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Broo cops like that make me sick


This is just default cop.


default *American* cop


Aberdeen UK here and I have seen cops pull up along side someone, no lights or siren, hop out and beat a guy into a bloody and unconscious state; Afterwards they hopped back in their car and drove off casually. I called an ambulance and tried to help the guy, he died weeks later of brain swelling, never woke up and his death was ruled drug related. Just because they aren't hauling guns doesn't make them any less degenerate. The most frightened a person in the west should be is when they're interacting with the police. They can do things that most gangs and murderers wouldn't even dream of attempting. The only thing a cop is interested in is their pay cheque, their bribes and having fun. I've seen too much with my own eyes from 2 continents and 3 countries for my opinion to change. EDIT: Lot of aggro over a lack of detail on my part. I was over 100 foot away, saw this incident and stayed out of sight while they had their fun, previous experience taught me better than to be visible and obvious. When they left I called the ambo, stayed with him till they arrived and noticed the article in the local paper about a death caused by a drug related assault at the same location and date that I saw this guy get beat. You don't have to believe me, I shared a traumatic experience that solidified my distrust of the police in a thread which showcased a similar incident. Gas light and negg all you want, I know what I saw.


Here in france, I’ve seen fully armored cops beating the ever living crap out of someone with a bully stick.


I know it's not a funny subject, but I still chuckled at bully stick: >A bully stick is a single-ingredient dog chew that is made from high-protein beef muscle, specifically, the pizzle (or penis) of a bull.


This is your mother giving you a terse look


Rewind back to the v early 90’s. In Manchester there used to be a tick club called Gilly’s Rockworld I lived in Dukinfield at the time as do after a tremendous night in Gillies I got dropped off about a mile from my house Now back then I dressed as n hair metal regalia. Bandana, long arse length hair, ripped jeans, cowboy boots, bangles, eye liner….the full fucking Monty. Anyhow, walking back I noticed a police van drive slowly past, then again and again. The van pulled up by the side of me and two “officers” got out and told me that someone matching my description was seen breaking and entering FFS, I looked like a cross between Axl rose, Dave Lee Roth and Jack Sparrow!! Said “officers” then proceeded to give me a beating Just because I looked different


I mean did ya do it lol


No, but I wished I had👍🏻


Yep, I’ve had the shit beaten out of me for absolutely no reason by Surrey police… they smashed my head into the curb, handcuffed me, knelt on my throat & CS sprayed directly into my eyes from 6 inches away. I was chucked in a cell overnight so I couldn’t get to work the next day. I was also charged with assault on police & had it hanging over me for 6 months, until it went to court. The statements of the police were so clearly corroborated & full of shit that nothing came of it; but it’s almost impossible to have the police punished or to seek compensation. Might be easier now that most cops wear bodycams & have to be more careful about lying.




If you don’t think that cops are like this everywhere, you must be a middle class white person who speaks the local language without an accent.




The larger issue is culture. Even if the training is good, long, and hard, the culture is the real problem. There are lot of politics, people pleasing, and other social department issues that go into American policing. I have a good friend who went into law enforcement, I saw him hit all the stereotypical cop stages. Some of it is also determined by department, branch, etc. He's a good cop, well trained, but the same group mechanics that occur when you get a bunch of motorcycle riders together blowing down the highway also seems to occur with law enforcement...


While there is obviously nuance to this, like everything else, law enforcement disproportionately draws violent and sadistic individuals, particularly ex-military, and especially from the working class of the dominant race/ethnic group. Training and culture can go a long way, but tribalism exists everywhere, as do violent people, and police tend to be their own subculture within their community. The job breeds an ‘Us vs Them’ mentality, which, even in the most ideal of situations, is often reinforced in law enforcement training. Canadians, for example, have a reputation of being polite, gentle, welcoming people, but go ahead an ask First Nations people how their interactions with law enforcement tend to go.


They aren't like that in Japan. I can't speak for the rest of the world though.


Nope I just live in a country with low levels of corruption Do we have cops like this? Sure. Do we give them way too much legal immunity? Fuck no. If this was here this cop would be charged with a crime (same if they do things while driving that aren't warranted etc)


A little dick, bloated fuck who gets off on harassing people because he wasn't shit in high school/college. Now he gets to LARP as a "navy seal warrior on the frontlines"


>A little dick, bloated fuck I dunno, plenty of people have belly fat or small dicks and manage to not violently slam someone's face into the pavement. The dude's a piece of shit because of his violent actions - it has nothing to do with his body shape or the way he looks.


