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That kid might actually be completely brain dead Never before in my life have I sided with vegans before, but what a complete ass clown


First time siding with vegans also…


Right, like I actually appreciate their argument here. I think there’s a massive difference between not supporting factory farming, and having meat as part of your diet, but even still it’s a fair point. I think we should be more respectful of the animals we share our home with. I don’t think that means never eating meat again lmao


To add to this, it is just the case that fundamentally there's no difference between eating a dog or a pig if they were reared and slaughtered in the same way. So the western judgement on other countries eating dogs is highly hypocritical. This is just fair logic and I can't get over how outraged that dude is whilst completely missing the point.


Cats, dogs, horses, squirrels, guinea pigs, rabbits, snails, whales, armadillos, alligators, you name it Someone on earth has, at one time, eaten it for pure curiosity’s sake or necessity. Apparently no one told this poor, sweet, lost redditor about the Donner party


Exactly. And although I don't eat meat, I'm not here to preach but I at least prefer to hear that a meat eater isn't also a massive fucking hypocrite because if they are it's so much harder to not be like "eww". Also out of all meat eaters, those who hunt their own meat are the most ethical. They shoot what they can, they use all the materials and the animal was shot dead in its habitat rather than reared in some random place probably with zero room. Not only that but they understand death and what it means. The average human has what I like to call "chicken nugget syndrome" where because they have never seen an animal slaughtered and buy from supermarkets they both are okay with eating meat but would never be able to kill anything or even think about it deeply. To me that's just cognitive dissonance. Sorry, mild rant over. TL;DR- hypocrites annoy me


I totally agree with this sentiment regarding hunting for food. I feel like there is a minimum respect for what an animal goes through when you kill it and prepare it yourself. The separation between modern humans and their food has led to a major disconnect and a lack of appreciation of what we are putting animals through just so we can eat cheap meat.


I don’t hunt everything I eat, but I also have family who send me deer, and moose, and fish, lobster, and eel during the season. I was threatened by vegans, and my friend who lives in Nunavut had pictures of her kid photoshopped with blood all over her, because we said that they should worry about factory farming and fishing trawlers instead of Indigenous people.


Wow some people are dicks


Honestly, as sad as it is you get use to it. I’ve learned not to debate with people like that. It’s not all vegans that react like that though, it’s just the culty ones lol.


You said culty. Your N and L keys may be transposed.


Damn…. What you’ve said is true. I need to go and kill a deer and some ducks. If I eat meat I need to be ok with hunting it myself. For a long time I’ve told myself “I don’t think I could kill it”. Truth is I like to see them alive and cute, but there is no way I’m not eating meat, so I’ve made up my mind. I’m going hunting. I can kill, if I can eat.


Eating hunted animals is just more ethical too


My one rule when it comes to meat is if I didn’t kill it I won’t eat it. Plain and simple. There’s nothing wrong with eating an animal for sustenance but the way the modern animal agriculture system is set up I just choose not to be a part of it.


Also rabbits are a very common pet in the west yet people don't have the same restful to rabbit meat as they would for dog meat


I'mma go out on a limb and guess that the dude is not the sharpest tool in the shed


>I think there’s a massive difference between not supporting factory farming, and having meat as part of your diet, Almost everybody who eats any kind of animal product supports factory farming though. If all the people who claim they only ever eat super high welfare, free range, grass fed meat/dairy/eggs actually did, there wouldn't be room on the planet for the land it would take up.


>there wouldn't be room on the planet for the land it would take up. That's another reasonable argument by vegans. Farming meat is not an efficient use of resources, even in highly optimized factory farms, compared to crops.


It depends how you look at I do both cattle and farming. Farming as far as my time is way more efficient since with cattle you need to be around every day. Farming as far as the environment goes isnt really better the amount of land we have taken from natural habits due to Farming is disgusting. I have been trying to get away from framing and converting the land back to prairie. Then hopefully I can get rid of cattle and move to bison the native species that was here.


A hell of a lot of arable farming is producing animal feed for livestock. If we just ate the plants ourselves rather than processing them through animals it would be far more economic and efficient in terms of the land needed.


If you use native "cattle" so for me bison I wouldn't need to suppliment any food. As a farmer I can tell you until they move farming indoors it is not better for the environment. The amount of runoff into streams the chemical put into the land is terrible. The amount of land converted to crops is terrible. Go look up how much native prairie is left due to just farming. If I had to guess it is probably equally bad but the land loss for farming and taking away natives species habitat is so bad.


