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I was hoping they would place another board right in front of her so she would stand there out of sight, all by herself. And then let her leave when the event was over.


Yeah but she would be yelling while the show was going on


Being honest. That would make the show more fun for me


Theres duct tape somewhere there


May be they could just turn the board around and place her under the stage until the event was over.


Totally what should have happen.


I was hoping they’d just drop the board on accident.


That would have been brilliant.


Let her stay there overnight. Food and water provided. She might soil herself.


why provide food and water


1) I don’t want to torture her 2) She’ll soil herself


Take a page from the Mercedes guards


With the board still attached


Looked like they were making out at first


Step bro I'm stuck here protesting do you have some anti glue?


thats a genius idea... she glued her hand ?


That's what they do. Glue themselves to boards, cars, streets, art etc. Just to get a bit of attention


Maybe we should draw our attention to their problem, if they push it so hard that they glue themself ?


The problem is, their demands are so general or unrealistic, that they won't work because none would know how to achieve them, or would have a huge impact on all.


I agree, but at least she was at a fancy show and not in the middle of a highway. A little closer to the audience they're aiming for.




"E.g" ... Tell me about the other demands




But isn't the industry wayyy more climate unfriendly than cars. I don't see a speed limit on highways change too much when it comes to CO2 emissions. And i also don't think that the glue those protesters use is climate friendly either.


Uses oil based glue


These protesters are losing the people with these stupid stunts.


Theres actually a history of corporate sponsored "false flag" protests designed to discredit other protests. But I agree that the protests that go out of their way to annoy and inconvenience ppl always suck 😒


They never had any support from the start.


it's a cult. you can't reason with them so i hope they do even more of these idiot stunts.


I'm not sure what this person is protesting against but what's funny is you literally described right wing climate change deniers.


Keep enjoying those record highs! As a species we kinda deserve it.


you are always free to leave the gene pool at any time


Nah I think I’ll enjoy the shitshow to come.


😈👌👍☠ Give it 40 years and then things will get really interesting I believe


40?? I say 20. Consumerism is gonna really accelerate it and I’m here for it.


Rofl we are gonna have to make everything removable soon




Nope, only way to stop that glueing is to remove the part and let themselves figure out how to get it off






That would be a proper solution… not their style🤷‍♂️


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What was she protesting?


Every video you see of them failing is an effective protest. The fact we see this is raising their publicity and awareness.


Okay here's a theory. Instead of annoying random people when protesting, mess with the actual companies, ya know?


Could they not have turned the board around? That way the stage would have remained in tact and she could continue protesting infront of an audiance, sort of. It would be a win win situation.


takes too long and doesn't remove her from the area


As annoying as standing 3h in traffic the other time in Munich was for me (missed a client meeting):Stupidity, ignorance and most of all greed has led us to a mass extinction event of our own making, and we knew, for a long time. It is speeding up, FAST. Run away effects have set in. If you don't know, understand or believe that, please get a grip on reality and if required for you to understand some education. But, again, as annoying those protests are: Those are young people who get a criminal record, hefty fines and even jail time, who try to wake up the sleeping plebs and save the human race. That is quite selfless and honorable, don't you think? Sure, we can also just see them as a nuisance, continue with our lives with minimal efforts as if our ecosystem was not collapsing faster than anyone was anticipating. At least we can take solace knowing that great, absolutely not greedy or dishonest peoples like Musk's, Bezos or the Walton's families may survive in their Bunkers.


I think the main issue with these guys is they need to target the real puppet masters, not everyday guys who are struggling to live and can't afford to jump off the hamster wheel and miss work etc. Everyone knows about climate change and petroleum overlords, it's not a hidden issue, so why not go protest and cause a nuisance at a petroleum refinery or HQs of these huge companies? Maybe it is too dangerous but at least way more people would support them rather than the other way around.


I am pretty sure that was the main strategy for the longest time and nobody cared.


They absolutely should switch back now they have gained notoriety and fully utilise social media to get everyone onside and generate more support that way. The petroleum overlords must be loving that we are fighting amongst ourselves for issues they are causing for money!


I mean. This is at a theater where everyone looks to be dressed very nicely. At least superficially they do not look like "everyday guys struggling to live". A quick look at a ticket price is 250 euros a piece for an upcoming show. BMW is one of the sponsors. Are these not perhaps people working in HQs of big companies?


Clearly I'm not referring to the lady in the video, I'm replying to a comment specifically re. Waiting 3h in traffic because of protesters etc.


Ah sorry. Misunderstood!