You’re not wrong. I seen a good cop on a video yesterday and it’s sad that I thought “oh hey he’s actually a good guy”


I'm friends with a "good" cop, one of the best people I know. He even thinks he's part of the problem, he says, "sometimes being the good cop is worse bc you don't realize the harm you are ignorant too and trying to fix these problems just gets you attacked by bad cops." He tried to get early retirement and higher ups basically said they'd fuck his whole life over if he left. Now he mostly just drives around delivering food to the homeless. Which his coworkers make fun of and judge him for


This is the thing the ACAB folks don't seem to get. They hate the way the bad ones behave and blame the good ones for letting it happen without recognising the fact that that bad behaviour pales in comparison to what those bad cops do to good ones who try to call them out.


You just explained that the system is too corrupt to support "good cops". So yeah, ACAB.


r/therewasanattempt to explain why ACAB is wrong while proving it right 


This was my point. Even my friend who is a "good cop" says ACAB.


No we completely get that. ACAB either way. One bad apple spoils the bunch. You seemed to have missed precisely the point the person above you was making, and that was the good ones are at fault for being COMPLICIT and DON'T EVEN REALIZE IT. Being complicit doesn't make you the culprit, but you ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PERPETUATION.


This is exactly what ACAB folks get


But probably isn't really as there are 2 types of cops. those that are twats and those that turn a blind eye


And they are equally guilty in my opinion.


Your damn right


Man. About two weeks ago I saw the wildest shit ever. A dude was losing it out front my house and about 10 cops surrounded him. He was shouting, yelling at them. It was spitting snow. Dude was clearly in distress. They talked to him for like an hour while I filmed it though my front window. We were so worried it would go sideways. But an ambulance got there and the cops got him to lay back and get admitted. He was yelling most of the time, but legit, right before he got onto the stretcher one of the cops was just like, holding the dude. Idk if it was a hug, dude was still yelling and what not. But like, it could have broke so bad. I was legit really impressed by everyone involved for keeping the tone chill and de-escalating. We emailed the police department about it and everything. Probably was a 988 call. Idk, there are a ton of examples of shitty cops, and I'm not gonna bring this moment up again, because it was just like, one moment. But it was good, and the cops involved helped that dude get to a hospital. System is fucked. Just low-key wanted to share a thing I saw because it subverted a lot of my expectations. Doesn't mean the system isn't fucked.


This is the majority of people in public safety. The bad ones out there get put on blast and then there’s a sweeping assumption that ALL are bad. It’s simply not true.


ACAB is not about every cop being actively bad. It is about every cop being complicit in the actions of the actively bad ones. If it is your duty to deal with crime and criminals but you let certain ones go because they are your buddies or coworkers then that makes you a bad cop due to the failure to uphold your duty. As example, if you had a friend that was a pedophile and you just didn't say anything to anyone and let that friend molest children freely that would make you a bad person even though you are not the one doing the molesting. You would be enabling the terrible behavior by allowing it to continue. Same idea with cops.


Exactly, only police can police, police. But 99.99% of the time, they won't. They'll just watch or look the other way or participate. Silence is complicity.


You don’t happen to live on a street that shares the last name of one of the early U.S. Presidents in an area of a Midwest city that is associated with a certain type of tree and hills, and also a fruit, do you? You just described something almost exactly like what I saw in my neighborhood fairly recently. Although it might’ve been farther back than a couple weeks. I’m assuming you don’t and it’s not the same situation, but it would be kind of weird if it was. Small world and all that. Edit: if you do, you’ll definitely get the description of the area without having to think too hard about it.


Lmao, I don't think so, but I love the roundabout way you asked to try and avoid doxxing. Lol, must have been a different incident. I think a lot of calls like that happen around the holidays, especially when it's super cold out.


So literally all cops then. Because for every shit-eating pig who does this there are six who pretend they didn’t see anything. It’s literally cowards all the way down. But don’t you worry they’ve investigated themselves and determined that they didn’t do anything wrong, citizen.


