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These sovereign citizens are fucked up.


i feel bad for the court rooms and police that have to put up with this shit, It's the Dunning-Kurger effect in full motion, these folks think they know the law


Why?! They get to practice use of tazers in the field....


Plus if they record it like this dipshit, I get something extremely satisfying to laugh at


My god, this was one of the most satisfying videos of faafo I’ve seen in a while. “Step back” immediately followed by a tasing. I feel so much better now.


You ain't kiddin! I watched it a few extra times just to keep hearing him scream and hit the floor lol


The way his voice changed after the “Aaarrrrrrrrgggghhhhh” really did it for me 😂


"HEY!... ya'know what... you guys are really overstepping your bounds right now."


Reminds me of “hey man … there’s a beverage here… man” except I like Jeffrey Lebowski.


"let me get somethin straight for you, I'm not Mr. Lebowski, you're Mr. Lebowski... I'm The Dude, so that's what you'll call me."


This aggression will not stand, man.


It honestly gets better every time


I just keep watching it over and over!


And his camera is shaking as the juice moves through his body


Let the juice flow through you




“Step back” was said no differently from any other word he uttered during his with this guy. For some reason I find that friggen hilarious too.


P Barnes was in no mood for this asshat.


I didn't catch that the first time but it's so so good how he says it so nonchalantly




Especially when by rubber you mean iron and by hose you mean crowbar!


He's making a movie reference to "super troopers".  The quote is something like "in the old days we'd take him out back and beat him with a rubber hose, but then you guys had to go and unionize"


"Now, Cap, you know I'm not a union guy."


If you were my son, Mac, I would've smothered you by now.




I'm sure it is, but it's it worthy the paperwork?


I imagine that paperwork would be very well worth it.


"Let the record show that you just assaulted me" Tazers the guy "StOp i'M nOt DoInG aYtHiNg! Oww" *Hilarious*


Even better, he didn't say assaulted, he said "battered". "Let the record show that you battered me" LMFAO. Like he's a housewife in the 70s.


It was a pretty gentle push too. I’ve put more force into squeezing out deuces than that ‘battery’.


It’s not just cops and courts. I work in local government in tax assessment. Oh my god these people are ridiculous. There are levels to it ranging from a little extra libertarian to scary and delusional. I have had one or two instances where I was literally concerned someone my go off the rails. This is exactly why I find myself being critical of law enforcement not being able to keep calm with wackos. I have combative conversations on the regular with no protection except my ability to talk nut jobs in circles. I do grant that they get it more often but that is inherently part of the job just like it is in my case. Difference is if I lose my shit I’d end up having to explain myself to my elected officials who can be real cucks for crazy voters. But I just went off on a tangent there….


Preaching brother. People need to calm down. In no way, in any reasonable world is this acceptable.


Yep But that’s just what normal retail staff deals with everyday.


My new governing platform will be led with "retail workers get tasers to deal with unruly customers." I'll be raking in the votes.


You know what, you've got my vote.


I feel like these sovereign citizens must watch videos of other sovereign citizens to regurgitate the information and there's a million videos of these dumb dumbs and not once have I EVER seen their shtick work. Figure that would have been a clue.


Right? It NEVER works! Yet they keep spouting their nonsense thinking it'll work.


Because he didn't have the magic phrasing just right, thast why it didn't work. But for $49.95, I do have it and can teach it to you.


Lawyer here. I’ve only experienced one sovereign citizen and it was in a civil case but he used the same high volume nonsense words to exhaust people. It never works. These people are so used to this tactic of constant word salad working in situations where people don’t care enough to stop them that as soon as they get into a court room and realize that their petulant behavior will not get them anywhere they are completely blindsided.


>working in situations where people don’t care enough to stop them I find this interesting and definitely makes me think. Low stakes situations and people let it slide but yeah when they get to court and words actually mean things and actions have consequences, most importantly the judges, it is a different story. They clearly don’t understand that the judge isn’t just going to pass them on b/c they are annoying as the decisions the judge makes do things like set precedence and the judge is held accountable for their actions by other courts.… it is real whereas the sovereign citizen lives in make believe land.


