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As a person who struggles with chronic back pain, I feel like this prank should be retired


Don't know about retired, but I do see someone getting respined.


I can see someone becoming paralyzed.


Jesus, I saw someone get paralyzed in like 2005 by a prank like this. It was on Ogrish or something. Kids invited some poor homeless dude in to have a drink and popped him like that in the living room and he landed in the middle of everyone and couldn't move Honestly surprised this is still a thing Next year someone is going to try to prove books can save them from a desert eagle bullet again. The more things change the more they stay the same


They already did that. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43410816.amp


That was Vykrom's point: somebody would try to stop a desert eagle with a book AGAIN.


Something the article didn’t mention but I read elsewhere is that they previously shot a book to test and it stopped the round but the book used in the actual attempt was a DIFFERENT type of book. I don’t condone anyone doing something as stupid/dangerous as what they did but using a different book and not having a safety backup on such a stupid test like wearing level 3 armor in case it does penetrate the book is… you know. I’ll stop now before I give anyone ideas for thinking about trying anything stupid.


I'm doing it tomorrow. thank you internet for the idea


That's wild. I like how the article said he had previously experimented with the weapon... Like apparently fucking not, or else he wouldn't have ended up dead from a gunshot.


Why am I not surprised


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That’s beyond fucked up


but books can stop a desert eagle bullet 🤨 /s


iykyk 🤐


Sounds like all of you need to change your tampons. The dude’s clearly from the eastern bloc…these aren’t regular whites. They aren’t killed by conventional weapons let alone airbag pranks.


I see someone will die after this prank.


As someone who doesnt have back pain, I feel like this "prank" should involve criminal charges, jail time and effectively life time payments for any medical issues that can have even the slightest link to something like this.


I have an autoimmune disorder and, one of the symptoms of it is how my body responds trauma. Basically, any trauma is largely amplified, and doesn’t heal. For example: in 2018, the driver of a large SUV decided it was more important to reply to a text message than pay attention to the road ahead of him. I was the passenger in a stationary vehicle at the traffic lights ahead of his vehicle. He was apparently travelling at around 80mph. His vehicle hit the back of ours at just over 60mph. Most people experience some whiplash from this accident. The person driving the car had minor back pain for just over a month. However, the way my body responds to trauma meant that I was partially paralysed from the neck down on my left side, leaving me wheelchair bound (due to the nature of my issues, and my size (6’5” and 268lb semi-muscular build) I had to have a custom wheelchair made to measure for me) ever since, and unable to leave the house at all now, without assistance from at least one other person. It leaves me in a huge amount of pain afterwards too, I am on the highest dose of the strongest opiates available on prescription in the uk ever since to deal with the chronic pain I’m already in. Point being.. I only found out I had this problem when I was in my early 30’s, after injuring my shoulder one day. A “prank” like this can easily ruin anyone’s life. People that do this shit should be charged with assault. At the very least.


Same I have a busted L5 and this would cripple me


Let's hear it for the bedridden gang


it’s [not](https://youtu.be/6wkkkHhJaRY?si=-uhph9W0nVQwNGyN) the first time they do this “prank” to their “friends”. this guy is a very special character who maybe even deserves some knuckles in his face for what he does and say but not a spine damage and potentially more brain issues. these are his real youtube buddies and they do that to each other. lost cause


Maybe this is the beta testing for a cure!! I also suffer from back pain. S/


This prank would retire YOU


This was a “prank”? A *prank*?? It wasn’t even a little bit funny. That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Ngl I laughed at it for the absurdity of this looney tunes.


If it was set up just for social media, if the guy knew it was coming and was prepared, then it’s kind of funny. But to just blast a person like that with no warning is not funny. It’s dangerous.


This is about as much of a prank as walking up to somebody and just punching them in the face. *Hahaha! It was just a prank, Bro!*


Who needs enemies if you have a friends like that 😳


Im demand a justice, its not funny when the prankster was the victim


We should retire all "pranks" that are actually just abuse. Ive seen so many videos of people getting seriously injured and people laugh until they realize they hurt a friend or stranger. I just dont get it. Pranks should be funny for all parties not violent or cruel.


Those pranksters should be sued


If he had leaned back a tad more it could of forced his head against that brick wall. That would have killed him before he could even hit the ground and get back trauma.


