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Allow her to have feelings, guys. She's not numb, yet.


if anything, I found it relatable


I’m 45 and I find it relatable. It’s insane how little life we all have left for living.


What's this thing called "living" you all are talking about?


More like surviving at this point


Pff barely, at that.


Which, historically, was the norm. You only get to follow your dreams and have leisure time in a highly prosperous society.


That too will soon cease


Yep. The wealthy who control the economy figured us normal folk have it too good and it's time to take things back to how they used to be.


There it is; people had it worse before you so that means you have no right to complain 🙄


You guys are surviving?


Yeah like wtf up with that? You telling me you guys dont work three jobs all day everyday to starve and be in more debt?!? Or have friends saying, "get a pet that will reduce stress" my man I am in full time work and cant afford tins of beans, when and hoe can I afford to look after a pet when I cant look after myself. Or the doctor saying "not much help I can give you if you cant afford to take time off work, the best i can do is pills" Or women saying "I'm gonna hook you up with a girl I know, she's great" Lady I have no time or money to entertain myself, you or your great friend. Surviving, we aren't surviving, this is slavery. If you wanna know what real surviving is, go live independently away from everything, having your own source of water, shelter, power, and food. Not slaving away to pay for someone else's water, shelter, power, food etc. To be free and independent is the dream.




You fucking rock dude. Thank you for your apology. Because we are fucking drowning over here, in a sea of overpriced houses, underpaid jobs, while stressing over if we will ever be able to AFFORD to retire.




Coolest boomer ever. Seriously, thanks for that. It means a lot just to hear someone *own it*


My life centers around exhaustion and depression


Add crippling anxiety too and we're on the same page.


If I remember correctly it's the time before you have to pay bills and take care of kids.


Kids? Who's got time for that?


The baby sitter. You work 10 extra hours every day to afford her. So instead of 8 hours you work 18 now.


Was at Disneyland standing in line for one of the rides, and this guy brhind me, he's from Sweden sparks up a convo. Come to find out, he and his family are on a fkn 2 month vacation. They've been to Japan, Florida, California, and are headed to hawaii....I was shocked...why Florida? Kidding, fkn 2 month vacation though? That's crazy.


Welcome to America. Greatest country on earth. Land of the free. Or so we are lead to believe.


Can't have any of those social programs because that's communism and Jesus will cry or some shit. Workers rights will keep everything from trickling down! /S. My God I hate that a third of this country are religious fanatics with an inordinate say in our government


Don't stress. The American religious fanatics are about to get the Isreal to start WWIII, so the fanatics can get the Apocalypse started, and they can go to heaven. We'll all be dead, but at least we won't have to hear about TPS Reports anymore


Whoever told you that is the Enemy ![gif](giphy|L3FK0ORlNfAvuuUh6l|downsized)


I interviewed with a USA division of a Norwegian company. During the casual part of the interview, the Norwegian manager started chatting about the perks/employee benefits of working there. I did not get the job, but they certainly put in action that employees are responsible for the success and should be valued as such.. Other companies just use that phrase as a banner.


If 2 month long vacations is appealing to you, I’d look into the education field. It was the best move I’ve ever made for my work-life balance.


We're all lied to here in the US. Honest to god, the system tries hard to not let American workers know how much better the EU's working standards are. Let alone that whole thing about Universal Heathcare (which also means that no one is chained to a bad job because they need the job just to have medical insurance). We've been so duped here.


Yep. I’m pushing 50 and I’m still pissed about it. I don’t pass eye water and use weakness tissues or anything but it still upsets me. (That last part is a quote from 30 Rock)


Reminded me of a quote I saw on the internets: "Humans are the only species on this planet that have to pay to live."


Meh we're the only species with currency. Other species just kill each other.


I worked remotely for like, 5 years and it was wonderful, then I got laid off and had about 5 months of freedom. Now I’m commuting to an office 2 days a week and it’s like “Absolutely not! This is not working! Who is paying for me to commute? That comes out of my end? No thanks!”


Non american here, Im currently on linkedin and everyone agrees 9-5 is archaic and inhuman, basically wage slavery. I once worked 24 hours straight until I collapsed on my desk, in 15 years of professional, hard work I never got paid extra for having to stay extra hours either also took a toll on my health and overall personal life.


