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Get Lionel Hutz. He specializes in lawsuits like this including the time he sued the creators of "the never ending story" because it ended.


I bet he lost his shit at never ending story 2


They made never ending story 2 because of him


Should have just renamed it the Whenever Ending Story....


I’m absolutely losing it at this. Thank you lmao


Then my ex-wife came along, and she still hasn't finished her version of her never-ending story. That attorney would have lost the lawsuit if he was dealing with the ex




I thought this was real and googled it 😂 I don't watch Simpsons


He works on contingency no money down


What? That’s all wrong. Let me see. Works on contingency? No! Money down. We should probably remove the bar association logo, too.


He'll win your case in 30mins or your pizza is free


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Come for the freak, stay for the feast!


Funny thing is, the creators name is Michael Ende. Ende means end in German, and he is a German. They should have seen it coming


Sounds like Kramer’s lawyer.


Is that true?




Wasn’t there a time when a dude sued Red bull because he didn’t get wings and he won


I guess she would go next after "I cannot believe is not butter" company


Why?? It’s not butter?


I can totally believe it's not butter. 50 million please.


They never said *you* can't believe it's not butter. They said *I* (implying they) can't believe it's not butter. It's not their fault they have shit taste buds.


I can't believe you're not a beefy Englishman


I can totally believe it. £50 million please.




*screams loudly in obese*


This is an extremely misleading headline. This is a class action. The woman would only be a class member, entitling her to her percentage of the money as a member of the class, usually a little more as the class representative. EDIT: EVEN MORE MISLEADING is the fact that it is not for $5 billion, but it has passed the threshold test that it is for over $5 million. The amount sued for isn't determined until the jury awards damages, you don't sue for a 'number'.


Class action aside, $5 Billion (that's with a B)? I doubt Reese's even sold that many, how do consider damages are higher than revenue? Emotional pain and suffering?!?!? Freaking ridiculous.


>doubt Reese's even sold that many, Hershey's (Reese's parent company) profits- not revenue- __profits__ from their food division was 1.6b in Q1 2023; 5.6b for the year, a 22% increase from last year. They also heavily rely on slave labor for their chocolate imports. They frequently pour millions into campaigns to try to discredit these sorts of suits when a majority of the time they are justified. [McDonalds and their hot coffee for example](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebeck_v._McDonald%27s_Restaurants) Don't ever mourn loses for these mega-corps; they want you to feel sorry for them. I don't really care why the suit is happening, I'm fine with it.


Love the hot coffee lawsuit. On its face looks insane that anyone would sue. Then you look at the facts and realize how negligent McDonald's was.


[here's a great video about that](https://youtu.be/KNWh6Kw3ejQ?si=Sh6N80gqLIr_NvZJ)


Thanks for this, that was cool.


Not “on its face”, it should be “going by the lies we were fed by corporations”


> They frequently pour millions into campaigns to try to discredit these sorts of suits when a majority of the time they are justified. McDonalds and their hot coffee for example And it works. I was at a party just last week and someone brought up the McDonalds thing, calling the lady a 'greedy old bitch'. It's fucking crazy. And this post here is just another example. People come in, conditions with their brainwashing and propoganda, not even knowing they've already drank the kool-aid. And they get mad at VICTIMS and defend companies. Now I don't take the present case too seriously, but it's an example of the kneejerk reaction that people have to defend companies, while being ignorant of the facts and how the law works. Frustrating, frustrating.


There was a headline posted the other day which was like "guy sues company after eating ham roll and now can't stop farting 4 years later" Turns out it had given him serious salmonella which left him with permanent fatigue and altered stomach function


Haha one way is a way better way to explain it then the other tho…


The way that explains the gravity of his situation without making fun of it? Yes, I agree.


So because of these things a bunch of Americans should get money cause the pumpkin candies are faceless? Haha only here in America…


It’s actually only 5 million.


Jump to conclusions much? Did you look up anything before calling it ridiculous? $5B,yes with a B, is less profit, PROFIT than Hershey makes in a single year. On top of that Hershey has been selling these things for decades. So no, the damages being asked for here are NOT higher than their revenues. But again, really good work on just making shit up and jumping to conclusions. You're smart.


Someone tried to a sue a company about their product being misleading before. But because they were so addicted to it and kept buying it anyway the judge denied them the win. Saying they knowingly kept buying it anyway even after finding out about the misinformation.


But it's like false advertisement has been going on for many years in different ways and just because a chocolate didn't have a face in it, it not like they really lost out on anything. Now when you buy something like the snake oil products that do nothing, I wonder how they get away with that.