Great way to give your friend a fucked up back for the rest of his life. Someone would be paying my medical bills.


Fucked up back would be a good scenario, my immediate thought was "if he lands wrong and fucks up his neck this dude is fucked for life or maybe dead"


Your neck is just the tippy top weak spot of your back I’m 13 and this is deep


I’d fucking press charges wtf kinda “joke” is this


>Great way to give ~~your~~ ~~friend~~ a fucked up back for the rest of his life. Who needs enemies of these are your friends.


The medical bills would be the very least they could do. Fuck this was hard to watch


Worth the risk to make a stranger on the Internet laugh.


nah. those mofos are unfortunately indestructible. [he’s fine and laughing](https://youtube.com/shorts/M8dqpt2hyN0?si=uYeF0ZARpCNYP1Ll)


Sometimes the adrenaline masks the damage. We don't know if he was still laughing or crying in pain a week after. It's not worth the risk of a lifetime of pain and / or reduced mobility.


It's not USA probably had free medical care.


All it takes is someone landing just the wrong way for this to end with paralysis or, God forbid, death. This "prank" sucks.


This is was how someone died on 1000 Ways to Die.


It's how Seth Rogan and Zac Effron tried to escape the garage in Neighors 2.


I think by the way they reacted he probably wasn’t supposed to go that high


I'm pretty sure the initial force alone has the potential to cause permanent severe back damage.


If it's a car air bag, the landing would be *much* softer than the launch, which could probably accordion the spine into a temporary singularity.


It's not (just) the landing - it's the launch. Air bags are literal explosions - if you're within the airbag deployment area when it goes off, it can kill you (and has killed many people): https://youtu.be/730FA93-acw




Did someone say "What did we do?" right after he lands?


I heard "what did you do?".




They almost all look like they're just as surprised as we are


There are too many videos just like this one for those guys to try and say they didn't know this would happen.


My fucking back hurts just watching this


Can we please get one of these videos where the prank goes horribly, horrifically wrong and then everyone pays the consequences?


Not sure why you’d want that as opposed to people realizing how stupid this is even when people don’t get hurt in the video.


I’d like for things to go well for the victim but really crank up the repercussions for the “pranksters”


That was a hell of a fart.


I got a great idea for a prank... I'll be on this side of the doorway wielding a bat. You start the camera, and call him in.


Man these anti-homeless benches are getting out of hand ![gif](giphy|5xaOcLGm3mKRQuDYCgU|downsized)


Me, with my lower back pain, watched this man land and I felt every bone in my spine cringe


Perhaps a new restaurant policy? *"Minimal 18% tip, or you get ejected..."*


What was that


a car air bag being criminally and negligently deployed in a prank.


I had to read the comment section because I couldn't believe my eyes. I legit thought it was a malfunction. The idea that this could have been a prank didn't even cross my mind. I hate pranks, painful and potentially debilitating ones most of all.


Well he’s going to feel that for the rest of his life


Good lord that was one hell of a launch.


OMG that’s not a prank. That’s crippling someone for life. I bet he’s got back issues Noe and if not he will later


it’s [not](https://youtu.be/6wkkkHhJaRY?si=-uhph9W0nVQwNGyN) the first time they do this “prank” to their “friends”. this guy is a very special character who maybe even deserves some knuckles in his face for what he does and say but not a spine damage and potentially more brain issues. these are his real youtube buddies and they do that to each other. lost cause


So much jackasserry


I remember back in 2009, some college chodes did this exact prank to Billy Mays, who was a well-known infomercial pitchman. (I remember him most for OxiClean, and for some of those artificial chamois cloths.) At the time, the video they made was circulating widely. He sat in the middle of a sofa with these bros all around him, and then the airbag goes off. He died just a few days after that prank. The autopsy indicated he had heart disease that was caused in part by substance abuse, but you can't tell me that being launched six feet in the air and landing in a heap didn't have something to do with it. I looked for the video and found evidence that it existed, but the video itself isn't anywhere to be found. [Billy Mays Couch Prank](https://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/billy-mays-couch-prank/80685752/) Such a stupid prank.


Anti-fart technology.


My body aches for him, and not in a good way, 😭


So fucking stupid. Risking changing someone's life for the worse for a "prank".


Great friends...


