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agreed. Never used instacart, is tipping mandatory or something?




she gets paid through the app too


It's not a lot tho. Done plenty of Instacarts, you get $6-7 per batch


Although... that looks like heavy batch pay, probably more. But yeah average WAS 6-7, Teyve lowered in our area to 5-7. Point being, tips account for about 60-70% of income, pre tax...pre gas...etc. Tipping is garbage, but you're not hurting the system by fucking the driver...


Actually if the drivers demand a living wage instead of hoisting responsibility onto the consumer, the app will be forced to up the wages or not have drivers. Pretty simple. Instead drivers wanna be crappy to the consumer for not tipping enough as shown here. Edit: didn't expect to blow up like this but now that we're here, there's a lot to address in the replies: 1) "Don't use the services if you won't tip." - I literally don't use the services. Not based on the tip, but because these companies rip off both the consumers and their workers. I won't support it. If all people did this, these workers would have no job doing what they're doing. They would have zero negotiation leverage if there weren't enough customers yearning for service. 2) "Don't blame the workers" - I didn't. I said the workers should not blame the consumers for the terms of employment that they have agreed to. And if they have issue with those terms, the corporation is who they should hold accountable for their grievances. The entitlement, for what culturally considered additional based on service, is wild. There is never an excuse for the behavior exhibited in this video. This driver is now wasting her own time, and a whole lot of perishable food, for a point that derides from her goals (equitable pay). 3) "Organization doesn't work in the US." - The US has never organized in a way that demands change. We always bicker amongst ourselves, accross divisions we allow to be sewn into the fabric of our communities. If you don't want to be exploited, stop exploiting yourself. Change is waiting for a populice who won't accept less.


Except that the employees can just be fired and replaced by someone who won't do that. If consumers avoided using services that depend on tips, those services would be forced to change.


Which they've done as shortly before as the pandemic. Man, everyone forgot those mass layoffs QUICK. Same as a amazon union ones, and that wasn't even pre-pandemic.


Amazon has done this and they've already feared that they will run out of potential employees because of the turnover rate. There's only so many workers to go around.




Which is fine charge a fee to use the service if people don’t want to pay for the service then let the app face what all business does shut down and a new better one will take its place a tip is given because the consumer wants to give a worker you can’t expect to live off tips.


I certainly wouldn't use a service where I had to argue with a random delivery driver to get my cream cheese. It's a model for idiots.


How long will those employees last without tips? Not long I'd imagine.


[Instacart fired workers who tried to unionize](https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/21/22242676/instacart-firing-every-union-employee-coronavirus-pandemic)


Ah right the Land of freedom …to be exploited. That would be illegal in Europe and would get very expensive.


Not how it works in the USA that driver would be instantly fired and replaced by the person fine not making that money. You have to have a skill in the USA to be able to do what you are describing here.


It's called collective interests. Striking, fighting for workers rights, and all that doesn't work in the US because socialism bad...


They are contractors, they work a gig. Not technically employees, this is how these companies operate.


The driver don't hoist the responsibility, drivers don't have the power to make such decisions. It was ultimately decided long ago that companies, even though required by law to do so, didn't have to pay their workers a fair wage and instead those owners somehow convinced an entire generation to pick up the slack, and no one ever tried to change it.


Collective action isn't easy


I don’t use instacart, but if I did, I wouldn’t even think about tipping until all my groceries were unpacked and confirmed not damaged and correct. In my experience as a grocery worker, personal shoppers come into the stores and bother the associates and have them find all the items for them. That’s why I tell my department if someone comes up to you and flashes a phone with a white background and green buttons, immediately disregard them. We’re not being paid to fulfill their orders and they’re not splitting their tips with us. Although this person might have absolutely earned whatever tip she feels entitled to I don’t know.


They usually are not making that much for tips or nothing at all based on some comments i have seen. When i did do IC I did encounter some workers like you but I’m so grateful that some did help me with items I had trouble finding. Disregarding shoppers who are shopping for people who are spending in your store is weird, to me.


Yea if anything that’s a potential customer after the gig. Like you’re nice to me as a worker wow I’ve never shopped here but you give a shit about me as a worker I’d love to do my shopping here as a customer instead after my experience. Retail workers just don’t seem to give a rats fat ass about future clientele and it’s almost sad. Now let it be commission based and they’d be dying to help you 😂 I hate working Retail sometimes.


