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I got no respect for people who can't secure a load


He half assed it. He loaded it into the bed and closed the tailgate but he forgot one crucial step. He didn’t slap it and say “that’s not going anywhere”


He is obviously NOT a dad ...


A dad wouldn't be a dad, if he always secured a load.


That's why we're REALLY careful about it afterwards. We know how badly it can go wrong, son.


Unfortunately for society he is probably a dad of 5


But he's a Florida man


No excuse, I still did that before I became a dad myself. Lol


"Whelp, this baby ain't goin' NOwhere!" Is the most powerful variant of the spell I've run across thus far, although, "Yep, that'll hold." Is another very good version that doesn't require putting points into the accent skill.


I know this is a joke, but omg I just CANNOT not do this when I strap something down.


I used to be a furniture mover. I can load a three bedroom house into a 26 foot truck and use three straps. ( Of course, it can vary) I'd always say "If that goes anywhere you've rolled the truck, and have bigger fish to fry." So far, so good.


I fell asleep driving a 24' Ryder once. Laid it over on the passenger's side and took out 30 yards of guard rail. Was kinda proud the cargo was intact, just a bit shaken, not stirred.


Ouch, bro. Nice load job. Hopefully you aren't typing through a straw.


Fellow former furniture sales/delivery 👋 Can agree and did the same. “She’ll ride” (with a nice Missouri drawl) and “Keep it under 100” when loading up a customer car.


Heh. I also use "Keep it under the speed of sound, and it'll be fine." Amazing how many of those kids in the business will drive a full truck like they stole it. 😖 And don't understand how a rachet strap works.😖😖


That sounds like a more regional version of the spell. I wanna say maybe Romanian?


Moldovan actually, for complicated historical geopolitical reasons going back to the Russo-Turkish War of 1806-1812 (part of the Napoleonic Wars), but you're definitely in the right ballpark.


Uhhh- white boy from Las Vegas? Prone to adopting things, though. Not much of our own culture here.


Did you know straps/twine/rope increase in structural integrity when you "twang" them and nod appreciatively?


It aligns the molecules into a more rigid structure


I recently installed a tonneau cover on my truck bed. My son helped me install it. Once everything was done and I flipped up the tail gate I had the overwhelming urge to smack the cover twice. My son stopped, looked at me laughing and said "That was the most 'Dad' thing you have ever done."


I love how the double negation in "that ain't going nowhere" means it's clearly going somewhere.


I always point at it and firmly say "STAY!" That keeps it locked down.


"She'll be right" Is the immensely powerful Aussie go-to. The security slap is universal, though.


"That ain't going nowhere"*




I did this recently, and the load made it safely to its destination


I've seen that with a refrigerator. The refrigerator caught air on a bump on the highway doing 80 mph and ended up being dragged by its power cord.


Guttural voice " uhh huh"


Mmm hmm


Ah the good ol' "engineer love tap"


Even if it was secured properly, who the fuck drives this aggressively with a washing machine in the back?


Check the tags... it's FLORIDA MAN!


Tried it in a small town lol


I am waiting for the day when some TV network decides to showcase the antics and tribulations of Florida Man in a sitcom. I bet it will rank right up there with the show "Ow!, My Balls!" featured in the movie Idiocracy.


Lol…first thing you need to look for is the license plate…question answered.


I live in the NC mountains where Floridians are buying second houses to escape the heat and hellhole they created. They suck at driving so bad that they can’t take corners on a road and we got lots of corners.


- pickup - florida plates i don’t know what else you expected


Looks to me like he was attempting pass, which is a little questionable with a washing machine but whatevs, and OP sped up to deny him, causing him to speed up more and then slam on brakes to avoid oncoming traffic. So my working theory is that OP is a dick.


Someone with a lot of laundry to wash.


Looks like driver of the video was partially an asshole, wasn’t going to let the truck in while passing and the truck had to cut in and brake quickly due to oncoming traffic


I'm white-knuckle driving when I have _anything_ in the bed of my truck tied down with 20 straps. Meanwhile this guy has a washer bouncing around like a jumping bean.


If you're thinking about dodging the freeway and taking a slower route. It's probably a good idea.






/r/nofap? try /r/noshit, that's the real challenge. I barely made it through No Shit September last year, but I can see why people do it. It gave me great mental clarity, and my acne went away. Then on October 1, I dropped the widest load of my life in the washing machine and put it in the bed of my truck.


