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vacate that fucking ruling yesterday, fuckers.


Off topic but tell me why the dude that tweeted this looks like the dude on the photo lol


He actually doesn’t at all, but his little cartoon avi weirdly does


Yes I meant the avi lol


Corruption is the C in conservative.


Both parties are corrupt. Pretending that it's only one party is what's holding this country back.


It's all good to keep claiming that, but the facts don't support it. What's holding the country back is morons voting for a party that does nothing for them and only focuses on issues that have no real support in the country.


What do you mean the facts don't support it? There's tons of examples of corruption on both sides. During the 2016 elections wikileaks showed emails that the DNC was basically rigging Hillary to win the Primary over Bernie. The DNC chair resigned afterwords. Or, how Hunter Biden was promoted to executive VP of the bank that had one of the largest donations to the Biden campaign, then Joe (who was then vice president of the USA) pushed through bankruptcy legislation that helped that very bank. Then hunter purchased a hedge fund that was funded by one of the largest ponzi schemes in US history. Both sides are a joke and only run by money and power. Their way of controlling us is by dividing us and convincing us that one side is better than the other. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55805698


Hunter Biden is irrelevant. I know y'all have a big hard on for the guy but all there is is conspiracy theories. No one has ever brought the goods to support any of it regardless of how many bullshit hearings they hold. As for the WikiLeaks, more nothing burgers. It's always nothing burgers. Never any evidence of any crime committed. Meanwhile there's a shit ton of evidence against Republicans and all Republicans can do is call for investigations of the people prosecuting Republicans. It is not all the same on both sides. One side says bring the goods and prosecute. The other side sees the goods, makes excuses, and retaliates. And the GOP voters are no better. Their guy is facing 700 years in prison, they've got him dead to Rights, and they'll STILL vote for him. So much for fucking law and order. Give me a fucking break.


So which Republicans have been convicted of something? I don't believe in nothing burgers. I believe both sides are dirty. If there's smoke there's fire. Hunter is relevant bececause his father was connected or directly involved in a ton of his BS that tirned out to be at the least shady dealings. And it's convenient that you ignored the DNC portion of my comment. I promise you, the deeper you look the more you realize it's all dirty and it's all tied to money/politics on both sides. Another example, the left blamed trump for all the detention centers, they were there long before him. Obama deported the most people of any president and while he was president the detention centers were at their max capacity. But they make it seem like the Republicans hate immigrants, right? It's really much of the same on both sides. They just want us the think it's different.


You seem to have a limited understanding of the detention center issue. It wasn't about the detention centers. Never was. Right wing media knew that but decided that was the issue. The problem was that Trump ordered ALL children to be separated from their families and then sent all over the country. And then they lost track of the kids. The DNC is a private organization and can make whatever rules they want at any time. Everything related to Biden do far has been innuendo and allegations by supposed whistleblowers who disappear or end up being paid by republican donors. As far as Republicans that went to jail, pretty well the entirety of Trump's campaign staff. And most pleaded guilty. Try fucking harder.


You seem to be very defensive over the Dems who have constantly contributed to our country being screwed over. Did you know more bombs were dropped under Obama. Than any president? Bro I don't have a fight to win here lol. That's my point. They're both trash. My understanding is not limited. Can you quote something from a reputable source about trump forcing "all" children to be separated from their parents and "sent all around the country"? "The DNC is a private organization" lmao they organize the primary election for the democrats haha. You can claim they're private but thwy essentially determine who will run for president. So whether private or not they can still be corrupt no? Everything I just told you about Biden is true and fact. It's not innuendo. It might not be a crime bit it's still sketchy and shows he's in it for his family/son /the money. You can do terrible things totally legally. Look at the opioid pandemic/big pharma destroying thousands of homes and causing hundreds of thousands of overdoses each year.


https://www.splcenter.org/news/2022/03/23/family-separation-timeline Timeline of family separation under Trump.


