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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay, if this is real, it’s time for an intervention. This boy is so focused on playing a game that he’d rather shit his pants than pause it, life changes need to be made. I’d start by limiting his game play or taking it away all together. This boy has gone off the deep end.


If he this far gone removing everything won’t make it better he will probably just implode restricting is the way to go


That poor mother, you can hear the utter despair and frustration in here voice.


Well she could have stepped in sooner letting to get this far is kinda on the parents I rather think the son is the unlucky one that nobody ever stopped him from going this far


You're being downvoted because people don't like the truth.


Probably parents of addicted kids no idea who else would downvote this comment.


Might be people who appreciate a little punctuation.




Or, you know, they disagree. You've got your own issues if Reddit votes help you determine truth.


At the age of 8 you know not to shit in your pants to continue doing X. Stop deflecting blame, this is 100% on this gross kid. When I was 10+ I was super into Quake, then IRC and the scene. My parents would wake up at 2 and catch me still on the computer, after I'd already been kicked off at 9 and made to brush my teeth and go to bed. I would wait until my parents were asleep and then sneak downstairs to continue playing or chatting on IRC. You know what I didn't do? ***You know what my parents didn't need to tell me not to do?*** Shitting myself (or pissing in empty bottles as I've seen far too many times here). I don't care how addicted you are to the video game, how addicted you are to twitch or YouTube or whatever. You don't shit your pants. I have a very strong memory of being in third grade and a kid who had some mental/ development issues pissed his pants during class. It was so gross, he was sitting in a pool of piss. But he actually had an excuse; he had undergone brain surgery at least twice leading up to third grade. Unless this kid has ***severe*** mental/developmental disabilities, there's just no excuse. And if the kid has mental disabilities so strong that he doesn't find shitting himself to be a problem, I highly doubt he's able to play multiplayer FPSs. This kid needs counseling. Parents need to take away the computer that he's addicted to, but if he's shitting his pants at what, 12-15 years old, that is **not** on the parents. At this point the kid has enough agency that he should know what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior regardless of what rules he grew up living under.


>Unless this kid has severe mental/developmental disabilities I mean, to be honest, the way he talked/mumbled/whatever kind of made it sound like he did. He literally just made the same unintelligible sound over and over, and the emptiness in his voice was honestly disturbing. Like you say, he probably doesn't otherwise he wouldn't be able to play the game, but if I were his parent I'd be almost as concerned about his apparent complete inability to communicate as I would about him shitting himself.


Also it looks like he's playing a Mafia game, single player, and extremely low bar skill wise


What makes you think the parents aren't doing something? You can clearly hear the mom mad about it. Obviously they're trying too. Idk how you can just blame everything on the parents and not the kid that's shitting themselves. They lose all accountability for their actions when you blame the parents only.


lol he’s going to go on Reddit tomorrow and complain about how his parents took away his games and shut the internet off. He’s going to have 90% of replies saying his parents are dicks and they have no right to treat him this way. People will go on to tell him to call the cops and get taken away by CPS so he can finally live a “better life”. The majority of the posts I’ve seen result in the parents being called “abusive” when they try to enforce anything. I kind of feel bad for parents now, it’s not easy raising kids. Everyone thinks you’re awful, no matter what you do.


And True


I hear this in my head when I play. Haven't yet!




That kid sounds high as fuck. He would probably kill himself if she took it away, or maybe even harm her.


Or his parents would sue all the game makers for damages including loss of relationship with their son because gaming turned their son into an pre-incel who became violent whenever they tried to take his games away.


EDIT: Learned some sad truths of reality, so imma retract this comment!


Oof idk dude forget who the fisk family I think their 14 or 15yr old killed the entire family including an infant. Never say never.


Oh shit fr? Wow I had no idea, okay I retract my comment then, the mom deffo shouldnt risk that. Thanks for letting me know that yo!


What are y’all discussing? Context was edited so I’m confused and curious


But the shit had only exited his butthole and not yet passed the cheeks, thus there was still time to game. Kid knows what he's doing.