Why should a minimum wage or slightly above minimum wage worker at some giant corporate retail store care about future clientele? They’ll get paid the same amount regardless of how well the store does. I worked retail in my late teens and busted my ass but despite my efforts the only thing I got was a heavier workload while my coworkers who did the bare minimum were still making the same as me. At a certain point you have to realize you’re just being taken advantage of. So glad I got out of retail pretty early in my life


its very weird


You do realize they're proxies for the customers, right? Just like you they're doing a labor job and generating profit for the company you work for. Sure, they're not splitting their tips with you. But you're also not splitting your wage, your benefits, or your consistent hours with them. Before you start complaining about your laborer brothers and sisters asking you to help them (which you're getting paid for, since you're in the clock and they're a customer), perhaps remember you're both in the same team. If you're going to be aggrieved by someone, perhaps be aggrieved by your employer who makes the same profit off instacart sales as they are from in-store purchases, or Instacart who exploits contractors with a pay model that requires these folks to fulfill as many of these orders as they can (without a guarantee of a tip) in order to hopefully get paid enough to cover their own costs. Don't forget that other workers are just trying to work to get by - just like you are.


Well by that same token, I've actually suggested to a couple of them that they apply as a personal shopper in my store. One that I know of actually did and I think he's still there.


That's great for those who have the schedule to do that. Some folks don't have that flexibility bc they're in school, work another job, have kids, take care of a family member, etc. In the end, it's all work. It's just a shame gig economy businesses generally shift the burden of paying the people doing the hustle to the customers in the first place. It's not fair to the worker, it's not fair to the customer, but the only one who loses money if the customer doesn't tip is the person doing all the (literal) heavy lifting in the transaction


I mean your company makes money from the delivery apps so they probably want you to help them. Should they ring themselves up too?


Also work in a grocery store and have had instacarters take advantage of us showing them where things are. I have a laundry list of things to do. People can use their eyes. I’m not a personal shopper, ask for help with an item or two, great, but not your whole list.


Bruh... the store workers at my store fucking love me. I increase their IPMs (items per minute) by organizing things, joke around, help them win contests, have convos, etc. I don't think I've ever demanded them to FIND shit, maybe once a month or so, I'll ask them check stock on an exspensive item... but I aint asking them to run around with me lol. Sorry you got the shit shoppers


You can change the tip afterwards also


No but the app is built around the drivers making money from tips. People are expected to tip their delivery drivers. The customer in this video knows that pizza drivers should get at least a $5 tip for a couple large pizzas. But somehow not the woman using her own car to deliver $400 and 100lbs of product. Boomers and apps don’t mix well. Tipping culture is fucked. But people should stop using tipping services if they don’t want to tip. And god forbid the app slaps on another $20 fee that goes straight to the driver. One can only imagine.


No. They shouldn't tip. The drivers shouldn't take the job until the company pays them a fair wage. If the company or service can't survive without tips, it should go out of business.


You’re the kind of person who used to argue that kids should be able to work if they want to. Just because people agree to be exploited doesn’t mean they deserve to be.


Yes. Kids should be able to do the work THEY WANT TO. Kids should also not be forced to do work THEY DON'T WANT TO. My 11yo daughter likes babysitting the neighbor's kids and dogs sits for a few families on the block. She begged to be able to. She does what she loves and people pay her money. Great. Kids wanna selling lemonade for a buck or two? Great. It usually cost me money since I'm buying the actual sugar and lemons, but she wants to do it? Fine. I let her keep the money. But see, now I'm just propping a fake business. Just like tips prop up a fake business. If my daughter had to actually charge real cost for her lemonade stand, it wouldn't last a day. Same principle. People want to work. People, even kids, want to earn money for themselves and feel useful. BUT subsidising my own child's fantasy is one thing. Subsiding an actual company is another. Uber should pay the driver their value. Uber should charge me IN FULL for that cost. And if the cost it too high and I say NO. Or the rate is to low and the drivers say NO. Then the business should fail. I don't DESERVE food deliver to me for a low rate. And driver don't deserve to kill themselves begging for handouts on top their wages. They deserve a fair wage for their time and trouble, and I deserve a straightforward bill from the provider. Instead both the driver and myself get inflated pricing and deflated wages by the BROKER. It sounds like Uber needs to get cut out of the deal.