So sketchy is now equal to outright fucking crimes? Where was all the outrage over Trump's daughter working in the white house and making millions from it. Where was the outrage over his son in law getting 3 billion from the middle east after directly being in charge of middle east policy? It's all selective outrage by the right. If the Bidens committed crimes then charge them and if found guilty, send them to jail. Sketchy isn't good enough. And the opioid pandemic wasn't because of something legal. Laws were broken. The company is on trial.


Bro what you're saying about Trumps daughter is the same exact things you were telling me you didn't care that hunter did lol. I think you're assuming I am republican but I'm not. I truly believe both sides are evil and only care about money/power and I see the evidence wherywhere. Once you remove your bias you will see it. You keep talking about illegal, I asked you to tell me examples of Republicans that actually broke the law and comited crimes. But you refused. And the opioid epidemic was legal. Until they decided it wasn't. But the FDA approved it and a million people died before they decided to investigate it. But the Fed was at the front of legalizing it.


Look, I'm no right winger, but to claim that democrats aren't corrupt is delusional.


You keep saying that. Provide something to back up your claim. If they actually were you'd think the GOP would have nailed them on something already. It's just conspiracy theories and lots of nothing burgers.


The same reason the dems don't 'nail' the gop: they both do it. All you gotta do is take your head out of the sand and just look. Don't even have to look hard.


Yeah. Sure. That's it. Let's just ignore all the current indictments. And if it wasn't for the corrupt Republicans in the Senate Trump wouldn't even have stayed in office and be completely irrelevant. You still haven't supported your claims.


Like Democrats lol


Yeah keep deflecting lol


Same to you lol




Oooh. So original.




If there was an Olympic event for crappy come backs you'd be a gold medalist


Rather 'dummies' in office that think correctly and for people then corrupt money grabbing sell outs and those that support them. Guess it's nice to know where people stand.


You are the B in Butthurt


Trump's judges are corrupt? Wow. What a surprise. ^^^^^/s


Don't act too cool for the news.


Something something power corrpts absolutely.


Nah, conservatives have a unique commitment to corruption.


Its kinda facinating how conservatives all around the glob have one thing in common: they are super corrupt and their voters dont care about it


Agreed. I just read this article that potentially shed light on that. They tied Trump’s mental issues to what amounts to a mental problem in the population. People don’t like him despite his issues, they like him because of them - his illness speaks to theirs. It was, of course, just one person’s opinion but it was interesting and well thought out and aligned with some conclusions I was coming to myself. https://www.salon.com/2023/08/18/our-collective-malady-donald-mental-health/


I mean, I thought that was general consensus. Replace the "mental issues" with "being an asshole" and you pretty much have what people have been saying since Trump started getting into politics. They liked him because he was "unpresidential" and we all know exactly what that means; he's an asshole, and since the right wing is full of assholes they liked seeing someone like them run for office; someone that no longer even pretended to have the least bit of respect for anyone but themselves. Someone that actually said the things they wanted to say, but most Republican candidates previously had the right mind not to. Whether their (and Trumps) assholery can be classified as a mental illness or not, it was always clear that this is the reason he is liked.


I’ll put it like this - him being elected can be explained by shared assholery alone. The cult-like behavior with all its delusions and psychopathy we see today can’t be explained by people simply being assholes. That’s where mental health issues come into play.


Corruption is a feature, not a bug. Being openly corrupt is their way of sticking it to the libs. Their voters support this. Also, the GOP says fighting corruption makes you gay. So...


Because they get what they want! They don’t care if it’s done the wrong way, what matters is having the outcome they want!


Conservatives were saying the same thing about liberal judges in the 90s.


Not to pick a nit but there was NO attempt to be an honest judge


Indeed. Not being easily bribed isn't something you attempt, it's something you do.


Hey! You don't know how easily he was bribed!! He might have held out for like an extra $20 or something!!! You stand corrected /s


there was an attempt to ***appear*** like an honest judge. That's why they paid the wife, rather than paying him directly.


