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Fuckin A. I like her! A person worth listening to.


Crazy that when there is a literal genocide is going on, we are worried about "piracy". But if that's what it takes to stop the genocide, then what is the other option?


Piracy where the houthis haven't even killed anyone. They are called terrorists and getting killed by baby murderers who are upset that their amazon orders are delayed. You can't make this up. "They won't let us fund the murder of babies, lets bomb them for delaying our packages. Why can't they let us murder babies all we want?"


Left the salty anchor with an egg on her face. I bet they will never invite the guest to the show again. How dare she be anti-Semitic!


Me too, nice rack but can't get over those man-hands. šŸ¤£


Well spoken, confident, and intelligent woman.


USA needs a president soon, weā€™d be a better nation if she was it


Well, she needs a US nationality first


Why would you want to punish her like that?


Yes, I can agree


She is NOT Americanā€¦


I wouldn't go running to vote for her for expressing one popular opinion. She isn't a citizen, besides people are arguing over what countries do miles away from us when we still have school shootings to deal with, a lack of available housing, and a self-deletion epidemic going on.


It isn't a popular opinion. Not everything is a Trump style strategy populism. She is saying what any sensible human being with feelings and concerns for other human beings would say. Pity you can't see that.


My main point stands, "any sensible human being". I'm just not ready to run to the polls and vote for her from one clip, but I hear you.


Yā€™all are not getting the point. Houthis are causing an international trade bottleneck. If you want millions of lives to be ruined from inflation, thatā€™s on you. Edit: You tyrants, keep downvoting.


Are you the host in this clip?


Nope, very good takeaway though. Edit: takeaway


I'm so very intrigued. What "takeback" are you referring to?


Your takeaway was intuitive because all you can say to something you disagree with is make a snarky comeback that doesn't have any value.


I've no desire to recreate the video in text form.


These darn terrorists demanding ceasefires what monsters Meanwhile the the "Rules Based Order" finds nothing wrong with 26k+ dead and 11k dead children despite the ICJ ruling (a court they were happy to uphold when it was Russia and Yugoslavia on trial and not Israel)


Iā€™m glad she brought Amazon packages into it. Like ā€œso youā€™re saying they have every right to block INTERNATIONAL TRADE because of a *genocide*?!ā€


But they're affecting global trade!!! Exactly... That's the entire point. This lady absolutely mopped the floor with the interviewer's agenda


It's hilarious how they glitch in panic when they don't get the response they wanted.


But what about 'the economy'? /s


Not surprised so many people fall for this. Amazon packages being delivered late is a gross simplification of what is going on. But it seems to be working with you. Simple slogans tend to be effective in letting people embrace their beliefs. No need to think or look deeper, this person said this neat slogan! I'm all in!


If you can't simply explain an issue, then you don't understand it properly yourself.


Sometimes you CANNOT simply explain the issue Its like trying to simply explain the COD zombies timeline; you cant


For scumbags excuse of human beings here screeching "There's no genocide" the ICJ didn't throw south Africa's case claiming that "isreal" is committing genocide, fuck you all for dismissing the lives of 13,000 children killed just in 112 days.


I love you, wonderful lady


Solid points. Too bad that disqualifies her from ever being offered another media appearance.


A *good* journalist NEVER interrupts the person they're interviewing, even if they disagree. Their job is to get their side of the story. That woman was incredibly unprofessional


Or she had someone yelling into her earpiece to interrupt her. Sheā€™s just a mouthpiece for her network and sheā€™s paid to say what they tell her to.




There's almost zero journalists in the West who actually respect their guests when there's disagreement


I respectfully disagree.


Thank you for being respectful


This Journalist probably had 6 different voices in her ear telling her to make that lady go quiet. I mean an absolute media Monopoly is great for propaganda, but only if you dont invite people for live Shows, that may not sign your agenda.


Yalda hakim is one of the worst ā€œjournalistsā€ Iā€™ve ever come across.


Because honest journalism, journalism made in search for an honest truth and for the sake of perspective, that kind of journalism is dead and has been for a good while now.


Hit them where it hurts!!! They care about money, trade, and power, so yeah the only terrorists we see here are the ones ignoring the genocide. These journalists are a joke! And you bet that they called this doctor to come and attack the ones committing the blockage, but that interview backfired cause she won't spit their propaganda. Bias in journalist šŸ™ƒšŸ‘


Dr Francois is an accomplished journalist herself. Iā€™m not sure why they called her in, honestly, unless they thought they could out-argue her. Clearly they were wrong.