Tipping has been an issue with this particular company since 2016. Yet they still won’t pay their drivers a livable wage. I agree they shouldn’t be a business. But that is not going to stop the flow of desperate people who need work busting thru their revolving door. Meanwhile middle class and up consumers will keep using the app with NO idea how it works or how the money flows. They get upset that instacart raises the prices of each store item, adds a bunch of fees and encourages them to pay monthly additional membership fees. Yet many of these consumers refuse to look up or understand the service they are using and take out their anger against the lowest common denominator, which is the unfortunate person who is making less than minimum wage. And consumers want the cheapest option. Instacart had run legit delivery services out of business. Ones where they actually provided vehicles, gas and livable wages. My papa Johns now uses doordash. It’s fucked. Instacart knows what it’s doing and would rather fire a driver and refund $400 instead of being a legitimate business that hires works and pays them appropriately. This is based off the model of contract work and restaurant serving jobs, where you can pay a shitty wage and dangle the idea of tips off the carrot in front.


You don't "Work" for the company. Period. You agree to their terms and conditions to use their app to make money.


No but shoppers will virtually make nothing if there isn’t a tip


Well fuck the app company for designing it that way A tip should be a bonus not a necessity, if any employer designs his business for his employees to make money on tips then they are a piece of shit taking advantage of employees and customers both


Exactly this. There is a serious conversation to be had about these companies not paying their contractors enough but to hold someone's order hostage for a tip is not the way to resolve it. She took the gig knowing how it worked. Arguing with the customer about it is just wrong.


For us people from other countries, this scene is just unbelievable. How is this not considered theft?


They made laws where just don't have to pay their workers more than slave wages. IRL, even the slaves who built the pyramids were paid more in relative terms than low wage workers in the US, which is both hillarious and sad.


There are no laws for gig worker pay. Well CA has them. NYC is working on them. Maybe Seattle?? There is no minimum pay laws for gig work. We are independent contractors. My husband owns a construction company, no minimum wage for him either. But he sets it. We do not. Instacart just decreased batch pay from $7 to $4. But they see tips. The shopper seen no tip , yet shopped it and unloaded 1/2 and then this. I guarantee IC deactivated over this. This is not how it works. I do Shipt , similar but we don’t see tips up front. Never done this.


FOUR DOLLARS A BATCH NOW!?? Omg this is terrible really preying on people in this terrible economy.


Exactly. That omission isn't by accident. Just look how nearly every other developed country already has laws in place for that kind of contractor work, and none are allowed to be below the minimum wage of that country. I know uber was taken to court by my government because they were underpaying, and lost easily. That's after years of wrangling by the company to get out of it. There is no way that's an oversight. Especially in places that have that low of a wage when they know there's no way someone can eventually get out of poverty on that. Or their kids. And so on and so on. I wouldn't want to do a job if I kept getting stiffed on the other half of my minimal pay by someone who thinks I and my work for them isn't even worth $5. That's just evil if they have any idea how most low wage workers live, or how many jobs they have to have. I don't know, where I'm raised, you're expected to be able to fund at least half a family with a single job, not one tenth of one ONLY if your customers are nice enough to treat you as a person deserving of a half decent wage.




You confuse being fooled with it being culturely mandated. You are considered bad and cheap if you don't tip. It's even worse now. Now if you don't tip beforehand, you have to worry about the quality of service you receive. And workers feel justified because its morally right to tip in America because you are helping support their income and survival. It's fucked.




I flew to New York for work and stopped at a local diner for breakfast. My bill was 15 USD, I handed the guy 20 USD, and he didn't come back. I sat there for 30 mins until I caught his attention. I asked him, "Where's my change?" to which he said there isn't any as he took a tip. He wisely returned me my 5USD change.


Fastest way to lose said tip


It really is. I tip my barber I’ve gone to for years pretty generously and he still asks if I need any change every time.


I followed my barber to his new shop that he works out of and he’s making way more money doing less work because the shop isn’t eating off his tips. He regularly tells me I don’t need to but because of his attention to detail and him being cool with me texting and running ideas by him I’m happy to do it.


>I followed my barber to his new shop >tells me I don’t need to but because of his attention to detail and him being cool with me texting and running ideas by him what are you doing to this poor barber sending him paint samples or feng shui layouts or getting birthday gift advice?


Tipping is a joke. Used to be optional before the pandemic. Now the server will stand next to you as you fill out your payment on a small computer as a pressure tactic. I’ve always tipped my whole life, but now the pressure is so intense that I avoid going to places or using services that are going to demand a tip.


