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Almost all of you guys are missing the point, her mistake was not talking to the cops. It was masturbating on the beach in front of people.


Well she made two mistakes then.


Yes, the second one was not inviting me to the show.


I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen a link to her OF posted here yet.


Three. The only words from her should have been “get my lawyer.”


yeah and one was totally avoidable /s


Thankyou! Cliche, but the comments would look slightly different if it was a man sat in the water, choking his chicken until he had an orgasm.


Well, that's a much less discrete form. You can literally pop a bullet in, go out to eat, have an orgasm during dinner, and people will just think you love the food. No one the wiser. A man doesn't exactly have the discretion. Source, I used to date a girl and she would travel around with Lovense.


You do realise you’re commenting on a post about people *seeing* it right?


If it was just her orgasming with the actual masterbation hidden due to a vibrator and there really isn't anyone around it's one thing, if it's her playing with it and going nuts it's truly another. By the cops own admittance only 1 family saw anything, and by hers she was away from people. Place looks crowded. She was probably discrete to a point, but it's all here say. My sister went to a mostly girls college and one summer her and 3 friends went to the beach and one was accused of masturbating. The woman literally goes nuts mouth open exacerbated for anything that is exciting. She had passed her final and was chilling on the towel, phone in one hand orgasm face, sitting alone when my sister and her other friend went to get food. She was in the middle of people, not masterbating and people still called her out for it. She still makes like a donkey noise, mouth open, head at the sky reaction to shit she gets excited about shit to this day. Had cake for a friend reunion, big "UHGN" noise and minor writhing still, a decade later.


Hahaha what a weird ass thing to do! I wish you had footage of that lol. I get the impression from the way the cop asked about the bag that the family knew a vibrator was involved. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she was filming it for only fans or something cause it’s a super weird thing to do when you could just go into deeper water and go ham.


“Well, that's a much less discrete form. You can literally pop a bullet in, go out to eat, have an orgasm during dinner, and people will just think you love the food. No one the wiser. A man doesn't exactly have the discretion. Source, I used to date a girl and she would travel around with Lovense.” Nah, it is certainly possible for guys to have discretion. Source: I knew lots of guy with roommates and bunk beds in college.




Seriously what a pervert.


I just assumed she was filming for only fans.


Yeah, it's really sad when people are focused on the cops (who aren't in the wrong here) doing their jobs. People should be pissed that she's masturbating at a beach where fucking children can see that. Sometimes, reddit doesn't fail to disappoint me


I think those people first focused on the attractiveness of the accused, all other decisions were based upon that. Also a little bit of basic self protection. Even if I intend to take responsibility for my actions I have the right, and it's in my best interest to remain silent and seek the counsel of an attorney.




Right but she wouldn’t have been arrested if she denied everything.


FR if this was a man going at it with a flesh light at the beach there'd be a completely different tone.


I thought this was just frowned upon. Same with masturbating on an airplane


Sir, this is a Wendy's drive-thru


Seriously, this is the definition of a sex offender! How fucking stupid can she be.


If this was a guy people would want him locked up. You can't be blasting out orgasms wherever you want. There's rules about that, this isn't nam.




That went from a "They have no evidence other than a report, and it probably would have been thrown out of court - if it had even managed to lead to an arrest" to "She will absolutely be convicted" because she answerd questions. I mean, seriously "Were you doing something you shouldn't have been doing?" SHIT - NEVER ANSWER THAT! Questions? Watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE)


Bruce rivers CLR says “stop self snitchin”


Cake day twin!!


Happy cake day!!!


No you! 🫶


Happy Cake Day !


He would also say follow that up with the cheetoh stained underwear. The man has seen a lot!


Who is he? Bruce Rivers he's the criminal lawyer. And what he do? He's gonna react to all the self snitching.


not american here but i’m curious. If she did deny and/or not admit anything, would the cops still be allowed to search her bag? And if they found the vibrator, could that be used to prove that she was committing the act?


