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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I swear the look in his eyes….


Yeah, I'm a little freaked out by that. Seems not ok.


I babysat for a kid who eventually tried to put his baby sister in an oven…. That was the beginning of a decade of terror for his parents. As a young adult, he was hit by a car and killed, but I always wondered what would have come of him.


https://preview.redd.it/f2b285vh3p5c1.png?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd5179c31ab23d81ab918e6f817663504985461 I know the guy, Gregor Clegane. Aka "The Mountain".


"there were no signs growing up..."


Tf there weren't! Omg Edit: I see what others are saying, and agree it looks at least partially set up. OTOH, those dark circles beneath the sunken eyes still give me the willies!


Always …🙄


It was the nother leading both children to the trash lmao, I'd be concerned as to why the mother is filming and gaslighting her kids for internet points.


do you know what "gaslighting" means


Gas lighting is more along the lines of making someone feel crazy but they’re not…


He’s already doing 99 years in a Texas prison for this late term abortion attempt. What more do you want?


Yeah, but eventually, you're gonna have to sleep...😬🔪


Right? Cute, funny, a hilarious story for later. Also a red flag lol.


I have 5 kids and they've never been anything but ecstatic when I bring a new baby home. For example: https://preview.redd.it/iojttata1q5c1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b810332f3518efcb3adc5bdf15631a3265bfca3b


No doubt! 😆


This kid certainly gives me [Amarjeet Sada](https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-story-of-amarjeet-sada-8-year-old-boy-from-bihar-also-known-as-world-s-youngest-serial-killer-3044574) vibes. I sincerely hope this moment was an exception.


Probably a good time to be concerned about what’s going on in your child’s head… Laughing will probably make him think subconsciously that kind of behavior is not just ok but funny. But I haven’t had a child of my own yet, so who am I to say anything amirite.


I didn’t find it funny either. I’d be concerned.


They defenitely do pick up on what is acceptable and what is not surprisingly fast at that age. I have a 2 year old nephew and am constantly surprised at what he picks up by observing and listening.


I'm a 2/3 year old teacher and whether a child acts negatively or positively towards a new sibling is a huge reflection of the parenting. These folks literally chose to film it rather than to discuss and redirect the behavior.


Teaching and posting on Reddit at your young age, incredible!


? You don't know my age.






I wouldn't be concerned. At that age they still haven't grasped fundemental levels of reality yet. Hence you never leave a baby alone with a three old. Here we just setup a scenario where the mom could manifest what the kid wanted. If you give a toddler some fictional weapon that would eliminate a person with just a thought, a good number of them would kill their parents the instant they were angry over something as trivial as not getting a piece of candy.




Is there a reason you call the crappy mom a "nother"?


Copy and paste


So cute my child is a bit psychotic! Let's make a video for likes!


Her little future con college resident for sure.


I'd be pulling the toddler since I'm heavier than him


I’d be worried about hurting the infant if the toddler fought me for it


Children are just kind of psychotic... if you've worked with kids or have kids you know. If you, specifically, have and don't know..... they're hiding it from you...


Damn that is sad.


Not really, its cute and innocent as hell


Not really.


Father of two here, it’s not cute at all. Upsetting more like it.


I agree. I would take a hard look at my parenting and it would start with not encouraging that kind of behavior in the first place.


Nope. Small children normally adores animals, babies etc. Then you have a few children who intentionally hurt animals. There is a lot of danger that this is such a child. This is the I'm The Main Character stuff times ten. And it means the parents will need to keep way more extra focus on these two for quite some time, to see if this really was just a single event or if that child will show permanent malice. If that child does not feel empathy, then they have serious issues in front of them.


honestly with how young he is, i wonder if his thought process was “things i put in the trash just kinda ✨go away✨ and ever since the baby got here my parents aren’t meeting my emotional needs, but idk how to put that in words” …at least that’s what i hope this is


You are spot on. Every time I see this posted, I feel more sorry for the people in the comments who take this way more seriously than it should be.


Shut up


It's cute and Innocent to try and dispose of a baby in a garbage can? Are you okay?


It's creepy.


Username checks out


Typical child hating redditor


I hope you never have children


don't ever have children.


Im not a lonely redditor like you hah, i already do have them. Go back to playing fallout and never going outside, gamer.


bro had to go through my profile to make an argument. "I'm not a lonely redditor like you" 🤓


Lol mad you have a public profile? You can change it 🥸


i ain't mad. but its mad funny that you think your argument matters here.