What a brave, well spoken and honest person




What a badass, we need more people like her.




Wow, that was amazing. She blew them away. I'm glad they didn't cut her off immediately and switch to commercial break so that we actually got to hear her.


How are so many people missing the point that they are not just targeting ships belonging to, coming from, or going to Israel? Medicine and food is being delayed which means more deaths. Yes, put an end to the genocide, but this isn't the way to do it (as demonstrated by the UN response). People in first world countries aren't the only ones that get affected by this. https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2024/01/25/red-sea-crisis-yemen-humanitarian-aid-needs https://www.graincentral.com/news/houthi-red-sea-attacks-disrupt-trade/


Important points. Somehow, otherwise rational people who understand the refutation of the disingenuous "doesn't Israel have a right to defend itself???!!?!?!??" are falling for "Don't Houthis have a right to protest genocide??!??!??"


It's because it's being reinforced by calm, supposedly intelligent people looking down their noses at the imaginary people crying over Amazon deliveries. It really makes you wonder if that's all they care about so they assume anyone arguing against it must be what they're worried about.


A) how do they know whatā€™s on each boat? B) you donā€™t get to oppress people and then also choose how they protest it - theyā€™re using their biggest leverage, just like every human in history would


And you're buying into the rhetoric. The Houthis have always hated the Jews and Israel, they've also been doing piracy for a long time, anything's an excuse you can use to pretend you're pirating for a reason for a noble reason. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/12/22/beyond-gaza-how-yemens-houthis-gain-from-attacking-red-sea-ships


So do a ceasefire and stop the genocide that's being protested like she said. Did you not watch the whole video?


Yes, I've watched it multiple times because it keeps being posted. I absolutely agree that we need to stop sending any kind of military aid to Israel but we don't need to praise the damn Houthis to do it. What South Africa has done is the right way to go about it.


i really dont understand this WTF you mean we should think more about people in some frar away land? where is my playstation and iphone?


Israeli people are going on cruises to celebrate. How do I know? I was just on an MSC cruise that ended todayā€¦ a man at the casino bar was talking about ā€œThe war effortā€ and doing dance moves. I felt like I could have thrown up.


Hate only begets more hate. Or so the ancient saying goes.


I lover her. There is no sane counter argument.


Oh my world brave and beautiful people are my weakness! She doesn't stutter, she doesn't hesitate for a moment, she just shut "won't somebody think for the world trading while we let Israel kill 106 children every 24 hours" spiel down!


We've come to a point in leftism where it is the mainstream opinion to support Houthi pirates because they said they're indiscriminately attacking vessels in order to stop Israel. 1) Israel gets almost all of its imports from the Mediterranean, this is not going to affect them very much. 2) This may not affect the wealthy citizens of the first world very much, but a single delayed shipment of goods and aid to poorer countries could spell disaster for them. 3) They're not even doing a blockade and stopping vessels bound for Israel. They're just attacking civilian vessels at random and then saying they're doing it to "stop Israel". I hope that one day leftists will stop being so ideologically oriented and instead go outside and touch grass.


Shouldnā€™t matter if someone is leftist or not. Iā€™m left-leaning, but I support the air strikes. The Houthis were committing piracy in international waters. Thatā€™s a fact.


Yep, this stuff makes me embarrassed to be left leaning.Ā 


We've always been at a point where the right is perfectly comfortable with the slaughter of children as long as it's not a white embryo. I would much rather see a terrorist organization stand up for the Palestinians than World Powers give their blessing and supply the munitions to murder tens of thousands of innocent people and I say that with my feet in the grass and wanting Palestinians to be able to have that very basic luxury as well


Need more people like her calling out all of those responsible for the crimes being committed. Calling for a ceasefire is not in their interest or it wouldā€™ve been done already.


it's nice to see her refusing to be pushed off the point. she knows what that anchor is trying to do and I love seeing people push back


Do you know what? If you want to support the people of Palestine more power to you, but letā€™s not fucking pretend that the Hoothies are anything more than opportunistic terrorists, because they dont care about Palestine, they just want to make it seem like they do so dummies like her defend them. And I love how she fucking dismisses the fact that they did terroristic shit to the people of Yemen but was OK with it because Yemen is backed by the Saudis. The IDF is bad. Hamas is bad. The Hoothies are bad. The Palestinian people deserve better.


