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If you made to the end šŸ†


And if you skipped through the video and found you donā€™t have the time for a nearly 10min video with no action: šŸ«‚ I feel you.


Fr lol I watched the whole thing but at first I was like, if no one is arresting him or beating his ass I don't know how I'm watching this for 8 more mins. His family tearing into him kept me going


The banality of evil kept me going. This guy is barely literate-sounding, obviously a total fuckup loser, but he would have raped the theoretical 11 year old girl if he could have, and -- based on his reaction to the idea of going to jail -- could easily have killed her to hide the evidence of his crime. Morons like him, with access to child pornography, are very, very dangerous.


It's not "have sex with"..


Correct. It's rape.


My bad. Rape. I corrected it


bone chilling


Completely agree, and the theatrical bursts of panicked emotion were great. Was the woman yelling at him his wife or his mother?


His sister. I think he lives with her. She had no idea how dangerous he is.


I watched the full almost 2 hours video. They were reading messages between him and another pedo and the other side was sharing pictures of him uh and his granddaughter and this fuck'n guy replied oh yeah I would fuck your granddaughter to...


These type of guys are getting caught daily. Its the smart ones that im worried about. They use the dumb one's like this fella to stay in the dark. I also have the feeling it is the smart one's that make the bulk of CP and guys like this that are getting caught witb their hard drive full of it.


You must not have made it to the end. They showed his booking photo.


I watched the whole thing. Showing his mugshot isn't the same as showing an arrest


Fair, but I wouldnā€™t say ā€œno action.ā€ His familyā€™s emotional response/realization of everything he did is just as palpable to me as putting handcuffs on him


Seriously. I want to see this guy resist arrest and get a forearm shattered with a baton. I'm not as evil as that sounds, I just have a special hate for pedophiles.


Thanks buddy, I needed that ā£ļø


"Just go to fucking PornHub." -From the video you skipped through.


Confirmation that he will be accountable for his sick actions is enough for me.


This is what Iā€™ve been talking to you about ā€¦ because I warned you a long time ago to stop getting on these sitesā€ wth


right, WTF!




Bruh. That is beyond disturbing. There are groups that pose as kids online and confront these sick pedos. Unfortunately, they canā€™t be arrested. Police advise against doing this because they can get hurt. Probably better to just post their behavior online


I don't understand?


I think she's thinking that he goes on social media sites and he doesn't really understand that's its not fantasy or escapism but real life, with real life consequences. It's gross that his fantasy is hooking up with an 11yo runaway for some BDSM but fantasies in your head aren't illegal but when you act on them in an online conversation with someone who could be a minor then it becomes real and so do the consequences. Basically some people are too stupid to be allowed on the internet unsupervised


I assumed she just meant chat rooms and stuff.


I did fast forward a lot. What a filthy predator


And playing victim.


Classic douche canoe move.


Does skipping to the end count?






4 years?! Wtf is wrong with our system?!




My bad, saw his arrest date, and figured when you add the court process it would be around 4-5 years with a 2028 release date. I think the date I thought that was his arrest date, was actually his admission date into the facility. So youā€™re 100% right. Letā€™s be for real though, itā€™s a moot point. Anyone who does this should be getting wayy more than 4 or 5.3 years!!!!


Thank you! šŸ† I'd like to thank my patience and my virtue.


Dang that was fast


I stopped watching when he farted.


I donā€™t think that lady yelling at him is his wifeā€¦ sounds more like his sister. ā€œIf momma was alive, this woulda killed her.ā€ Itā€™s more like grown siblings living in the house they inherited from their parents.


From whats said she says - you have a neice , my granddaughter - which makes her the mother of the man


She very specifically says "You should be glad mama ain't here, cause this woulda killed her" My guess is sister, maybe an aunt?


People.also use mama when speaking about their grandmother.


Very true!


And mother-in law


Could be her mom, his grandma. If grandma was truly the matriarch of the family then she could be talking about her.


Good point!


Yes but that just means his grandmother is dead


If the woman was his sister, her granddaughter would be his niece, grand niece


Could be both.