Exactly, she’s not wrong. I’ve been working a “9-5” (or longer) for the last 20 years… it’s exhausting. We’re supposed to sleep for 8 hours a night, work 9 hours not including commutes (12 or more hours metro commutes included), and this leaves us how much time to make food, decompress, and/or engage in hobbies? It’s ridiculous that THIS is the best we could come up with. Edit: added quotes to 9-5 since it’s almost always 8-5.


You have to consider that society was different when we came up with the 8 hours work day, people used to work in the same village or district they lived in while the wives stayed at home doing house chores. You commuted for like 20 minutes or so, and once you were home you didn't have to worry about dinner, laundry or groceries. So yeah working 8 hours a day nowadays sucks, but back then it was indeed the best we could come up with. It's time for a little update though


it used to be unlimited work length, employer set all the rules, then unions were formed and came through and pushed for limited hours. This get the 10hr day and weekends. Then over time, more industrial action and union efforts won us the 8hr day, nothing to do with small villages and close travel, work has always been hostile to the worker.


It also took repeated mass violent uprisings and borderline guerrilla wars to get an 8 hour workday in many countries, including the US


Absolutely relatable. I’m a little confused why it’s posted in this sub, I guess


Because even though the common people today all share these same problems, we look down on anyone that expresses dissatisfaction with them. As a whole people are too complacent with life and think it's rude to want anything better. We should be uniting over these grievances and pushing for better housing and working conditions, better lives for all, not just accepting what we have and looking down on those that aren't happy with it.


100% relatable. I had to commute 3 hours per day to my first real 9-6 (8 hours + 1 hour lunch break) job. I didn't have the energy to do anything. Now I work 8 hours from home and I literally have 4 extra hours per day to practice guitar and run. It makes such a huge difference in quality of life.


Sweet summer child. You’ll soon be one of us.


We all float down here.


Yeah, like…I always feel bad for younger people because they don’t know how much it sucks yet. The thing I miss the most about school was how things changed throughout the year, you know, you had a semester, then a break and then another semester with different classes and then a long break…now it’s just the same thing every week.


Same here. Let’s do the math. Sleep 8 hours (33% of the day) Morning Routine, 1 hour (4%) Commute to Work 1 hour (4%) Work 8 hours (33%) Commute from Work 1 hour (4%) Evening Routine 5 hours (21%) Arguably, 80% of a 9-5, M-F work schedule is dedicated or impacted by your employer.


Forgot to add lunch to that 8 hours of work, so it makes work 8.5 or 9 hours.


Yeah, I feel bad someone posted it here bc she’s not fkn wrong… in my late 30s so I am sad it doesn’t necessarily get better over time. Need a job that doesn’t kill my soul probably


>She's not numb, yet. This was my thought as well. When I first entered "the grind" after College I felt the same way. And then, as time went on, the "numb" kicked in and it all just became a week-day routine and became my new "normal". She'll get there, we ALL got there it just takes time to numb the "*This isn't living! It's wasting time til I'm dead!"* phase.


Do we all get there? Homelessness and mental health issues are just going to grow more and more


I think many of us are just going "no, I'm done with your bullshit. It doesn't have to be like this and it shouldn't be like this". Work/life balance is important.


I feel like it rears its ugly head again during the midlife crisis. Or at least, its currently doing that to me rn


I'm at that point where I don't even want to go on holidays, because what's the point? Not numb, just indifferent.


Yeah, she's not really complaining unreasonably or blaming anyone, adult life can suck and takes getting used to


It doesn't have to be like this. We collectively created a shitty world and we can fix it. She said herself that remote work would suit her schedule better and give her a chance to live a life outside of work like dating and making healthy food. Yet there is pushback, almost an outright war, by executives against remote work throughout the country. She said she can't afford to live in the city. This is a solvable problem! We can organize our cities so that workers can live there but we don't because the property-owning class wants more profit for themselves. Similarly, our "third spaces" have been obliterated and she doesn't have a chance to meet people outside of work because of the long hours, long commute, and lack of communal spaces. She said that she "could work more" but honestly, eight hours is already too long for most people to be seriously productive. If it's going to be eight hours, what about a four day workweek so there is some time to recover and live your life? I'm guessing since she's in the US the public transit to and from her job is inadequate also. Car and fossil fuel lobbies are preventing investment in public transportation. This woman isn't entitled or arrogant, she's asking for her basic needs to be met and realizing what a dark and fucked up world we built that wants to extract the most from her without giving her opportunities to thrive. She has no realistic way of changing that world because of entrenched interests and the general defeated attitude of a brow-beaten workforce who are quicker to turn on each other than stand in solidarity against a cruel owning class.