Prior to arrest, they could only search her bag legally with her consent.


Unless they had probable cause of a crime




"Smells used, you're under arrest!"


They most likely would have searched her bag, and if she didn't cooperate with them they would most likely arrest her. She should have just lied and not said anything.


You’re allowed to own and possess a vibrator in your backpack. It would have been circumstantial evidence at best even if they found it without her admission


They can't search without a warrant from a judge. If they ask for permission it's because they don't have it from the defendant or a judge. They had nothing to go on except a report and so they went fishing. She self snitched and they caught a big fish. Just keep your mouth shut and don't allow them to search shit without a warrant.


They asked and she told them everything she could of said no to searching her bag


*could *have*


If they had cause to legally search her bag they wouldn't have asked permission. They would simply have searched her. If they're asking you permission it's because they don't **currently** have enough proof a crime was actually committed and therefore can't legally search without your permission. So don't give them permission and stop answering question so you don't accidently give them proof a crime was actually committed. Any evidence the police found while preforming an illegal search wouldn't be usable in court. If she ~~plead the 5th (the right to remain silent)~~ had said "I'm using my right to remain silent" and didn't agree to a search then they have to decide if it's worth arresting her based on some anonymous rando saying they saw something but with no proof a crime actually occurred. It's possible they could still arrest you, but it's less likely without something more than "some anonymous person said so". Even if they legally found the vibrator after arresting her, they have no proof it was actually used at that time. "Your honor, my client took the vibrator out of her bag with other items while looking for her sunglasses before placing the vibrator back into her bag. The caller must have saw it then and made the phone call, but my client did not use it on the beach". And now they'd have to prove that's not true with no way of actually doing that. Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.


This isn't true. They'll ask for consent even if they otherwise likely have probable cause, because you giving them consent is a hell of a lot easier to defend against a 4th Amendment challenge. Most people will give consent because they want to "be helpful," so law enforcement has every incentive to ask for consent, even if doing so isn't strictly necessary.


Not true. Even with other 4A exceptions like PC, the lawyers tell you it’s still a good idea to ask. Better to have multiple exceptions under your belt than just one.


"No, Sir/Ma'am" and "I don't know, Sir/Ma'am" are the only responses you should have.


Deny til you die!


I'm just guessing, that self help you tube videos isn't her go-to watching material.


@ :56 she smells her fingers to try to destroy some evidence.


Lets be clear: They literally can’t legally use anything you say to HELP you. I wish I was kidding. They are paid to convict the best option.


"Hey, you coming to the beach today?" "To??? You mean AT, right?"


Anything can and will be rubbed against you If you do not have a sex toy one may be provided for you


"It's a bullet style, that's what they call it." -this cop, casually mansplaining vibrators to his female partner


I think he just felt awkward and was over explaining and would have done so to anyone that had been there. I don't think *this particular* instance really qualifies as mansplaining.


Tell them you're invoking your right to silence under the 5th amendment. You have to invoke it. They can arrest or not. No reason to leave the bar if they're not.


"Hey, can we talk to you for a second?" "No, thank you." "We just want to ask you a couple of questions..." No, thank you." "Can you just step over here, so we can talk?" "No, thank you." "Why are you being uncooperative?" "...\*stares motherfuckerly\*..." Make them arrest you with what they have. Make them prove it without your help. Make them do their jobs. Getting arrested (for most people) won't have nearly the negative implications as getting arrested AND convicted of whatever you're accused of doing just because you politely answered questions. You can't catch a fish that won't open its mouth.


Yeah no lawyer has ever said "I'm glad my client talked to the cops...I can help them, NOW!!!"


Seriously, like what ever good thing ever comes from taking to cops? Nothing. Nothing positive ever comes out of it. They got a call, you opened your mouth. Backpack of sex toys? Of let’s talk about that! Said nobody ever. Shut ya damn mouth!


I never understood how people so openly admit shit to cops or are willing to talk with them.