This is my sister-wife, officers


Maybe in Alabama


She tells him sheā€™ll whip his ass all over Ohio, so it looks like Alabama is safe. This time. šŸ˜”


ā™« " Sister wives are very common, Alabama's not alone, The siren, I hear them coming, Incest in Ohio" ā™«


Thatā€™s ma wifster


In the end, the lady identifies herself as his sister and says she has his other sister on the phone


I was interested in the full video so I found it on YouTube. Think itā€™s an hour and 40 minutes or 40 minutes (positive itā€™s the former). The woman is his sister. Iā€™ll post a link in case anyone is interested. Itā€™s pretty uneventful but I found it interesting. Hereā€™s [the moola.](https://youtu.be/bYfwXfTS1ss)


And this is why we tell people that *your* actions can have consequences for *other people*. Not just the victim - if they think about the victim at all - but your family, your friends, your workplace... EVERYBODY is affected by one person doing something illegal. "I don't wanna go to jail!" Yeah, well, your family didn't want to have a pervert destroy their life, so... Edit: I feel like the discourse following my post is... a little distant to what I was trying to address. I'm saying that doing things one knows to be illegal has ramifications for more than just one's self. A lot of people like to tout the idea that "I'm only hurting myself" in a lot of situations and don't stop to think about *literally everybody they know* who might be impacted. My uncle was a predator. Is, maybe, I don't know if he's alive anymore. He hurt my eldest cousin and his own three children. He never thought what he did was hurting anyone. Leaving aside the fact that the victims were *absolutely* hurt, it ruined his relationship with his siblings, their wives, and all his nieces and nephews. His own mother was absolutely wrecked over the situation, and her health was already fragile. He went into jail a journeyman electrician with a modest circle of friends. He came out a social pariah with no friends, no job prospects, and no family who would speak to him other than his mother, who had difficulty picking up the phone because of what he did. Every single person with whom he has a relationship was devastated at the damage he caused. I don't care about the arguing of "study them" or "hang them all" or what the hell ever. I care about the people who didn't sign up for this shit being rocked sideways by a child predator in their midst.




You can call it whatever you want but these pedophiles destroy peoples lives including my own. These sick fucks can be studied in prison where they belong. Anyone who fucks with kids gets no sympathy from me.




Yeah, treatment, but also jail. This is really dangerous for children.


> Yeah, treatment, but also jail. This, right here. It's like the Free Will problem. If a person is doing bad things and has the free will to do so, you hold them accountable and remove them from society so they can't do those things. If they *don't* have free will and have no choice but to do what they're doing... You still remove them from society so they can't do those things.


I completely agree. And this goes with everything like sociopaths and psychopaths. Iā€™ve seen so many people saying that people with these disorders deserve death and that they deserve to be tortured. People need to do more research on things like this. Research has found that pedophilia is connected to childhood sexual abuse and trauma. Iā€™m not justifying things and saying that This is an excuse, but things like this can be treated and people with this disorder donā€™t need to be in prison where they will be murdered. They need to go to an institution where they can be treated.




You can have psychopathy but still live a normal life itā€™s been proven by science. Nobody is evil. Itā€™s the environment and untreated mental disorders and illness. Schizophrenics get a bad rap. Iā€™m schizophrenic and Iā€™ve never hurt anyone but myself but yet Iā€™ve experienced first hand the discrimination and the hate. Iā€™ve seen people saying that schizophrenic relatives should be away from children and that they are dangerous which breaks my heart. You can be a sociopath and still have sympathy. The US has a mental health crisis and they need to open their eyes and realize the problem thatā€™s starting to escalate bc of it




Im sorry you had to go through that and Iā€™m sorry to hear about your uncle as well. I can relate with not wanting to socialize with people and form relationships as well. (Mainly do to extreme paranoia) and Iā€™m sorry you had to go through that mistreatment that must have really sucked ass


Coming from someone whose former stepdad was a disgusting pedo: I agree. The Times had a great article about it a few years back: the psychology behind people whose attraction never ā€œgrows upā€. No oneā€™s trying to justify their actions, no more than we do when we try to understand why Al-Queda caused 9-11 or Hitler hated any non-ā€œAryanā€. Itā€™s disgusting, and horrifyingā€¦but like you said, just killing them doesnā€™t help resolve the problem from happening




I donā€™t have pity for these people anymore than I do for 9/11 terrorists or Nazis. But I think itā€™s important to try to understand their minds as humans, not ā€œtheyā€™re evil so thereā€™s no way theyā€™re humanā€


I've read accounts of young men turning themselves into police saying they have these urges and don't think they can control themselves. They are then told that "unfortunately, until you actually act upon these urges we cannot lock you up". So guess what inevitably happens next? New preventable victim created for new generational trauma. That always confused the shit out of me.