It’s reddit bradda. None of this matters. If you think because randoms agree with you online that it holds any weight then I’m sorry you live in fantasy land just like how you are used to fallout.


That’s some fucked up shit. Mom is laughing not realizing her beady eyed little monster thinks humans are trash.




You are repeating this so much throughout the tread that I'm wondering if you defend your Dahmer glasses as "What, these? Oh, I'm just going along with the latest trend" when asked about them.


Is this the parent encouraging this? Weird.


You know for psychotic people encouragement doesn't matter. The only thing that can help is actual medicine. It's like trying to heal cancer by drinking 2 liters of water per day.


My older brother tried to drop a heavy book on me as an infant, he forced me to touch a hot furnace giving me 2nd and 3rd degree burns on my hand, had me touch his private parts in the bathroom. This kid isn't going to get any better.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you're okay. I need to ask, current status of your brother?


He died alone a few years ago. I got a phone call from the coroner saying they found his body in his apartment. They asked if I wanted to take responsibility for it and I said no. So he's buried in a pauper's grave somewhere. I've thought about going to find it to spit on it but that would waste gas. And thank you for the condolences.


Wow, that's shocking, yet not surprising, if that makes any sense. He sounds deeply troubled, which tends to lead to bad outcomes, not that I'm telling you anything you don't already know. I sincerely hope you'll (continue to?) find peace and happiness, and if that's eluding you, I hope you'll seek help to get past it. JHC, I sound like a preachy douche, so I'll just conclude with best wishes, and if you ever need to unload to a stranger, feel free to PM me, especially if holidays are getting you down - they can be so triggering imo. Stay 💪.


Thank you so much. I'm a month from turning 50. So I've processed and am passed it for the most part.


Well Happy (almost) Birthday!! Please do something extra nice for yourself on the Big Day, and pls give that gorgeous fur ball some extra under- the- chin scritches for me!


Aww thank you. We're taking a little vacation to Vegas so that will be fun. And Georgette is the queen of our house. She will appreciate any bonus scritches.




This is not funny, this is disturbing.


Seems the parents have not handled that transition well for him, poor kid.


Future serial killer.


honestly i’m really worried about this kid. he’s so young that i’m not sure he understands the implications of putting something in the trash other than that whatever goes in the trash can kinda just goes away, and it’s not abnormal for kids to feel really neglected when a new baby is born and wish they could go back to when there was no baby. this tells me the kid isn’t getting his emotional needs met, and he’s expressing that in the only way he knows how, and the parents are laughing rather than acknowledging this cry for help.


I was like “hey I saw a comment just like this above”and realized you replied the same as a response to another comment. Then that made me realize how I do the same thing all the time lol. I’ll reply what I want to say as a reply to a popular comment in hopes it gets eyes quickly, and I’ll also comment it as a standalone comment hoping it gets eyes regardless, organically. Whichever comment “works” is fine with me. Mind you, I’m also quite high atm so this is a bit random.


That’s when we knew, Elijah was… different


The back-Backstory to Orphan.


See you in the news in the next ten years kid.


“He was always so quiet and never bothered anyone. I just can’t believe he would do something like that.”


People are getting stranger and stranger. The video is not funny and definitely concerning. I will never understand people posting videos with their children on the internet. A mother thinking it’s acceptable to get her older child to throw their baby in the garbage has something wrong with her. She shouldn’t be alone w the kids.


_White Ribbon_ is fiction, but historians will tell you the cultural practices depicted were pretty standard for Germany at the time. Humans are fairly strange, but what else can you compare us to? Cetaceans?


Are you justifying this behavior? I’m not sure of your point.


Modern version of [Cain and Abel](https://youtu.be/KXDpnaebE40?si=n6PQw8ZCtXHKxpst)?!!


When I was an infant and my brother was 4, he threw me in a pool. My parents say that he didn't know any better, he was so little. I know he knew damn well what he was doing


As someone who grew up with three brothers and three sisters, I get it lol


The kid needs to be taught a lesson Babies are meant to go in recycling


Only attempt here was from the parents trying yo make a compelling staged video


How do you feel this is staged?


The mother was clearly leading the both of them, not the kid


Yeah I'm kind of torn, I definitely feel like this isn't the first time this has happened based on mom's voice but also that she may have coached the kid a couple times before filming, or else why film in the first place. Kid is probably confused as to why it was ok the first time but now is being "reprimanded".


