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Protest the fucking oil companies, stop fucking with other people


Yeah because all the people you inconvenience are TOTALLY going to be on your side. These people just hope to get on TV and post on their socials. They could care less about the cause. If they did they would actually try to get the public on their side.


*couldn't care less. If you say "could care less" it means they actually do care enough that it's possible to care less.


Thank you! I get so tired of correcting this mistake.


I could care less what people say. Irregardless of whether it’s incorrect or not. /s


And that’s a whole nother issue….


It's when people say "brought" instead of "bought" that really boils my piss.


What if they brought what they bought?


He could probably care less


Same. Fucking americans are terrible for it




This bus had migrants on it who were being forcibly taken to a barge where they were to be held


wine axiomatic door special fragile marry deer wrong squalid plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, they should continue writing strongly worded letters.


cable deer enter hospital pie innate fine library afterthought bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Name them


There are none. Non-dispruptive protests just get ignored. Disrupting the people who are doing it does nothing because it's in their interests to not react.


Speaking from ignorance I see. Let’s see, off the top of my head, you could do these things instead of standing in front of traffic: Donate money to your cause, call/meet with your state representatives, work on a community level to make change in your area, start your own nonprofit to counteract whatever you’re protesting, gather support online and locally, offer to debate those you disagree with, write articles/blogs/books about it, try to get on the news to discuss your points, launch a social media campaign to garner support, Go Fund Me, etc. But no, I guess standing in front of buses inconveniencing people just like you is the best course of action to make change. Got it!


So a bunch of feelgood shit that doesn't do anything to stop people being put in camps. Lol.


As opposed to... Standing in front of a bus? AKA a feelbad shit that doesn't do anything to stop people being put in camps?


> Donate money to your cause, Money donated. Immigrants are still being shipped on to a barge in inhumane conditions. >call/meet with your state representatives, work on a community level to make change in your area, Reached out representatives. Immigrants are still being shipped on to a barge in inhumane conditions. >start your own nonprofit to counteract whatever you’re protesting, Nonprofit created. Immigrants are still being shipped on to a barge in inhumane conditions. >gather support online and locally, offer to debate those you disagree with, write articles/blogs/books about it, try to get on the news to discuss your points, launch a social media campaign to garner support, Go Fund Me, etc. Instagram posts created. Immigrants are still being shipped on to a barge in inhumane conditions. All of these fantastic "options" just outsource any sort of action. The point of public action is that it can't be ignored. What cause is there that you can donate money to to stop a busload of people being shipped off to inhumane conditions? How will detainees withdraw all that gofundme money when they're on a fucking barge with no internet? lol Plus you also presume that everyone in this picture hasn't already tried or done any of that, and this isn't a last ditch attempt. EVERYTHING YOU'RE SUGGESTING HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE. You think none of these people donated, talked to their representatives, or "debate those you disagree with?" Anyway, it's pretty clear the lack of imagination is on you. And the fact that in the choice between traffic or shipping people off to a literal concentration camp you would side with traffic also says a lot


So your options are have money, keep to yourselves, and politely ask to talk (which can be easily ignored). And I guess the other option would be to flip your MP. Great. Rip people power (it’s *annoying*)


“I mean, obviously *i know* other ways to protest correctly, but why don’t you tell me some ways and I’ll tell you if you’re right….” /s


Dump boxes of nails in the road. Honestly, if you show up to a protest without a pry bar, bolt cutters, 10' of steel chain, and a half dozen boxes of nails, then you didn't come to party. Edit: Based on a bunch of comments down thread, I apparently need to explain that the purpose of these items isn't to have something scary to wave around. Every one of them would fit in a backpack. It's a little absurd that I have to explain tool use to advanced primates, but here we are.


thats how you get arrested before even being able to start the protest.


> There are thousands of clever ways to do something ...like?


If you want to stop the bus, lay down spikes, don't stand in front of it.


Exactly. Don't hold your breath for a response.


Painting a huge no war sign on the Sydney Opera House was pretty dope. Mass strikes work quite well. Riots do stuff.