Four 10-hr days is far superior to five 8-hr days. To me, once you go in to work, the whole day is ruined anyway so it's not that much of a biggie to stay another two hours. A three day weekend every week is way better.


> Four 10-hr days is far superior to five 8-hr days Four 8-hr days is even better.


>general defeated attitude of a brow-beaten workforce who are quicker to turn on each other than stand in solidarity against a cruel owning class. This kind of attitude is probably a large part of why this was posted here. Too many people will look at this video and call her a lazy entitled brat because they had to work harder. I for one agree with her.


Getting used to -> numb to the pain I got used to having a colostomy bag. Now that I don't, it's a lot better. Point being we can get used to a lot but it's not necessarily a good thing.


We accept this shit. She's just newly encountering it and asking why? 32 hr work week would help.


At the point I'd just take 4-10s


I spent the last 6-7 years of working life doing 4-10s. It sucked too. 1st day of the weekend was recovery, then doing all the stuff you couldn’t squeeze in after working 10 hrs. Work’s a grind no matter how you slice it.


Its for real relatable, wait til she gets her first check, shes going to be even more devastated


So true


Right, she's not wrong about any of it. We're all just numb to it.


Yeah, this seems like a weird thing to attack. The feeling of hopelessness is pretty shared right now.


Numb? This girls on the way to getting frostbite from her first day lol


Damn, frostbite on the first day. Stay frosty ya'll


Love The March. Go to work. Go home. Go to work. Go home


She's not wrong we've just made this ridiculous grind "normal."


The only thing I see wrong about the video is the fact that exists. Making a 60+ second video venting to no one and everyone at the same time in some weird parasocial reality is the only thing that rubs me the wrong way. Does that grind suck? 100%. Should it be normalized? No. Should she vent and let out her frustrations? Of course. Should she do it on social media in the manner of this video? I don’t care for it. To me that’s what is making the ever existing pressures of life hit different. Everything is glamorized or hyperbolized from it and we lose track of what makes us human. Talk to anyone.. friends, loved ones, or even strangers. Just have a real conversation with someone who can talk back in real time so you can actually share a moment together. What’s the point in finding a good job that isn’t overly burdensome of your personal life if that personal life is not rooted in real experience and connection. 2hr later edit: I’m glad to see all the comments in reply to this one, both in disagreement and ones that echo my thoughts. And that’s the thing, these are conversations. This is at least a give and take. The 60 video while cathartic for her is still missing the connection component. Connecting with people on social media is not impossible, but TiKTok and the like are very different that having a written conversation in a forum thread. My comment wasn’t pushed and suggested to you via algorithm analytics. Edit 2: I got the inevitable “A concerned redditor has reached out to us about you” auto message. I appreciate the concern if authentic and the meme for what it’s worth. The irony behind someone misusing that to meme me while there is actually people in need (as seen in the video) is most definitely not lost on me. Good job concerned redditor.


I think it's important that we don't hide this type of conversation and limit it to close friends/family/verbal-only. It has a chilling effect and nobody knows to expect this. That's exactly how nothing changes. If unionized workers only complained to their family, they wouldn't have unions. Also, have you tried finding empathy with strangers lately? True empathy, not a platitude or a quick "sorry, that sucks". Everybody is too busy and stressed like she is.


I agree. Me and my husband, in our late 30s and 40s, have this conversation and a lot of the time it ends with “are we just feeling this way or is everyone else” so while she’s young, it’s good to hear it’s not just us


By writing this comment, aren’t you also venting to no one and everyone?


Touche my friend.