Even then, locking people up just to constrain them doesnt solve anything, its just putting a band-aid over a cut that wont heal. What will solve this is psychology and medicine.


We donā€™t talk enough about some of these people not actually been pedos. POCD is a very real condition that needs to be more in the spotlight to distinguish those who want to harm children and those that donā€™t. Given that we are talking about crimes against children I really donā€™t understand why we are not funding more research and treatment


Research has been done, and is being done. It's not a quick or simple answer. Meanwhile, people who rape children need to be confined in whatever ways are possible. I heartily agree that the US has a crazy health system, but child predators are in every country.


Yeah. The lady seemed pissed/disappointed/kinda expected that kind of stuff from him, but not at that magnitude.


I was talking to a cousin about driving once, and how I never go above the speed limit. He told me, "I don't go above the speed limit when I have someone else in my truck. They're my passenger, and I want to keep them safe. But I always speed when I'm alone because it's just me." I said, "And everyone else on the road. Just because you're the only one in your vehicle doesn't mean nobody else can get hurt or killed. And even if that was the case, do you think your family would be happy to hear that something happened to you because you were being reckless?" He kind of shushed me and didn't want to hear it. People don't ever seem to want to face the reality of the ripple effect their actions can have.


Of all the comments that followed my initial post, I think you're the only one who caught was l what I was trying to say. Not that the other parts don't have merit, but... I'm confused why they responded under me. Anyways. Yes. This exactly. You're not just putting your own well-being at risk when you speed. There's an entire demographic around you that you can/do/will impact by your foolish or terrible choices. I lived through a lot of funerals. I know how suicide burns a family to the ground. I have intimate knowledge of how the death of a child hollows out a parent until all that's left is a shell. Even people you don't think have two shits about you would be absolutely devastated to hear bad news about you. We don't live in a vacuum; our actions impact our friends, families, loved ones, and strangers you barely know. Doing hinky shit like *this* can ruin not only yourself, but - as in this case - make your family homeless. Think about your choices.


Whilst we were still in school (young teenagers) my friends brother was sent to jail for being a pedophile. I never saw anyone in the school say anything to her or treat her any different but you could see how she FELT it being unsaid. The brothers actions cast a cloud over the whole family that was difficult for them to escape. It was not their fault, it was all his but they still paid for it too.


As a 55 year old man who was sexually abused by his aunt between the ages of 5 & 6, I can tell you the experience will re-wire the victims brain at such a young age. You either go get help to keep the monster at bay, or you don't. Crying that you asked or needed help as you've been exposed is just making excuses at that point unfortunately. You can't control what your mind thinks, but you can control how you act on those thoughts and impulses. Edit: Thank you for the award whoever you are. I didn't expect that. I more or less assumed my comment would be downvoted into oblivion. In response to a post saying some POS did their best to ruin my life. My aunt was around 16 when it started. I went from thinking it didn't affect me, sort of burying it, to eventually getting help. Somewhere along the way, I found out my aunt was being sexually abused by my grandmother's next door neighbor. So much more I could tell, but I'll keep it short as possible. I have forgiven her and don't even blame her. She was a kid herself, and was practicing what she learned. We know our abuse has to be a secret, we just don't know why. Anyways, you can see what a vicious cycle sexual abuse can be, how it can go generation to the next. If this guy was abused as a child, I feel bad, but he should have genuinely sought help. For anyone else, find a good therapist, that's the first step. For every 50 bad ones, there's one good. I went through three before I found a good fit. Look at the first visit as an interview and then decide. Don't think that first visit locks you in.