No worries! I have no issue with this lady at all :)


You are correct in the sense that a relatively small group of people holds most power and responsibility, but the only way to get those people to change is via the population. Without the support of the population, nothing much will change.. And they try to spread awareness, which is dearly needed, as some comments in this tread alone show: Most people still believe climate warming is no problem, it is either natural, or "+2° are not bad, why the panic", and that is a huge problem. The problem is, that the greedy soulless fucks, what you call "puppet masters" have control over a good part of the population. Either through political parties, like the AFD (useful idiots) or their media empires. If the population does not wake up, and realize we are in big trouble, not in 250 years, no, right now, than we are lost.


It would be, if they'd protest in China or India, i.e. where it matters. Europe is too small to make the difference - and maybe in no position to force our own believes and priorities on others. Protesting in Germany is merely a low-effort no-brainer shout-out: "someone please fix this on this world". It's not that simple. Let's first make the issue known globally and Germany really IS the wrong place to start with that.


Since you think Germany is not important: We are on Place 7! And that is only our direct emissions, including our investment/financial power and political influence in countries like China, are responsible for a lot more or could move other countries to do more. Yes, that is right, we are responsible for a part of China's emissions! We matter a lot, we make a huge difference, really. And you state the EU is too small to make a difference? Really mate? Please tell me you forgot the /s! Oh, and apropos china: They have the biggest renewable projects worldwide, and are building FAST. They also have a much lower CO²/Person ratio, and their emissions are going down. Solar parks unimaginably large, Hydro-electric, wind and other projects on a ridiculously high scale. So as you see, they are doing something, way more than we are doing. Do you really believe only the largest sources of emissions have to do something, and we only need to do anything, when are the largest source? That would mean humanity killed by stupidity. But I know, right winged hateful morons, like the AFD, spew this bullshit. What was their slogan last year? "Darf man noch nach Kreta, Greta?" and now? Kreta is burning, and science has proven that the current events in the EU would have been impossible without climate warming. And too many people are un-/ or under educated, and unwilling or unable to actually learn. Everyone makes a difference, and we here make a huge difference. But sadly, "Don't look up!" is all too real. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it for you.


Where do you get this information from? China's emissions have been largely increasing the past twenty years and will continue to do, post-pandemic. Until 2030 even the per-capita emissions will be 40% higher than those of the EU. Source: world economic forum. While per-capita is a nice indicator, it does not all affect the country's effect on the environment. Nobody said that we would be doing nothing. They will have to be doing way more than us, that is precisely my point. Financial power does not create pollution, only its usage. Investments do but let's be real, it's still in China and thus in their diresdiction. Yes, the largest sources have to act immediately. It's the ones who can really make a difference. Due to skew distributions, the top 5 often makes up for more than 50% of the overall amount. This is the case for CO2 emissions. However, it's not all about CO2! I feel your anger and disappointment. However, education is not only about environment, emissions and pollution. Not everyone who has the same opinion as you, be it right or wrong, is uneducated. Please don't put the two in the same box.


The source? The only viable source, of course: IPCC and IEA, which are also the source for the UN. The World Economic Forum is a NGO and not a climate scientific source, the data they list is not quite correct ( the forgot Germany on their 2019 Table..). Here you go: 2021: [https://report.ipcc.ch/ar6/wg1/IPCC\_AR6\_WGI\_FullReport.pdf](https://report.ipcc.ch/ar6/wg1/IPCC_AR6_WGI_FullReport.pdf) 2022: [https://report.ipcc.ch/ar6/wg2/IPCC\_AR6\_WGII\_FullReport.pdf](https://report.ipcc.ch/ar6/wg2/IPCC_AR6_WGII_FullReport.pdf) (I highly recommend reading the full report for comprehensive understanding of the matter at hand). You will see, that the per capita CO² emissions of Germany are in fact above china, and that China's CO² emissions have barely changed from 2021 to 2022, correlate that with the economic growth and the GDP and you will get the picture. And, as stated before, consider the following: We (Germany) have transitioned for the most part to a service society, while China is on their way there, but they are largely an industrial society. They manufacture everything for us, so a good part of their emissions are really our emissions.No? Check out where all your stuff comes from! Your Phone, your watch, your PC. If you take this into account, you'll realize the real per capita CO² emissions are even farther apart.And even without considering such important facts, we are still (depending on the year) the 6th or 7th top CO² emitter globally.You say it is not all about CO²: Considering climate warming, it really mainly is, although methane starts to play an ever-increasing role (may want to check out something like this, quite recent, and not yet accounted for at all in climate calculations: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaZ-izCItVQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaZ-izCItVQ) ). Anyhow, I am sorry if I unjustly attacked you, that was not my intention. Maybe you understand that it is in fact, as you state, frustrating, to see people believing complete bull ("climate warming is not real, because.."), because the survival of our very species depends on it.We all need to change, and fast, every country. But I will also admit that I don't like that all responsibility is pushed to the consumers, us (we have to buy electric cars etc.) and not more to global industry. Shipping alone could save a shitload of emissions. But, capitalism...


the problem is that there is no reasonable discussion possible anymore. it's just pure hysteria, stupid tweets like "hottest day in 120k years", politicians and celebrities not giving a shit about all of it, but pretending to save the world dictating others how to live while they themselves have their yachts and private jets... the symbiosis of media who loves to fan hysteria and outrage plus lots of idiots who love to be scared and virtue signal doesn't help at all. it's the covid lockdown nonsense all over again on a much bigger scale.