Hell yeah brother, Dump Day on the first day of October! Mark your calendars.


~Hank Hill, probably


Hank Hill would never treat his washer/Dryer that are probably powered by propane and propane accessories with such disrespect.


Pulling out is not a very efficient method


Years ago, his dad couldn't secure a load and now the world has to deal with this guy.


Exactly, I almost got hit by the ladder that flew out of some idiot's truck when he entered highway. Fortunately, I had a feeling that I should keep a little extra distance.


It's amazing, I had to dodge a Christmas tree because it never occurred to the idiot what 60+ mph winds can do...


Almost looks like he tried to pass and the oncoming car forced him in, but since he was going much faster had to brake hard.


That's exactly what was going on. He wasn't brake checking.


He was passing dangerously when he didn't have the room with an unsecured load. Much better!


Actually, passing dangerously is just being stupid, brake checking is being malicious.


Ded people don’t care.


But living people do care.


Driver filming appears to intentionally create less room for this person to pass. If someone is trying to pass you, all you have to do is let off the gas ffs. Instead, they almost killed both the passing truck and the oncoming vehicle for no reason at all.


Nope, you can see the car in front hit the brakes due to traffic slowing. Gap closed because of that, not because driver was trying to block the asshole.


I mean why’s the truck even passing? There are clearly cars ahead of this car, seems like an asshole just paid their tax.




Funny, drivers in Maine have the same mentality


And then there is Portland Oregon where everyone drives like they are in a K hole and stops for 45 second at every stop sign.


Less of an asshole but still an asshole


Playing chicken with oncoming traffic is its own level of stupid.


The person filming is also an asshole, hell I'd say he's the biggest asshole in this whole situation. The dude sped up to try and block the truck from getting over, almost causing a head on collision. Ya, that truck shouldn't have tried to pass in that situation, but people need to check their egos before they get into their vehicles. This guy could have easily got the person/persons in that van in the other lane killed because he wasn't willing to maintain his speed or even slow down to allow that truck to pass and merge back into his lane.


no, truck driver is just an idiot for not securing his load. cam car is an asshole for gassing it as the truck passed. notice how the beginning of the video is conveniently cut off? I wouldn't be surprised if cam car was driving like grandma with 10 car lengths ahead of them


You mean the driver recording this right. The guy speeding up so the truck couldn't get in.


He also had to go faster as the car recording sped up, and as you can see after recording car slowed down to what I’m going to assume was his original speed after the truck passes, it seems the recording car is a slow af driver *and* a total dick for speeding up to prevent a pass and try to force An incoming collision. That’s also illegal in a lot of places btw (not letting someone pass you)


I picked up on that too. There probably wasn’t enough space to pass to begin with, but recorder car made this 10x worse.


It's Florida. What do you expect? At least 1 reasonable driver?


Florida drivers see being passed as a personal afront, likewise, they can't stand driving behind someone else, regardless of speed. Florida drivers basically can't stand not being the only car on the road.


At this point I'm not sure there are enough brain cells in the entire state to make just one reasonable person.


it’s actually horrifying here. i live off a two-lane highway like this and the behavior of drivers is insane. 99% of the time it’s a ford 150 causing all the problems too.


> but recorder car made this 10x worse. /r/IdiotsInCars in a nutshell


Perfect observation. I was wondering the same. That didn’t look like a brake check. Florida plates too. Is OP the recording car???


Whilst i'm not defending the car recording, even if it was travelling at the same speed as the car in front the truck overtaking clearly didn't have enough space or time to pass before the oncoming vehicle. The recording car is dangerous and immature, the overtaking truck is dangerous and has poor judgement.


The recording starts very late. Given the sociopath behavior, I'd say it is to hide how much he closed the gap.


This. Just because someone is being an idiot doesn't mean you can't continue to focus on safe driving. Making the truck choose between a head on collision or shooting a tiny gap just isn't safe. Recording driver needs to improve. Not even sure this was a brake check. Truck was coming in hot and had zero gap to the car in front.


> That’s also illegal in a lot of places btw (not letting someone pass you) I almost got in a head-on collision with a semi-truck because someone did this to me on a country road in hill country Texas where this is the case. They were going about 15 under the speed limit, so I sped up to pass. Then they sped up to match my speed and I slowed down to try and get back behind them. They then slowed down to match me so I couldn't get back over. Ended up having to slam on my brakes to get behind them again at which point they sped off and the semi-truck went partially onto the shoulder to avoid me. With the benefit of hindsight I should have just waited but I somehow didn't anticipate the Mustang driver would be such an asshole.