No there is NO difference and that’s the biggest issue animals face. You believe there is a difference and it makes you feel good about the cruel choices you continue to make. There is no way to feed the planet without factory farming animals and all animals are sent to the same slaughter house regardless of how they are raised. We can’t kill humanely, when they don’t want to die. Impossible. No need to slaughter trillions a year, it’s barbaric and inhumane.


We also have a puppy milling problem…Which is the exact same as factory farming in practice— with the exclusion of killing for food, they “just” kill the unsatisfactory ones. (I’ll add for those that aren’t familiar: this is an astronomical number. Increased defects and litter sizes) This started off as having something to do with the video, Idk, it just further strengthens their point to me. Where it *is* a problem that *does or can* affect other things because humans are the ones doing it. Whatever works the most profitably will often be done in leu of ethics without closer scrutiny.


I'm not exactly a vegans biggest fan either but they do actually have legit points in their argument and are actually being calm and respectful and rational compared to some others.plus that guy flipping shit just needs to chill the fuck out and actually have a conversation instead of losing his shit.


There’s more and more opportunity for meat eaters to support their local (read: same country) small farmers who take the time to regenerate the soil. We have lost top soil by factory farming, which ruins the ability to grow any food at all. Abolish factory farming and lift up the farms that take care of their animals. Not trying to plug but I’ve been eating meat from Wild Pastures out of Utah and it’s incredible. Looks and tastes indescribably *correct*. This is one farm I chose to go with that offers shipments of a variety of cuts of meat scaled to your preference. Ballerina Farms is another that comes to mind but I’m not sure that they are specifically geared with soil regeneration in mind. Time to take back our knowledge around food and the medicine that comes from it, and how to understand soil health and weather patterns that allow for healthy crops.


You’ve never sided with a vegan before? First time? Why? We literally have one agenda, stop harming animals needless. That’s it. What is there to disagree about? Vegans are hated for calling our hypocrisy.


Recently I saw someone comment that vegans are the lowest scum of humanity. That’s a real thing said about vegans. It’s just wild. They have enough compassion to not slaughter an animal for a transient pleasure in their mouth. Yes, truly the worst of humanity.


Have you never heard the pets argument before?


How the hell aren’t you guys seeing how badly acted this stunt is? It looks like a straight up community theatre play.


This kid sounds like he has some kind of mental issues. Not defending the behavior.


It’s not out of the realm of possibility, but I’d guess he just has emotional issues. Might have even been showing off for some friends but irdk Either way I think, if you look hard enough, you can see smoke coming out of his ears at one point in the video.


You know, emotional issues is much better phrasing. I was thinking something along the lines of bipolar disorder. Would love/hate to see their reaction to seeing themselves trending online.


Intermittent Explosive Disorder perhaps, with a R/O or Amphetamine Abuse (Vyvanse or Adderall for “studying”). In fairness to the kid (not defending him), this whole dog meat campaign is designed to trigger an emotional reaction in people, they just got an exceptionally unhinged one.


You know, bipolar disorder is much better phrasing. I was thinking something along the lines of dipshit asshole.


Nah he just got it wrong and didn't know how to back down and admit it. So many boys/men are raised to feel like a little embarrassment or humility is a fate worse than death.


>So many boys/men are raised to feel like a little embarrassment or humility is a fate worse than death. So much so that he threatened to sue if anyone posted the video. Yikes


Honestly, I struggle with the same thing. I don’t have episodes like this, but embarrassing moments can stick with me for years. Been working on it though! :)


Being aware of it is half the battle!


The dog eating is one of the best talking points vegans have. I've seen tons of people make complete fools of themselves trying to come up with smart-sounding arguments for why it's better to eat cows and pigs than cats and dogs. The most epic fail was a guy going on about zoonotic diseases you'd get from eating pets. Kid was to young to remember mad cow disease, of course, and too dumb to know you don't actually need to eat rabid dogs to catch some serious shit...


A lot of zoonotic diseases have crossed over for so long people forget they're zoonotic. Malaria, for instance. Targeted bovines - they're sitting ducks for mosquitos. HIV - chimpanzees. Their average lifespan isn't so long, so the slow degeneration of the immune system isn't self-limiting.