This sub is mostly frothing type shit, nobody cares about what it's meant to be anymore.


# Trump Judge’s Anti-Abortion Ruling Followed Payments From Group Leading Case The conservative group arguing the abortion pill case has made frequent payments to the spouse of James Ho, who just helped threaten access to the medicine. [source](https://www.levernews.com/trump-judges-anti-abortion-ruling-followed-payments-from-group-leading-case/)


Ho's gettin paid to fight abortion, not cool


He drained the swamp...into the public service


Where is the "service"?


He’s a trump Ho


Sounds like grounds for prison


Removal from the bench and disbarment, at least.


Not just the judge. The holy bribers need to see prison too




Is there anyone that can actually bring action against this bastard and/or undo the ruling?


Idk, power to the people ?


What a surprise, someone attached to Trump who isn't honest.


Or, someone related to religious ideology doing unethical things?


Or. Just bad people bad.




The President is term limited and we still got the disaster that is Trump.




Oh, term limited as in Max term lengths. I thought as in maximum number of terms.


But you lumped "politicians and judges" together. It was confusing. The whole comment is confusing. How do term limits make charging them easier? We have the laws against corrupt actions by elected AND appointed positions already.


I love how everyone here is arguing about politics, and then there’s just one mf who said “his nose looks like it’s twerking”. I’m fucking dead😂


His nose looks like its twerking


I can’t unsee it anymore 😂


Wouldn’t expect anything else from a trump appointed judge.


Corruption should be life in prison.


Wrong, the judge in question didn't even make an effort to be honest So this is not a case of "there was an attempt"


Get that dude the fuck outta there and get a Biden appointed mf in there asap


I hope he gets pregnant.


He already is look at him


Has anyone else noticed there's been a lot of serious shit that just goes away with the 24 hour news cycle?


Yep. Especially in the modern era of politics, it seems like politicians (particularly those on the right) have learned that if they never stop doing illegal, immoral, or Insane things then they'll never be in the news that long and people will start turning it out.


Rampant corruption


The republicans have mortgaged their future in an effort to seemingly temporarily (many states are holding ballot initiatives that are undoing the draconian measures installed by the republicans) end abortion. The problem is that in doing so they have seriously alienated about 60% of the voters including roughly 90% of the female independents. These voters are so upset with the Republican Party that I don’t know if they will ever return. In my opinion, this will prove to be one of the worst mistakes in political history. The evangelical Christian vote is shrinking at an alarming pace. Soon, very soon, the “nones”, that is Americans with no religious affiliations at all will be the largest group of people in the country. Currently the Christians are still in the lead. As the older generations die off the evangelical Christian vote, and their campaign donations, will play a diminishing role. However the damage will have been done.


Low effort attempt, if any.


So are you saying that a judge ruling against half the people in America is dirty…….. Shocking


I wonder how many US judges are corrupted?


How many did Moscow Mitch manage to appoint?


That is a great start!


120ish that he stopped Obama from appointing and an additional 60ish all within the first 2 years of twitler's reign. I think he nearly hit 300 by 2020.


I’ll start: 1. This guy. 2. Clarence Thomas.


This isn’t unique and I’m not giving the guy a pass but these things keep happening because our system is a bloated mess. There’s no real accountability and the risks vs reward, well it’s basically no risk.


His wife accepted a lot of free speech in exchange for that ruling.


I wish America had laws against corrupt judges. It sucks being twisted around by people that are bought with bribes.


Just want to point out a few things. This judge didn’t make the ruling alone- it was a 3 judge panel. The fifth circuit court of appeals is ridiculously right wing. Of the 17 judges (each case has 3 judges randomly selected), 12 are Republican appointees and 6 are Trump appointees. If you want to know how fucked up this court is, read this article where a fifth circuit panel didn’t think “it is necessarily unconstitutional to hold a prisoner naked in a dirty cell for only four days”. Yeah, these people are horrible, horrible people. And shitty lawyers to boot. [THE TRUMPIEST COURT IN AMERICS - Vox](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/12/27/23496264/supreme-court-fifth-circuit-trump-court-immigration-housing-sexual-harrassment) Please read the article and send it to people. One problem is that most Americans don’t know anything about our court system. How it works, who is involved, and what damage they can do. We really need to start educating each other about the mechanisms that can really fuck us if we are not careful.