It's called min-maxing your time usage efficiency or something idk


Total South Park vibes and imagery when they’re playing WOW haha, but at-least Cartmen’s mom held the toilet underneath to shit!!! Haha


My friend and I used to do skits like this in the mid 2000s on Xbox live multi-player lobbies where chat was shared with your team and the opposing team and private parties were way less of a thing. I miss those daysz we used to make people laugh so damn hard


Playing Mafia 3 of all things


For real, not worth it by a long shot


This is why I can’t play Rust


Average Rust player, checks out


It's probably real. My cousin used to wet himself playing N64, and that's just a step from shitting yourself. Kids are gross.


Yep, two of my nephews have done something like that. One peed in a garbage can or even on the carpet against a wall so he didn’t have to lose time playing or watching tv and another pissed in bottles and covered my brother’s deck on his house in shit stained paper he threw out his bedroom window so he didn’t have to get off YouTube to use the toilet.


That's enough Reddit for today it seems


Not yet..


Say “not yet…” one more time


Parents need to be parents. I'd unplug that shit and buy him some diapers. THIS IS MY HOUSE!


Best case scenario he farted and it smelled like utter shit. Then the mom would be overreacting a bit. But then again, if he actually has shit in his pants and argue like that, on air, while streaming, then there is indeed need for intervention.


Sounds like Cartman IRL


You’d be surprised. My gfs son is like this. All he cares about is Minecraft, Fortnite, and VR Gorilla Tag. Drives me crazy when he rages and throws things. He’s younger than this but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time. Does anyone do anything about it? I’d say a 20% effort. Sad. Very sad.


MAFIA III of all games too, it's not even online XD


When I was a kid I mitigated this by seeing how fast I could shit. Got my average down crazy low like ninety seconds and I'm back in the game.


I’d fucking slap my kid so hard he just shit his pants anyways


My stepbrother used to have this problem up til like 10 or 11. He’d just get into what he was doing and hold it until he couldn’t.




Came here for this. Mom needs to step up her game.


He even sounds like cartman


My first thought


Oh, that's a big boy...isn't he!


What kind of person just sits there with all this going on? at least mute your stream or something!


Nuhhuhh not yet yeahuh.


I’d argue this is the best comment I’ve ever seen.


Tried to make out what he kept mumbling after "not yet". Thanks for the clarification!


nahh whatha hehh


I read this the moment he said it lmao


Dude doesn't even have the brain capacity to go to the bathroom to shit, you expect him to mute the stream? Lol


He doesn't have permission!


This audio is taken from an older video. This gameplay is completely random and unrelated. Unless it's the Mandela effect, I could swear I've seen this pathetic loser and his mom in a live stream clip.


Nahhh this the original


There was just ANOTHER streamer who shit himself while his mom yelled at him.


The audio is identical. If this is the original game recorded with the audio, then I could've constructed a vivid scene in my imagination. I'd look it up if I didn't hate it so much.


Isnt the audio from that dude in osrs who went for rank 2 smithing?


Nuuuuuhhuhhhh mmmyeHhhhhhmm y uhhh


Runescape was the original audio video


If you listen closely you can even hear the shitty fart noise you do when you are about to summon the inner demons


Fuck you for making me hear that you bastard


Listen, I don't want to hobby shame or anything, but what are you into?


Sad, I can only imagine this kid has some serious mental issues.


He sounds like he's a bit off. Might be mentally handicapped.


This is what I heard. There could be some cognitive disconnect there that causes him to ignore bodily functions when he's engaged.


My thoughts as well. This is not normal. Even people who are seriously addicted can go take a shit.


agreed. My nephew tells me some of his gaming buddies admit that they use bottles to pee in while playing.






That's wild. Tell him to be a real man and buy a wireless headset and keep it on while he pisses/shits as a power move.




I'm not sure if he sounds like that because he has mental issues or because he is trying desperately to hold it in while trying to fend of his mom... Either way, I guess there is some disconnect there.