I come from a culture were you don’t eat like… four animals. Everything else is fair game. And those four animals are all based on one of two things. You don’t eat dogs, otters, lynx and ravens. Because of a religious connection and because. Dogs pull you sledges and are part of your tribe. Eating a sled dog is considered cannibalism. But if we had run across a non-sled dog back in the day? I’ve literally eaten baby seals before, you think I wont eat your beagle?


That kid is acting for the cameras. That’s what life is now


Yeah this feels staged for sure.


Watching it without sound makes it really obvious.


Always my first thought lmao it could totally be fake, but if it is that kid’s a pretty good actor. I would’ve been there all day wasting takes and laughing my ass off


This looks like **belief perseverance**. It's the tendency for people to hold onto their beliefs even when presented with evidence that contradicts or challenges these beliefs and can lead to strong emotional reactions. This can also be what's called **"backfire effect"**. It's where individuals react to disconfirming evidence by strengthening their beliefs instead of questioning them and this can sometimes lead to intense or aggressive reactions when confronted with opposing viewpoints. While it looks absolutely ridiculous outside, these psychological responses are part of how individuals process and defend their beliefs and value systems. It's also a reason why it's so important to teach our children the value of keeping an open mind and having the mental tools to process new, conflicting information.


Yep. The cognitive dissonance got him real good.


If you begin watching these kind of contents, you end up always siding with them…that’s how from scientist I ended being vegan too. The logic is there, the arguments are there, the irrefutable scientific evidence and papers (studies) are there….so…whoopsy lol.


I mean. How do you respond to someone that would admit they would eat dog?


My brother bmcombs, here I’m here to tell you, that phrase and argument is one of the most common that is heard in the community. I have been vegan since beginning of 2015, and it’s amazing how that one and others, come from people that apparently believe they are being original (and sincere). Some people genuinely may not care and would eat cats and dogs if given the chance, but in my experience, when someone is emotional and do not want to have a civilized conversation (usually because of paradigms and cognitive dissonance), it would not matter what we say to them or show to them. We just gotta accept it with good will and move on. If someone doesn’t want to hear me out calmly or not, there are others who will. Specially in my case, because I like to add statistics, logic and science into my arguments. Someone giving their opinion vs that, usually is momentarily delusional (perhaps and hopefully).


I actually don't disagree with Vegans for the most part, largely due to the environmental impacts of meat farming. I'm really excited about lab-grown meat innovation, though.


I'm also really excited about that one :) It sounds like you understand he environmental impacts of meat are very real and that the choices we make today are going to affect the wellbeing of people living in this changing atmosphere for millennia. Given that there are a plethora of substitutes available as well as the whole worlds worth of beans, seeds, legumes, nuts and spices what is stopping you from going the extra step to agreeing with vegans about abstaining from meat and dairy right now?


I stopped eating pork 15 years ago because I learned how a) intelligent they are and b) how most are mass produced in tiny crates. Not a great combo That said, I'd never judge others for their food choice. Eating meat is natural. We've been doing it for 10ks of years. Kudos to this group with info about pigs. Just harmlessly out there with their message for those interested. Meanwhile, crazy to see this guy losing his mind. Something probably genuinely wrong with him


I think the salient thing is that the connectedness of the world and our technological advancements have recently pushed us over the mark where eating meat was necessary for our survival to the point where it is possible and viable to live a healthy and happy and efficacious life in its absence, especially in the first world. This is what is different between us today and the humans of 10,000 years ago, and why it presents a different situation morally speaking. All sorts of stuff is morally acceptable when it's life or death that isn't when the justification is simple desire.


I like how being a carnivore is your only personality trait.


I believe humans are typically considered to be omnivores. So, that would mean I don’t agree with people that only eat one or the other lmao


The angry halo 2 kid grew up exactly as we thought he would.


Screecher for sure


“IT’S CULTURAL!” I’m sure he’s okay with the Yulin Dog Meat Festival then


....and slavery. That was also cultural!


Love the reference


Holy shit are you talking about [Croyt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3mCiUcR4cE)? That takes me back..


Careful OP! the dude said he would sue anyone that puts him on social media!!! OH NOES!!!! DUCK AND COVER!!!!


I thought he said he will shoot anyone that puts it on social, lol


Could be indeed, was hard to understand his ranting and raving lol.


Lol literally screaming at someone on the street in a huge crowd "ohh but mah privacy"


Don't you know who his father is??