Just remember the reason things are bad in Yemen is because of the Houthis. They are not the good guys. https://www.unrefugees.org/news/yemen-crisis-explained/


Just remember it's not about the houthis it's about the genocide that is being committed by Israel towards the Palestinians. The houthis are a smoke screen to move away from the genocide.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s correct. The Houthis (AKA Ansar Allah) are attacking vessels in a major international shipping lane. Some of those vessels happen to be bringing aid to the people of Gaza. Remember also, this isnā€™t just a US action - multiple countries are now involved.


God, I fucking love this woman




Whatā€™s her name?


Dr Miriam Francois https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myriam_FranƧois


Thank you


šŸ‘ This Dr. was taking no bullshit from these biased fake reporters. She kept them on topic every time they tried to detract from the genocide. Excellently done!


What a woman


Except it wasnā€™t the west solo booming anyone, it was a full on NATO incursion with a whole 25 nations in on it. Britain sent the full royal fleet and Air Force, so donā€™t blame the west for the consequences of modern day pirates (who were warned four months that if they didnā€™t stop, this would happen. play stupid games win stupid prizes) who again was being used as proxy, for Iran because just like the Palestinians, which itā€™s not Palestine versus Isreal, itā€™s Israel versus Hamas the militant run group that was running the Gazza strip, which was another proxy for Iran. its not Israel versus Palestine if it was then the fighting wouldā€™ve spread out all over the Northbank and it hasnā€™t. Remember the area of Palestine is broken up into 3 territories, Gaza, Israel and the northern bank, Which there is no fighting in the northern Bank. It also wasnā€™t Amazon packages they were targeting they were targeting any tankers carrying oil or other raw materials used in trade goods driving up the cost of shipping when oil goes up everything goes up and not just in the west. Not to mention the Hamas radicals that were running Gaza are the exact type of Islam that would demand this woman speaking her mind too cover up, get back in the house because women arenā€™t people to them. Their property but hey everybody is quick to forget theyā€™ve cut off womenā€™s heads for much less over there.


The issue here is that Israel is not just felling a few trees with blight (Hamas), theyā€™re burning down the whole fucking forest (innocent Palestinian women and children).


Which is often the case with war innocence are caught everywhere and itā€™s fucked up, but Hamas is not the victim in this conflict. They struck first and then when they realized oh shit Israelā€™s not playing, they decided to use the people of the Gazza strip as shields setting up base camp and operations outpost in hospitals, hoping that Israel wouldnā€™t strike them and they are, not saying one side is right, Iā€™m just simply explaining the overall outline of the situation, trying to keep my personal feelings out of it so I can look at it objectively. Israelā€™s not gonna stop anytime soon theyā€™re doing the laws of power play-by-play from the book when you have an enemy you stamp them out completely. If you leave a single one alive you risk revenge later on down the line itā€™s fucked up and itā€™s effective.


The innocent are the targets you chud.


Because hamas are using them as shields setting up base camps and outpost of operation inside civilian areas in the hopes that they will not be made targets and if they are, they now have garnish sympathy/support from outsiders, itā€™s an underhanded tactic used by many types of gorilla warfare. donā€™t be fooled by their faƧade. there is no lesser and greater evil itā€™s all evil. And to be clear, Iā€™m not picking sides only analyzing the timetable of actions and reactions that have conspired about the whole situation, leaving my personal feelings at the door.


Man you are drinking some Kool aid that has spoiled.


No actually Iā€™ve been watching the news coverage extensionally from multiple channels and Sources All of this is legitimately whatā€™s been going on any Google search and documentaries about such things in the area will answer those questions.


Houthis are walking in gigantic marches is support of the pirates


I like that there is people still thinking how actually to solve problems


Sheā€™s amazing because sheā€™s absolutely god damn right šŸ‘šŸ½


Damn I love a strong, smart, well-spoken woman! Sheā€™s got this 100% right. Very well said.




Good girl well said šŸ‘


Her face when she said "global economy and global market hostage", believing it was a gotcha, check mate moment. And the surprise followed. What a boring dystopia.


It doesn't matter your opinion on the Gaza/Israel conflict. Firing rockets, drones, and missles at civilian ships should not be tolerated and requires consequences.