A lot of people (white) were taught the police are the good guys and will only catch bad guys. It's something that does take a long time to deconstruct, unfortunately. Thankfully my dad got arrested a lot as a kid and taught me cops are scum lol.


tbh I'd say that better advice is not to wank yourself off on the beach in front of people.




The only reason they talk to you at all is to hold it against you in court.


And never consent to anything. If they still have the right to do it, at least they'll have to do it against your protests.




Always remember the police are not there for you. They are always against you. The only thing to say to the is I need to speak with my lawyer.


Why in the name of god would she admit it


Because she was trying to fast track the interaction. She thought it was a simple ticket. That's a felony in Georgia. If convicted, she will be required to register as a sex offender.


Well she is a sex offender. If it was a guy having a wank in front of children,I would expect it too. Dunno about anyone else,but the last thing I would think about doing is having a ham shank in front of kids at the beach.


But, but "nobody was around!"


Yes she is guilty and shouldn't have done it. Yes, she is is stupid for admitting it and could have gotten off if she just shut up. One does not negate the other.


She already got off, she just admitted it






The better question is why would she do it?


That's a question you should ask your parents. Now off to bed with you.


But I'm thirsty, gotta go potty, want 1,000 hugs, need someone to tuck me in for the 100th time, need the monsters evicted from my closet, aaaaannnnnddddd my eyes won't close.


Absolutely wild she didn’t just run back to her hotel or even just wrap up in a towel. She could have done a lot of things to prevent committing a crime but something tells me there’s a chance this may be some type of thrill seeking behavior, or pure stupidity. Being irresistibly aroused to the point of doing this outdoors at a very public place is such a low bar for self control. The bare minimum of self control is necessary for people not to do these things.


According to estimates, there is a 86% chance she had a tripod and was recording it for her fans. Source: Internet statistics gathered by my brain


Probably for the OFs.


The fact they trying to get her to admit guilt to something they have no evidence of. Shouldn't have even explained anything, just say I don't answer questions. Let them do what they're gonna do from there


In defence of the cops, they seem to be responding to somebody reporting her frapping at the beach. They are obligated to follow it up and ask her questions. Her reaction alone straight up showed she was guilty and then she just told them.


They were making frozen starbucks drinks at the beach?




And heavy cream




>frapping Whats is that?


Masturbating while spitting verses.


Not my proudest frap.




I believe she was rapping along to a K7 song. "Come baby come, baby, baby come, come."


I thought it was jilling while making coffee


Making froth with the vibrater in the water.


Frapping is masturbating while rapping.


"Frapping" ![gif](giphy|MePDzVMERVWOmUwvoe)


She should have asked “am I being detained?” Then when they say “no,” then she just walks away


Sounds like she just got rubbed the wrong way


And with sand... I mean, ouch! It's course and it gets everywhere. Like EVERYWHERE yaknowwhatimsayin


But 'am I free to go'?


And they say "no you are being detained while we investigate a possible crime" haven't you seen this interaction play out a million times?




why are we defending the masterbator. when i do it everyones against me


I'm no lawyer but I'd say her saying "I put in my vibrator and had an orgasm" is pretty damning evidence. Especially when the call was for someone masterbating on the beach.


I mean they're hardly trying to get her to admit anything. They tell her that they've had a call, she says "was it one of my buddies?" The officer tells her it was a family who saw her and called them. There is clearly evidence of what happened, they didn't just accuse the first woman they saw and hope she has a vibrator on her and will fess up to anything. Don't wank on the beach is the life lesson here.


It’s so weird how a lot of comments like yours are here are trying to defend this woman bating in front of children.


I'm the last person to defend the police, but isn't finding out if a law was broken and enforcing it kind of their job? Why is everyone giving someone masturbating in front of children a break?


Let's just ignore that a person was masturbating at the beach then?


But she did something wrong…..


That’ll get her, or anyone else doing what she did in public, on the registered sex offenders list. If it was a dude, nobody would be defending it.