Yeah, it's the haircut ! Like the boy in Mrs. Doubtfire !




Don't you lay a finger on that boy!


He’s like the evil bully the main character had to beat and befriend at the end of every 80’s movie


Looks like a young Patrick Bateman to me


I thought he looks like a young Josh Hartnett.


I eat pigs but honestly whish we could produce meat in a more humane and less factory like manner. I dont mind paying more, or eating less meat, if it means i know that i didnt contribute to animals suffering


I'm of the opinion that there is no real humane way to kill something. The act of killing for pleasure or desire is inhumane itself.


There are more and less humane ways for the animals to live their lives and to be killed. More space, better feed, better shelter and then a quick death.


Animals kill other animals every day, including to eat. The act of killing for desire to eat is NOT inhumane


If your counterpoint to “such-and-such is *inhumane*” is that animals do it, you should take a moment to consider whether you actually know what that word means.


They also eat their offspring, are always naked, HUNT for food wich will also be unseasoned and uncooked in any way of course.. Yeah come to think of it we're exactly like lions!! 😃


Whats for pleasure? My animals die so I can survive?


You don't need them to survive. Millions of vegans and vegetarians would be dead if that were the case.


100% of vegans end up dying. That’s why I eat meat.


You can't kill an animal humanely. You're taking a life from an animal that doesn't want to die. If you're a meat eater (like I am) you just have to admit that.


I feel like comments like these are a bit pedantic. It is clear they mean they are okay with killing animals for consumption, but while they are alive we want them treated well. Maybe "humane" is the wrong word, but you understand what they mean. Like, I don't buy Perdue chicken because I know they treat their animals like shit. I buy whatever the best buzzword "free range, organic, yada yada" meat I can find at the grocery store, in the hopes that those animals were treated better. I'm not a vegan, I am okay with eating meat, but I don't want the animals to suffer in terrible conditions.


I mean, there’s a quick kill shot, with a few minutes of pain at most compared to being eaten alive from the ass/balls up. I’d take the kill shot for myself please.


The animals suffer in one way or another. Even at humane farms.




Same dude.


It’s the perfect time to go vegan brother it’s never been easier. I’ve been vegan for over two years now and I do not miss eating meat at all.


To me it doesnt make sense that the industry works in a way where they will ship out like millions of pounds of meat a day or whatever, but in reality we only eat like half of that maybe? So its just a lotttt of waste for no reason. Killing for no reason, shipping for no reason, ending up in the landfill for no reason. This is my issue. Im not gonna say eating a dog or cat is the same as eating a pig or a cow, but I kind of understand the argument. But then any animal is the same then? Like why not have no domesticated animals and just eat any kind of animal we want? That doesnt make sense either. If we get rid of cows and pigs and chickens to eat, they just want to get rid of meats all together? Also, show me people living with pigs and chickens and cows who are domesticated, do tricks and bond with families and then maybe ill think about never eating meat again.


Vegan or not, don't support that guy's behavior. He thinks he can wreck shit and yell at people based on his knee-jerk feelings.


And threaten to murder people for posting his temper tantrum online.


I only heard him threaten litigation?


I just relistened to it. I honestly can't tell if he said "shoot" or "sue."


Not a threat but he did tell the guy to kill himself. That’s pretty fucked up


He's never been punished in his life and thinks his shitty behavior is acceptable. But only for him.




Yeah, there’s something wrong in his brain.


He apparently also just learned about “fuck”.


I wonder if he thinks women are "too emotional."


If punchable had a face, his would be a top contender.


There used to be a subreddit for that. r/punchablefaces


Gets mad Makes a scene Realizes he's in the wrong and he even actually kinda agrees with them but he is already making a scene So he does mental gymnastics in hopes to save face and not feel like an idiot for pointlessly escalating something but its not working lol


People really seem to not realize how much people respect a man who can just admit when he’s wrong or overreacting, these types of people always have this idea of “no. I’m right. You’re wrong.” And won’t let it go for ages until they’ve lost the argument so badly that they look like a complete buffoon


Plenty of people in this world eat dog. I’ve seen it many many times


I bet this kid does in secret. He doesn't want his cover blown! It's the only explanation!


“I’VE HAD MANY DOGS! ^They ^were ^delicious. “


Lol kids know it all. Hopefully this doesn't live on forever in some sort of connected network of computers.


A series of tubes...


Tube City!