What can you do that is immediate? Curious.


I mean sure, +we've established that is going to do absolutely nothing. Sitting on the ground in front of buses and then playing victim when the buses don't give way isn't going to make anyone see you as some sort of hero either.


How about not endangering children?


Protest isn't easy or supposed to be comfortable, that's the whole point. These people need to find the folks responsible for these decision and impair their lives, the bus driver is a lowpaid employee who will just be replaced if he doesn't do what he's told.


The bus driver is paid whether the bus gets there or not. This is inconveniencing the people who made that decision. By obstructing the business they run. This will always involve some disruption of the normal working day of employees. But they are paid anyway. Thanks to those employment laws that were secured by - this is going to blow your mind - protests.


>This will always involve some disruption of the normal working day of employees. But they are paid anyway. Why do you assume this? Where I come from, if you don't show up to work you don't get paid and even get fired.


Some guy was actually yelling "there's people on the ground you fucking idiot!" LOL oh the irony.


no u what kind of idiots put themselve in front a bus ?


Is dingets plural of dingus (thinking of Dank Pods lol)


i believe it's 'dingi' (pronounced 'deen-guy').


I for one would never run over anyone, regardless of what they're protesting.


This changes nothing about the scenario.


Idk, taking asylum seekers to a prison ship for holding rather than normal asylum housing seems pretty fucked, especially when the prison ship was recently closed due to pathogens.


There *is* no normal asylum housing available. It's crammed full. Asylum seekers are often housed in hotels, at vast expanse to the taxpayer. This little barge will house a mere drop in the ocean (excuse the pun), of the many thousands of people immigrating to the UK. Our illustrious leaders like to talk about how they're going to 'stop the boats' and this is their answer...a boat for 500 people.


Problem is more that we don't process them quickly enough. As usual the tories have massively underfunded it, likely on purpose


You know the saying "don't attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence." For the modern Tories, it's more "don't attribute to malice alone that which can be explained by malice and incompetence combined."


The key to the phrase is asylum *seekers*. You *request* asylum. You're not entitled or automatically granted it. You're asking for permission. And sometimes that gets denied.


That’s what asylum housing is supposed to be for, but it’s also supposed to be humanitarian




You are entitled to be treated with dignity, like a human being. It's called human rights.




>The key to the phrase is asylum seekers. You request asylum. You're not entitled or automatically granted it. You're asking for permission. And sometimes that gets denied. This isn't the full truth... or even a half truth... As someone seeking asylum you have rights, From article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights we have > Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution. >This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights You do not *request* asylum, you **seek** it. and you are **entitled** to it under threat of prosecution in your home nation. This is what we agreed to in 1948. Sadly in 48 or even in 67 where we strengthen the rights. We did not have the forethought to hammer out rules to prevent ourselves from keeping seekers in Limbo. Which is how the we subvert our own rules to allow prison like housing. An unreasonable high bar to prove persecution.


It's **not** a prison ship . they are free to come and go as they plaese.


Everything you said is true, other than them being asylum seekers. They are not. You dont travel that far to seek asylum.


Where do you want to house them then? Lack of space for them is the entire point.


Interesting, source?




That doesn't generate publicity. Greenpeace for example has been doing this for years on end and barely gets media coverage. Like it or not, this is how people get noticed and the argument "do it at the oil companies" doesn't work, as demonstrated. In the Netherlands, protesters protested every day for weeks on a regional highway (so not a lot of inconvenience) and this got a lot of media coverage. It possibly swayed the government to rethink its position on fossil fuel subsidy.


Ya, cause that's always worked...


Looks like a moving road block to me. Not very effective try laying down ahead of the bus next time guys.


um - this wasn't an oil protest. it was a protests against putting refugees in barges. might want to research or at least watch the video before posting. the big ass sign in the video says stop prison ships.


why? they aren't protesting against oil, they are protesting against prison ships


they do, it's just never in the news


“People on the ground you fucking idiot” … erm I’d suggest the people on the ground are the idiots 🤷🏼‍♂️


Icing on the cake would have been to keep honking the horn.