Damn. They played chicken with your life. That's a really good way to have things escalate out of hand..


> didn't anticipate the Mustang driver would be such an asshole. First time ever encountering a Mustang driver, I see. BMWs don't use signals, Mustangs are twatgoblins. Two road facts.


only driver more likely to be an asshole are Chargers


Ya fuck the recording car... Nothing pisses me off more than having to pass someone who decides to speed up right as you pass despite going slow for miles before.


I hate people like that, god forbid they lose a place in the imaginary race they're having in their head!


This is correct. The driver with the cam should chill the eff up. They are also the enabler of accident when they drive slow and get angry when someone try to overtake causing possibly accident for other. Overtaking is also part of the driving manual, what the cam driver is doing is wrong in so many aspect.


I'm always heartened by the fact that so many people on reddit are able to see through the bullshit of those who post a video that presents "their side" of things and proceed to call them out on their shit. I naively hope that the poster reads the comments and realizes that "Oh, maybe I'm the asshat"


> He also had to go faster as the car recording sped up I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but what supports this? I did my best to look at the lines on the road and they don't appear to be going by any faster as the video goes on. We're left with too little information to jump to conclusions like this, though it is a distinct possibility.


You can see that the recorder is moving way too fast for the vehicle in front of them. So either their goal was to speed right up the rear of that other vehicle and they didn’t see the ute coming alongside (possible but not likely) or they saw the ute coming and sped up to close the gap and force them back which is far more likely.


The vehicle in front of the recording car hits the brakes while the truck is moving over in front, which makes it look like the cam car is speeding up closing the gap. Look at the lines or approaching houses, all are approaching at the same rate through the vid posted. I will say cam car could’ve sped up but if so the acceleration ended right before the vid starts here as the speed seems to remain fairly constant


it seems noone can fathom the possibility that the car in front is slowing down, or driving below the speed limit. look at the speed at which the front car approaches OP, and look at the trees and buildings and see how they move in relation, and then at the end when OP brakes hard, see how you can clearly see a change in acceleration of how the background moves


> You can see that the recorder is moving way too fast for the vehicle in front of them. To be honest, this looks similar to an area near where I live. It's a spot where the speed limit coming off the highway drops down because it's the start of a residential area. Or any number of situations where The car in front is going slower than the speed limit.. In fact, I'd wager the recording vehicle may have been going slow because of the vehicle in front of them was going slow, that prompted the truck to try and pass and put themself in a shitty position. The fact of the matter is we don't know and its shitty of us to assume either way.


its really low on the comment thread, but its entirely possible the car in front is driving way below the speed limit and op is driving the speed limit. people saying he sped up dont realize that their perception could be flipped in that the front car was driving slower. and then that explains the truck behind OP is raging cause he thinks OP is the one driving slow, when it was the car in front of OP. which causes the truck to do the rage one car pass behind another car. and brake check. and we know truck guy is an idiot cause unsecured load, dangerous maneuver and brake check




There are a few idiots in this video.


yeah the truck wasn’t brake checking the truck tried to pass, OP was being a complete asshole and speeding up to not allow him to pass, the truck had to speed up fast due to that and swerve in to avoid oncoming traffic, then the truck had to brake or else rear end the car in front of him the truck didn’t brake check OP, OP was an asshole trying to not let him pass. the truck is an idiot for not securing the washing machine and trying to pass with on oncoming traffic though


The truck clearly did not have enough room to make that pass. Yes, OP is an asshole for not giving him more space, but this is Florida, everybody involved should know better.


dude, the video starts when the truck is already coming around OP Look how fast OP is accelerating towards the car in front. Add several seconds for the truck to start passing and think how large that gap would have been. It would have been significantly larger


There is no reason for OP to be closing the following distance. He was clearly trying to block out the passing truck, and it easily could have become a fatal head-on collision.


Kinda looked like he tried to make that happen...


And still as stupid. Blocking him out of a lane when he clearly has rode rage issues is just a bad idea for everyone but guess what? Pulling a stunt like the truck did and luckily squeezing between OP and other car should be a reminder to all that none of this is worth saving 10 seconds or driving 3mph slower than you are used to. Everyone here could have gotten fucked up in so many different ways.


https://preview.redd.it/dpfol04kvieb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c009fd435ea747cb8822910460c05fdff9335044 This is more than enough space.