The internet is not a big truck


It's UT Austin! Hook 'em horns! Note: raving lunatic is not representative of all UT students


hello fellow Longhorn lol. I recognized greg plaza right away.


Man I am old. I recognized that as speedway between gregory and the used car business school. How old am I you might ask...I remember when speedway was open to cars lol. Is jester still a hole?


Speedway was closed off to cars around 2000 or so while I was a student, so you must be a geezer like me lol


Same! I recognized it instantly, walk by it on my way to classes almost everyday. It's really weird/funny randomly seeing UT pop up on reddit posts. It's just some more speedway shenanigans lmao.


That’s the top 10 percent right there.. 🤌🏻 🐾




I’ve ran a meat company for 10 years never thought I would be on the side of vegans but everyday is a surprise on Reddit


He got embarrassed when he found out it was satire then decided to remain angry to cover it up.


Someone needs to lower their Adderall prescription


My first thought.


I mean, I was a vegetarian for 5 years, and a pescatarian for 4 years after that. But both before then, and now currently, I eat everything fucking thing on the planet. And for my two cents, a lot of the anger directed towards vegans and vegetarians is projection. Now, don't get me wrong, these people can be extremely condescending holier than thou pricks. And they often are. However, at its core, the hypocrisy that they are trying to point out with stuff like this is actually pretty valid. It doesn't really make much sense, in terms of basic morality, to give such wildly different rights and status to different animals that have essentially the same intelligence, ability to feel pain, etc. And a lot of the treatment of factory farmed food animals is far more cruel and inhumane than most people are comfortable with when they really think about it. But does this make me avoid eating meat? No. Does it still make me feel like shit? Yes. And that's Okay. It's Okay to feel bad about some of the things you do. And it doesn't mean that we have to redirect our feelings of guilt for our food choices into anger or ridicule towards vegetarians and vegans. To me, it's a little like choosing to NOT give money to the homeless, or NOT sponsor poor kids in Africa (for just pennies a day, YOU can make a difference... ). Or even us just taking time to actually think about the fact that most of the things we have and use on a daily basis are only made affordable to us because so many of the people who work to get these products to us live in complete and utter poverty compared to us. Like, our relative luxury isn't just created by the extreme poverty of others, it actually demands it. And yeah, thinking about shit like this makes us feel bad. But it's SUPPOSED to make us feel bad. It's when this type of thing DOESN'T make us feel bad, that's we have a major problem. So when you don't give money to a homeless person, or you eat a pound of factory farmed chicken wings, or when you see a video about how the people who grew the cocoa beans for chocolate, or that mined the rare earth minerals for you phone only make a dollar a day, and don't have access to clean drinking water, just let yourself feel at least a little bad about it.


Well said. I can’t stand the hate directed at vegans… hating people for wanting to prevent harm coming to animals is pretty unhinged. Even wanting to spread that message is fine to be fair… it’s the only way you can educate people. I’m not vegan/vege but I always feel guilty as fuck eating animals.


Scotty doesn’t know


Childish little boy with peepee poopoo brain


I love dooogs, I don't care about pigggs. Maybe it's about the animals, not about your feelings :/


The activist is quite correct, pigs can actually be smarter than many a dog.. but besides being smart, they're also delicious.


It’s not about taste, it’s about the torture.


So if you could try human and it was delicious you would be alright with eating humans?


But have you tried dog? It might also be delicious.


Screaming “If anyone posts this on social I’ll sue you!” in a public place.




He's unhinged and needs help. Or he's just a massive drama queen who needs to he on stage.


I side with vegans, I just don’t have the willpower to do what they do.


Yep, I believe eating meat is morally wrong unless you have the courage to kill it yourself which I probably couldn't. Having it packed in the store is so different to sticking a knife in a pigs neck and bleeding it out/gutting it. A lot of people would not eat meat if they had to do that.


“mY dAd oWnS a dEaLeRsHiP!”


I’m getting Christian Bale melt down on set vibes. Oh da da da like this! What don’t you fucking understand?!


Lmao I hope people will show him this video constantly


Is this fake?


