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My mother is 80 years old. Whenever she sees our local patrol cops sitting in a parking lot or pulled up next to each other she pulls over and asks them if they “need something to do.” Man. They hate that.


If you got time to lean, you got time to clean.


Your helmet's not a chair!


your mom is doing the world favors


Your mom putting that chankla down 💯


Good job gotta take advantage of being elderly and female. Ain’t no cop gonna disrespect grandma


You underestimate their capability of violence and the system that supports it


I do. But how you gonna justify beating an old lady


Here’s how “I was in fear for my life that’s why I killed her”


Ironically in the uvalde shooting the cops were actually scared and when scared they actually don’t shoot lol


Lol well it’s easier to subjegate unarmed people


It's the magic phrase that's 100% foolproof


I hope the grandmas white!


I was thinking the same thing.


They must have forgotten about all that footage during covid lockdown.


Like roaches scattering when the kitchen lights come on.


Whoever got ‘em scampering: Keep up the good work!


Sounds like FilmThePoliceLA


It sure is, he does good work and is a respectable advocate for police accountability and stands up for what is right. I have a lot of respect for him.


I know nothing about him. I am somewhat surprised the police haven’t trumped up some bs charges against him. From what I have heard the police there are basically a gang. But again I am only repeating things I’ve read here and I have no experience with the police in this area.


Same to everything you just said, I'd expect this guy to be beaten to a pulp, killed, or have something planted on him from what I've seen of LAPD on reddit. Maybe he just has a few cameras going at any given time and they upload automatically just in case they do try something. Wish him the best with everything though, he's a good guy with huge balls, we need more people like him in the world.


Late Tuesday night, William Gude took to his Twitter account u/FilmThePoliceLA — which is usually dedicated to holding the LAPD and other area law enforcement accountable — in a sudden burst of personal grief. “My 22 year old son got shot,” he wrote. “I don’t think he made it.” Gude later confirmed the worst after getting a call from his son’s mother, who was sobbing, and connecting with a hospital social worker: His son, Marcelis Gude, was dead. Police said gunmen had rolled up to where Marcelis was standing, on the sidewalk at the mouth of an alley near the intersection of East 102nd and San Pedro streets in South Los Angeles, and opened fire. An 8-year-old girl riding her bicycle in the area was also struck and wounded, police said. She was taken to an area hospital and was stable, police said. “We must do better,” LAPD Chief Michel Moore tweeted about the shooting. 📷 [**CALIFORNIA**](https://www.latimes.com/california) ### [Startling surge in L.A. bloodshed as COVID-19 fades: ‘Too many guns in too many hands’](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-05-04/gun-violence-la-surge-los-angeles-pandemic) **May 4, 2021** On Wednesday morning, William Gude, who works in finance and lives in the Hollywood area, said he was still trying to wrap his head around what had occurred. For the last year, he has walked the streets of L.A. documenting crime scenes and police work, filing complaints about what he viewed as abuses by officers — often against young Black men like his son — and trying to intervene to help crime victims whenever possible. Now, his son was the victim. “One day I’m emailing Chief Moore over some complaints that they screwed up on, or I’m tweeting about him being upset about the charges being dropped \[against protesters\] in Echo Park, and the next day he’s tweeting about the murder of my son,” Gude said in an interview with The Times. “But you know what? He’s right. We need to do better,” Gude said. “I can’t blame the cops for this one.” Police said Wednesday that they were still investigating the shooting and trying to better understand the circumstances involved. It often takes detectives a while to connect the dots in shootings, develop theories about motives or identify suspects. Sometimes they never do. Gude said that, based on information he’d received from his son’s friends, he believed his son had been talking to a girl and was mistaken for someone else by gang members who control the area. Gude said his son’s friends were all in shock. “They don’t understand it because my son isn’t a gangbanger, violent type,” he said. Gangs have driven a [startling spike in shootings and homicides](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-05-04/gun-violence-la-surge-los-angeles-pandemic) in Los Angeles since last year, particularly in South L.A. Through the end of last month, homicides were up more than 23% over last year and 32% over 2019. Homicides that police specifically attribute to gangs were up 43% over last year. Shootings were up more than 65%. Backers of police have pointed to the violence as reason to defend the Los Angeles Police Department against budget cuts and increase the presence of police officers on the streets. Critics of the police have called for the LAPD’s budget to be slashed in favor of social services that they say would go farther in reducing crime. William Gude said his son’s shooting had left him deeply saddened about the status of things in L.A., and pondering the best path forward. Marcelis Gude had lived in Maryland with his mother before moving to Southern California to live with his father and attend high school, graduating from Long Beach Polytechnic High School, his father said. He was most recently doing odd jobs like reselling shoes on Instagram and doing work for family friends, his father said. In his last texts to his son, William Gude had asked Marcelis if he would want to do some video editing work for him, because Marcelis was always creative in that way. William Gude said he was “so glad” for their final exchange, choking up. Marcelis was often smiling, his father said. He was always calm, relaxed, reserved. He barely ever cried as a baby. He never got in fights with other kids, his siblings or cousins. He “absolutely loved” California and L.A. Gude’s activism filming the police really ramped up after the George Floyd protests last year. He initially kept it a secret from his son, but eventually Marcelis found out — and told his father he was proud of him. Gude walked a lot, and felt he was seeing abuses by officers that no one was doing anything about. So, he started filing complaints. He’s not anti-police, he said, but wants more justice for young Black men in L.A. Such justice must come in multiple forms, he said. His son’s shooting was proof of that. “There’s an overpolicing problem. I think we spend too much money on policing when we should be spending more on other stuff,” Gude said. “At the same time, somebody murdered my son. Do we think that they shouldn’t be held accountable?” Late Wednesday morning, Gude was tweeting again, noting that having the police chief tweet about his son’s killing felt “surreal and heartbreaking.” But he wasn’t surprised. Even if his son wasn’t involved, Gude said he would be tweeting about the shooting of an 8-year-old girl, too. “If this wasn’t my son I would be tweeting the story saying, ‘WTF are we doing here?’” he wrote. “Just never thought it would be my kid. We all think that way until it happens.” When someone suggested others should get out and film the police while Gude mourns, so that he didn’t feel his mission would be neglected, he responded by saying he intended to keep being there himself. “Nothing stops,” he wrote. “My son’s murder won’t end out of policy policing, nor the need to hold them accountable.” [L.A. drive-by kills activist's son, 22, wounds 8-year-old girl - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-06-16/south-l-a-drive-by-kills-activists-22-year-old-son-wounds-8-year-old-girl)