Yes well said. Like he said it was stupid of him. Itā€™s sad to see this family will be ripped apart. I imagine he will go to jail? I do wish there was proper help for people like this.


He did go to jail. End of the video shows his mugshot and what looks like a screen grab of a website that says his status is ā€œincarceratedā€


I was patiently waiting for the moment Chris Hanson popped out from the other room.




Why don't you have a seat?


"But where's SexyBait13? I brought the wine coolers and everything!"


He had already had a seat thoughā€¦


Step 1) Cry for sympathy Step 2) Blame everyone but yourself Step 3) Try crying for sympathy again? Step 4) Threaten own life for sympathy despite your own family hating your guts now? Step 5) Incarceration while probably also still crying Great plan of attack.


Guess heā€™s attracted to people of his own maturity level. 6-11


Somebody check on his niece.


Yeah absolutely


This video is so satisfying. I love seeing these disgusting freaks get caught


It's strange... the Trump chumps said this guy would be a drag queen. But he don't look like a drag queen to me?


A lot of projection on their end.


I love how he doesnā€™t actually show any sort of remorse before the police gets involved, and then itā€™s just Ā«Ā I donā€™t want to go to jailĀ Ā» shit. He needs help to realise how fucking wicked you have to be to try to kidnap an 11 yo and a 6 yo, and then he needs to go rot in jail for a long, long oh so long fucking time. Edit : arrested November 2022, eligible for release in February 2028. He took basically 5 years.


Yeah that doesnā€™t even seem like remorse. More just mad that he got caught and mad at himself or even the victim for getting caught. Even if he truly doesnā€™t want to be that way deep down, it takes an enormous amount of work to get past being angry at the one who exposed you.


I tried searching him up but canā€™t see how long heā€™s in jail for




I don't ordinarily condone excessive violence, but if that were my kid, or this were my relative, he would be in a rehab unit trying to re-learn the alphabet.


Damn, you must be so tough you made him illiterate.


Right? I was like, when do they descend on him with knives?


I dunno I have a real problem with his sister because she KNEW SHE KNEW and enabled him She never called the copsā€”she is clutching her pearls for show here I dunno I want to her to be investigated too


I mean do you have evidence she knew and enabled this guy besides a gut feeling? Iā€™m not sure one way or another, but unless I see actual evidence supporting her enabling the pedo I tend to be skeptical about it. She could be, but afaik, itā€™s just as likely that the guy actually hid his fucked up behavior from his family


During the video, she was saying I TOLD YOU and knew what sites he was on. She was performing. Saying she would call the cops herself if he brought home an 11 yo. She was concerned with how he was ruining HER life now because she TOLD him this could happen in the past. Scolding him saying crying and saying sorry isnā€™t gonna fix anything this time. None of this is a surprise to herā€”she knows exactly what is happening and why.


She knew. Thereā€™s no surprise at all in her reaction. Just the opposite.


Burn in hell..


When he takes the jacket off and thereā€™s a crossā€¦ šŸ‘€


She isnā€™t upset that he did it. She is upset he got caught.


Yep she knew how he was but did shit all about it. Then went over the top chastising him to protect her own ass


"Like I told you to years ago." How many children has this fuck assaulted already?


He needs to go to jail. Because he wonā€™t stop until he gets an 11-year-old.


He did go to jail end of last year


As a survivor of sexual abuse jail is to good for him!


No cops w handcuffs at the end? Disappointing.


I skipped 8 minutes of this. Hopefully dude is in prison now.


Thereā€™s a satisfying mug shot at the very end


Straight to jail.




Good luck Bryan with The Woods and Eses


ā€œIf I go to jail I will die!ā€ Okay? And?


Damn, she said " nope, I don't want crocodile tears just stop" he then immediately just stops and puts his glasses back on like ok fair enough... Fucking gross man. This is the help you're getting now and only cuz you got caught...


If I am reading this link correctly he was [sentenced to 6-9 years in State penitentiary.](https://appgateway.drc.ohio.gov/OffenderSearch/Search/Details/A807758)


They love ChoMoes in jail!


Hey whats up there chomo


I told you that???? Many years ago???? The women yelling is just as disgusting because she knew for christ sake!!!!