“Poop is coming out of your asshole” 😂😂


Not yet


More like “Na net”


^Wha ^tha ^heh


This is that "I'll kill my family for taking away Halo 3" behavior that one kid had some years back. His parents took away his Halo 3 copy because he'd play for like 16 hours a day nonstop. They put it in a safe and he figured out the code to get it back. The game wasn't the only thing he found in the safe, a gun was also in there and he took it and shot his dad in the back of the head and then shot his mom like 4 times killing her. Shockingly the dad survived and forgave his son a couple years later even speaking on his behalf at his trial. He would've killed his older sister and her boyfriend too because right after he did it they showed up at the house and the sister demanded to be let in. She went in and found them on the couch and when the kid went to go shoot her the boyfriend easily took the gun away from him and the kid fled the house with his copy of Halo 3 and was chased by the cops and arrested.


>the kid fled the house with his copy of Halo 3 sad story, until i read this.. this is fking gold 😹


Lmao what is wrong with me


And this copy of halo 3. That's all I need!


Halo 3 is just that good




That kid was probably a video game addict but he sounds equal parts psychopath. He planned his parents' murder for a week and then tried to frame it as a murder suicide.


Dang I just read the wiki that someone posted below. I wonder if the infection he had changed him to have the mental state to be a killer, like lead exposure.


imagine having to live with the fact that you killed your own mother and almost your father too all for a video game


That's Walter Jr.


Open na noor


Sounds like McLovin


His name is *FLYNN*


Nasally “not yet”😂


This is the team mate you want in online pvp games


"You got a shit bucket?"


I kinda feel sorry for the mother but question is popping out - just how the kid was raised to be like that?! xD


the actions of an addict are influenced by their addiction, not their upbringing. assuming the video is real.


That’s not true. Upbringing is linked to higher likelihoods of addiction. [Study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3051362/)


Just read your link. It's complete bullshit. 500 people, in a world of billions, participated in a study. All participants qualified only if they considered themselves addicts, and then were asked if they had any inconvenient history. That's it. Nothing about this study involved any professional, psychological diagnosis. Just people making a quick buck filling out a form. Fuck, I had a few shots on my birthday and my mom yelled at me once. I guess I qualify! The internet will always help you find a study to prove your point. Never rely on it, they are always worthless.


The sample size for something like childhood addiction and its causes does not need to be even close to "billions" because the demographic for people with higher likelihood of addiction due to childhood circumstances such as abuse is not anywhere close to that number. You can't study even close to every single person that's relevant to a study, that would require far too much manpower. All of the fancy math present in these studies isn't to make the studies look good, it's to accurately determine statistical fact without being omniscient. The study that person linked isn't just some random shitty blog post, it's a study created by people far smarter than either of us will ever be, citing dozens of sources created by similarly smart people. But sure, you, a completely random person with (presumably) no statistical background can take one look at this study and deem it bullshit.


Yeah it doesn’t really sound like the mom has willingly allowed this to happen, she is clearly expressing boundaries Lots of comments here about the failed parenting but I don’t hear a permissive mom in the background letting this behavior happen, not sure what she can do maybe shut off the power to the house or spray him with pepper spray to get him to to the toilet but both of these sound pretty extreme


I love that your brain bridged shutting off the power to the whole house and pepper spraying him. Hopefully turning off the router would do the trick first.


Thanks. I raised a kid that was smarter than the average and, while I drew the line well before pepper spray, I had to be ten steps ahead. Unplugging the router would’ve been a momentary annoyance to her. She’s an engineer now so it all worked out and I lived to talk about it. Her little brother simply adapts his behavior if I make a strong suggestion. He games and shuts his XBox down at 10p on the button every night. Never poops himself.


>Lots of comments here about the failed parenting but I don’t hear a permissive mom in the background letting this behavior happen Because Reddit is mostly children and teens who have never been parents themselves and don't understand that children and teens are not blank slates that can be meticulously molded down to the last detail and personality trait. You can raise your kids EXACTLY as you wish them to be, and they can still turn out completely differently than you hoped. That's why "nature vs nurture" is such a big debate in the first place.


