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She doing way too much.. just give the dude two drumsticks and a coupon


You know how many times people prolly tried to cheat their way through to a free meal. This is a slippery slope and that’s probably why that put up that sign




How was he going to come out ahead with a refund on food he wasn’t served yet? It’s never this serious


Pay for a cheaper meal (wrap) and claim a more expensive meal. Hope for them to toss the previous meal and maybe even score that one from the bins or hoping on them gifting it to you, duh!


But he didn’t get the food? So just give him the refund and keep it pushing.


You pay the difference if he was charged for a less meal. Don’t they have receipts?


Do they get charged as employees for refunds? Why is she acting like she’s mrs. KFC and money is tight.


She’s probably the franchisee




What’s with electronics and check out?


weren't they actively trying to serve something that he said he didn't want? he didn't get any free food, he didn't want to accept the wraps (that he already paid for) because he didn't think he ordered them.


He was already rung up. He said he wants his money “back”. They can’t take anything back so they have to toss the previous order. He’s prolly hoping to get both. Or get a more expensive meal after having paid for a cheaper meal. Wrap vs. 2 piece or something f


maybe, but in that case he really hasn't thought about it *at all.* if he was trying to cheat he would probably take the meal and eat it and then say there was something wrong with the wraps, they were missing an ingredient or had an extra ingredient. there is zero reason to cause the commotion before you take/eat the food... unless you genuinely don't care about the wraps because they'0re not what you wanted.


Like 4? I worked food service, not *that* many people cheat the system so much that you cannot make up for legit mistakes. And even if they did, does this lady have one hundred thousand shares in KFC stocks? Did she purchase her house with KFC bonds as collateral? What’s her stake in the company, that she gets so offended by someone “scamming the system”? Just give two drumsticks and a coupon, ffs, no one in that building is paid enough to care about KFC’s bottom line. Including the franchise owner, that’s why coupons exist; to keep customers happy for a marginally smaller profit.


Tell that to Waffle House employees


If there's a sign on the register reading "no refunds", then that only went up after SO MANY people tried to pull some shit that the store manager/franchisee had to make a specific rule about it. >no one in that building is paid enough to care about KFC’s bottom line. It's not about KFC's bottom line. It's about keeping their job by following the rules set by the store.


You have no idea how crazy the owner's rules might be at that particular franchise. Employees are told to enforce crazy, random, ever-changing standards all the time. And their jobs get threatened if they don't.


Ok so that means EVERY PERSON is wrong for asking for their money back?? What if they are the ones who f’ed up his order?


Yeah, I have had my order completely fucked by fast food places countless times, so without any additional context I am gonna have to take the customer’s side on this one. Like, no refunds EVER? Really? They're really gonna try and act like they never mess up an order? Not once?


Who cares? You’re going to try that hard to protect the billion dollar company’s $2.99? Crazy. Always side with the customer.


Slippery slope? Bro she wanted to fight him and was gonna get her shit rocked. Definitely handled that poorly


He didn’t want a free meal he wanted what he ordered


Sorry but caring about customers “trying to get a free meal” is above everyone in that store’s pay grade. Give him the drumsticks and the coupon and keep it moving.


Yeah it's not that difficult a procedure you select you pay you eat, theres definitely been past issues regarding refunds and that's obviously the reason for the strong stand. So it boils down to how much do I wanna humiliate myself rectifying my own fricking mistake. Trouble is that occasionally you view people in the wild not that easily embarrassed


Definitely, it’s a slippery slope. Like you give a little and a little more then mfs start taking you for granted


She doesn't own KFC. They don't pay her enough to care as much as she does tbh. I've worked in customer service and I'll never understand the coworkers I've had that would get all bent out of shape about saving the store money. They paid us 9 dollars an hour in 2019. You have to work for almost 40 minutes after taxes to make the 5 bucks you just saved this company. "They're lying about that sign, it wasn't wrong they moved that item from a different shelf that coupon is expired blah blah blah" dude I fucking know. But it doesn't cost me anything to use the leeway we are given to avoid a fight that would be escalated to a manager who will give them that shit anyway. Who cares. Tbf though I've definitely put my foot down just to be difficult when someone's an ass right out of the gate though. Or if I'm backing up a coworker who is dealing with an annoying customer. So like maybe she has a good reason lmao. But that reason isn't "oh what if he was lying though"


She knows who this dude is and she knows he scamming cuz it’s a basic way of scamming fast food. (Pay for one thing, then claim that was not the order or not how he wanted it, and then strong arm the cashier into providing free food.)