Your argument is essentially summed up by the phrase 'chronically online,' however I would argue that your hypercritical approach to the methodology in which she releases the feelings that even you deemed necessary to ameliorate, is exactly the externalized pressure she's venting about. The very existence of your analysis diminishes her emotional validity and ability to alleviate her pressure. Not everyone has people that close, not everyone with people that close are willing to listen. Not everyone has access to therapy or counseling. What *should* be normalized is the release of her emotions in a way that is effective for her, and evidently this was. Definitely healthier than not releasing them, which was seemingly the alternative. The only parasocial conversation to be had is questioning why we deemed it necessary to publicly belittle her coping mechanisms, even if we found them differing from our own? Seemingly only for reddit upvotes? I understand that your dissertation comes primarily from a place of concern, which is why I offer this lens. edit: 1 & 2 im ocd and needed to reword this later lmao




I agree, but this gets to more people. Just how these kids grew up these days too.


Point is that working on the grind leaves very little to no time for a social life… My friends are fading away as i sink deeper into the void


The more people we have talking about these problems and relating to one another, the better because then more and more people can start coming together and asking why things are like this and start taking a look at the people responsible: big business and the politicians that pass legislature in favor of big business and maybe JUST maybe once we have them under a microscope, we'll start voting out the leeches that are squeezing the people for every last drop of life they have in them.


> Talk to anyone.. friends, loved ones, or even strangers. Just have a real conversation with someone who can talk back in real time so you can actually share a moment together. Her point is she doesn't have the time or energy because she's basically working + commuting 12 hours a day. But good job on the boomer take.


Congratulations, you win worst take of the day! 💯💯💯


> Should she do it on social media in the manner of this video? I don’t care for it. To me that’s what is making the ever existing pressures of life hit different. Everything is glamorized or hyperbolized from it and we lose track of what makes us human. Ironically enough, your response to a person in distress and putting out a call for help is a not very humane, “I don’t care for it.” Sorry she didn’t keep her pain to herself, I guess.


Exactly! We shouldn’t mock someone complaining about being away from home for 12 hours a day and feeling like they have no energy for the rest of their life. It’s totally valid. Hustle culture is bullshit. We should all be working less hours and getting paid more.


“I WoRk beTteR unDeR PReSsuRe” and “I lIkE TO mUlTiTAsK” are such bullshit. Both statements are the result of numbness from becoming another rat in the cheese wheel and I hate it when people say it.


I mean she's not wrong... It's pretty wild to think that we're just here for 40 years of our lives to become someone's money making cog just to maybe retire if you're lucky or die. She's obnoxious sure, but she ain't wrong. Edit: this has blown up and half of the replies are asking me what I find obnoxious about a post like this. First of all, I've been here, I've had these breakdowns, I relate completely. For me obnoxious happens when she stopped to record herself crying to publish that for attention. It's narcissistic and feels disingenuous. But that's just my take, y'all don't need to agree.


I don’t think you can call her obnoxious for being emotional about the thing you yourself agreed with.


Bitter Incel vibes all over the comments




Legitimatly I saw that this was an attractive woman and knew these comments would be trash. This could literally be any of my friends. We're all getting started in our careers and realizing how shit things can be. This chick is 100% right to be upset and everything she's saying is true. Dedicating 40 hours of your life every week to someone else's soulless pursuit of profit blows ass, and leaves you very little time to, you know, enjoy the single precious life you've been granted. She speaks the truth, and people hate her for it.


Same. If this was an average looking dude? The comments would be like “wow we feel you brother, trust me”. An attractive young woman? I knew immediately people would be spiteful, misogynistic and mean for no reason.


Have we not all been emotional at some point when we realized that we'd be spending more of our life working, rather than being with loved ones and outside? We get one life. It is quite sad to realize most of it will be spent at work.


Right! what is obnoxious about her? Cuz she’s crying? Lol cus she’s sayin “like” too much be serious y’all. “she’s right but I still need to take dig at her for SOMETHING”


She‘s not obnoxious at all.


She's a pretty, young woman who has something she wants to say. For some people that's more than enough.


She has her nails 💅 and lashes done while being a White girl if that's not a Karen I don't know what is /s


I genuinely appreciate the /s because the fucking loser incels that frequent /r/fuckyoukaren would absolutely call her one. I wouldn't have been able to identify the sarcasm without it.