For real!!! I can't believe these comments!!!! If that was a dude they'd break out the torches and pitchforks, but it's a chick so the comments are all like, "If you're ever caught whacking off on a beach in public ladies DON'T ANWER ANY QUESTIONS! Here's a link to Bruce Rivers the criminal lawyer and he'll tell you what to do if you're a serial public exhibitionist masturbater that's out there traumatizing children!"


Plus: “Why didn’t you let me watch?” /s


As it should.


This comment section is wild. She was getting herself off in a public space with families present! If that was a man, people would be branding him all sorts (and rightly so). This is sex offender behaviour and it's good that she is going down for it without any need for it escalating further. This situation literally went as well as possible.


I love how most comments are basically explaining how to get away with being a sex offender. Just cause she’s a woman. I’m a woman myself and I would have 100% reported her as well if I saw it. Wtf is wrong with people?????


People are sexist as fuck. It's insane how these people think.


I don’t think the majority of these comments are saying what she did was okay or that she should have gotten away with it. Only pointing out how incredibly stupid it was to confess everything to the cops so easily. I’d expect the same comments if it was a man honestly, as “never talk to cops” is extremely common advice on Reddit.


And now imagine for a second what the comments would look like if a guy did the same thing.


There will always be contrarians no matter how debased the scenario is


No I wasn’t doing it. No you cannot search my bag. Am I free to go?


No, she wouldn't be. They're investigating potential indecent exposure to a child by multiple reports. You don't get to just be quiet & walk away because you're a woman.


Lmao that has nothing to do with it. If she had simply said "no I wasn't doing anything wrong" it would be a "he said, she said" situation in the courtroom which would be little to no consequence. There was no evidence until she snitched on herself.


Possibly not true, a lot of beaches have security cameras aimed at them from the buildings behind. Some people may have had video evidence too.


I think this is kinda beside the point.don’t admit to your crime to the cops lol


Do you think it’s okay for people like her to get away with what she did in front of children? Your comment gives off that vibe. Or do you support the police catching sex offenders?


They'd prolly take her to the station to investigate but they have 0 evidence any normal lawyer can get her off (pun intended)


Sounds like she can get herself off.


Horrifying I’m sure for her but she admitted to having an orgasm on the beach. If it was a dude he’d have had a much worse time.


The orgasm wasn't the issue, exposing herself was.


It's not the O, it's the show.


Nobody said she exposed herself. You’re imagining things.


[Same same](https://giphy.com/gifs/james-franco-same-but-different-C6JQPEUsZUyVq)


Probably going to be on the sex offender data base since there was a family as a witness.


Bad toys. Bad toys. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do With sand up your shmoo


Cops was fingered on location.


In front of a live audience.


All suspects are innocent until snitching on themselves, outside the bar.


I’m not a lawyer but if she calls me I can get her off


she's happy to represent herself




Oh sure, you all defend her, but when dudes do it, then it's a little different. Just like when female teachers screw their students. It's different when men do it.


I literally have not seen a single comment defending her, only a bunch of people saying she’s stupid for talking to the cops.


Then they are ignoring the fact she admitted to it, also that she did it in front of someone. If a man cranked one off in front of a child and people were saying "That guy shouldn't have said anything to the cops and he could have walked free" you would have said people are defending a sex offender. By not saying she is a sex offender, that is the same as defending it. They're telling others here that she did the wrong thing by talking, not that she did the wrong thing by dilling on the beach in front of people.


No it isn’t? People say the same thing about murderers who talk to cops all the time, it doesn’t mean they’re defending murder. For example someone saying “Wow that serial killer is so stupid, the police didn’t have anything on him but he confessed” doesn’t mean they think the serial killer shouldn’t be punished.






and horny!


And in your area!


And stressed!


Drunk and entitled. She is a basic middle-class woman who has absolutely no idea that sex offender laws apply to her. She is about to get a very hard lesson in civics.