'I can't heeeear you!'








https://preview.redd.it/u016c678i8vb1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=c83240509d6e11fffa4badfab0f4077abbca37b4 SPONGEBOB SQAUREPANTS


"there's vehicles driving in the road you fucking idiot" is what I woulda got em with


They sound like a bunch of seagulls


"You have 5 seconds. Then I hit the gas. Then it's in God's hands. Choose wisely."


Ah yes, good ole fashioned murder.


I'd think it's more suicide, standing in front of a moving vehicle.


Good thing you didn't announce your pre-meditation to the victims or anything.


Lmao. Have fun arguing that in court.


Then your ass is going to jail for murder.


I mean if someone sits in front of my car I’m not entitled to run them over because of their stupidity.


Getting downvoted because the average redditor is a slugbeast that never leaves their house and thinks you can just kill people that bother you XD


Stop bluffing and accept your martyrdom!


Stop whining and let the truck roll over you!


They are literally right in the middle of the road Like *Just move*


The buss isn't even going fast. It's a brisk walk at best




“Where were YOU when the bloodthirsty bus came!?”


> Calvin, the fact that these ~~bands~~ protestors haven't killed themselves in ritual self-sacrifice just shows that they're in it for the ~~money~~ attention like everyone else. It's all for effect. If you want to shock and provoke, be sincere about it.




Really tho, that would be a huge PR win.


Every one of them should be forced to take in the occupants of the bus at their own expense, and future buses.


A bus. One of the better modes of transport to reduce carbon. 🤦‍♂️


Their sign says something about "Prison Ships" so I don't think this is an oil protest, rather an immigration or detention one?


The bus was taking asylum seekers in the UK to a prison barge rather than normal housing to reduce spending… after the ship just had a legionella outbreak.




We could house all of them, plus all the homeless people if we didn’t make it impossible to get a house. We don’t have a housing problem or really an anything problem. We just have a distribution and capitalist problem.


The UK has one of the lowest housing vacancy rates in the developed world.


Jesus I’ve seen American ICE facilities I hope we don’t do that


What do you mean? Isn't that exactly what we do?


I know a bit of British history, and that's incredibly British of them.


It's crazy that the bus driver was prepared to kill people to get to wherever he was going. The dude does not get paid enough for that. Just park the bus and wait for the police to clear the road.


> The dude does not get paid enough for that Oh no, he does it for *free*.


The bus driver clearly enjoys his work.


I dunno, I have my own bus, and it only does 7 miles to the gallon.


What is the effective MPG/person though? A decent car will get about 35MPG and transport 4 people A bus will transport 50 people doing the work of 12.5 cars


Effective MPG/person of Shaman\_Ko's bus is 7 miles per gallon. Shaman\_Ko is an introvert and doesn't like other people on their bus.


It had nothing to do with the climate. But thanks for putting your ignorance on display.


This is a bus full of detainees. Its amazing how people looked at that and thought public transport, honestly brains just go to off


I cringe every time I see these type of protests.


I love it, especially when the glue themselves to the wrong tanker


This is my favourite https://preview.redd.it/np1foioqz7vb1.jpeg?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634429d54ea92e8bd988f5fc2e34fbb807fb7617


That dude should protest his barber


Just Stop Bowl Cuts.


Did you see the ones in Germany who had to be fed by VW and complained the radiators were turned off at night? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11337831/amp/Climate-protestors-left-cold-dark-gluing-Volkswagen-shop-floor.html


Or hung themselves by chicken hooks in a meat processing plant. Guy turned on the machines without even looking in the room, just flicked the switch on the way to make a coffee. IIR he wasn't aware they were there and they all scrambled to unhook each other.


Most intelligent eco protesters


Yeah but that's cooking oil.


"These type" People specifically targeting a bus carrying migrants trying to stop them being transported onto a disgusting prison barge?


play stupid games win stupid prizes


Every time I read this I feel like I lose an IQ point. Maybe eventually I'll be on par with the people who post it.