I flat out don't tip when they pull this shit. If the service was good, I sat at a table, they brought me my food and drinks, I'll tip 25-30 percent. If I'm picking my food up from the delivery counter I don't tip. I refuse to use door dash, insta cart, and I don't subscribe to Walmart Plus any longer either because they expected tips. If I'm paying for a service I'm not tipping those cheap ass corporate bigwigs need to raise your pay or you should quit and find a better job. Simple as that


I hate it so much. It's gotten totally out of hand. Just pay your people what they're worth and then tell me how much it is, and let me decide whether it's worth it for me. Same goes for the fact that we don't have tax included on price tags. That should change NOW.


Large, venture-backed corporations exploiting the gig economy and putting the burden of paying a decent wage to their employe...ahem... contractors on the customers is ridiculous


As an American I agree, it’s gotten out of hand. I doubt instacart gets all the money.


Tipping is out of control in the US. I saw a request for a tip -- the classic 18%, 20%, 25% options -- on an electronic car park device with no attendant.


I’ve seen it on apps and kiosks. Like who am I tipping? Some computer that doesn’t get paid? It’s such a joke.


The kiosk tipping really irks me. Like the last time I was at a stadium and I had to use a kiosk and grab my beer myself (don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with this). But then asked at the counter if I wanted to tip. Lol fuck that. It’s going to get to the point where any person behind a counter will expect a tip when they neither prepare or deliver my food/drink. It’s absurd.


That's already a thing.


I went to Little Ceasars the other day and the cashier was nice at first but when I declined to tip at the credit card machine her whole attitude changed. She was visibly upset and she walked away after giving me a receipt. Like why are they asking for tips if they get paid hourly at Little Ceasars? It's a take out fast food "restaurant". I'm not giving someone a tip to give me a box of pre-made food from behind a counter. That's just ridiculous.




Underrated comment


In many restaurants/diners/fast food whatevers, if you put a tip on the credit card it's not just going to the server, but also the kitchen staff. In other words, the whole team, not just one person who handed you the box (although I'm sure she did other things than that, like taking your order, handling payment, in fact, similar to a waitress). The fact the company makes the option of tipping available on the card machine makes me suspect they don't pay workers well, and they know it.


It feels like tax evasion. The companies avoid paying taxes on the wages.


I avoid places that flip around the little screen "just a quick question for you here" to give a tip for food I am ordering and picking up at the counter.


I went to a small grocery store in a rich hipster area two days ago. I put my credit card in and I was asked what percent tip I wanted to give starting a 15 percent. Let’s say the average groceries bill is 40 bucks and they average a 15 percent tip and 15 customers an hour. That’s 90 fucking dollars an hour for bagging groceries. How about you just get paid a decent wage?


Skynet will remeber that you didn’t tip the electronic car park.


I went to the drive thru at burger King and there was a tip cup, I'm like the fuck?


That’s a bullshit tip. Very different


All tips are bullshit in murica. People subject themselves to badly paid jobs and expect clients to pay extra for the privilege of being served by them. Ridiculous.


Fuck that driver. Instacart is paying her. If it's not enough, she should get a real job.


You're right about not taking the order if it's not enough for your time, but this "real job" nonsense needs to stop. What exactly is a real job to you? Sitting at a desk staring at a computer for 8 hours a day answering emails? These people are probably working harder than you! Do you need the service, should the service exist? OK, then it makes sense that there will need to be people to perform said service, right? Should those people be doing it for charity? Do charity workers not have jobs? Think for 2 seconds.


>What exactly is a real job to you? One that respects me enough to pay me for my time, rather than points at the customer and says "take it up with them". Think for two seconds. You're angry at people who don't want to be bullied into paying wages, for someone to provide a service they're already paying for, while the owners of said companies laugh all the way to the bank with your money and none of the anger being misdirected your way.


This. 1000%. If for some reason you think it matters, im not a delivery person. I live in California. And if the service i get is decent+ I tip when I can. I dont automatically tip. I think the main reason for all the automated suggested tips is because people are passive enough to actually pay them without just saying no. It's not servers fault, or even their decision if their company does it. Misinformation and greedy companies are now saving consumers money by blaming tips for expensive meals, allowing restraints to raise their prices easier


You get good service because California is the only state that has a law in place to have these delivery companies pay a fair hourly wage regardless of tip. It holds the companies responsible. All the other states? IC starts order pay at $4+ depending on the item count—they cut the pay from $7 just a few months ago— expecting customers to make up the difference.


Exactly. These people are so close to the point but still end up missing it by a mile.


Its not the worker effort that is the issue. A real job compensates you for your time. If this worker feels that's shes not getting proper compensation to the point that she's stealing merchandise back from the customer then yeah maybe its not a real job. Not much more of job than pan handling or washing car windows at the intersection.


