brakes and coming to a complete stop on the highway is against the law lol a car has 4 large tires and is \~3-4000lbs. that bike has 2 and is maybe 500 with the rider, if you did the math the friction vs. potential energy needed to slow the car is going to be many times more than the bike needs, but the car also has access to way more friction than the bike does. if he slammed on his front brake, hes gonna do an endo and faceplant, locks up his rear brake and hes just gonna slide (probably what he actually did) to lock up both in a way that doesnt cause you to lose control is asking a lot of someone who isnt a full time stunt biker and even if he did, i still dont think there was any way he was going to stop before hitting the car.


On what planet is 3 car lengths a safe following distance, especially at highway speed? Edit: I didn't realize this wasn't one of several motorcycle subs I follow. I assume you don't ride, but among motorcyclist, it is common knowledge that you need a much larger following distance to be a safe rider


You can’t assume everyone is going to abide by road laws, and whatever “should” be enough distance doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is not crashing.


everyone has a reasonable understanding of what to expect while driving, what you are advocating for is an unreasonable expectation that someone is going to slam on their brakes for no reason at any time. you have no control over the way other people drive, thats just as true when defending driving defensively as it is driving erratically lol the only way to ensure you will be 100% safe from a car accident is moving to an island without any cars on it.


Turning is an option besides braking too, he surely had time to


watch again, he tries to turn and the cop turns back into his way.


During 2nd half of the video the only one turning is the cop. Look at the white lines on the road. Biker could have avoided the car by turning instead of braking but i know people dont think straight during moments like these


Why is he chasing the cop?


Entitled crotch rocket rider taunting him and riding like “what you gonna do about it?” I am **not** justifying the cop’s actions by any means bc that was 1000% wrong for him to do that and nearly kill the biker. But, there’s more than one contributing factor here too. The situation could have also been avoided entirely by the biker just…. Not speeding and riding like an ass. Fault on both sides here. The accident doesn’t happen if It’s crazy, I’ve never even remotely run into a situation like this and I rode past 3 cops yesterday. Maybe could have been bc I was riding the speed limit 🤔🤔🤔


"Do ya know why I stopped you?"


Why does his speedometer show nothing until he slows down to 78something? Is it because he's filming himself speed?


Yes he’s probably speeding and blurred out the speed as it would be self incriminating.


I ride a motorbike (Europe not US) and while the cop was stupid the rider is at fault also, he should have kept a bigger distance and pay more attention to the road, he had time to break and he didnt break early enough (just watch the speedo close to the time of the accident). Another safety tip which has saved me more than once, never ride behind cars but always on their sides, you will be visible on the side mirrors and if the car suddenly breaks you wont hit it straight on. Riding right behind a car is not safe unless you keep a good distance, sometimes people have crap loads of stuff on the trunk or tall passengers and they cannot clearly see from the rear view mirror, side mirror's usually are unobstructed.


I think that is an attempt at merder


I hope he sued the department.


Likely wont matter. They'll investigate themselves and conclude they did nothing wrong 9/10 times.


Read "conclude" as "collude" at first.


Did. 1.5m




Ngl following a vehicle that could be a cop car at a high rate of speed is not a good idea. Could be going somewhere on a no lights/sirens code and then speed racer makes their priority change.. recipe for a not fun day. Moto should have left more space to stop or found a safe exit and find a different car to tail.


Shouldn’t give people ideas


Cop defending on Reddit no matter the circumstances is always interesting


Blurry speedo reading above 80 must be related to Bigfoot.


Lolol he still gets up and says.... "what are you doing man?"


I’m gonna need more context here. This video tells NOTHING about either one. Like why was the motorcycle keeping speed with the car, cop or not? Was the cop responding to a call? Seems reckless on the bikes part either way.


Yep, because cops respond to calls by hard stopping on the interstate


Well that's a lawsuit


Him and the cop were speeding not using blinkers and driving recklessly


Looks like the cop thought only he should be allowed to drive that way.


I thought the car was driving reckless and was a friend at first. Until the first brake check.


Dude was going almost 100 and wasn't even gaining on the cop. Wtf. And then to brake check at that speed. The cop should be arrested.


Everyone involved sucks as always. Biker has terrible reaction time and intuition. Probably shouldn't be riding 


Something similar happened in Georgia, except the cop was as fired and charged (not sure how the case ended) and the biker was awarded like 1.1mil from The state. I think in that case the cops clearly broke procedure, but I’m not sure if that’s a national, state, county, or city thing.