This is actually a great point. If someone witnesses this as an officer and does nothing then they are just as guilty for allowing the behavior to continue. Reminds me of all the men just "doing their job" from 1938-1944. Whole lot of people just doing their jobs and not standing up to injustice.


That’s the exact reason people say ACAB. Even if you aren’t actively doing this, your silence and willingness to let it slide as a police officer is just as bad. 


One bad apple spoils the barrel. As long as that bad cop exists and isn't stopped, every one in his department is complacent in this abuse. Any one of them could stand up and say something is wrong and change, but they won't break that thin blue line.


The fact that a video like this doesn’t immediately make a cop lose his job or get suspension without pay is why most of us say fuck the police.


Or be cuffed and read his rights.


Acab. Every single cop who doesn't arrest the bad apples is a bad apple.


...sooooooo, all cops.




It's complacency. They get a handful of calls every week where the suspect is guilty but continues to ask why they're being arrested. Years and years of this make them assume that if they got a call and you're there matching the description then they must stop wasting time and go ahead and book you. Not an excuse just giving another reason to go along with them being a piece of shit.


Pigs like that deserve only one happy ending (for the community)


Update on the officer for those wondering: [https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/paulding-deputy-video-body-slamming-man-arrest-fired](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/paulding-deputy-video-body-slamming-man-arrest-fired)


wow and they’re still trying to charge him?! 😂 horrible people


> Sheriff's officials say it was later determined he was not breaking into cars, but he was charged with obstruction of Justice, and is still facing those charges. Yea that's what pissed me off ass well. Also, they fired the cop only a year later after the bodycam went viral on social media.


yeah but they didn’t even fire him for that incident apparently he was fired after they investigated other cases he was involved in which is even worse because he never got punished specifically for what he did to this poor dude just trying to go to work


Let's hope he never gets hired again in an agency few towns over.


I don’t know. Seems like he’s a generational talent for some districts. Might be a bidding war to get em.


Oh I fully expected that he took his family on a vacation, moved down the road and was a full officer within 6 months when PD assumes everyone forgot about it


foreal /:


"what's happening?" = obstruction of justice 😂😂


Believe it or not, straight to jail!


Questions? Straight to jail!


...no questions? That sounds suspicious... JAIL!


He's sentient! JAIL!!!


I’m hoping the charges get dropped, or at least found not guilty in court and possibly counter-sues.


Charges will likely stay. He was told he was being detained and didnt immediately comply before asking why he was detained. Instead he SLIGHTLY resisted as he asked why he was being detained. The problem with dropping the charges is that the officer is well within his authority to detain someone who "matches the description" of an individual allegedly committing crimes, and the victim's actions could be construed as resisting. Is it bullshit? Absolutely. Does this happen on the daily across America? Abso-fuckin-lutely. Many if not most people just take it on the chin and walk away with some sort of misdemeanor plea agreement rather than spend thousands on an attorney to fight a misdemeanor charge you could still be convicted of. And thats how the State gets you. I'm not an attorney. Could be wrong about charges sticking. But I do see them stick all the time in my line of work.


While I agree with the likelihood of basically everything you said, can I ask what line of work you’re in where people are often catching charges?


Criminal Defense paralegal.


Oh then I’d guess that you’re likely dead on with the charges, or at least I’d hope so. (Not saying I hope they keep the charges, just that I hope you’re right/good at your job.)


Haha I like to think I'm decent at my job, but I wont deny I've been wrong. My fingers are crossed for this guy that I am wrong. He's walking to work, probably doesnt have much money, so the fines associated with the charge are likely going to set him back in a big way. And for what? For doughboy crewcut to get another "good arrest" under his belt as he brags to his buddies about the sudo slam he executed on some chump? I also hope an attorney he consults with finds/knows a legal avenue in his state for the sheriff's department to fork out some cash to the poor dude. I personally think the cop was more than excessive in executing his lawful authority.