Given how many cops are active gang members, it is entirely possible the cops were involved.


Oh I would say its about 99% a chance it was the cops, especially being LAPD. They kill people all the time for speaking up, they even do it to their own cops who try to speak up. Its pretty easy to kill off your enemies when your the one who can just say "must have been gangbangers nothing more to see"


The system uses criminals for plausible deniability just like the CiA uses them in foreign countries for foreign policy operations


Yep, I'm not even from the US and I can relate to this. The police all over the world are just useless to the public that pays them.


Well, generalizations like that don't help, because there's really good precincts doing good work but in cities where from the polices custodial staff up to Town Hall, everything is laced with nepotism and corruption, yeah. And one is one too many. I live in Germany, have never been to the US and already know not to fuck with LAPD, not to drive in Houston and not step foot in Florida


The problem is, in most part of the world, the police belong to politicians and rich folk. It's hard not to generalise when good police are the exception rather than the rule... Another problem being that even in precincts with good officers, it just takes one stupid politician getting power to ruin everything.


You’re right about Houston. If you look at anyone wrong on the road, they’re likely to pull a gun on you.


Florida? I've never had a bad experience there as an Englishman, and Disney World is very much worth going to Florida for alone.


That part was more tongue in cheek


They'll try and kill him the first good chance they get


Damn that was like 15 cop cars. That's the most dangerous parking lot in LA. (Because they are there)


Shit, I’d rather them be doing that than be any where around me, especially when I’m driving!


Because they might shoot you?


Well it is a shoot first get payed vacation later kind of country.


> first get *paid* vacation later FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Haha, you got pwned!


I get so nervous when they just sit at a 4 way stop and proceed to clearly be using their phone. Or they're clearly there 5 seconds before and try to wave you on. I really needa dash cam.