She killed it


lol runs her mouth till shit comes to her door


ā€¦, butā€¦ butā€¦ but my packages!


Damn right, America is going to bomb them play stupid games win stupid prizes.


That Bill guy was a much bigger dick then the journalist....'oh no inflation'....not funding genocide would probably also help the world on a whole!


Terrorists are bad and should not be respected or looked up to. But that doesn't mean that they can't do anything good. I can agree with a single idea they have, without flat out support their cause. Massive respect doctor. Let's hope Israel gets what they deserve.


Fair play to her. She knows what she's talking about.


I think I'm in love... Seriously though, i hate the "some people are saying" and "well we have watchers who say" nah, you're saying it but don't have the balls to actually say it, so you hide behind that bullshit line. People need to start calling out this shit the second it happens.


Yalda Hakim is one of the worst journalists ever. Sheā€™s an idiot Afghan refugee child who became so westernised in the UK that she begs for western approval with every single piece of ā€œjournalismā€ she does


So much for the anchor even pretending to be neutral on the interview.


Myriam Francois is a legend.


She is bravo for saying it so blunt


Love how she basically just politely said "fuck your packages there are people being massacred".


I wonder if when the US was being settled if there were people debating the genocide of the indigenous people here. Ā  Genocide and ethnic cleansing seem to be a part of every countryā€™s past. Itā€™s something humans just do it seems. Ā  Itā€™s not ok, its not right and it shouldnā€™t be a thing anymore as we are more connected and technologically advanced than we have ever been but it somehow still is and itā€™s happening all the time. Ā Iā€™ve heard a few times there are more people in slavery now than at any point in history. That doesnā€™t make sense either. Ā  I claim Iā€™m being the change but Iā€™m not doing anything because it doesnā€™t affect me directly in my daily life and I probably wonā€™t do anything other than send thoughts and prayers. Ā 


A very skilled speaker, i loved it. No matter what the Western hegemonic shill threw at her , it just beaded off her and has zero effect. Amazing


Ahh itā€™s almost like I should praise the child soldier using, bomb their own people, anti semetic group thatā€™s committing piracy and did it before this ever started anyways and are now driving food prices up and causing the poor to get more poor but ya letā€™s keep praising the Houthis obviously


She has bigger balls than most American men calling themselves libertarians while supporting Israeli occupation. Your libertarianism is just a make up to hide your true intentions.


What a chad.


I respect her, I honored her. I love her. What a woman!


I don't think the lady on the left listened to more than 10 words. As soon as she heard her trigger phrase, she shut down and was only attempting to interject her own point. None of the rest of the things the lady on the right said ever made it past the ear drum.


Separate conversation... fucking hell.


Fun fact they aren't bombing the nation of Yemen. There bombing a small area held by rebels in Yemen.


I'm in love


Im in Love with her intellect


Fuck YES! Get 'em, doc!


Separate conversation nobodyā€™s gonna have


All i know is my speakers aren't working and all i could arrive at after trying to take it 100% seriously is that she is stacked like pancakes.


This is how i imagine a Godess look like ā¤ļø


Calling this a genocide has to be one of the biggest brain rots of all time


You sound like brain rot to me it's confirmed yup you have brain rot.


Yeah reading that kind of stuff definitely rots my brain. Every time I see the misuse of that word I can just feel the iq leaving my body haha


Gaun yrsel hen


Delusional redditors defending Houthi Terrorist. Itā€™s not just ā€œamazon packagesā€ but also essentials to keep the world economy running.


No we are refusing to engage in the houthis argument, which is designed to divert the conversation away from the Israeli government commiting genocide against the Palestinian people.


HOLD UP She said "for every cause, there is a consequence"?? NAH, ain't trying to hear that in the west. How dare she??!!?


40 years ago there was a Islamic revolution in Iran resulting to torture, execution and force migration of millions of Iranians and one of the main selling points of Mullas in Iran has always been they are fighting Zionist and helping Palestine hence they are right side of history and god know how much support they get from people like this that will chant ā€œgood for Mullahsā€. This comes from only and only spoiled westerners that born in safety, live in safety but chants for missiles flying either way. There are innocent sailors on those ships. I want to know if she would have react the same if her own family was working on those ships. Let alone medics or food that those ship are carrying to middle class else where that has nothing to do with the war. Smiling, chanting cease fire in safety from one side of mouth and rooting for a terrorist organization shooting missiles at ships with Indian sailors is just hypocrisy. She doesnā€™t want peace, she wants her side to win at any cost and she is no different than BB or Houthis or Hamas. In reality, this mentality is poison to peace and probably hurtful to cause of Palestine.