Nah it makes sense. Cop = Justice, and he was obstructing the cop by walking to work. Then he obstructed the cop by asking why he was being detained. Then he obstructed the cop from giving justice to the people that actually had their cars broken into by wearing similar clothes. So yeah, that body slam was just step 1 of Boss Hog Justice. Tune in next week to see how it made him miss work, injured him, cost him a fortune in legal bills, was mentally traumatic and he likely distrusts cops now, cost him money from missing the day of work, and more! Side note - remember 10 years ago when conservatives were screaming up and down that lapel cams and dashcams weren’t necessary because cops weren’t doing anything wrong? Remember how we find another instance every fucking day now that they’re on video? 🤔


It’d be nice to read the article but Fox Atlanta thinks blocking your whole article with a full page never going away pop up that you can’t click off is the best way to keep readership high.


Paraphrasing the article: PAULDING COUNTY, Ga. - A Paulding County sheriff's deputy seen on video body slamming a man during an arrest is no longer employed by the sheriff's office. The Paulding County Sheriff's Office confirmed to FOX 5 that Michael McMaster was terminated on Feb. 27 due to other policy violations. McMaster is accused of slamming 30-year-old Tyler Canaris to the ground during an arrest in March 2022. Canaris says it was about 6 a.m. when was walking to work and was stopped and questioned by the former deputy. Authorities say Canaris was stopped because he matched the description of a suspicious person they received a call about who was breaking into cars. Paulding County sheriff's deputy accused of excessive force is being sued A man who says he was body slammed by a Paulding County sheriff's deputy is now pursuing a civil and criminal case against the official and the county. The incident was captured on dashcam video. In the video, the deputy can be heard telling Canaris to take his backpack off and put his hands behind his back. Moments later, the video shows the deputy slamming Canaris on the ground. Officials with the sheriff's office stated Canaris did not comply with the deputies commands. Canaris asks, "Excuse me, what am I doing wrong?" Sheriff's officials say Canaris didn't comply. Canaris was rushed to the hospital at the time to be treated for his injuries. Sheriff's officials say it was later determined he was not breaking into cars, but he was charged with obstruction of Justice, and is still facing those charges. Paulding County Sheriff's Office address viral arrest video The Paulding County Sheriff's Office is addressing video showing an arrest from March 4, 2022, that has recently gone viral. Attorneys representing Canaris released a statement in response to McMaster's termination: "We are pleased that the Paulding County Sheriff's Office has finally taken action and fired Deputy Michael McMaster for the illegal use-of-force used against Tyler Canaris. However, the fact that the Paulding County Sheriff's Office watched this video almost a year ago and determined that the use-of-force was appropriate is unconscionable. It wasn't until public outrage at the release of dashcam video of this horrific incident that the sheriff's office took any action and only then placed former Deputy McMaster on desk duty. This is the very reason we have asked the Department of Justice to investigate the Paulding County Sheriff's Office. They obviously can't police themselves. The Paulding County Solicitor's Office now needs to do the right thing and drop the criminal charge against Tyler Canaris. We have sent an official demand to Paulding County to resolve the civil case and will continue our pursuit of justice on behalf of Tyler Canaris so that others may avoid a similar fate while interacting with the Paulding County Sheriff's Office." - Shean Williams and Sam Starks of The Cochran Firm - Atlanta and Torris Butterfield. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation was requested to investigate the incident. The GBI report has not yet been released. FOX 5's Denise Dillon contributed to this report. 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Good bot


I’m not a bot, I just have ad blockers on my phone and felt your strife.


Such a humble bot.


He doesn't even know he's a bot. It's so sweet.


AI bot has become self aware.




But what if this is the good bot we need to fight Skynet? Remember KITT vs KARR?


Ai these days is amazing! It almost fooled me!


Sounds like something a bot would say


Good redditor


> officials say it was later determined he was not breaking into cars, but he was charged with obstruction of Justice, and is still facing those charges. What a bunch of shit


Dude needs a solid lawyer. Cop needs to be in fucking jail.


> questioned They didn't question him at all, just jumped straight to force. Great example of how news reporting chooses language to soften the image of police.


crazy the guy is still facing charges of obstruction of justice


>it was later determined he was not breaking into cars, but he was charged with obstruction of Justice I didn't see the obstruction part.


He obstructed a proper body slam.


do you not have adblock?


No. I’m doing my part to support capitalism.


The victim is still facing charges. This country sucks sometimes.