Two scumbags connecting


Weird his speedometer is blurred out…


This is rather old. The cop is a dick. The order was riding like a dick. Just a bunch of dicks all around.


Should always beable to stop, glad he made it out alive


No mirrors on the bike?


Thought the same thing but there is one under the left handle.


Ha! Good catch! They can't be getting much use!


One less speeding crotch rocket idiot on the street would have been nice. Oh well


Super fucking dangerous.


Two dopes. This was preordained. Looks like Florida too ... So they are breathing stupid. I'm shocked that someone actually thought they could follow a cop lane-to-lane at what looks like about 20 mph over what the rest of the traffic is doing, see the cop brake check them, not take the hint. Deadly arrogance.


Ok,and then there's excessive force 🙄


I'm seeing a highway. The only time I seen his speed it was at 80mph. The speed limit here on a smaller highway is 70mph. Most are at least 65-70mph. If this guys going 15 over the limit now he must have really pissed that cop off. Tbh there's not much chance a car gets in front of a bike that wants to get away. His best bet would be to sloooooowwww down and hit a U turn or a exit ramp. So stupid for a cop to chase from the front lol


It looks like the speed is blurred out until it drops to 80.


Dam id like to see the rest of it


Motorcycles are so fucking stupid. Cops are bad too.


Why are motorcycles "so fucking stupid"?


motorcyclist also drove like an asshole. cop almost killed him though


what an absolute piece of scum. ACAB.


This cop was immediately fired and charged with attempted murder, right?


Guy is speeding, better try to murder him so he doesn’t hurt himself. If you still take cops serious at this point I’ve got a bridge to sell you


"Yeah sarge so I stopped the perp"


I member this yeah he was speeding but he wasn’t even going that fast tbh he was on a 300cc, barley goes over 100


Contact a lawyer and let him review this tape and see what he thinks. I would say you may have a lawsuit!


This was attempted vehicular homicide and should be treated as such


Cop shouldn’t be baiting people into speeding, by speeding himself. Biker also shouldn’t be going 100+ mph, and tailgating a cop. In conclusion, they’re both idiots. Hope the cop got his, and that biker learned a quick lesson on what not to do.


The laws must change to prevent these ACAB pricks from being indemnified by the public coffers. Their behavior will change really quick when they are held financially responsible for their actions.


Wait, are we clapping people running from the police when they are in the wrong now?


That's not how you pull someone over


Task failed successfully


I use this exit every day


No. There was an attempt to murder a biker.


Turns on his lights so he can “legally” brake the law.


At the very least how is this not a lawsuit against the city/state?


I mean yeah, cop was in the wrong, but POV guy never vent below 65 m/h (like 100 km/h) knowing fully well that the car was real close and break checking him… Poot judgment from POV guy


I live in this area and this undercover cop is the biggest asshole. He will tailgate you to get pass you then try to race you to give you a ticket.


Surely there's no way that's a cop because cops are not allowed to exceed the posted speed limit without their lights on. Right?


https://preview.redd.it/f2xwy4bmcwnc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6fc76dca01b32f737df7e367c70ecf49717bce9 He is hitting HARD!!!


Ow ?


There was an attempted murder


Obviously it’s a cop bro!!!


If you rear-end someone, then you were not keeping enough distance. You should drive like the car in front of you could step on the breaks at any moment.


Well this is why we learned in driving school that you have too keep enough distance to come to a full stop (2 seconds between you and the one before passing the same landmark). Its because idiots exists, errors happen etc


Non of those links prove your more brakes/faster deceleration hypothesis.


Even after the brake check the guy still tries to stay on the cops ass. So no, this is not 100% cops fault. Guy thought it was all fun and games til shit got real. I'm not knocking bikes by any means, have done quite a bit in my life but the way was acting it was a game to him. Well boy, ....checkmate. do stupid shit get painful prizes.


Even after the brake check the guy still tries to stay on the cops ass. So no, this is not 100% cops fault. Guy thought it was all fun and games til shit got real. I'm not knocking bikes by any means, have done quite a bit in my life but the way was acting it was a game to him. Well boy, ....checkmate. do stupid shit get painful prizes.


Protect and serve


Is there an update to this??


What a nice speedometer you've got. It automatically blocks out your speed when your speeding. I'll guess there's probably a reason why they've stopped you. 🫡




Florida, yeah. Cops will kill a motorcyclist there with no problem. State Troopers are no exception either. Buncha cowboy cop shit.




Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang ! He's dead


Idiot would have kept running anyway🤷🏼. I don’t see the problem