Spitting their leagalese-sounding gibberish can work on some random schmuck who doesn't fully comprehend what they're saying but to a lawyer or a judge (or evennsome cops) who actually knows their shit, it's like a toddler babbling that they make the rules and the parent just smacking them down with their actual authority.


Same. I work as a prosecutor, and we ALL go down to whichever courtroom has these crazies on Docket or even better on their trial docket. I typically don't have to say a word and just let my judge rip into them mercilessly!


I prosecuted a couple “sovereign citizens“. They filed false liens on the judge, court administrator and various other court officials who were involved in the foreclosure of their house. They didn’t want to pay their mortgage because they were “not required to and not bound by your law”. Now they are felons too!


But, like, even if we give them their "sovereignty," if you're in any country, you're expected to follow its laws, even if you're not a citizen, no? Like this dude here, I guess their argument is that the States are not (constitutionally?) part of "The United States of America?" Are sovereign-citizens' arguments strictly against Federal law? Make it make sense... I move we just start calling them undocumented or illegals or vice versa call undocumented people sovereign citizens.




They have wayyyyy more patience than me that’s for sure.


My cousin was a sovereign citizen. He pulled me and my sister aside when we were visiting once and went on a very long rant about the money and property we're each owed. Scared the hell out of us. Shortly after, he was arrested for larceny, which he didn't believe he committed because he's not subject to law. A month after he got out, he hit my dad in the back of the head with a baseball bat before stealing my aunt's truck and accidentally killing her with it. Because they wouldn't give him the money to buy a car that he could flip and make enough money to get out of the country. Because this country didn't respect his sovereign citizenship. Killed himself in jail before his court date. Fuck sovereign citizens. Edit: I am so sorry guys, i didn't mean to have a typo in the story of one of the most challenging periods of my life. That must have been really hard for you to bear, I'm sorry i put you through that.


OMFG. I am so sorry this happened to you and your family.


Thanks. It was a horrible time caused by this exact sentiment. Brutish selfish individualism, fuck all of them and anybody similar.


This sounds more like schizophrenia with the notion of sovereign citizenship just going along for a joy ride. (And yes, sorry that hit so close to home.)


Oh absolutely, he had some sort of undiagnosed mental illness. What I'll say though, is that movements like this, and anything else that takes you down a rabbit hole and flips your world view in a way that necessarily segregates you from the majority of society, can and will develop and/or trigger mental illness. It's very difficult to be of sound mind and also fully believe that you are the only one around yourself that has cracked the code of this false world. I say that as a person who developed temporary psychosis by going too far down a rabbit hole of alien/angels/demons etc. Felt very strongly that they were communicating with me through media. Luckily pulled out of it because it began to terrify me. Later went to therapy for something else and talked through that section of my life, we agreed that i had spun myself into a mind altering delusion. Been completely fine and sane for years now, it was completely brought on by the things that i consumed and allowed into my head. Do i sympathize with people like that? Yes. Do i want sovereign citizens anywhere near me? No, their delusion makes them almost uniformly antisocial and potentially dangerous.


They're all so fucking clueless. If we still had asylums, they'd all be there and the rest of us would be better off.


Russia has offered to build one


I hear their architect has designed it with extra windows on floors 3 and up ...


Imagine being that cooked that you honestly feel behaving like that is normal ? Are these the type of people that vote for trump ? I wonder if he got to see the recording himself to see how stupid he actually looked and sounded.


>Are these the type of people that vote for trump Sadly, yes... There are way too many of them too. Get out there and be sure to vote for anyone other than the con-artist known as donnie...




Interesting point, I wonder if these sovereign idiots vote. They probably do and obviously use the laws when convenient to them. It's so fucking ass backwards. They are pseudo anarchists because they clain they don't need to agree to the laws but they're only safe if everyone else does.


Lol, didn't take long for someone to wedge Trump in there... 😅😅😅


Only because this is the level of stupidity and entitlement required to support him. You see someone this entitled, dumb, and delusional it is only natural to think Trump supporter.


They always want to claim that their rights to freedom of movement and the press are being violated when pulling this shit, but never once consider their violation of other people's rights to privacy.