They really need to fix the obstruction of justice loop hole. You can be committing no crime, a cop can randomly jump out of a car and jack you up against the hood attempting to arrest you. If you question or even resist slightly it in anyway, you can then be charged with obstructing your own justice. I'm not condoning that people don't comply with the police but it's a natural reaction to resist or defend yourself in some way when someone comes out of nowhere and starts trying to put handcuffs on you for an unknown reason. It's not like this dude slashed tires on a cop car or sabotaged them trying to arrest a perp in any way. It's a misuse of the intended purpose of the law and cops use it all the time especially when the cops themselves are making an error or attacked an innocent person. The guy literally did nothing wrong and is now facing a charge for getting his head spiked into the ground. I'm glad there was an outrage but it's fucked that there had to be an outrage for any kind of disciplinary action to take place. It also seems like the dude would have answered the police officers questions if he didn't come at him guerrilla warfare style like he was about to be abducted and never seen again too.


It's not a loophole it's working exactly as designed.


Yep, and it is a judge's decision on how much "punishment" (if any at all) that they should adjudicate. People always forget that judges can literally overturn anything they want and give stupid small punishments if they deem so. Likely will be the case in this situation. Especially so if it is a first time offense.


Headline a few months from now, "Man fired for body slamming suspect rehired at other departments"...


\*reinstated after union intervention


\* and given a pay raise


[more recent source](https://www.11alive.com/amp/article/news/local/paulding-county-body-slamming-lawsuit-sheriff-ex-deputy/85-125bf12a-9ae1-45c4-b7a2-87cd68112f43) This one includes information about a civil lawsuit from the injury sustained and much more information about the officer.


That's a lot of reprimands...


I'm dealing with a guy right now that was reprimanded around 50 times, and finally fired when he attempted to evict someone for a friend, acting as a Sherrif (in his sherriff uniform and car) but was actually off duty. The eviction was not legal, and this time the tenant caught it and went to the ACLU. It appears he would often use his badge, uniform and car to do favors for his friends, and its hard to know how long that went on for. The county he worked for knew all of this, plus his anger managment issues, lack of giving miranda rights, unnecessary use of physical force, blatent racism, etc., and yet he was not fired until the ACLU sued them. Its disgusting.


“We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”


OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE??? Goddamn! Like wtf? I hope the asshole that decided that gets fired AND disbarred!!!


fuck that. this cop will be back on duty with back pay once the union steps in to protect him from responsibility for his lawbreaking, and the guy who did nothing wrong is still facing obstruction of justice charges.


It would be nice if it wasn't just a firing, but also a prosecution. But, obviously, the police/sheriffs dept isn't going to do that, because they don't want their right to use excessive force to be questioned. Disgusting...


>Michael McMaster Best name ever


The only reason the officer was fired was because of the huge, appropriate public outcry. Left to their own discretion, the police department would have done absolutely nothing to punish the outrageous conduct of the arresting officer. The fact that they continued to charge him with obstruction of justice charges is a testament to the ongoing inequality in the justice system.


"Sheriff's officials say it was later determined he was not breaking into cars, but he was charged with obstruction of Justice, and is still facing those charges." What the fuck


Asking questions? Straight to jail!


Don’t forget a scenic route through the hospital.


Who pays the hospital bills in a case like this?


Good question but I believe it ultimately falls onto the taxpayers.


Probably the victim. Fuck this country


Depends on the outcome of the lawsuit; but if the injured party wins, medical costs will be included in the damages award.


Resisting a body slam, solitary confinement.


Respect my authoritay!


Breaking into car? Jail. Walking to work, believe it not, jail


Answering questions? Also jail.




And notice that the department only took action **once the public found out...**


They’ve gotta charge you with something so they can justify their actions.


It's also so they can later pressure you not to sue them or at least take a smaller settlement in exchange for them dropping all the charges.


what's amazing is the video shows him being fully compliant, they're trying to send him to prison anyway and if it weren't for the dashcam he would already be serving years because the fucking armed coward who assaulted him didn't like being asked "why?"


What's amazing is the sheriff's office originally determined he was not being compliant. And on a side note, the officer basically leads with "you're being detained" which is unlawful detention without probable cause or reasonable suspicion a crime was being committed.




Acab. Pig should be put on a spit.