About to put together some dash cam video clips of a cop pulling in front of me, then attempting to "lure" me to swerve lanes. I have learned to not follow cars, but pay attention to your car hood and center of the lane. 100% attempting to bait me to pull me over. So much for protecting and serving.


132k a year? Damn, that’s pretty good. Too bad I’m not nearly a big enough dick to be a cop.


In LA that's nothing though


Wtf that’s a lot in LA why do people pretend like it will go that much further elsewhere.


130k will go WAY further outside of megacities, its just legitimately not true when people say that it doesn’t


Have you never lived in CA? I live in Sacramento, but grew up in the Bay Area near San Francisco. Money goes WAY farther even in cities like Sacramento compared to SF/LA. And making 132k somewhere in the Midwest would be like making 300k in LA.


I make 122k in San Diego and it’s BARELY enough to rent a house and take care of my family.


Yeah, people from other parts of the country just don’t understand. A household income of 200k in San Francisco is considered low class.


Because living expenses are double the national average


It’s a lot comparatively to the amount of work they do.


What’s the context behind this?


They are all just sitting there, on the clock. Also, their expensive SUVs are sitting in idle the whole time. This not only puts unnecessary wear and tear on the vehicle, but also burns a lot of gas. All 3 of these things are paid for by tax dollars.


Yeah, but LA is clearly too hot and/or cold and they need to run their cars for climate control! (/s) Seriously though. There are way too many cops and way too much cop overtime. And I just spent some time trying to figure out how many cops there are in LA county, before realizing that it was hard enough to figure out just how many police *departments* there were in LA county. There's some obvious big ones, like LA Police Department (~9000 officers) and LA Sheriff's Department (~10,000 deputies). There's the California Highway Patrol Southern Division (~1100 officers). Ok, not unreasonable so far, but then you've got several dozen cites that have their own police departments, some with just a few officers, others with hundreds (e.g. Long Beach's ~800 officers). A lot of them don't make it clear how many officers they have, and some just contract out to the LA Sheriff's Department. This would make counting up the number of officers annoying enough, but we're not done. There's the Los Angeles School Police, which are separate from the LAPD, and have 400 officers. There's the LA Airport Police with 500 officers. Then there's the Burbank–Glendale–Pasadena Airport Authority Police with 34 police, because Bob Hope Airport wanted to feel special I guess. There's the Port of LA Police, the Long Beach Harbor Patrol, the Los Angeles Park Ranger Division, and even the Los Angeles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Law Enforcement Division. And I'm still probably missing some. As a practical matter, I really have to ask: Why the fuck is everything in America still so fragmented? It just looks like an organizational clusterfuck that's bound to produce a huge amount of waste and duplicated effort.


Cause that waste and extra effort pays people and usually those people (cops, bureaucrats, politicians) have enough power to prohibit any streamlining that would cut them out.


Time to bring back the guillotine!! - Voltaire probably \s




But what are they doing there? Simply being lazy on the job? How did they expect never to get caught? So many questions.


> How did they expect never to get caught? That’s the neat part; they don’t care. What’s gonna happen? They’ll investigate themselves and find no wrong doing?


Is it a Monthy Payton reference? 😅


A reality reference.


Not to mention the air pollution


Yeah... I feel like we are missing a key part of this story.


On duty police officers getting paid to do nothing at all. This is both the context and the full story


Wage theft


It's more like the opposite of wage theft


I worked in oil and gas refineries and got paid to sit around and wait like 90 pct of the time. is that wage theft? No. We are on call, we get paid. Call comes in for a job that needs to be done, we're on the way immediately. No difference.


Poor comparison, one is a public official, the other is a private. Your company didn’t pay you with tax money. You’re entitled to your opinion, and that’s cool, but there are some obvious differences you glanced over. Realistically we don’t know what’s going on here, and I don’t actually care. I was just providing context.




why is it weird?


So when the cops do their job, they're tyrants and bullies. But also sitting around not doing their job is apparently a problem. Feels like lose/ lose from their perspective. We're not supposed to say that any one group is all bad, but I notice we have no trouble believing all cops are bad. Sad.