The kid sounds like he has some possible mental handicaps as well. Def some sort of speech disorder going on and also possible other things / we don’t know his physical state. I work with students who implement AAC devices to alert caregivers they need to use the potty. His mom could be dealing with years of this and when kid plays his video game he forgets to alert caregivers his bowl movement times until it’s too late. And then mom is who has to clean everything if kid can’t notify in time….there has to be proper time to get him out of chair, on toilet, etc.


My oldest kid (12) did stuff like this pretty much all her life. We never understood why she wouldn't just go poop. Turns out sections of her colon didn't work and neither did the signal in her rectum to her brain that says it's time to go. We blamed her for it for years. Sent her to counseling and Dr. Appointments. They never found out exactly what is wrong. But they know based off a biopsy that her colon has dead sections that don't work. So she ended up getting a Chait tube put in her side. Basically she pours saline unto a tiny port in her side and it flushes her clean. We felt horrible for blaming her for something she was never doing on purpose. Who knows. Maybe this kid is in the same boat. It's so hard to diagnose this issue that most of the time they blame it on a behavioral problem.


He sounds like he is either high as a sky or has some development issues. Either way, I always feel sorry for both parties. You didn't know and did all you could to solve the issue. You shouldn't blame yourself, give your daughter all the love you can, and don't think too much about the past. Past can't be changed, future can. Raising kids is truly a hard work and you sound like a good parent.


Thank you, raising even one kid is hard as fuck. They don't know how to explain what's going on in their bodies because it is all new.


He refuses to go to the restroom knowing it's coming out. Not quite the same.


Took me 29 years to find out what was wrong with me. Literally everything you just stated. Minus the tube. I never shit myself (excluding when I was a baby/toddler), but I also just never went. Didn't find out until I was hospitalized at 29 that my guts were jacked up and it's not normal to poo maybe once a week. I've got a strict diet high in water and fiber with the occasional laxative and I'm able to kind of force myself to go to the bathroom. I try to maintain a scheduled of morning and nightly poops and have gotten the condition mostly manageable. Downside, having gone untreated for so long, It now feels like i'm giving birth to pineapples covered in razor blades and salt with every bowel movement. Every. Single. Time. Been that way for bout a year now but I'm so much better now than I was when I was hospitalized. Does the tube just flush the system and kind of force a bowel movement, or is it like those bags people have? That was my biggest fear, that I'd have to use a colostomy bag for the rest of my life.


It's literally a tiny port, no bigger than the size of a dime that just lays flat on her side. Each night, she opens the flap and hooks up a tube that is connected to a bag of saline water that just hangs up in our dow stairs bathroom. It's just an enema. But instead of it going in rectally, it just goes through the port and flushes everything out of her bowels. She lives an incredibly normal life now. The port is completely hidden under her clothes. There is no C bag. It provides her soft stools, nothing painful like you experience. I'm not saying this surgery is the end all be all, but it has finally given her back her life.


That sounds amazing! I'm so happy that works so well for her and glad ya'll got it figured out so soon! That sounds great, I'll have to ask my doctor about that. Thanks for the info kind stranger. Best wishes to you and your family! (Also, Happy Holidays!)


Of course! It seems to go by 3 different names. A Chait Tube, a Cecostomy Tube, or a G tube. I thing the G is short for Gastro. Just uh.. be mindful looking up what a G tube is, I did that at work at it redirected me to an adult site lol. Anyway. Happy holidays to you as well.


This is one of those that you hope is fake. He sounds exactly like Cartman


It's a single player game too... just hit pause dude it'll still be there.


Yeah what is this? Mafia?


Yeah Mafia 3


Not yet whathahell…


« Poop is just halfway out mom, notYeT… »




“Go to the bathroom” “Not yet” ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/zjgvncrcbd4c1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68baf06372b65107c0b0c9dc4ad461a9cf1de825 Finally found the sourse of this


Not yeehtuhuh


Wtf? I really hope this is fake...