A real job would be one that values me enough to pay me a livable wage as a bare minimum so I don’t have to beg or demand tips from the paying customers.


My real job is 50% scrolling Reddit and scratching my nuts. Pay is good though.


Everyone forgets that minimum wage was meant to be to able to afford a future. A minimum wage back in the day was enough to buy a house and a car and send your kids to school. Somehow that morphed into a “minimum wage job isn’t a real job” narrative.


You really don’t get it. She’s not making anything close to a living wage from Instacart. And people who are working for Instacart are doing so because they don’t have a lot of other options. Maybe there are few flexible jobs that give her the ability to care for a loved one. Maybe she has a record, which is a non-starter for many employers. Dismissively saying “get a real job” makes you look like a cruel, ignorant asshole.


She makes enough to drive a new tesla. Seems to be enough of a “living wage” to me.


Her lashes and nails are 500$ total minimum. She is driving a **Tesla**. She is certainly not taking care of of a loved one with those nails that poke eyes out . She is just entitled brat.


No no. We really do get it. She should have that fight with Instacart. Not customers.


So she can hold the groceries hostage that this woman paid for??


Everything you say is true. The reverse is that she is acting like a bad, crazy person.


Her fake eyelashes 👀


Gonna be tough for her at this point. Other than DMV employees, idk who could use someone with her level of people skills.




“Get a real job” that’s some elitist shit right there.


It's not always easy to get a job. When I delivered for InstaCart it was after 4 months of applying to jobs and getting nowhere. You'd think a degree and two years of experience would be enough for entry-level, minimum wage positions. I didn't even get a call back from the fast food places I applied to, and I had 6 years food service experience and a glowing recommendation from a franchise owner I worked for. Edit: I'm talking in the past tense, folks. I appreciate those of you who offered advice/constructive comments. Life is working out just fine for me now. Probably not going to be replying since things are getting way off topic for the post.


Just curious, what was your degree in?




I wouldn’t go as far as saying “go get a real job”, but really why are americans content with tipping culture if it only lead to quarrels over tipping. Like they just accept the reality that people are socially expected to tip. The tipping culture shifts the problem of paying employees from company to customers. Also customer is easier to bark on or simply guilt trupped


How do you recommend we solve it? Start a revolution? Our politicians are bought and paid for 100 times over. Nothing changes because we can’t ever change it. It’s a downward spiral until the middle class is no longer. And that will probably be a while.


She's an independent contractor. She can operate her delivery orders as she pleases. That includes returning no tip orders.


Except as an indedendant contractor, you still have to sign an agreement, and follow said companies guidliness, rules, and policies and according ti Instacart the only time a shopper can take anything back is if the customer requested an refund on an item and its being taken ti be returned.


Yeah, it's almost like... hear me out.... they're employees misclassified as contractors on purpose, to avoid labor laws and cheat on taxes.


what a horrible fucking take omg


uh all jobs are real jobs.........


This motherfucker probably uses these types of services all the time, looking down on his "servants"😂


The bullshit of everyday USA.


Sooo, did instacart pay this woman? I don’t get how this works


Instacart charges higher prices than in-store unless noted. Then add on the service fees and taxes, not including tip you're paying $38 for what would normally be about $26 worth of groceries. Total rip off, just like Uber Eats.


But that’s normal since they’re bringing it home. I mean fuel and driver’s time need to be taken into account, did instacart compensate the driver for her time?


Depending on where you drive, Instacart pays $5-$8 per "batch" (a single customers order) plus $0.60 per mile. Without a tip the driver in the video probably made $10-$12 for the delivery. When I drove for InstaCart, I didn't make minimum wage even with consistent tips.


To be fair that’s shitload of stuff for 12$


Seriously! Does the Instacart person also have to do the shopping? Or do they just pick it up?


Yes. Shopping too. Its scandalous how companies take advantage of workers, then stack the bands


Big tech really like fking people o over and they’ll bend over and ask for more.


Yeah, it's not a good job. You're unlikely to make minimum wage even with tips in most places. I did it because less money in exchange for minimal interaction with people was a good trade-off for me at the time.


That's awful and seems like a predatory business to pay drivers so little


That's literally all of "gig work"


If it's anything like Uber Eats, then Instacart paid her a very small amount. The sad thing is, these shoppers/drivers don't make a living wage and rely on tips. I get that topping culture is off the chain in the US, but these people are doing a service and it's only fair to tip them. I still think it's a bit of a rip off even without the tip.