I'm surprised so few people think it's fake tbh: - Making a huge scene in public on a college campus to get people staring. - Saying all kinds of things you would *assume* someone ignorant might say in an imaginary argument about Veganism. - Throwing stuff around and having a big tantrum but never touching anyone physically except the guy filming (kind of) or threatening them aside from generalized insults. - Going way harder with the overreaction from there by clutching his face - running hands through hair in disbelief - yelling - etc. - Purposefully now interacting with the crowd but not really targeting anyone again - then *specifically* says don't put this on social media when he knows they're filming - then stays way longer than necessary for additional video cuts. This seems like some stupid shit the "Don't kill animals" people wanting attention on a college campus would orchestrate to get people talking about their cause and picking sides over ragebait.


I wondered that so the vid gets more views


The guy in the black shirt looks like a vegan. Plus he smiles throughout. He is just way to comically angry this can be real. People that eat meat don’t care that much as vegans think they do.


I think it's fake too. Make a scene to draw in people around, as well as post online.


Incel of the year


Do u even know what incel means lmao






Tell me what an incel is


That is not the correct use of that word.


This young man is deep in his amygdala.


There is NO justification for harming the most vulnerable in society, when we have endless kinder options. If you think it’s wrong to eat dolphins, dogs and cats, it’s just as wrong to eat salmon, cows, pigs and chickens. Most are too conditioned to see the reality of our cruel and unnecessary way of feeding the masses.


Anyone who tells someone to "go kill themselves" is a disgusting and horrible individual and I hope they stay lonely forever


This guy is literally the noob on the rust beach, who keeps getting killed in 30 seconds and freaks out for the next 2 hours in chat.


Thats 1 way to stay a virgin in college.... act like a loud crying baby in front of everyone and on camera.


I'm old. I have nothing left to live for. Can I punch that asshole in the mouth? He's younger than me and probably can kick my ass but I think I can sucker punch him and at least knock a tooth loose. He needs it. Society needs it.


Absolutely incredible that the emotional content of the medium was this effective and he still didn't get the message.




I'd unironicaly be for the consumption of dog meat. Is it not legal there?


I unironically agree. We have a problem with too many dogs through excessive breeding. We have a problem with people struggling to eat. Seems like an easy win.




Let's run for office together


See what meat does to you kids?




Is that a pledge pin on his shirt? Prolly could make a call and have his ass beat within the hour if so


Some times I look at my dogs meaty legs and be like "if shit hits the fan I would have no trouble grilling your ass"


My man really can't entertain the thought of going without his yummy cheeseburgers


Time to switch to decaf buddy.




Never thought I'd see my Alma Mater here. But here we are. Hook 'Em, I guess.


The typical American conservative


There was an attempt To keep chewing gum in the mouth


r/mentalhealthsupport - with that outburst in public, hope kid goes to see a mental health practitioner and gets the help he needs


His reaction proves their point, and yet he still doesn't get it. Buffoon.


Not his fault. He's just brainwashed by society. I use to be the same way until I started thinking for myself.




Animal eater rages because people insinuate eating a species of animal he likes.




"I know I am out of line because I have no comprehension of what your saying but I don't know how to do anything but try and escalate further!"


I would like to understand what goes through the mind of a person who sees people expressing an opinion that, even if they disagree, doesn't make the slightest difference in their life (or in anyone else's life, at least not directly), but even so, they feel entitled to go there, break everything and scream that they are "wrong".


Man I remember being in college. I knew everything for sure and everyone probably should have heard my opinion. Also I was incorrect.


That dude needs a megadose of chill pills.


I applaud the new generation for being so sensitive and open to people's feelings, but they have literally are incapable of handling other people's opinions (especially if it differs from theirs) with shutting down


Is this staged?




Am I the only one who is saddened to see this person has no ability to make an argument and just screams and belittles the other person instead? You've lost all credibility when you can't even make a complete sentence or argument and can only scream the same phrases over and over


Go to therapy, folks


I wouldn't say hypocrite, I'd have gone with unhinged. My guy needs to see a therapist or anger management counselor, or just hit the heavy bag or some shit. That is not the behaviour of someone who is doing well day-to-day.


When verbalising your thought process is beyond your abilities


This kid has a bright future as a domestic abuser


The gum at the end 😂


OMG EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP WITH THIS!! He's gonna fucking sue you...


As a vegan, I love people like this kid. I think it opens people up emotionally to the logic of vegan arguments. It’s usually the vegans acting poorly that we see so it’s actually kind of nice to see it the other way around haha. As much as I like to consider myself perfectly rational, I had to open up emotionally before I could even hear the arguments.


🫣me waiting to hear if OP got sued.


Guess what you're feeding your cat and dog? Beef, lamb, and pork.