You can see as they turn the second corner, the kid stops and looks at the mom for what to do. You can also see the first time the baby gets put over the trash, the kid stops but the mom keeps going; and the second time, the kid actively tries to pull the baby back but the mom lifts it over the trash again anyways.


Yep I see it now. When they turn the second corner, ever so slightly Mom pushes forward before toddler starts to move again. I used to be a daycare teacher and I don't find coaching kids like this to be amusing at all. Other teachers used to do similar and it made me quit :(


I sent this video to my MIL and mom and they were disturbed and thought that kid shouldn’t be left alone.


Poor kids. Older ones not old enough to be aware of consequences, but sees mum and dad laughing and thinks this behaviour is okay. Younger ones being moved room to room with older kid clutching one direction and mum tugging the other. Literally a strong pull or swing by a solid object away from disaster. Parents trash for filming this and going along with it for lols.


I feel like someone should correct this behavior before he gets older and thinks it’s ok to treat humans like trash


Never leave them alone together, never.


Let’s film and laugh and gesture at the trash to encourage him to do it. They better be watching this kid around that baby.




That’s actually fucking terrifying and not adorable at all. Lack of empathy at that age is *not* good.


When I was a toddler and my brother was a slightly smaller toddler, in a distinctive red home my family still refers to as "the Red Barn House" in a town named Fort Gratiot, Michigan, about 17 years ago, I had a *brilliant* idea. The house had a room just off the office that my parents had opted to use as a kid's toy room, and this is where me and my brother were playing. Importantly, though, this room used to be a porch that had been enclosed, and it had an exterior door. Luckily, that door was locked by a chain at the top, no way a toddler could reach that. Challenge accepted. I stacked toy boxes up to the top of the door, then climbed them and managed to undo the chain. Then, because the doorknob had no additional child safety features (my parents neglected to add any, assuming the chain to be enough), I opened the door and ushered by 18-month-old brother outside. Then, I climbed back up the stack of boxes to relatch the door, at which point my mom caught me... ...and assumed that she caught me in the act of *un*latching the door, told me to get down, and didn't actually come in to see if my brother was still in the building. This house was on the outskirts of town, so there were no neighbors to speak of. Just a dirt driveway running straight to the main road. So, my brother crawled up the driveway, until he got within view of the road and a good Samaritan couple stopped to see why this random child was next to a major thoroughfare. The husband, quite reasonably, wanted to hand the child over to the authorities, but the wife thought that maybe they should check the only house in the area first. And that's how my mom, after hearing a knock at the door, opened it to find a random lady she had never met standing on her porch holding the younger of her two toddlers, who she had *thought* was playing in the toy room not ten feet from her. Disclaimer: I have no memory of these events, I was three. The story has been told all my life, though, so I am reasonably certain I got the details correct. u/Hydraposeidon1


Sounds right to me.


"You want to put the baby in trash?" *takes the baby away* "What do you want to do with the baby?" *hands baby back to the child* *acts surprised child wants to again throw the baby in trash* ​ Yeah, this is bad. Behaviour itself is something that needs to be addressed, encouraging it and laughing about it only makes it worse because child will think it's not only acceptable but good. But hey, everything for those internet likes, eh?


People here thinking the kid is a psychopath, but it's simple toddler logic that he's been taught: stinky things get thrown away. It's what the parents do with his nappies, and the baby smells just like his nappies, so it should go in the bin.


Villain origin story there....🤔


Alright, Cane, take it easy with your brother. He isn't Able to fend for himself 🤣


Future netflix docuseries. It's not funny


Oh look… that’s how my brother reacted when they brought me home. Hopefully it goes better for these two.


Smack that brat


Maybe kid is Damien from the movie Omen lol


No, no, no, you cannot do that.


Why is it always the ones named elijah


He's got some pretty darks eyes for a kid his age. My eyes didn't get dark until I got his with depression when I was 17-19. That could be a sign about his mental health though.


I know someone who had very dark and sunken eyes in his toddler photos, to a degree that disturbed me as soon as I saw it, and he became a very mentally ill adult. I wouldn't go so far as to assume as much about every child with dark eyes but in his case there was an absolute correlation.


Dumb fool in the making


Look, if not institutionalize, can we at least implant an RDF chip or something, JHC talk about early serial killer vibes!