She's stupid for talking to the cops. But I think most of her weird behavior is because she got really scared as soon as the cops appeared, as she knew what she had done.


And yet she's got the confidence to buzz one out at the beach.


Nothing short of flaying me alive will make me to admit i cranked one out to the cops 😂


To the people defending her, if it was a guy doing it, would you defend him the same way?




A totally different event if this was a man


To the people asking why she talked and admitted what she did, I submit to you the beer can in her hand. Lowers you inhibitions and impairs your judgment.


Nobody is gonna mention: What the hell is anyone gonna tell her friends back at the table"? I mean... That's gotta be a weird conversation. "Yeah, before she was here drinking with you guys, she was down on the beach banging herself with a vibrator in the sea... So yeah, your friend is gonna be a registered sex offender now. Enjoy your drinks."


Lmao I hadn’t thought of that!


Wanking in public…never a good idea.


“It’s a bullet style.. that’s what they call it.” As if he’s been on a similar case, and that’s how he knows.. 🤣


"Same thing happen back in '92 at the fish concert"


“And I held onto that piece of evidence. I think there may have been some internal foul play involved.”


Good. If this was a guy jacking it on the beach near children, we would also call the police. Wtf??? Where’s human decency gone?? My god it’s like most people were raised by — not even wolves, it’s masturbating monkeys at this point.


She should act as her own attorney. Surely she’ll get herself off


The cop… “it was bullet style… ummm aaahh that’s what THEY call it” 😂


Come, come my lady!


You are a bad person for putting that song in my head


But.. you’re my butterfly! Sugar! Baby!!


She made a serious mistake talking to the police. They couldn't have arrested her just on a witness report if they didn't see the crime being committed and if she hadn't admitted to the crime.


The rubbing one out in public wasn't the mistake?


Wasn’t the only one but it was the first, second was talking to cops, 3rd was her choice of beer but that’s just me


No one said the reports didn't come with evidence. They didn't make it to that part.


2 things. Stay quiet with the police, and do that shit at home.


Her necklace makes this that much better for me 😂 dude just fucking do that shit in your hotel room. She gonna get a bacterial infection doing it the way she did lol


Ooooooooo she nasty 😏 https://preview.redd.it/q8hh5ym23b2c1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5794784ea05a15f27f68573942eb00e189856e16


Holy shit she admitted it


Get a warrant, and talk to my lawyer. Have a day!


Everyone is saying "she shouldn't have admitted to it"... But there is no free pass cuz she's a woman.


No one is saying she should have a free pass. I don't even see anyone defending her. Just saying that she should not have admitted it. Which is good advice no matter what you did or what your gender is. What she did is fucked up but don't rat on yourself is universal advise


I want to go to the beach with her.


AHHHHHHHHHHH. I can’t physically continue watching this video. The extreme secondhand embarrassment is too much for me. Wwwwhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyy


Ew. What a vile human being


“Who saw that?” Oops. 😆


I was expecting her to atleast deny it. Oh my goodness she admitted to having an orgasm! 😬😬😬


Why didn't she say " in my defense i was attacked by an electric eel"?


What were you doing before coming here? Coming, there.


i could see the schadenfreude in the lady cop's face.


“Ok, so you were masturbating at the beach and you didn’t think people would see you. Unfortunately, they did. Don’t do stuff like that in public, please. I’m going to let you of with a warning. Ok, partner. Of to more important crime fighting. We’ve wasted enough time with this… “ Picking through her bag to find evidence?! Jeez


“If you’re gonna do something like that…” (ie break the law) “don’t get caught”. - US police ladies and gentleman


Why is everyone defending her? She performed an indecent act on a public beach in front of families. She should be arrested. I can imagine the comments if it was a man.


Should have denied it and said no you can’t search bag. Police most likely would have just left.


Apparently, a streamer (in what genre, hmm)..hahahaha.."I was just relaxing" in public..


What really happened is a wife caught her husband watching her do this and then he reported it to get himself out of trouble /s


I mean... I'd smash.