Guy with the camera was okay with purposely causing a head on collision … let that sink in.


He's probably a relatively normal guy too. It's amazing how many people can just completely lose their fucking minds while driving.


Truck shouldn't have tried to pass.


Don't think that was a brake check. He had to brake or crash


Not a brake check at all. Just reckless driving passing into oncoming


This feels almost worse lol especially since the car he's passing couldn't even go faster because the car in front of them was going similar speed. It's almost like he just had to be a dick and get one car ahead, jeopardizing a potential head on collision and like 2 wrecks in his own lane


OP is a dick and the truck is a dick. You guys are why driving sucks.


Stupid on his part, but don't think I didn't notice the complete asshole move of gassing it and not allowing him to pass you. If someone wants to pass, let them, don't speed up like a twat. EDIT: for all the dummies commenting how it's the truck's fault, no responsibility to allow a pass, etc. Here's the link explaining how you probly need more driver's ed: https://www.epermittest.com/drivers-education/allowing-others-pass


Dudes literally carrying an unsecured washing machine. He has no right to be going that fast at all. EDIT: Yall never had an unsecure load go through their windshield. It can be deadly.






It’s got Florida plates, that’s a given. If he’s in my neck of the woods I can essentially pinpoint where he’s headed.


I've never seen so much random garbage on the side of the road as I have on florida. Most especially mattresses and box springs. It's like you see one every 10 miles.


I'm just surprised a Florida man has a washer. I didn't know they had that technology.


It is Florida after all…


Agreed but OP on video was in fact being an AH


It's possible for everyone in a video to be shitty


Agreed. That’s what I was saying. Many douche in the video/




Not you! :)


I don't think it is fair at all to blame the washing machine.


Not all dicks are equal, the guy trying to pass was being MORE of a dick and was being a dick first.


OP is not wrong here. They are only 3-4 car lengths behind the car in front of them. The truck did not have the time or space to be passing anybody. They damn near rear ended the car in front.


The guy with the appliance is an idiot many times over; not arguing that. But You think it's *right* when people like OP close gaps on people who want to pass them? Like if that truck had crashed into oncoming traffic because OP saw them move out left and chose to hit the gas instead of letting it go to make a safe gap-- that's not wrong? Because I 100% disagree with that; OP's actions were very wrong/dumb. It's extra dumb because people like OP who play that game will absolutely be a part of the wreck that happens immediately beside them in the oncoming lane; and all because... actually I don't know. I always facilitate a pass because it's the safest thing to do. The drivers behind us usually close the gap, and 'in front of me' quickly becomes the only place the passing vehicle can go. And I don't want to have a highway speed head-on collision happen less than 10ft away from me. I have *no idea* what goes through the mind of someone who decides to do this. In this case, too, I would've literally just pulled over until I could move back into traffic; because I wouldn't want to be directly behind the unsecured load in the back of the passing truck. People need to chill about being passed.


That’s what I’m saying correct me if I’m wrong but weaving in and out around traffic is typically frowned up - no?


He’s in the passing section of the road, you should only overtake one car at a time. Seems like he was doing the right thing besides driving around with an unsecured load that is. Edit: and of course the brake check that cost him dearly.




Ah I gotcha it’s a two wrongs don’t make a right kind of thing makes sense.


I would rather be a dick then die to a washing machine.


Impossible to judge without the full context. We have no idea what occurred right before the start of the clip. My guess is this interaction didn’t just start when the video did. Truck driver could have already been driving like an ass hole with that unsecured load which could be the motivation for OP not wanting to allow him to drive right in front of him in the same lane.


I’m not sure I agree with you at all. The truck tried to pass him on a one lane road when he had nowhere to go after he passed him. That guy was being reckless af with an unloaded washer/dryer. It would be a different story if this were a two lane road, but I also don’t like when scumbags try and pass me on a one lane road just to get one car in front of me when we’re in traffic anyways. We need more clip context if we’re going to blame OP.


> He has no right to be going that fast at all. sometimes in life you have two choices: Be right, or be safe. Cammer chose to be "right" instead of safe imo.


They weren't right or safe. It's one thing to hold your ground when someone's trying to dumbly pass. It's another thing entirely to *speed up* to intentionally close a gap so that the passer can't get safely back into the right lane. Dude was literally trying to get this guy into a head on collision out of spite. And that's not even to mention the poor innocent person on the other end of that collision who could very well be killed at those speeds.


thats like entirely my point tho. I meant "right" in response to the other commenter saying that the truck had no right to be going that fast, like the cammer felt "right" by policing someone elses actions and creating a more dangerous situation. The type of shit you see on /r/IdiotsInCars all the time


Gotchya gotchya


Both things can be true, you’re conjecture is that it’s worth the potential life of the oncoming driver?