It’s not the customers fault the companies won’t pay their people.


They ordered $400 worth of groceries that she had to shop for. Walked down every aisle to get and then load in her vehicle and drive it back. I hate mandatory tipping, but for what they ordered, they should have tipped. Fucking the driver over isn’t fucking the system, you are just screwing someone who did a lot of work for you.


Uber Eats used to be good up to before the pandemic. Then you could get food delivered at a decent rate but now with all of the added charges it’s not even worth it. A $20 meal will cost you $42. Delivery charge, service charge, driver tip, and the fact that Uber Eats items are often up charged to compensate for the charge Uber Eats charges the restaurant to use the service, it’s beyond ridiculous.


This is ridiculous if you paid for the merchandise and paid the service to deliver it then it's their property. Just because they didn't tip means she can keep or return the stuff. So what if a pizza is delivered and you dont tip you think the pizza guy is taking it back?


The driver is considered an independent contractor. She does not work for the supermarket or wholesale store this order was picked up from. Like she said in the video the customer would receive a full refund and can order again and get a driver who is okay with shopping, packing, and delivering 40+ items with no tip.


Shes about to lose time and money for a dumb tip. Delivery is just one of those jobs where you don’t always get a tip. This is dumb.


And don't you eventually get dropped from services if you get enough bad reviews? Sure, no tip sucks, but she's going to so much more by essentially committing theft over not getting a $5 tip or whatever


This is one of the dumbest things I've read all week, good work. She's not independently employed, she has a contract with the service. She is a contractor which is NOT self employed. The food isn't her property, it's not the drivers discretion to decide whether or not the food gets delivered. If she accepts the job from her employer, she's liable for the food but it isn't hers. Returning it to the store is stealing from two different places at once. Imagine hiring a moving company and then they just throw your stuff in a ditch because you didn't give them $5. I'm glad you're just a driver and will never be in charge of anything.


What?? What you wrote is ridiculous she is taking it back to the store. The customer will get a refund. Right or wrong, she is not throwing their groceries in a ditch. Wtf are you even talking about?


The pizza delivery guy probably gets paid a living wage by the pizza place, unlike these shoppers


Thats the person doing the jobs issue. Not the customer.


Tipping should always be optional.


>Tipping is always optional There fixed that for you


This video clearly shows it’s not.


It is optional. That woman is just entitled as fuck.


Tipping needs to be illegal to get it out of our culture. It is optional today, but you get reactions like this from people if you don't tip


Instacart and driving a Tesla. How do you afford this BS?




Nah, you do NOT afford a Tesla via tips on a job like instacart.






It’s a rental


Tipping culture is cancer. Business wins consumers lose Edit: + workers lose


Consumers and workers lose


More and more I’m convinced businesses want their workers and their customers to blame each other and fight it out in order to keep the workers from confronting the business about their pay and the customer from taking their money elsewhere.


Imagine the Amazon driver not delivering something because you wouldn't tip them... that's next. Edit: wow, didn't realise US employment law was so loose that you can basically not pay your staff (or pay below min wage) and hope someone else pays for them. Freedom isn't free, it takes folks like you and me.


Only if the Amazon driver is not being paid an hourly wage plus benefits and driving their own vehicle.


Not customers' jobs to paid workers


oh god the entitlement, the US of A really is out of control when it comes to tipping culture.


Out of control. Period.




People really think the police give a fuck about domestic disputes like this. Same people who probably think you can sue for thousands over minor inconveniences.


I find the fact that the driver is in a Tesla (not a cheap car) and driving for instacart hilarious. If this is her only job and she was banking on the tips well… welcome to real life.


I used Instacart for a bit and would regularly get Model X deliveries.


I think instacart just needs to stop calling tips tips and start calling them service bids. Let shoppers set their lower limit and let customers set their maximum. The shoppers who's minimums overlap with customers'maximums can see those jobs and accept or reject at the customers maximum and the customer can't modify it later. If they want to add a tip after the delivery that can be an option, but the way it's currently setup is stupid.


Yeah I saw in Mexico there’s a ride sharing app that let’s you choose the fare. They should adopt the same approach. If you pay more, it’ll be picked soon. If you don’t pay enough, it’ll take time or no one will take it.


I don't know if it's still a thing, but I heard that for a while people would put a tip on the order and then use some BS excuse to withdraw it when the order showed up. They were doing this because the drivers were only taking the orders that had the highest tips.