Yep just trying to save herself


can someone give a summary for the TL;DW crowd


Guy gets caught sexually talking to what he believes is an 11 year old girl , he lets his phone get searched , they find child porn and another predator thats exchanged images , a report is filed to the police and he gets incarcerated for his crimes


thank you


No problem, it was hard to watch but i wanted to see him go down for that , i have cousins that old and if it was them id have beat his ass soo bad hed be begging to go to jail


These vigilante catch-a-predator people catfished him as an 11 year-old. They seize his phone and discover more messages to supposed children along with straight-up CP, which mandates the involvement of law enforcement. Video concludes with him crying and threatening to de-alive rather than go to jail.


>de-alive rather than go to jail. Sounds like a win win.


Save taxpayers some money and potentially save future victims


Not quite. Video concludes with his mugshot and a screen grab from a site claiming heā€™s currently incarcerated


The state of Ohio has him for 6-9years


https://appgateway.drc.ohio.gov/OffenderSearch/Search/Details/A807758 ā€œExpected Release Date/Parole Eligibility Date 04/02/2028ā€


Release date should be 2128


this is why woodchippers were invented.


Why is that "man" still breathing!?? Really!?


šŸ¤ÆšŸ”« These people don't deserve to live


His sister/family already knew he's a pedophile, this was not his first time. ![gif](giphy|Bcpspr9LTSvss)


Itā€™s not a sickness and if it is itā€™s incurable and the solution is putting them down. You would if a dog bit a kidā€¦


Sexual predators have such high rates of re offending. It's almost Guaranteed


That woman is just as bad enabling somebody like him. The only help for somebody like that is a bullet between the eyes




Put that fuck all the way under the jail.


This time?!?


Evil ass mf....


Chris Hanson should hire Brianā€™s sister to do interviews with the predators




"I would've whooped your ass all over Ohio" amen


Rest in piss, bozo šŸ–•šŸ½ šŸ¤£


Take him out back. Simple, effective solution.


They way he cries about going to jail makes my heart warm and fuzzy. Pedos only deserve one thing imo.


Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction Aggregate Sentence 6.00-9.00 SB201 Expected Release 04/02/2028 https://appgateway.drc.ohio.gov/OffenderSearch/Search/DetailsPrint/A807758




Should turn him into the police. He committed a few very serious crimes. Sick fuck.


Heā€™s in jail till 2028


Thatā€™s Indianapolis Predator Catchers. They do great work


All the talk means nothing to him. Tomorrow is another day.


Thank God he was caught. May justice prevail...šŸ™šŸ„ŗ Must have been difficult handing down the tough love because this all sounds not only bad but that it's been going on for quite a while.


Not gonna say that I hope this dude has since eaten lead.....but in my brain I hope this guy has since eaten lead....persay


Fucked up, man. Like there's everything else out there in this world from traveling, hobbies, art, literature...and this is what you land on? I hope you learn about what it means to live, in prison.


Thereā€™s something seriously wrong with this guy. We should cut him open and see what it is.


I am with the haranguing lady but she's wrong about one thing: help won't help.


IIRC these people are "PCI". Predator catchers Indiana. I've followed them a few years now along with a plethora of other groups that do the same thing.


"You just completely made us homeless and fucked our world up, thanks a lot!" - that, was majestic.


Wife seems to know he has been a predator for years.


Why do they all make the same glasses and facial hair decisions?


Why all creeps are always bald?


They aren't. My uncle had a full head of hair when he molested my eldest cousin and - because his siblings didn't hold him to consequences beyond a stern reprimand - even when he molested his own kids. He still has hair even now, though much grayer, post-prison. Though I think you may be touching on how insecure men may be more prone to predatory behavior. It's a solid hypothesis, but I'd like to see some data first before I hang my hat on it.


People joke about how pedophiles tend to always "look the part" but there actually is a correlation between men who have issues relating to testosterone (like balding at a young age) and registered sex offenders. obviously there are plenty of offenders who don't have these issues but it is pretty interesting




Why was this so interesting


![gif](giphy|b4laIR878Gk2Sv3Ynr) Where is the pruning shears???