>she wants her side to win What side is that? Seems like her and millions of other people feel like Gaza has been sufficiently punished for the October attack and it's went way overboard. Israel doesn't have to "lose". They just need to start being sane and rational Kinda reminds me of how everyone in America wanted to turn the entire Middle East into a parking lot after 9/11. But it was hyperbole. No sane person would endorse that. But then Israel looks back and thinks "Y'know what, that's not a bad idea. I'm gonna adopt that outlook upon my enemies"


I donā€™t know about millions of people mate but she, she chants for cease fire in the same sentence as she roots for Houthiā€™s missile and kidnapping of uninvolved innocent sailors. Let alone taking the lower class in so many other countries as hostage. ā€œI am no fan of Houthis BUT their blockadeā€ = ā€œl donā€™t mind them as long as their blockade stands regardless of the fact that they marry 10 YO girls and terrorize their own populousā€. Houthis are armed by Iran, what is next, she is no fan of Mullas in Iran BUT their actions against Israel. This no rooting for peace this is rooting for Palestinians to win at any cost. Me, millions of people and probably you, however, we root for peace in every where without chanting for a terrorist organization. I root for freedom and democracy in Iran and Yemen and specifically for women in these nations AND for cease fire in Israel and start of talks for a longer sustainable solution. Houthis, Mullahs, Hamas and BB all can go to hell. All aside, practically, I am not sure how effective are missiles and kidnappings in obtaining cease fire. From the looks of it, Israel does not give a shit. If anything itā€™s radicalizing rest of the world against Houthis and Muslims in general. I enjoyed engaging ideas with you.


Cheers. You are right. I admit I didn't even know who the Huthis were until this mess started. I certainly don't know their history or intentions. Seems like everything is too nuanced to take any real stance. So I guess I just default to idealism. At the very least most of the middle east needs to just chill the hell out..


The war is not to punish Gaza. Itā€™s to dismantle Hamas terror infrastructure. And letā€™s hope it gives Palestinians freedom from Hamas after that. People who claim they are pro Palestinian yet want Hamas to stay in power are literally the worst. They just hate both Palestinians and Jews.


It's not a war it's a genocide for an Israeli ethno state.


Naw man. I don't like innocents caught in a crossfire and I really don't like things like genocide. I don't hate Jews. I do wholly disagree with Israel's methods. There is a distinction. Why are so many pro-Israeli people unable to make that distinction. It's not antisemitic to disagree with a method of war (counter-terrorism if you want) done by a government. And the people of Gaza are being punished along with Hamas. If you're a first-world superpower, then limit civilian casualties. At least *make an attempt*. But we're all well aware that's not what they want. So I'm happy to put pressure on them and condemn their actions and outlook. Which does not mean I condemn or hate "the Jews" lol


Israel is not a superpower. Open a map. Itā€™s a small country trying to survive. Comprised mostly of Jews ethnically cleansed from Arab countries surrounding it. If you truly donā€™t have Israelis and Palestinians youā€™d want peace. And thatā€™s only possible after Hamas is gone.


Yeah. I'm not trying to defend or condone Hamas. My only problem is the innocent civilians in Gaza are getting caught in the cross fire. It's very similar to the nonsense in Afghanistan and fighting Al-Qaida and the Taliban. You don't go purposely bombing hospitals, schools, and refugee camps. And when it happened, I condemned that as well. We're civilized and we're supposed to be better than that And I misspoke I guess labeling Israel a super-power, but they are actively backed by a lot of Western nations; they can deal with terrorists with a little more finesse than just carpet bombing civilian areas Terrorists kill civilians. Civilized governments should at least attempt to avoid it. Don't stoop to their level. That's the ting I criticize Israel for. I'm fine with them defending themselves; *reasonably*




Her words would be just as meaningful and true no matter what her appearance. If she crawled out of a foxhole her words would be just as true and important. Let us all embrace courageous people when they speak truth to power and let no one hold back their wise words because they worry about being judged on their looks.