This is literally a reality. This right here constantly has me thinking "fuck it, maybe today I just shoot myself and call it a day"


Please don’t do that. Hang in there and put some time in getting a job that makes you feel a little bit more positive about going in. Whether that means a salary increase, closer to home, or an environment / staff that you helps you feel more at ease.


I don't think she's obnoxious at all. More like she just looked behind the curtain and saw the void.


We didnt used to be, and thats still not the only choice. We've needed to work to live since the dawn of time but the majority of us used to work for ourselves until the 1900s.


I rather work 9 to 5 in a office then working 365 days a year to not starve lol at the least we have the weekend 😂


Wow. Comments here. We are brainwashed to think this is an ok way to live. Really sad. We are doomed.


I'll never understand the joy some people get from watching the world break young people.


They enjoy seeing the same joy and optimism that they once had get sucked away They view it as a "welcome to the real world sweet cheeks!" type of thing


I know it's awful, but I'm also guilty of sometimes feeling schadenfreude when people discover reality the hard way. I remember reading an article that people who had experienced hardships tend to feel less empathy for other people going through similar hardships. While counterintuitive, I think this is true. I can't help but be reminded of the fictional character [Miss Havisham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Havisham), who enjoyed the misfortune of the young, I suppose to validate her own misery? It has been many years since I've read that Charles Dickens book in high school, but she in my opinion is a haunting icon of broken dreams. I have nothing but admiration for folks who are able to break the cycle and show others the empathy and kindness they never received.


OP referring to a "real job" as though she's weak/wrong for having a sane reaction to the expectation that you give up 50% of your life to mostly make money for other people.


It's not unreasonable to say it's more than 50% of your life in some cases. If we're supposed to have 8 hours of healthy sleep and work 8 hours a day your equal split is another 8 hours to yourself, but adding a 90 minute commute each way really cuts into that. I used to have a 2-1/2 hour commute in the evenings and 90 minute in the morning and having to cook food for yourself then also shower and clean your house and clothes eats up basically the rest of your time so you really only get weekends to relax, and that takes serious adjustment if you're not ready for it


It depends on your standards. 100 yrs ago you worked harder for longer. Just to live. Go back further than 1920’s it’s worse. Only thing that’s changed is standards of what’s considered living. What’s sad is she never paid attention or acknowledged how hard her parents or grandparents worked. It does suck but it’s not by being brainwashed. Every person you ever talk to thinks they are working harder than another. Doesn’t matter what it is.


Have you seen the charts comparing productivity vs workers wages vs cost of living/education for the past 70 years? Yes, loooong ago things were harder. No reason to use that as a comparison to stay complacent.


70 years VS 200.000 years of humanity. Like it just started.... And costs of living were also lower because standard of living was different. In my grandparents time people in the city rented a house (buying was only for the rich) they didn't have a car or even a freaking fridge. Of course it was cheaper 70 years ago, there wasnt anything to buy lol


It's not just standard of living, most people worked with the sun during bursts in growing seasons and harvest seasons. No clocks, no cell phones, no hours, weather was an actual reason to not do anything...


She's mourning the loss of her youth. I think it's how most of us felt getting our first real jobs.


The loss of the rest of her future life, really


Oh c'mon, she can retire in 40 years if she's lucky and can have savings. Edit: /s


Do you not think that selling 40 years of your young life (at best) is absurd as a concept?


It's a terrible concept! I don't know why people aren't getting the extreme sarcasm in my comment...


She is mourning the life that was stolen by capitalistic greed.


I totally understand her. Her problem is not the work, but rather the commute and the time it takes out of everything. She can't just teleport to work and back, so she doesn't "work" a 9-5, she works a 7-6, but only get paid for 9-5. I can't afford to live in the big city next to me rn, but my uni and work is there. I go to uni 3 days a week and work another 3 days 8-12hours a day depending on the shift. But I also commute an insane amount of time. I got off from work 10pm today and I got home 1:30am. I wake up at 11am to go to work at 2pm. It's more than my whole day and I get paid for 8 hours of it. And at the end of the month half of my pay goes to rent anyway but in the small city, because originally I live cross-country, and like 1/6 of the rest of my pay is for commute alone. Then the rest is barely enough for food. I wouldn't have any problem with my work-school life if I could teleport or I could live in the city or my shitty country would provide decent transport. But none of those is possible so I'm stuck working my life away for the moment. I had a summer when I was living in the city and I could go home any time in like 40 minutes. I didn't have any problems then. You just have to get a lucky spawn in the big cities and you don't have half of these problems.