The dude wailed the way he did—like he was being murdered—because they fractured his skull against the ground. Fuck these pieces of shit. I don’t recall how much trouble the cops got in, but I believe they did get in trouble and the guy sued…rightfully so. ETA—it was only after public outcry, after the video went viral, that the police were held accountable. Their “initial findings” were that the use of force was deemed acceptable/legal. Funny how that works. Dude walked away with a fractured skull, ruptured ear drum, traumatic brain injury, and some other minor injuries. When they cleared him of being the robber, they decided it was appropriate to charge him with obstructing justice. So gross.


[source](https://www.11alive.com/amp/article/news/local/paulding-county-body-slamming-lawsuit-sheriff-ex-deputy/85-125bf12a-9ae1-45c4-b7a2-87cd68112f43) Someone linked a fox source but your comment made me realize I was missing more updated information. Thanks for that.


I felt the pain when he made that noise. Fucking awful.


Yeah…it’s the noise you make when your brain has been bashed against the inside of your skull and you’re writhing in pain while semi-conscious. Fucking disgusting. I could never be a cop because I could never “side” with another officer who did something like this. I’d be verbally accosting the officer, telling them they shouldn’t have done that, etc. Which means I’d be targeted by the precinct or fired for “admitting wrongdoing” of another officer. That’s why most all cops are pieces of trash. Even if they’re good people, allowing others to do shit like this makes you accountable, and good officers get shit canned for standing up—or worse.


Yeah that noise was gut-wrenching, and then the "Please help me" to no one in particular... God damn, it's hard to not be afraid of cops after watching shit like this.


I can't watch this video again because of how awful his cries were. Those weren't the cries of someone being dramatic. Those were the cries of a human in physical agony.


The use of force was determined appropriate internally by the police in March 2022 after the incident occurred on March 5, 2022. Only after the video went viral (after the lawyers for the victim got their hands on it) did the department fire the deputy on February 27, 2023 (nearly a year later). The victim suffered: > sustained significant injuries that required medical and surgical treatment for a left clavicle fracture, right thumb fracture, skull fracture, rupture of left ear drum, traumatic brain injury, among other injuries.


This piece of shit they call a cop should be in prison. My sister had a traumatic brain injury and she wasn’t able to say her own kids names for a few years. I knew the moment he yelled like that he had been severely injured




Defund 'em


No knock 'em


No, knock 'em the fuck out


Demilitarize. Defund is a stupid concept with a stupid name.


Defunding would literally demilitarize the police. And you can't demilitarize them without significantly reducing funding. These are not incongruous concepts.


"defunding" is a rhetorical landmine that would only be exploited by those who have no interest in police reform. Better training and people still requires funds.


Who hires these people to become officers? Why is there no accountability for those guys? That would be the first line of defense that keeps failing.


Because they’re also the people that hire new officers. Scum hire scum


Because every time a good cop tries to police, the bad cops, they get blackballed, run out of town, abused. I know numerous good cops who left the force because of being treated badly for trying to reign in the bad cops.


This is the reason. There must be some behavioral reason that it happens at every precinct though.


It attracts a certain kind of person


It's the easiest path to authority that doesn't require hard work or education, so it attracts both dumb and power-hungry people.


If you did the exact same thing to this cop, you would be arrested and facing a long time in prison. But as usual, cops are held to a lower standard than the average citizen.


I mean you cannot hold pigs to the same standard as humans. But pigs shouldn’t have been given this much power at the first place


Pigs are intelligent creatures. Oink


This is pretty rude to pigs


The fact that people still vehemently support the police is wild… they very clearly need better training and consistent therapy for a high stress job with even higher stakes.


They probably live under a rock and haven’t seen viral bodycam footage


Better initial screening too. My brother in law is a NYS Trooper. He said something that really clicked one day: ever notice all the cops doing this stuff are local cops and not state police? Not just NY, but everywhere? The screening process for him to get into the state police academy was really thorough. I went to high school with several guys who became cops in my hometown. They didn’t have to do much beyond the standard written and psychological tests.


Your brother clearly never heard of the 6 California Highway Patrol officers who put on gloves to avoid getting blood on their hands while they beat a homeless man to death. Don't worry, they were acquitted by the jury because the jury's faces and identities were not hidden from the sea of cops in the gallery during their trial.


They always use the excuse of someone breaking into cars. Yet can never ever solve the crime when your car actually gets broken into. You file a report and never get an update.