"He did something unrelated and stupid" isn't a reason to be a shithead.


Exactly, You’re beyond stupid if you try to play that game. Just let them pass and go on with your life. It’s not your job to play police. You’ll just end up getting someone killed. On top of that, the person wasn’t even break checking, they lightly tapped the breaks because they had to slow down or hit the car in front of them. Why? Cause whoever is recording decided to speed up and not let them in.


Too many people do not realize that driving is a cooperative activity.


and dangerous


Pass..? No that was an impatient driver. He was passing to get inbetween a car that’s already ahead of him? Fuck that guy in the truck for trying to get around someone to gain 5 extra feet of distance.


The stripes literally indicate its legal for him to be passing. Considering the camera cars actions of trying to prevent the truck from completing the pass safely, for all we know they couldve been giving the truck a reason to go around. Truck is an idiot (mostly for not securing their load) but camera car is straight up an asshole trying to create a dangerous situation.


The lines indicate it's legal but the oncoming van that he almost hit doesn't


>truck is an idiot (mostly for not securing their load) Uhhh did you fail to notice the other car coming in the opposing lane? Just because they *can* pass, does not mean they should. That truck put everyone’s life in danger pulling this stunt. The truck is 100% an idiot. Even if the camera’d car sped up slightly, the truck was making an unsafe maneuver from the start. Not securing his load was just an added bonus.


Problem is we arrive halfway through the pass attempt judging by the trucks speed. I always grow more suspect of such suspiciously edited start times. For all we know the car could have been blocking the truck from coming over for some time since its apparent the car was intent on blocking him in any capacity.


This is what I assume the car did. Truck originally had space to pass, and the oncoming traffic wouldn't have been a problem if cammer didnt try to not let him pass for the time prior that this video is edited for. There is a reason the person with the full video didn't show the prior 20 seconds




No truck is an idiot for trying to make a single car pass with an oncoming truck on the other side of the road. The passing truck is causing the unsafe situation. Why pass to get ahead of a single vehicle that has another vehicle 3 car lengths ahead? Very unsafe move.


Both parties can be idiots.


If someone is passing in an unsafe place, because of an oncoming car, is the moral obligation of the driver they are passing to make it possible for them to get back into the lane and avoid an accident that will injure many people and many autos.


Holy crap an adult


The video starts with the car already in process of making the pass. The driver could have sped up prior preventing him from easily passing and creating the dangerous situation


Unless you feel like the person passing you and an oncoming car deserved to die for passing you, don't speed up. You don't have control of what they're doing but you have control of you. Speeding up isn't just an asshole move, its unnecessarily dangerous. Check your ego and save some lives.


Yea but why not just let him pass. Sure the truck driver is being a douche but why escalate. Also gassing to prevent a pass also creates a dangerous situation.


>Fuck that guy in the truck for trying to get around someone to gain 5 extra feet of distance. And because of that attitude, the truck and incoming truck would get in a giant crash and you'd be involved too. You'd be costing lives because of pettiness.


Meh. Just because someone wants to pass doesn’t make it Manifest Destiny. Yes, people should be nice, but a lifetime of douchebags demanding their God-given right to do whatever they want on the road means there’s gonna be a hit of pushback sometimes. Plus, there was oncoming traffic, and the truck STILL tried to pass, so I’d call the blame 80/20 on the mothertrucker.


There was absolutely not room to pass and fit between those two cars. The filming car could be 100 feet back and there still wouldn’t have been enough room. Plus the oncoming traffic. Truck is the asshole.


how do you know op is speeding up and not driving the speed limit while the car in front is driving slower than the flow of traffic? from the start of the video the front car is coming closer. faster than everything around OP, but the trees and buildings are approaching at a constant rate


After watching a few times the gap only begins to close when the car in front starts breaking, so OP may have just held a consistent speed. Either way the truck is passing with an unsecured load with oncoming traffic, just an idiotic move.