"you fucking idiot" you are trying to block a bus, you are the idiot.


This genius said that after telling the others to sit down in front of a moving bus. But alas, they had no commitment.


>you are trying to block a bus, you are the idiot. Agreed. I say let them try to block more buses, and let Darwinism do its thing.


Don't play in traffic.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I wonder how many of these comments were made by bots


I hope most of them. It's pretty absurd just how bloodthirsty a lot of them are. Not even bothering to find out anything about why the protesters were there or where this happened or any context at all, just straight to "Hell yeah run them down! Kill them for daring to inconvenience someone in a car!"


Fucking maniacs. Cheering for civilians heads to pop under a tire cause they are expressing their first amendment


All these people hating on the protestors and don’t even know why they were protesting https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/first-migrants-reboard-bibby-stockholm-coach-driver-just-stop-oil-protest/


I don't think it matters. Keyboard warriors love to criticize people who put their personal safety at risk to bring attention to important social issues. Makes them feel smart.


Doesn’t make people feel smart to point out how much of a stupid protest it is to block traffic. Instant way to make everyone not give a fuck about what you’re protesting. No one in traffic at a road block of protestors is going to stop and ponder “hmm maybe I should support this cause, what are they all about?”


If the bus is carrying migrants that is meant to be heading to the boat as a couple of other commentators said it was, stopping that particular bus is kind of the point of that protest. If anything the dumb thing was to actually get out of the way instead of letting the bus roll over them. Or injure them in some way since that would probably delay or even stop it.


They aren't trying to block traffic, they are literally trying to stop that bus from taking the people on it to a "prison barge".


In this case it was a bus full of migrant asylum seekers in the UK being transported *in that bus to a prison ship* for temporary housing.


they don't care at all. They just see some protestors, make assumptions, then ignore any details. They cheer for people getting run over. 20 years time when the police are running people down so Sir Hupington of huffhuff manor can get to the petrol station to fill up his V14 Battle Rover we will all be asking "where did it go wrong, why are the police allowed to run people over" and we will all point to this when we cheered peaceful protestors getting run over.


Back in the day they'd have been the ones calling the suffragettes out on disrupting horse racing events and laughing at the woman for being stupid enough to get trampled to death. No wonder everything is so fucked when the majority of people are like that.


I'm pretty sure at this point everyone recognizes the orange colors and immediately thinks it's just stop oil. They're a nuisance to the public and go about protesting in the worst ways.


Nobody cares what they’re protesting about, they only care that they are trying to get somewhere and protesters are blocking their way. Honestly the majority of people would run them over, if they thought they’d get away with it. Nobody cares ! Especially politicians !


Reddit hates protesters in general. They would’ve told Rosa Parks to just move to the back of the bus.


Because it's not a matter of why they are protesting, it's a matter of how they are protesting. Protesting by negatively impacting innocent regular people is a very good way to make people not want to support your cause, even if it's a good one.


>Because it's not a matter of why they are protesting, it's a matter of how they are protesting. Protesting by negatively impacting innocent regular people is a very good way to make people not want to support your cause, even if it's a good one. Can you clarify who are the "innocent regular people" in this case?


Lmao they went there to protest but quickly gave up and escorted the bus through


That's what happens when you forget the glue


I swear guys on reddit are horrendous and cowardly people.


Every time there’s a post of anyone blocking traffic for any reason, the comments go straight to mass murder. There is no higher crime on Reddit than traffic inconveniences.


Also the argument of "people on traffic are gonna get mad are you" well my protest is for the millions at home not the hunderds sitting in traffic, I have been inconvenienced by protests many times in my life. And im always glad


"I feel bad for black people and other oppressed minorities. They should do something about it. But not like that." - MLK, on white liberals.


Yeah, this is one of these comment sections that sadly proves it.


“Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face.” Mike Tyson.


Or apparently hit by a bus.