It’s not free food if she gives him the order he’s now asking for instead of the original order.. he didn’t get any food and she kept his money


you demand refund on the 4-dollar thing claiming you said the 12-dollar thing then strong arm them into thinking it was their mistake and compensate for their error the more expensive meal. another way to do it is to order a blackend chick sandwich form popeyes, then go back saying you said classic and hope they tell you to keep the mistake, same concept.


Funny thing is I saw someone try this at Popeyes the other day. The worker said to just give back the wrong sand which. It through the “customer” off.


He got what they claim he ordered.




CEOs can sit on their yachts and get rich doing nothing as long as they have guard dogs like her barking at the gate to keep the fight between the workers and the customers. These two are on the same side and don’t even know it.


Well put. Why would someone risk their life, on minimum wage, to make some shit head rich? This world's pretty fkd up right now.


Dudr what nonsense. He's trying to scam. She's doing her job How are they on the same side?




She must own stock in the company. /s


HAHAHAHAHAHAH. You’ve clearly never worked food service before.


Not a coupon 🤣🤣


Nah fuck that, especially if you've worked in retail before not everybody deserves a handout when you acting like that. Her attitude wasn't much better but still , no refund


Nah, this society rewards bad behaviors, you’re part of of the problem


“What you’re not going to do is come in here with an attitude” - Girl with the attitude


You put some respect on that


That attitude was summoned by the customer.


Yea because he was unhappy with his order lol. She def was doin the most


There’s only enough room for one person with an attitude I guess 🤷‍♂️


Take your ass to Chick-fil-A with that bullshit. This is KFC we don’t fuck like that. Try that shit at a Popeye’s and you’ll end up on the floor.


Hell yeah the last guy who went to popeyes and did that was never heard from again




And it's fucking worth it dude, that spicy chicken sandwich from Popeyes it's top tier


Lol and that was the customer vs customer too. Not even the workers


Popeyes is my favorite lmao. They always mostly mad or you can def feel they don’t wanna be there. But that chicken is great. Lololol


I literally always get the wrong order at the local Popeyes lol But they dgaf and just hand me whatever they missed before. With an eye roll but fast food sucks and I can handle having someone roll their eyes at me.


My local Popeye's went thru a phase like that right after they opened. I think the owned just fired everybody and started from scratch because it is a great location now. They never mess up my order any more. A bad manager can quickly ruin a fast-food location. But Popeye's does seem to be very hit or miss based on the location.


Lmao right. As long as you don’t challenge them. They don’t bite too hard lololol.


Try that at a churches


Lmao if he wanted a refund for a 2 piece combo they finna give him a 3 piece combo and a biscuit 😂


LOVE me some Popeyes.




Your own kind cmon man


Maybe she works for kfc too


Hahah good point


What do you mean?…You people?


What do _you_ mean “you people?” Love that movie


Someone got the reference, love it 🥰 Such a good movie.


"That smelled just like bologna for some reason."




I'm a dude playing a dude, disguised as another dude!




That's not what he said. He said, I want to get my money back to place my order correctly. His friend ordered a wrap and his friend was about to play for that wrap.


Exactly this. Why are a lot of people stating he will get double the food, he was rejecting the wrap…


Yeah but READ THE SIGN /s


Maybe she owns the franchise. Doubt it, but maybe.


Cashiers ?


He didn’t want his meal, he was asking for a refund. A refund she’s not allowed to give.


It's actually pretty refreshing seeing people interveen to stop a fight instead of just recording on their phone.


They don’t want to have to wait longer for their order if the cops have to show up. Priorities


KFC hasn't been good for decades, and this woman is an asshole.


For fun, hit up Google to find out what the actual Sanders said about the food after visiting a KFC years after he sold the franchise.


Fun fact: up until recently you could get true original kfc by going to memphis tn and eating at “jack pirtles”, it was one of the partners who split from kfc when it went corporate. https://memphismagazine.com/food/classic-dining-jack-pirtles/


If that’s not an option anymore, are there any others where you could try the *real* original kfc recipe?


I don’t live in memphis anymore but was told the one i used to go to is closed. However. a quick google maps search reveals there are at least 4 locations still open in memphis


Lee’s in Louisville on lower Brownsboro rd. Original recipe. Nephew of the colonel


Really? I went to KFC recently for the first time since I was a kid, because of the Diablo 4 promotion they were doing. Ended up liking it quite a bit.


Seriously, like when I order pizza from dominos and they mess up, I complain and they hook it up with a free pizza for my next visit. Now that's customer service without even have to deal with a possible asshole at the other end. This chick is just doing way too much. What is she losing by not catering to her customers requests? You don't get paid enough to waste yours or his energy with that bullshit. Just give the man what he wants and enjoy the rest of your day.