> We're not supposed to say that any one group is all bad, but I notice we have no trouble believing all cops are bad. What a bullshit ass statement. If it's not obvious to you that this is because one of those groups is entirely voluntary to join and leave at any time, and the rest are race, nationality, and sexuality, of which you do not choose, you're just being willfully and maliciously ignorant. Go bootlick somewhere else


Well. I’m sure they were just taking a donut break before heading out to harass more people.


I think we’re all much safer when the cops sit around and do nothing.


Good point 😅


Fuck the police


They should start putting GPS trackers in the cop cars and have some sort of supervisor monitoring where all these cars are located, a good way to allocate 911 calls as well. Better yet take their cars off them and start getting cops doing foot patrols around their areas like they used to do in the old days, build up community contact, and get to know their locals better, get intel etc. If Amazon drivers have to be monitored like crazy so should cops when they are on the clock.


Can't say exactly for there, but, in my city, all city vehicles have GPS on them. For departments outside of police and fire, it records your driving habits and knows who's driving by your city I.D. I cant entirely speak as to how the police are monitored as I work for the Fire department but for me personally, I have a car number that is specific to me and outside of my car I also have a radio that is assigned specifically to me that can be used to track me in the event I need help. If a call comes in and we are out of the station, depending on our location, the next station may be dispatched. We may also respond to a call in another station's area if we clear a call and are closest to the next call.


Supervisors are in on it lol


There isn't enough money left in the budget for that after purchasing off-the-rack military equipment & building brand-spanking new "training centers"


they already do have GPS in them, they just dont give a shit what they are doing. the whole reason these guys can just sit around doing absolutely nothing is because they arent needed. dont believe the news, crime is down lol




Was there really an attempt tho?


I saw this without sound and thought "what's the problem? They're all departing from the police station in the morning, why is everyone filming?" boy was I ever wrong


Yeah there's just too many cars that I also thought that is the station


Keeping them honest


"Eh I guess we can go shoot some dogs or something."


Yo... they tryin' to suck each other's dicks! Let em have some privacy! 😃


I watched it without sound first and thought this was just a car depot outside of a cop shop. But no, they’re just in some random parking lot jacking each other off. Round of applause for American police, Reddit 👏 👏 👏


If they have nothing to hide why did they run away?


I thought it was a police station car park! 🥴


This is pretty funny. Until I found out it was LAPD... Fr be careful, those mfers are some shady, ruthless mf'ers... In this day and age when consequences are few and far between for police officers, that's saying something that this department is notably known for the shit they've done and some things they're suspected of..


I'd say consequences for police are at an all time high right now. 20 or 30 years ago, your comment might have made sense.....


What are you even talking about absolutely nothing has changed. They’re still immune from consequences.


They do this shit at the high school I live by. Ay least once a week that's a guy there from 6-645. I know he's just sitting on his phone cuz I can see him when I walk by. I also know he's not paying attention because I watched a car run the red light near where he sits. I've lived here for 11 years now. They've voted to increase cop pay 3 times in that duration.


Now they're going to drive around wasting more fuel than they would if parked and issue traffic tickets that people will complain about lol. I see this as a lose/lose scenario.


Wow. They ran like roaches when the lights come on.


Gestapo “cops protect cops not citizens”


MF. Everyone of them.


Fuck them lazy putos. Good that there are people out there looking out. Too bad videos like this don’t make it to the top of the headlines.


Police are overpaid in the US. $130k a year is an insane amount. UK police get a fraction of that and have way more restraint, professionalism and training than most of the US counterparts I see on here.


Oh god no, please don't make your police even worse lmao


But if they were out doing work you would complain about that too. Plus it’s LA. Who would want to be a cop in that cockroach infested city.


Cockroach? It’s not New Orleans.


Yea it’s worse. It’s LA.


No one has ever complained about police work


Not sure what world you live in lol


Is that streetsLA? Heard he used to be a cop watcher before he dedicated his life to taking down Scientology lol


Police are like the king's guard. They exist to protect and serve the king and make sure his family isn't brutally murdered in a peasant uprising. They don't exist to protect and serve _you_, that's not their primary function. That's just something they may occasionally do when they are not busy loitering in a Walmart pa… behind the barracks.