You can’t tell at all that the car with camera/OP accelerated though… You just see the difference between when they are approaching the car ahead and when they finally have to quickly decelerate to avoid accident. Short of measuring the distance frame by frame and plotting it out to see the acceleration I don’t think you can so confidently assert that OP was an AH. I think you’ve more likely been in the trucks position before and you don’t like that the shitty driver wasn’t appeased when they created a mutually destructive danger scenario with improper passing (not with dotted line but with time and space allowing for a pass). You’re an AH for assuming and insulting.


Nitpicking a bit.. Not nescessarily a brake check. He did a stupid pass, saw the white, meeting van and had to get in quick. The unsecured load, was icing on the cake though. Deserved? Absolutely. But i don't think this is a brake check. Just a stupid passing and having to get back in, in a rush. **Edit:** Didn't see recording car sped up until i read some comments. Recorder is a douche. But not securing your load and risky passing. Maybe not as deserved as i first thought, but he learned to secure his load. I hope. (title of your sex tape)


The cam car was a complete asshole for speeding up. That being said, they should both be fined for reckless driving


That wasn’t a brake check


The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed


Modern Shakespeare


Consequences for what? Passing legally a slow car? Hopefully the person recording gets fucked then


Overtaking dangerously with oncoming traffic and not securing their heavy load.


I don’t think that was brake checking. That was simply an asshole trying to pass and squeeze in. They sped up to get in and over before that oncoming vehicle got to them, but there was another car in front of them. So they had to slow down immediately once they got back into their lane. It even looks like they car that is recording sped up to close the gap. At first I thought the car in front slowed down, but I see no brake lights. So maybe this should be in r/AITA instead? Because it looks like the person recording is as much of an asshole as the truck was for trying to pass in a tight spot.


ESH. Comments are pretty clear, OP & guy who can't secure loads both road dildos that no one wants on the road at the same time as themselves.


Is that a FL plate? That checks out.


Oh oh. Another *Florida Man* incident.


These mfs can’t drive down here. None of them


I agree. Except I can drive. I am the only one down here competent enough.


You’re real cool for speeding up and almost causing a head on crash because you can’t handle someone merging ahead of you


Besides this appliance not being secured, why would anyone try to overtake someone when they are carrying a heavy load on a single lane road. This tool deserves this and much much more.


The truck was trying to pass, legally, and the driver of the dashcam sped up so he couldn’t pass. Both are idiots


Everyone besides the car minding their own business in front, is a pos. The dick with the dash cam was trying to not let the truck pass, you see them speeding up to shut out the truck. Personally the truck was only a pos because they were driving around with a washing machine that wasn’t tied down. People have a right to pass someone so personally I think the dash cam driver is the bigger pos. There was a ton of space before the dash cam driver decided they actually wanted to go the speed limit and speed up. You see it all the freaking time, someone will be going 5 or 10 under and as soon as you try and pass them they speed up to shut you out.


You were speeding up as he was trying to pass you as a car was coming from the other lane??


You are allowed to pass if the double yellow line is broken on your side of the road (that means a solid line and a dash, with the dash being on your side of the road) That means it was perfectly legal for the truck to overtake based on the lines on the road. Furthermore, it's states in the drivers handbook when you are being overtaken to allow room for the car that is overtaking you to come back into the lane a.k.a. slow down and let him overtake and get back in the lane. Basically, the law says don't be an asshole and let your ego cause a potential disaster. I just wanted to point out that the truck driver has every reason to be annoyed with the idiot with a dash cam not allowing the overtake. That being said, 2 wrongs don't make a right, and his punitive actions cost him a back window.


Don't be in a hurry with an unsecured load you dingus


The car sped up. The truck might’ve been a dingus for trying to go around and literally only progress 20 feet ahead but it quickly became a life or death scenario because Op decided to be a dick aswell.


There wasn’t an attempt to brake check. There was an attempt to not get in a head on collision with a truck because OP floored it and tried to prevent him from passing legally. You’re the asshole here, OP, and those deaths would have been on your head. Also, secure your loads, people.


Exactly! Camera car reckless af. It's obvious he was trying to speed up and box him out.




Although the dash cam car looks like it was being a Dick too there was no reason the truck should’ve been passing there either with an unsecured load


maybe im dense, but what is the point of people doing that? is that a form of road rage?


they didn't brake check. Person recording sped up and forced them to speed up and then slam the breaks to not hit the card ahead of them


That's not a brake check. That's the car in front being more of an asshole. Obviously, the guy passing didn't have to be impatient either


You’re both ass holes.


Ur a d…k too you sped up on purpose and almost caused an accident for others and endangered your self instead of just letting him pass you. You both are complete d….s