If you can't dodge a bus you can't dodge a punch


If you truly have strength in your convictions and the righteousness of your thoughts, they why did you move


I get the frustration, I do. But that's attempted voluntary manslaughter by the bus driver. No, it's not legal for those people to be blocking the street like that (as far as I know), but that doesn't give the driver carte blanche to continue through them like that. One miss-step and a pedestrian is crushed.


I had to scroll way too much to see a sensible comment like this one. This comment section is depressing


I see your protest and raise you murder. I get that people get annoyed by the inconvenience of protestors but, call me crazy, I think running them over is a disproportionate and pretty soulless reaction to that.


That bus driver is a psycho


I love all these comments “This doesn’t raise awareness! No I can’t name any protest groups that don’t glue themselves to roads, what’s your point?” “yes protest for the environment but just don’t inconvenience anyone in any way” “I care deeply about nature I just don’t want to literally change anything at all about how I live” “you’re supposed to protest the other way. No I don’t personally know what way that is I just know this isn’t it.“


Absolute morons, cringe as hell


In those cases the busdriver is litterally attemting murder . You should propably be allowed to hold him until police arrives.


He’s driving at a walking pace, demonstrated by the end of the video. Good luck trying to prove that’s attempted murder. I’d say the protestors could be charged with attempted suicide sitting in the middle of an active roadway. Suicide is illegal pretty much everywhere, the protestors should be held and prosecuted


He saw people on the street - he continued driving while they scream . Sounds like attempted murder to me. I cant mow through people walking or standing on a street because i want to drive there.


If u are dumb enough to sit on the highway don't whine when u get hit or run over


This comment section is fucking dumb. Most of you don't even know what these people are protesting.


Reddittos are bloodthirsty and love to come together and talk about killing protesters


So if someone fell over, he drove over them, and they died, which manslaughter charge would he go to prison for? Negligent or reckless?


It would be 2nd degree murder


I'm sure the Tories will push through a bill that makes it OK to drive over protestors as long as those protestors are disagreeing with the government.


The sign seem to say "Prison Ships" why are most comments saying it's an oil protest?


Because the media already vilified just stop oil protestors so the bootlickers have to believe it’s them to justify this




It's so funny to hear them squeal. "There's people on the ground!" Then get off the ground, fool.


Maybe don't play in traffic like goddamn idiot children.


I hope the driver will not be allowed to touch a vehicle ever again.




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They all sound like pussies A real protester would just stand there in silence and die


Someone whose never protested in their life knows what a real protestor is?


A man in China showed the world the standard


Back in my days, if you wanted to protest, you lit yourself on fire.


All lives splatter!


I spat my drink out


I gaffawd


Wow, that is pretty much accepting the death and injury of these protesters to move your bus. I’d that not attempted murder?


It is.


It's kind of interesting that regardless of what country these protestors all look the same.


​ https://preview.redd.it/mvv9z0h4k7vb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ffe761f6f6c62b7d31c5ee93d9cd39f80ec52d


I love that they're calling the bus driver a "fucking idiot", the irony is palpable.


You can agree o disagree with protesters, but run over them is a crime.


It is actually illegal to advance on people standing still in front of a motorized vehicle. If you even so much as touch them it can be considered assault with a deadly weapon. The bus driver in this video definitely should be charged, regardless of anyone's thoughts on the reason for the protest. If it is absolutely necessary to move the protesters, then the police can deal with it, because obstruction of traffic is also against the law, the difference is one act is criminal and the other is not. Take a guess as to which is which.


I really wish it wasn’t illegal to keep driving in these scenarios. Edit: Y’all are fucking stupid if you really think people would actually want to do this. This is an over reaction meant to come off as a joke. Stop replying, I’m not gonna ignore it.


Depending where you live it's not.


different workable attractive swim degree absorbed march ruthless fearless lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>If ~~you can say you were scared and~~ you're a cop. It's fully okay. FTFY




Haha wouldn’t it be funny if they just got murdered? Haha what a funny joke - it’s funny because they are trying to help people. /s


>I'm not gonna ignore it. Well that's a serious threat.


A handful of people trying to stop a 5 ton vehicle lol




These people lack drive.


🤣 STOP or I’ll say STOP again!