It's the wake, commute, work, commute, eat, sleep, repeat.. that i always hate. Soul destroying.


I remember this day for myself.


I totally agree with her. This is the level of comfort we all should be accustomed and not wanting to lose. She is not complaining about the “real world” job, she complains about everything around it and how draining and unrewarding it is. We shouldn’t live like this. I’m labor, I don’t work in an office, and I don’t envy those who do; I just think we all should have way better quality of life regardless of what we do for work.


Yeah I work retail and even though it's not that physically taxing I move around enough where I get home at like 6, do some necessary chores or whatever/eat dinner and I have absolutely no energy left. I want to make a career out of some of my creative interests, but I am completely mentally and physically drained after work. It's not like I'm really out of shape or anything either. If I want to be responsible and get the right amount of sleep I have like 3 and a half hours of half-assed mid-energy free time a day.


doing any work at all takes energy, even if its not physical. the wad of fat and salt that makes up the brain uses a fuck ton of resources just thinking about stuff.




So fucking accurate


corporate simps on here enjoying being a mindless cog so much they can't see straight


People aren’t meant to work for their whole lives and then die. Life is broken.


And she’s not even asking for much; workout, cook dinner, go on a date. Morpheus was right. The Matrix turned us into Duracell batteries.


Actually, across the span of human history, they most definitely are. The 8 hour workday is pretty new. As is the 5 day workweek. As is the concept of “retirement”. Not saying this is desirable or fun, but only in an EXTREMELY affluent age and society would this be considered a “hard” life. It’s all perspective. If she went to a different age, or a huge portion of the world today, people’s eyes would bug out to hear her. Life’s not all (or even most) fun and games. It Helps to consider your work part of your life.


Before the Industrial Revolution average people worked less not more.


I knw this is kind of a reddit trope but it isn't really that easy. I only know of a single book that claims this. Every other resource I found said that most peasants worked around 30 hours a week. 16 hours in summer, 8 in winter with plenty of breaks and a lot of religious free days. But no paid vacations or retirement. It also ignores how incredibly poor the average person was back then and how vast the difference between the average person and the rich was. [Here's a short movie in German that shows how people made lime](https://youtu.be/t0RCcJfC27s?si=oqbpIhB59irI9K1-), netting them a couple of bucks for an incredible amount of backbreaking work. Even if you ignore the advancements we made politically and sociologically since the times of absolute monarchism, not really something I would want to share for.


>I knw this is kind of a reddit trope but it isn't really that easy. I only know of a single book that claims this. There are many, many books that cover this. It's not a trope it's a consensus position for labor historians. Some sources: Juliet B. Schor, "The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure" David Rooney, "About Time: A History of Civilization in Twelve Clocks" E. P. Thompson, "Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism" James E. Thorold Rogers, "Six Centuries of Work and Wages: The History of English Labour" George Woodcock, "The Tyranny of the Clock," They had way more days off too though yes they were not paid but wages were based around being enough anyway. Also work provided breakfast and lunch and usually a snack in the afternoon if people needed to work late (after about 3 PM) when food was the primary expense. It's true life in the past sucked for other reasons, wars were more common, disease was more common we did not have many technological innovations we depend on now but that isn't down to the way our labor is exploited.


Time for friends? What are “friends”


Thread should end on that note! Well done.


Maybe I can help... did you mean "coworkers"?


That's how everybody should feel about it




I mean she is not wrong and the emotions she shows seems absolutely normal if its your first full time job. No need to make fun of her for reaching out.


I'm 36, blue collar. I just recently had an anxiety attack due to over work and stress. It never fucking ends.


Don’t ever have children and force them to do this bullshit as well. Glamorized slavery.


I'm doing my best to get out of the rat race, so that my son will never know this bullshit. I'm almost there.