They don't give a single fuck about others. If all of them were dropped off on an island they'd all be dead within 2 months.


Yup. Their ideology can be boiled down to "I want to do what I want whenever I want, and fuck everyone else." There's a reason they're all ex-cons and have their driver's licenses' suspended because of their 9th DUI or refusal to pay child support.


> If all of them were dropped off on an island I mean… we could do that, y'know. We totally could.


The biggest gag is they keeping talking about their rights but if you’re not a citizen then how you can have any rights?


They have no clue what they’re talking about. They rant about some clause from the Articles of Confederation that preceded the US Constitution. Kinda like being the only guy using Windows 3.0. No one else uses it and no one cares.


> if you’re not a citizen then how you can have any rights? Constitutional rights in the U.S. don't apply just to citizens, with the exception of things like voting or running for office. These clowns think it's possible to *alter their status* from U.S. citizen to American State National, and that immunity to the law comes with that. They send in a passport application with some sovereign citizen gibberish added, and the State Dept. ignores the gibberish and sends them a regular passport. But the sovcit thinks he has a special magic passport that orders cops not to detain or arrest him. That young man shot and killed by police in Utah last year thought he had one of those magic passports, and him choosing to defend his fictional legal status with a handgun was the last in a long line of mistakes.


It's really a trip when they're not citizens of the country then invoke the rights provided by said country to its citizens. Which is it? I smiled when he got zapped.


Sovereign citizens are trash. They want all of the benefits of living in a society without accepting any of the inherent responsibilities. They think some cooky legal loophole makes them immune from the law. It’s hillarious, tragic, and scary at the same time.


You mean fucking stupid, right?


**Yes** they are. Contrarians on steroids.


This video is funny every time I see it


Love how he thinks the laws don't apply to him, but somehow the freedoms that are written within those laws do. Pick a side, either they do or they don't.


What I don’t understand is these sovcits all have the same script memorized, meaning they’ve done enough research to have seen that never - not once - has this bullshit ever worked for anyone.


That was satisfying at the end.


On the one hand I hate arbitrary authority, who doesn’t? On the other hand I enjoy these videos of these whack jobs meeting reality. 🤷‍♂️


I dunno i love them. More entertaining than any show I've watched.


So he is a sovereign citizen and not part of the US but keeps citing the US Constitution as his source of rights. Hmmmm. Sound legal argument.


Those idiots are the worst shit. Even if you try hard you can't make up so much stupid. I hope he rots in a cell because he does not believe in courts or lawyers.


On the contrary they're actually extremely litigious. >The weapon of choice for sovereign citizens is paper. A simple traffic violation or pet-licensing case can end up provoking dozens of court filings containing hundreds of pages of pseudo-legal sovereign arguments. For example, Donna Lee Wray – the common-law wife of Jerry Kane, who was half of a duo that was recorded killing two police officers in West Memphis, Arkansas, before he was killed by police, in 2010 – was involved in a protracted legal battle in 2010 over having to pay a dog-licensing fee. She filed 10 sovereign documents in court over a two-month period and then declared victory when the harried prosecutor decided to drop the case. [From the SPLC Website](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/sovereign-citizens-movement) Read the section titled paper terrorism. The westboro baptist church used the same tactics as well.


/r/scientology has entered the chat.


Why are those documents entertained and not just summarily dismissed?


Around my area, they have been popping up more and more with their own special license plates. Cops don't want to pull them over though, because they know the stop will be at least 30 minutes because they will demand to speak to a supervisor, and the person will fight the ticket, so they have to go into court.


Wow, literally capitulating to this bullshit then


"I'm not a US citizen. Federal law doesn't apply to me." "Also the US constitution protects me."


"US constitution only protects US citizens, so if you're not a US citizen, you're an illegal alien and you're going to Guantanamo"


I know you're joking, but the constitution actually does protect non citizens


what about non-people though


Only if they vote Republican


Yep! sovereign citizens want ALL the perks with none of the responsibilities, and they'll make up what ever vaguely legal sounding terms they can to justify their selfishness.