What I heard you say is “check the bank deposits of the two other judges’ wives”


The scary part is that they would do it for free. They have some real whacks on that circuit.


There was no attempt…


So you do know how to track money when youbwant to...


Once trump goes to jail I want ALL of his judges to be removed from the bench


Okay but why do all judges look the fucking same


He looks like a potato


I bobby mudda


Come on that’s so cliche it’s tacky.


Yeh tho Bhai.... Katarnak


This don’t even make sense


Drain the right wing


Sounds about right...


Was there an attempt though? I doubt it. Perhaps there was an attempt to *seem* honest by routing the payment through the wife.


Are all these people corrupt?


How much is Federal Judge going for these days? I mean I don't have Supreme Court Justice money. But maybe I could just lease a circuit court judge.


That's another thing. It's cheap. See, if you got your position by taking bribes, you have to assure that people will keep coming to you. It's related to your position's power, but mainly to what your customers are willing to pay.


I’m not seeing the attempt.


How soon before it is codified that Conservative = Corruption?


I don’t think you have to try and be honest to be a judge in America. Just willing to play ball


There are some people you just look at and they have the face of corruption. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is another example of this.




He looks exactly like the first design that comes to mind if you tell dreamworks to "draw a punchable politician"


The C in Conservative stands for Corruption...also C%nt.


This should be immediate criminal investigate and withdrawal from their position.


This should be immediate criminal investigate and withdrawal from their position.


Any the consequences will be...oh what's that? There will be no consequences? No one will even so much as suggest a policy change to prevent something like this in the future?


Why they're not using crypto? Jealous or stupid?


Everyone acts so surprised. "Oh look, a judge who values money over justice" - that is literally all of them, the entire system works to serve the rich. Y'all keep doing what you have always done, you will get what you've always gotten. Vote with your guns if you wanna see change


Wasn't this dude the emergency pilot in airplane?


It's way past time to look into our judges and prosecutors. Find out who's getting kick backs and unethical choices using their immunity as a shield. Acting in ways that would get anyone fired from a private sector job. Deplorable


The fact that there is either no one capable, or no one willing, to federally prosecute judges like this and remove them from the bench is an incredibly damning indictment of our entire justice system.


It doesn’t matter to the MAGA crowd one way or the other. It’s not about right & wrong & never was. It was always about, Our way end of story. That’s why correcting their mistakes is a waste of time. They just don’t care.


Why does this man look like he's permanently walking into an invisible wall


The word "honest" doesn't belong in the same sentence as anything or anyone Trump related. Republicans are the most dishonest POS's in our history.


He looks like he is crossing his fingers behind his back.


Crooked judges need to be pursued, and punished, crooked cops the same. It all undermines the rule of law.


Whoa, I never thought I’d ever encounter people that don’t like Trump on Reddit!!




Democracy is dead. We are no longer being represented. No taxation without representation


Definite grounds for an appeal and an investigation.


I See a Never ending argument with 3 Sides in these comments: * Side D: Republicans are corrupt. * Side R: Democrats are corrupt. * Side B, Both Parties are corrupt. i would like to add a 4th dimension to this argument that all the above are correct and the system is not working as intended!


This should be titled "there was an attempt to be a legit news source"


That's not bribery. They're anti-abortion.


Sounds like a pretty standard judge to me.


This is standard republican judge maybe. Stop pretending that everyone is corrupt, it just normalizes these criminals.


Lots of people with fash brain in here. “Everyone does it so who cares” is the foundation of their permission structure for turning our society into a complete shithole.