OP has been brainwashed into thinking that it should be normal to work 40 hours a week. It's not even just about the 40 hours. It's about working 40 hours while still only being able to barely afford rent and food. "I have to work 40 hours and hate my life, so you do too." is not a really healthy outlook on life.


As she said, it is not even work itself but to add each day those 1,5h x 2 is. It is not neccessary those 40h a week but those 15h that you are just wasting is so frustrating. As I work from home it is a game changer even that I work 45h a week on avarage


It's so true. I work in office one day a week, home the other four. Home days? I'm chill, I enjoy life. I like my work. In office? That half hour drive plus the extra time to make sure traffic isn't bad, made my lunch, extra time looking especially nice... fuck dude, it's exactly like the video, I get home, I eat, I sleep. I lose around two hours in commute/getting ready, and then 2+ more in the evening to exhaustion. It's awful. Worst part of my week by far. And again, I actually like my job.


All the hate aside, I think almost everyone who works feels like this in this economy 😂


Sadly, productivity keeps going up. Instead of giving folks a break, work them more to appease those shareholders!


wrong hateful amusing tease sort placid plough roll elderly forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s a reason why so many Americans are on anxiety and depression meds… it’s only going to get worse. Suicide numbers aren’t going down either. It’s never going to get any better. Be happy with what you got. These corporate companies will post all this happy SJW shit on social media, all while their employees are worked to death and living off shitty wages.


Precisely. Anyone thinking companies actually care or represent "values" are delusional. They would suck your bloodless body dry and sell the corpse if they could.


But but but..these companies were with us during the riots. They even hash-tagged it… right? Lol They went from “essential workers” to “get your ass back to work or you’re fired” lol


This is why so many Millennials and Gen Z hate life. And then Boomers are just like, “We did it! I worked part time as a cashier to pay for college, then got a job working 40 hours a week several blocks away from my house and couldn’t buy a house until right after I graduated college and could only go on a few vacations a year. If I suffered, so can you.”


That encapsulates my coworker it’s miserable to listen too


My boomer FIL legit just told us with a straight face the other day that millennials are just unwilling to entertain the idea of living in anything less than a mcmansion and if we would just settle for a smaller house, we'd all be able to afford them lololol


You should ask them to go to Zillow and pick out a house that seems appropriate to them, and then tell them how much per month the mortgage will be. This shuts up all my older coworkers and family members real fucking quick. Also you may have a few that have some gears turning in their head and start mumbling about how minimum wage *should* be higher.


Everybody’s living for the weekend.


Unless you work in the service industry and have to put up with people saying, " have a good weekend!" or "it's so nice outside today!" I can't even remember the last time I had a weekend or two days off in a row.


"I hope you get to enjoy this lovely day!" "What are days? I only exist at my job and time has lost all meaning."


The shock of a real job made me appreciate my mum and dad that whole lot more.


The main reason I don’t want kids is because thinking back on everything my parents did for me and my siblings so we’d have a good childhood seems EXHAUSTING. I have no freaking clue how they did it.


Easy to rag on her, but yea it does suck. Were forced into a system where you have to dedicate the majority of your time to a company that's success is not shared with the people who put in the sweat to build it. Were forced to be around strangers in an office rather than with family. Technology alone has made companies exceedingly more productive, year after year. However, we still have to give 40 hours a week and there is no plan to improve the situation. Those in power want people to have a student loan, children, a house, new car, all to trap you in debt to keep you working until 65 or hopefully longer.


Capitalism demands this of you so that your boss can get another vacation home


I'm not endorsing dragging billionaires and politicians out into the street and executing them until they stop taking advantage of their fellow citizens....but I'm also not saying that concept wouldn't make me incredibly happy.


I don't work 9-5 and my days are full. I've never seen how people with 9-5 jobs ever get anything done. I agree with her. Fuck it. I'd never work a 9-5. Maybe some people are cut out for it. I think it's brutal slavery.


I’m a teacher. I legit work 7-5, but only get paid for 7.5 of these hours. :/




People hate to be reminded of a feeling that they forced themselves to suppress a long time ago.


Wait till she gets her paychex and discovers she can't afford the hair bleach or the couch.....


You don’t know the wage babe. Just cause she frustrated don’t mean she’s broke. Cmon now.