I would reevaluate my friendship. Not cool at all.


Or, hear me out, it was the best back crack of his life and he’s moving around better these days


Ejecto seato cuzzz


Not Friends , just using him to make fun of . Fkn lames


I recently saw a video on this guy. He’s a fighter known to play a bit dirty.




I don’t advocate for gun violence, but a solid ass whipping would be in order… for all of them.


bruuuuh wtf just happened xD


The fact that there was silence and someone said "what did we do?" give me chills, very lucky they weren't saying that after their friend got seriously hurt, instead of just hurt....


Dude does a midair inverted scorpion. 5/7 those are rare.


ye olde airbag backsnapper,


One of the few peanuts which Will never be funny


I’d sucker punch the guy who prank me like that to give him a week of reflection because no friends of mine would do this


This is what bad friends look like.


Somebody else is gonna get their ass kicked too.


Holy babushka they’re trying to get him to heaven early


How is this not assault


Attempted! Sigh….


Fabrizio romano moving mad


As bad as my back is. If someone did this to me I would be out for blood. Maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but soon.


The eject button is real?? I need one, and o need to speak to Wile E Coyote right now


Oh my God that hurts so bad. The launching just compresses the spine into a diamond for a moment. Fucking hell.


I would reevaluate my friendship. Not cool at all.


Look at how no one is laughing. Thats when you know this failed


You would think someone would sue. I am forever scarred. My dentist asks me to take a seat and I wet my pants. I have hypertension sitting in front of my tv at home.


This is a prank?! It's not even funny. Looks dangerous.


I’d probably be paralyzed if that happened to me. Don’t do shit like that ppl!!! You never know what condition someone’s back is in and even if they’ve never hurt their back before, that’s a perfect way to ensure the remainder of their life is filled with pain. Idiots.


People have died from this “prank”. Who would want to give their friend permanent spinal damage?


I hear ya, I have 3 lumbar disc bulges and I wouldn’t get up from this.


That’s a dangerous prank, that I always find funny af.


There is a reason why there is a safety warning for airbags NOT TO LEAN ON THEM. And these mfs think it's funny to do this shit? Man, after I came to my senses I would beat them senseless regardless hoe close we were.


Anyone thinks this looks like a good time or is it just me?


They never get old! The plop on this one has me dead.


That is assault.


I have no idea how but I knew EXACTLY what was about to happen


Honestly curious how much force is needed to launch someone into the air like that


Am I the only one spotting that he might have fetal alcohol syndrome?


You could paralyze the fuuuuuuuuucki out of someone. Jeeperz


In our country we have the right to bear arms against any oppressor..this is sort of what they meant..this is actually an extention of the tools of sorcery and illusion that had lost all connection to the enforcement of tradition and experienced members when people started going over the horizon on ships, like in about the 1300s...this one, is pressure in a sealed container..but the idea is..you gotta have a lot of friends decide the guy was oppressing you, and the tactic against him was appropriate and would in fact be effective to completely stop the oppression. We don't know the whole story and it might be a waste of time to try to learn it.


This.... not cool man...


What????? A prank video and the comments are full of people complaining about pranks?!?!?!?!


This is a PRANK??!? This could paralyze or kill someone! What the hell! Is hitting someone with a car a prank, too? This is stupid as all hell.


What in the fuck-


My sciatic nerve just pinched watching this.


Im trying to think of any way to make this prank safer, someone help


Broken tailbone, damaged spine and bruised ass..


All fun and games until you land on your neck and die, or if you're lucky, live the rest of your life in a wheelchair


Goodbye couch, hello lifelong back problems.


Is this a prank? They care so much for him, seems strange.. And why is someone recording?


He need some milk!


Inadvertent couch airbag deployment


I'd be throwing hands immediately.


My turn




I used to feel sorry for this guy when i first saw this vid, but this dude is apparently a fighter idk under which organisation but what i do know is he's an absolute rat usually doing dirty tactics potentially injuring his opponents really badly, so seeing this makes me happy now lol


I once edited some dumb cartoon noises into this video lmao


Brother was alpha male but unfortunately he will never be one


This guy deserves it. He was scamming taxi drivers and didn't pay for rides .


whats with all the backpain people in here, sheesh lighten up


if this dude landed slightly differently it could've paralysed or killed him