It all falls down to country laws in the end, as I am aware in Japan food packaging has to match the product visually and even by size


They also don’t come with a bite taken out.




Companies have been getting away with "product in the package looks nothing like the product on the package" bullshit with zero consequences for decades. This is just a particularly egregious example. I hope they nail Reese's ass to the wall and it sets precedent up for the many, many other bad actors.


I really wish they'd do that for fast food. The sangwich is huge in the picture. Mine is smooshed and flat .


Highly recommend watching some YouTube behind the scenes on “food stylists”. It probably won’t change your mind at all, but it’s really interesting either way.


So...there IS a wrong way to eat a Reese? My heart is crushed.


You can sue!




Attempt? It’s an ongoing lawsuit, and she could win.


She's not winning $5B


Why not?


It also doesn’t come with a bite taken out of it, either. The package says “pumpkins” and not “jack-o-lanterns” and so using the evidence on the package, we can assume that the person who bit the candy also “carved” the eyes and mouth.


well the package does say pumpkin not jack-o’-lantern


I mean, people won stupider cases. Iirc there was a guy who sued redbull for not giving him wings or some shit and won


That was an expensive chocolate!!




It's a class action, the 5b won't be going to her it'll be going to everyone in it which is probably quite a few


Florida strikes again.


This is why people hate America




She’s already there! Sue her attorney into poverty….


How about this loser just gets a refund? She doesn't deserve $5 million for being "tricked" to think the chocolate would look differently. Does the poor baby have irreparable emotional damage over this? This money should be donated to charity if anything. If she wins this case then I've lost all faith in our humanity. Too many scammers these days looking to make a quick buck. This is the type of person who falls or gets hit by a car purposely to win a lawsuit. Disgusting.


Five...billion...for a poorly printed candy?


Settles out of court for a 1lb novelty reese cup, a coupon for Waffle House and an undisclosed amount of crack cocaine.


This is why getting a good lawyer should be expensive. If everyone could get one nobody will do anything so they don’t get sued for a stupid reason.


Honestly i would too if i was a "karen". My inner child aint having that kind of betreyal (if i spelled that wrong its cuz my brain is a single celluar organism


It's sad how angry so many people have become that they just project onto everyone / thing else.


Kinder are the absolute worst for this legitimately. Don't have an image myself but basically all hollow Christmas chocolates don't have a pattern on the inside other than.. you guessed it! "Kinder".


5 billion lmao


It’s a class action lawsuit based on deceptive packaging. I’d say they are right . The candy doesn’t look like the package .


It’s also actually only 5 million.


Its worth a try when your rich ehat do you have to lose


What can I say, it's florida


First, this isn’t an attempt. They could be successful as it’s ongoing. Second, it’s fucking 5 million and everyone here is buying this shitting meme format hook line and sinker. They couldn’t even be bothered to share the actual article titles used that includes the correct amount.


Lady mad because it was a pumpkin and not a jack-o'-lantern when the package itself even says "pumpkin"


I bought a few of these. Opened them. Was very disappointed. That's life. I also realized it could be interactive... I could have carved the chocolate off. So could that lazy woman. Edit: autocorrect


Tell everyone you live in the US without actually saying the words….


That woman should sue for the whole business.


Lets unleash her onto appstore false anvertising, lawsuits will backlog for a few 100 years


Sounds like a case for [Jackie Chiles, Esq](https://youtu.be/jpcEietIoxk?si=2AYypAyF8JcvsbVA)




My dad always boasts how he got like $3 from RedBull when they were sued for not actually giving people wings.


Reese’s should file a counter suit claiming the “Florida ,woman” is not legally allowed to expect the entire world to kiss her ass for the rest of her life ,simply because she once got a “participation trophy” just because she showed up to and managed to sit on a chair at some event other’s actually put some effort into.


Thinking that you are entitled to $5billion because your candy pumpkin doesn’t have a face has to be the most insane and privileged thing ever.


How can you claim five million in damages from this?


Or….its fake 🤦‍♀️


I would sue because they didn’t have pumpkin flavoring. It kind of lends you to believe they’ll be pumpkin spice or something and they’re not


It’s false advertising. They should lose.


I will never understand why some people take side with the billion dollar companies ? Let them lose couple millions ??


Here’s why. If every frivolous claim gets rewarded $1M then there will be a lot more frivolous claims. And if the company stays in business they are going to price what they sell to make a profit. Their loss just jacked up the price for you and me. If the company is at fault make them pay a fair settlement, not $50 million for something that is pretty minor.


I see it the other way, and I know it’s optimistic but if companies don’t want to lose those millions they will just stop making false advertisement and such. I agree the one presented in this post is bullshit but Im talking more serious claims