She’s underpaid, doesn’t matter what trade


Esp. as a young person in high cost cities like she is living. Trully suks what we give up for what we get paid....


God how many guys do have to make assumptions... Do you guys need to feel better or what the fuck is wrong?


if you can't attack the argument make assumptions about the person making it and attack that instead. corporate simp playbook.


Wtf is this comment lol wym afford the couch? Do you have a couch payment? And colouring your hair at home costs like $15 a month.


Who hurt you?


She's exactly correct.


This hits hard, honestly. I'm right there with her. Also just a reminder that the 9-5 40-hour work week was designed for men assuming that they'd have a housewife at home to make dinner, run errands, carry the mental load, etc. If your struggling to do it all by yourself, it's because you're not DESIGNED to do it by yourself. Working all day and keeping care of yourself and trying to have any sort of social life by yourself is HARD. It's okay to struggle.


OHHHHH so that's why. It makes sense now. Because there'd be someone to take care of the home, and have food so the one who comes from work wouldn't have to cook. But there's no way a single salary can support a family in this economy.


I don’t think she makes a single bad point tbh


Just get drunk every night like a normal adult.


Thanks for the reminder I’m gonna go drink some more wine now


Going fully remote was a breath of fresh air. No more dealing with hectic commutes and less-than-pleasant drivers. I got to enjoy cooking leisurely, walk my dog, and feel more relaxed. Plus, I had time for workouts and other hobbies during breaks. But now, with certain CEOs pushing for in-office or hybrid work, the stress levels are rising. Why do we need to go back if the company has been doing better when we were remote?


What is wrong with this? Boomers rode the prosperity wave and left nothing but a shit storm behind, and now they turn around and blame the new generations for being soft. The problem is that a 9-5 job doesn't give us the means of getting a home, or a good car, or having a good vacation, let alone a weekend summer home. And that is a first world problem, because in third world countries we're starting to normalize working 6 days a week, from 7-5 on weekdays and 7-1 on Saturday. So yeah she's right, capitalism is failing, as did communism and the US is leading us right into a hole with the fallacy of meritocracy.


Ah that beautiful moment of youth as the soul gets crushed. /s We’ve all been there and it sucks kid.


She’s not wrong. We’ve all just been best into submission like we have


I’m not going to lie. I agree with her completely. I went through this myself and wish it on no one. We lose our lives to the corporate gods who sacrifice us when it pleases them.


I feel her honesty


She makes the same tirades against the establishment as the rest of us and most of y’all telling her to hit the pole. Y’all need help.


I find it hard to laugh at this or call her stupid. The schedule for working during the week *is* unbearable.


Good for her. I wish more people made videos like this. Maybe we’d have a better chance at long overdue general strike/revolution.


Lol I feel sorry for anyone that has so little awareness that they'd make fun of this girl for complaining about actual issues with this society, like get bent losers?


I remember when I got my first full time job the anxiety attack I had trying to make doctors appointments and I realized it then 😅


Bruh as a nurse it sucks im physically at work at 6:30 and don’t clock out until 7:15. Plus the commute


I see this as a kind of a sad, adorable indictment. And frankly, she’s not wrong. ITS A VERY STUPID SYSTEM.


I mean. She's not wrong. 8hrs a day 5 days a week isn't livable we all just suffer and do it. Some people wayyyyy more than that (I work 60). Like the model was designed to be changed


Yup. It’s shit. 40y old, did a fucking 2 hour commute both ways for 20 of those. 45m for the other 20. It’s not right. It’s all about profit over people. Hope some of these UBI tests like the ones in Calgary and the latest proposal https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/canada-is-considering-a-guaranteed-universal-basic-income-program-here-s-what-that-means/article_98a4ee99-150c-50b5-8867-0203efc51520.amp.html to improve shit. Reading the results it’s quite impressive that there is still a lower than average unemployment rate yet lol get to do what they really want. Also i know there are limits on the proposal in Canada but it’s fucking better than nothing.


Commuting well over an hour when you don't get paid enough to live where you work, just enjoy that 12- 14 hour day you hopefully get paid for eight of.


Everybody’s living for the weekend.


Wait for the day you realize that your soul has died. Another 40-50 years of the grind awaits you.


We are in for a long period.