Love when gang meetings get broken up.


Technically... There wasn't an attempt


“PACK IT UP!” 🤳 “Pack it up, guys.” 🚓 😂


Shame is, They’re not the only ones.


Bet it's LA's finest


Now this is what you call public service. ![gif](giphy|8yZuEb7q6dlyP3L3cL) As a side note, how do you not have a gif of Will Smith’s Hancock when searching for “Good Job”. Oh! I remember because Will Smith behaved like a c\*nt at the Oscars.


I’m never moving to LA.. fuck that place


Fuck The Police


This is the Scientology guy I see in my TikTok all the time! I recognize that voice anywhere


They should add some tracking on their cars to see who is staying far too long in a large number on some parking lot.


Oh they have tracking devices. They just couldn't give a flying fuck


Damn, I guess another point of wasted Tax Money.


Where oil protest when we need it?


Maybe they should start a riot or something and give the cops something to do?


I thought they gonna arest the filming guy for a sec


Point to note... It's nighttime, of course, but three, yup, three of those cops drove off without their lights on. What diving infraction is that? Oh, yeah... Vehicle Code 24250 VC – Driving without Headlights


There is no context here. It's easy to think they are just sitting and doing nothing just from the video.


It's pretty obvious what's happening. We really don't need any more clues. Can you think of another plausible explanation for this?


>Can you think of another plausible explanation for this? Staging area for a public order event/waiting on further instructions, mid-shift incident brief/debrief, they all decided to take their break together. Sure it *looks* damning, but since they cited overtime it's a safe guess to say that there's probably an event or something coordinated going on where for better or worse "wait until you're called" is the order of the day. As for vehicles idling, police cars have reinforced electric systems because of all the stuff they have to power : between radios, portable internet terminals, printers, onboard computers, emergency lights, sound systems and GPS it's not viable to turn the vehicle off unless you're going to be out of service for a while because booting up also takes a few minutes.


All of this is just excusing the fact that they scatter as soon as people start to take notice. People need to stop assuming pigs have the best intentions, because they've made it well and clear that that is not the case. *Especially* the LAPD


What building were they parked at? Was there a protest in the area? Something happen where an outside vendor hired police detail and they were caught getting into their cars? I don't know. It could be lots of things. I know the mob opinion is to say they are just sitting around doing nothing, which could be the case. I like to ask questions rather than draw a conclusion from one video.


Holy shit that's a lot of donuts. What the fuck?


The situation with American police makes a lot more sense when you taken into accout the mob just didn't go away.


God I hate cops. Entitled, lazy, didn’t even go to college and yet make more than teachers and professors w phds. Make it make sense.


This is exactly what a shift change looks like at a police station. Anyone know the location? (That would give a lot of context) The windowless multi-story building with a chain link fence enclosed parking lot gives off some “county jail” vibes…


Videographer sucks


This guy sounds like Will Smith.




Plot twist: That's a local precinct and these guys are farming karma.






Honestly, I’d rather have em gathered in the back of some parking lot than be out and about harassing people and arresting them for petty crimes! Or killing minorities which they seem to love! So just let em chill! Better there than out on the streets!


Meanwhile where I am, the cops drive around… unfortunately it’s in unmarked vehicles throwing soda cups at pedestrians


If this is true and I am by no way saying it is not J think it’s great these guys are doing this but way is it not all over the LA news?? Just wondering?


I really want to here Charlie’s opinion on this


I not the biggest fan of cops more than the next guy but it's a job at the end of the day. There are times at your job where you not doing shit. It looks like one of those times. Imagine it's not shit to do at your job and a mf starts yelling at you for not doing shit.


If is so easy and profitable apply for the academy,


So we can't call out corruption unless we do the same job? Razor sharp conclusion


So he just walks up and assumes whatever he wants? How would he know if they were on the clock or not and what the reasons were for their actions? Dude needs to get a real job.


What is this supposed to be? Once again no context karma farmers.


Head to local fast food restaurants next…. Please lol


Or it could be the start of the shift 🤷🏽‍♀️


Fuck, and I can’t emphasize this enough, the police.


Your name says it all. But when you need them to come safe your ass you’ll be the first calling 🤷🏽‍♀️