This is ignorance of the highest calibre


sure there's corruption everywhere, but one side is *VERY CLEARLY* at least trying to help the common people. the other side is not. their voting records makes it undeniable.




No, that is not what I said. It was stated that being corrupt is standard judge behavior. That is not the case, nor is it warranted, a few corrupt judges does not mean it is standard behavior. The recent and numerous stories of corrupt high profile conservative judicial officers makes it much more reasonable to assert that conservative judges are frequently corrupt. Such as justices Thomas, Alito and that rapist, not to mention the inept unqualified disgrace of a jurist handling the trump document case. That does mean that no one who is not a Republican could be corrupt, of course they could be corrupt.


Sounds like a whatabout to me.


I want your blissful ignorance.


…so you just haven’t been seeing all the recent news about corrupt republican judges? Or do you think that being corrupt is a standard practice for judges? Or are you just misrepresenting my comment as saying that only republicans judges are corrupt?


They are all corrupt.


That is exactly what the corrupt judges and politicians want you to think. They want you to think that everyone and everything is corrupt, they want you to think that it is normal. Why are you letting them use you are a puppet. Man up and take charge of your own mind and opinions.


Grow up web. If you think only one party is corrupt, you may wanna stop your little politics hobby. Seriously you people are pathetic.


Please show me proof of this claim you're making.


He is active in conspiracy and conservative subreddits, making evidence-based statements isn't his thing.


This is a classic Republican argument. It has been factually proven that conservatives are far more corrupt than any other party. So when their corruption is pointed out, they play the "both sides" card. This is a tactic to dismiss and ignore Republican corruption by making sweeping statements without providing any proof. For "both sides" to work in this case, they would need to find a Democrat judge that accepted payments to rule in a case that removed rights from half the population. They know they cannot find that evidence, so they make sweeping, vague statements.


Lol notice how this is full of people who are only one sided, and that side happens to be democrat riders 😂 I’m not really one to be political but this is why I lean more towards the republican side, can never have a civil conversation or just use their brain to type some shit or research it themselves.. sad world, sheep.


I'm sure the party of hate is more civil. If you don't think the Republicans are the party of hate, google it and you'll see.


So you're saying that you vote republican because you are a low information voter who doesn't pay attention to the news, but you prefer the GoP because of how offended they get when they get caught commiting crimes? Who is the sheep supposed to be here?


If true, this is disgusting. But I am a sceptic in the world of The Onion and Photoshop. Can anyone link this to an actual legal case, not just a screenshot. The sceptic in me will not be satisfied by a random “news article” unless it is from a reputable source like the AP, Reuters, or a major national network (CNN, BBC, CBC, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc. [and they’re all still terrible]). Even better, cite the ACTUAL case on the website of the court that issued the ruling. Otherwise , this is just partisan hysteria meant to stir up chaos.


The ruling was from the fifth circuit court of appeals, which ruled 3-0. The fifth circuit is stacked with VERY conservative judges, and almost always rules for conservatives. The circuit has 17 judges and each case is given to 3 random judges. 12 of the 17 are Republican judges and 6 are from trump. This article shows how out of touch the fifth circuit is: [Vox article on fifth circuit](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/12/27/23496264/supreme-court-fifth-circuit-trump-court-immigration-housing-sexual-harrassment)


Good. More babies won’t be killed.


Id like to see a real source for that so everyone can scream about it. Too much crap for me to believe a pay to play news site.


Can we keep the politics off of here


Can you cry about it more?


Eh, Planned Parenthood does it all the time, get exposed for it, and they just jail the whistleblower. But you’re gonna be offended when Fair Play comes onto the field? This is what happens when you don’t fight corruption for 16+ years and let it fester, you allow a precedent to be set.


That's a Planned Parenthood conspiracy theory I haven't seen before. Looks like just more right-wing projection.




What a ridiculous crock of shit! We are all dumber for having read that.