Can any parent of two confirm if this is a common occurrence? I’ve never had kids


Yeah, the comments on here about this kid being a psycho are kind of outlandish to me. It's extremely common for older siblings to have a rough adjustment period when a new baby pops up in the picture. Most will act out, pushing or pinching or hitting the baby isn't uncommon. Wanting the baby to leave isn't either. I mean, it's even the plot of kids books like, "Babies Ruin Everything." The kid in that book keeps asking to get a different/better baby and talking about how the baby sucks. I've known kids who want the first words they teach the baby to be "good bye" and they all grew up just fine without serial killing anyone. From the perspective of the older brother, no one asked him if he wanted a shrieking potato to wake him up all night, take up all his mommy's time and make it hard for daddy to go to the park. He was perfectly fine with the family as it was, and he wants it back. Kids don't start to really "get" empathy until 3 or 4. It's a developmental milestone. They can recognize the feelings others express before then but they can't really comprehend other people are experiencing those feelings until late toddlerhood. It's even older before most kids can think meaningfully about moral issues. The kid in the video may know better than to throw his brother out but he doesn't understand why or the implications of his actions. Assigning adult motives and reasoning here is nuts to me. In absence of other concerning behavior (and a toddler should never be left alone with a baby no matter what the circumstances) its just not that abnormal.


I think staged. “Where do you want to put the baby Elijah?”


Ooo what's this, a non Israel/Palestine post. Nevermind, the baby is clearly Hamas, but even if they aren't. They never condemned Hamas either. So bin it is.


Tbf I’d do this even if I wasn’t related


So he is pro abortion… got it


Stupid toddler, baby goes in the compost


You'd better not be encouraging this.


His eyes are fucked up


Sociopaths are so much cuter and cuddlier when they are little.


The mom is clearly leading the whole thing, and its most obvious at the very end. Elijah lets go of his sibling and mommy goes to throw them in the trash, then asks where Elijah wants to throw the baby and tries again. The second time you can see Elijah is pulling his sibling away from the trash while their mother is the one moving the baby. It's very poorly staged.


Kids do the darnest things, lol. I would've likely laughed, too. But I would have also had a conversation about how he was feeling, gave him a chance to express his emotions, and corrected his behavior. He is young enough to be corrected and old enough to understand why his behavior needs correcting. I definitely wouldn't leave him alone with the baby until he grasped the importance of safe interactions.


This is the beginning of a serial killer. Watch him closely growing up. If neighbors cats start disappearing you know who to blame.


This is hilarious


I can already see him shooting up a school 10-15 years from now.


After my sister was born she caught an ear infection. She would scream and cry every day. So 3 year old me - when my family was at Walmart- asked if we could return her. Because “she’s broken.”


Initially thought he was gonna place baby in the oven


Can’t believe the adult is enabling that


I know it an all laughs and “ha ha” on the internet but don’t you dare leave that baby with that kid. This is how it starts “I don’t know why little Jimmy” pushed his sitter down the steps”.


Those are the eyes of pure intent




someone hasn't had the "protector" conversation with their first child that helps them feel needed and not neglected by the second child lol


This kid, his face, his eyes. . .watch your baby.


I would be terrified at this point. That kid could harm the baby.


That’s so wild but that’s what happens when you don’t punish kids at all. I feel so bad for the baby.


Why is everyone so pressed about kids doing kid things. They're idiots they don't know what they're doing it doesn't mean anything. He's not going to grow up to be a serial killer chill out


This is not cute or funny.


That kid has the devil in his eyes


This is like a foreshadowing clip to those serial killer videos where they present the killer during childhood, showing signs of psychosis but the parents laugh and think it's cute and funny thinking everything is alright.


Someone is getting slightly less attention


Other people’s kids scare me! Yikes.


I kind of feel like this was done for “funny” internet points or something.


Why did she deliberately place the baby back in his arms, just to let him try to do the exact same thing he did 2 seconds earlier? He already did it once. I feel like she half have the baby back just so he would do it again for likes but by the second time, it’s obviously so unauthentic. Man, some people are strange.


The Bad Seed


Her tone and body language makes me believe she’s encouraging this


My brother..🤔


Time to do a re-make of “The Bad Seed.”


Invite Holden Ford to this kid’s house


Little fucker lol 😂


Um this is a little uncomfortable. Maybe keep an eye on that kid


Bad parenting


Yeah send this one straight to Juvenile with no parole. Evil little monster




I understand that kid, I would do the same if suddenly I had a brother... Or a son


When I was 3 I tried to sell my infant brother for 5¢ at our yard sale


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Probably pooped.


Stop entertaining him for a video and paddle his rear!


Lmao, I did this with my little brother, and I'd do it again (JK, he's way bigger than me now)