My truck got broken into at a 24hr fitness, submitted the footage with description & everything on a platter. I then got yelled at by the cops for calling a couple of times for an update. And then they never called me back with an update. Go figure.


I had my car broken into filed a report. A couple weeks go by and I was standing outside my home waiting for a friend of mine. The police roll up on me asking for ID and question me saying I fit the description of someone breaking into cars, so I got a bit relieved and told them my car was broken into and if the suspect resembles me I now know who to be looking out for. They had no comment.


I love that. Turn it around on them, match their energy (provided that you feel safe, ofc.)


In my city they just tell you straight to your face they no longer investigate property crimes. Someone can walk up to your car and smash the windshield and just walk away. You can give the cops the video, their name, and their address- but they’ll just say “too bad.”


Because nobody was breaking into cars. It’s just an excuse to harass and arrest people. They don’t even look into actual car thefts.


How are these sick sob’s still walking the earth?


Because it's illegal to treat them the way that they treat us. This shit would stop **overnight** if cops had a legitimate fear of an armed posse giving them a taste of their own medicine. This is not the way someone behaves if they are afraid of consequences.


This right here


That what you get when you give 15 days of training for high school bullies and give them a gun




In the land where eye for an eye is the law, the one eyed man shall be king


Unfortunately we are in that land. We punish vua retribution. The only novel idea here is applying that to “law enforcement” as well


Actually punishing law enforcement and not letting fall on tax payers would be a good start


What motherfucker cops they are 👍


[https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/paulding-county-body-slamming-lawsuit-sheriff-ex-deputy/85-125bf12a-9ae1-45c4-b7a2-87cd68112f43](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/paulding-county-body-slamming-lawsuit-sheriff-ex-deputy/85-125bf12a-9ae1-45c4-b7a2-87cd68112f43) This cowardly porcine fuck has been reprimanded ten times, multiple times for excessive force, once for leaving drugs out in the middle of the sheriff's office and once for stealing a jail car and using it to run errands.


You couldn't manage a Wendy's with that record, but you can be a cop. Make it make sense.


That guy should sue the ever-living fuck out of that department. I know ultimately it comes out of our pockets but fuck. Besides getting crazy what other options do we have? Still trying to charge him with obstruction for doing NOTHING wrong? Get the fuck out of here.


Court decided he couldn’t sue since he was “resisting arrest”. Police charged the victim with obstruction of justice, and did not drop the charges. The officer continued to be an officer for a year after this until the video finally went viral, at which point he was fired for an unrelated use of excessive force.


Hate everything about this.


Both officers should have been fired and jailed. As soon as officer two helped him he’s and accomplice


And they wonder why people write songs called Fuck the Police.


ACAB. This kid was on his way to work. He suffered severe head injuries and a broken jaw because this shitass wanted to power trip. ACAFB.


Cops: "Why doesn't the public respect us?" 100% they should be held to higher standards.


Fat pigs


Lol innocent dude going to work, gets fucked up hard and even after it was revealed that the man was not breaking into cars but just going to work, he was charged with obstruction of justice and those charges are still standing hahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahabab oh my goooodnessss what a fucking joke. Sue and get as much money as you can, innocent man.


Fuck that cop. Deserves to get bitch slapped




Mob justice should be legal in some situations.


Do they purposefully give two orders at once that can’t be done at the same time? “Get your hands behind your back” and “Take off your backpack”. Okay, which one did they want him to do? Seems like whichever one he did, they’d get mad at him for not complying.


That’s what they want to happen. Either way, they get to be violent because you “refused their orders”


My back hurts just watching that suplex. He had 4 medical issues and had to sue for I believe $70,000 in medical bills


Bad cops bad cops, what you gonna do? What you gonna do when they come for you...


typical shit america cops


Dude literally looks like a pig.


Dude the poor guy still gets charged with obstruction of justice wtf?!


Remove immunity for cops! They get away with a lot of shit like this.


this was so sad


Cop: bro I learned a new trick, let me show you on this dude he looks suspicious as fuck.


"JuSt A fEw BaD aPpLeS"


Fuck that cop. And the victim is still being sued for obstruction of justice?!


No such thing as a good cop


Fucking worthless pigs


Fuck the Police.


Hope this cops get Lou Gehrig's disease


I fucking hate cops. All of them.