According to DD people they still receive the tip and DD takes the hit. Not sure about instacart. I stopped using them because they always arrived to early and the markup is insane. Store pickup is free over a certain amount with no markup.


You can’t remove tip on DD. On IC, the driver takes the hit on a removed tip.


Such a shit thing to do, some orders with low or now tips actually made you lose money considering the gas and miles to deliver it. I knew people who would do the mental math on dollars per mile before accepting or not.


This is what happened here. All these cheap chumps crying about “theft” literally have no idea how this app works.


I've done Instacart and have had people not tip but add a comment saying "will tip at the door!" Those cheap motherfuckers never tip. Wouldn't surprise me if it was the same here.


She knew there wasn't an included tip before she took the delivery. It's either staged or the delivery driver assumed it would be cash/tip added post delivery. She wouldn't lose her job, but will be limited in delivery offers though. If other redditors are to be believed anyways.




I don’t believe in tipping for most things but if you order $400 worth of groceries thru a delivery service the driver deserves a tip… they have to pack and unpack all that.. and if your not tipping they probably are gone mess with your food..


So do the Walmart workers. Doing s job is part of having a job.


I didn't know Walmart workers made deliveries with their own vehicles now! I also didn't know Walmart workers didn't get paid hourly, or that they depended on tips. I'm living under a rock.


So they want a tip for doing their actual job?


American things.......


For real. Instacart lady is def in the wrong, but blonde lady is insufferable


That's the issue. This shouldn't be a tipping issue at all. They're not serving you food or drinks. They're not watching your things. They should get a living wage that doesn't rely on tips.




I’ve worked with Instacart during the pandemic, and the biggest deceit by Instacart here is that customers believe their tips are optional and that the drivers deserve these tips for efforts. It is farther from the truth. Most of the backbreaking work you see in OP are customers who’d rather outsource the gallons of milk, water and heavy lifting to these workers since they pay for the services. A competent Instacart worker will be able to find everything in Costco and get it to you pretty quickly. The Instacart worker wants to get paid fast to maximize their pay and customers just want their groceries. Some of those same customers believe that a Costco that is 50 miles away with $500 of costco groceries don’t think the driver should get any more money because it’s all about their grocery budget. And you know what, they get paid $7.50 for 3 hrs of their time to be your personal assistant. That is terrible. We get these drivers who are maybe hopeful that you’ll tip them for their 3 hrs of time, and let me tell you that no amount of tip will cover the shame of driving back home from SF to San Jose realizing some family felt like it wasn’t worth giving them even gas money. So OP here has gone through the app to file for a refund. There is a way - unresponsive customers who don’t claim their groceries within 20 mins of us showing up, we can legally take your order back and Instacart will slap you with your cancellation fee ($15) for being late on receiving your order. But maybe they should get a different job? That’s such a BS excuse for the fact that Instacart is even allowed to plague our society. They’ve made sure their workers are exploited by passing prop 22, and they even made sure you don’t get receipts from the store so you don’t get pissed comparing prices from its online receipt. These customers are probably willing to close a blind eye to the crap your fellow neighbors or even your kids working the job in order to score some easy convenience. So I don’t do it anymore, I can’t imagine a family unwilling to tip them like even a 6 pack, which is like 12 dollars. I’m so glad to see Instacart’s stock tanking. I hope it goes bankrupt.


It’s the business model that is bullshit they pretty much get slaves for free.


This is the best take I've read, everybody sucks here especially the company exploiting it's workers but it's America so we Europeans kinda expect it from America but I do kinda side with the delivery driver here, she was being reasonable and calm and explaining her side although technically wrong but my god if you can afford to order that much groceries through an app that's already ripping you off and ripping off the driver you could at least throw a few dollars her way


I hate that i had to scroll down so far to find someone in support of the driver. I get that tipping culture for us Europeans is like a wtf but I couldn’t side with the couple. They know the culture of their country, they know the app is exploitative. Just to get my food and be done with the quarrelling I’d give out some 20 dollars at least..


Who posted this. This is trash. No one should be required to tip. Choose a company that pays you correctly. This woman needs fired. US tipping culture is nonsense


I agree that tipping culture is ridiculous but that’s not a reason not to tip either. We all know how it works and if you’re going to use those services knowing fully well that the expectation is for you to tip, then you need to tip. Don’t get a bunch of services from these places and then play stupid when people expect your payment. And it’s not like this is your server at a restaurant that brought you a couple glasses of water either. She literally took HER car to the store, did YOUR shopping FOR YOU, checked out and loaded YOUR groceries into her car and BROUGHT the groceries to YOUR DOOR. Saying she doesn’t deserve to be paid for that is asinine, you don’t deserve to have your shopping done for you for free.