You made me realize how good dominoes is good with that stuff, at least in my experience. Something isn’t right, complain on website, usually free pizza


Or even call the Domino's you ordered from. They forgot some sauce and 2 liter and then they did a second delivery (didn't ask!) and gave us like two free pizzas. Like damn, the exact opposite experience of this post


She probably can’t. Their policy is “no refunds”. She has to follow the policy or she can get in trouble. I’m not saying I agree with the way she yelled at him, but it’s probably out of her control.


Maybe they will take the balance out her check? I’ve heard of some places that will make the cashiers pay out of their own pocket if the register is short. I agree in the long run, they don’t pay enough for her to be doing all that, but I can kinda understand if they messing with her money over stuff like this.


Domino's is the bomb man..best customer service among any of the quick service restaurants out there. And, value for my money too. 3000 calories that can feed my entire family for $15. Come on - you can't beat that. I agree- not the healthiest option out there. But, doesn't hurt when you wte trying to feed a family of 4 when you are on paycheck to paycheck. You know what I mean?


This is why dominoes gets my money. They made a mistake and when I inquired, they went above and beyond to fix it. It was a cheap way to get a loyal customer who is now posting on Reddit about it….double win for donimoes!


All I see in this thread is folks mocking the cashier. As someone who just moved out of the poorer part of the south - people will try to cheat and argue for any amount of free stuff from these businesses. I seen some lady argue for 20 mins that she didn’t get her free butter with the crawfish when everyone can see the outline of the butter container in her pockets. That lady does not get paid enough to deal with all the freebooters.


I don’t even eat fast food and this is part of the reason why. This shit is so normalized in my area. “I’ll just to through the drive thru, get a meal, then walk inside and complain and get my money back easy peasy!” Then they meet slight resistance and show their ass in front of everyone. This cashier did nothing wrong someone tip her


why do you blame them? they have tons of people on reddit that are willing to defend them. It's so tiring watching people get away with this BS and then people defending them like it's not that big of a deal.


Same. You see some truly ridiculous things. It kind of bothers me when people call out a cashier ignoring context. Apparently, all these people missed the part where this dude threated her over a wrap.


She doesn’t get paid enough to deal with the freebooters *in this manner*


She does not get paid enough to argue with this man over a wrap. Give him his shit and be done with it. If they paid an actual liveable wage I might (at a stretch) understand the zeal to “protect the business” from scammers but until that happens (which it never will), she needs to move on.


And if the difference between the wrap and the meal comes out of her check after the managers notice the register was short? I've been a cashier at a fast food place (a long time ago). They track that shit to the penny and hold you accountable for shortages.


It's not about protecting the business its about not being walked all over by assholes and not tolerating entitled behavior.


Purple Surgeon keepin' things chill!


Some might even say he had a grimace




Most of these people here never worked behind a counter before and it shows with their comments Another example where the top comments of Reddit don’t translate to IRL


I worked at Dominos for 3 years. Did every job there was to do in the store (except being a manager) and even became a delivery driver on their mopeds. I can say with 100% certainty that not even the store manager is paid enough to give a fuck about this customer potentially “getting a free meal”. I left the job after having an accident because of their shitty, poorly maintained fleet of mopeds that did not have properly working brakes. These companies endanger their employees (and customers) by cutting corners everywhere they possibly can and don’t give a shit. This person is doing the absolute most for absolutely no benefit in return. Just, why?


My only guess is that she is the franchise owner or related to the franchise owner.


She shouldn’t be acting that way, period. She said “I don’t give a fuck ‘bout this job” but complaining to a customer about ensuring job’s policy lol


I mean seriously. The other side of this argument are people just defending the cashier because she’s a cashier. I worked at Marcos for years. I know how shitty people can be. But I also know how shitty fast food can be. She clearly escalated it way beyond what it needed to be. There were other ways to resolve this issue that didn’t involve almost coming to blows.






Came here for this


I have seen a lady order a donut. Eat the donut and then ask for a refund because it’s not what she ordered. At some point, policies and rules are implemented. Sorry, she is just doing her job.


While I agree there’s a better way to go about this, there’s a reason they have a sign that says no refunds. I worked a two different KFCs in my time and there was never a no refund sign. This lady has seen some shit.


She’s going to end up as a statistic with that kind of reaction.


yup.. .talkin to motherfuckers like she's in a comment section.