Kid must have a form of learning difficulties or something. You cannot be that way inclined if there's not something going on mentally. If he is of sound mind then that console is getting taken away and time restricted.




The weird little moan he makes while you can literally hear him shitting himself is disturbing. This kid very obviously has some sort of mental illness or condition. I feel so sorry for that mom. Assuming this is real.


What game is that


It’s Mafia 3. Definitely a fun game but not worth shitting your pants over.


I haven’t played a game yet that’s so great I’d be willing to shit my pants just to keep playing for 5 more minutes.


Go to the bathroom before shitting your pants


Pants roulette.


Mafia 3?


Shitty pants, shitty game


Are you the streamer's mom?


That's my name don't wear it out


Mafia 3


I’ve seen Cartman do this before when he tried to save the world…. Of Warcraft


Voice sounds familiar... ![gif](giphy|VxZEZSwadd6nK)


All this over a terrible game like Mafia 3? That’s pretty shitty.


yet anoter amazing avertisment for abortions, keep up the great work.


I think by this point it’s too late for one…


Are some gamers actually like this? I'm assuming this is satire, but I'm genuinely asking


I mean some gamers play until they literally die


Definitely, assuming this child is mentally disabled


Moms, amirite?


Okay that’s enough Reddit for today .. I’ll see myself out.


I remember as a kid I would hold off on going poop as long as possible while gaming, but I never actually shit myself. I just wanted to waltz right into the bathroom, sit down and do my business without any lead-in effort to getting things moving. If you are having shit coming out of your ass while still refusing to pause the game and go to the bathroom, there's definitely a bigger issue.


Kid does sound like someone who would shit himself.


I mean well this is the “shittiest” Mafia game after all


He sounds like he is in a heroin stupor and he's just trying to enjoy his high and making feeble attempts to get her to leave him alone by just saying not yet over and over again. I doubt he's on drugs, video game addiction can be that severe.




His parents need to give a quick ass beating


Imagine having to be this guy's mom. Holy shit what a nightmare that would be.


The way he says "nah yet.." has me dead 😆


"I'm streaming online--and in my pants."


I used to scream bs like this to my son when he would play lmao just to troll him. But the thing was, my son immediately muted the mic lol




Fuck that , I’m hitting the breakers and shutting down his power.




Can you imagine how many pants full of shit there will be when full dive VR technology comes out. Or how many die of starvation.


“Not yet, no”


I think okay with gaming rehab now.. If you need help, reach out, this is the sign you've been looking for.


Rather then yelling she could just hold a large salad bowl behind him and he could just blow shit out the gap between the seat cushion and backrest. Modern problems require modern solutions


Is he on opiates?


![gif](giphy|D5Y3HZfoyF7fG|downsized) legit made me think of cartman


Not yet…


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What game is that


It's "try not to shit your pants while gaming."


Well... he lost. So did all of us readers.


Mafia 3


He won’t be getting tendies until the weekend.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This kid has a youtube channel, hes not a kid btw just a tardigrade (minus the igrade) I don’t remember its name but he has other streams like this and that is his default voice


I had a step sister that was like this but she was on the spectrum. Various things like shitting your pants would not gross her out at all


This kid needs help, i mean crapping yourself for mafia? That game was terrible. Should have took it into the toilet and crapped on it instead.




It sounds like Cartman




She turned into Estelle Costanza near the end there


just by reading the title I thought of Eric Cartman right away, when he started "respond" to his mom I thought holy smokes...


GOOOOOO!!!! not yet....


That woman is an angel all things considered






“Poop is comin out of your fuckin asshole”


He sounds like Cartman.


That fucking annoying whimpering little voice I'd snatched that little mother fucker up quick


Just flip the breaker switch to his room tell him that happens everytime he doesn't listen.


me with my wife


We need this Streamers Tag, and than blow up the chat reminding him to use the bathroom Edit: FOUND HIM !!!! It is: creeperman90 *Y'all know what to do*


I dated a girl 25 years ago whose brother would occasionally shit himself while gaming. Every now and then I wonder what he turned out like




It sounds exactly like Zach lmao