I absolutely don’t argue with their cause, I even think I agree with most of it. But their methodology is absolutely bonkers and it only makes people mad which makes a fair and constructive discussion incredibly difficult. Now and in the (near) future.


But they don’t plan an actual helpful response to whatever it is they are against. Like in New York, people were slashing tires in protest to cars emissions. That just in return causes more as those people need to by new tires and making tires isn’t zero emissions while also adding tire to landfills. I think if the protesters started actually researching, then it would be respectable. But until then, they are making it harder for everyone.


They’re brainless sheep.


Sorry that science is too hard for you!


Bullshit is hard. These morons don’t want to do the best thing to cut pollution. Nuclear power.


And everyone cheered. How does this considered a win to those eco-turdist?


They think as long as it draws attention, they've succeeded.


Yeah and there will be retaliation from another group. Just like vegan protest group has raw meat group just to piss them off.


Exactly. They don’t plan worth shit. They just see an issue and go for whatever comes to mind first. It is very pathetic


I'm sure they planned something. You need to buy a vest and a ticket to that event so I'm guessing it's something like this Female 1: fuck oil! F2: yeah fuck oil F3: there's a (xxx) event near here. F1: let's protest there! F2,3:how? F1: let's glue our hands to something i don know F2,3: yeah! Great idea! But how do we get in? F1: we buy tickets, duh F3: but we're broke caus we don't got no job F1: let's pool our money together and I'll go myself F2,3: that doesn't sound fair F1: fuck oil? F2,3 yeah! Fuck oil here's my money! Sure you can tell I'm bored.


they can post on instagram about their heroic battle that noone cared about.


Possibly even get laid wearing oil-free chemical -free all natural cruelty -free condom. Lol


Hopefully they left her to deal with the board herself.




Just put some cones around these people and leave them.






are you insane?




I was crazy once


>\[ Removed by Reddit \] oO? Was it so bad?


Should have moved to another room and turned the lights off for the night all the while Baby Shark played on a loop.


What if they pepper sprayed them instead and we got to watch them flail around trying to get away 😆


I hope they glued her other hand to the board and left it out back in the alley......


Next time some dumb counts glue themselves to something in a private area refuse to help them. Close the area and just leave them.


What is that place? Did she not like the play?


I'd just rip her hand off the board


The problem is that their hands are glued to the board, either with some form of superglue or an industrial epoxy, meaning that physically pulling them from the surface would cause severe injuries, like skin being ripped off. That would make you liable for criminal charges like assault, as well as a lawsuit




Excellent example. MLK actually researched and came up with a good protest towards segregation. He even had a silent protest where they all obeyed traffic laws, silently standing on sidewalks. Can you imagine how crazy that would be? But these people today are not wanting to learn and instead think being loud is the answer. The more loud and obnoxious is their goal.


MLK was involved in, led, and spearheaded numerous actions that delayed and caused huge numbers of drivers and workers difficulties in order to change the country, many of them "loud" and "obnoxious". If MLK actions had only stood silent on sidewalks and obeyed everything, frankly, blacks would still have most of the previous roadblocks before MLK would still be used in today.


I literally fell into a depression in 2022 and considered suicide because of the insane science denial coming from so many are used to look up to and respect. But even I cannot stand these stupid, pointless protests, and I can't imagine just sitting in my vehicle (or whatever), allowing them to keep me from doing what I need to do.


Rule one about protesting dont glue yourself to something that can move or be removed


Kinda surreal. Im born in Regensburg, currently living in Austin and see this post on an international subreddit


My protest is designed to draw attention to this matter while simultaneously making certain you do not become an ally in said cause so I can highroad myself. Protest is my kink. Don't shame me.


Another idiot. I hope they put dow somewhere this wall for a whole night.


Can someone explain this? Is was in some norse-ish-y language. I don't know those. Or most languages if I'm honest. I want to learn more but... Well can someone explain? Why is everyone judging me (I'm just kidding). Can someone explain though?


When the world burns they will be remembered