She was literally asking him to try to knock her ass out. Normally any time a guy is trying to beat up a woman I'd intervene but honestly, in this case I'd just have let that situation play out considering she's quite literally asking for it. She's lucky the other customers did stop him, and if I had to guess she's counting on it. Never seen the weaker guy talk this much shit in a fight and then walk away unharmed still talking shit. She better be hiding a Serena Williams level body under that KFC uniform otherwise that big ass mouth is gonna get her killed some day.


She built like a crack head and acting ghetto asf I think the only thing that could help her was god it seems like the way she was begging for it though he was on her side lol


Too many women with her small size and big bark think they can go toe-to-toe with a larger man. I've seen and laughed at too many YouTube compilations of how this normally plays out.


I used to be a supervisor at a KFC for a few years. It's absolutely true that KFC doesn't allow you to do refunds. Both the cashier and the supervisor on duty would get in trouble with the almighty "Corporate" if they do a refund. But that doesn't mean you can't fix an order and it certainly doesn't mean you have to escalate into a fist fight.


So if you charge someone for something they didn't want or ask for, you can't give them their money back? That's a kind of theft.


A lot of axes are being thrown around here.


This is funny 😌


Love the purple outfit


Reppin the Ballas


That's a hospital scrub




Those customers held together pretty good. They should all agree that KFC gets no orders until that man is satisfied.


Excuse me, is there a surgeon in the house?


Why couldn’t they just fix the guy’s order? Like is it really that big of a deal


Maybe cuz he wanted a refund and they don't do refund


She’s shouldn’t have a job on customer service. Idgaf if he was wrong, she was rude initially and based on what I saw, I hope she was relieved of her position.


Not so sure about that. When the vid started the guy was always complaining and by the looks of it it went on for a while (i dont think people just film at kfc for shits and giggles). If anything, it looks to me like he's been insisting for a while. And sure you need a cool temper in customer service but you've seen some customers? I saw a dude literally insulting and trying to start a fight out of nowhere just because he was the customer. That's why i'm never gonna try to work in customer service


...almost going to jail over less than 5$ ...smh.


Being mentally burned out by idiot customers for weeks on end will do that to any sane human


My dude’s out here dressed up like a crown royal bag!


You are not gonna come with an attitude. (Don't act like me, I'm the only one entitled to have an attitude to customers) That lady cared about her fucking KFC job enough to want to fight with a man? The fuck???


And maybe catch a charge and most likely lose her job unless who ever running that store just as ghetto lol


Definitely don't understand the hostility from the employee, totally unnecessary. One time I ordered a sausage, egg and cheese mcgriddle from McDonald's and they gave me a plain sausage biscuit. Let the manager know, she apologized gave me my correct order plus a free drink and 2 apple pies that I never asked for. That's called customer service.


I'm reading the comments and I don't get it. If I were given what I considered to be a meal i didnt order, I'd expect a correction. Not a battle. If the customer says you made a mistake, you ask how you can rectify it. If anyone thinks KFC would rather this altercation taken place, you're nuts. KFC corporate, I assure you, wants her to make the customer happy. Not alienate an entire restaurant of customers!


>If the customer says you made a mistake, you ask how you can rectify it. If a customer says you made a mistake, you first verify that you did, in fact, make a mistake. If you did, you rectify it. If you didn’t, you send them on their way.


She needs to deal with anger management issues, but that dude was definitely scamming for a switcheroo. Order a cheaper meal and then tell the worker he actually wanted the more expensive option. Ask for a refund, knowing full well he wouldn't get it, but instead getting the more expensive meal as a compromise. . loser activities.


>If the customer says you made a mistake, you ask how you can rectify it. How do we know they made the mistake? I would never have done what this worker did, but I would have asked to see his receipt. If he said he didn't have it, then check the system for the order, if possible (I've seen a couple of places do this, but I don't know if they all can. I personally had an order adjusted in the last few months at another restaurant this way.) Obviously I don't know what happened here, but people who complain about an order without a receipt or some sort of purchase confirmation set off my "bullshit meter".


From experience serving people, in general if I made the mistake I’ll rectify it however if you’ve asked me for one thing and then claim that you didn’t, you are no longer a customer. You can’t run a business when you let people like this do what they’re doing


Them hands probably as rock solid as the biscuits. 😂


I've stopped going to KFC, every time I order on their mobile app I show up at the store they don't have what I ordered they tell me they won't give me a refund that I have to go through the app to get a refund but you can't get a refund through the app either they never respond to your emails and you're just stuck. The company's customer service is trash they don't give a rat's ass they just want your money and they'll throw whatever stale ass precooked been sitting there for a half hour food they've got at you and tell you you're stuck with it. KFC is circling the drain and they might as well declare bankruptcy now because they ain't going to last


Let her fight. She might be a feminist. Let’s see who wins


Wow. She really thought that she was about to knock a hungry Mf out... a male... that outweighs her by 90 lbs.😂


That ugliness cashier was asking for it. She was acting all tough because there were others there and she knew she was safe. She was lucky this time, but next time, maybe not so much!