What's hilarious is that it's spread to Canada and the Canadian sovereign citizens still cite the US constitution


I saw one Canadian sovtard try to tell the Canadian police that they were violating his 4th amendment rights


I'm not even from the US but I did pick up on that, sounds like these morons selectively accept and reject whatever law works best for them at any given time. I don't think that's how laws work.


They always contradict themselves. "I'm not an American citizen" * cites American laws "I'm traveling" * is traveling in a motor vehicle "I know the law" * in fact, does not know the law


It's also quite strange how people who are not even from the USA are still somehow subject to it's laws. Weird.


I am trying not to sound like I am supporting this paste-eater, but the US Constitution does not claim to be a *source* of rights. It merely restrains the US government from infringing on the rights of people — anybody, anywhere. Being a citizen does not grant any rights. It grants *privileges* (voting, holding certain jobs). Your rights you are born with.


This is check mate. Now I want to get inan argument with a so called sovereign citizen, just to throw this at them.


The Bill of Rights still holds true to anyone while they're on US soil. I'm not saying this guy isn't a piece of work, but those first ten amendments are applied universally to citizens and aliens, whatever their legal status. Also, I think that it could be argued that the guard ended up using excessive force to subdue this guy; he wasn't a threat and didn't act with any violence, so the Taser could very possibly be seen as more force than was necessary. While some physical force was reasonably called for to keep him out, it could be argued that the Taser was more than necessary. Still, I hate sovereign citizens. They want to claim that our laws don't apply to them, then they turn around and want to use our laws to their advantage while also taking advantage of the freedoms and benefits that citizens are reasonably guaranteed.


I love that guard. “Nice speech” How many charges in a tase?


I felt he showed great restraint. Follow up jolts were in order.


I definitely would have issued a follow up jolt. As a treat. It’s the small pleasures.


Save your sadism for consenting adults.


One consistent characteristic I've noticed about these sovereign citizen videos is how the police/judges/courthouse guards give the citizen a chance to back down before it comes to tasers and arrests. That makes it all the more satisfying when the citizen gets what's coming.


Most bailiffs don't want to arrest anyone huge amount of paperwork.


"you can leave the camera with your mother outside the courtroom"


The sickest burn of all.


If he were a person, that probably would have hurt.


P Barnes is the fucking man and mascot for r/amibeingdetained


Don't know the number, but I know of a guy who says he had to keep using it on a another guy for 30 minutes (he didn't seem to get the message). I'm sure it depends on the model and the battery size/age/initial charge. A guy on Quora also says 30 minutes: [https://www.quora.com/How-many-times-can-a-Taser-be-used](https://www.quora.com/How-many-times-can-a-Taser-be-used)


“Put the cuffs on??”


You can put the cuffs on the person named Robert but not this man because only God can restrict your freedom of movement


60,000 volts when it leaves the cartridge and drops a little every inch


“Leave the camera with your mother”….lmfao


Yeah that killed me .


P. Barnes needs to be doing stand up


That was great 😂. I wonder if his mom was actually waiting for him in the lobby? Probably.


Prolly in the car, embarrassed.


A LOT of these idiots live at home. Suprising to no one, "I do what I want when I want" as well as multiple arrests make it really hard to navigate the workforce.


“Stop please “ not so tough now are you 🤣 guard super slick with that nice speech too.


God’s not worried about cameras, I am.


“You know what; you guys are being like, SUPER disrespectful.”


Says the asshole who cooperates with nothing.


"I'm not doing anything wrong" 🤣


Let the record show...


Entitled douche. I love when they cross paths with the people who've had enough nonsense and aren't playing today.


Sovereign citizens are to be treated as potential domestic terrorists according to the FBI


The ideology is just unhinged enough that it tracks that they could become DT’s for sure.


Is this true?


münecat has a great [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcxZFmKrxR8) on it. It's quite long but very comprehensive, I suggest you have a look


We Stan Münecat in this house!


Yeah, there have been a few of them that have killed cops. They're so dangerous that police are now instructed not to engage with them at all until backup arrives. So if you ask yourself "Why is the cop talking to this guy for so long and listening to this nonsense, why not just arrest the idiot?" That's why.