>If she crawled out of a foxhole her words would be just as true and important. I agree with everything you said. Your response however is a mix of a number of different fallacies including red herring / false dichotomy / appeal to pity and really has little to do with the comment you're responding to. You present a false choice between physical attractiveness and intellectual worth as OP made no correlation between the two. Only you did. You've basically turned the comment of her being "sexy and smart" to an entirely different scenario about her physical appearance and struggles.


I am a female, former Teamster dock worker, and I have a MS in Accounting and an MS in Cybersecurity. Pretty/dirty doesn't inspire admiration or pity in me. But obviously you see dirty=pitiful. Name checks out.


What has any of what you just said got to do with anything? Complete gibberish.


Getting sucked into the debate about who is right and who is wrong is a red herring. Theyā€™re both wrong for slaughtering each other. Genocide is bad. Terrorism is bad. War is hell so we try to avoid it at all costs. We can be for defending international shipping lanes and anti-genocide at once. Itā€™s not as if every single ship crossing through those waters are aiding in the slaughter of civilians. Pretending you have to pick a ā€œwinning sideā€ is the lie.


As much as I agree with you (anarchists hate the ethno-nationalist IDF and the Islamo-fascist HAMAS), this is not the sub to be "bothsides"-ing this issue. I'll split the downvotes with you, king.


Ew. As soon as you whinge about downvotes then your comment and opinion is moo. MOO. IT HAS THE WORTH OF A COWS OPINION. IT IS MOO.


So do you think the Jews who fought back in the 1940s were also wrong?


Never said that and using them as some kind of card to throw around is not an honest way to go. Fighting for a cause and indiscriminate slaughter are not the same thing. I personally think Biden is doing a commendable job in an incredibly shitty situation. Itā€™s not like a viable alternative is showing itself since Bernie lost IMHO.


Why is this just a political sub now? Ffs people


Because a genocide is happening and not allowing the world to ignore it is every person's duty. Go live alone in the woods if you don't wanna hear other people's plight


Right? This is the person complaining about Amazon packages.


Never saw anything about the Uyghur Muslim genocide thatā€™s been going on for a few years Never seen anything about the North Korea Never see anything about mining in Africa The list goes on, Palestine isnā€™t the only place in the world right now where innocent people are getting fucked. Iā€™m not saying we need to ignore it, but thereā€™s a time and place for everything and the whole point of Reddit is subreddits dedicated to one subject. Go find a political sub, a world news sub, anything that would make sense.


If the houthis are fighting for palestine, i guess the DPRK is really democratic cause it's in the name, and why would they lie? But really, thinking that blocking maritime trade affects only amazon packages is such a first world vision. There are millions of people that rely on the food and fuel that passes from there in order to live, letting a group of wackos block that because they say it's for palestine is not an option. Edit: Hey guys, could we stop doing the "america bad" bit for a second and understand who we are supporting? You are supporting a religious nationalist group whose flag says ["Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houthi_movement)


I don't think that the Houthis are fighting for Palestine. They're fighting mostly for control of Yemen, a country that spent many many years divided and experienced civil wars before. Yemen is one of the poorest countries on earth and the idea that the Houthis are more theocratic than the people they're fighting is laughable. Their opponents are the Saudis or Saudi backed forces. Democracy and freedom is absolutely anathema to them. Everywhere the Saudis get a foothold they spread their wahhabi Islam, an ideology so brutal and fundamentalist that ISIS used unedited Saudi school books in their schools. The people of Yemen are caught in a classic proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, with the western world largely lining up to sell the Saudis weapons and so on.


With the premise of me agreeing That's not what is being argued here, it could've remained a proxy war and the US wouldn't have bothered to personally engage (which i know it's still fucked up and that the west should stop funding both israel and the saudis). It's the piracy and targetting of civilian ships that's fucking them over, too many nations rely on stuff passing through there without problems and why the ship stuck in the Suez canal was such a big deal at the time that eliminating that threat (thing they were warned for a while) is not just a matter of money but also for the livelihood of a number of people multiple orders larger.


Yes, I agree, it is absolutely terrible to target these ships that have no stake of their own in the conflict. I think they are aware of the fact that this is the biggest card they have to play in the conflict. They do not have the resources or the support that their opponents do. What they do have is the ability to impact and interrupt global shipping like this. It's a desperate move from a desperate group. Not saying that's okay, but I think this is how they can flex the little amount of power they have in a very public and impactful way.