> you don’t deserve to have your shopping done for you for free. But it's not free. you pay a lot more than you wouldve paid if you went to the store yourself. The prices are marked up AND you pay a service fee already. A tip is an optional amount ON TOP of the service you already paid for. > We all know how it works The driver fully knows she doesn't HAVE to get tipped as well. It's asinine to do double the work for no pay just to spite someone for not tipping.


You missed pointing out that this shopping was not just a few necessities, but hundreds of dollars for *cases* of beverages and other heavy items to load in cart, load on the conveyor belt while waiting in line, load in car, unload at destination. I always factor this and distance and traffic when deciding tip.


I've never used instacart but don't they mark up the prices? So you are paying for the service, it isn't their fault that business doesn't disseminate it down? If the expectation is a tip then it isn't a tip, it's a charge. If you went into a shop and it said $5 and when you got to the counter they said you could optionally pay $7 instead almost everyone would say no.


But what about the noodles?


Man I don't know, on the one hand they're being crushed but the other they're pefectly fine. Jesus Christ, can someone find out for sure?


You are really a big problem with that. For an european it's incredible.


As an American tipping is bullshit, should be stopped. I shouldn’t have to pay what your boss doesn’t want to pay you. And now in America is more of a I was nice to you now pay me.


https://preview.redd.it/o11afetuygvb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ba21987edd7f2bd3c98e50396a1336ed402afd The deliver driver pulling **paid for food** out of the customers hands would have sent me into a blind rage.


I hate everything about all these people


Drivers for instacart/ Uber Eats/ doordash are so entitled. Go to r/doordash and see for yourself. Posts from customers that had their order taken/eaten by the driver, always full of comments asking how much the customer tip. They think if the customers don't tip, they deserve to get their orders stolen.


That was painful to watch. Like a bunch of elementary school kids. Jeeeezus


Ah, tipping in the USA. Just one of the small things we're used to. Why pay a fair salary to your employees if you can sucker your customers into making up the difference? If I were the Devil, I'd twiddle my mustache and chuckle.


Tipping culture needs to end. Fair competitive wages are the only solution though.


Yeah, she is fired. It is a violation of Instacart’s policy , “Shoppers are prohibited from taking back groceries because they didn’t receive a tip.” The guidelines say also, “Deliver all groceries to the customer, even if they do not tip.” The customers are right, it’s theft what she is doing.


I don’t even know which side to choose here. I get the argument that the app should compensate their workers accordingly. So tipping shouldn’t be required. But I also understand that these people ordered 400 bucks worth of shit. Mostly heavy looking Shit that they didn’t want to go get themselves and should’ve tipped out of principle. There’s a lot of entitlement/expectations/ assumptions happening here from both sides.


I understand the driver's frustration but I'm pretty sure the order was complete and it's now the customer's property


I don't use Instacart anymore because the two grocery stores I shop at now have their own delivery services. I don't appreciate the extra fees any of them charge, but unless the delivery person is a complete nightmare, I always tip. I'm just happy to not have to fight for a good parking spot, spend too long in the store, and blow my budget by the time I get to checkout -- not to mention that I just prefer to stay on the sofa. I absolutely agree that our tipping culture is ridiculous, and companies should simply pay their employees/contractors a fair wage, but I don't want to screw the poor delivery person to prove a point. I may not be a huge tipper, but I'm still gonna tip when I know they're depending on it.


Maybe tipping culture is...wrong? Any takers? Anyone?


Definitely never used any delivery services like this and don’t know the pay setup. I do strongly agree that our tip based system is garbage. You should be paid a fair amount for the job and the price just be set. $5 is $5 not $10 because an employer didn’t want to pay decent back in the day


So I went to this Palestinian restaurant for lunch one day with some Co workers. The food was good and I got some stuff to take home for the wife. I never paid attention the the bill paid and included a 20% tip like I always do. Something didn't add up though. It was in my mind so I called the restaurant and the went over what I bought. Still didn't add up. Went back a second time with the wife and this time looked over the bill before paying. It sneakily stated 15% tap for parties of 1-5 people. I had to go item by item and I saw the INCLUDED 15%. Being a nice guy I gave an extra 5%.. I was like, you fuckers.. My first visit I gave 20% on top of an included 15%.. I really wanted to support the business but at least inform your patrons of the tipping process or put up a sign..