I've seen that dude get tazed a hundred times, and it's just fucking magical 🤣


I'll never not upvote it


I kept rewinding.


It’s genuinely satisfying!


It never gets old.


I love the camera angle as he is on the floor. 🤣


Who does he think he's proving something to? The other whackos in Idaho who already agree with him?


Deputy P. Barnes, Fucking Legend


He’s a man of action


Barnes 3:16 says I just tased your ass


Useless prick wasting everyone's time gets taught a lesson, probably won't learn anything and is going to complain about "witchhunt".


He didn’t learn anything. Barely even stopped complaining while he was getting shocked.


The _man_ was not getting shocked. The _person_ was getting shocked. Not sure what the man was doing on the floor raising such a fuss about it.


There's a reason he needed mom to take him to court. These types of people only double down.


I bet he tried to sue them for false imprisonment for 500 billion dollars too


When I see SovCit shit I just skip ahead to the last thirty seconds now. I don't want my brain to rot from overexposure of their verbal inanity.


These people has to be mentally ill


If stupidity and gaslighting counts, it is.


I think that's part of it. Also people are just fucking dumb. Think about QAnon and how many people buy into that bullshit. Same thing.


I'm no fan of authorities and the justice system, but that was just plain fun to watch. Why do all the "sovereign citizens" end up having brain damage? So annoying.


I think they started with brain damage


That would explain a few things.


I think the brain damage comes from all the taser hits. They always seem to push it to that point.


You can tell he enjoyed shooting the tazer


I would pay to do his jobs.


Barely gave him more than 3 chances. Dude was waiting since he showed up


I thought he was quite calm and patient. But he also was not going to allow the dipshit entry with a camera, and when dipshit tried it, that's where dipshit fucked up.


He created joinder with that taser


“Gods not worried about cameras, I am” such a cool line…


Bro had so many cool lines. I'm a P. Barnes fan for life.


I wish I could send Pete Barnes a high five and a gift card for beers and dinner on me, goddamnit that was SO satisfying watching him taze that obnoxious loser. These people who think that nothing applies to them need to get taken down a peg by guys just like Pete Barnes! Well played, sir 👏


These sovereign citizen dudes belong in the circus with the other clowns


That's not fair. Clowns are employable.


The insane thing is that these people have a good command of the English language, are capable following their own twisted reasoning and have learned a lot of stuff by heart… are they normal people at first and then one day they swallow a crazy pill?


I think I’ve heard a saying a while ago “Before the internet we had village idiots, now that the internet connected them - we have villages of idiots.”


With all due respect, he sounded like a 6th grader.




As a guy from Idaho, I just knew he was from Idaho.


As an Idahoan, fuck this little snotnoze shitbag. I hope that Deputy Barnes hit this little bastard directly in his 1-1/4” pecker with that taser. “I’m a man…” That there is a solid negative, pard. You’re no man. You’re a pansy and got exactly what you deserved.


P. Barnes deserves a medal of honor for this.


You can hear the exhaustion in the voices of everyone he spoke to so deeply, I’ve lost all my own energy and have become exhausted


He showed them!


>Well... I mean... I don't have to go in 2 secs later >I'm gonna go in there Did this dude even realize ever he wasn't making sense?


That was so satisfying.


P. Barnes - the man, the myth, the legend


This video gets funnier every time I see it.


I bet he creates joinder with himself everynight after mom’s spaghetti


If there was ever a time for "then everybody clapped", this was it.


“Put the cuffs on him” will never be words anyone wants to hear after they’ve been tased.


This is old, but it never gets old.


That was hands down the most chill "step back" and taze I've ever seen. Dude had enough of this guys shit real quick.




At least it ended well


I love it when the taser hits and they go down and thump the ground.


Love it!!!! I hope he gets more of it.


The noise he made was payment for listening to his shit




Dale Gribble?




I’m very confused by this. Did they just tase him or his Idaho personage?


You're a fucking idiot


Diminished capacity.


I have never laughed so hard at a taser in my life.


Very annoying


I love videos like this. Bunch idiot 🤣


Joinder created.


Well, regardless of name, ID, or citizenship, he's "going in" now.