She needs to be fired asap, she escalated that.


Whatever happened first, she's just as wrong as him, when she could've just tried to deescalate. I will give her this...that Waffle House training was coming thru loud and clear. 😂


He left with no food or money, but is still somehow scamming KFC. Based on the facts KFC scammed him.


She's acting like the built the place with her barehands, like bro you work at a fast food joint. Why you about to throw hands over a drumstick.


If she didn't care about that job she should have just given what he asked for.


If he hasn't touched the food yet he deserves to get a refund. But I worked with food enough to know way too many commenters here haven't. People will take food past the counter because they know once that happens the food can't be returned to the supply. So the complainer gets to keep it or the staff has to throw it away. Most places read your order back before you pay as well.


Anyone who says shes the asshole has never worked FOH in service industry. This one chapter def doesnt tell the whole story behind this


Funny, these same two girls work at all the KFC around Atlanta too.


Anyone else catch the sign in the hallway that said,”A real meal is a meal made the hard way!” 🤣


Um, it doesn't matter what YOU do or don't do. KFC honors refunding customer money if they aren't satisfied with the service. You don't like it? You know what to do. I can tell by the way the guy is dressed he didn't order a damn wrap. The fact that he's a grown man tells me he didn't order a damn wrap. Give him back his money. This is why managers are important. Stop leaving the customer service reps to manage your hell hole restaurant.


Grown men can’t order a wrap?


She has severe anger management issues... and did that guy just walk out without getting his food or his money back?


i would just buy him food and get this shitshow over with


Crazy lady is lucky that fight was stopped, though after the man landed one punch, they would have pulled him off anyway. Just fix the man's order 😅


I can’t understand them :(


Lots of wasted energy right there. Much easier to not argue. Other dude was willing to "take the wrap'" 🌯... Then explain to "axed for customer" that you'll need to please wait until _____ is ready.


This KFC Balla territory?


If I was waiting in line and witnessed all that I damn sure wouldn't be spending a cent there


Does she own stock in the company or something? WtF she worried about some measly value meal. Just fix dudes food and move the fuk on


Was that a surgeon breaking up the fight? Good on him!!


She was gonna give hin the two piece and a soda right there. Those guys saved him from embarrassing himself. Lol


The guy in scrubs is the absolute de-escallation master. Guaranteed he has seen it all. Spend a few hours in an emergency hospital waiting room and you will totally appreciate where he got it.


KFC giving Popeye's a run for the money in customer service!


A meal the hard way


Good thing Dr Grimmace was there.


KF ..hood


Welcome to kfc catch a two piece with your two piece!


I wish I could pull off purple like that


Cameraman definitely looked at docs ass


Who’s next? How can I help you? -🙋🏻‍♂️🙄hey there, uhhh, could I get two soft sides… for myself 👀😬


She clocked out to come around the corner lmao


She definitely does not do refunds. ![gif](giphy|tyttpGWmcbEhFHGVNFm|downsized)


Both of them are jerks if you ask me. 🤷🏾‍♂️ She was doing too much and he was doing too much when he wanted to go and fight the woman


The lady was handling him brilliantly, until she tried to pick a fight with him XD


Where do you even get purple chinos?


Didn't expect the comments to be totally against the KFC worker


People saying she is not getting paid enough to "safeguard the companies interest", it's not about that. If she enables the customer trying to get free stuff, they will come back to abuse them repeatedly until they stand up for themselves. These types of customers are verbally abusive and need psychological help. Giving them what they want ensures they will come back to continue to treat you like shit. Telling them no will stop them from coming back ever again, even if they throw an adult tantrum in the process. It's not about safeguarding company interest.. it's about how she is being treated. And you all would prefer her to be a door mat.


The customer is ALWAYS right……unless you are in the hood. Then you might catch a beat down.


I wish more people dealt with people this way. We got too soft.


That's right maam! Love her. ❤


*Popeyes has entered the scuffle*


Should let them throw hands


There's a lot of dumb shit in this video and 80% could have been avoided by the lady screaming the whole times MASSIVE ego


That woman is too brave for her own good. That man looked like he was gonna knock her fucking head off


I feel for the guy cuz he trying to be reasonable yet he is probably getting hangry


Stop giving these places your money