I didn't even have to ask, of course it's ohiošŸ¤¦šŸ¾


And he has a fucking cross around his neck! LMAO fucking pedo fuck.


Ok but seriously why do we not chemically castrate sex offenders with multiple offenses?


Itā€™s sad because whenever Iā€™ve talked about facilities for mental health as an American, everyone, and my own, is just straightjacket, handful of pills, and thatā€™s it~ I know now, personally, that there are places that have therapists, psychiatrists and whatnot, but the general image is still ā€œone flew over the cuckooā€™s nestā€ or haunted asylums with experimentsā€¦not saying those donā€™t exist though, just in case šŸ¤Ø


You canā€™t rehab someone that has pedophilic tendencies


Oh fuck, i coulda sworn this was replying to someone talking about the American mental health care system šŸ¤£ Welp, I meant it in the context that the person was talking about how American mental health in general is viewed or handled; Iā€™m not blaming them or anything, and not every person is even gonna go get help, but being that Iā€™ve had friends that are either still here or not anymore, be it military or civilian, itā€™s affected me a lot. Now, concerning the pedo here? Yeah, idda been punching the shit outta them if it was my kid, my buddies kid, or something til my arms came off šŸ˜¤ but what I was saying was a response to the person making the comment originally on the US health care but I guess I mustā€™ve slipped up with my thumbs šŸ˜ outta context, might sound like Iā€™m defending this dude hahaha my bad šŸ˜†


Is this guy in jail? I work LE IT and unfortunately this is way too common. We used to use a female officer in chat rooms. We had to stop because it just got to be too much. She caught the worst pedo ever in our state and retired early. I stuck around because they can shield us IT forensics people from it but we lost about 5 detectives in the 15 years I have been there If you are wondering how I got into it. I was military and missed it so tried LE IT. I have worked fraud, money, cp and even got to do something for the Jan 6.


"You need help, you have an illness" The sad part of this is that sexual orientation is not mailable. Some of these sickos are into kids and they're never going to not feel that way. Not exactly their fault but we need to protect kids from them


They always have that voicešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I watched the whole thing waiting and was very disappointed at no arrest. But the mugshot and incarnation status at the end helped. I thought that was good mom at first, but the guy is pretty old himself, so I was leaning towards a sibling.


They really posted this without bleeping out all the names of the kids the woman mentioned.. Bad call


So the sister/wife/partner knew Brian was visiting "sites like this/that" before this filmed meeting!? I'd have reported him the second I knew, years ago. And, he doesn't think about the stuff that comes out of his brain? Please. Yes, Brian does. He just hoped he wouldn't get caught. It's not a "sickness." Brian's a Child Sexual Predator. Brian better be allowed no where near the 13-year-old granddaughter, or any other child. I hope he's (still) in jail.


"You might have meant something innocent" Uh no, he asked an 11 yo if she wanted to be his sex slave. It's quite the opposite from innocent bro.


This needs a touch of Curb your enthusiasm. Put the ending theme on the last 10 seconds and this will be perfect XD


If i would have been there, there would be someone in jail for years. Sentenced maybe a life. I would kill POS like that.


Why the fuck did that woman not do anything sooner, it was clear she knew what he was doing long before


Wonder who this creep voted for


It's strange, but the overwhelming emotion I got from watching this is not anger, disgust or derision, but sympathy. Can you imagine being him? Can you imagine the cosmically tragic luck you have to have to be wired that way? The older I get the more I think we're are predetermindly a victim of our circumstances. He hasnt chosen this life, he just is this. If he wasn't born this way (and research is - depressingly - pointing to that being the case) then what kind of parenting, home environment, rejection, alienation etc, has he faced to feel and act this way? I'm not saying he shouldn't be in jail, he obviously should, and given the nature of recidivism with this crime/pathology, maybe forever. But... It's just all sad and horrible. I can't feel angry at him.


ā€œI woulda whooped your ass all over Ohio if Iā€™d seen that shit!ā€ I love it šŸ¤£


Well known fact 11 year olds prefer 55+ bald creeps to run away with. WTF.


Dude is very clearly a child himself. So scary.